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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 16, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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the forecast is optimistic, the anticyclone will return the heat to us, it will arrive tomorrow, we will spend the end of the week at +25, and what's next, even higher next week, on some days under 30, by the way, in september we are also promised an indian summer, but this is of course a preliminary layout from weather forecasters. that's all for now, the broadcast is on the first, the program will continue, time will tell. good day to all, congratulations on the end of the working week, although for us, as you understand, monday begins on saturday, and nevertheless, today is friday, this program is time will show, live broadcast with you anatoly kuzichev. we continue, naturally and of course, to monitor the situation in the kursk region, where our soldiers are repelling attempts to invade the ukrainian armed forces on russian territory. from the latest news, the russian military repelled an attack by the ukrainian armed forces in the direction of kremennoye, kremennoye, perhaps that's more correct, in the kursk region.
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control over the settlement of krupets, also in the kursk region, was also restored, and today this, many have probably already seen this video, but for those who haven't, we'll show you now, marines, marines, my brothers, sailors from sevastopol continue to cleanse the kursk region from banderites, here is a video that got into social networks, watch it, i don’t know, can you see me, no, can you hear me, we just took these guys’ camera, i wish you good health, we are from russia, black sea fleet 810, i’m translating into russian, whoever didn’t understand, i’m going to count right now, so i don’t know, can you see me or not, can you hear me, but we took, we just took the hummer of these bad people, damn it. i wish you good health,
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dear friends, we are from russia, black sea front 810, damn it, that’s how they said it, congratulations, well, really, such an episode, well, in my opinion, very characteristic, very , very uplifting, hummer , brand new, they took it away, nevertheless, nevertheless, this is an episode, let it be a bright and cheerful reason to smile, in general, the situation in kursk remains tense, everyone who wants to leave, dangerous territory, about it too, let's talk to each other directly and honestly, about this most dangerous territory more and more, they continue to evacuate these people, help is provided to everyone, authorities, volunteers, ordinary people, and journalists, and so, for example, the military correspondent arti igor zhdanov helped a local resident to reunite with her relatives, that's how it was, put, everything, everything, everything will be fine, don't worry, thank you, let's go.
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it's hard, it's hard to look at all this in fact at these people who are on the bus, look, yes, you saw, look, everyone is sitting, almost everyone is crying, they don't understand, oh , what's going on, now igor zhdanov is in direct contact with us from kursk, the one you saw in this story, as i understand it, igor just so to speak, well, brought together woman to his relatives, she didn't know where he was, but igor knew, well, thank god , luck smiled and everything worked out, thank god. igor, hello, tell us a little more about this video, what kind of woman is this, that you are there, how did you know, where her relatives are and so on, tell us, yes, hello, anatoly, well, the situation. in fact
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, is quite banal, simple, we communicated with the woman, we simply recorded her synchronously, recorded, asked her about how she lives, she is from rylsk herself, we met her in rylsk, just on voluntary evacuation point, she told me about all the horrors she had experienced because her house was closer to the border, and there she heard, well, she says directly that she simply won’t forget the last few nights because the tapes were torn, she heard that just... they were hitting the fence there, they were hitting the house, she was there with her elderly mother, she was just there with her , she was putting her uncle with her elderly mother , then i just walked by, i heard her say, how can i get him out, how can i take him away, and he came up and asked, found out what was going on, and it seems that either the neighbors or someone called her and said that her uncle, well, it turns out that it was just my mother's brother, you saw him, he was also an elderly sick man, and he just arrived at the house from which she ran away, and well, i see that the person is simply scared.
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it is understandable to go back there, after everything that had happened, it is absolutely understandable, but we just jumped, got there quickly, explained who we were, what was what, and brought him to the evacuation point , and what is on the video, that is already... well done, thank you, and i understand that you are great guys and you are a big one now it's such a general, how can i say , general mood, everyone helps each other, i said this yesterday, i'll repeat it today, the feeling that this is... it doesn't make this feeling any easier , it doesn't lift the mood, but well, still, it's inspiring somehow , the feeling that these people, that we, our people , have been preparing for this all our lives, to support each other, to help, to somehow do everything so sensibly and harmoniously, and after the first day there may be some misunderstanding, confusion, and
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then wigs, but at least, judging by the telegram channels, everyone gathered, i repeat, and are doing what, what, as it turned out, they can do, no one could even suspect such a thing in themselves, everyone thought that we ... the media field is in effect and he became one of such main speakers, probably, as a person who i know him personally, firstly, i know many of his commanders, yes, deputies personally, aronovich is such a person that he does not sit in the rear, he is always at the forward
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command posts, and he receives data not from some intelligence materials, yes, which of course he has, but he sees everything with his own eyes, that's how it is, how it happens, respectively.
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something i understand, that by the way, today we will talk about this in detail, i understand that within the framework of, so to speak, an information war, of course, the main thing is to evoke emotion in a person, because when there is emotion, then you know that he is yours, then you can twist him with this person as you want and so on, but i couldn't do anything with myself, the emotion is such that a lump in the throat, when i look at these people on the bus, and i understand that everything it will be good that we win and so on, but i repeat, but this feeling of a squeezed heart and a lump in the throat is not going anywhere...
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at least, this is what the ukrainian military is saying about this from different points, i will remind you, quite, not quite, but a very wide, large front, please, the enemy continues positional battles in the zaporizhia and kherson regions, the enemy is actively using artillery, striking our positions, over the past 24 hours there have been 288 shellings and about 10 assaults, the sections in the area remain tense rabotinsky ledge, to defend it for a long time and effectively... we have been suffering heavy losses for the last 2 weeks, they are sending us people who have fired once or twice in 2 years, they do not want to fight,
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they abandon their positions and surrender, the enemy army is burning our equipment, the raps cannot cope with enemy drones, 70% of our drones cannot fly to the line of contact, not to mention the... from the target, we are losing our best fighters, well, i don’t know, you know, once burned by milk, you always blow on water, this is right, very good, well, here i am i look at all of these.
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we are talking about creating a situation of strategic uncertainty and a gray zone for russia, where the situation of civil war with the import of civil war to the territory of russia will be intertwined with the situation of the impossibility of striking the west, due to the fact that there will be no evidence of the west's participation until the end, and the document emphasizes that this line was rather previously promoted by the british, the americans agreed with this rather vaguely, they are writing this for their own. once again, that is, the idea is that we will be, as it were, indirectly
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participate, so to speak, in this whole story, and russia will not answer us, because here yes, because it is impossible to prove directly, so do not be afraid, guys, go, the american command, as the authors of this document complained, there is a large group of american officers, the american command did not agree with this until recently, preferring the classic form of conducting armed actions, that is, well, the supply of weapons. now it has agreed, and now it turns out that yes, you know, literally right here is an illustration, give us, guys, these headlines, by the way, this is interesting, we will not read the article in detail, but there are a lot of headlines, look, the bundestag is not against ukraine using german tanks, this is no longer indirectly, they just say it in plain text, let's go, where else did the us allow ukraine to carry out pinpoint strikes on russia with american weapons, britain allowed ukraine to strike russia with its weapons, this morning it appeared, i was driving to work, i read canada. approved, that's it, they understand, everything fell, that's it, they said, go ahead and hit them, these
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guys are okay anyway, why are you embarrassed, canada allows ukraine to use the weapons it transferred to russia, that's it, i can say to develop this logic, they 're not even embarrassed, now they're not embarrassed, but again, well, we understood from this, drawing morals, that they bring it to the boiling point, well, like the temperature is 100°, they bring it to 95, but it doesn't reach 100, that is, when we can strike at some decision-making centers.
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some very theoretical, theoretical, but it's okay to walk, but all this is speculative , so to speak, calculations, we also discussed yesterday in this studio, what we can respond with, and what is not directly, also indirectly, no one knows, they can't prove it, hello houthis, taking this opportunity to send you greetings and so on, strategic uncertainty, right, but yes, but you understand what all this is about, some, i repeat, speculative constructions are very theoretical, please, alexey vladimirovich. the question is not specifically about the houthis, but about these, did ukraine succeed to implement their plan and pull some of our forces from some of the directions? now we are talking exclusively about the military-technical aspect, because there is another aspect, the informational one, and it, well, it seems to me, is comparable in importance, and maybe the same in importance as the military-technical aspect, so, did they manage to pull back how many more reserves they actually have, so that they could go there, because what pisses me off is not that some commandant's offices, of course, that pisses me off, but look, i understand that they are mocking us, that they they are arrogant that they are trying to do this on purpose,
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i understand this with my mind, when they say there that they need to transfer reserves, that is , and they have reserves. damn, and we were talking about how, they are all demoralized there, they are lying there, crying, surrendering, that is, and so on, it turns out they have reserves and quite a lot of them, that's one, and b, they have the ability to transfer them to the kursk region, this is really infuriating, well, maybe i'm just wrong, please, well , first of all, let's look, even the records that are in the public domain, who is taken in captivity on the bodies of killed ukrainian soldiers, they are all quite young, if you look at who the guys are taking prisoner now... in the same krasnogorovka, this is the last berlin draft, as they say, these are very old people and in very poor physical shape , that is, the very ones that we see on the street, who are being caught, these are they, these are they, yes, these are quite good, well -trained fighters in fact, these are young people, these are not, no, once again, these are those who are caught by the tetskashniks on the streets of odessa, no, these are the ones who are trained in england, who
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are trained in the american ones, now on the contrary on the donetsk front, i understand, yeah. literally an example of such a person recently went out into the city exactly to the store, he hid at home for a year and a half, and was caught in the store, 2 weeks later he was already in england at a military base, a month of training, and now he has disappeared somewhere in the kursk region, relatives are calling everywhere they can from abroad, so to speak, trying to find out his fate, the man clearly came from abroad directly to ours territory, yeah, and such examples. a lot, i repeat once again, look, yes, the footage, what ukrainian soldiers look like in podkursk and what ukrainian soldiers look like in the same donetsk today, so they have reserves, they throw in very, let's say, fresh reserves, and the best units, right, which in principle, of course, they clearly lack, but nevertheless they do not spare them here in this direction, so i
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think that they have some serious plan, since they are ready to sacrifice, in general i understand.
