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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 21, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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do you think there is a basis now for the guardianship authorities or the prosecutor's office to simply take the child away under the seventh family code, from those stories, from those pictures that we saw here in this studio, from what was demonstrated, of course, there is every reason for this, here, well, as if i see encephalopathy, unfortunately, in you, well, both parents, well, these are reduced mental abilities. blenched after all, well, as if by alcoholism, yes, you are in such a denial of everything that is happening, for everything you have an answer, it doesn't matter what mom says, what witnesses say, that is, all the objective information has been collected, and you say to it, no, there is none, they don't want to be treated , everything is fine with them, everything is wonderful, i think that well, like here the question is, well, like an unambiguous one, there for...
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good evening, live on the air is the big game, and i am vyacheslav nikonov. well, the most important international relations today are the relations between russia and china. and today the second person in the chinese hierarchy, the premier of the state council, litian is on an official visit to moscow. he met with our prime minister mishu. this is already the twenty
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-ninth meeting of intergovernmental consultations at the level of prime ministers, it is really very important that many agreements were signed, and then comrade chairman of the state council met with russian president putin, here is what our president said: our states have developed large-scale joint plans, projects in the economic in... humanitarian spheres, calculated for many years to come, we have defined the corresponding guidelines with our friend, with chairman xidingping, outlined these guidelines during the summits in moscow and beijing, they were supplemented by agreements following our conversation with him in july on the sidelines of the meeting of the council of heads of state of the shanghai cooperation organization in astana. please convey
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to mr. chairman my friendly greetings and best wishes, we are expecting him in october at the brics summit in kazan. and of course, we remember that october 2 marks 75 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. we will definitely celebrate this significant event in due course. we are glad to see you. our trade relations are developing, developing successfully, they are growing, including thanks to the efforts of our chinese friends, the attention that the governments of both sides are paying, paying to the development of trade and economic ties, are yielding results, well, here is what the premier of the state council of the people's republic of china said at a meeting with our president, "this is
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my first visit to russia as premier of the state council of the prc, in 2 days i held a number of face-to-face meetings with russian colleagues, i felt the optimism of the russian people and the dynamics of russia's socio-economic development. under your faithful leadership , russia has maintained stable economic growth for the past 2 years, with russia's gdp growing by 4.7% in the first half of this year alone. this was not an easy result to achieve, and as your close friend and neighbor, we sincerely rejoice and highly appreciate such achievements. under the strategic leadership of chairman xizenping and president putin, sino-russian relations are now at an unprecedented high level.
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but also significantly increased them, provided very important assistance, including in the supply of energy resources, which we redirected from the european direction, we received the required volume of foreign exchange earnings, and supplies of imported equipment, including cars, china increased wherever it could, accompanied our success, not only trade and economic cooperation developed, but china, despite pressure from the west, conducted military exercises with us and so on, but if we compare the dynamics in general. relations at the highest level between the united states and china and the russian federation of china, we will see that this year five people, five members of the standing committee of the politburo, this is the top leadership of china, visited the russian federation, or to visit, that is
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, we expect the pin in october, here is letian - this is the fourth person, there was also the head of the government, the head of parliament javolzi, there was the head of the secretariat of the central committee, the cit, there was the first permanent vice-premier. oyasyan, several vice-premiers, that is, an unprecedented number of top leaders of the people's republic of china in visited the russian federation this year, despite all the twists and turns of the geopolitical situation and so on, china is showing a high level of support in every way, of course, well, not only for litian, it seems to me, this is not only his first visit as the head of the state council, a member of the politburo, but also in general in his administrative career, that is, for him, a certain opening of russia is happening, this is very important, because letian, of course, he is... to a greater extent an economic example, he is guided by large economic players, but his visit itself is very important , it shows that litjan, who himself, well, let's say, built his specific career in some track of his own, he also came to russia, and the fact that
