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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 14, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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a famous folklorist by the name of anchukov, and he suggested to his young, although as a young man, prishvin was already 33 years old, and a neighbor to go in the summer to the volonetsk province, karelia was called that way then, to write down local fairy tales, songs, what the prishvins did and brought from there an amazing story, today we would call it a travelogue, a story of travel, which was called in the land of unafraid birds. the publication of the book was his first literary success. and then he, having caught this success, moves further north, arkhangelsk, solovki, the kola peninsula, norway, he brings the next book, which is called behind the magic kolobok, with these two books he wants to enter the culture of the silver age, and what does it mean to enter the culture of the silver age? for preshvin, there was such an extremely important fact, like an extremely important pass: in st. petersburg there existed... a religious-philosophical
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society, which included the elite of the then silver age, the best writers, philosophers, church figures, priests, they gathered - in this religious-philosophical society to discuss the most important problems russian life of the pre-revolutionary period, this is the very beginning of the 20th century, and prishim dreamed of being a participant in these meetings, but they did not want to accept him, they ruled in these ... meetings - such was the wonderful married couple zinaida kipius and dmitry merishkovsky, she was a poet, critic, so quite evil, bilious, who wrote under the pseudonym anton krayniy, he was a philosopher, thinker, author of historical novels and author of poetry, symbolist, dmitry merishkovsky, it was to them that prishvin showed up with his first two books with such, as with a certain a pass to great literature, but they didn't let him go further... they said: get
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out of here, young man, read the captain's daughter. but prishvin wasn't simple either, he chose a very good place for his third journey, it was lake svetloyar, a famous lake in the history of russian literature and russian culture and in russian history in general, because it is with this lake that the famous legend of the city of kitezh is connected, and about that very city that sank to the bottom of the lake when it... was threatened by the attack of the tatar-mongols, that's what this legend is about was very tenacious among the russian people, every year on the summer solstice holiday , a variety of people came to lake svetloyar, as a rule, these were representatives of various christian religious denominations, they made a religious procession around this lake, and it was a kneeling religious procession, that is, they crawled on their knees, and the lake is not very large, but not very ... small,
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about 3.5 km in diameter, so they crawled on their knees around this lake, and sang songs and it was believed that the one who has pure eyes, a pure heart, that one is spiritually like this can see clearly at the bottom of this lake, can see clearly in the city of kitizh, so prishvin, having gone there, wrote his next book, which was called at the walls of the invisible city. when he brought this book to gipios and merishkovsky, and they themselves had visited this lake several years before, the peasants who came there asked prishvin to convey their greetings to dmitry sergeyevich merishkovsky. in fact, prishvin came to the house of gipios merishkovsky with this greeting, they told him: come in, come in, what did they say about us there, tell, and further the reason was invited to give a report at a meeting of the society. and
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prishvin gave this report brilliantly, and since he was a very artistic person, despite his statue-like appearance, as he called himself, but at some point he dropped to his knees, crawled along the stage, then went down into the auditorium, crawled between the rows, shouting, crawling, everyone crawling, the audience was in ecstasy, and prishvin in a sense crawled into great russian literature in this way. in short, i want to fire andrei before it starts, what hasn't started? a scandal about corruption in the ranks of employees? yes, lyudmila sergeevna, now you are really great, you are reprimanded, for what? alexey ivanovich, you are so ignorant of people, fortune teller, new episodes, tomorrow on the first. constantly saying that happiness. loves silence, such two
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decoys, beauties, what are you doing with us men, do not go to meet him, and a modest question, do you have a mother, do not need a mother, two stars, fathers and sons. on sunday on the first. this is the podcast life of the remarkable. with you i, its host, writer alexey varlamov. and today we are talking about a wonderful writer, thinker, philosopher, mikhail
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mikhailovich prishvin. prishvin was made a truly great writer, as many writers of that time, by the revolution, a revolution that he did not accept at first. moreover, in january 1918 prishvin was arrested, arrested by the new government, imprisoned in the peter and paul fortress, so for the second time in his life he found himself in prison, and after the tsarist prison, it was the bolshevik prison, where, fortunately, he did not stay very long, only 2 weeks, that's it, but when he got out of this prison, he came across an article by alexander blok, whom he loved very much, an article called intelligentsia and revolution, and prishvin reacted with anger to this article, where the blog called on the russian intelligentsia to listen to the music of the revolution, prishvin gave blok a rebuke, a rebuke and wrote that there is no music in the revolution, and that the revolution is