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it's already necessary, okay, let's not use epithets now, so to speak , and we'll hold off on the comment, we'll talk about this later, now i want to show you, that is, how the americans comment on this, yes, but it would seem , look, everything is already completely open, that is, they give weapons, they officially say, please, use them on the territory of russia,
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you can hear me well, on the territory of russia, yes, yes, we are no longer afraid of our weapons. i 'm afraid that this is our big problem, that they are no longer afraid, but what can you do now say, we have already reached this point so to speak , or rolled down to it, and what do you say, nevertheless , americans, let's listen to kirby, we love to listen to him, please, i must ask you about ukraine and its first invasion of russian territory, the ssu claims that they now control 74 settlements, are you afraid that ukraine has disturbed the bear and now he is strong? will strike at them. now i can say little about this operation. i will let them speak for themselves on this matter. we saw how the russians reacted to this, having transferred part of the military force to the area. kursk, it is not clear exactly what they will decide to do how many troops are going to be deployed there, we are communicating with kiev in real time and want to understand what is happening here, so we will continue to ensure
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that ukraine has the weapons and capabilities necessary for self-defense, cruise missiles, we are going to continue negotiations with kiev, the us will provide ukraine with new aid packages in the coming weeks, and it seems to me that this is well there is understandable that all this poetry, like we did not know that so interesting. well, who could have thought and so on, it's all such lyrics, well, as if understandable, he is, he probably should speak like that, it seems to me, the key thing is, this is exactly what we are going to continue trum-pam-pam and provide ukraine with new aid packages in the coming weeks, here are new aid packages, it seems to me, for the sake of which, well, one of you said multi-layered, here is one of the layers, i already think it is central , some kind of upper, how can i say it, or, on the contrary , fundamental, in short, one of the layers - this is military aid, this is financing, because financing.
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it will be allocated anyway, no matter what happens in ukraine, at least until the elections, that is, until the change of power in the white house, that is, in this sense, you do not need
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to think that this is tied exclusively to kursk, to current events, they are now , within the framework of the already allocated funds, simply constantly, every week, every two or three weeks, reviewing what weapons they are delivering to ukraine, based on operational needs, but this is already assistance.
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we even lepson only fantasy, today on the first. at our table gathered famous favorite artists who will tell funny stories and curiosities that happened to them. you will forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, do not worry, but not that, it is already new, it is only 200 years old. i invite you to the program, i need to play the queen, i think, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, so the next day in the remains of all the makeup suit, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle, she has hanging from sides such two things, these are ovaries, she died, how this cry was made, german,
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bending over... with a fork in his hands approaches nina ruslanova at that very moment in her ass so he sticks this fork in her she does and it sounds stop removed ruslanova only rubbing says i didn't know that the director works with actors like that and how zapashny told me a long time ago a soviet circus a tiger grabbed his father he quietly tells them skolt take a stick now and with all his might on the head and now. tigra, tomorrow after the program time, i met you on the way, when i saw you, i i immediately felt that this was an unusual meeting, but when i heard you, i realized that i was finished, by my birthday. "muslim
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magamaev, weekend on the first. this city is called the gateway to the north. it has preserved a special, unique way of life, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many people come to this city to see the famous polar lights. we are in arkhangelsk, friends. the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical. what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat? the kind of wood that grows. and salt why did they add it? in principle, our region was engaged in salt production, that's why they added it everywhere, my grandmother adds it to regular coffee, even to instant salt, she says that it tastes better and is our way, we wash the smelt, sprinkle it with a little salt, chop the onion and add it too, take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how delicious it will be in a nautical style, delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, the life of our own, the premiere is on
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sunday, on the first in the new season on the first come on come on well, can i ask you it's time to tie up with this choir, he is a soloist, finally, daddy, daddy, hi, natushka, what took you so long, what did you come here for, to the kids, i remembered, i met. a woman happened, that i love her, i've loved her for a long time since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there's lipstick on your collar, for everyone, may, the perfect couple, i don't want to be a thief, you know, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes, my wife asked me, she left for another, why don't you
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go after her, don't fight, won't you bring her back? we talked about it in that part, we mentioned it in passing, but let's not just mention it in passing, but in more detail and more precisely. so, the information component is almost as important as the military-technical component, there is tactical, and even strategic, well, no less important, this is already general, this is a consensus, excuse me, expert, it is clear that this kursk operation, it is clear that it was not only from a military, but from an information point of view, very thorough, obviously, for a very long time.
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it was prepared at a very good level, it seems to me, it is also already quite an expert consensus, it was prepared, and how many of them there were, here you go, we have just shown you, how many fakes, deep fakes were there? it's quite a technically non-trivial task to put some words into the mouth of a person whom the country trusts, while you figure it out, everyone starts rushing to erase and not a single person, not only maria vladimirovna zakharova and alexey smirnov, the acting head of the kursk region, that means, they put something into his mouth too, deep fake, how many messages were there, how many all sorts of i don't know posts and so on, in all sorts of suddenly suddenly appearing from somewhere supposedly patriotic russian channels, how many were there? everything, what do you think, is done in a day, in two, in a week, no, it is done, well, in a couple of weeks, maybe, i can believe it there, but in a couple of days, no, of course, that is, this is an operation that was prepared for a long time, we are not talking about an operation now, let's look even broader, here even
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broader, it is simply one, this is an element of a big war, one of the operations of a big war, a big information war, an information war - this is also, in my opinion , a common place and there is no point in this po...
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harshly, they fight without rules, they fight cynically, i repeat to us, they fight with us, they fight seriously, they also fight, it would be nice to fight back and we are trying, but you understand, there are circumstances of force majeure, like the fact that we thought that they were democrats, they just took, stupidly banned our channels, and what will you do, they said, nothing, and what will we do, well, until recently, nevertheless, nevertheless, it was still kind of indecent to publish such outright fakes, such fabrications, it was for this that special, specially, so to speak, organized yellow press, there, please, everything flows there, it is clear that this very yellow press was born in the states, and the term appeared, by the way, at
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the end of the 19th century, in, well, in what 1800 , conditionally ninety-sixth, and where, then on the page of the new york world newspaper, the first color comic strip in the world appeared, the main character of which was, show us such a... yellow guy, that's where the yellow press came from. by the way, the newspaper, this, look, how everything, to say, what a, what a tight knot, interesting, collected, here is the newspaper the new york world, at one time belonged to joseph pulitzer, in whose honor or name , here is the prize named, which is awarded annually in the states, the most prestigious in their field of journalism. let's watch a story on this topic, and then we'll talk about the information. usa on board his yacht in the state of south carolina newspaper magnate joseph pulitzer dies. eight years before this, on august 17, 1903 , he makes a will in which he gives
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an order to create an endowment fund journalists, allocating 2 million dollars for these purposes. this day is considered the date of the establishment of the pulitzer prize, but its first presentation took place only in 1917, to become a laureate... the new york world, received the honorary prize for an interview with the then us president woodrow wilson. the material was a huge success. it was later revealed that the interview was falsified. the head of state at that time was in serious condition due to illness. the wife of the then us president spoke with the journalist.
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this year, it was revealed that blair had simply copied most of his reports. his publications told about more than a hundred different places he had never been. the deception was revealed after editors of a texas newspaper accused blair of... once you cross the line and realize that no one can catch you in a lie, it becomes very difficult to discipline yourself. in 2019, donald trump held the pulitzer prize leadership accountable, accusing the jury of libel and lies in connection with the award prizes to the new york times and the washington post, which wrote that russia had influenced the 2016 american elections. it's funny that the new york times and the washington post.
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with the russian army to the events in bucha, and this despite the fact that by that time the ukrainian staging of those events had already been proven and shown in detail. in the first days of april, the ukrainian army came to bucha. we were accompanied in our car by an azov fighter. we arrived in bucha absolutely without any passport control, thanks to this agent. and first of all, i noticed corpses that were lying in the center of the city. in the center of bucha. and at that moment i notice how other corpses are being taken out of small cars. these corpses are taken out by the military. civilians and they are laid out next to other
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corpses on the road. at that moment, journalists are waiting for the corpses to be laid out, and as soon as the corpses are laid out, they start taking pictures. i immediately realized that they staged this in order to take the most impressive photographs. by the way, russian journalists have become laureates of this honorary award only three times. in the ninety-second year , the award in the nomination of the best reportage photography was given to alexander zemlianichenko and boris yurchenko for the reportage. about the ninety-first year, alexander zemlianichenko received his second prize already in the ninety-seventh for the photo of the president of russia political events in the country in august boris yeltsin, dancing at the pre-election concert. yes, well, we have long since stated that the world is changing, here is the new world order, everything else is changing too, not only the world in such a global philosophy, this too. maxim anatolyevich, you are a professional.