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an agreement on investment cooperation was signed, which we lacked, and therefore, the easing of the visa regime, which is now supposed to be done, and so on, is a very important, important breakthrough, well, regarding the seventy-fifth anniversary. here is the soviet union, our viewers need to be reminded, many know, but still many need to be reminded, that the soviet union was the first country to recognize the people's republic of china on october 2, it was founded on october 1, the most important chinese holiday, october 1, the day of the formation of the prc, the following october 2, ambassador tikhvin, an orientalist from st. petersburg was present at the square, he knew china, which had been in international isolation for 30 years, then we provided assistance, china pays us good coins in response to this recognition, yes, it must be said. that the united states recognized the people's republic of china only in 1971, when nixon visited, and then officially in 1974, it really was so, the united states recognized taiwan as china, it was taiwan that was represented in the security council
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of the united nations, but times are changing, they are changing very much, but as we see in china , the chairmen of the state council are changing and let's conduct. there with the fighters who are being trained at the russian special forces university in godermes. let's listen to what our president said there. at different times, even in the most difficult times, there were people like you, who did not spare themselves. for the sake of their homeland and
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for the future of our people. and it is very pleasant that we meet with you. you make difficult decisions for yourself, it is one thing to shoot here in the shooting range, and another thing to expose your life and health. danger, but you have an inner need to defend the fatherland and the courage to make such a decision, if you made such a decision, then you have already won, you have crossed a certain line, i want to congratulate you on this, i want to thank you for such a decision. and with all my heart i want to wish you good luck, as long as we have
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men like you we are absolutely, absolutely invincible, i wish you good luck, guys, the inner need to defend the fatherland is now felt by more and more russians who are joining the ranks of our armed forces, especially after the enemy entered our kursk land, there are... heavy battles on the kursk bulge, but the situation has clearly stabilized, well, it is trying to attack our cities, yesterday night 45 uavs were shot down, including 10 that were flying in the direction moscow, as stated by the mayor of moscow sergei sobyanin. we have boris aleksandrovich rozhin, a military expert, on the line with us. boris aleksandrovich, good evening, what news do you have? good evening, against the backdrop of the imitating battles in the southern regions of the kursk region, where the enemy is still trying to somehow develop its success, but it cannot achieve the pace it had on august 6 and 7, that is
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, it has apparently already lost the pace of the operation, our offensive operations continue in most directions, if we go from the south to north, then on the rabotinsky exhibition opposition battles continued to the north of raboti naverbo, there we have an easy initiative, on the vremenievsky ledge our troops continued to press to the north of urozhayny from urozhayny there are small advances in the ugledar direction our troops continue to advance... meters to the city, also going to battle vozdvizhenka, we are advancing in the novosyolovka area, the first to the north of karlovka, there
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a party member escaped from kamyshovka, now on the agenda is the liberation of the village of ptichya, and accordingly there is a threat to the flank karlovskoy group, here we can expect serious progress in the near future, it is also worth noting that my defense officially announced the liberation of the desired, well, and it is worth noting that located to the south, the new desired also ... has already been effectively liberated from the enemy, in the new york area our troops continued assault operations in nelepovka, there is also an advance to the west of new york, assault operations continue in dzherzhinsk after the liberation of kirov and artemov, now the assault itself is on the agenda in the central part of zerzhinsk, in the chasofyarsky direction our troops had some success in the central part of the city, there we are advancing behind the canal, despite the enemy's resistance, there is an advance to the north of kalinovka. and this means that on the seversky ledge the battles of uemka and perezdnogo continued, this means that in
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the krasnolimansky direction, without changes , the svatovo-kupyansky direction our troops have noticeably advanced near peschanoye from the north and south of the village, there is an advance in makeyevka , more than 60% of the village is under our control and the battles of ustelmakhovka on the outskirts continue, and well, in the kharkov direction, our troops have advanced a little more in the area of ​​the deep, returning those positions that were previously occupied by the pro...
