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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 29, 2024 4:20am-4:58am MSK

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no matter what 24x7 until the victory of the special military operation. in the near future, all rap complexes will be installed on the hospital's evacuation vehicles, and the ambulance, transferred as part of the campaign from the emergency medical care center of the presidential administration, has already arrived, equipped with such a complex. many thanks for the provided vehicle, since this type of transport is very necessary for the military, for transportation, for treatment, so. special thanks to all those involved. in recent months alone, thanks more than 500 electronic warfare systems have already been delivered to the concerned citizens of our country, the military along the entire front line. guseyn guseinov, farid muslimov, nikolay volkov and dmitry matyushin. channel one lugansk people's republic. more about our defenders: private danilo klimo, during aerial reconnaissance, discovered a group of ukrainian militants who were trying to outflank our positions. he passed the coordinates to the commander of the sub... the saboteurs were destroyed by heavy
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fire. guard captain daniil sevolnev and his tank company broke through the defense enemy. the soldiers burned the enemy armored vehicles and destroyed some of the infantry. even when one of our tanks was damaged, the crew continued to fight. recover from injuries faster, not only physically but psychologically. special forces soldiers undergo rehabilitation in crimea. the name of the camp is symbolic: reboot.
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any connection with their families, and the soldiers admit there, only thoughts of home warm them, and the gifts and letters that are sent to them at the front acquire special value when you are satiated with soldier's food there, it is there some dry rations, any candy, even some barvariska, it just makes your soul happy that there is something sweet, you can even share it with a friend at some point, also regarding letters, postcards that you send, from schools, kindergartens, camps, thank you very much for what you do for us, it is very... many
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special forces soldiers said that in their school years they also wanted to get to artek, dreams come true, after the initiation in artek, the children did not let the fighters go for a long time, now they completely our own, thank you, spasira, honestly thought they were strict, they are all so kind, good-natured, peace-loving, very brave and courageous. thank them for everything they do for our country, for the clear sky above our heads . for the second year in a row, the people's front has been organizing a reboot camp for special forces soldiers in crimea. this year, 80 servicemen will visit it, many after serious injuries. hydromassages, therapeutic baths, healing crimean mud, in combination with non-standard procedures. therapy is gas injections under the skin. all the guys who go through rehabilitation.
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leading medical centers of the country, but not the people's front helped to undergo rehabilitation in less important psychological reboot, such a discharge it emotionally just resets you, well, everything and you again, you come again, you face problems to which you already react very easily, and this helps to complete tasks, the reboot is just great, rebooted, in principle, i am already ready to go to work with the detachment and we will leave soon, but for now you can ...
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the meaning of which is that it does not matter how strong enemy, it is important who is nearby, here i am with great pleasure, thank you very much, i pass it on to you, okay, thank you very much, in addition to
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the motto on the chevron, a furious bear, one of the symbols of the yaroslavl region, this is from the heart, guys, thank you, thank you, i will definitely pass on your words, the yaroslavl region pays volunteers a one-time payment of 510,000 rubles from the regional budget, in total from the federal payment of 400.00 it comes to 910,000 rubles. the region also subsidizes benefits for families of participants in the special operation, social and medical rehabilitation of veterans. the region helps the sponsored akimov district of the zaporizhia region, where the cultural center was recently restored, after the renovation it was opened together with the first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko. there used to be just a hole in the ceiling, but now everything is done, renovated and people are of course very happy. well, what about yourself? the yaroslavl region has the lowest inflation in the entire central federal district, just over 6%, at the end of 2023, that is, 1.5% lower than the national average for the same period. at in this region, wages and housing construction rates grew, the problem of defrauded equity holders was completely solved in the region. we had more than 90 such houses, now
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there are none at all. during the time that mikhail evraev has headed the region, the local budget has grown by 40%, and the region's debt has decreased by more than two times. the yaroslavl region is modernizing public transport fleets. i wanted to show you such photos and this is me a bus, but since we are the yaroslavl region, and i am a tram, i am a trolleybus, i am an electric bus, a bear with an axe, necessarily everywhere, which is on our coat of arms, and since we're talking about transport, i'd like to say separately about roads, this is our main separate problem, yes, this is a serious problem, and that's how it is, and last year we increased the volume of road repairs by 40%, reached 700 km per year, well... rybensk , yaroslavl region, is repairing a road bridge across the volga, when the work is completed, the work was completed this year, the entire repair of the bridge is 3 billion rubles, serious funds. by the way, it is in rybensk that a new one will be built at the expense of federal funds advanced engineering school. rybensk is a suitable place, rybensky is a very suitable place, because we have more than
