tv PODKAST 1TV August 23, 2024 1:00am-1:46am MSK
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there are lives in this environment, and like people, microbes have two directions in which they can act, this is to learn to be friends for survival, learn, conquer, win, fight for survival, as we see, both strategies bring their results, because there are infections that cannot be exterminated, and there are also useful ones. microbes that remain with us, well, there are tens of millions of years, and who more, here is this idea, you know, that you need to wash your hands, there in general do everything so that here is an ideal world, in the understanding of many people, it is for there to be no microbes at all, yes , of course this is a mistake, it is impossible without microbes, everywhere where there is at least some kind of power source, yes, even inside a nuclear reactor or on a spaceship , microbes will appear everywhere, maybe we just don’t clean ourselves enough. maybe we can set such a task,
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as soon as we clean everything very cleanly and turn away, turn around, there will already be microbes, yes, that is, it is impossible to make this environment disinfected, and worse, we tried in this disinfected environment grow laboratory animals without microbes, animals that have no microbes, yes , animals that have no microbes, they feel very bad, because again, what's wrong with them, they get sick, they have no microbes, from others, as i say, there are no microbes. well, they feel bad, organs, from childhood to adulthood, do not develop properly, the wrong proportions, bone, muscle, fat tissue, immunity, it should actually train in childhood, it's like a muscle, and microbes perform here too the role of such a gym, pumping up our immunity, if the immunity is not trained, it can mistakenly begin to attack our own cells, our own organs, do i understand correctly that the absence of a microbe?
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it is called the theory of old friends, which is about the fact that when we grow, there should be a balance, yes, and there should still be some microbes, that is, there should be no dirt at all, these are the microbes that can kill us, these are pathogenic microbes that can cause you still need to wash your hands, yes, but perhaps not wipe with alcohol or find such.
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the number of very deadly infections. cities allowed the emergence of a large microbes learned to kill us after we learned yes, because we live very closely, yes, and such a microbe can accidentally arise in one creature, then jump to another, remember, for example, bird flu, yes, which was in the early 2000s about the virus, bird flu is a virus, yes, and a microbe, we will be like a virus is also a microbe, yes, that when there are a lot of. animals, a
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lot of living creatures live nearby on a very close territory, then viruses or bacteria can jump from one to another, this is considered the most dangerous in the emergence of new diseases, yes, that is, there, let's say, the plague is the transfer from there infected rats, yes, which were carriers, there to the residents of the city, rats die from the plague or only people die from the plague, well, they are long-term carriers. and we die because the plague has already adapted to very similar cells to ours, and we, rats, yes, rats, yes, and we have no immunity, yes, that is, our mother did not pass this immunity on to us, to the rat, our mother may have passed this immunity on, we acquire immunity during our lives, why does our immunity fight some bacterial infections, but not others, well, firstly, this is a property of the infections themselves, that is, they really learned to kill us effectively, they decided that they would be a path...
