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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 24, 2024 2:15am-3:00am MSK

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three forever we will keep it in our house and again dawn, yeah, hello, my love, this song will pour out a lot, you will hear many you will understand the main secret in life. zameko only saves me deep measure, always for everyone, night changes sunset to dawn.
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hello, friends, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, with you i, its host, writer, alexey varlamov, and we will talk with you today about the most mysterious, the most unread russian writer of the 20th century, about alexander grin. all of you have probably read, all of you remember the wonderful story ala and sails, this touching story about a girl who believed in a dream and was... condemned for her faith, but in fact, ala and sails is, from my point of view, far from the best, not the deepest, not the most interesting work of alexander green, although , paradoxically, it overshadowed everything else he wrote, this is terribly unfair, but in the history of literature such cases happen, today we will try to talk a little about the fate of alexander green and his work, at the very end of his life, alexander stepanovich wrote a story, which i called very... simple, it
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is called an autobiographical story, in fact, it is a confession, a repentance of sorts, an attempt to answer myself and my readers the question of why nothing came of me, why i lived my life completely differently than i wanted, why did i become a loser? it is curious that other people considered themselves a loser, mikhail bulgakov was considered him, but if...
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a revolutionary exiled to siberia, and then married a russian woman and moved from siberia to vyatka, was born the boy, who was named alexander, was brought up very badly, green devotes quite a lot of space in his story to how he was brought up, this is, if you like, such a novel of anti-education, there was no consistency, he was sometimes beaten, sometimes praised for nothing, he was not taught either to work or to study, in general, such a nickname grew up. an absolutely incapable person, but he also had such a peculiarity, since childhood he loved to compose poems, and one day he composed poems addressed to his teachers at the gymnasium, where he studied, there were such satirically offensive poems, these poems were read by the school authorities, they were terribly indignant and green was expelled from the gymnasium, by the way, at that time he was already in some sense a green, because this pseudonym, as if this truncation from the surname grinevskaya, all this appeared. at school, where
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his friends called him green pancake, and therefore, after he was expelled from the gymnasium, he entered a real school, there the education was a little weaker, with great difficulty he graduated, at that time a misfortune happened in the family, green's mother died, his father got married the second time, and the stepmother, pasonko frankly did not like him and actually threw him out of the house, and so it turns out that a fifteen-year-old boy, well, not exactly on the street, they rented him some kind of housing there in... they even still show the house where green lived, but nevertheless the boy was left to his own devices and grew up with the dream that he would leave, break away from this world that had become hateful to him and go south, he dreamed of the sea, he dreamed of traveling, he read such romantic books and at 17 years old in hunting boots, like he himself later remembered in a mexican hat sambrera, such a narrow-chested, puny. a teenager
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comes to odessa to hire himself on a steamship, no one wants to take him, in the end they took pity on him, took a cabin boy on some coastal vessel, and now let's remember the small purusa, in the alahs a sail. captain gray, arthur gray, and he, of course, was not born in such a simple family, he is from a family of aristocrats, but nevertheless he also runs away from home, he also dreams of the sea, he also becomes a cabin boy on a ship and endures all sorts of ridicule from the sailors, endures all sorts difficulties, but gray is a courageous, persistent, purposeful young man who eventually overcomes all his obstacles, the captain pays attention to him, begins to teach him the wisdom of the sea and gray ... realizes his dream, yes, he becomes a captain, the owner of a wonderful steamship. with green, everything happened exactly the opposite. after the first difficulties, he gave in, he was kicked out of his place of service in disgrace, and he went to his native
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home. but note that here you can see the mechanism of the future of grin's creativity. everything that did not work out for him in life. all his unrealized dreams, all his actions, he gave to his heroes, it is really very interesting, here it did not work out in life then it will work out in literature, and such examples in life in the work of grin can be seen and quite a lot, for example, grin has a lot of widowed fathers, remember at least balls and sails, but widowed fathers of alexander grin never marry a second time, but this is by the way, and so he returns to vyatka, absolutely worthless, young man, in in general, he doesn't understand what... to do, he doesn't want to study, he's not fit for any profession, in the end he gets into bad company, which starts stealing, together with his friends they stole a gold chain from a local dentist in vyatka. it's curious that many years later green will write
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a fascinating novel, just a super novel, if alla and sails is a fairy tale for girls, then the novel that green will write will be called the golden chain, and this is, if you like, sails for boys and such a wonderful story of a teenager growing up, overcoming difficulties, but what is curious here is that the plot of this story is based on the case of how a sailor accidentally dug up a huge gold chain in the sand, and thanks to this chain he became incredibly rich, that is, a small chain stolen from a dentist together with his friends, then turned into a huge gold chain in green's fantasies, so he wrote ...