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a boiling vat, and it is not the artist's business to throw himself headlong into this vat, as blok did and calls for making the same russian intelligentsia, and the artist's job is to stand on... first of all, a historian. prishvin is first of all a writer with a huge social temperament. another thing is that during his life, he hid this passion of his, he hid it in a diary that was intended for future generations. but nevertheless, in the diary, carefully kept by him, all this
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can be read today. so, prishin made such a diagnosis of the russian revolution, that it is a war between the peasants and the bolsheviks. but it is very important to emphasize that in... this war prishvin initially did not take either side, because by nature he was such a personalist, an individualist, for him the most important thing was the cult of creativity in man, he believed that the bolsheviks and the peasants were the enemy of this personal individual principle in man, but at some point, because the peasants are in the eyes of prishvin, you can agree with this or disagree, but his view is this: that the peasants carry within themselves such an anarchic principle, an anti-state principle, a self-destructive principle, the bolsheviks are the state will, but a very cruel will, actually this clash of popular anarchy and this
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state principle in the bolsheviks, this is the essence of russian history after 1917, at some point prishvin, who at that time lived in a russian village with... his life experience, all this was reflected in his prose, then he was still writing such acutely social fiction, then he wrote a story, this very one, which i already called, the worldly cup, and he tried to publish this story, already the civil war ended, the nep began,
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publishing life became more active, and prishindi encountered soviet censorship, which very strictly monitored what was published in our country. then taught by pilnik, a remarkable soviet writer, with whom prishlin was not exactly friends, but at least maintained such friendly relations, so pelnyak, at preshvin's request, passed on this story. that he needed to get away from this social agenda, get away from politics, get away from
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public life, find a niche for himself, and such nature became a niche for him, actually, that's where he started from the other side, yes, his first things are also largely devoted to the theme of nature and man, and he kind of understands that he needs to return to where he started , it is nature that will save him, nature will protect him, disguise him, and he begins to write these wonderful books of his, such as the springs of berindey, another title of this story is less poetic, but i like it less, the calendar of nature, then he writes a wonderful philosophical poem in prose, which is called zhen shen, where he also sings of this theme of the lost unity of man and nature, in a sense calls for a return to this, this view of the distorted... but curable nature of man, this was very important in prishven, but the most
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interesting thing is that, paradoxically, this philosophical, seemingly apolitical, asocial, far from the scourge of the day, prose, met with an incredible response from the then russian soviet reader, why, because tired of social upheavals, tired of cataclysms, tired of wars and revolutions, people wanted a normal life, people wanted to read about something permanent, people wanted to grab hold of some kind of bond, they came on the eve of the revolution and wrote that there were no bonds, he seemed to feel that society was collapsing, the bonds were left only in migratory birds that fly there and back in the fall in the spring, this bond in the form of nature.
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lishvin became a remarkable writer during his lifetime, who had everything, he published books, he published collections compositions, he received large fees, he had a wonderful apartment, then he would have a wonderful dacha, he had several cars, he generally loved cars, it is interesting that this writer, it would seem such a natural person, adored the achievements of science and technology, that's how he went to extremely frightened birds with a camera and brought back from there. wonderful photographs of the olonetsky region, and now he traveled in his own car, he
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had a fairly large car, an suv, as we would say today, he traveled to a variety of places in this suv, far from moscow, climbed into different seasons, times of the year, floods, river overflows, he has a wonderful story about nature, which is called undressed and spring, here is prishvin the traveler, prishvin the hunter, prishvin, who actually wrote in his diary that all this was given to him by the soviet government, because it was the soviet government that paradoxically put forward this writer, as if raised this writer from the third row to the first, because his competitors, in quotes either ended up in exile, or ended up underground and prishvin becomes such a very important, very major figure in russian soviet literature, but with... it is very important to emphasize that he does not sell himself, he does not make any compromises, he
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really found a niche for himself, he found a theme for himself, he found such a position for himself, but not this, as if this is not all, this is not all about prishvin, everything about prishvin, as i already said, this is his diary, in which we will find such a non-brief course in the history of the soviet union, and i would say would be a complete course starting with the first russian revolution, because he begins to keep his diary in 1905, and then the first world war, the revolution of 1917, the civil... nep, collectivization, stalin's terror, and life is wider in the soviet union in the thirties, the great patriotic war, post-war reconstruction, the death of stalin, and prishvin himself died in january 1954 and kept his diary until his last day, here is all this bulk, all this complexity, all this machine of the then russian
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soviet life of its most dramatic fractures.