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they decided, they decided on escalation in order to create some strategic certainty, as it seems to them, they put their money on the fact that in this adventurous raid they would completely remove any opportunities for negotiations, and we remember that vladimir putin quite clearly formulated the negotiating position of the russian federation, and sergei vitkovich lavrov, commenting on this, he said that the next proposal would be worse, so,
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the only thing these guys achieved was that the next proposal, which is already being formed, as i understand it. by the russian leadership, it will simply be worse, and the calculation, it was quite translucent, but nevertheless it was meant, the calculation was that ukrainian troops entering the territory of the russian federation, they would somehow weaken the supreme power, this calculation was made and it did not come true, it did not work, the power, on the contrary, in my opinion, is quite seriously strengthened, because i judge by the number of volunteers, that's where we lost. the united states played denial for a long time, we didn't know what was going on in the kursk region, we didn't even support it, and in general we had nothing to do with it, well, it was a lie from the very beginning, but finally they started giving their assessments and
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patrick ryder, the talking head of the pentagon, spoke out on this topic. we continue to discuss with the ukrainians their priorities in kursk. you heard how president zelensky said that we are talking about creating a buffer zone. we are these discussions to learn more about their goals. our goal remains to enable ukraine to become a free and sovereign country that can deter russian aggression in the future. and that remains our focus. as for the kursk operation, as i said, it clearly made the russians work hard to respond. it certainly demonstrated the creativity and combat prowess of the ukrainians, but as for their long-term goals, we are still discussing them, well, well done guys, really, the battle for kursk is still far away, we should move a couple more kilometers from the border, but for now this is how it is, the americans are making increasingly more definite statements about how they are happy
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with what the kiev regime is doing, but i will still note that... that from the side of not government officials, but analysts, experts, journalists, along with exclamations about how oh, well done, the kiev regime is doing such a thing here, at the same time the question is heard, what will come of this, and will they break their necks, and is this too much, this is risky, but from the lips of officials representatives of the american, as well as european... such concerns are not voiced, this means that those political goals that the western leadership of the kiev regime set for this adventure, in all likelihood they consider more or less achieved, and apparently a whole series of tasks were set, and to help, of course, the congress of the democratic party, so that the background
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picture would be better, well, secondly, i agree with alexey alexeyevich that this is connected, of course... with what is called a political and diplomatic solution to the crisis, because the west, since last year, i understand that, well, of course, russia is not broken, of course, russia is moving forward, began to think about how to steal victory from russia, this is where their efforts were directed in terms of a diplomatic solution, but in recent months , both russian diplomacy and some countries of the world majority have managed to partially intercept this diplomatic agenda from these lying western hands, the talk turned to some more or less honest negotiations, and then the westerners got scared and the possibility of negotiations, if not...
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that a new provocation is being prepared, colleagues, please have a moment of attention, i would like to introduce you to dr. eugene willowstone from boston. what else do we know about this man? he is from the central intelligence agency. by the end of the month we will have irrefutable evidence that iraq is developing chemical weapons. now - for them a real friend, a hero, they will refuse you nothing. we must seize the moment. marry me. iraq. we need weapons, organize the delivery of at least ten anti-aircraft machine guns, and no one will say a word against your wedding. are you dating me solely for the sake of your career? did you ever
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doubt it? do you love your russian? trader. watch the time after the program. ignat, i have a little business with you, but only between us. this is our biological clock, when to wake up, when to have sex, when to have a snack, when to work, absolutely everything is predetermined, we set the clock to the right time, we start living in a new way, what is the most important thing for our health, the answers are in the program live healthy, tomorrow on the first, i shake my head, i fly to the top, this is me sadness, cold as an ice cube, but sadness is useless, run, but sadness is useless, love, do
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n't love, it doesn't matter, you deceived, they write differently about you, of course, well, anya just saw me, fell in love and decided, our porch will not ring a bell, everything is always fantasy on friday on the first. the russian flag is more than 300 years old, it was established by peter ii on january 20, 1705. the arrangement of the stripes on the flag was then explained by the device. world this is a colored cloth of white, blue, red colors, so if it has a coat of arms, then it is not a flag, this is the standard of the president, in the west there
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is a single-headed eagle, in the east there is a double-headed eagle, it expresses the symphony between secular and spiritual power. the monk told an amazing story, he got his hands on a new russian ruble, on which he saw a double-headed eagle without crowns without crosses, and he was upset and began to pray that... and crowns and crosses would return to the ruble, children sing the anthem, they understand that this is the anthem of their country, as for the anthem, the flag, yes, this is very correct and in demand, only it is necessary that this be done with dignity, by the day of the state russian flag on saturday on the first, rise, get up, this is my office, not a passageway, get out of here, excuse me, comrade colonel, go to switzerland, according to the election legend, your target, swiss general henri guzon,