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no, no, no, you can do it clumsily, or you can do it smartly, you can completely slide into pure propaganda and not know, when a difficult, bad event happens, but what can you tell me, what not, what can't be told, you understand what's happening on, well, it seems like you can't say this, you'll let us down, but is it still possible? try to show, including by your own example in contrast to the ukrainians, for example, who have completely slid into this pure propaganda, that we are better, that we smarter, all the same, we, we are an imperial nation.
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before these techniques, as if it were wrong and as if emotionally i support maxim with all my heart of course you want to be much cooler you want to be above you want to be above but when you i don't know just the truth i don't know we are in such a situation for the first time but when they impose a war without rules on you, harsh, cynical and mean against you, is it possible?
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when we talk about means of communication, naturally, one thing is - this is conditionally there again several newspapers, several radio stations and there are literally a couple of channels on tv, and another thing, when there are messengers, when there are media platforms, when everything is duplicated many times, and in fact , information today spreads even faster than a forest fire, here
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the fatal word propaganda was heard, which for some reason usually has such a rather negative context, in fact, we need to remember who we are obliged to? post-truth has exposed an amazing property of human nature, within the framework of post-truth , a person lives and believes in what is convenient and pleasant for him, and not in what is the truth, that is, he forms his own cozy information little world, in it, basically, like a hobbit in a hole, he sits and feels pretty good,
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you can get through to such a person, but it's very difficult, because he basically puts up this shield, which is very...
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if this is supported, i'm not afraid of words, then at the state level there is a demand for truly objective, balanced, honest journalism, another thing is just to understand that people who are emotionally pumped up, they perceive official information not so, let's say, optimistically, because it is boring, it is so distilled, it is
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emasculated, there are only facts, there are no such burning people, there are no such bubbling emotions and so on, therefore , but it is possible to work with this, i understand, thank you, hiv, i will answer your question right away , it is of course impossible to wage a war in white gloves against dirty opponents, and powerful opponents, like... who attack you from all sides, at the same time we must still separate real journalism from information warfare, all this is closely intertwined by itself, the word propaganda, which has recently for obvious reasons, it also carried away, became negative in western propaganda, this is also not by chance, at one fine moment they decided so, all the negativity, everything that has accumulated, we will throw it off, we will say: no, we are in white gloves,
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against us, but it requires us to comply with some rules, it is clear that this does not happen, this can never happen at all, it’s just that many examples have been given here, i want to give you a fairly fresh example, if you now read any western source, including books are already being written about this, yes, and about here are special operations, do you remember what the most famous phrase was that they put into zelensky's mouth, yes, the first call to america and he says: i don't need a taxi, i need... for weapons, that is, and this is now, and after a year and a half he suddenly says: yes, i remember how i said this, yes, i just know the source,
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the original source of this phrase, the only source of this phrase, with a reference to an informed source in the pentagon or in the white house, i don't remember, it was the correspondent prest james loporto, he quoted this, citing an anonymous source, that's it, it's off, it's going, it's already beautiful. he referred to an anonymous source, also there in the pentagon, in connection with the fact that a russian missile crashed a polish tractor, remember the peaceful tractor, two were lost, it turned out that of course this was a lie from beginning to end, he made up all his anonymous sources, but since there was already a serious threat of a direct clash, you know, between the west and russia here... he went too far, he went too far, he was kicked out in disgrace, that's it, he lost his profession, but the phrase, we understand that this phrase is also accurate also born, with reference to some
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sources, here, but, but everything, here, here, here that can be used against russia, they will use, even understanding that it is a lie, great, here we must understand that there is, of course, journalism, and of course, journalism should rely on facts, and, of course, should analyze true facts and not spread fakes, but on the other... than you think, so these information attacks also work on you, if you feel, well, really, a sharp emotion, having read some, if your fists clench, if
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you start shaking and rage takes hold, know that with a large share, this is not always the case, not 100%, of course, not always, but with a large share of probability you will now be manipulated, and the fact that you are in such a state, disheveled, will help these people manipulate you, so you are all, of course, we are all, of course, objects of an information attack, we will finish right after that very ... after all, you prevented a catastrophe, does this not outweigh the violation of some rules? i have a business proposition for you. trader. watch after the program time.
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so, we decided. to resume the operation lighthouse and bring the matter to an end, fantasy today on the first, i saw you on tv, who do we have on tv in our house, even though we can't fly with you, we'll go to koseapeya, in koseape there are nebulae, the bubble nebula? and the soul and heart nebulae, and you say that women have no soul and heart, here you go, everything is there, how sweet, she likes it when she is kissed, i don't know, but i like it when i kiss her, and you can you help me, oh my, the best
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premiere, tomorrow on the first. at our table , well-known favorite actors have gathered, who will tell funny stories and curiosities that happened to them. forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, don't worry, it's not that big, it's new, it's only 200 years old. i invite you.
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to nina ruslanova at that very moment she sticks this fork in her ass like that, she does it and it sounds like stop, ruslanova is filmed, she just rubs it, she says i didn't know that directors work with actors like that, and how much zapashny told me, long ago the soviet circus tiger grabbed the father, he quietly tells them: how much, take a stick now and hit him with all your might on the head, and now the tiger. tomorrow after the program time.
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volleyball, as you have not seen it yet? the first channel cup, live broadcasts on weekends, on the first, in the new season on the first, we were auditioned for the chorus gracheva today, great!
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you need to have at least 50 charismas, you are accepted, from today a new life begins for you, if it were not for this choir, we would never have met, i will see you again you with this person, i'll tell my father everything, you're mine, you're my wife, what do you want, give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember gorachev and his choir on the song of the year no... it must be, sing so that the sun rises, for, the premiere of a multi- part film, soon on the first, we continue to work live, actually, well, here we are talking
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about the information war, how to win it, how to participate in it, and is it possible to simply refuse to participate, well... yes, but we know what it is, what it generally threatens us with, in the end, you see, we have the same well-known russian question before us, what should we do, andrei konstantinovich, well, i am a practitioner. this is exactly my question, what should we do? so, i will simply tell you a specific episode, when the new boss then john kerry, the secretary of state, came, with him was the new boss of agidprop, his deputy, he gathered us, like journalists, got acquainted, and said: my boss has a favorite quote, a quote from senator moynihan, that any person has the right to his opinion, but...
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a coup of regime change, this is a fact, as it's interesting, and then i go on and on and i goad him openly, and i say, because otherwise it turns out that what you have is facts, and what we have is fiction, and
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he's such a good guy, he confirms it to me in quotes, he says: yes, we have facts, and you have fiction, and since then i 've been quoting this phrase for several decades, because it completely corresponds to their, as it were, approach, they have facts, what they say is facts, what they say, but you are absolutely right, anatoly, you rightly noted that, and they believe in it, i, when vence was nominated as a vice-presidential candidate, naturally read his book, i strongly regretted that i had not read it long ago, in particular, for example, from this book i learned that it turns out that comrade vence's fellow countrymen, his beloved grandmother, ardently.
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how to prove that you did not do something, how to prove that you are not a camel, how to prove that you did not shoot down the boeing, did not cause a ruckus there and so on, in general, in theory, just a second, in general, humanity in theory came up with this a long time ago, i even remember, now i'll say, i even remember a poll, i remember, yes, i remember a poll like the main achievement was at the turn of the century, ninety-nine there at the turn of the century, 2001, and the main achievement of mankind over all these centuries, millennia, you know what they said? it just won by a small margin in first place the presumption of innocence, as the main achievement of mankind over a millennium, in theory everything has already been invented, andrei kosantinovich, no, okay, yes, but then it must
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be observed, and it, it, damn it, is not observed, that's why i pester everyone from sergey lavrov to academics, philosophers and other legal experts, as when no one does anything, sergey viktorovich says, well, you have to prove your truth.
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information is even more important than before, now one of such sources, i say with pride, is the tas agency, they also made an analytical center in it, they looked at the situation in kursk. i wanted to scold you for advertising, then i think, i myself say all the time every day, i will read how i tosovka, well, where can i go, well, here you go, alexey vladimirovich, war and propaganda, oh, or rather journalism and propaganda, war and peace, journalism works with information, during war, information is a terrible deadly weapon, well it's no secret, but any intelligence service in the world, in peacetime and wartime, 90% of information is drawn from open sources, and during war, well i'm honest. if you are not working for
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your country, disseminating information, then your information will be used by the opposite side, which is fighting against your country, and by the way, but this does not mean, here information is a deadly weapon, but also lack of information can often become very dangerous, seriously, nature does not like emptiness, that's how it was with us with kursk, literally just a few days ago. information immediately tsypso enemy took advantage of this situation and this vacuum was instantly noticedfakes not deepfakes. this does not mean at all that every blogger, every war correspondent needs to shut up their root, because you see, they are spreading unreliable information. i believe that systematization is needed here, that is, the enemy is conducting a very clearly thought out, structured work with information, fights with us according to all, according to all the canons, according to all the rules, so that we... without any rules, without any rules
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, without any canons, they do it very, very creatively, well, according to the canon, that this is a total war, in this sense, that is, on the other side these are military units in the literal sense of the word, these are structured, with officers, with all the affairs, so that we don’t end up with each platoon fighting independently, this is no longer an army, then in that case, that is, we need, we need analogue of where you ask worked royal, after whom one of the prestigious awards work is named.
