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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 18, 2024 6:10am-6:56am MSK

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in london, in a tense confrontation , they defeated the team of the current coach of the russian national team, konstantin bryansky. so, join us today at 15:45 moscow time. the channel one volleyball cup is live. only the best athletes play in the women's team match. that's all for now. see you there. andrey knyshev, gavriil gordeev, we have gathered our thoughts on the topic of humor. i am vladimir ligoida, we continue. now i want to read you one quote. in continuation of the entire twenty-year friendship with varvara petrovna, three or four times a year he regularly fell into what we call civil grief, that is, simply into melancholy. but slavichko liked this, the highly respected varvara petrovna. later, in addition to civil grief, he began to fall into champagne. but the sensitive varvara petrovna
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protected him from all trivial inclinations all his life, in my opinion, this is the most subtle humor, these are dostoevsky's demons, the most subtle humor, the deepest, and it gives this, as many consider a terrible work, yes, some completely special coloring, or i do not are you right? no, this is generally the best combination, serious funny, deep superficial and the flow of these meanings of such a slide, it gives bitterness and sometimes sets off some kind of , so to speak, taste of the whole dish, without this, but this does not mean, that is, i think that humor is such an image for me, that it is like the periodic table of elements, that is, there is everything both vertically and horizontally groups subgroups of some.
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in a dramatic work, well, without this in any way, that is, you go to the theater, on a dramatic performance, it can be a sad work, serious, but you will remember two or three places where, where you laughed, where you smiled, where you exhaled, rejoiced, why is it now very often used in tv series, for example, that this is the dramedy genre, well, there is no such genre, but at the same time, as if it has directly entered even into everyday life. even at the moment we determine that yes,
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this is a dramedy, yes, initially any comedy series, any comedy film, it has a dramatic essence, and simply if you remove the comedy tool from there, then this it will just be a sad dramatic plot, but as soon as you have the instrument of comedy, it immediately has some kind of therapeutic effect, it turns out that with humor the work becomes more useful for a person, for the viewer, for the reader and deeper. well, look, the word jester was also mentioned, yes, but this is also, well, a jester, this is not someone completely frivolous, but besides everything else, a jester is a person who manages to tell the truth when others are silent, you can say so, probably, you can it’s so pathetic to designate a jester, but the jester is also an opportunist, that is, here he is kind of a topical person, he can, if you like, that is , he will speak: the truth that at
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this moment will be an irritant, yeah , that is, he will turn to another audience, he will begin to speak a different truth, that is, there is a moment there, that this is also a tool, and this is some kind of skill, in front of one audience you tell one story, for another audience you tell a different story, but each time you try, like a professional jester, you try to be clearly relevant, to get into insight, so to speak,
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in this mirror, so the king saw himself, but through this general reaction, and he himself could laugh, but so to speak, it seemed to soften, such anesthesia arose from this pain, from this injection, but he learned the truth about himself, it was such a mirror, but here i want to argue a little, he is a jester, a comedian, well, he has a paradox tool, he understands that in this society they say one thing:
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situations, a simple example, here i am after all i insist that the jester is still an opportunist, the bastard, and a simple example is that in front of the king, in front of the retinue, he will joke and tell one story, when he goes out into the square in front of the people, he will beat up a strange person, and, so to speak, an eagle beating up a pyro is something that , like, well, the people would like to beat up any strange person, so the jester would start beating them up in front of them, he doesn’t say there how...
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it becomes very interesting to me, this is just a topic that is actually interesting, because to some extent it is a kind of unique light on the way in the dark kingdom and yes-yes-yes that is, no matter how you twist humor it is still based on a paradox on a lie, so if
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we talk about twisting in the direction of the light where to go, then of course herodism is the highest degree of self-irony, which carries some kind of extremely deep yes, that is, it is some kind of completely, it is not like here we are there. well, i naturally could not miss the story of father gabriel, georgian, and this is well this is of course amazing, that is, he is also funny everything, well there were a lot of saints who were close to the comical, and this comical was bright, blissful, at the expense of which you wanted to change, well, the topic is certainly complex, but nevertheless why did i... say how, after all, as a cultural phenomenon, yes, that is, there is clearly a certain internal human state, which we are unlikely to be able to appreciate, well , after all, all sorts of phalliants are written there, there is byzantine foolishness, russian foolishness, yes, there are blessed pahabs, look, there is another topic that i would like to have time to touch on, it is generally understandable and well-known, but to me
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it seems that all the time there is some kind of unsaid thing that cannot be laughed at, it seems to me that one of the - certainly... criteria when you should stop, if it hurts someone, even if you don’t understand it, are you ready to agree with it or not, rather yes, rather yes, and then there is the moment when you say offensive things, but you say them face to face, having agreed in advance that you, well, conventionally speaking, the genre, it’s like a rap battle, like a rap battle, like a roast, it’s a genre that conventionally speaking. when you have agreed on the rules in advance, here vladimir romanovich and i go out and tease each other, it will be interesting for us with each other, and it will be interesting for people, but this does not mean that if i start talking about you without you, it is a different story, that is, here, well , there is always a line, it seems that it does not cause
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pain, but this is still unpleasant, still unpleasant, yes, this is also a kind of problem, that is, well, the problem is that not every comedian. or humorist understands the consequences of this humor, well, this is for me too much, for the circus it is too complicated in the case that you speak very strongly from the inside, from the experience that i do not have, and i just meant that there is like...
