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tv   Treider  1TV  August 16, 2024 9:45pm-11:46pm MSK

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first sew it, yes, yes, that's right, the audiovisual show was created with the support of the presidential grants fund, it will be shown every evening until september, this is one of many gifts for the millennium of suzdal, guests who came from all over russia congratulate the ancient city, goodness, development, preservation of traditions, yes, of course, our city is called a fairytale city, i agree with this, yes, i live in a fairytale, i am a happy person, lyubov filipova andrey podgorno. that's all, watch the time, stay up to date , now on the air of channel one continuation of the movie trader, we watch two episodes at once, old barrel cognac, a product of stellor group. burbon
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storsman - a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey - a product of stellar group. gin сnop. a product of stellar group. cognac, montechoc. a product of steller group. rom kastro. a product of steller group. vodca pechora. a product of stellar group. there are nothing i can do nothing, i can say that folks don't criticize me, but i'm... i
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want to do just as i want to do anyway, i don't care, just what people say, if i should take notice to jump into the ocean, nobody's beast, if i go to church.
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ma'am, snow leopard on secure line. transfer to second. come on, paul, i'm all ears. i have the frame. okay. i'm ready, but i don't understand how to open the capsules, no need, hello, i didn't hear, no need to open anything, and how will i leave traces, just put the capsules on the object, that's all, but you can always identify the manufacturer by the capsule, not always, only if, what are you planning to bomb? you
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can't do that, even if there is a small dose, but it is a chemical attack, there is a residential area, there are children, tomorrow night, everything must be done. thank you, that's better, i wouldn't say, this agent, when he ran away, dropped his pager, did you read the message, there's only one, some numbers, to a bank account or a phone number, it's not... already, yes,
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it's not a bank account, i'd like to understand what it is, maybe some kind of code, and how many are there? 16, say them again, 333 5 3 2 4, wait, let's do it in pairs, 33, 35, 32, 47, the ninth, tenth digit, 4, 4, 33 444. i need to call irina vladimirovna, hello, hello, irina vladimirovna, hello, yes, hi, so
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what did you find here? these are the coordinates of some place in baghdad, where in baghdad, it was definitely half an hour. are you sure, i couldn't be mistaken, and for some reason he took a photo from oleg's room, what photo, oleg, next to him, give him the phone, yes, hello, oleg, hi, can you hear me, yes, i can hear you now, well, what's that, what kind of photo, yes, an ordinary photo, veronica and i took photos in frames about two years ago, okay, what kind of frame was it? flat? yes , an ordinary frame, not flat, three-dimensional, rather. do you think you could hide something in it? hide what? if i understand correctly, you were used as a carrier for capsules with a prohibited substance. in a
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word, you need to report this urgently. oleg, hello, oleg?
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hello, hello, oleg, do you remember the photo that... you gave me, yes, why did you ask me to take it with me to baghdad, well, i just wanted you to remember me more often, that's the only reason, did you know what was hidden in it, did you know? yes, oleg, i, i know that you will consider me a traitor. no, this is not betrayal, this is a crime. olek, forgive me,
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please, i did not mean to. you are playing a very dangerous game, too dangerous.
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and where is the nutcracker, you ask, this magic toy disappeared, and i never saw it again. yes, can you really sleep peacefully, there are thousands of civilians there. did you complete the task? so what? now you'll drink coffee, and give the order to bomb a residential area? this is not a residential area, but a military facility. did you also enroll women and children in saddam's army? stop being hysterical. i ask again, you were at the facility, the deed is done, yes you were, but not alone, that at night
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the military arrived and took away all the weapons, which they took away quite quickly, although i didn't wait for them to leave, we didn't foresee that. do you have the capsule? yes. good. i'll give you the new coordinates soon. that's unlikely. what do you mean unlikely? after our conversation, i'll turn off my phone and stop following your orders. are you out of your mind? i came to the office to protect civilians, not kill them. what are you talking about? do you really think you can just up and leave? it's not easy.
