tv PODKAST 1TV August 28, 2024 12:50am-1:36am MSK
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if you dream of seeing one of the wonders of the world, then just watch our project, each family duet is amazing in its own way, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, this is the kemeran podcast. 70 and today we are talking about james cameron with anatoly sagarovich and maria shteiman, and what impression did he make on you as a person, well , as a director, you know, i can just tell you, you can see an intelligent person right away, so here is an extraordinary mind, it is completely obvious, so we, so to speak, somehow immediately found a common language, i suggested to him along the pier, so to go for a run, so we went for a run, but... from 500 m he
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started to get out of breath, i ran, so to speak, every morning, but i say, wait, well, what else, but well, back, go back, so we ran to the ship, and there, you see, elliding was sleeping, and the sauna was already ready, so, after that to the sauna, well, and then to do some business, we knock on ellu, he says: let's tell ellu that we ran 10 km, i say, come on, what year was this photo taken? at the time of the filming of the titanic itself, yes, yes, this is in the time of filming titanic, yes, it was ninety -five, ninety-five, well, that is , all the work directly began intensively in ninety-five on your part, yes, the work began intensively earlier, since it was necessary to prepare the equipment, the apparatus, it was necessary to hang powerful lamps around the world, which were not there.
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we, so to speak, hung up to eight lamps on the apparatus, the second, of course, jim needed a movie camera, we filmed through a porthole, on a movie camera, the movie camera filmed on seventy-millimeter film, that's the kind here is a huge contraption that occupied a third of the sphere inside, so it was necessary to make, you know, a movie camera, at that time there was no high-resolution video. so they filmed on a movie camera, so they developed, they took this camera by navision, so they made a design in the form of a cylinder, elongated with a cassette that was loaded there, every time we went underwater, we had only 20 minutes, you know, allotted for filming, because the film was running out, jim used it for... eh, all sorts of repetitions,
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rehearsals, there were very difficult, so to speak, situations, when in the current it was necessary to hold the apparatus in the thickness of the water, so you look at one point and work there - there with the rear thruster and the side ones, so that the apparatus stands at the point, that means everything, i say, well , jim has filmed everything, well, let's go again like this, and this was a rehearsal, that means... a piece of film, these are the first frames that were filmed, here in the film titanic, this was filmed inside the apparatus, i was with bill paxton with luo bernati, so the three of us, and these were the first shots that were included in the film titanic, so james, so he cut off a few pieces, so he signed them
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and gave each participant of this first film a souvenir like this, he said, this is the american hollywood tradition, we say we laid the first brick, first brick, so we laid the freak, now we will build a building, but in order to film the material at the bottom, even to test it, how does this happen, after all, what needs to be done, first it is filmed, then the film, you know... lift the film up, develop it, look at it, and then come back down, how was that? every time we went up, we took the film out and, you know, sent it to the shore, there was a little boat waiting there, and, you know, the little boat took it to st. john's, in st. john's it was processed, and then it flew in. the plane
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so, me and james cameron james cameron was sitting aiming the camera, the camera was outside on a special hydraulic rotary device, so he turned it, so he adjusted the lighting, well , he actually said which lamp to turn on, which to turn off, extend the rod there to turn on this lamp and so on, well, so i was sitting at the control panel, controlling the apparatus, jim was sitting on the right at this panel, and so he was turning these handles, well, andrey andreev was there, so he ensured everything else, so, so, so, the operability of the apparatus, we
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also had a huge rod there, on which there was a big lamp fixed, behind it, behind it we had to watch so as not to... hit it, since we were near the titanic all the time, all the time, so to speak, well, next to this huge iron mass, here on this photograph it is written fo natalya, this is my wife, yes, so she made such an inscription, natasha gave one like this, you yourself also became an episodic actor, who said during the film.