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education, erudition and ethics, ethics is simply that element that gives you the opportunity to make a decision, you take responsibility for yourself when you show the paradox when on... yes, now i will joke so that it will be surprising for everyone, but someone will be offended, and you begin to weigh, so to speak, weigh mercantilely, that is, you begin to benefit consider, i will destroy this one, i will offend him, all these people will be upset, but look how much they will laugh, but you again think from the industry, yes, that i will go on stage there, no, i am not even talking about the stage, i am talking about... the same charlie abdo, that is, to say that they did not understand, and do not understand some of these things, they
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understand perfectly well, but they are doing this provocation consciously, no, not just, they believe that this is actually, that they are the forest rangers, yes, that they are actually changing the world for the better with this, i don’t know, everything is intuitive, everything, a person, there is so much innate in a person, so much, every soul is a christian and so on and so forth, where you feel that you are killing someone else's soul, its fragility, its love, specifically, when you joke, you can joke about a phenomenon harshly, yes, but if it is about a person, then it takes on a completely different form, you are already killing him with a word, an image and so on, here religious topics are generally very delicate matters, but i believe that there is also amazing christian orthodox humor, parables, and
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are you dating me solely for the sake of your career? did you ever doubt it? do you love your russian? trader tomorrow after. ignat, i have a deal with you, it's just between us, today we gathered our thoughts on the topic of humor, what is its content, boundaries, limits andrey knyshev, gavriil gordeev, i am vladimir ligoyda, we continue, i recently read, one priest tells,
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imagine, a woman comes to him for confession, says, horror, just, father, a nightmare, what, he says, what is this, i read, he says, at that moment the cat falls from the window sill knocks over a flower pot, she starts laughing, here the batschka says, the cat didn't kill himself, no, it's okay, the flower, everything 's fine, and says, what are you repenting of, i can't , he says, read, when i get to these words in this prayer, it breaks through me, i start laughing, the priest is standing there, laughing, because she's poor, she's almost crying, yes, that is , you understand, a person drives herself into a situation where she already sees herself as a terrible blasphemer, but thank god, she came across a wise batschka, he says: listen, well, don't read this prayer for two months, well, three, yes, then it will pass, yes, that is, you understand, here a person really can - this is what we started with, yes, with some seriousness - here, these halftones of accents are not there at all, it is a question of a sense of humor, a question of your
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own embarrassment from the fact that you find it funny, this is also a problem, that is, we... develop a sense of humor, it is possible, i have examples, with toilet training, at least the person who is next to you, he is tuning in to your wave, to your kind of vision of things, gradually begins get used to it, then he can even try to start adjusting in dialogues with you, knowing that you think like that
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, yeah, it turns out, you encourage him, as a result... in space, when he is with you, he somehow starts joking, communicating, seeing things from this angle and then goes to another group , comes back and says: i am there, i have some strange people, they have absolutely no sense of humor, we told you this, we laughed, i told them, well , attention, they are some kind of stupid, they have no sense of humor and so on, while i know it's just that the person may not have thought like that before. he didn't perceive it that way, he didn't joke, in general it's not his sphere, so he got magnetized, soaked in, magnetized, yes, but this is a common mistake of many comedians, that every time you think that in a circle, when you write, prepare, it's one story, you always need to check, you go out into the hall and understand
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that you prepared something wrong, no one understands, well, this is also a question right there for... the lecturers came, actually, one lecturer, the second artist, they mixed up the halls, and they came, which means, accordingly, the comedian came there, where they were expecting a lecture, on the contrary, and he, not the lecturer , could not understand why the audience was laughing, and accordingly, vice versa, the comedian did not understand why there was deathly silence and so on, a lot also depends on the mood, but here
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you still don’t need to shift everything onto the audience, because of course, that is, i think that... yes, this is exactly what happened, here is a situation when everything turned out the other way around. yes, the last episode of the program, yes, on the topic of