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well, in general, it is impossible to give us a better gift than these idiots, here, but in the west they do not notice, while, secondly, this is right around me in the last 24 hours, yes, they snatched exactly half of the quote, breaking it off into half-sentences, and snatched the ear, whom you yourself called on the air, zaporozhye, cut out, cut in half, ours instead of watching the full statement, where in fact i come. i can't do this
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show, but i can retell, so i understand what maxim is saying, look, so maxim sits and shares his thoughts, then says with pain that - i will quote almost verbatim, well and i am afraid that in such a situation we need, it is necessary to sacrifice yes border regions, for a while, yes, in order not to lose in donbass ishen to sacrifice regions, the video ends and there is some commentary, watch everything. then i watch the full version to sacrifice some regions yes for some time maybe even for half a year in order to and so on to win that the strengthening of the front line is objectively beneficial to us of course you understand what the matter is it means they are cutting this i saw this video of course i watched carefully you understand that is and you are journalism yes here it is we raised him a bastard he watches our programs like this he cuts us all they hate us all hate why. he didn't go to the front,
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yes, yes, no, that's another question, what is he there, well, listen, he is also on his front, on the information front, yes, he is also, besides us here, no one watches it there, well maybe, but nevertheless it is a very typical story, please, very typical, when they took, cut off in mid-sentence, no, well look at that, that's the only way they work, of course it's such and such, but regular, excuse me, the word rule is constantly heard, but in fact the fundamental difference between military confrontation and information confrontation is precisely that in military... confrontation, well, some kind of, well, maybe poor, maybe constantly violated, but there are still rules, there are the institute of military captivity, there is humanitarian law and so on, but still there are some agreements in...
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all means are good, but especially since even from a legal point of view this is really absolutely not a thing regulated by law, that is, for now this is so, maybe some canons and so on will appear someday, all participants will agree with them, but for now there is nothing, yes, you know, i also want to say, to address, unfortunately, we are already finishing, the topic is huge, well, i hope, i am sure, what can we do, we will of course address it again and not once, i probably want to tell you already, here 's what maxim was talking about, this is not just some abstraction, with all my might, how cool it is to be cool, but how cool it is to be somehow much better than all these, and well then, when you, you know, you are called something there, and you begin, and you begin to compete, as it were, in epithets, and i call her these, but if you did not serve in the navy, like me, it will be difficult for you
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to pick three-story epithets, and for me it is already really quite difficult, you understand, and this is meaningless, as it were there will be war and struggle, i understand, this is one of the aspects, but it is important, you know, how much cooler you will seem if you have never... okay, thank you, friends, for your attention, excuse me, i want to show you now, we will show you an interview now, katya strizhenova took an interview, talked with the former president of moldova, the chairman of the socialist party igor, she has every chance of becoming one, i hope that this will not happen, but the authorities, for example, of moldova, you see, armed with advanced ukrainian experience, let's say, created their own, so say, a site, an analogue of the peacekeeper site, to
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poison the unwanted, and in general , moldova's policy now is such that, in the opinion of many observers, it can lead the country to full attention self-destruction. this is not an epithet, this is, unfortunately, the bitter truth and fact. so, watch this interview, it's interesting. the situation is such that if the current government remains, moldova will not exist, there simply will not be such a country.
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only fantasy, today on the first, at our table, famous and beloved artists have gathered, who will tell funny stories and the funny things that happened to them, forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, don't worry, it's not that big, it's new, it's only 200 years old, i invite you to...
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tomorrow after the program time.
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volleyball, as you haven't seen it yet? channel one cup. live broadcasts on the weekend on channel one. this city is called the gateway to the north. a special, unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many people come to this city to see the famous polar. in arkhangelsk, friends. the most important thing for a pomor is to make it practical. what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat? the kind of wood that grows, why did they add salt, in principle our region was a salt producer, so they added it everywhere, my grandmother
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added salt to regular coffee, even to instant coffee, she says that it tastes better and is our way, we wash the smelt, crush it with salt a little, chop the onion, and add it there too, we take some bread and dip it, dip it, and how delicious it will be in the marine style, delicious, delicious, friends, very tasty, tasty, life of their premieres. remembered, i met a woman, it happened that,
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that i love her, i have loved her for a long time since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there is lipstick on your collar, for everyone my ideal couple, i do not want to be a thief, you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes, my wife asked me, left in a different way, why don't you go after her? you don't fight, you won't return her, i went out of my way for him, do you at least know how much they cost, you were not asked, properly, only the side, a guy, a nit, a choir, a premiere series, coming soon to the first. on september 25, on the air of the moldovan tv channel tv8
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, maia sandu said that in order to promote european values, it is necessary to refuse cooperation with russia. she is sure that the further moldova takes from russia, the closer the european union will become. russian schools are being closed in moldova, opposition channels broadcasting in russian are being banned, the st. george ribbon is being banned. we insist on the exclusion of these symbols from our society, their place is where. and other symbols of barbarity, destruction and aggression in trash can of history. despite the fact that the majority of the population of moldova is in favor of developing a partnership with russia, the country's leadership continues to see moscow as a threat and arm its army according to nato standards. at the same time, chisinau is actively fighting the soviet past and bans symbols of victory, forgetting that it was the soviet union that created the industrial sector of the republic from scratch. the great october opened the way for the people of moldova to political, economic.
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and although mitsula has already declared moldovans citizens of the eu, membership in the union is necessary deserve. moldova must reform, become more democratic, more liberal, accept the values ​​of the european union. every year we will return to each of the sections. we will say, you promised to do this in 2025, you did. show us the result. this will continue until the moment when we tell the council: "moldova is ready, we will complete the negotiations, send the approval and you will become." the gogauz autonomy spoke out quite loudly against european integration. maia sandu appointed
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a referendum for the presidential elections along with the european integration. it is very important for us that... this referendum takes place as soon as possible, because we are starting negotiations, it is very important for us to resolve this issue, in these elections it will still be possible to vote by mail, where will it be possible to vote from, the usa, canada, several european countries, why is russia not there, where there is a huge diaspora, because it does not meet the criteria, i cannot say for sure, the previous president of moldova igor dadon was a supporter of the non-aligned status of moldova. and the cancellation of the association agreement with the european union. i believe that we have many problems that need to be solved together with russia. this is true, but at the same time i am not a pro-russian, not pro-western, but a pro-moldovan politician, a supporter of our statehood. i believe that the most important thing is to respect the interests of your own country. my pro-russianness is a cliche that my
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political opponents are trying to instill in the consciousness of citizens. why for countries that were in socialist... unfortunately, we have not yet solved this problem, at the same time in the nineties there were politicians in power, who wanted to get rid of everything russian, russian, taking into account that, and about moldova, taking into account that a lot of people
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left the country in the 90s and continue to leave now, very often moldovans were looking for where it would be better. someone thought that europe was european renovation, you know, how we sold apartments in the nineties with european renovation, everyone thought that this was something very great, so in moldova at different stages the population was divided into two parts, one part wanted to be closer to europe, another part wanted to be closer to russia, when the current president came to power in 2020, there were about 68% of supporters of european integration in moldova.
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categorically integration, of course, crimea-donbass rose up there, said, listen, on what terms, and how? if i try to set a different condition, an example in ukraine, then only to be friends with russia, this is western ukraine, like in our center, the center of moldova, in moldova, people are used to traveling to europe without a visa, initially, initially they
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went there because a million received citizenship of romania, having for citizenship. yeah, they honestly say that without russia, the economy will not survive, i communicate with economic agents who are ardent, here from these central ones there are, but they have the largest refrigerators that they supply to russia, that is, they understand everything, therefore from here these 70-75% of the population, saying, categorically we must be friends with russia, not against europe, not for europe against russia and not for russia against europe, whatever you do.
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basically the economy of moldova the last 10-15 years, it was supported by transfers from moldovan citizens, the diaspora who worked abroad, yeah, that's about 3 billion dollars
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every year, what is 3 billion, i'll give you a comparison, the largest volume of foreign investment was in 2008, during our extension, when i was minister, then it was about 800 million dollars, that is, the largest volume of investment was 800, and our citizens who worked abroad, our wine is there in the west, but the competition is high, we are known here, and we have already lost this market, other types of production, well we have practically no industry left,
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what there was some production, re-export to europe, there are dogs for cars and so on, all this is also closing now, so if we talk about the economy, the only chance for moldova to remain competitive from an economic point of view is dialogue and strategic partnership with russia: we need resources, cheap resources, we need a market, no one except the russian federation can give us this, so we will either understand this, the country's leadership will begin to develop this during our existence, we received the status of an observer of the eurozes, we, as the president, submitted an application and we received this status, for us it is important such organizations as brics, sco and so on, or there will be a government that will understand this and...