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a large party, the bolsheviks are still in their infancy, and the ussr is already in full swing in russia, and green was offered to engage in revolutionary propaganda, which he successfully began to do, and here it turns out that this worthless, good-for-nothing young man has an incredibly clever way of speaking, can very convincingly tell all sorts of revolutionary propaganda tricks, ironically, or rather, there is no irony of fate here, but a wise plan. the leadership of the esrov party, he was sent to the city of sevastopol to the black sea fleet, among the sailors of the black sea fleet. and here green begins to tell them all sorts of tales about the horrors of the tsarist regime, besides, judging by everything, it was his unrealized love for the sea, for
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the profession of a sailor. all this filled him with such conviction that the sailors listened to him with their mouths open, and he was, in general, such a very nice, wonderful propagandist. here. but this fairy tale did not last very long, because in the end he was caught by the police, and here, too, there is a very interesting plot twist: on the day when green was caught by the police, he had very good intuition, so he felt that he did not need today to go on a mission, but there was a woman, in fact, it was this woman who was the main reason why green was so passionate about revolutionary propaganda, he loved this girl very much, she was also a revolutionary, this... wonderful girl's name was ekaterina bibergal, and her father was just a narodnaya volya member, one of those who raised the red banner in st. petersburg in the sixties of the 19th century, bibergal, so they captured, convicted, sent him to hard labor in nerchinsk, and
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there in nerchinsk his daughter katya was born, who was brought up as a revolutionary from childhood, it was she who, together with alexander grin, was engaged in this very revolutionary propaganda in sevastopol, in... and so, when he said that i would not go today, she, as they say, took him weakly, he was ashamed to show his cowardice, but he was really captured, then. the investigation began and imagine what kind of portrait emerged before the investigator, a man who deserted from the army, is engaged in revolutionary propaganda among the naval sailors. in essence business, green was threatened with hanging. he was saved from the death penalty by the first russian revolution, those changes in legislation, that softening of laws that occurred as a result of the revolution, so he was tried, but the punishment was not so severe. green ended up in prison, and from this prison he
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tried to escape twice with the help of katya, but since he was a man who did not know how to do anything, at the right moment he was unable to climb over the wall, in general , he remained in this very prison and sat there for those 2 years that were assigned to him when he left this prison, he is forbidden to go to the capitals, to moscow to petersburg, but he violates this prohibition and goes to petersburg on... a man, and in anger he grabbed the revolver that he had and shot katya. the bullet
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did not hit any vital organ, there was just a lot of blood, but after that green never met with katya again, the socialist revolutionaries kicked him out, from that moment green began to engage in literary work, a taste for which he had just acquired while working for the socialist revolutionaries, since he not only, therefore, told all these beautiful tales of his to sailors, and wrote some leaflets, yes, that is, here he is, the future author allah parusov, the future author of wonderful gothic stories, novels came to russian literature from this side, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, i am with you, its host alexey varlamov, and we are talking about alexander grin. the first book he wrote was called the invisible cap, it was dedicated to the socialist revolutionaries, it was published in 1907 or... in 1908, it is terribly offensive that it neither did they read it properly then, nor
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have they read it properly now, he is writing a second book, also a realistic book, very gloomy, in the spirit of leonid andreyev, in the spirit of kupryan, in the spirit of perhaps early gorky , who, by the way, everyone read him, everyone knew him, helped him to one degree or another, although they treated him a little arrogantly, this is green's special situation. he was never considered a major serious writer and of course it depressed him, but you know, he once said about himself that i am a writer of the tenth rank, but in this there is no one else in the row except me, and this is the pure truth, if we take the literary situation of the silver age, where we had symbolists and mazhists, i don’t know akmiists, realists, futurists, whoever, there were many differentisms then. then green will still stand apart, this isolated position of his in russian literature both