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people’s relationships with each other, and the instrument for cutting out some real emotions from them was filming hidden camera, provoked situations, crazy characters of all kinds, some divers, parachutists, ballerinas who run out into snowdrifts, there in the snow, naked people ringing the doorbell and so on. in the investigation then he was the director of the program, he brought a real priest, i will not hide, i was generally glad right away there was such a very pleasant atmosphere, aura, but i realized
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that i could not bring myself to tell him that like now just say it with god, that is, i intuitively felt that it was impossible, that it was necessary to explain why, in what is this name, i started telling him all this myself, i even understood better what this program is about, he said come in:
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no, we always performed in the atrium, suddenly we appear, we are invited to perform on another stage, on a more expensive one, now you will understand why we asked to light up, to the club paradise us, where is the club paradise, remember there was one, well... that is, is it appropriate or not, that is, in everything is fine, well, sensible people understand the level there, so to speak, blasphemy and other stories, that is, is something permissible
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or something is appropriate in a comedy, when on the topic faith, it's always because of the huge amount of humor, it arises one way or another, themes, some jokes on this topic and so on, but it's great that you never had to, relatively speaking, track this from the point of view of the fact that there are some rules, something else, well, we have experiences in tv series, when we looked at how appropriate it is in the work, inappropriate, but the author himself always asked himself, this line, of course, well, it has to be, this self-awareness, as if it should still be, it is clear that the conversation is endless, and the air is ending, so i have to wrap up, but it is really very important to me that i... wanted to offer you and i offered as a criterion, this is not my idea, this is what yuri mikhailovich lotman said, he defined , it is true, he was not talking about humor, he was talking about who a cultured person is, he
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said, we each have our own pain threshold, yes, our own circle, and people, touching whom you feel pain, so he said, a cultured person is someone who is hurt by someone else's pain, that is, a person with the maximum in a wide range, an absolutely evangelical thought, yes, and it seems to me, i would really like... just during this serious conversation of ours and in our time, when it seems to me, this is not at all obvious, when people are not only hurt by someone else's pain, but they like it when they cause pain to a person, yes , i would really like us to talk about this today and discuss it, it seems to me, this is very important, well yes, when we laugh at someone else's pain, it slightly lowers us into the middle ages, now a new program will begin, because i... i struggle with this stereotype, just like you struggle with questions, but the middle ages are a very interesting, very complex era, in which there was a lot of comedy middle ages, let's do it this way, thank you, dear friends, i... i am very
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grateful to you for your patience, for your indulgence, i think that if you agree, maybe we will once again collect our thoughts, the main thing is that it will be interesting for the viewers and listeners, so i will watch from the outside and decide whether we will gather again or not, don't show it, thank you very much, andrey, gavriil gordeev, i am vladimir ligoida, we gathered with thoughts on a serious topic, what is humor. this city is called the gateway to the north. it has preserved a special, unique way of life, which is dictated by difficult climatic conditions. many people come to this city to see the famous polar lights. we are in arkhangelsk, friends. the most important thing for a pomor is to be practical. what kind of wood is preferable for building a boat? the kind of wood that grows. and why did they add salt? in principle, our region was engaged in salt production, so they added it everywhere. my grandmother was in
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regular coffee, even. he also adds salt, he says that it tastes better this way, yes, in our way, we wash the smelt, sprinkle it with a little salt, chop the onion, and add it there too, let's take some bread, and dip it, dip it, and how delicious it will be in a marine style, delicious, delicious, friends, very delicious, the life of their own, the premiere, today on the first, the path to their calling is very thorny, what professions have you mastered?
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on saturday on the first. hello, this is the ask surkova podcast, and i am larisa surkova, a psychologist and mother of seven children. anastasia came to ask me today.