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american lab. it's better for everyone, if it's not about them, it's not about me, no one will hear anything else. agent chesler, i'm giving you one last chance to take it back. it's stressful. agent chesler. chesler. paul. i got a report this morning that two
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blocks from the facility you mentioned, an unknown person attacked a patrolman, it looks like there really was... something going on, will the patrolman be able to identify this person? our intelligence has a photo of the agent who carried out the operation, if the patrolman identifies him, then send me the photo, okay, i don't think they'll leave us alone, bye, so far? you have proven yourself to be a loyal friend.
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i have one request. professor hamid al-basri and his wife were arrested over a month ago. and since then their daughter has been unable to get a meeting with them. i don't know what they are accused of, but i beg you to give an order so that they are at least allowed to see each other. first, you told me about the operation, the details of which you yourself do not know. now you are asking for those with whom you have never met, you always act blindly, why check the information if you trust the source, it is immediately obvious that you do not work in secret services, you like amal, i just
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want to help her as a friend. thank you, everything is fine. how is your son? does he like studying in pennsylvania? of course, the whole family is very proud of him. glad to hear. by the way, who transferred our agent across the iraqi border. khaled salam. yes, you should
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contact him and give him a new assignment on the same object. get him out of iraq? get him out of the game, do you understand me? i'm not used to the word but, excuse me, i just wanted to say that the bedouins do not take on such things, so you and i will have to, this is a question international security. he has a very dangerous cargo with him, is that clear? yeah, great, i want... you were proud of your son, and i was proud of you.
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sit here for now, you'll be on a date soon, open the door.
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salма, salма al-basri, salma al-basri, salma al-basri, out.
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mom, mom, mommy, how are you, don't worry, i'm fine, have you seen dad, you've lost a lot of weight, you're receiving our packages, we
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're well fed, we don't need any parcels, what are you accused of, only personal matters are allowed, tell me about zeinab, how is she doing in school? okay, she's fine, don't worry. here, she asked me to tell you. how is abdulaziz? he was the one who arranged for the visit to be allowed. he doesn't
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have any problems at work because of us, he's doing great, the visit is over. you'll be released soon, you have to leave, this is some kind of mistake, go, go.
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there was a dirty whore somewhere, you're disgracing the wrong thing.
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he doesn't give a damn about our laws, people like him don't fear anyone, which means they don't respect anyone, it's better not to be afraid and not to respect, than not to respect, but to be afraid. what's wrong with you? nothing. if you want, i'll stay,
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forever. have you ever been to neagar? i have a business trip to washington in a week, we can go together, and then take a car and go north, it's very beautiful there, i know a hotel there. what's going on? do you think that a mistress should always smile? and a bad mood is the privilege of a legal wife. i like this conversation, i
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offer you a romantic vacation, show you the neagar waterfall, and you reproach me for being married, although you knew about it from the very beginning, forgive me, forgive me, just let me be jealous sometimes, just a little bit.
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we are colleagues, right? yes, tamara senyavskaya, soloist of the bolshoi theater. when i saw you, i immediately felt that this was an unusual meeting. on the first, but in addition to the role of the trumpeter, i would also like to try out for the role of a detective and atamansha, you're kidding, right.
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volleyball, as you haven't seen it yet? the channel one cup, live broadcasts on weekends on the first, in the new season on the first. there are already rumors about this crime in the city, wherever you go, they say, women are lured into taxi shoot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was
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easy enough to pick up, you have been awarded a great honor, moles, honor and trust, remember this, after the war i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms. i was interested in what happened there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there , you don't have a photo of kolya, strange, where are they, were they here, oh my god, how similar he is to my son, you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly. well, major, hunting began, confrontation, premiere of the legendary book by julian.