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before and after the revolution makes this man, of course, unique, he was an incredible worker, and he was in fact a man of search, so seeing that his first two books, written in a realistic manner, and these are very good books, i repeat, it is terribly offensive that they remained generally unnoticed, green then comes up with this very country of his, greenland, exactly... then in his third book he begins to compose plots, he begins to invent heroes with foreign names, the actions of these stories take place in an unknown place, in an unknown country, but obviously in some southern fictional countries, later critics will call this green's country, and the country of greenland. it must be said that when these stories were first published, many people suspected. green that he did not write these stories himself, but that he stole them. in general,
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this plot with plagiarism, with stolen stories, novels, it seems to be an eternal plot in literature. well, but in the case of green there was such a story that, supposedly, green killed some english captain, stole his chest with his stories and began to publish them under his own name. all this is, of course , complete nonsense, but nevertheless , there is no smoke without fire, even if not an english captain. but in he shot his beloved, and at that time, it must be said, rather after he broke up with katya, when he began to work as a writer and write his first books, another woman entered his life. was the complete opposite of green, she entered because he was again put in prison, that means, this time he was put in prison because he lived without a passport, because he lived in petersburg, where he was not allowed to live, so a girl came to see him, verbally her name was abramova, she was 24 years old, she later wrote in her memories that when she came to the cell
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to alexander green, the first thing this man did was rush to her. kissed her on the lips, it was the first kiss in my life, she continues modestly, so he made a huge impression on her, later, when green was once again, that is, convicted and sent into exile to siberia, he still managed to escape from this exile, this is perhaps the only case when he managed to escape, and he ran to this very faith, said that he fled for her sake, soon they began to live together, soon they got married, she was the first wife of alexander green, she was quite...
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revolutionary years published books that did not enjoy fantastic success, no, of course, against the background of gorky, kuprin, lionid andreev, there alexey tolstoy, green was not such a noticeable figure, but he was a writer with his own voice, he was a writer with his own intonation, and as if with his own literary land, with his own literary island on all sides.
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very sharp, well, look at these stories like the tragedy of the suan plateau, a wonderful story by green, it seems like again somewhere there, it’s not clear, somewhere in africa, the action takes place, but of course the story has the most direct relation to the russian revolutionary situation of the beginning of the 20th century, therefore when the revolution happens, green doesn’t perceive it, and another thing is that he didn’t have any warm feelings towards the monarchy... towards the old government either, and green’s position was that the plague on both of your at home, and in general he did not like public life, party life, he loved the life of individuals, he loved the life of individuals, and he loved the life of people who believed in a dream, in fact, in red sails, of course, we can feel it very well, but
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then it turned out to be even more difficult in his life, but he was greatly helped by ... maxim gorky, gorky, who really had a weakness for such vagabonds, for such anarchists, gorky, who generally appreciated the talent of alexander green, and gorky, in fact, he did a great thing for russian literature, for russian culture, because in those first post-revolutionary years in hungry petrograd gorky organized the so-called house of arts, in fact it was a large writers' hotel, where russians...