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part of these microbes and in fact they also produce such a selection of us, those who will die, and those, and those who will remain, and those who remain, they... usually acquire such immunity and give a kind of flourishing to new new generations over time then the twinning of these bacteria should decrease, because only those who are more and more resistant to them survive, if we leave them to attack us in this way and do not control it in any way, then yes , in fact, if we did not fight the plague, did not exterminate it and so on and so forth, then of course in the end there would be only those people who cannot be infected with it. but these were monstrous victims, i shake my head, i fly to the top, i am so sad, cold like an ice cube, but there is no sense in sadness, love, do
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antibiotics little by little the dose of these antibiotics grew, they say that the first penicillin should be given in a hundredfold dose to kill a modern pathogen, that is, in 100 years all microbes have adapted to these antibiotics, and the most important thing is that we see that a huge number of our microbes have died, and we do not find them in modern people, we find them only in some wild tribes, yes, and why are they so dear and good to us, what do we have? the benefit has always been through evolution, yes, that is , let's imagine a human individual who has made friends with microbes and an individual who has not made friends, the one who has made friends, yes, yes, receives an evolutionary advantage, that is, for example, from the same amount of food, this person gets more for himself
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calories, grows more, and what if the bacteria eats part of the food, in fact, we have an agreement with them, yes, our digestive system, ours in particular, is designed so that the first... 12 hours in the stomach, in the small intestine, our enzymes work, and we take from the food everything that we can digest, the next 12 hours in the large intestine , microbes work, and these microbes, actually what we cannot digest and it would come out of us, they begin to digest it and share with us, yes, that is, as such an agreement, basically this is just indigestible part of the plant cell wall or dietary fiber or cellulose, and what contribution? here our general energy balance is contributed by microbes up to 20-30% of calories from various plant foods we can additionally get thanks to microbes, if well there are problems with modern man, because he does not eat much fiber, yes, his food is quite refined
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and there microbes most likely do not get it, and if we look at ancient man, there are very bright examples, when people lived in the desert and... there was a period of drought, in mexico in the chivahua desert and people during the drought period ate only cacti, we can determine this by their teeth and fossilized coprolites, and it turns out: there was nothing else, and they consumed 120 g of fiber daily, this fiber was mainly called inulin, we cannot digest inulin, we do not have enzymes , it seems that people survived precisely thanks to the microbes that live in the large intestine, and how, that is, why do we have such microbes, and they have others, where does all this come from? when a child is born, he is probably sterile, well almost, yes, we think that almost sterile, at least, right? no microbes play any role in his intestines, immediately passing through the birth canal,
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through vaginal juices and the child is seeded with healthy fermented milk raspberry microflora yes on the skin and then swallows and then the goal, since we are born underdeveloped and the immune system will mature well the next 6 months, very strong changes will occur in the mucous membranes of our intestines, and so it will mature until 3-5 years. that is the task of these first mother's microbes perform a protective function on the entire surface of the child's mucous membrane, protection from what from pathogens, because a child is a sweet pie for all the microbes in the world, bad microbes fly around us, which only dream of, and the number of children's inflammatory, intestinal there necrotizing colitis, colic and so on, this is exactly when children scream terribly. first of all , one of their main defense mechanisms is
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acidity, they secrete acid, they are very interesting processes, they eat the third the amount of a component of mother's breast milk, called breast milk oligosaccharides, again a person cannot digest, these are three molecules of sugar or more, a person cannot digest them, all this goes to microbes. and microbes produce that same lactic acid, for example, which reduces the level of acidity, well, for example, yes, our blood is 7.4 ph, a healthy vagina is 4.5, a small child, well, probably, the ph should be five or six, in this wheat, that is, with such increased acidity, pathogens, that is, bad microbes do not multiply, yes, it is difficult for them, yes, it's like that, that is, the good ones like it sour, the bad ones like it to be honest. the same lactic acid microbes
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create an acidic environment around this cabbage , it doesn't spoil, that is, it doesn't settle in it , it doesn't settle, the one who can eat it , the one who can eat it, yes, it's safe for us to eat it throughout the winter, that's how our ancestors survived, actually, when they didn't have enough food in the winter, they prepared it, fermented it in the fall, well, that's it... protection with the help of acidity is basic mechanism and in a jar of cabbage, in a small child, in kefir, by the way, yes, the same thing, fermented milk products, that is, it is not the bacteria themselves that are important, you just need the food to be sour, that is enough, in this sense, bacteria are this biotechnological engine for creating the first stage of protection, of course, in our intestines, during evolution, our immune system gets used to the fact that these microbes should live there, when it ... does not see, it is kind of very surprised and begins to go a little
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crazy and again worry, turn on the mode inflammation, you say, when the conditional mexicans do not get cacti, they have the same someone when a child does not have normal microbes, then the immune system begins, that is, a signal that a piece of our good microbe gets into contact with a cell of the immune system, it is also very important, in this way we control what gets into the intestines...