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how good that you came, this is a girl, thank you, justin is home, i need to talk to him, no, this week he is late every. "i need to ask you a couple of questions, this is the russian you hired, are you sure that she can be trusted, what do you mean, you know that in moscow he had
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a boyfriend, oleg nesterov, yes, some trader, quite suspicious, namely, he recently came to the un to coordinate the supply of medicines to iraq." there is truth humanitarian disaster. well, the goal is very noble. perhaps you will be more interested to know that he spent the night in the apartment you pay the rent for, out of habit. you haven't forgotten why you hired her, have you? i need information about this nesterov. he has become an important figure in baghdad. what makes you think she will tell me anything? perhaps this nesterov means much more to her, since when have you underestimated yourself, i don't think so, she wants to get a foothold in america, but she is russian, and therefore ideological, you must convince
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her, that we are on the side of good, and how do you think i will do it, you are better than me at selling what you need, and you need a democratic and peaceful iran. dad, mom says that dinner is ready, yes, honey, we will be there soon, okay, try not to upset. from the warehouse, well, i think that somehow in america
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i found out what it means in america, your irina, for example, was also in america, came and reported some kind of nonsense to me, well, that means she deceived not only me, that is, but i think she has some secrets with this cerushnik. yes, hello, arin, arin, paul, yes, yes, can you hear me, is it true, you? yes, it's me. where are you calling from? it doesn't matter. listen to me
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very carefully. i don't want any more lies between us. and we both know who we are. i left the agency. to live the life i never had. i just wanted to know, damn it, i just can't say things like that, maybe you'll want to, want to live this life with me, you know i can't, are you crazy? it's impossible, no, no, no, it's not like that for me, can you tell me
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explain what happened, you know, we, we were taught to follow orders and not ask unnecessary questions, for 20 years i have never had any doubts that i was doing the right thing. and now i have no doubts about my decision either. is it because of the operation in baghdad? what are they planning? it doesn't matter now, listen. it's very important, these are people's lives. you know, for me. for me, you are the first woman i really wanted to be with.
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give me at least one chance. goodbye, arin.
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wait, paul.
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good morning, this is amal. you asked for it tariq aziz allow me to visit my parents. how can i thank you? it's not worth it. but you can do me a favor in return. yes, of course, with pleasure. show me the place where the best coffee in baghdad is made. so why were your parents arrested? no one knows, but they are accused of something? we were not allowed to talk about it. we can only hope that they will be released soon.
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the possibility is raised, i will definitely, please, no need to promise anything, better tell me about your family, i have no children, no wife, i am absolutely free. well, here we are, thank you for seeing me off, thank you, i was very pleased, now i know where you live, goodbye, for
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i saw you on tv, who do we have? doña on tv, even though we can't fly together, we 'll go to the apeyu spit, in the a spit there are nebulae, the bubble nebula and the soul and heart nebulae, and you say women don't have a soul and heart, here you go, everything is there, how sweet, she likes it when you kiss her, i don't know, but i like it when i kiss her. and you can help me, oh my, better than anyone, premiere, tomorrow on the first,
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famous favorite artists have gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and curiosities that happened to them, you forgive me. i accidentally broke this new vase, don't worry, it's not like that, it's already new, it's only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, i need to play the queen, i think, well, it will be some piece dedicated to honey, i come, so, the next day in the remains of all the makeup costume, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle, it has two hanging from the sides things, and an empty ordinary uterus. these are extraneous, she died, as this cry was produced, german, bending over with a fork in his hands, ... comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment in her ass so he sticks this fork in her she does and sounds stop removed ruslanova only
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rubbing says i didn't know that the director works with actors like that and how many zapashins told me a long time ago a soviet circus a tiger grabbed his father he quietly tells them skolt take a stick now and with all his might on the head and now the tiger. tomorrow after the program time. this city is called the gateway to the north. it has preserved a special, unique way of life, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many come to this city to see the famous polar lights. we are in arkhangelsk, friends. the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical. what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat? the kind of wood that grows. and why did they add salt? in principle, we did it because he made salt, that's why they added it everywhere, my grandmother added it to regular coffee, even adds salt to the soluble salt, says that it tastes better, yes, in our way,
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we wash the smelt, crush it with a little salt, chop the onion, and add it there too, let's take some bread, and dip it, dip it, and how delicious it will be in the moskva way, delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, delicious, the life of our own, the premiere is on sunday on the first, such a strange feeling, as if we are here without permission, does this really bother you? and why shouldn't this bother me? i think that this is not the first house where you go without the owners knowing. who do you think i am? you know, when we met, you were studying at the kgb higher school. you were a straight -a student, it wasn't that long ago, 4 years
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ago, i haven't forgotten anything, i haven't forgotten anything either, stop pretending like you don't care about me at all, i can see that... it 's not like that.
