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tv   Sergei Solovev  1TV  August 25, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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gather up, and be careful with him, he's a wild man, the first time i've seen a real psycho, oh, they're coming, come on, come on, come on, come on! come on, come on, stop, that's enough, let's see now, yes, this is our ward for the wild, let's go, dear, hi, dear, it's nice here, mish, open up, let's go, let's go, here, it's nice here, you'll like it, come in, come in,
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push me, push, here's the currency, turn it off, carefully, walk carefully, come on, how did you sleep, thank you, good, like you fell into a hole, doctor, can i be untied and you'll behave yourself, yes, i already have familiarized myself with the local rules. untie
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him, that's better, yes, thank you, you don't have a passport, no, where is it, i lost it, you attacked strangers on the street several times, you attacked our staff last night, one of our employees dislocated his shoulder, he was seriously injured. yes , it was the orderlies who attacked me, you didn't want to change into pajamas, why should i change into pajamas, that's the order, all the sick people wear that, you're against the order, no, i'm not against the order, but i'm not crazy, let's get down to business, come on, you're not denying it, that recently you have been attacking strangers for no reason, no, have you been intoxicated? no, have you been taking
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any medications, drugs, yes, sedatives, capsules, three times a day, who prescribed them for you, my personal doctor, have you had head injuries, concussions, yes, have you lost consciousness, yes, have you been abusing alcoholic beverages recently, no, yes, do you know what time of year it is, early spring, and... year, yes, what year is it? doctor, what if i tell you wrong number, you'll think i'm crazy, right? let's say we do it this way: i'll tell you just two numbers, and you'll decide for yourself which one is correct, it will be clear whether we should continue this conversation or not, okay, tell me, there are two options: an answer to your question,
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it's either 2010 or 1975, and what do you think, which one of them is correct, right? well , which year is 1900 75, doctor, i'm not crazy, but continuing this conversation with you is really pointless, we'll prescribe you treatment, head injury, alcoholism, split personality, serious. violations, i'm afraid you'll have to stay with us for a long time, no one knows, let's hope for the best, for the best, when your mind clears up, we have
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a very special graduation, we're talking about a new peace prize in the name of ivan nikolaevich tolstoy, the first world war would not have happened if tolstoy had been alive, by the way, on the initiative of the russian... the first peace conference was convened in gad, and this was connected with the appearance of the first weapons of mass destruction, in the form of machine guns, well, one of the first peacemakers were of course christ, the idea of ​​faith is the idea of ​​peace, so to speak, and not war, you do not fight with god, the devils fight with god, there is such a view, unfortunately, yes, that history is a continuous conflict, it cannot be avoided, this is precisely the question of the formation of responsibility of politicians, and how can peace prizes... preserve peace, this is one of the channels, one of the instruments for the emergence of truly people whose responsible opinion will be significant in the global space. podcast lab, tomorrow on the first, in the new season, on the first one. there are already
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rumors about this crime in the city, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back. i wanted to ask you about your find, yes. this knot seemed very massive, although it was quite easy to pick up, you are worthy of great honor moles, honor and trust of the reich, remember this, after the war i was looking for my son's comrades, i was interested in what happened there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there, if you don't have a photo, it's strange, where are they, were they here. lord, how much like my son, you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly. well, major, the hunt has begun, the confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book by yulian semyonov. damn.
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the sick in line, russia, petrov, no need to rush, faster, moles, faster, so, radimodimov, yes, radimov, no, no, no, no, in front of me, wash it down with water, faster, radim! don't push, next, antonin, him, calm down, anton,
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give them to me, what pills, i swallowed them, no, i saw. did you put them in your pocket? nothing, you didn't see? no, i saw, spat into a fist and put it in my pocket. listen, how many years have you been here? 15 years. and what, don't you want to be free? no, you won't notice how your 15 years will fly by! do you want to get some pills? i really want to, then tell me how to get out of here?