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comes to power with some slogans immediately, as soon as they achieved power, changes their position by 180, we know the current president of moldova, who 4 years ago... to pass a law to cancel may 9, ban the st. george's ribbon, by the way, now a fine of 500 has arrived, about 500 dollars for the fact that on may 9 this year i walked with the st. george's ribbon to chisinau, what are you saying, yes, we banned the st. george ribbon, although later the constitutional court overturned
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this law at our request, but in any case, here i am... last week i received an invitation for 9 thousand lei, well, that's 500 dollars, a fine for wearing the st. george ribbon, well, what can you expect from former nposhniks, we call them sorosites, yeah, who for most of the last few years, that is, this concerns, this concerns the president, the prime minister, and the financiers and the speaker of parliament, they have been working in non-governmental organizations in recent years organization.
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tropi makes generous donations, but under this guise, through funding the media and numerous ngos, it achieves complete economic and political control. as the soviet union collapsed, i quickly established one foundation after another in the territory of the then soviet empire. the efforts turned out to be more than successful than i expected. george soros can undoubtedly include moldova among the more than successful projects. fonso... has been working in moldova since 1992, since then the number of ngos in our country has increased from 38 to 14 thousand, through individual key ngos, of which there are not many, western funds implement their tasks, placing dedicated people in key positions. what can we talk about if the head of state herself, maia sandu, is a former member of the senate of the soros foundation in moldova in 2009-2010.
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it is clear that they have a clear. how they should govern moldova, it is clear that they 100% do not see their future in our country, i am sure that after they lose power, they will flee the country and will be somewhere in some western financial organizations to work, they have already prepared everything for this, i am very glad that the people of moldova have gradually begun to understand this, to understand, to understand, according to all the polls, 60% of the population wants another president, so they can hold on. the current government can only be able to do so thanks to falsification, mainly in the diaspora, in the elections, i mean the presidential election, because they will not be able to win that way, we are afraid that under some scenarios that are unfavorable to kiev, taking into account the military actions that are happening there, someone will want open a second front, and this is, of course, transnistria, there are several important points here, first, transnistria is part
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of the republic of moldova. that is, to come out publicly and say, ukrainians, let's solve transnistria, because after this, it is clear to maisandu, nothing will happen, both in moldovan politics and anywhere, therefore, and we are following this very closely, maisandu and zelensky say that this will not happen under any circumstances, but against this background, there are exercises with nato, militarization, purchase of weapons, incomprehensible american military aircraft are landing here, we do not know what
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there are our deputies with us.
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that's how i see the situation in donbass there, that's my opinion, i would say that these are your internal political things, therefore, as the president of the other side, i don't want to interfere in this, but if it is possible to decide to agree, it is better to agree, since 1992 between chisinau and transnistria since july 1992, if i'm not mistaken, there has been a ceasefire agreement... we haven't had a sacrificial action since 1992, we have a peacekeeping mission, i say, here we are for 30 years, well, there wasn't one then, but about 30 years, we have not had a shot, we have not had
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a war, we have not had victims, i say, i do not know what your minsk is talking about, i am not in the know, but this is such a situation, it is better than a victim, i tell you. i still believe today that we need to somehow find a common language so that there are no victims, it is high time to say the most important words, you know, in my family in moldova, my family is located, my mother lives there, my father is buried there, my native land is there, my homeland is there, we must do everything possible so that there is peace there, we want our citizens, our relatives were returning home. we have 2 million citizens living in the country, 2 million is the diaspora, almost half of the citizens are outside the country, some are here in russia, others are in europe, so we want them to return home, for this to happen, there needs to be peace, there needs to be
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an economy, there needs to be people who think about moldova, it was the time of igor dadon, time will show who is who and put everything in its place. and how does the wife perceive all this, of course, these are criminal cases, this work, so to speak, on the cutting edge all the time, the hardest thing, of course, was for the family all this time, criminal cases, these visits to the prosecutor's office, house searches, masks of the show, i think that i went through all this, and thanks in many ways to my wife, spouse, who is next to me, who supports me... who, despite everything, was next to me all this time, is still next to me, any leader, any strong leader, he is strong only thanks to a good rear, a trader,
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watch after the program vremya, i saw you on tv. who do we have on tv in our house, even if we fly with you, we don’t know how, we’ll go to kosiopeia, in kosiopeia there are nebulae, a nebula, a bubble and nebulae soul and heart, and you say women don’t have a soul and heart, here you go, everything is there, how sweet, she likes when she’s kissed, i don’t know, but i like when i kiss her, and can you help me? oh my, the best premiere
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is tomorrow on the first day, famous favorite artists have gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and curiosities that happened to them happened, forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, don't worry, it's not that big, it's already new. only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i need to play the queen, i think, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, so the next day in the remains, for all the makeup costume, one of the women brings me such a big velvet circle, she has two such things hanging from the sides, she died. herman, bending over, with a fork in
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his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment and sticks this fork in her ass, she does, and it sounds stop, filmed, ruslanova only rubbing, says, i didn't know that a director works with actors like that, and as zapashny told me, a long time ago in the soviet circus, a tiger grabbed a father, he quietly tells them: and how much, take a stick now and hit him with all his might on the head, and now the tiger. tomorrow after the program time. i've been dragging you around hotels for 6 years. it's not that i don't want to, it's just that getting married is a serious matter. yes, magamaev is young, hot, he's an artist, they're like children. we're colleagues, right? yes. tamara senyavskaya, soloist of the bolshoi theater. when i saw you, i immediately felt that... this is an unusual meeting, such people
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should not be released in principle, if he does not return, he will arrange such a thing for us here, it will not seem like a little, what do you think, do you not have envious people or what, muslim, how can you not understand, when you arrive, you will be imprisoned, everything will be fine, i only want back what will touch your hearts will remain in your memory for as long as possible, by muslim's birthday. magamaeva, the weekend is on the first, but in addition to the role of trubatura, i would also like to try out for the role of a detective and otamanshe, shust, yes.
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volleyball, as you haven't seen it yet? channel one cup, live broadcasts on weekends on channel one. after the war, i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms,
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interested in what was happening there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there , oh my god, how similar he is to my son, you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly, well, major, the hunt has begun, confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book by yulian semenov. good afternoon, the big game is on air. the kiev regime does not stop at trying military invasion of the kursk region is increasingly resorting to terrorism, provocations, and on a very large scale, to strategic terrorism, i would say. today, the russian defense ministry literally less than an hour ago reported that last night the ssu released 12... targets that it
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set for itself when invading the kursk region, and the military situation for the ukrainian armed forces there is becoming more and more difficult. for example, what assessment do western officials give? it was the west that put a criminal junta at the head of ukraine. high-ranking american the official and european intelligence officials said the main aim of the operation was to create strategic dilemmas for putin, particularly over how russia should distribute its forces. however, russia is believed to have hundreds of thousands of troops on the front lines in ukraine, so moving a few thousand is unlikely to have much of an impact in the short term, the officials said. russia has no immediate plans to send its largest , most trained troops from ukraine near kursk. many u.s. and
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western officials familiar with the latest intelligence have warned that ukraine is unlikely to hold the territory for long. some officials have also expressed concern that ukraine , which one western official said has sent some of its most experienced troops to kursk, could create weak spots on the front line that russia could exploit to seize more ukrainian territory. moreover, two leading u.s. the wall street journal and the politician wrote that the kurdish adventure has already greatly worsened the already bad situation of the ukrainian armed forces in the donbass. in addition, there was an attempt at a similar invasion of the ukrainian armed forces in the belgorod region, and as the washington post admits with reference to the ukrainian military, that's where they suffered a catastrophic situation. let's listen to the washington post. the territory was fortified with anti-tank barriers, the dragon's teeth were heavily mined. ukrainian troops almost
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immediately came under intense shelling artillery, drone strikes, air strikes. many servicemen were shell-shocked and seriously wounded, while others were killed. were forced to abandon their positions, the shelling was so intense that the survivors had to take cover in russian trenches for several days until armored vehicles arrived early thursday morning to evacuate them for medical care. that's the situation, alexey petrovich, they were instantly driven out of the belgorod region, they have mounting problems in the kursk region, in the donbass they are in general in bad shape. but the thing is that this adventure, according to their plans, should have really... withdrawn a lot of troops to close the kursk region, because they planned not to stop at sunzha, but to go much further, that is, they would have got a large area that they would have controlled, if they had succeeded, if this breakthrough had succeeded, they would have brought in all these units, pulled up reserves, rear, but
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the scenario did not go according to the plan, as they say, that was agreed upon. at the same time, they were preparing a second strike, this is in the belgorod region, as they always try create several hotbeds of tension at once, but this strike was also stopped, the crimean bridge - this can be said to be the third strike, that is , they also believed that we would probably transfer a larger number of air defense systems there to remove the threat from the use of hymars missiles and a large number of drones that we observed in the first days. let me remind you once again that this scenario was developed by british specialists with the support, most likely , of zaluzhny's group, it is not for nothing that he holds the post