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revolutionary dreams, in fact , it seems to me, this has nothing to do with green's idea, in fact, green of this period is a sociopathic writer who talks about the idea of ​​escaping from reality, because if you think about the meaning of scarlet sails, then this is a story about how not you have to live in reality, yes, because here the girl is in conflict with those around her, and rightly so, and continue to conflict. and you don’t have to improve relationships with people, believe in your dream, then there, if you remember, in this story there appears such a storyteller, a drunkard , egl, in whom one can assume that green encrypted himself and... who says to this girl, remember, she went there to sell a toy yacht with gray sails, launched her steamboat, and eglyata, then , caught the yacht, and he tells her that
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many years will pass, a huge ship will enter the bay with scarlet prussians, there will be a prince, and the girl believes in this dream and lives with this dream, and absolutely does not want to live in real life, this fairy tale can actually be read in this way and further, if not for captain gray, yes, with his - such a moral rule, yes, with his idea that a dream must be made with your own hands, yes, as if the meaning of life is that some people believe in a dream, and other people this dream as if built and made, and then such a happy union of both occurs, but a few years after alexander grin's death, andrei platonov, in my opinion, the deepest, the smartest, the greatest russian writer of the 20th century, he wrote:
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a schnick and an individualist, in scarlet sails this is not felt so acutely, perhaps, although it is certainly felt, but even more so is this grinian worldview, this grinian
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rejection of any social order, because the image of such a performance there in the circus or in the theater, flying people, all this will first appear in alexander grin, and bulgakov will read it attentively. here the brilliant world is truly one of the pinnacles of russian prose of the twenties, and it brought success to grin, and it’s curious what i ’m saying, on the one hand, grin is the most unread russian writer of the 20th century, on the other hand, paradoxically, grin is one of the most, well, if i may say so, published russian writers of the 20th century, because in principle, everything he wrote in the twenties, everything he wrote in...
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they took off, and the public was in absolute ecstasy, and the pilots were the heroes of those days, by the way, for many writers it was event, kuprin described a flying man, leonid andreev described, komensky vasily described, it was really a very important story, everyone rejoiced, everyone rejoiced, except for one person, the only person who was at the kolomezhsky hippodrome and who hated all these flying machines, it was our hero alexander green, why? because from his point of view. aviation is a vulgarization of the great human dream that a person can and should fly himself. this is really very important. green did not like it at all.
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did not recognize this course of development of human civilization, he was a fundamental opponent of science, technology, achievements, development, so it is no coincidence that he had ala and sails, he hated steamships with their engines, with their pipes from which clouds of black smoke burst out, he was such a person, striving for the past, and he hated all this, he has an absolutely amazing story called mermaids of the air. in this story, then, there are some mermaids in the water, as well as in the air, these mermaids attack here on these pilots, that is on these planes, they are ruining them, drowning them as if in the air, yes green's sympathies, of course, are on the side of the mermaids, of course, in the novel the brilliant world, all this is also a rejection of science and technology, it is very much felt, and the main character, a man who can fly himself and there is described this scene at the kolomyazhsky hippodrome, and
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it is described: a girl, the only girl in this crowd, who believes that the hero will now take off, will take off not because he has a plane with these engines, which are there crackling, making noise, belching out clouds of smoke, and because he has some kind of device that will fly from the melodic ringing of thousands of bells, no one believes, everyone laughs at him, and he takes off, only one girl believed, it looks very much like scarlet sails, and this girl gets a reward, and the hero takes it and... with him too, there, to some, that is, heavenly, sub-celestial world, and another example of such a rejection of science and technology by the krin, he really did not like cars, he has a completely wonderful story called the gray car, by the way, note that the gray car is like an antonym of ala and sails, so they say a wonderful film was shot, mister designer, such an arthouse film, really very subtle, deep and smart, this is alexander green, this is
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what is wrong with it. he moved from petrograd to crimea then , so crimea actually became the main place of residence of alexander stepanovich. he never really had his own house, he rented housing, but that museum of alexander green, which is in feodosia today, is wonderful, that museum, which there are in the old crimea, where he moved in the late twenties, and such very important points of his existence, it was such a rather fruitful in its own way calm period of his life, and then misfortunes began, then at the end of the twenties, when in general the atmosphere in the country became more severe, the glaring
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discrepancy became more and more obvious. green did not fit into this soviet life and, perhaps, this is especially acutely felt in his last novel, in my opinion, his best novel, which i advise everyone to read very, very much, in novel called the road to nowhere. this is a very bitter story of a man who was given a lot in childhood, in his youth, he wanted to get a lot from life. in the end , all his dreams are shattered, here, perhaps, green, here, as if that spirit of pride, which was undoubtedly characteristic of him in previous years, here, as if it is questioned, here it is as if it crumbles and green begins to change, in general , it is very interesting how this man of the nedshaan disposition, by the end of his life, as would be moving more and more towards humility, in general, the end of green's life is...