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hitler is ready for war, it is about to start, we have strangers in our village, two men in a black mercedes, i think they are interested in you, you will go with us, most likely you... will be sent to the gulag. duels. the illegal life of colonel rybkina. on saturday on the first. having started writing, i seemed to have been resurrected. i worked under my maiden name voskresenskaya. all my books were for children. i have not written a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of life. samarkand is a city, getting into which. the feeling is that you have learned to travel in time without a time machine, but you have a robe kilinki, and kilinki - who are the brides? yes, and this is the groom, and the groom
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is more expensive, i see, well of course. he met, then came and said: "mom, look, they had only known each other for 5 days, that is, your son after 5 days already brought a bride home, yes, the life of others, the premiere on sunday on the first". the big game is live, in chicago the convention of the party that chose the donkey as its symbol continues. but it must be said that the content of the discussion at the convention fully justifies such a proud self-designation of the democratic party of the united states, which is
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the ruling, and... the most turbulent events unfolded, it seems, around, in fact, the convention hall, where pro-palestinian and levantine demonstrations raged, people tried to break through to the convention hall, political, naturally, arrests began, but the situation really got heated, the issue of palestine suddenly appeared on the agenda of this congress, where it was clearly not going to be discussed, in these conditions - for example, the secretary of state of the united states is now not at the congress of his party, where it would seem that god himself ordered him to be, he is in doha, the capital of qatar, where, as he said, he has almost agreed with israel that it will withdraw its troops from the gaza strip, of course, the statement was quite strong, after that he wanted to meet with the emir of qatar, but for some reason i did not have this it happened, and mir said that he was
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not feeling well. he will not meet, that is, in fact, such a middle eastern unexpected background for the democratic party congress arose, blinken, if you follow him so closely, his travels, more actively than it sometimes seems to us, look, in 10 months he has already made his ninth trip to the middle east, it just seems that less, because there is little use from his trips and from his vigorous activity, here ... some speeches and so on and now his trip also didn't bring anything special in principle, the negotiation process has been slowed down, it seems that you know, there's an expression, no peace, no war, well , here it's probably possible to transform it differently , no peace, no small war, apparently, behind this formulation stands not only
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israel, not allowing peaceful... development, but also the united states of america, this situation, when something is about to happen, the americans show up here and make some efforts to prevent this terrible thing from happening, well, efficiency very, very low, so this is still going on, well, judging by the information that comes to us from the arabs, they are very modest about these american efforts and in fact...
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very, very high, so the american efforts are visible, but it is clear that they are not of much use, well, let's go back to chicago, there the congress has really already taken its action beyond the conference room, in any case , special buses are now driving around chicago, in which you can get an abortion for free or have sterilisation for men, this is done in support of the fact that... this
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topic is very well represented in the program of the ruling democratic party, well, and kamala harris has already been officially nominated for the post of president, and during... actually this procedure, she was not present in the hall at all, she was even in another state at that moment, but she welcomed her own nomination via video link, well, the second day of course was devoted to music to a much greater extent than anything else, let's listen to how the congress went. well, there was not only rap, they tried to perform
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classics, including the national anthem of the united states of america, that's how it sounded.
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the one with the sofas covered in synthetics, i remember the first time she called, we talked for an hour, we laughed, you know that laugh, i love that laugh, maybe that counts as our first date, or maybe it was that saturday night when i picked her up , said that i was a bad driver, you can't hide anything from her, well, in general, it's clear what was going on there, it's significant that kamala harris was present, as they say, digitally, when she was nominated, essentially her they claimed, because it was necessary to humanize her image somewhat from the point of view of political technology, this was done, and from her they decided, so to speak, the image should have acquired
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some kind of local political technology, which in the future could be sold to a variety of people, social groups, for example, traditionalists, for example, yes... for example, christians, muslims, and so on, that is , in principle, donald trump has long noted that i do not understand what, excuse me, color kamala harris is, because she is constantly changes its concept, now she is black, now she is indian, now she is someone else, and all this is to donald trump, because he noticed this feature, and it seems to me that this is very characteristic of the current election campaign of the democrats, because they have digitalized it as much as possible. i will remind you that its approval was actually digital, not a direct vote, and now they are trying to get into almost all spheres of american society, introducing themselves as one of their own, like a salesman knocking on your door and
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looking at you, he decides that you will be sell from your bag, that's exactly how the democrats' election campaign will be promoted now, they will sell anything to the american population, but in the end it will be... branding of kamala harris, this, frankly speaking, raises suspicion that this campaign will be, in the end, i apologize, i will take such a sin, simply falsified, because kamala and harris do not have a political rating, they have a fictitious rating, well, how will this be different from previous campaigns, in fact, nothing, uh, you say, the statement was of a digital nature, it was also of an illegal nature , because in fact, all these delegates elected to the convention, they were elected in order to raise their hand for joe biden.