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it gets there in a year, but why is this important, after all, in my opinion, prehistoric people lived brightly, but briefly, yes, now we live in a different paradigm, well, and they ate their herbs, and they had some microbes, that is, we should feel sorry for them about these microbes, this is some kind of lost heritage that could have been useful to us, again here statistics come to our aid, which shows that a modern person has a more diverse... microbiome, that is, the more different microbes, most likely, useful ones, live in his intestines, the more he is protected from non-infectious, chronic age-related diseases, that is, it seems that such a picture is happening, as we become more urban, more industrial, the number of food sources decreases, the number
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of different microbes also decreases, at this point this is a bad signal for the immune... well, at the moment, as one of the theories of aging, inflamaging in russian is aging, yes, this kind of aging, caused by the scarcity of our microbiome, it seems that there is a... at least in statistics we see this, well, we are called bad from dietary supplements, but there are also probiotics, as i understand it, these are some bacteria that someone said, that they are good, and we can take them, well, apparently to increase the diversity of our microbiome, but as far as i understand , this is a completely pointless thing, because if we do not change
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our diet accordingly, then those additional bacteria that we took, they simply will not take root, but they will not take root. for many reasons, and for most probiotics we see this story, that a person takes them, they live in him, multiply, stops, in 2-3 months they evaporate, that is, the task of probiotics at the time of taking support our microbes so that they multiply, at this point we need to start eating more food for microbes, yes, that is, fed yourself, feed your population, yes, of course, you are the king of your state, but you ... also have an electorate, which you also need to take care of from time to time. this is the baden badon podcast, we discuss the role of the microbiome in human health. at the moment of our nutrition there should be a sufficient amount of indigestible roughage, dietary fiber, cellulose and so on. probiotics are interesting,
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because most of the microbes that are used for probiotics, they are taken from some, they are also... exclusively healthy people, yes, that is, everyone got diarrhea, but this person did not, let's see what he has in his microbiome that opposes it, so to understand the procedure, it should not be the most pleasant, feces are taken, apparently from this person, if i understand correctly, this feces are removed, well, in laboratory conditions, loops of microbes are cultured on plates, and then this microbe is declared useful, tested in huge huge quantities at the factory and then offered to us in tablets yes. yes, in tablets, in liquids and so on and so forth. a very interesting, or instructive story, it's about one of the microbes in mother's milk, there was such a man of ecuadorian origin in the eighties, worked in a pharmaceutical company, he realized that there should be useful microbes in breast milk, probably here in america breast milk has become worse, he went
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home to ecuador and found - in breast milk. and such a useful microbe, today it is one of the most studied microbes - for children's health, it can be given to 0+ children over the past 30 years, even some beautiful latin name, protectis, it is called, defender, yes, yes, yes, indeed we, modern people are losing those very indigenous microbes that should live with us, one of the microbes, again, here are the statistics, and a children's microbe that can eat all the oligosaccharides of breast milk up to ... should be in theory in 100% of children, it is called infantis, in modern americans, about whom we know statistics, only 5% of newborns have this... infantis transmitted from their mother, yes, that is, 95% will not be able to fully digest breast milk, here is the story about newborns, one of the researchers looked at the acidity of children's
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feces in studies from 1900 to 2000, and he saw that the acidity dropped, yes, that is , it became more alkaline by a whole unit, and the maximum changes, here in the publications of pediatricians of this psha occurred. in the seventies-eighties in european countries, that is, at the time of the appearance of the formula supermarkets, formulas and so on and so forth, and then in the practical plane, then, do i understand correctly that since you are a microbiologist and bioinformatician, then you do not look at the microbes themselves, that is, you take a sample, in this case a stool sample, and somehow all that microbial population that is present there and that somehow signals what is really in the intestines, you translate into a number, and then. look who lives there, who lives there, and this is interesting, because for a very long time microbiology has been sowing something on cups, but then it turned out by the turn of the 20th-2nd