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it's not working, give me your id, please, i'm sorry, i can't let you in. what do you mean you can't, i work here, today is gone.
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i'm where the last coordinates were received, no sign of the object.
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did any of you see where it went american? who are you? i am his friend, i must find him, he needs my help. are you late? at dawn he left with a caravan towards turkey. you won't be able to catch up with them in this car? how much will you give me this camel for? let's stop, set up camp, spend the night here.
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حيك بابا حيك الف رحمه الضيك هذول العذبوني وهذول المرمروني وعلى جسر المسيم مسيبوني وعلى جسر المسيب سيبوني
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الف رحمه لضيك هذول العذبوني
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omar, what are you doing? you can't appropriate american property. you don't know. their plan, it's none of my business. sorry, friend,
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mission accomplished, and the capsule. he was a good agent, one of the best, come here quickly, he's wounded, give me bandages,
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and... quickly bandages, did you disclose classified information to any us citizen, no, honest answer, did you withhold any information from your superiors? no, honest answer, did you have contact with any cia employee, yes, honest answer, did you
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have informal relations with any cro employee, he's no longer an employee, answer yes or no? yes, here you go, your cookie. thank you. a where is the sugar? tomorrow un inspectors will come to your lab, i don't know exactly when, let them come, we have nothing to hide, are you sure,
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don't you understand, don't you understand, with what we have, we ca n't develop anything more serious than a vaccine against salmonellosis for chickens. it's important to convince the inspectors that you're not even trying to develop anything, okay, i'll call malik, where's mom, she'll be back soon, and what do you have here, i'm really hungry? which is better, this one or that one, this one, how delicious!
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yes, of course, to protect our clingers from infection. naturally. mommy! why doesn't dad ever come to visit us? he's not happy with me. what are you
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saying, he just has a lot of work. your father is a weak man, but he loves you, in his own way. why doesn't he ever call me? because he left us, but why did he do that then? he's afraid, everyone is afraid now.
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hello, hello, this is oleg. sorry, but i don't have your phone number. did something happen? no. i just wanted to see how you were doing. everything is fine. please, please, come in. let's meet.
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everything is clear upstairs, check the yard too.
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i need to tell you. oh, great, hi, what's sour, put it down! i'm late, i can't do anything, come on, sit down, relax, listen, our bureaucracy is nothing compared to what's going on in international organizations, there are no drugs in iraqi pharmacies, this is madness, oleg, you did everything you could, even more, we just need
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to wait, you know, by the way, amer rashid said that he wants to triple your volumes, that's what you need to be taken out for, did you find it? a good office, i heard tatyana found it, by the way, she really appreciates it helps, i suggest the first party for her, this is all wrong, what is wrong, all this is wrong, why, if you want to be with me, then should it be your husband, where will i go, to your hotel room, i wonder what your boss will say, or no, will you quit? we will go to moscow together, right? you know, almost all principled romantics live the way that is most convenient for them, this is not bad, then this is not love, why not love? love can be different, right? yeah, and
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what kind of love do we have? stop analyzing everything all the time, you are not at work now.
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two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday, on the first.
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you and the boys should leave, why leave, quietly, listen, i'm almost sure that something dangerous is being developed in the lab, that inspectors were in the lab today.