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hello. hello, what brought you here, tell me, recently it has begun to seem that the children devalue everything that my husband and i do for them, and this has begun to create certain problems in discipline, in activity and in our actions with my husband, and i understand that although i work with finances, i need help, since in relation to children, after all, i am a mother, and a person needs a person, so i decided. ask a psychologist, children, there are several of them, tell me who they are, what they are, age, what are their names? i have royal twins, i have a boy and a girl, since they were seven, stasik and adelka, well, the girl is a minute older, sometimes sings to herself appropriately, like an older sister, now they are already graduating from kindergarten, and we are preparing for the first grade, yeah, yeah, so recently these have started... here
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are the problems with discipline, it feels like i can't come to an agreement with my own children, yeah, can you remember some recent story, well, uh, very often this has become observed with construction sets, that is , a construction set, well, in my opinion, this is the thing, so you got this set, put it together, enjoyed it, tidied it up, then you take it out, play, and here they immediately brought it, unpacked it, tore it up, scattered it. lost everything, buy a new one, and what measures have you already taken? i collected the whole construction set in one bag, and i said that you would receive it in a week and would take it apart yourself, that is , these are some small construction sets, more parts, everything in one bag, that is , it looks like one big mess, which you will have to work hard on, and a week passes, and the children forget about this toy, about that they like it, they want it
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back, that is, it turns out that my punishment was reduced to zero, the child did not understand anything, okay, then let's figure it out together, now everything will be the other way around, i will. strict framework, like, for example, in japan , in european countries, in hot countries, children are squeezed , loved, allowed a lot, then strict discipline is also turned on, boundaries, in muslim countries, in general, their own
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peculiarities of raising children, here we are years old children are allowed everything, then drives them into went through such an evolution literally for 100 years, after the end of the great patriotic war, at first the main treasure was a man, because there were very few of them, when men became many. suddenly, unexpectedly, after the nineties, a child becomes a value, parents are pressured by a huge number of books and theories of education. you just happened to be one of those parents who fell under this slogan: all the best for children, give the child what you did not have. now, mainly the generation of the nineties becomes parents, those who were born in the nineties, who were in tough deficits, we want to give the child. the maximum of everything, now, when you talk to modern children, you can even talk to yours on this topic, our viewers can talk, the child does not have a dream, so you ask what your children want, you asked them what they want, you asked and they
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show, for example, some different instructions, or like it used to be on a tetra like this, i want this series, this series, this series, i'm always interested, why just vladimir? yeah, we have husband, probably, there is a pattern break, because just to own, and why then buy it, come to the store, look, create, somehow we had a moment when we decided, suddenly the child wants to collect, this is also great collecting, when we decided to support this and bought something from the same series, the child wanted the next , the next, the next, and we realized that our experiment did not work, that is, everything went in the wrong direction, in which we wanted and this very moment m to own, what the child wants something to simply own, while he doesn’t play, throws things around, tears them, in relation to books we probably have this particular
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quirk with my husband, when we glued these library books there, all these books offend us, books, this is also from childhood for us, this is also such an adult trauma absolutely, yes, but probably like you said, it’s more about us than about them, this phrase that all the best for children, we implement it, and this leads to very simple consequences, yes, at 7 years old the causes of the effectual relationship have not yet been formed, this it will be a little bit later, in another two or three years, they will understand and be able to draw simple conclusions that if a bag goes into the wardrobe, it will never come back from there, that's it, you won't have it, yes, that is, this connection will be formed, it's still early now, it's unclear. especially if a situation suddenly arises that it does come back from there or that they know that it is there, because if we promise that a thing leaves us, it really does leave us, and we will talk about this separately now, but this is our desire, give all the best to children, how
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are they fixed in them, now we already see this in the generation of those who are 20 and a little older, they become extremely infantile, because we communicate everything better to children with this message. children equal sign: never grow up, don't grow up, my friend, why should you grow up, you will lose all the best, because all the best is for children, this is the first story, if we do not want to raise extremely infantile people who will never come to this desired achievement of yours, well, we you do not give they have a chance, why do they have everything anyway, why do they need to dream about something, they remain in this infantile position for many years, they do not want to grow up, although... to be attached to their parents so that they have everything, the first story, the second story is more individual about your family, you constantly compare yourself with your husband, with your children, it feels like you are doing it for yourself, and the model of trying to compare yourself with
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them is utopian, since we do not compare at all in psychology, yes, we do not compare people with each other, we compare a person throughout his life, how he changes, does he have an effective one? but all the time even in thoughts to admit this story, that and we dreamed, and we treated carefully, and we glued books, and we did not have, we would like. it is useless, you will only get more upset from this and not get any result in the educational process, because your children are not you, moreover, your children, most likely already clearly reading these moments that traumatize you, they can someday use them as a weapon such yes in interaction with you, understanding that mom might be upset now if i throw this toy, yes it means i will throw this toy now so that mom gets angry or vice versa there mom doesn't like me something... yeah, what can i do, i'll go and say, so, you don't