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good job, too much, too much, for yourself! ass, well, you've screwed everyone over, divided the danits, money, it's paper, and why do you need it here, why do i need it here, unless it's to spend time with good people, we're friends, after all, yes , simpletons, no talking, listen, men, and not will you drink these pieces of paper for us, then you pay, easy, i'll treat you, this is my share, whoever runs, i'll drive you. it's clear pepper for everything in a moment, one leg there, the other here,
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tenners each, come on, for three, well, come on,
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rest guys, goodbye, friend.
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hello. and no one will have a smoke, get him up, get him up, i wanted to smoke, let's go to a restaurant i want to.
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unfortunately, in our hospital there are no single rooms where we could keep people like you, so we are transferring you to another hospital with a stricter regime. doctor, you can't leave me here, the therapy has done me good, i already feel better, you've got me drunk to the point of unconsciousness. the clinic staff have escaped, will you deny it? no, you're a dangerous patient , you require special conditions and therapy, a separate room, yes, a single room and minimal contact with patients and staff, a car from another clinic has arrived, change the patient and escort him out, okay , well, let's go, friend, let's go, serviceman,
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let's go, let's go, here, take him, be careful with him, he's violent, well, violent, and we've never brought such psychos, come on, we've definitely never brought one like that, come on , freak, listen, what do you want? we had a good time with the guys yesterday, i see, we talked each other into drinking two bottles, can you imagine, yeah, i see you weren't wasting your time either, what was that drinking
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, yeah, we were too. do we have a long drive? or do you not know, do you want to get drunk? i know where to get drunk, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, it's not far from here, on zatonnaya, but i have some kirev there, you're lying, i'll take a loan, what's the booze to waste, when will i ever get out, suddenly someone will find it and drink it, but you can't, when you say you can't, i i say, you can, it's freedom, dude,
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philosophy, i don't get it, so, let's start all over again, come on. do you want a drink? yeah, me too, what do you like? akdam? and i have three bottles, three whole ones, seryoga, we need to stop at zatonnaya, get some kirev, i'll give you three bottles, well, come on, what are you sleeping about, turn around ! let's go, let's go, this way, come on, come on!
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wait, i'm going to, hi, hi, what did i bring from the bottle shops, we need to whisper, what, now, do you have a back door? well, let me out quietly. yeah, and what will i get for that? anything you want, everything? yeah, and if i want visit heaven, i'll arrange it for you. and i also need to warm up three bottles of akdam for the guys, and then i'll work it off. no, well, antosh, this will cost you dearly. okay, agreed. i
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'll stand here, yeah, and you bring them. and two bottles, say that you couldn't find the third one, yeah, and open the back exit, okay, well and when should i wait for you, i'll show up in a few days, okay, straight to heaven, everything's fine, it'll take you out now, wait! and so here are two, we need three, here are two, we need three, well there's no more, there's no more, it's not nice to lie, look for the third one, he's asking for the third one.
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he says, it's not nice to lie, but i only found two, i searched everywhere, no, and two won't do, no, i know where the third one went, it rolled somewhere, i'll go look, or will two be enough, no, go look for three, okay. so. but it's very cozy here, if, say, one day,
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suddenly something like this happens, the nightingale stops singing songs under the moon, who will help the lovers in their mysterious business, who will sing the head for them? trained, that's how it happens, if they fall in love, all the halls listen, young men, girls, grandmothers, grandfathers, fathers, mothers and i, there's a policeman behind me, kiss me, there's a policeman behind me, kiss me, or they'll take me away, are you
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crazy, damn, i got away with it, thank you, are you crazy, and if you'd seen viktor, to hell with viktor. and you're making me dizzy, it's from fear, no, from you, don't continue, okay, let's go, let's go. so what are you going to do, get out of here as soon as possible, your photos are hanging all over the city, yeah, i know, natasha
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said so, but it won't bother me, you have a plan, yeah, yeah, don't bother, i here for a while. old man, if you need my help, no thanks, i can manage myself, as you know, here are fried potatoes, sausage, cucumber, oh, great, that's what you need, and you will, yes, we've already had dinner, well, as you wish, but don't pay attention to me, you can. "they feed the nuthouses, a little gastritis, i haven't gotten an ulcer, i don't understand at all how people live there, well, i have to go, well, things, well,
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well, i'll see you out, well, come to your senses, bye!" what, do you want to leave him here? well, where would he go? anywhere, let him go to hell, let him go to hell he spends the night in the ditch. are you jealous already? of whom, of him? he's crazy, can't you see? but in my opinion , he's quite cute, he's just unlucky in life. unlucky, dogs who don't have owners, and he can take care of himself, that's his problem, but it won't last long, maybe for a couple of days, then he'll leave on his own, be patient, yes
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, i'll be patient, i just don't like him, i know, well, no need, well, not now, well, we're not alone, well, you know how i feel about you, i know, see you later. see you later, then, i, go away, anton, stay, okay, you were clinging. you were clinging, damn it!