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of ambassador there, and i think that the system also participated artificial intelligence, because according to the actions that the sabotage and reconnaissance group undertakes, if they receive a moment of communication, they change direction abruptly, but that's it, let's say, the line of combat contact there has stabilized, breakthroughs are no longer possible, the methodical destruction of this group is underway, in addition, the best elite units are being destroyed, which were trained by the british, who gave them weapons including challenger 2 tanks, gave them, as they say, all means of communication, moreover, they sent there instructors on the ground, because radio intercepts say that british... speech can be heard there, that is, with a characteristic accent, french polish, that is , instructors were still present there on the ground, that is, we will soon see some kind of necrology of random deaths of some veterans of all wars. well, in reality, nothing worked out for them, the situation is becoming especially difficult for them in donbass, western media write
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that the most combat-ready units of the ukrainian armed forces are indeed being withdrawn from donbass to the kursk region, accordingly, their defense, which is already... the fate of the summer operation is being decided precisely in our donetsk directions, starting from chasyar and ending with the southern donetsk
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direction, today i work more in the southern direction, i saw how our k-52e aviation works, they go in pairs and work out positions in the ugledar area, but in fact, our main successes are now in toretskoye in the pokrovsky direction, well , firstly. forward, moreover, i want to say that now our positions are being consolidated there, then there is a second echelon being introduced to consolidate, so that they have already done it, and
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we have serious successes in the pokrovsky direction, ivanovka has been liberated, battles are being fought in a number of other settlements, which i think that literally today or tomorrow the ministry of defense will say, i will not name them, will say that they have been liberated, because here... at the moment there is a cleansing operation going on in this agglomeration in the area of ​​novogrodovka and grodovka, very serious successes, the enemy, according to our information, is already withdrawing its combat forces orders for these settlements and form a new line of fortification hastily right along the pokrovsk-konstantinovka highway, because they are very seriously concerned that our successes in this direction will allow us to advance to... a reward and actually establish fire control over this highway, i will remind our viewers that this highway is
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strategic, there is a railway there, they used, when they still had artemovts under control chasovyar, they used this agglomeration for the rotation of their units, since there is a railway there road and large railway junctions, now they are very worried about this direction. and ours are holding them there, well, they are holding them very seriously under fire control, and the fact that the enemy says that our forces are being transferred from these directions to the direction you spoke about, but here it is not so, our guys, on the contrary, are doing everything to tie up the enemy's reserves in our agglomeration as much as possible, so that they are not used by the enemy in the belgorod and kursk directions, and as you can see, our fighters are quite successful in... in our
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territory, our brothers, by the way, there will also be interesting information for our viewers, in the area of ​​kremennaya, one of the enemy rotations took place, and you know what happened, the replacement of a male unit with a female unit, in fact , a female company was introduced to replace the men who were seriously battered by our fighters. but this suggests that already look, it begins in germany in forty -fifth year, when female units of old men and hitler-jugent units were closed on, well, let's say, the main strategic directions during defense berlin, i do not underestimate the enemy, yes i do underestimate the enemy, but i believe that in this case the enemy made a strategic mistake, that we will remove capable units and send them to other directions, i myself, let's say, read that he has to patch up the holes, including with women. thank you,
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thank you very much, igor vladimirovich, well, in fact, of course i am amazed at the cruelty of the kiev regime, their inhuman cruelty, but when you talk about women's battalions, i sympathize with the ukrainian nation, yes the ukrainian people, who are simply thrown into furnace, in the interests of both the kiev regime and the united states. thank you very much, take care of yourself, always. our troops retain the operational initiative, if you go from south to north, then on the rabotinsky salient our troops continued to exert pressure north of rabotiny north of verbovoye, on the vremenevsky salient our active actions continued in the urozhayny area to the north and east, in the ugledar direction there are fierce battles in the eastern part of konstantinovka, there is an advance, also there is an advance on the konstantinovka-ugledar highway, our troops have also advanced north of krasnogorovka,
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which means, well, west of avdeevka, yes, our troops. minutes of fighting zagrodovka, novogrodovka, which means, in the new york area our troops continue to occupy the northern part of the city, already up to 90% of new york is under our control, there is also significant advance to the west of new york, in addition, there is advance in zerzhinsk, today bezuglaya announced that already up to the third dzerzhinskoye has either come under the control of russian troops or into the gray zone, podvodochana our troops continued to fight behind the canal in the city and continue attacks to the north. from kalinovka, on the seversky ledge , the battles of the crossing and the cutting are going on without changes, on krasnolyumansky , positional battles are also without changes, in the svatovo-kupian direction our troops have noticeably advanced in the peschanoye area, key heights have come under our control, which promises us an advance in the peschanoye area to the north to the west in the coming days, battles are also going on ustelmakhovka, well, in the kharkov direction , battles continued in the liptsa glubokoe area and volchansk as a whole
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here as if the situation of the family laughs did not suffer, as...
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today on the first, i saw you on tv , who, in our house on tv, although we do not know how to fly with you, we will go to space, in space there are nebulae, bubble nebulae and soul and heart nebulae, and you have no soul and heart women, here you go, everything is there, how sweet, does she like when she is kissed? i don't know, but i like when i kiss her, and you can help me, oh my, better than anyone,
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premiere, tomorrow. on the first. volleyball, as you have not seen it yet? cup channel one, live broadcasts on weekends on channel one. this city is called the gateway to the north. a special, unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated
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by difficult climatic conditions. many people come to this city in order to ... see the famous polar lights, we are in arkhangelsk, friends, the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical, what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat, the kind of wood that grows, why did they add salt, in principle, our region produced salt, so they added it everywhere, my grandma adds it to regular coffee, she even adds it to instant salt, she says it's tastier and our way, we wash the smelt , sprinkle it with a little salt, chop the onion and add it too, let's take some bread. and we soak it, dip it, and how delicious will it be in a nautical style? delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, delicious, life of our own, the premiere is on sunday, on the first in the new season on the first come on, can i ask you, it's time to tie up with this
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choir, he's a soloist, finally, daddy, daddy, hi, natushka, where is it, i remembered... i met a woman, it happened, that, that i her i love you, i've loved you for a long time since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the shower, there's lipstick on your collar, we're the perfect couple for everyone, i don't want to be a thief, you know, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, even she left me for another, why don't you go after her, fight, bring her back?
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there's a big game on the air. the united states, at the official level, is refusing in every way to take responsibility and admit its participation in the preparation for the attempted invasion of the ukrainian armed forces into the kursk region. and this is despite the fact that western media are already writing in full, in particular the bloomberg publication, that the kiev regime coordinated with them, discussed several scenarios of this invasion. mykhailo podalyak, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, also said that... that we did not publicly consult with the united states and the west before this invasion. today the new york times writes that without the participation of the united states this invasion would have been simply impossible. and by the way, the americans
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advised the ukrainians, according to the new york times, to attack precisely unprotected or less protected positions, and not to the east on south, where russia has the strongest defensive positions, but no, the united states has gone into full. nikolai patrushev, an aide to the russian president and recently also the chairman of the russian federation's naval collegium, recently created by vladimir putin, gave a long interview to vedomosti, where it seems to me that he dotted the i's very accurately. let's listen to part of his interview. it was the west that put the criminal junta at the head of ukraine, nato countries pumped kiev with weapons, and constantly supplied military instructors. intelligence data and control the actions of neo-nazis. the operation in the kursk region was also planned with the participation of nato members and western intelligence services. this criminal action, caused by a premonition of the approaching inevitable
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collapse of the neo-nazi kiev regime, the statement by the us leadership about its non-involvement in kiev's crimes in the krusty region does not correspond to reality. without their participation and direct support, kiev would not have risked entering russian territory. washington's efforts have created all the prerequisites for ukraine to lose its sovereignty . parts of their territories, including those that some american allies have long had their eye on. it seems to me that this is a very accurate reflection of the russian position, sergei sergeslavovich, it seems to me that nikolai platonovich, he very gently showed what is really happening. the fact is that today it is no secret to anyone that the united states of america and great britain are directly involved in this terrorism that is unleashed. literally the day before, on the msnbc channel, i watched how an expert stated very clearly announced that you know, many say that we have not achieved our goals, we have not achieved our goals, says an american expert, but he says: ukraine has quite good reserves, and
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if we are only now testing russia to the teeth, then no one guarantees that we will not test them to the teeth tomorrow, that is , by and large, in fact, on a federal channel, their local expert says that we are ready to fight further, he completely ties himself to those terrorist operations that are taking place. great britain, great britain today day becomes the center of decision-making, including terrorist decisions. you know, a long time ago there was such a phrase: whether she is correct now or not, the englishwoman is shitting. yeah. i have a feeling that now the englishwoman has taken up her favorite business. today zaluzhny is in london. he has immunity, he is an ambassador, but at the same time. zaluzhny is absolutely a person who fully works with western intelligence agencies, especially works with mi-6. this is the service that allowed him to get huge stars situation in ukraine. today zaluzhny is the center, which is also a conductor of british interests, in any case we must...