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they stab, open, so the door and with a belpaktom begins to pull out old money there and all sorts of things, well, naturally, he is looking for this one the bluest diamond heart of the ocean, heart of the ocean, and so, at that time i, so, go out of that, so, common circle and tell him, but diamonds, well, and then jim , so, called me to hollywood already. after that, when the filming was finished, you know, they , you know, were already editing the film, so i, so, naturally, flew there, well, there first class for one day, so the whole day from morning until three o'clock in the afternoon i said these two words in front of
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the lens, and the genie sat like an executioner and, so to speak, told me: it should not be like that, not like that it is necessary, you are asking, now he is saying, a gigantic concentration of forces, this is something new that had to be created in the shortest possible time, the tension in everyone was
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great, 10, 9 remained, i was not particularly worried, in fact, the creation of the first product rds 1 is a warning of the third world war with a result completely unknown to humanity. atomic bomb, personal matter of person x. premiere on sunday on the first. and then such a disaster happened. antifake program from the first channel closed. during the time that our program was not on air, viewers wrote to us on the channel, called, and ill-wishers spread all sorts of fakes about us. we expanded our program, and geography, and history, and what we will review here. they also contact me. so that i comment on where the truth is in the turkish media or in the russian media, well, and here the
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antifake program is always to my aid, this season you will find a huge number of new, interesting sections, this is a symbol of what is being restored historically fair, women are most often subject to anxiety when they receive some messages always wants to say: mom, let's not panic, new season of the program antifake, new rule, now i will personally go to the place to check the information with you. antifake - season premiere from september 2 on weekdays on the first. this is the cameron 70 podcast. i am a film historian stanislav didinsky. and today we are talking about why james cameron's films are not just blockbusters, but are, in fact, modern ancient tragedies, or or films shot according to the laws of ancient tragedies. this is a very important thing. in that cameron, as a director, creating a world, any world,
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as if it would perish, and nevertheless it draws us in with incredible force persuasiveness, this is cameron, he kind of takes us into this world of his own, and we don't want to leave, which is especially amazing, regarding titanic and james cameron's films in general, when you first watched titanic yourself, what feelings did you have, as a cultural scientist, how did you fit this film, into what context? i can say that in addition to the absolute delight,
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i immediately had the feeling that the hero of the film is not the heroes, yes, this is not rose, this is not jack, this is not even the heart of the ocean, this is the titanic itself, if we remember the composition itself film, it is a framework... and your comeo, your participation just emphasizes the absolute naturalness of what is happening, then inside the memories, and you remember how it ends, besides the fact that no diamonds, now we will have a new phrase, well, we all remember, this is actually a reason for constant jokes on the internet, that - rose floats on a large door and says: sorry
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jack, there is no place for you here, well , of course, this is a joke, but it is a joke, but this was a trap, this is... they fly here, we fly to kaliningrad, we are sitting with gene on the plane, and he tells me: well, anatoly says, i understand that you are saying that you will do underwater filming, i watched your film, well, he says, the main plot of the film, i say, while i'm thinking, i say, i haven't caught it yet, i keep getting confused with
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the terminator, there are all sorts of other things that get confused, and... i tell him: jem, show life, show how people swam, and of course, i say, love should be in the center of the film, with different ones, i watched it like that, oh, love story, that 's how the idea for the film was born, that is, in fact , you suggested it, a month and a half later, i i fly to los angeles, he invited me to los angeles, but this time in honor of this he gathered there... a group of friends, including some actors, bill paxton was there, le bernati, schwart sneger was there, and john bruno, this is his special effects assistant, he says a toast, let's drink to jim , to anatoly, who will create a new blockbuster for us, titanic, like terminator 2, suddenly
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idea was born, i say, this idea, it sits in us, this... the idea of humanity, i told him then that jim, the world is tired of murders, of violence, of the blood that hollywood splashes on the screen, show life, show love, these are my words, one to one, and he, for the rest of the time, then we flew, he sat and was silent, thinking all the time, that is , this spark, it was planted then, and then it already... began to develop, and what kind of world do we see on the titanic, is it a model of an ark, on which there is also a third class, that is, queers, there is a high society that controls everything, are these echoes of marxist ideas, or vice versa, this is according to the interpretation of later ones in that jim, so to speak, we had a conversation on this topic, he
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tried to show, generally speaking, here... what was happening then, as close as possible to that situation, well, he studied the archives, everything is there, he had people working there, he has a special firm there was, where the historians sat, there, the computer people, and so on, that is, they dug up various facts, on this very basis, that is, to bring as close as possible what people would see on the screen to what was happening then. he arrived, i say, you saw the movie titanic, no, no, i didn’t go, he just came out, i say, well, let’s go, we went to the cinema with him, the cinema was full, absolutely,
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everything was packed, well, well, well, we bought some tickets, there, i bought tickets, that’s it, we sat down, we watched the movie, the movie ended, and no one gets up, people are sitting and crying, it was the first time i saw americans... that's how it was in the hall, the whole hall was sitting, then they turned on the lights, i look, everyone's faces are tear -stained, everyone's crying, that's what jim did with the american people, the movie is designed for this, so that emotions, but emotions yes, but it was done so masterfully that it , so to speak, evoked such emotions in people, then another... one more thing, jim and i had a conversation like this before they started filming, and the thing is that at one time they made the titanic, well, an object for demonstration
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technical capabilities, that is, when they found the titanic, it was in 1985, bob ballar found, well , actually, well, there was new equipment, new hydroacoustic search equipment. everyone was going to the titanic, so they were looking there , and they were demonstrating their work, well, it was a kind of advertising, so jim and i, when we were talking, he says, he says, my task is to break this point of view, what does this mean, well, this is the titanic object, this is the object on the bottom, which they know all and which attracts everyone's attention, and that this is...
