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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 24, 2024 3:00am-3:35am MSK

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this is the same collective unconscious that jung, well, how to say, discovered, suggested, yes, to work with this concept, freud worked up to the personal unconscious, that's where their breakup happened, and now a person comes to you who
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couldn't get through to arthur and says: i have to fly tomorrow on a plane, i'm afraid, i can't, what will you work with, everything is clear with arthur, he will tell you statistics there, yes he... when, for example, i don't know, my mother was going through some very strong stress, she had experiences in general, well, yes, on the edge there life death, her feelings, yes, that is, for her it was like that, or, perhaps, a very traumatic birth, well, that is, in a deep approach we would look, well, that is , we would diagnose how a person defends himself, yes, what kind of defense method is this, and... in
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psychodynamic approaches there is a system of seven basic defense mechanisms, psychoanalysis is called character, in analytical psychology it is called complexes, this is like a way to defend against unpleasant experiences, in the case of phobias, well, there the question of fear always arises, yes, to such a basic fear, this is a certain type, yes, this character complex with... which we would already work with arthur, well, you don’t go so deep, yes, you don’t work for 3 years, you have, well, i don’t know how short-term, cognitive therapy is one of the fastest therapies in terms of execution, by and large, in many ways now, when we try to achieve efficiency in working with a client, we are forced to use synthetic methods, that is, this is a certain synthesis of different techniques, now synthetic approaches, they are, in principle, in my opinion, on...
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something systemic, that is, aerophobia, i would not consider it in the framework that flowed into a phobia of snakes, but if a person was rather not afraid before, well, let's say , of spiders, and now suddenly began to be afraid of spiders, after his aerophobia passed, naturally, and no spider bit him in exotic ...
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psychotherapy, as in solving a specific problem by psychologists we talk about different methods of an ordinary modern person, all this is applied, what arthur says is more or less clear to me, yes, as you use this knowledge, this system of knowledge in order to help your client? well , depending on the task, yes, because the same jung, what did he say, he said that when a person comes to analysis, you work as his shadow for 3 years, and he says: until you process the shadow, no special archetypes for you, well, that is, only in the attention of the therapist, perhaps, here um, that is, you need to figure it out, integrate, he called it integrating your shadow, that is, your unconscious personal yes parts, then,
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for example, you can deepen the client there, if he has - well, there is a demand for this, for more depth, yunk generally called it some kind of spiritual work. he proposed this level, yes, as a kind of spiritual search for western man, in fact, that western man lacks this, yes, that's why he has such an instinct, and he proposed such a model, but he also said that it is not for everyone, that is, the majority are at the level of the shadow and there are some symbols, of course, we take archetypes in the work, yes, but this is more of an analyst, well, yes,
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general ones have been proven, well, for example, the image of a wheel, the concept of a wheel as something round, as a symbol, yes, well, like some symbols, yes, this is really something that exists in all modern cultures, even among the papuans, you know what, let's move on to life, okay, because it's very beautiful, very interesting, exciting, we're talking about the theoretical part, but let's try to apply your approaches, of course, and i would like each of you to show the best, yes , or the most striking of your approaches to a specific situation, the situation is not simple, and many will recognize, middle-aged people will recognize themselves in this situation, let's discuss it: a 40-year-old
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young man, married, has a good job, and nothing makes him happy, or rather, as he says, nothing has made him happy for about four years. he wants to give up everything, he wants to somehow put it all on pause, in the annex, as he describes his situation, there is disappointment in the fact that he has no children, and not his wife wanted a child, all his friends have children, he does not have a child, he does not directly connect his lack of joy in his request, only with the fact that he does not have a child, it is rather on describes as one of the circumstances of his life. such a joyless one, and he describes his situation, his feelings as a dead end: i go in circles, and i'm at a dead end, it irritates me that i do the same thing, it irritates me that i feel obligated, that i'm not confident in myself, and it's hard for me to get close
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to people with my wife i often feel guilty, yes, that is , what are the key words we have, that it's a dead end, i feel guilty. there is no joy in life, as a circumstance, childlessness, a request, what should i do, we talk about the fact that the feeling of guilt will be arise from certain cognitions, for example, and there is a zone of responsibility, each of us, yes, there is a certain zone of responsibility, when we do not cope with this responsibility, we feel guilty, accordingly, or we say: that the guilt is true, or we say that the guilt is false, that is, or imposed, for example, for example, that is, true guilt is really when the problem is within our zone of responsibility, we took this responsibility on ourselves and we , unfortunately, did not cope with this responsibility,