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and where do you work? at a music school, i teach music to children, how i hated all that when i was a child, all that salfeja, and now i regret that i quit, oh well, you can still learn, good night, good night, natasha, hello! you, you forgive me for breaking into your house like that, and you forgive me, for what about the cellar, for me you could have died, but don't worry, you couldn't, no, you were born into a shirt, after all, the height there is almost 3 m, you could easily break your neck. "you know, i
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can fall from a multi-story building, nothing with i won't be, it doesn't happen, it happens, if you know your future, it happens, but no one knows it, why, there are people, good night!". good night, how are you feeling? thank you, good, and
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you? yes, i've already had breakfast, i have to go to work, bye, natasha, au, wait, you know what i thought, i'm sitting at home doing nothing, maybe i could help around the house, and you know how to do something, well, in principle, i can hammer a nail into a wall, it hurts, it hurts, no, i didn't get burned, it's fine, and what else can you do? well, for example, i can meet you after work, protect from hooligans? i think you're the biggest hooligan in our city? so that means i can meet you? well , actually victor usually meets me, okay? but that's not the point, what's the point? well, the point is that your photos are hung all over the city, and if they find you and send you to a mental hospital, you
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won't get out of there. "i know, and you're not afraid, but i'm not afraid anymore, i finish at three, okay, get in, i'll give you a ride!" and why aren't we going, we'll go now, you're in a hurry, but not really, and what about five hundred, i'll take you to the station now, you'll go to moscow, that should
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be enough for now, hmm. five hundred, that's how much your freedom costs, old man, freedom, uh-huh, uh-huh, you escaped from a mental hospital, they're looking for you , and you know where my lair is, so, uh-huh, bravo, but nothing personal, look at yourself, you have no future, no, i have a future, i know it very well. anyway, i'm not planning on going to moscow yet, so i 'll stay here. will you stay? yeah, well, look, you 're taking a risk, because i can't vouch for myself. nowhere, nowhere. it was my mother's finest hour, the number
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was charming, cool, nostalgic, grandma didn't really stop you from singing this song, really. just like your brother, younger, older, i look from afar, like they're the same age, such performances provoke population explosions, on our project generations don't conflict, but unite in wonderful duets, two stars, fathers and sons. watch after the evening news. old barrel cognac is a product of stellor group. in the new season on the first. you have a
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good collective farm, and you'll try to make it rich, a millionaire. and you've hardly aged. it's hard, probably because you're not used to it will be in the village. it's okay, we'll get used to it. and in our village your hanky-panky . can end badly, vadim, partner, are you sure, he 's a womanizer, my marinka and i almost broke up just before the wedding, because of him, and if i fall in love with you again, it's yours, what do you want with it, throw it away, hide it, he pestered you again yesterday, don't disgrace the family, kirill, i want to give you advice, as an experienced womanizer, don't pester a woman if she doesn't want it herself, you're ruining your life and hers, what will happen to you now? brutus, this is not simple words, if necessary, i'll kill, i wouldn't throw around such words, if you kick, i'll put you in jail, for what, we'll always find an article , i won't survive if you cheat on me, i can't live without
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you, premiere, tomorrow after the program time, i can't live without you, i'll wait in the new season on the first, i'm back now,
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or maybe you like him, so that i'm first, waited a long time, no, i'm a little late, it's okay, listen, can we go somehow unnoticed, otherwise these photos are all over the city, let's go, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
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no, tell me honestly, am i crazy, no, i'm so i don't think so, i'm just trying to find an explanation for your behavior, you find some, of course, well, strange things happen to some people after they hit their heads, some start speaking languages ​​they didn't know before, some play musical instruments without having an ear for music, there was even a whole program dedicated to this recently, obvious, incredible. what program? obvious, incredible. well, obviously, incredible. this is about me. oh, your fiancé arrived, didn't wait. he doesn't trust you.