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certainly, but more than that, cameron every time, no matter what material he works with, takes it to the level of high tragedy, almost ancient tragedy, and ancient tragedy is good because even if the conflict is not resolved, everyone dies, nevertheless there remains hope, and cameron every time, let's look at all the films you listed, he gives this hope, how will it end, i repeat, titanic, with a reunion in love?
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a chin of strangers on earth, and this does not happen, because there are people who make a choice, this is what it is about, despite the desire to make money on dangerous experiments, and we remember in this case avatar, the wonderful one, which also begins with an absolutely dystopian, almost post -apocalyptic picture of a dying earth, a dying world, it turns out that the worst... that there is on our planet, are going to be no worse than strangers, to conquer a completely different world, to ruin, remember all these terrible careers, as if everything is for the sake of resources, everything
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technology, show us the beauty of the underwater world, we have an aquatic civilization there, and here i have a complicated attitude to vaatar 2, because there, firstly, clearly appears what, what we talked about, cameron avoided in his best films, he created his own idea, he never adapted to ideology, and here we see such a short course of the new ideology, some elements of new ethics and some kind of built-in topical statements, in my opinion, may cameron forgive me, whom we certainly respect, but our amphibian man was beautiful, here, in my opinion, is a very beautiful picture, incredible, i understand why he returned to the water, because the ocean does not let him go, the heart of the ocean, if you like, cameron's heart.
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i know a lot about the position of a victim in an abusive relationship, because i was one, from a psychological point of view, it is such immaturity, lack of self-support, a tendency to merge with a partner. you are already saying this directly as a psychologist, i am already saying this as a person who has been in therapy for some time, and thank god, i have opened up a vision
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of my situation and ... the opportunity to improve it, to correct it. well, let's go then, since it's a special issue, let's switch roles. tell us what not to do to avoid ending up in an abusive relationship? let's start with the fact that an abusive relationship is a relationship in which there is a tormentor, an abuser, a person who causes harm, this can be verbal and non-verbal abuse, this can be violence.
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values of parents, and it seems to me that a favorable atmosphere is formed specifically in the family, when there is no such atmosphere, a woman grows up looking for approval, looking for exaltation, and easily falls for the bait an abuser who puts a woman on a pedestal, that is, after all, the abuser first puts you on a pedestal, puts you on a pedestal and does not have enough self-esteem.
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we cannot bring you any personal benefit, as you said, let's try to bring some benefit, well, you said that today we just have a conversation, where you want, hardly concerns our situation, i came to talk to you because i was invited. super, let's talk so that it will be useful to those who are watching us, of course, with pleasure, i came only because i wanted to talk about the fact that i went through this relationship, life after leaving an abusive relationship exists, it is of higher quality, it is much more interesting and safer. you said that in order not to get into such a relationship, you first need to have internal support. did you not have such support? unfortunately, i was very, very focused on some external stimuli in my life, including achievement, on the formation of some
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very prosperous, successful image, including i really wanted to look like an ideal wife, an ideal woman, and to satisfy my husband in everything, to please him. almost to serve, i had such an attitude that i should look as successful as possible in this, so i did not seek help for a very long time, i tried to just become better, to improve, maybe change my clothes, which he is not happy with, maybe to talk differently, because he thought that i looked vulgar in speech, for example, there were a lot of complaints about who i am. and he was constantly unhappy with me, after just the period of the pedestal, it follows that we lived, that this is the debunking of the legend, well, that is , first he says you are the smartest, then he shows that you are then the worst, and
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naturally there is a cooling towards you, and you want, as if this is attention, love, which were in your relationship before, at the beginning your meetings, i want to return, i want to somehow prove to him... that you are worthy of attention, that you love him, if he has cooled off, then, probably, the reason is in me, i thought, i tried to correspond to all his, the demand for aesthetics, for beauty, i wanted to be that woman from his dream, where did you get such an idea that you need to be such an ideal wife, as you said, comfortable, yes, sew on handles to yourself, so that it is convenient to carry all sorts of things, all sorts of beliefs, you came into the relationship already with this belief. i came into the relationship with the desire to become absolutely different from what i was before, i wanted to avoid some failures in my career, from those
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opinions that i had formed for myself, negative ones, not in my favor, i wanted to hide in marriage, i wanted to hide in the image of a wife, look how cool, this is already advice number one, that is, if a woman ... has a desire to get married in order to meet the expectations of parents, society, friends, anyone, yes, then this is like one of the first flash drives that you are talking about, this is sacrificial behavior. yeah, that's already good, this will already be useful, so run away, hide, run away from yourself first of all, and what does devaluation look like for this victim, who is drawn into this hurricane of abusive relationships, first drawn out by the so-called love bombing , when he gets you out from under the ground, when he suddenly needs to court you and flowers, gifts, and some luxurious trips.