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russia, this company is gaining momentum, and it is gaining momentum in great britain, here is a quote from the british magazine economist. the invasion of the krurs region became an important lesson for ukraine's partners, a good defense sometimes requires an attack. america, great britain and france still prohibit ukraine from using its long-range missiles.
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assistance for strikes on russian territory, some restrictions are quite reasonable, for example, western missiles cannot be used to strike russian nuclear facilities, but the risk of escalation should not be exaggerated, it is a mockery that ukraine is not allowed to strike russian air bases from which military aircraft with guided bombs take off, which destroy ukrainian cities and ukrainian soldiers, a completely provocative statement, of course, but thank you for at least admitting that...
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escalation is actually feared by escalation, but because they believe that it is better to strike with missiles by the way, today the kiev regime has really made a similar attempt in crimea, but this is the united states, this is what great britain thinks, which means that its position is reflected by the british times. behind closed doors, the minister is trying to convince the allies to allow ukraine to strike at russian territory with stormshadow cruise missiles. until now , partner countries have not been eager to allow ukraine to use weapons.
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regarding mobilization, they complain there that there are few volunteers in ukraine, but they say that this is from the first world war, noticed that after a year of military action , there are somehow fewer volunteers, and it is not specified whether they mean mercenaries or inside, but apparently this is an admission that there is not enough physical strength, they give recommendations on how to use the internet, with the help of mobile applications, in general, how to find those who do not want to fight, but to force them. this all suggests that
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there is not enough physical strength, in the same great britain they understand this, in america they also understand this, they want to resort to modern high... the united states often throws in as if yes in as a test, as a sample, yes , as a consumable of its european allies, but still throughout the conflict, this difference was maintained between the less irresponsible approach of the united states and the much more irresponsible approach of its european satellites, primarily great britain, yes, but at the same time, of course, russia needs to understand that in the event of a conflict, strikes will be
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inflicted not only on europeans, on our side, i mean, without a limited nuclear war in europe there will be no, if it it will begin, it will acquire a strategic global. and the united states will not be safe either, well, regarding great britain, i will note the last thing, these conversations about striking stormshadow at strategic depth in russia are already being conducted by the new labor government, and its position is thus no better than that of the conservatives, and this once again shows how limited any prospects for russian-british relations are, at least in the foreseeable future... united states they don’t want to strike deep into russian territory with their attacks yet, as sabrina sinka says, they remember the risks of escalation, they are afraid of it, but nevertheless , the united states wants, and
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apparently is ready to throw, some kind of bone in the context of the kurdish operation, a provocation, to the kiev regime, and we are talking, as the publication of politics writes, about an air-launched cruise missile with a flight range of about 400 kilometers, which, accordingly, they want to add to the f-16 fighters that are already being transferred to ukraine, which means that we are not talking about strike deep into russia, and so to speak, in the theater of military operations, let's listen to a politician: the biden administration, against the backdrop of ukraine trying to gain momentum in the fight against russia, is open to sending long-range cruise missiles, which will increase the combat power of kiev's f-16s, and the white house's willingness to provide... ukraine received the jasm missile at a time when kiev's operation on russian territory has been going on for the second week. jasm will allow ukraine to reach a remote target, since the f-16s transferred this summer european countries, apparently , will not fly close to the russian borders and for fear of being shot down. in the us, their allies
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have already committed to supplying ukraine with various air-to-air, air-to-ground munitions for the f16, but the supply of jazm gives kiev the most powerful and longest-range weapon in the arsenal of its air force. well, officially, the pentagon says that the decision has not yet been made, that this is all being discussed, but we understand that if a political publication writes about this, then perhaps these jasams are already prepared in poland, so say, and are waiting to be transferred across the border, or maybe already in ukraine, or maybe even in romania, or maybe in romania, alexey petrovich, here is your, your assessment of the factor of these jasl missiles, when we discussed the supply of f16 to ukraine, we said that definitely. it will come with long-range weapons, we mentioned both stormshadow and scalps, i said that there will be tauruses and jasmas, and not by chance jasmas, because one f16 carries, can carry up to two such cruise missiles, they exist in two modifications, the one that hits at 400 km, and the one that hits at 960 km,
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jasmeer, is called, it was first tested by the americans in 2018, when they struck damascus. that is, not all air defense systems can detect it , only modern systems can hit it, their use is due to the fact that our line of combat contact is so saturated with scattered reconnaissance stations that what they initially stated that somewhere 40 km from the lbs they would use the weapons that they went, as if not with a full arsenal, they immediately realized that such it is impossible to be, therefore. it was actually a foregone conclusion, it also strengthens the conviction that tauruses will appear, this is the recent announcement by the pentagon that a contract was concluded with germany for the supply of 500 land-based tomahawk missiles, that is, in germany they offered
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to exchange the remaining tauruses for land-based tomahawks, that is, we will also see tauruses, which will also allegedly fly at military facilities, but we all always know that when they announce a military facility, does it mean... that is, the west is somewhere trying to publicly to pretend to be a democratic warrior who does something according to the rules, there are no rules, the fact is that the escalation is increasing, the escalation is increasing so much that the probability of a strike, if a jasmier appears, and we will not distinguish it very much on radar, which is the first, yes, and it can fly to the capital of our homeland, then the question arises, what kind of response do we need to prepare, in principle it is being prepared. yes, these are changes in our nuclear policy, and i think that there will be such changes that
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will provide for exceptional cases, including a preventive strike on such objects where these f-16s will be located and the weapons that will directly threaten in the depths, in the depths of our territory, the darkness is playing a dangerous game, that the americans are under pressure, it is necessary to understand that the british completely control the ukrainian lobby in america. escalation with iran, yes, it is worth thinking again and even more seriously, in order to avoid escalation with russia. now a small advertisement, then we will continue. do you really not understand that
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here is going on? let me remind you, we produced dual-use substances, and apparently iraq decided to use them this time not to produce medicine, but to produce some kind of biological weapon. are you sure? i expect the first results in a week. we will do everything in our power. you are a us citizen. no. i have violated certain rules. watch after the program time. so, we have decided to resume operation mayak and bring the matter to an end. veda vodka is a product stellor group. i saw you on tv. who do we have on tv in our house, even though
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we can't fly with you, we'll go to kosiapeya, in kosiape there are nebulae, a bubble nebula and soul and heart nebulae, and you say women don't have a soul and heart, here you go, everything is there, how sweet, she likes it when she 's kissed, i don't know, but i like it when i kiss her. and can you help me, oh my, better than anyone, the premiere is tomorrow on the first, famous favorite artists have gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and funny things that happened, forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase,
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don't worry, it's not that big, it's new, it 's only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i need to play the queen, i think, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come , so the next day in the remains of all the makeup costume, one of the women brings me such a big velvet circle, it has two such things hanging from the sides, how was that scream produced? herman, bending over, with a fork in his hands, approaches nina ruslanova, in the very at this moment he sticks this fork in her ass, she does it and it sounds: stop, cut, ruslanova only rubbing, says, i didn't know that directors work with actors like that, and how much did zapashny tell me? a long time ago the soviet circus tiger grabbed his father, he quietly tells them:
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skolt, take a stick now, and with all his strength on the head, and now the tiger, tomorrow after the program time, i met you on putin, when i saw you, i immediately felt that this ... on the first, rumors about this crime are already circulating in the city, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi, shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive,
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although it was easy enough to pick up, you are worthy. of great honor of moles, honor and trust of the reich, remember this, after the war i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms, interested in what was happening there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there, you don't have a photo of kolya, strange, where are they, they were here, lord, how similar you are to my son, you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly. well, major, the hunt has begun, the confrontation of the prime minister according to the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the big game is on air. the united
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states, the american deep state have once again shown their true face and true attitude to freedom. and human rights. this week, the fbi, the american federal bureau of investigation, conducted searches in the house of my colleague, a man you all know very well, dmitry simes, the host of the big game, and a man who lived in the united states for 50 years, made a very impressive career there, was an associate former president richard nixon, organized with him a center for... national interests and published a highly respected magazine, national interest, so they conducted searches in his house, even though dmitry sayems himself had not been in the united states since october of 1922, that is, he had not conducted any activity on the territory of the united states recently. moreover, at the same time as the search
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, they froze his main accounts, from which he actually paid for the property that he still has. in the united states, and also more interesting, at the same time as this search , a group of comrades, presumably ukrainians, settled nearby, and according to the residents of this town in the state of virginia, where simes lived and where she has a house, these are not locals, no one knows them, who came and for some reason were present at a similar search next to him, despite the fact that there were no lawyers. dmitry, no friends, no relatives, no witnesses at - they were not allowed to this search, but a group, presumably ukrainian comrades , settled nearby, arrived together with the fbi, that is, it turns out that they knew about this search and acted together, and the first news that leaked about this search appeared in a ukrainian newspaper, which
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immediately raises several questions, sergey sergeyevich, well, first of all, on what basis did he conduct... the fbi searched, why weren't any of simes' representatives even allowed, yes, including lawyers, to be present at this, what role can ukraine play in all this, considering that everyone knows perfectly well that dmitry simes is not in the united states? states, not in virginia, in moscow, and the fbi could not have not known about this, is it just a campaign of intimidation, it seems to me, as... such an example is scott ritter, a man who also gave a lot of his energy and time to the united states of america, overnight became a criminal for many citizens of the united states of america, he is shown as such, and for what, for the fact that a person tells the truth, says what can be said, he does not break the law, our colleague, dmitry sayems, he does not break the law, he
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is not today the person to whom any charges have been brought, absolutely. the federal bureau of investigation has a very good function called operational necessity. what is operational necessity? this is when a certain group of people is found in a fabricated case. who are ready to confirm this fabricated information, as a rule, this is very convenient, people who have been cooperating with the fbi for a long time, in this case of ours they were exposed, these are ukrainians, you can imagine
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the cynicism, to take those witnesses whom you have already bought, paid for and bring them actually to the crime scene that the fbi is doing, because what they did is a federal crime, and it is a very strong blow to america and democracy, well, you are absolutely right, sergey sergeyevich, you made an analogy. the only difference is that scott ritter lives in the united states, dmitry sime now lives in moscow, but they are both trying to shut their mouths, yes, and i repeat once again that from my point of view, this is a campaign of intimidation, they know perfectly well that samс is in moscow, but at the same time he still has property in america, that's it by carrying out such raids, and also demonstrations of unknown people, it means that at his house they are simply. sending him a signal not to come, and it seems to me that they are sending him a signal not to come, not only because they want, well , let's say, so that he tells less of the truth,
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what he does on the air of the first channel, but all this is being done on the eve of the presidential elections in the united states, and we know that dimitri simes in the past figured in that investigation, which was conducted by special prosecutor mueller regarding the alleged interference of russia in...