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ten plants of rostec alone, the demand for engineering personnel is huge. the priority development area in the small town of tutayev should become a place of attraction for investors. the preferential regime there applies to the main taxes, and... accrual to the payroll fund. you have a number of good promising and investment projects, which of them do you consider the most interesting? i consider the most interesting those projects that we currently have associated with industry. we have yaroslavl, the novosyolke industrial development zone. now there is construction of several logistics centers with a total cost of about 15-20 billion rubles and a huge data center is being built, the total investment volume of the project is about 18 billion rubles. a lot, a separate pride of yaroslavl such serious large projects, we have their regions, the level of gasification is 84%, gasification continues, of course, in addition, the yaroslavl region is the leader of the entire central federal district in the number of votes of citizens given for local improvement projects, 2000 people voted, it is very important
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that people feel that what you are doing meets their interests, and for this they must be participants in the process, yes, that's right, and moreover, we are focusing on those public spaces. which people voted for, that's what they chose, that's what we do, also, as for the social sphere, four new schools have been commissioned, four more are under construction, in yaroslavl a surgical building of the regional oncology hospital and a children's polyclinic, and fap clinics in the village, fap clinics in the village built more than 30 fav. finally, yaroslavl is the capital of the golden ring, since 2022 the tourist flow of the region has doubled to 3 million people per year, and if you take into account tourists who come without an overnight stay, to more than 9 million people. konstantin, ekaterina. and today vladimir putin held telephone talks with the president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev, discussed the results of the recent state visit of the russian leader to the republic. the implementation of the agreements reached, the presidents noted, will be contribute to the deepening of russian-azerbaijani relations,
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cooperation and partnership. in addition, they touched upon the situation in the transcaucasus, including the issues of azerbaijan's preparation of the armenian peace treaty. moscow is ready to continue to help baku and yerevan in developing mutual. solutions. western sanctions, the departure of many foreign companies from our market, turn the unfavorable situation to their advantage to create truly excellent opportunities for the development of the domestic economy. this was discussed at the meeting of the head of of the government of mikhail mishustin with the director of the industrial development fund roman perutsiy. the plans are ambitious, their implementation is in the center of attention of the prime minister. our correspondent, anna kurbatova, knows all the details . support for domestic enterprises that produce high-tech products is a state priority. after the west unleashed a sanctions war, almost 20 thousand different restrictions have now been imposed on our country, a development fund was created.
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after the companies left unfriendly states, the fund remains a priority still the automotive industry, as you remember, in 2022 a separate program was created for auto components, aimed at creating auto production, localizing the component base, this year i see that we will add about 50-60 billion to this industry. and in fact, every major automaker in the country is today our client, often for more than one project. so in tatarstan it was launched. production of 2.7 liter diesel engines for trucks in nizhny novgorod began production completely
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domestic automatic transmissions, in talyat they are currently working on creating an improved sixteen-valve engine with a volume of 1.8 for passenger cars; serial production of more than 100,000 engines per year will begin in 2026. the industrial development fund finances a number of industries that are essential for all our areas of development; this is actually a guarantee of long-term , including. special attention to areas in which it is now necessary to achieve not only technological sovereignty, but also technological leadership. this
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and pharmaceuticals, automotive engineering, aircraft manufacturing, and electrical engineering, metallurgy, new materials and chemistry, this industry ranks second in terms of the number of financed projects in the fund's portfolio. machine tool components, with the support of the fund, the southern heavy machine tool plant implemented a project to produce five-axis machining centers that can process complex parts. weighing up to 500 kg, in demand in aircraft manufacturing, rocket engineering, and engine manufacturing. after the west refused to supply us with chips for plastic cards. we managed to quickly increase production of our own. more than 250 projects have been implemented in the field of medicine. a plant for the production of vital drugs was built near st. petersburg, thanks in part to the support of the fund. now, for example, all stages of creating insulin and its analogues are in russia. a breakthrough in aircraft manufacturing in the moscow region began to produce composite materials for...