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importance, about uniqueness, about uniqueness, if there is no feeling of inner confidence that you simply exist, and you deserve it by birthright and respect and love, and this is inseparable from you, then such a character becomes very tempting, because he gives you what is not inside you, so you need to develop self-worth, celebrate your features, your inclinations, develop in your ...
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responsibility for many areas of your life as for me, i shifted it to the man, because it seemed to me that i myself could not cope, in financial terms, he was engaged in all our cash flows, he wonderfully, as it seemed to me, coped with all this, and i felt in this, in in general, unfit and passed on, delegated what seemed to me... beyond the man's strength and it turns out, he became, therefore, the owner
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of the keys to my life, i gave him everything and when i suddenly needed them, he took the pose of a fully-fledged owner, here i am dealing with your life, in quotes, yes, i, therefore, have the right to order, to impose a veda, and i am your master, even so, we will talk. he is famous primarily for the fact that his hero stirletz became a cult character in russian literature. and i will ask you to stay, flew up like a meteor, with all he is friends, everyone loves him, they let him go abroad, what are you saying, writers hated him, he was
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incredibly charming with all his stories, fights, with boxing, to offend, bully, attack, somehow behave aggressively towards... it was not worth it, he could easily fight, guys, he really loved positive impressions, for example, to come there in the military uniform of non-karagan partisans, communicated with ordinary people, hello, comrades, good evening, wanted to live an interesting, exciting life, violating, accepted at that time of the rules, he created it and lived it. crimea, yuliana semenova, on saturday. on the first, the main thing is what will happen after death, because everyone , alas, will have to die, so if they continue to read me, then i won, in the new season on the first, come on, can i ask you, it's time to tie up with this choir, he is a soloist. finally, daddy, daddy, hi,
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natushka, why haven't you come for so long, why did you come, to the children, i remembered, i met a woman, it happened that, that i love her, i have loved her for a long time, since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there is lipstick on your collar, for everyone my ideal couple, i don't want to be a thief, you know? yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, and my wife asked me, left for another. why don't you go after her, don't fight, don't bring her back? for him out of the skin forest, do you even know how much they cost, you weren't asked, and i'll ask you now, properly, just drop it, guy, nit, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, you
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watch the podcast paws triggers, with you today sergey nasebyan and tatyana. rosnovskaya, we have a special edition today, in which we we are talking about abusive relationships and life after them. how to determine where this is a healthy position, and where it is worth stopping and showing attention, good, too persistent courtship and inattention to refusals - this is probably the very first most important flag, because attention to refusals, to refusals to interact, there are men who love, no, when ... a woman refuses a man's courtship, and he does not perceive no, as an option that can exist at all, but because usually men with such a constitution also have a narcissistic disposition personalities, they can't stand rejection, for them
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it's something like a sport, when a man starts bombarding you with his attention and doesn't respect your right to refuse. and your opinion, roughly speaking, it means that he is not inclined to respect a woman with her choices, how can a woman be deceived in this? it may seem to her that he has flared up with feelings for her so much that he doesn't give a damn about the whole world, that's why he is trying to win her over, she may think that he really needs her, but there is in this... there is in this such humor, this man doesn’t care what kind of woman to pursue, for him it’s a goal, like in dog racing, a rabbit automatically moves on a stick to motivate the dogs to run, any woman is approximately the same goal and target for such a man, how to understand that you are important to him, and not, and not you are not a goal? i,
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of course, don’t understand this very well, but i will appeal to my experience. the man with whom you are in a relationship should respect your opinion, pay attention to what is acceptable to you, to what you you refuse, in accordance with your no, and yes to build communication with you, well, to a certain extent you describe the ideal man, then it turns out that the key message that you are now saying, and i really like it.
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it is in conflicts that interests are very often defended, if suddenly you did not have time to outline your boundaries at the entrance to the relationship, then it makes sense to still talk to the person and maybe even in an aggressive form, if you are already in a conflict, but to communicate that you are unhappy, that you would like others options for resolving the situation, that you have a different opinion, there is. meaning, that is, a red flag is when fear of defending one's position appears, fear of defending one's position was typical for me because i had a rather strict family, in which, probably, little attention was paid to self-expression, namely in...
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