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to knock the incumbent president out of the race, it was not exactly a julius caesar plan in a beach house in delover, but it was a tectonic shift, which, of course, had to have. serious consequences, although it was justified, because joe biden could not lead campaign, let alone remain president for another four years, was a bold move in every sense of the word. old-time democrats knew that biden was slowing down faster than he, his family, and his inner circle would admit. biden stopped looking forward to getting back on the campaign trail and resigned in a single weekend with the handprints of barack obama, nancy pilossi, chuck schumer, and hakeem
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jeffries on his back. and when kamala harris deftly solidified her position as the candidate, the party had a dizzying sense of new possibilities. it happened with the new york times. well, why not talk about it if there is complete impunity. i'm not sure that those were handprints on his back. i think those were foam marks just below. here. and, by the way, some are trying to shake off this at the convention, like they kicked him out, and almost no one, by the way , mentions biden, but barack obama mentioned biden and even started a chant in the hall that thank you biden, thank you biden, and for several minutes the whole hall was chanting, you know, it reminded me of dostoevsky. in the brothers karamazov, i think, when there is an argument in the hut, there is
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a story about a criminal, or not, or is it ivan, i think, karamazov, who tells the story about a criminal, that the village where he committed the crime demanded that he repent, but not in order to forgive, but in order to hang him repentant, so when he repented, they hang him, and so everyone is glad that he repented, he is also now glad that he like, so to speak, he repented before hanging, and of course dostoevsky shows how it differs from our consciousness, to achieve repentance only in order to hang, something similar is happening with biden, they forced him, forced him to leave, well, in general, they are burying him politically, you could say that they are bringing such flowers to the grave now, and barack obama laid flowers on his political grave, thank you biden, so we remember you, well done, you will stay.
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and of these, probably, about eight minutes, she was already conducting the hall to the fullest extent, she, like a rock singer, launched, so to speak, so that they sang along with her, they shouted, she also came up with a slogan there, that do something, do something, but in the sense that everyone should have a hand in the victory, to the victory of haris, and they applauded her a lot, well, clearly she has ambitions, by the way, she also said so. that i ask you, then corrected herself, no, i
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am telling you, yes, practically, i command, that is, such was the approach, they applauded her a lot, she demonstrated that apparently this is a political figure for the future, and after her her husband spoke, by the way, when she introduced him, she actually said, using filatov's words, that every morning he wakes up and immediately thinks about how the american people could live better, well , of course our people couldn't help but remember, here's barack oba... our parents gave us the opportunity to become
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different, don't hold on to the old, don't hold on to values, we know where to take you, close your eyes, trust everyone, we won't kill anyone, but give us your children, and we know what to do with these children, that was the message, actually, it was quiet, i must say, when michelle obama spoke, there, actually, all the newspapers, the media. they took only one piece, where she said that she had a child from artificial insemination, what barack was doing there then, i don’t really understand, but that was the highlight of her speech, exactly echoing the system. what her husband was talking about, everyone noticed that in the democratic party program, which no one really reads, there is quite a lot about china, china as the main threat and so on and so forth, i think it is no coincidence that just at the time of the democratic party convention, suddenly, again in the same new york times , a leak appears that it turns out that back
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in march the united states adopted a new nuclear doctrine, and now suddenly it has become known, just at the time of the convention, let's read an american newspaper. in march , president biden approved a highly classified us strategic nuclear plan, which for the first time reorients the american deterrence strategy, focusing on the threat of china's rapid nuclear buildup. that 's because the pentagon believes that china's arsenal will match the size and diversity of america's and russia's in the next decade. the white house has never said that biden has endorsed a revised strategy to counter china, russia, and north korea. the document, which is updated roughly every four years, is so classified that it is not available digitally, and only a handful of hard copies are in the possession of a few