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they planned an attack on security forces, as well as priests and parishioners of an orthodox
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church in sunzha. homemade explosive devices, firearms and telephones were confiscated, they contain correspondence with radical islamists from syria. the perpetrators confessed and were taken into custody. on the eve of the day of solidarity and the fight against terrorism, secretary of the russian security council sergei shaigu visited the memorial cemetery of the city of angels in beslan. he... laid flowers at the monument to the employees of the units who died during the liberation of hostages that militants captured 20 years ago in the school district. a little earlier in vladikavkaz, sergei shaigu held a meeting at which they discussed. social providing the participants of the special operation and their families. the presidential envoy to the north caucasian federal district yuri chaiko and the head of north ossetia sergey minyaila participated. the secretary of the security council arrived in the republic from kambardino-balkaria. there he also held a meeting the day before and also inspected the republican multidisciplinary gymnasium and the children's academy of creativity. they talked about raising patriotism and a sense of civic
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responsibility. a truly new thing in russia in the organization of public transport today , the unmanned swallow, a smart train that will react faster than the driver if something happens, will stop the train, request help in a matter of seconds, and sees twice as far as a person can, all the developments in the swallow are domestic and are not inferior to their international counterparts , the head of russian railways oleg belozerov checked how the train is working, one of the passengers of the unmanned swallow today was our correspondent, olga pautova. this swallow now flies without human assistance, the driver in there is still a cabin, but it does not control the train, it only monitors the operation of the system, starts, drives and brakes the train independently. here are my hands, i do not touch anything, the train departs automatically.
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the train is literally stuffed with sensors, cameras, thermal imagers, they are like keen eyes, which, thanks to artificial intelligence, can not only see the distance to the train ahead, but also, for example, notice a foreign object, a person or even a fire on the tracks much faster than the driver, at such moments the train signals, stops, resumes the train will only move when the obstacle is removed, in this area the obstacle will be shown, then the train will automatically react, if to the red symbol, then stop, if to the yellow, then by reducing speed, we conducted comparative tests, and how does a person see before this? there is no such data, for example, a person sees during the day only on average at 300 m, so we set the system to a requirement of 600 m, that is, the system sees at 600 m. in total , several dozen scenarios of emergency situations have been worked out so that on controlled trains it was safer to travel by computer than by train with drivers, by the way, they are now only responsible for opening and closing doors at stations,
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the head of russian railways oleg belozerov was convinced of the complete autonomy of control today, we are present at a historic event today. today we are starting unmanned movement in rail transport in russia, in particular, but in the world as a whole, since unmanned systems exist, they are primarily used in confined spaces, the metro, where there are a small number of factors that affect train movement, here is the open, actual railway movement - this is here. they chose to implement automatic trains. moscow central circle, this is actually another metro ring line, only above-ground. the number of passengers on the moscow central circle is constantly growing, so it was here that it was necessary to reduce the time intervals between trains. thanks to the automation, trains can travel not once every 4 minutes, as now, but every three. this is five more swallows per hour. the next station is likhobory. the platform is on the right. such
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an independent swallow in its flock for now one. externally, it is almost no different from the others. the interior has not changed so much that the first passengers did not even immediately notice the difference, i like it, to be honest, i did not see any differences at all, honestly, i am even a little shocked, now i am, and why? well , it is unusual, and as you noticed, today there is movement without the participation of a car, however, i did not even pay attention, honestly, i really like to travel on the mcc first of all, and secondly, well, it is comfortable, quiet, calm, of all types of transport, this is probably my favorite, the most comfortable. the next stage is the launch of full-fledged unmanned trains without a driver in the cabin. it will look something like this: there is no person, but the train is moving. it is expected that such swallows will go on a completely free flight in 2026. olga pautova, ilya marin, dmitry zevlyansky, khrystyna ivanova, yuriy yarchenko, channel one. new standards of life - this is also about donbass,
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kherson, zaporizhia regions, where the fighting has already ended, builders are putting damaged houses in order. a team of... regions, how avdiivka is being revived in the donetsk people's republic, our correspondent, alexey ivanov, saw. peaceful life is returning to ovdiivka, in the microdistricts, the noise of construction equipment, the restoration of residential buildings has begun in the liberated city. before the start of the large construction and general cleaning, the streets of vavdiivka were already put in order, now they are clearing the courtyards so that trucks with construction materials and heavy equipment can enter here. in the multi-story buildings, rough work is still underway, where there is destruction, apartments are being cleared of rubble. when from the house will essentially be just a frame, they will begin to overhaul it, windows, doors, necessary communications, everything will be new. the builders want to complete the first stage before
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the cold weather. we must close the thermal circuit, this must be done before october 1, this is to completely glaze, overhaul the roof, the heating system. and the next stage will be to prepare the apartments for the resettlement of residents, which means we will bring them to the same geometry in which it was in accordance. with the bti plans, here is the fourth floor, windows on that side, one-room apartment, this is yours, yes, yes, this is my apartment, let's see, let's go, eduard has lived in this house for 30 years, when he found out that construction was planned here, he asked to join the team and is now restoring his native walls, this is still from his past life, yes, galstyke, this was still the seventies, eighties, yes, well now for now we have to wear temporary special clothing, traces of landings are visible in the apartment, but there is no critical destruction in the house.