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can you imagine how many people could die? will they kill you? they won't have time. i'm sure that they will help me go abroad. but before i say anything, you and the children should leave for lebanon. you have money for the first time. for the first time in 7 years. you found a decent job. "you know, your veronica can become a real
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journalist, she's not mine, veronica, yes, i met with senator johnston the other day, the number of refugees from the middle east is growing exponentially, maybe we should study this topic in a corporate way." these are creatures that look like dragons, the symbol of the morduk, you see, it has the body of a snake, you
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are not interested at all, no, i am, but i can't remember everything right away, tell me promare, yes, maybe you can tell me about marduk over lunch? did i say something wrong? no, it's just not customary here. why did you agree with me? meet? after all you 've done for me, how can i refuse? so this is all out of gratitude? no, no.
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i'm worried, don't worry, i'm fine, we'll be together again soon.
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this is the site from the lab, i'm ready to meet you. why isn't he coming? almost an hour has passed. i
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don't know, can't find us? hardly? he suggested this place himself. maybe he was scared. he spoke quite confidently. open the gate, no, then call someone, what? good morning, i have orders
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not to let anyone in, we are representatives of the vector company and came for the delivery documents.
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idiot! there's something strange going on there, i don't like all this, as if they're hiding something, but mirak always hides everything, there's nothing to hide, here are your documents, everything's in order,
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thank you, well that's great, everything's sealed, we can go, but unloading has just begun. so you're lucky, you won't have to wait, let's go, sing, come on, pam-pam-pam. listen, we have to track where they'll take our containers, according to the documents that we've just signed, these containers are no longer ours, so relax, everything is fine, i have a bad feeling, tell me, aren't you tired of baghdad yet, it's fine, you don't miss home, you probably have a girlfriend there,
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or you're married, i'm not married, wait, how old are you, 27, you're still young, like my tanya, and i can't do this, i need a woman by my side, well, you know, stop the car, i need it, right now. da yo canto mi canción te prometen.
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damn, the tire is flat, there's a spare tire, i'll take a look now, damn, no spare tire, no jack, what,
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then we'll have to wait for a ride, yeah, fuck us we'll wait for everything here. about the research of pathogenic microorganisms, using the city as an example. what is the infectious dose there ? for highly virulent strains, several hundred cells. i'll take it with me, i want to study everything carefully. doctor taka, excuse me, do you know why said doesn't come to work anymore? said, he quit. he didn't tell you.
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car, stop, stop, stop, stop! petya, well, maybe you'll come out and help, because you'll be sitting like this,
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stop, tobakov, stop. please give me a ride to the nearest village, excuse me, what should we do, i'm an employee of the russian embassy, ​​excuse me, help me out, please, excuse me, but please, help me, excuse me, please help me.
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"hello, hi, yes, come in,
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welcome, final documents for your delivery, i thought i brought them yesterday, what happened, i think i'll explain everything to you myself, please explain, igor, i'll explain everything." well, as i understand it, yesterday i had a lot of time to think it over, pyotr decided to play spy a little. the only thing i don't understand is why i couldn't be brought up to speed, because you wouldn't have supported me. of course not, we don't have any the right to interfere in the internal affairs of iraqis. so you know, the substances were taken to a poultry farm, where? well, apparently, the iraqi government cares more about the health of chickens than about the health of its own citizens, and of course.
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i don't know, then ask your own people, you are intelligence officers, you should know, my boss has completely different priorities now, if only irina vladimirovna were here. and what she is doing now, i have no idea, hello, i would like to make an appointment with vyacheslav ivanovich, markevich irina vladimirovna. okay, maybe next
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week, maybe i'll talk to him on the phone, what do you mean don't connect. ahmed, i've carefully studied your report on virulence. now i want you to check these strains? are birds susceptible to these infections? your colleagues from the fifth sector have done a lot of work.
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when there is no vaccine for real viruses, ahmed, i have four children and my wife is pregnant, i don't care what to study, as long as they pay, then i don't understand how these viruses can get into a bird's body, for a person
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such a mutation can.
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don't worry, there's no one here, i was in the office you rented for vector today, how do you like
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it, i always tell you. that my wife has impeccable taste, igorek, please, let's not today, again, no, i can't do this anymore, explain to me what's going on, or is there something i don't know? well, i mean, i wanted to say, okay, if you want,
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i'm sorry, what? come on, please, you should have told me about it right away, said that you were pregnant?