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national security officials and in the pentagon leadership. china understands its increased role in world politics, economics understands that with the existing, well , at least such data is available arsenal of 380 nuclear warheads, and it is no longer possible to play this role, the nuclear arsenal needs to be increased, because china's presence in the world is increasing, and the claims of china's enemies, primarily the united states of america, to its increased geopolitical capabilities are growing, indeed the official press... the chinese made a statement that, that it would be good to increase the arsenal to 1,000 nuclear warheads, and most likely this really happened. now we are talking about the statement of the new york times that there will be 1,500 nuclear warheads, and the very appearance of such statements indicates that the united states does not have any illusions about china, the possibility of reaching an agreement with it
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, and i will allow myself such a bold statement, they are preparing for a nuclear war with china with the russian federation, and are preparing for the russian federation and china to coordinate so much. well, and if there were any hopes during biden's first term, respectively, when he was running, that there might be some kind of detente, there was no hope left, and the fact that kamala harris would continue that policy, well, as is known, our strategic forces, in particular sarmat, are capable of carrying out a strike along any trajectory, even through a southern train, even through a northern one, as a nuclear threat, because the united states simply has no forces to counter this threat now. and nothing, another interesting turn in the election campaign: robert kennedy,
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who was going to run as an independent candidate, said, or at least that's what his closest aides said, that he was ready to withdraw his candidacy in... states that support trump, well, let's look at the sociology, in any case, this is also an interesting turn in the american election campaign, but we'll discuss it when it enters the stage of official negotiations, while the united states is clearly playing for an escalation, including with china in the middle east, what this could lead to, we'll talk about after the commercials. the russian flag is over 300 years old, it was established by peter ii on january 20, 1705, the arrangement of the stripes on the flag then explained the structure of the world, this is a colored cloth of white, blue
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, red colors, so if the coat of arms is located on it, then this is not a flag, this is the standard of the president, in the west of the or'. correct and in demand, only it is necessary that it be done with dignity, by the day of the state flag of russia on saturday on the first. the path to your calling is very thorny, what professions did our guests master on the way to their dream, i also worked as an instructor in
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reikom komsomol, and since there was no such rate, in my work book it is written cleaner yaku, i worked for 3 years in libraries, i really didn't like it, but we have a story about how you returned to your native library, and can i take a selfie with you, all my professions, whether it was a student cook, loader were selected. they took into account that there was as much time as possible to do what you love, i worked on central television, as a senior accountant, senior, you said, yozhik will be, and what is this, i have the first entry was in the book, my favorite one, the night receptionist, it wasn't offensive that everyone was listening to you, but no one knew, i was giving away my voice, somehow i was sitting at home having breakfast, i have a radio beacon hanging on the wall and a girl was singing and... i was sitting there evaluating how well the girl was singing, such a wonderful voice, and then, oh my, it's me singing, on saturday, on the first, nowhere, nowhere, you can't,
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in general everyone was worried about mom, and mom - this was mom's finest hour, a charming number, cool, nostalgic, grandma practically didn't stop you from singing this song, derzhiyku in black den just like your brother, younger, older, i watch from afar, like generally peers, such performances provoke population explosions, on our project generations do not conflict, but unite in wonderful duets, two stars, fathers and sons. on sunday on the first to the eightieth anniversary of sergei solovyov, closer and closer
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here, come, there are such men, here you are ready to marry him right away, the first day of meeting, this is sergei sanovich, love at first sight, he began to pursue me until he married me, he never left me, and i never fell in love with her, i didn't know, maybe you had a relationship, what other relationship, somehow it turned out that he became everything to me, just everything. soundtrack. sergei solovyov on the set, tyrant, despet, dictator. the main thing is not the glass. the main thing is to feel like a sighted person. it was a fantastic, i can't even say movie, it's an art object. all that's left for me from life is you. it's impossible to become a director, you can only be one. he's either there inside you either don't have it. got it.