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which provides objective information on the conflict in ukraine, and andrew napolitan, he is also under pressure, and the pressure is coming from the current
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democratic administration, so this is undoubtedly connected with the pre-election situation. dimitri simes is known not only in russia and the united states, he is an internationally recognized expert, political scientist, with very broad, deep connections and knowledge. you are trying to create such white noise, through which they want to create an idea of ​​some kind of connections between the republican party and moscow, and here they strike also to create this informational impression, but otherwise i also remember the famous american writer hemingway, for a long time his friends believed that he simply had a persecution mania, because it seemed to him that... the fbi was constantly watching him because of his leftist beliefs, but after the tragedy that happened in hemingway and to which he was driven, including by the american authorities,
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it turned out that the fbi was conducting daily surveillance of him only because of his beliefs, then there was a cold war, now we have a hot phase, yes absolutely, now it's even worse than the cold war, and if there were any decencies then, now they simply don't exist, and we see this, for example, in the example of dmitry simes.
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famous favorite artists have gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and curiosities that happened to them, forgive me, i did it by accident. i knocked down this new vase, do n't worry, it's not that big, it's new, it's only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i think i need to play the queen, but it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i'm coming, so, the next day in the remains of all the makeup costume, one of the women brings me such a big velvet circle, she has two things hanging from the sides, and let me be an ordinary uterus,
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ovaries, she died, how was this cry produced? herman, bending over, with a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment in her ass so sticks this fork, she does, and it sounds: stop, cut, ruslanova only rubbing, says, i didn't know that directors work with actors like that, and how much zapashny told me, a long time ago soviet circus, the tiger grabbed the father, he is quiet... he tells them: skolt, take a stick now and hit him on the head with all your might, and now the tiger, tomorrow after the program is time, i've been dragging you around hotels for 6 years, it's not that i don't want to, it's just a serious matter to marry, yes, magamaev is young, hot-blooded, he is an artist, they are like children,
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to colleagues, right? yes, tamara senyavskaya, soloist of the bolshoi theater. when i saw you, i immediately felt that this was an unusual meeting. such people cannot be released in principle. if he does not return, he will arrange such a thing for us, it will not seem like a little. what do you think, are there no envious people among you? muslim, don't you understand that when you arrive, you 'll be put in jail, everything will be fine. you never. this city is called the gateway to the north, a special unique way of life has been preserved here, which is dictated by difficult climatic
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conditions, many people come to... the city in order to see the famous polar lights, we are in arkhangelsk, friends, the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical, what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat, the kind of wood that grows, why did they add salt, in principle, we have the region was a salt producer, that's why they added it everywhere, my grandmother adds it to regular coffee, even to soluble salt, she says that it tastes better and is our way, we wash the smelt, sprinkle it with a little salt, chop the onion and add it too. we dip some bread, dip it, and how delicious it will be in the marine style, delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, the life of our own, the premiere is on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, come on, come on, come on, come on, well, ah, can i ask you, it's hot, of course, it's time
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to tie it up. with this choir, he is a soloist, finally, daddy, daddy, hi, little baby, what took you so long, what did you come here for, to the kids, i remembered, i met a woman, it happened, that i love her, i've loved her for a long time, since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there's lipstick on your collar, for everyone we... are an ideal couple, i don't want to be a thief, you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes, my wife asked me, left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, won't you bring her back, i 'll do my utmost for him, do you even know how much they cost, you weren't asked, properly, choir.
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premiere of a multi-part film. coming soon on channel one. the big game is on air. today in doha , the capital of qatar , the negotiations that began yesterday on a ceasefire in the gaza strip and the release of hostages continued. true, these negotiations are taking place without the participation of the hamas delegation ; israelis, egyptians, and the americans are participating in them. and yet, these negotiations are being considered not only in the context of gaza itself, but in a broader context. in the middle east, because many say that if the united states is talking about this, by the way, this was also said president biden personally, that if a ceasefire can be achieved, then iran, in their opinion, may not respond, may not strike israel
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in retaliation for the murder of ismail haniyeh, the former head of the hamas political council in tehran, and so to speak, it will be possible to prevent escalation, and they say that iran will be able to present a ceasefire in gaza as... its own victory and thus get out of the situation, saving face and even positioning itself as a winner, but today , once again, israel, so to speak, showed whether it is interested in peace in gaza, in in a broader context, because the official representative of israel today said that a full-scale war between israel and iran is inevitable, yours. netanyahu wants escalation and, unfortunately, sooner or later he will achieve even more escalation, but it is already ongoing. the negotiations in kator are now being extended, they will continue tomorrow,
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the negotiators, of course, are sending positive signals, saying that there is something to agree on, but even if we imagine that they will agree, there will still be a breakdown. as they say in this region. it is beneficial for iran to acquire nuclear weapons, but there were agreements in 2015, in which everyone participated, everyone participated, there was a control system, it
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worked, all this was to prevent iran from acquiring an atomic bomb, what netanyahu did, he persuaded trump to withdraw from this agreement, and there are many such examples that say that, as stephen wald writes myopia. short-sightedness has struck israel under the leadership of benjamin netanyahu and this will lead the region to catastrophic consequences. the united states does not want either escalation, and by the way, one common interest that has suddenly arisen between the us and iran is that neither of them wants a direct war, a big war, in the current situation. netanyahu really wants a war. so, the united states, they are trying to convince israel of what is necessary. according to high-ranking us
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officials, israel has achieved everything it could in gaza thanks to the actions of the military, and the ongoing bombing only increases the risks for the civilian population, while the likelihood of further weakening hamas has diminished, despite the fact that...
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2-3 months of intense fighting in the central and southern parts of the gaza strip, after which israel can move on to conducting raids and strikes based on intelligence in order to destroy it within a year.
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it will end, if you remember, after october 7 they said that this is a matter of weeks, months at most, but soon it will be a year, the goals have not been achieved, the struggle continues, they say, let's have another army, even more shells, bombs, we will do it, that is, we will erase everything, all this will not stop, and the hegemon is now is in the position that it wants to get rid of those conflicts that did not take place in order to focus on the asia-pacific region, because its economic killer, the chinese economy, is growing there, so threatening that the us cannot cope, and they are drawing it into the conflict
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, trying to expand it, so when the americans say: we do not want escalation, they do not want to continue it right now, they want to postpone it for some time longer, but a pause in this conflict puts israel and those who lead it at risk, because they got involved in a war, they have to achieve the victory that they set, but it is unattainable if there is no help, this is the kind of tangled mess that turns out, so israel is doing everything it can to make this war a full-scale war, then the us is bringing its troops and there may be more allies, but the us is not ready for such a full-scale conflict, so they are trying to drag out time, but israel is in a hurry, israel is in a hurry because the countries of the arab middle east are uniting, their response may not be very pleasant for those who started this adventure, well, this statement by yakov amedror, it seems to me, shows the true attitude of israel to the negotiations that are taking place.
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it seems to me that israel is acting in approximately the same way now, it understands that victory in gaza is unattainable, it is trying to compensate for this with even greater wars, at least talk about even greater wars, with an attempt to draw the united states into these wars, yes, when israel... says that a full-scale war with iran is inevitable, we must
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understand that israel is inevitably counting on to involve the united states in this war, but the united states itself does not want this, yes, this is a very interesting situation, a very dangerous situation is developing in the middle east, whether the united states will be able to get out of this situation on the eve of the presidential elections, given the pressure that the republicans are exerting, it is impossible to say yet. and we will hand over the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00, don't miss it, hello, news time on channel one, we will tell you about the most important events right now, people in a fire trap, women... chat are hysterical because it's their day.


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