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what was built, he saw how it was built, in his diary he honestly wrote about everything: he saw hungry people, he saw corpses in the forests, he saw this hard slave labor, he saw the price that the russian people paid for this construction, all of russia was on the canal, he will write in
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his diary, then during this trip prishvin nkvdshniks, well, more precisely ogpu. yes, the punitive organs were called ogpu, it is clear that they accompanied him and without their participation this trip could not have taken place, they they asked him to speak at such a spontaneous rally. and this was, perhaps, one of the most dramatic moments of his life, when he, a prosperous, honest, wise, writer, teacher of life, philosopher, found himself in front of a crowd of prisoners, humiliated, disenfranchised people, and he had to say something to these people, it was very psychological, yes, in any way, difficult, unbearable, he tried to find some words, he tried to reassure them , he tried to give them some consolation, he told them that even in these terrible conditions
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you can't lose your spirit, you have to try to treat your work, your activity, as... creativity, but he himself understood that it sounded false, he himself was tormented by the understatement, the lack of clarity of what he said, this was such a wound that, as it seems to me, shook his integral, chaste life, and as an artist, he felt at that moment that he could no longer only write about nature and beautiful birds and dogs, he could not only this journalistic beginning, this journalistic fervor, not can only hide in a diary addressed to future generations, he felt that he had to speak out here now, it was like his human writer's duty, in russian it was very clear, then he
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began to write his most difficult, most incomprehensible, most painful novel, which was later called: sudareva doroga. why was the novel called that? because in fact the idea to build the white sea-baltic canal originally belonged to peter i. but peter could not do it, although he tried, tried to do it, by the way, also by such very cruel means. prishvin has a note in his diary that when peter traveled in these places, it should also be noted that these are places, traditionally places of schismatics, places of habitation. old believers, with whom peter had a very harsh conflict, so peter, when he was moving along this road, then behind him there was a gallows, on this gallows... sat those peasants, those rebels who did not want to submit to him, and prishin already then thought about this sore spot of russian history, about the relationship of ends and means. and in fact
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affairs in the novel the sovereign's road, prishvin writes the first russian or soviet gulag archipelago, the first work dedicated to this labor of the enslaved, the position of the enslaved, and the main characters of his novel. he came to the conclusion that the soviet government was right, it was right in its goals, and for prishvin the soviet stage is not the end point of soviet history,
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it is precisely a stage, it is precisely a transitional moment, cruel, difficult, but it is no coincidence that he liked to compare everything with himself, his life, his biography, and here his in the diary of a geography teacher, philosopher rozenov, who once in... expelled a rebellious, anarchist boy from a gymnasium and the boy suffered greatly from this, almost committed suicide, but managed to survive, overcome his pain, his resentment, became a great writer, philosopher, from whose books soviet children learned to read and write, in the same way something similar should happen with a large country, bolshevism should give the russian people the peoples... of a huge country, this vaccination of statehood, without which the country will not be able to continue move. here, but the tragedy of the writer prishvin was that under the conditions
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of soviet censorship, in the forties, early fifties, the theme of the camp was strictly excluded, banned, and he was simply not allowed to publish this book, it was published only after his death. and the last thing i would probably like to say is that preshvin has his last book, it is called the ship's thicket, it is in fact a continuation of that story that you all probably read, you know, remember, the storeroom sun, the ship's thicket - this is such a sequel, in modern language, in this ship thicket there is a very important image for preshvin of a small fir tree, a fir tree, this fir tree grew in the shade, all its life, grew in the shade of large trees. in dense trees, so it grew very poorly, it was frail and sickly and the fir tree, and then people came who wanted to help this fir tree,
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who wanted to free it, and these people cut down huge trees, a bright-bright light poured onto the fir tree, and what happened to it, it got even sicker, it almost died, but still it survived. and having recovered from the illness, it became she grew up tall and beautiful, just as prishvin was confident in the russian future, in the future of russia, which, having gone through all its trials, through all its hardships, often taking offense and not understanding the meaning of what was happening to it, russia is subject to this growth, development, flourishing in... he believed, and that is how, in fact, he remains in our memory, a writer, a wise teacher, blood-related to russian soil, to the russian
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sky, to the russian soul, that was the wonderful mikhail prishvin, it was a podcast life of the remarkable, i am with you, its leading writer, alexey varlamov. this podcast is a must-read, i am aglaina batnikova, director, writer, today my guests are oleg demidov, poet, critic, literaturad and ekaterina dvegubskaya , director, writer, we will discuss. gof and his novel cynics. marringoff is the second leader among the circle of poets and majinists. the most famous of them is sergei yesenin. but
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nevertheless moringov is also quite famous, and he begins to try himself as a prose writer, after the success of poetry, the novel cynics comes out, but it comes out in the german publishing house petropolis, in 1928, and this causes a certain scandal, after which the novel is banned in soviet russia and comes out again only in the eighty-eighth year, and...