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trader, look after the program,
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i'll have some business with you, just between you and me, it's obvious that in recent days the united states has been playing for an escalation, they're playing for an escalation in ukraine, they're playing for... the us has now concentrated a huge group of its naval forces in the red sea, the persian gulf, they've strengthened their air force presence and declared their readiness to support israel against any attack from iran or those proxy forces that iran supports, but iran hasn't abandons plans to strike israel. in response to the assassination of haniyeh and here is what ali mohammed naini, spokesman for the islamic revolutionary guard corps, said, let
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's listen. determination to respond to the various aggressions of the zionist regime at the moment, people in the occupied territories are paying for netanyahu's actions in assassinating haniyeh. today , the zionist regime and american politicians are admitting defeat on various fronts of the battlefield. the iranian people are smart, they understand that...
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they promise, but they do not remove the question yet, they do not removes, the last thing that was, it was a certain link with the negotiation process, maybe, as they said, we need to see how it ends, now it ends in nothing and again the question arises about the answer, it must be said that they have already worked out options for delivering such significant strikes, there is information about this, in parallel about...
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participation and so on, but you know, very significant processes are happening, now little is written about them, then they are happening, from the point of view of strengthening the american presence in the middle east as a whole, you look, in iraq under the noise, little is written about iraq now, they returned their troops to kirkuk, where it produces oil, so 1,200 troops were brought in, the number of americans on the territory of iraq has been increased by another 3,500. people, on the territory of syria instead of the promised withdrawal of troops, they are increasing the number of troops, very complex processes are happening in the north, in the east, apparently, the americans as a whole additionally accept the conditions in order to master even more in military terms, this is very vital for humanity, well and
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first of all for the united states itself, which has been failing there quite badly lately. iran today unexpectedly closed the goethe institute and the german government has already demanded that it be reopened immediately. what happened? vyacheslav alekseevich, i did not know that the goethe institute was closed, but i think that this is iran's general line that, in general, most non-governmental organizations, western ones, probably even all of them, what are they working for?
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we read the global times. disagreements at sea between china and the philippines have aroused interest washington. the footage from the scene shows american journalists on board the philippine coast guard ship, which was confirmed by the us media. they had sent reporters on board in advance to gather material and prepare an information dirty bomb. this undoubtedly proves that
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there is quite close cooperation between the us and the philippines not only in the military -political sense, but in the formation of public opinion, it also further shows that the us is not just standing on side of its ally the philippines in the south china sea issue, but... vietnam is arguing with china and taiwan, which is not a fully independent state, there are certain disputes with the philippines and so on and so forth, but we should not exclude
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this factor that the truly hundred-million-strong philippine state, 100 million people already live there, a fairly powerful developing economy, it is being pushed into the fire of war with china, with the people's republic of china, this also concerns the conflict between north and south korea. build-up military potential of japan and so on, but it is obvious that it is not without reason that these provocations are happening from the us side, they are preparing to unleash a proxy war in the south china sea with someone else's hands, our viewers also need to be reminded that this is the mediterranean sea from the point of view of the world economy, there is 25% of the world's traffic there, if a war breaks out there, china will accordingly lose its supplies of goods to the premium markets of the european union, southeast asia, the us supplies of hydrocarbons, that is, to unleash a chinese fire with someone else's hands.
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china is their number one trading partner for the philippines, so yes, the americans are forcing many people to act against their own national interests, but the policy of the united states is, of course, on the one hand, the policy of phantom pains, american imperial power. when they could do everything, everywhere at once, when they could do something in the middle east at the same time, it turns out that they can do nothing there, when they thought they could defeat russia on the battlefield, when they thought they could get ahead of china, deployment of some weapons systems, including nuclear ones, all this is already a thing of the past, like american economic dominance, but at the same time the united states remains really strong and most importantly vile, they will always find a proxy that... will be ready to do anything for american paper money, and there really are quite a lot of such states, there are many such regimes that are capable of blindly carrying out the will
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of the united states of america, not because it meets their interests, but because their elite, they are either bought by the united states or supplied by the united states of america, but america's capabilities are clearly not what they used to be, well, it's our business, of course... the enemy on the right will certainly be defeated, and victory will be ours, we'll hand over to the news, the big game will be back at 23:00, don't miss it, hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. a... doesn't allow reserves to be brought up, artillery is destroying the locations of personnel, reconnaissance is combing the forest, the russian army is smashing enemy.


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