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you can eat your amount of vegetables, try to find fiber, yes, as a source of at least fiber, and this is much easier there, there is a spoon, you only need to eat 30-35 g of fiber per day, and this is the norm, the world, actually, at least 10 g of this can be eaten with the help of additional fiber, and again, from my point of view, this is not a bata, it is just a piece of food that was pulled out during production, this is also very funny, if we imagine siberian fiber, it is mainly the husk of wheat, that is, they make very soft bread for us, they remove the husk of wheat, and we chew it with the crumb, it is very tasty, then separately we go and buy this husk
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from this wheat to restore the deficiency that arose due to the fact that we we love very soft bread, that is, it turns out that the solution to the problem is not microbial, in fact, yes, a systematic change, a change in diet for a wide range of the population, especially if it is associated, for example, with aging, leg. yes, this is not scientific, if all this has already been shown, then it remains to simply introduce some, well , appropriate measures, well, here are standard examples, we use edible flour, in particular for bread, because at the beginning of the 20th century it turned out that a lot of thyroid problems and so on were associated with that some people living far from the sea simply did not have enough iodine, but this was decided once and for all, now yes, absolutely definitely, that 's exactly how it seems for the benefit of people we need to do with food, add it to mass-market products. those fiber is the first deficiency, in fact, if we look at the statistics of the nutrition of the russian population, this is deficiency number one, because it is also cheap, probably, very cheap,
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for example, that is, it turns out that microbes, that live inside us are important, they should be diverse, and we can help them become diverse, and therefore ourselves, by eating foraged food in the forest, which we don’t want to do, no, well, just eating diversely , even from the store, just trying to diversify our diet as much as possible, for example, artificial consumption of probiotics, rather like this support. 95% of all probiotics in our country are consumed precisely after antibiotics , yes, the doctor prescribes probiotics, and this is a large part of the consumption of this multi-billion dollar several tens of billions of rubles market fermentation very very small component
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preventive use probiotics. so far , too, well, people don't really understand this, yes, although, for example, before the cold season, yes, before viral diseases, that flu, that covid, probiotics, have been shown, yes, in some studies, to have such effectiveness, and here it is also very cool to understand that even if we did not drink probiotics, but were sick with a high temperature, viral particles multiplied on our mucous membrane in the intestines and in the lungs, here are probiotics, well or there...
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microbiome, which is not there, yes, that is , after we have been sick, also think about supporting your microbiota, fermented foods, again feed your microbes, restore the mucous membrane , use probiotics, for this this is a justified story, and seasonal allergies are also associated with what happens in our intestines, that is, reduce your inflammatory background with the help of taking, preventive intake of probiotics or supporting yourself to ferment there. this is our doctor of evidence-based medicine, his duty is ours and the podcast, generally speaking about the demonstrative duty to study
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modern research. on the fact that time will tell, because the verdict is a matter of life and death, what is used, well then we will probably finish has not yet been made, that is, all this is probably very encouraging, but on a large scale, it is so proven, so winning in standard medicine this is not a generally accepted practice, the only thing that once again, perhaps, i did not emphasize, in modern clinical recommendations, to use probiotics after antibiotics, this is present, but no one
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argues with this anymore, so the doctor. and bioinformaticians, about the role of microbes in the development of diseases about the role of microbes in the healthy life of each of us. hello everyone, this is a podcast free program, i am maxim tronkov, our guest is the maestro, ilya overbukh, ilya. hello, hello, and first of all, thank you for inviting me, because i always watch with pleasure, it is such a quiet time at night, when - you really dig deep sincere answers, everyone here in this chair is very open, and i was waiting for this invitation,
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honestly, when it was given, i pushed everything apart, immediately jumped up, now - the federation pays a lot of attention to the development of the artistic side of skating in athletes, that is, in principle. now your field of activity is open, a lot of requests, a lot of coaches are asked, they call and ask to put on programs? well , quite a lot, quite a lot, in general i am so proud that there are many programs in general in sports programs, with which the guys and we won, including when we collaborated with zhenya medvedeva, just those two years, when she became a two-time world champion, we did all the programs, for example, with yuliya lepnitskaya.