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the end of the life of a christian who repents, who confesses, who goes to church , dies, having received communion and forgiven all his enemies, it must be said that the last years of green's life were terribly difficult, because they stopped publishing him, i say, he no longer answered the calls of the era, and he was published little, he received little royalties, he was actually poor, poor in his crimea, in addition, he became seriously ill, so in 1932 he... in old crimea, the priest who confessed him before his death later said that when he asked green, have you reconciled with your enemies, i am indifferent to them, this is an amazing answer, this was of course characteristic only of our hero, and this characterizes him to the highest degree. another very important, very offensive thing in the fate of alexander green, this man, who described so much travel,
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who... so much described the most diverse worlds and the most diverse countries, in fact almost he had never seen anything in his life, he had really been to very few places, that's how the geography of alexander green's life is, it's quite... travel, and he really wanted to see the world, those countries that he invented , that he described, if you think about how much publishers made money on alexander green's works, how many copies his books were published in during
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the soviet era, and in the sixties he was almost third in terms of circulation, because he was wildly popular then, now his popularity has subsided a little, how many films were made there, if only there was some kind of time machine. it would be possible to miraculously transfer this money to him, so that at least he would breathe, see, watch something, the fate of this man was terribly unfair, but in its own way wonderful, so i personally feel enormous gratitude to him for his books, his deep, intelligent, honest books, about which i have only managed to tell a little, but i just want to name his absolutely wonderful stories, in addition to novels, stories, he was an excellent storyteller, a born storyteller, and just read the story krysalov, for example, it is one of the peaks of russian prose of the 20th century, such an amazingly deep gothic story, built as if at the crossroads of the real and
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the fictional, the story of which takes place in hungry post-revolutionary petrograd, this fiction, these rats that exist in the mysterious house where the hero wanders, this... surreal grinovsky, it is absolutely not imitable, it is not translatable, i don’t know, or the story of fondang, this is also completely a wonderful, amazing work by alexander stepanovich, which explains a lot about his inner world, and i would like to finish with this: and alexander green has a novel that he wrote in the late twenties, this novel is called jesse and margiana, it is a story.
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that disgrace, glin generally loved painting, that's how, of all the arts, painting was extremely important to him, in this novel jesse, that was her name naturally, margiana is evil and ugly, jesse is a kind , beautiful girl, here jessie once in one at home he sees a picture depicting lady godiva, yes, of course we all remember this medieval story about an english lady, the wife of such a stern ruler, i don’t remember in which city, who demanded all sorts of unimaginable taxes from his subjects, and they begged and began to plead with lady godiva to somehow influence her husband, to beg him to be
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more merciful to them, and the husband was so cruel, he burst out laughing and said that i will fulfill your wish, i will fulfill your request, if you you will walk naked or ride a horse through the whole year.