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why? he thinks you're a weird guy, without passports, past. in addition, crazy. i 'm not crazy. is it he who doesn't trust you, are you going to tear up? because? oh, hi, hi, sit down, i'll give you a ride, we wanted to take a walk, he shouldn't walk around the city. he's right, we were just discussing what
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happened to anton, he needs to drink less, that has nothing to do with alcohol, but now i can predict the future, and what can you predict, you want to know the truth, of course. communism will disappear forever, there are people who think so, some believe in god, others don't, with communism the same thing, if he had said something specific, specific, the secretary general would advertise american pizza and french bags, are you serious, yes, and what else? the ussr would also disappear from the world map, that
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is, there would be a nuclear war, we would all die, america would attack us, don't worry, there won't be any nuclear war, no one would attack us, who needs us, everyone is afraid of us anyway, so what would happen then? the ussr would collapse itself. the american dollar would become almost the second national currency, even prices in stores would be written in dollars, you hit my head really hard, if there is no ussr, what then, well, what, there will be mtv, defaults, crises, inflation, sales, oh my god, don't worry, it will be fun, let's go. let's go,
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what broke down, damn wreck, okay, i 'll go on foot, i still need to go to the store, let me come with you, stay a minute. maybe you can help? okay, she's a good girl, i know she's not for you, you'd better leave our town, that's for everyone. better, of course, i proposed to her, and
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she's still thinking, so you're here, it's not convenient, to put it mildly, i haven't been here for long i'll be late, you be patient, okay, i'll wait, you still need my help, no, well, i'll go, go well, i'm going, yeah , what are you doing, i'm leaving , you're leaving now at night, yeah, i have to. have you seen my cigarettes? no, well, okay, to hell with them. where
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are you going? listen, i have to go, you know? i want to tell you, thank you for what you've done for me. i... will never forget you, are you not coming back? no, well, you can stay with us a little longer if... you want, but i have to, you know, i have to, i need to go.
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for now, it's better to see that there are no hours who's not here, where's my rolex, and comrade, why are you getting out of here, right? come on, quickly, get your asses up, because time is running out. can't you see that we're relaxing? so, where's your stalker? where's that fucking stalker? where's that bastard? give him to me, i'll tear him apart. what stalker? dude, why are you bothering us? i know you're all one gang, and i'll answer to you. get
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out of here, or you'll never pick up the pieces. i won't pick up the pieces. stop eating barmatukha, you need to work. what are you, a vigilante? what kind? where's mine? again, how you've gotten on my nerves,
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oh! wednesday, april 30, 1900, 1975. oh!
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are you back yet? oh, my god, did they beat you up? oh, nonsense! what is this? it looks like a shoe! can i come to you? sure, let's go, you
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need help. i know what i'm guilty of, i'm provoking them, i need to wait a little, thank you, it hurts, yeah, it's okay, i'm getting used to it, i'm immortal. you'll go again, yeah, they'll kill you, i'm not afraid of death, a person has many lives, i know that for sure, i think so too, the hindus are right... 100%, you know, they made me this thing at the taxi company, like a horoscope, so in my past life i was a woman, i served the king
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arthur, i did the same, i don’t know who i was in my past life, but i know one thing, that in my future life i will become a new russian, who is the new russian, well, i will have a porsche, i will have a range rover, i will have a yacht, i will have a bathtub with a hydromassage, i will have... how did i forget about communism? and in the future there will be no heavy physical labor, because it will be replaced by machines.