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i need to go to moscow in 2 days, do you want us to go together, can you take me? i'm afraid here they won't understand me. besides, i can't leave because of my parents, if they don't receive a parcel from me, they'll worry. i talked to qusay about your father, but he said he can't do anything. neither the president nor
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qusay likes it when someone interferes in iraq's internal affairs. they don't trust foreigners at all. 6 years, it's not that i don't want to, it's just that getting married is a serious matter, yes, magamayev is young, hot, he's an artist, they're like children, we're colleagues, yes, yes, tamara senyavskaya, soloist of the bolshoi theater, when i saw you, i immediately
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i felt that this was an unusual meeting, such people should not be released in principle, if he does not return, they will arrange such a thing for us here, it will not seem a little, what do you think, do you not have envious people or what? muslim, how can you not understand, when you arrive, you will be imprisoned , everything will be fine, i just want to remember what will touch your hearts will remain in your memory for as long as possible, for muslim magamaev's birthday, the weekend is on the first, but in addition to the role of troubadour, i would also like to try out for the role of detective.
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volleyball, as you have not seen it yet? cup channel one, live broadcasts on weekends on channel one.
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to be honest, i was surprised when you called. "i was also surprised when i found out that you no longer work for the svr. what
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happened there anyway? let's say i broke certain rules, because you prevented a catastrophe, doesn't that outweigh breaking some rules? firstly, we still don't know what we prevented, and secondly, rules can be different. i have a business proposition for you." how would you feel about working in iraq for my company? did mitya ask you to help me? do you mean dmitry andreevich? no, i haven't talked to him about it, i don't even know if it's good or bad? as far as i understand, you're more, yes, it's all in the past, i just thought, maybe he decided to take care of me? no, i decided. to take care, to ask you for help, and what kind of help,
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it seems to me, you, like me, would not want to be involved in the production of biological weapons, assalam alaykum.
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yes, dmitry andreevich, oleg, hello, we haven't seen each other for a long time, you see, he doesn't offer coffee.
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but you yourself are not going to retire, i am not,
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i was offered a job at the ministry of foreign affairs in the middle east department, i thought maybe it would be useful for you and me , hello, sorry i'm late, lots of work, a cup of tea, please, thank you, were you pumping oil or catching a spy? you could say both, well, how could it be otherwise, of course, what a hectic, eventful life you have, petya? i mean, during the day you're the right hand of iraq's largest oil trader, when evening comes, you go out on the street, guard the peaceful sleep of iraqi residents and uncover the insidious plans
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of your enemies, maybe you're batman, rather brentman, no, better basroman. and i see lydia has a good understanding of oil grades, lady has been living in iraq for 4 years, so what are our plans, where are we going to go home, we will not meet anymore, so what happened,
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came, do you think i don’t know where you were hanging out,
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talk to your new wife in such a tone, and here you are a stranger, don’t you dare talk to me like that, i got it for you. and remember, i never understood, i will never be a stranger here.
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thanks, john.
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hello, well, did you call me? and how did i
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i missed you, we haven't seen each other for only a week, but it feels like an eternity has passed, but it's okay, we'll catch up now, get ready for the time to fly by with us like a moment, which you'll call simply fantastic. our project is flying ever faster towards the season finale, so fasten your virtual buckles and lift the portholes, in the flight of fantasy you will be served by me, a guide through the incredible, vadim golygin. the flight of fantasy begins. the loudest applause to our brave explorers new musical worlds, that is, the jury. big! specialist in bright images, unusual choreography and good mood, dmitry krasilov. you can fall in love with beauty,
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but love only the soul. surprisingly, william shakespeare dedicated these lines to her. you say, it can't be, is this some kind of fantasy? yes, that's right, fantastic. over the two seasons, i have already used all possible epithets somehow connected with her last name, so today i will do without puns, because it is with her appearance in the fantasy studio that it always gets hot, darya moroz, a girl who writes out the names of all russian artists for a whole week between our releases to make original guesses, bright, cheerful and curious, yuliana koraulova! the only member of the panel of judges who is also made of precious metals, i
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mean, of course, his golden heart, the most human of all tv devices. so, after all the performances, our jury will give their scores from one to nine points, the one who ends up at the bottom of the table will receive a warning or leave the project forever. let's start the fun. if after our project this group goes on tour around the country, then i know what their concerts will be called, an all-russian trumpet tour, take the idea, guys and animals, i don't mind, just don't forget to bring me a magnet from each city. so, ladies and gentlemen, meet the star person.