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but they were very close with yesenin, that's right, of course, best friends, they rented the same apartment, traveled a lot together, published books, were engaged in their own business, they had a cafe worth pegasus, well, and so on and so forth, yes, and he looked, these memories are well distributed, and the most favorable assessments were from critics, from colleagues, and he decided to rewrite these memories into a novel, which is called
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a novel without lies, many are sure that... then these are again memoirs, yes, but this is not quite so, and there is such a concept as a novel, yes, that is , a novel without fiction, a novel without lies, again, and this is how it is translated, it was discovered by european slavists, american slavists, in the second half of the twentieth century, and maringov in twenty-sixth had already created all this, and after the success of the novel without lies, he again deals exclusively with prose, in twenty- eighth year, when he from moscow for the summer... he was cleaning up in voronezh, he had a wife, anna borisovna nikritina, she was invited there for the summer to play a little in the drama theater, and he gathered his wife, his wife-in-law, his son, went to voronezh, and there in a matter of months he wrote cynics, yes, and why did it happen that they started banning it, yes, 1928 was not a very calm year,
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they start in 1928. well, in general, he wasn’t very lucky in life, the death of his mother and the death of his father, the death of his best friend, and then they ban the novel, they ban it for a completely idiotic reason, the book was published not in russia, in germany, and petropolis verlak, such an amazing publishing house, where absolutely soviet authors were published, like the same zovshchenko, yes, and some fellow travelers, some anti-sovietists, white migrants, yes, that is
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, they took everyone, only there was. revolution, terrible times, and the way this cannibalism is written all the time about eating people, it’s well, practically, it’s rhythmic, like music, all the time it disrupts the rhythm of the novel, these inserts, and it’s generally written very curiously, it’s even as if it were not a novel, but such a big-big poetic poem, written brilliantly, you sit there, read it, i sat with
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a pencil, ticked off all the time, because well, these are such unexpected, unlike anything else word combinations, images, it's all so intertwined, twisted. that you just sit and don't understand how a person could come up with this, to compose words like that. unique optics, but this is the technique of magenists, right, to create an image from some unexpected things? well, for example, his poems are harder for me to read, but the novel it is read in general, well, in one breath, at the same time, that it is very poetic, it is figurative , of course, it is reading, in general, serious reading, but it is read easily.
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how do such relationships develop, what will happen to olga? well, of course, it is always modern, actually, if you turn to modern art, sex violence sells well, there is sex violence here, well, if you say it very simply and banally, but it seems to me, she is still very complex herself, she is complex for herself, she is interesting, smart, this is olga, well, that's why maybe she is attractive to men, yes, but you know, no one likes good.
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terrible events, trying to understand what to realize herself in a revolutionary world, in these men she wants to be. trying to understand, and what she should do in life, yes, some kind of her destiny is trying, to find her destiny, of course, there is a wonderful passage when it is already coming to an end, and vladimir says: olga, well, do something, yes, maybe in a movie, yes, you want to act, she says, i don’t want to be in a movie, it’s better, in photographs, but this is not very interesting either, give birth to a child, she says, no, they look like puppies, i had a prize puppy, right?