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stovoy, only a pale ray of light breaks through the shutter, this is gadiva, this is alexander grin. it was a podcast. life of remarkable people, it was hosted by me, alexey varlamov, a writer, rector of the literary institute, and we talked about alexander grin. hello, this is a podcast psyche, in which we continue to deal with the most typical, the most...
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cognitive psychology, it began quite a long time ago, and takes its origins, well , rather, from, probably, even the works of pavlov, yes, well-known, our, brilliant physiologist, at least he had two directly key for... that is, our speech, and what is the first? here
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is the first, for example, our sensation, and he discovered that due to the second signal system it is possible to interact with the first, that is , words influence feelings influence our sensations, well, for example, if we talk about the experience of anxiety, this is a sensation, but due to words we can influence how a person feels, what kind of anxiety he experiences or how it passes, further: behavioral therapy, it developed in the works of western colleagues, and behaviorism arose earlier, that is, this trend that studies behavior, not only of humans, but also of animals, and somewhere in the fifties, sixties of the last century, behaviorism merged with cognitive psychologists, with cognitive models, and some fusion began to form.
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which are expressed in words, and you can influence emotions and you can correct your own behavior, do i understand correctly that you work only with consciousness, yes, naturally, in this case the psychologist acts rather, well, as a kind of guide, yes, or a trainer, if you like, and for the client, who allows the client to learn, yes , some more adaptive behavior strategies, and... or a more reasonable way of thinking, yes, because when faced with some kind of
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stressful situation, a person can start thinking that, oh my god, what a horror, i can’t cope with this, i don’t know what to do, for example, he’s afraid of flying, for example, this is yours, just a typical situation for you, i i think i mean for - psychologists who work in proerophobia is one of the most typical, and you simply teach the client not to think about anything, but simply not to be afraid, at the level of some reflexes. and partly yes, rather reworking a those anxious thoughts that visit the client during boarding the plane, during the flight, in we... a healthier, more reasonable nature and naturally, this reduces anxiety if the client has learned to follow these thoughts and if he has learned to concentrate on them. okay, now let's let's see what psychological analysts or analytical psychologists tell us about this and in this case darya represents
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the jung school, which is still different from , for example. also a school, probably a basic one, the most famous is sigmund freud. what are the main positions of your direction, what do you stand on? jung's analytical psychology, here it is, here is his photo, and this is a deep psychological approach, yes, a school, a psychotherapeutic model, and it takes its origins, in the twenty-second year jung presented it, yes. as a model and after his such a protracted - professional crisis on the one hand, on the other hand, a very productive creative period, where he actually created it, and you mentioned freud, it all started after their breakup in 1914, and he, well, that is, created
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his own direction, and at the same time, some things were still based, of course, on the concept of psychoanalysis and... analytical psychology is a psychodynamic approach, that is, an approach that looks at the psyche as something that develops dynamically, and this approach will be interesting hidden motives, hidden conflicts, childhood traumas, that too, yes, and in general what happens at a deep unconscious level, this is a model of personality by... but one of the options for depicting, in fact, his personality is divided, to put it simply, into three parts: personal, everything that concerns the personality and his consciousness, yes, there will be an ego, a persona, but it is correct to depict the persona above the ego, because the persona is like a mask,
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yes, actually, from latin, translated from latin, this is a mask, this is a certain a construct that protects the image of the self, right here... then comes the unconscious, the personal, and then, after that comes the collective unconscious, actually three such parts, and a shadow, and - this is a construct in the personality, which, you know, is on the border of the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious, everything that is under it is the same collective
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unconscious that jung, well, how to say, discovered, suggested, yes, to work with this, with this concept. and freud worked before the personal unconscious, that's where it is they broke up, and now a person comes to you who couldn’t get through to arthur, yeah, and says: i have to fly on a plane tomorrow, i’m afraid i can’t, what will you work with, everything is clear with arthur, he will tell you statistics there, yes, he will show you how to breathe, where to look, in general, everything is pretty transparent here, yeah, yeah, and where will you get into in the long term, right?


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