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there will be no taxi drivers either. technical progress will reach such a level that robotic machines will appear. they will take on all the work that people refuse to do. do you think so too? but he is right, man will be left with highly spiritual, intellectual work , art and science will flourish, the earth will be transformed, that is, everyone will play the violin and write books, maybe this will not happen soon, and maybe not even in our lifetime, yeah, but you know what i'll tell you, uh, you're both nuts, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're both nuts, and not me, you, and you? oh, i can't, and
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there will always be taxi drivers, like prostitutes, who don't invite, who don't...
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work it off, yeah, yeah.
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this dress suits you so well, really, yes,
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tenderness, we are each other's eternal tenderness, we are tenderness, we are tenderness, we are each other's eternal tenderness, even in the land of creeping darkness, beyond the deadly circle.
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ticks, the second coming at the end of august, beginning of september. we must prepare properly, about this, about many other things, about the most important thing for our health in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, we will talk about yulian semyonov, he is famous primarily for the fact that his hero stirletz became a cult character in russian literature, i will ask you stay, flew up like a meteor,
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is friends with everyone, everyone loves him, lets him go. abroad, what are you saying, writers hated him, he was incredibly charming with all his stories, fights, with boxing, it was not worth offending, bullying, attacking, somehow aggressively behaving towards yulian semyonov, he could easily fight, guys, he really loved the positions of impressions, for example, to come there in a military uniform of partisans, communicated with ordinary people, comrade, good evening, wanted to live an interesting, exciting life, violating, accepted at that time ruled, he created it and lived it. crimea, yuliana semenova, on saturday on the first. the main thing is what will happen after death, because everyone , alas, will have to die. so, if they continue to read me, then i won.
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in the new season on the first. that i love her, i have loved her for a long time since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, lipstick on your collar, for everyone we are an ideal couple, i do not want to be a thief, you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes, my wife asked me, left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, don't bring her back, i for him
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i went out of my way. do you even know how much they cost? you weren't asked, but i 'm going to ask you now, properly, man, chorus. premiere of a multi-part film. coming soon on channel 1. this. it probably shouldn't have happened, but it already did, i'm to blame, but no one else is to blame, i don't regret that it happened, your
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father, he'll be here soon, you can stay, i can't stay, is this because of your girlfriend? what does my girlfriend have to do with it? what is she like, who is she? your girlfriend? well, she's beautiful, beautiful, if it's shoes, then gucci, if it's a handbag, then erme, what erme? listen, do you worship the dead? idols lying on the red square, and we worship things, what's the difference? what, i'm the same, you cheated on her for the first time, cheated, with me, and you didn't cheat, i
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can even say i was a virgin with you, who were you, a virgin, well in this life, it's my first time with you, stop pulling the wool over my eyes, i'm not pulling the wool over your eyes, it's the honest truth. yes, how can you? natasha, natasha, oh, my god, how hard it is with you, everywhere, how are the presents? wow, my dear, i brought you such a little suit, yes, right now, and come on, take this. and you know what, look at this t-shirt, and this is for me, yeah, can i have it right now, come on, come on, oh, it's so hot here, oh, it was a cooler time, so what,
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why are you standing there, yeah, let's read, how he tempered steel, yeah, so what, pavka korchagin, let's go and find you a present, come on, come on, i didn't even know you'd show up, so i wish you something... i didn't know myself, i'll go change, come on, come on, daughter, change, come on, choose whatever you want, and i'll take it, take it, don't be shy, well, you say our cellar collapsed, yeah, i got hurt, yeah, yeah, i see, i see, it's natalya who keeps forgetting the cellar, closing it, i keep telling her, close the cellar, close it, and she says, oh well, you have to do it yourself, i'm in the dark, but what about abroad, uncle vanya, the capitalists are rotting, oh, how they are rotting, yeah, yeah, but their machines work well, here you go, this is for you, for me, yeah, thank you, we're going there
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to exchange experience.


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