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love me, you don't buy me, everyone has this, only i don't, and i need these 23 sets here on the instructions, so that i feel my importance, including within the family, yes, because they buy me everything i want, satiation, history very sad, a person always needs to dream about something, but as soon as we lose a dream, as soon as we lose... desires, our life becomes extremely sad, sad, and in children this is even more clearly manifested, especially in crisis periods of life, which yours are now entering, the 7-year crisis is ahead, in a girl it will begin a little earlier, maybe you are already observing something in a boy a little later, this is a crisis that tells us about the desire to separate, to stretch the umbilical cord, i myself called it a true crisis, in 3 years old they are screamers. i myself, yes, at 7 years old they
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want, i myself, they want to be independent, so yours above them, that the constructor should be folded, the room should be tidy, now the areas of responsibility should be very specifically divided, it cannot be like this, that is, everything common should be taken out, if possible, to the common space or on some common shelf, and where, that is, it is necessary to completely review the room, let's start with this... you arrive, return home, sit down with the children, say, here we have a room, the psychologist said that it makes sense for us to divide it into clear areas of responsibility, that's it, guys, 7 years old, soon to school, soon you will have different friends, different interests, already different toys, we need to put things in order, it's high time summer is just around the corner to put things in global order, take out everything unnecessary and give it to someone who needs it more. this is actually what i wanted to tell you about:
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the ability to participate in charity and share with those who need it more is a way to at least a little bit fight against childishness satiety, never, that it went somewhere to the dressing room, when no, let's not like that, look, there are - centers, there are orphanages that accept in good condition or in an ideal toy, maybe there is some other format specifically in your grief.
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in general, it is necessary to move away from the material to the emotional as much as possible. volleyball, as you have not seen it yet?
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the channel one cup, live broadcast, today on the first. well, dear friends, how many times should you jump to lower your blood pressure, ways to lower blood pressure and much more another important and interesting thing in the program. live healthy, tomorrow on the first, there is another point about gifts of wishes of this. what you said, there is the influence of the kindergarten and the group, and i cannot explain what is the difference in our families, when there is fedya, there is timofey, they did this, they gave this and that, we also want, i say, in our family it is not
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like that, why? i say, because it is different, and they understand the approach there more clearly, because there they simply bought everything, it is so wonderful and simple, they come to you and say: at fedya, vasya, petya, that's it, you say, how great, let's first of all be happy for all these listed children, and now we have a big poster like this on the wall on the door, a marker for it, they can already write, no, yes-yes-yes, everything is great, they can write themselves, let's go put it on our wish list, wish list, yes, yes, wish list, that's it, let 's write it on our wish list, we'll have new year's soon, right. just around the corner, before the new year we'll decide what of this we need to give you, then you don't buy the whole list, that is, what you need to understand, the list depreciates at the same rate as the purchased item, when the occasion comes, you sit down with them and talk, let's choose,
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okay, considering that you have new year's, march 9, and then we have another 9 months of joyless life, well, let's go to september 1. first grade, a great occasion, throw a party, this is a holiday of transfer of responsibility, when you set the table, put out the cake, you tell them that yes, that's it, school, your responsibility, so great, you're big, the day before, ask them, please, let's choose, at this moment it would still be nice specify the budget, say, guys, we have 3,000 from grandma, let's choose, it would be good to put the price tags in advance, well, how would you navigate prices, let's go with you ... what can we choose for this amount from this list? your first contact with such financial literacy, but they need to make their first choice, they need to come buy or be happy that they got it, because firstly, it is their own choice, secondly, they had to fit into an elementary budget, this is a very important
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story, this is such a first step to understanding values ​​of money, but not more, here we can agree with you, new year, the ninth. march 1 september enough gender holidays purely symbolically we get by with you it turns out like this well equally divided yes approximately there every 3-4 months since this year we have already tried to implement this system in life when here is money budget let's choose accept and make a choice for this very moment what to do with your own hands how i used to do it even as a child that is , we don't have... ask the child what you were given for the day
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time will pass, 10 years will pass, you were born 7 years ago, he will not tell you. because this thing means nothing to him, it is one thing in a thousand, and how he went with you there, i don’t know, on a hike and fried bread on a fire, then how she is there, then how she made cakes with her mother and poured herself all over with some chocolate, then what effect this cake had on dad, then how she saw for the first time, opening her eyes on march 8, that dad and brother brought her coffee in bed, this is what remains forever, that... material from the huge there is no list left, of course, if it is a big dream, well, let's say, i don't know, they dreamed of a dog for 5 years, now they got a puppy, yes, it is an emotion, but another car, another construction set, they do not mean anything at all, their number needs to be minimized, minimized as much as possible and
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immediately come up with a storage system, because what we are talking about...


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