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then yes, then, for example, there was a promotion at work, you seemed to want it because there was more money, and the position was good, you would have your own office, and then you understand that you can’t handle it. for example, taking a step back is already very difficult psychologically and you begin to simply devour yourself with this guilt that you can’t cope, yeah, then a psychologist can really... make this situation crystal clear, give the person options, for example, well, that is, he can stay within the framework of this position, but then this will be some kind of conscious sacrifice, and what he then he will sacrifice, if he wants to , he will have to work more, yes, for example, that is, he will have to sacrifice some part of his personal life in order to stay in this position, or maybe you can lead him to the idea of ​​leaving, for example,
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most of the cbt techniques are verbal techniques, that is, it is still within the conversation, for example, in cbt homework is very often used. what homework can this particular client have? for example, start keeping a diary of your own thoughts, not feelings, but thoughts, that arise, well, for example, in the workplace, if we talk about work, as about this conflict zone, for example, what is there, i don’t have time, yes, maybe, or i don’t want to go to the meeting, such thoughts? ah yes, among these thoughts there will certainly be those thoughts that
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are key, that will help to unravel this tangle show what values ​​​​he has, well, for example, how tired i am, but i can’t give up, it seems i can’t cope with this, but if i retreat, okay, he wrote these thoughts, then what, yeah, then we we use these thoughts, well, some field for searching for problems. to specify this problem, and we will solve the problem itself in a dialogue within the session, well, for example, to reformulate his beliefs, if we find well, his thoughts, i don’t i don’t have time again, what is your task to reformulate this thought into? if this thought, i don’t have time, then in itself it is not very destructive, and a cognitive psychologist will rather get to the bottom of more a... for example, yes, for more general ones, then, we will say, yes, on what basis did this
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belief arise, for example, on the basis of the fact that i stopped keeping up, then this is a clear violation of logic, yes, this is some kind of dysfunctional belief, i stopped keeping up and i am a loser, yes, such overcommunication occurs, you need to unhook this connection, firstly, break this connection, any person can not keep up. comfort, your own well-being, this can also be, and this can also be the meaning of life, yes, to live without being driven, in some kind of
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comfort, for example, because if he does not driven, is in comfort, then he comes home, not driven, but alive, and he can give more love, more comfort, more warm, pleasant feelings to his loved ones, and this is also very important, all this is here now, and ... naturally, we work within the current experiences, quite short terms, in quite short terms. daria, yeah, yeah, our client, let me remind you, yeah, yeah, experiences.
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so well, what would i work with with his personal when he got somewhere around 40 years old, a crisis, a meaningful one, he has a crisis of meaning, he he calls it himself, i would show him, well, i would demonstrate the idea that
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the first half of life was in order to get confused, now is a great time to unravel, i would show him the perspective. inside, but i would suggest that he see this too, of course, i would collect his anamnesis, yes, that is, what is his early childhood history, what happened in his life, what defenses does he have, yes, what actually protects him from such a deep movement towards himself, i would make them more flexible, yes in the process, then there is, you could have discovered something,
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let's say, in his early childhood at the age of 3 or 5, that sprouted. laid the sprouts , these grains under the snow of life, yes, which then suddenly sprouted by the age of 40, when it was not so much wanted, but they broke through, well , it would have helped me to see his situation as a whole, what kind of person he is, and actually to understand his sense of guilt, what else was there, well, you would have discovered that the roots of his sense of guilt today at forty lie in his early childhood, i don't know about the relationships there with parents, what?
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well, i would also follow his values, others actually understand theirs, yes, and this, most likely, is in the ureole of his values, yes, at the same time, it is difficult for him to say no, yes, to defend his boundaries, he takes on too much of himself, yes, we would also
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work with this, this is a psyche podcast, watch all the episodes on the website. channel one, let's give examples when you would still send a client to each other, yeah, or some situation or some character. arthur, who or what will you share with daria? for example, indeed, there are clients who find it much easier, and metaphors, images are much easier to work with and work through such a channel, yeah, at that time. cognitive psychology, it is still more about words , concepts, and indeed, if this channel, words, concepts, behavior, thoughts, are for a person.
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and simply cognitive-behavioral therapy , yes, it copes with this perfectly, well, i would rather add that within the framework of cognitive concepts, other approaches cope with this, for example, imdr is also part cognitive such a plyada yes cognitive therapies, and this is the method that works with phobias perfectly, yeah, here if such an example is also one of the most frequent requests, since we are talking about adults, when an adult comes.
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find a good bad self, then you are some kind of split personality, dispersion, i would say personality, split - this is when mom is only bad or dad is only
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good, or i am only bad, uh, in general, here to collect this holistic picture, and for this, for this, and accordingly, you need to go here in this experience - which well did not allow the person to separate, there is something, what does it mean to go to the experience?