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her in the family circle, so that she could have children, serious work, but she did not last long, that's the problem, then no one lasted long, i would say, heads were flying like football swords, oleg, tell me, please, is this an autobiographical novel, or can it be copied from life, that is, where did moringov get the material, the texture was generally great, yes, if you look at the literary world of that time, then ... here, in my opinion, in the quality of olga it is easy to guess liliya yuryevna brik, yes, whom all literary moscow knew, and not only moscow, all literary russia, yes, the girl who drove vladimir mayakovsky crazy, and not only, yes, this is the story in the cynics,
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when olga cheats on vladimir for the first time, yes, she comes home, late at night, he changed, what does vladimir say, take a bath, yes, there was exactly the same episode in life. liliya brik and osip at the very beginning of their relationship, if we talk about some other texture, there is a wonderful critic, cultural scientist, alexey yuryevich kolobrodov. very, very, well, you know, that i
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think this is a banal thought, but if you imagine those times, god was abolished, all the foundations of society, everyone was knocked out, imagine what was going on in their souls, in their heads, in people who were developed, when you don’t understand what to rely on at all, there is no god, there is no sex either, it seems, because of this there is a certain licentiousness, there are, well, some kind of experiments all the time, plus another experiment... they are going on in art, and art is very avant-garde, so what was going on with them there, it seems to me, they were stewing in some kind of boiling cauldron. if we talk about the texture, then let's remember the ending of cynics, yes, and olga calls vladimir, says: i 'm shooting myself, and vladimir rushes at full speed, trying to save her, yes, naturally, nothing works out there the horse is going very slowly, some images of this horse, to express.
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he uses newspaper clippings, if we go to the library, look at the newspapers of those years, we will see exactly the same as moringov, then worse, that is, when i was working on the biography of moringov, i looked at exactly these newspapers found exactly the same, that is, marinkov simply took and rewrote all this, he did not come up with anything, and this played a role, why the novel was banned, maybe soviet russia the formation of this bolshevik power was presented negatively?
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but katya as a director, probably understands that it is impossible to create a convincing character, yes, alive, we believe in this olga, we believe in this situation, it is impossible if you yourself have not gone through a similar experience, well here i do not quite agree with you, because playing a killer, it is not necessary to become a killer, it is necessary to have such an experience, and it is not necessary to have such an experience, in general he could understand that he...
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it would be interesting to make a film about her, right? well and it would be interesting for me to talk to her for sure, because you are some kind of curious person with a strange biography with strange views, clearly refined, very curious this wonderful this image of candies, that drunk cherry, and all this is such a pleasant provocation, she says, yes already having shot herself, that it would be worth living for the sake of these candies cherry, she found yes...
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not his method, so to speak, of personal life, this the podcast is a must-read, i am a director, a writer, today i have... my guest is my colleague, also a director and writer ekaterina dvegubskaya and oleg demidov, a critic, poet, literary scholar, specialist in anatoly maringov, and why is the novel called cynics, why are vladimir and olga cynics, and what else can you call them, well, what is cynical, well, explain, the lifestyle itself, the approach itself is so
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anti-family, anti-religious, yes, i understand that for that time, you mean free relationships. relationships absolutely, yes, i understand that for that time and after kolontaev's glass of water, yes, roughly speaking, that there should be complete sexual liberation if a person has a need for sexual intercourse, but you can't deny him this, and having sex is as easy as drinking a glass of water, what is it, and people lived in this, it seems to you that cynicism is an assessment of this.
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and in general what happens to the heroes, but it is written cheerfully, that is, there may be cynicism in this, that they relate to the situation they got into, all so cheerfully - this is such a dead man's laughter, they they laugh sincerely, they revel in life, but this is the most terrible thing, when people understand that they are dancing, but well, behind this thin wall there is a man with a gun, this is dancing on the titanic, so to speak, well, yes, this is very scary. you are interested in such a heroine, aren't you? in your book , the heroine of an unlived childhood, can she be similar to olga in some way? i have a heroine who is just as provocative, it is clear that writing about very good and correct people is boring, but you always want
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to find some kind of worm in a person, to understand, why is it more interesting to watch such a person, well and... these are sparks of life, and these sparks are struck for us by vladimir and olga. what is imaginism according to moringof? it is a combination of the pure and the impure, there is some naturalism, some sweat, blood, this is cannibalism, that is, i feel a lot of unpleasant naturalism in this novel.


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