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so far, only we have left exactly these exhibition dances, now the international figure skating federation is just thinking about moving from technical complication to artistic, how do you feel about this, about this initiative? well , of course, i should advocate, of course, i should shout that yes, yes, because figure skating skating is forever yes it is sport art i. still i think that this story connected with the extreme level of jumps, it certainly excites and delights people more than all these moments of art, even let's take the breakthrough of our girls
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so far it is not completely interesting, probably, but also honestly, on the other hand, no one, as i said, no one invites, yes, if, of course, senitsa on kosalapov, i was invited, yes, who would be happy, then the couple generally look at them, just do the running and you already get aesthetic pleasure, because well, they are both absolutely beautiful guys and of course this is such material, but i’m just publicly, so that sasha doesn’t think, zhulya, that i ’ll undermine him there, i’m directly asking, let me do a demonstration dance with them, if zhulin offered you such an option that you put next year on the russian challenge a snitsy kotselap number, but you don't put it to anyone else, or is it already a question of money, yes, for now
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something is not very good with money, you are always not very good, everything is fine, this is jewish, yes, you know, i'm honestly not lying, you can catch me at my word later, i even - probably in any case, of course, it's hunger and thirst, well, really, honestly not money, but thirst to be with those with those to show your versatility of your talent, of course, but ... it will crawl out of you, but this year i i realized that because i had quite a lot of numbers - i missed some things, i didn't have time to watch them, for example, working with your students, well, your school, taras and moroz, i was left with dissatisfaction here, i didn't finish it, but i didn't see it, i didn't finish it, after all, on the begum, everything could have been done so that if this idea, then it had to be conveyed, or vice versa, as it turned out for me in the previous season with lesha yagudin, when we did
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a dance in general, as it seemed to me, you no one had ever seen it, it was blues, it was such a sophisticated story, we tried to make humor on the sounds there, here he makes this humor, i sit there for 2 days, i say: lyokha, this is complete, it's just, it's impossible to watch, this is not humor, this is a failure, and we start sitting all night and put it out, yes there is a splay on mikitup, at first no, well, how many times has everyone rolled over again, on mikitup, but then i understand that all the same...
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it's fantastic, in all 16 years i have never managed to get boris eifman's hot letnikovsky periods, although we constantly do this we did it because it is of course such a pinnacle, it is simply enough, of course alla segalova is outstanding and all the actors, but for me i of course try to look at everything through the eyes of boris eifman, and as for me it is such a high commercial, tragic numbers or... lyrically they are much better evaluated, more in demand by judges, viewers, than cheerful, positive, funny numbers, maybe what theme would you suggest for the next russian challenge to satisfy everyone, so that this scale at least wobbles, okay, no stood straight, but did not tip to one
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side, this is the eternal problem of the glacier front project, dramatic numbers always win the number. about life-affirming ones , yes, there are cheerful, superficial ones, just about happiness, therefore, since i direct the entire episode myself, and even when, despite the fact that sasha zhulin also works, we still, i say that there should be at least two life-affirming numbers, so that in total i have two, you have two, we should have four numbers about positivity, so that the entire episode looks alive, you can simply dance rock-roll, you can just i don't know, make some cheerful... cossack, a lot of life-affirming music, but it doesn't connect you from the point of view of empathy for the hero, you applaud in the hall, bam-bam, like that, so that it happens to you here, this only happens in dramatic numbers, but of course it can't be all the time and here we even agreed with the judges in the summer
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period that you would support the numbers of the guys who would still agree with the judges ilya yadislavich, and i all the time. other, it was on the general installation, we support funny numbers, we support something, after all i brought it out into the open, whose program did you like from those that you did not have a hand in this russian challenge this year? well, of course, it was masha with lesha, with hedgehog in the fog, because again, well, again , a dramatic number, but these words, and this this message. certainly, as if it worked, by the way, i am surprised, in principle, petr gumenik had a very interesting idea, in my opinion, i am surprised that such a jury, it somehow didn't notice at all, there are still some directors, what do they lack in order to win, to win against
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overbukh, i think that very often many, well , like the first mistake of those who watch the pen, that we now... let's put it, i don't know, i just don't want to offend anyone, well , some props, that will save us, that will be everything, so we kind of made a statement, then we went again - to work, it is very important to continue the story during the entire number, and it is much more difficult to get started, but a clear story, we initially outlined, then plus or minus movement into accents, they shouldn't just be in accents, they should pronounce each movement, and here there is a little bit... here is the story, after all , the division - the beginning of the number, then the technical saturation, sometimes we hit the accent, good, we didn't hit it plus or minus, and the exit - this is, probably, what i 'm trying to do, what i pay a lot of attention to, and why did you take her hand, why did you take it, why...
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