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here is everything so that residents who want to take all this away could at any time to come and transfer to another place. having learned about the beginning of the capital repairs of the house, the kravchuk spouses decided to arrange, so to speak, a move, they are temporarily removing the furniture, while they live in donetsk , they found work, and of course, they are impatiently waiting for the time when they can return here to avdiivka. is it good that the repairs have begun? well, of course, that they have not forgotten us, that they think about us, they think about people first of all, about where they will live next, if it will be here later...
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ural, so chelyabinsk residents in 2 years put in order built new houses in another liberated city.
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on the first channel donbass. all attention is currently focused on the court hearing in france, where the paris court is deciding the fate of telegram founder pavel durov. it is being held behind closed doors. meanwhile , curious details have leaked to the press about why durov flew to paris. according to one version , emmanuel macron himself invited him to dinner, but instead of going to a restaurant, durov ended up in jail. and today it became known that another investigation has been launched against the founders of telegram. france has requested information from switzerland about charges.
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this is where pavel durov was held for 4 days from the moment he was detained by the gendarmerie after landing at le bourget airport. in the middle of the day, two cars with tinted windows left the prison gates, as journalists managed to find out, pavel durov was sitting in one of them, however, the french authorities tried to pull everything off as if it were a special operation, they tried in every possible way to protect the detained founder of telegram from the attention of the press and even made the court hearings closed. during the hearing, the judge had to determine the future of pavel durov, whether to release him from custody or formally bring charges, the list of which was announced by the paris prosecutor's office on monday. laundering
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money obtained by criminal means. providing cryptographic services aimed at ensuring confidentiality without mandatory declaration, the list of 12 items includes more than serious crimes, from distributing child pornography to arms trafficking and drugs, but even the french authorities are aware that durov is by no means a hardened gangster and was not personally involved in anything like that, in fact , the investigation's claims boil down to the fact that the founder of telegram refused to introduce censorship on his platform, however, dissatisfaction. that the messenger in the west was expressed by many and only france decided to arrest its creator. the western press unanimously calls this an unprecedented step. the arrest in paris of pavel durov, the boss of telegram, has disrupted the world of technology this weekend. the thirty-nine-year-old russian entrepreneur was accused of failing to prevent criminal activity in his social network that allows users to exchange messages one -on-one or communicate in large chats. previously unknown details of the criminal
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prosecution. pavel dorov was revealed today by the publication politics. after the arrest, it was reported that the french security forces issued a warrant for nadurov only a few minutes before he landed in paris. now it turns out that the investigation began a long time ago, and the warrant was issued back in march, and not only for pavel durov, but also for his older brother nikolai, who also took part in development of the telegram messenger. the arrest warrants were issued after the messaging platform failed to respond to a previous court request for identification by... with french and european authorities in other cases, but the french press reports other unexpected details related to durov's trip to france. a few days ago, newspapers already wrote that pavel durov flew to france to have dinner at a parisian restaurant, and today the media reported who was supposed to join him for
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dinner. it was french president emmanuel macron. and, judging by some publications, this could be true. the american all street journal writes that such meetings have happened before. six years ago, pavel durov actually met with the french president at a restaurant. at a previously unreported dinner in 2018, macron offered durov, a native of russia, to move telegram to paris, according to people familiar with the conversation. durov then refused, according to one of the interlocutors, the french leader even. gave him the opportunity to provide french citizenship, and a year earlier, as the newspaper writes, the french secret services tried to hack pavel durov's phone, so paris has long been interested in the founder of telegram. the question is how it will all end now, because even if durov is released, the criminal case involving his brainchild is unlikely to be closed until the authorities gain control over the application through which millions of people exchange messages. all this