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an example of what happens if you are not allowed to have pets in childhood, later you can create a whole creative team from them. loves the romance of the road, it is on the road that there is time to to compose new dreams. on the project fantastica u. he passes by and fills his notebook with new fans. finally, the period has come when you get real pleasure from performances. without
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you, without you. i would like to immediately note that someone dug into nikolai baskoy's wardrobe, wow, troubadour, such a good fellow, such a rarity these days, such a kind person, harmless, from whom such human warmth emanates, in a black suit, even through my virtual image the jury saw my personal qualities. we have something to show, we have something to surprise. again dolson the same house, as i am to him, he is familiar to me, he considers me an eccentric, came here again, to stand, all night, not to sleep, not to wait, under the pogrom, darkness, i look up, there, where you are,
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there is no light above. backyards, bushes, arrows, bridges , doors sing, doors behind doors, my love, on which floor, almost where the moon is, my love, of course, to sleep already, to sleep peacefully, my love on me, there it is already, that, where you are a wife, only exactly... head, ask and is it time for me to go home, i privately very dark, but i wish i could understand for myself, why i'm here , why, two, bushes, swept, bridges, or cabinets, with me, my love is on the fifth floor,
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send the moon, my love will certainly fall asleep. already peacefully asleep, at about four o'clock, the moon's lantern has long since gone out, it's time to weigh anchor, again i won't have enough day, but soon the city will be all in lights, and this midnight, but will save me, i'll come here again, to stand all night. not to sleep, silent and play, my love is on the fifth floor, almost vienna, my love, of course, get up, already peacefully asleep, my love is on the first floor, huh! heart thief,
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how do you like this lyrical rock-roll, friends, it's amazing, i want to note that the animals started singing and i thought, who could sing, maybe presnyakov could drink in falsetto, agutin for the cat, and chalabanov for the donkey, for example, i'm now thinking that they should all call each other now, fantasy 50 plus, so what? who if it's ilya overbukh and the skaters, come on, come on, you spent more time with them, who's the donkey? the donkey, well, for example, lesha tikhanov, maxim marinin, for example, the dog, the cat, for example, no, maxim stovitsky, for example, a rooster, a rooster, a rooster, let
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it be zhenya medvedeva, you started like that, why then aren't there zapashnye, for example, and there with kuklachev, then we wouldn't have a group of bremen skaters, bremen skaters, by the way, not bad, i have another question for the troubadour, it seems we've already seen this somewhere in his room, a bed, a girl, as if the bed is the same, here's a friend's girlfriend , a friend's girlfriend, please explain, in fact, the bed is just ours, we take it with us for the performance, so, and why are the girls so often change, you are a ladies' man, so fickle, normal. i agree, he is just a troubadour, you will say that it is just the same girl who dyed, re-dyed her hair, yes troubadour, good question,
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is it the same girl or different, girls are different, each has her own talent, you can't argue, but you noticed that she has troubadour pajamas, well, she is a true fan, i wanted a new collection or this? it is just hidden advertising, troubadour, i would just like to say, not just, not just caught, but a mercantile lover, nothing similar, troubador, i would just like to say, hold on to this fan, because her energy is just very crazy, she even honestly, slightly overshadowed you, i was upset in general, because i am for the beautiful young men to find their true love and for girls to find their beautiful ones, i agree. with daria, how did you unite against the trumpeter? stop this trumpeting nonsense, it's time for you to get married, sir, they are jealous, they might also want to dance in fashionable pajamas on first channel.


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