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yes, anamnesis would be collected, but still would be focused on what our heroine feels in relation to herself in relation to her mother now, and what are her thoughts about herself? that is, we would, for example, begin to work with the image of herself with those thoughts that are in relation to herself, with those thoughts -attitudes that are in relation to mother, and accordingly.
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and therefore, rather the matter is in the lack of self-confidence, the inability to rely on oneself, inability to think positively about yourself, but rather there will be negative thoughts about the fact that i can’t cope with this life, i’m worthless alone, i don’t know how to live independently, and so on, that is, if we dug into the cognitive level, we would see some kind of destructive beliefs, this is if a woman, but for a man it’s different.
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with an exit, naturally, to implementation in behavior, that is, that he, that is, you would solve the problem here now so that you learn in a month to somehow correct it in the moment, if there were some reasons from childhood, then this is already kdaria, rather yes, that is, and this is a cognitive approach, rather about another way of thinking, breaking the old habit of thinking, i simplify yes now breaking the old habit of thinking and forming.
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our today's experts, sometimes this can be such a joint activity, but it would seem, poorly compatible scientific concepts, psychologist artur timofeev, who presented today the cognitive-behavioral approach, psychologist daria pankratova, who revealed to us today the main parameters of jung's analytical psychology. podcast psyche. hello, dear friends, our meeting today has a backstory: the petersburg express was rushing me home to moscow at night from the fields of the petersburg economic forum, i went out into the dining car, i didn’t sit in the sv where i was supposed to be, because
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no one would just... i realized, this is just right for the anthropology podcast, and today this brilliant team will now present to you, dear friends, a musical fabric made especially for you, well, fantastic, and what kind of people are these, we’ll talk about them after they they’ll hand you a business card, i’ll just say that this is the fp cartel.
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i see the way the people get treated, it's problematic, they're ready to save the phantom fail, it's systematic, but when i failed it my eyes melted the selfish, i constantly all the helpless i never to my team green make the team green like celtics the wonder the make and the al the show and tell us through history the same old story in a whole different er i watching turn around the mascara but anyo from the pain see what
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is can he do? wet weather come to waste the dirt from my skin, come to clean my hands and my mind so my heart can begin, it starts over a new revolution, the clear sky hits the by blue resolution, brain drops tripping by my window.
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people zhenya, where did they come from, what are you playing? you can't answer right away, postmodern hip-hop, we call it, i guess, i don't know, it's arthouse music, we experiment, we're getting together with a line-up and why is there such a beautiful lady standing there, and a completely different person is rapping, why then do you need her, well, she'll have her moment of glory yet, of course, yes, but this is a fantastic bossist, where did he come from, kirman, albert called me, i was just... i was driving straight from uzbekistan, why not a fretless bass, well, in this music, a fretted one is more suitable, well , of course, well, gentlemen, the most intelligent person in any team is of course the pianist, well, because he is the only one who usually has an education,
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well, drummers never have it, with the exception of malimanu, sexoponic ones too, but they only have a specific solo, that's all 32 will be silent there, and this one drags itself absolutely all, well is this a report? some kind of you, well the oregon group, we grew up, of course, were brought up on joe zavinuli and other musicians, but we are a later generation, so we were influenced by slightly different people too, roy hargrove, rach fact, so you probably write everything, no, we write everything together, well who else, no, sometimes the guitarist writes, but it's santana, if any santana, if joe skofel, then or mahavishin, but it's not mahavishin, it 's. you don't get bored playing with them, no, of course, look, what a, what a colossal machinery, well, i would have made it, otherwise they won't give it, they will give it, they will give it, definitely, there will be more, pick it out, what is there, in the next song the guitarist will at least find a place for himself, or
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will he pick it out again, that's the joke here, that everyone has their own place, that's how it works, let's see, this is of course a brilliant singer, but of course we are rooting for the ladies, because well, this is nothing more than... some kind of mood, will you sing in the next song, something? yes, of course, yes, definitely told, evgeny, tell us what kind of song it will be, we are today we'll play, we've already played one song, it was the debut composition of our project, here it is in a slightly different form got on air, those who want to will find it on the platforms to listen to it, here, but we are playing three other songs, they are not yet released, they are just freshly compiled and now they are in the process of well , designing the studio. here is one of them, this is exactly what the name of this lady is, her name is gala, why it is called fpm, you will find out only before the next song, now we will enjoy this one.
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mabariliko yanaendelea kuta leanatusungukaatu kipiga tellelele haatikiliia, ma variko ya nani. kuja, mabadiliko yanaendelea kuja, mabadiliko yanaendelea kuja.


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