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once again demonstrated the true attitude. the french leadership, which unceremoniously trampled on international norms in the area of ​​protecting freedom of speech and expression, for one reason only, because if they protect certain standards, they must not only comply with them, they must protect them and implement them. russian diplomats are reportedly closely monitoring the case of pavel durov. in addition, the authorities of the united arab emirates have come to the defense of the businessmen. durov has citizenship of this country. german it businessman wrote on social networks, the emirates are outraged by durov's detention in france and already seem to would have responded to this with their own demarche, the planned deal to buy eighty french fighters was frozen. pavel krasnov, dmitry volkov, anna orlova, dmitry malyshev and magomed amirkhanov, channel one france paris. an important idea related to the education of schoolchildren. it is proposed to increase the number
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of history lessons, according to the chairman. russian historical society this is especially relevant now, when in the west they massively distort facts, brainwash people with lies, and as the great lomonosov said - the people who do not know the past has no future, therefore, teaching children to think independently, to know the truth about the past, the goal of the state, i highly appreciate the proposal of the ministry of education of russia to increase the total number of hours allocated for teaching history from the next academic year. in school from the previous 340 to 476. another useful innovation is the introduction of an additional module in schools from the next academic year. history of the native land. another of our national goals is to ensure technological leadership of russia. how to do this is discussed on the forum technoprom in novosibirsk. the most
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advanced developments are presented, some of them. developments in a variety of areas, on behalf of the president, the country's technological leadership should become a national goal. we all understand that science is done in the regions, and not in federal offices, so here we see the real results
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of the regions' activities in fulfilling the tasks set by the president. the platform is very effective, here at the exhibition you can see that the works are of current. interest to our industry, for the tasks that are within the framework of a special military operation and for the socio-economic development of all regions. in novosibirsk , a unique skif installation is currently under construction, it accelerates particles almost to the speed of light, the radiation is an order of magnitude stronger than x-rays. thanks to the skif, scientists will be able to look into the structure of any substance and even influence it. the developments are planned to be used in medicine, for example, for the treatment of oncological diseases. when we got it. we will start collecting at the end of september, we will finish in early december, so that january-february already work with the accelerator in moscow, we want to start
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the clinical trials program next year in march together with our colleagues from the ministry of health and to start the first patient treatment by the end of the twenty-fifth year. is used on the streets of novosibirsk, monitors order all year round, removes garbage in the summer, cleans snow in the winter. according to the developers, it will take only 5 minutes to learn how to operate this municipal machine. there is a special joystick here, which
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starts the movement to the left, to the right, back, forward, slowly we go. by the way, a driver's license is also not required, its maximum speed is 7 km / h. the emphasis on the military industry designer. roman smirnov is currently redesigning this mobile platform, designed to transport people and goods in hard-to-reach places for the needs of the front. in the near future, this mobile platform will become unmanned will be used in the combat zone to evacuate victims to a safe place. it will be controlled by specified coordinates, without use of a person. this year, the business program of technoprom includes more than 200 events, discussions, sessions, round tables. there is a huge interest in the forum not only in our country, but also abroad. representatives from 38 countries came to novosibirsk. this is a grand forum that unites scientific, technical and educational opportunities, not only of the novosibirsk region, but of all of russia. and we know, traditionally, this is a very strong country in this
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area. therefore, we, as representatives of indonesia b2b asean, our communities are very interested in developing relations in these areas. we immediately. reception, we want to organize here felt yes real siberian guests educational hub, so that our students come here and also your students come to us to get acquainted here begins development cooperation it is expected that the forum will be attended by including online more than 35,000 people, ahead of 2 more days of a busy program. alina sanueva, igor ukleyin, konstantin anisimov, andrey mikhailov, nika vishnikova, channel one, novosibirsk. on this that's it, watch the time, stay up to date, now on the air of the first channel a story about love that can raise one person and destroy another, a new series of the melodrama, i can't live without you.
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children, children, children, launch kites into the sky. and the higher it flies, the brighter the soul, rub their heads higher, higher, higher, those who walk the earth, and those who stand on the roof, what have you done to me, this bright autumn,
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i am further and further from the earth, my dear mother, i fly away to the skies, to the cold skies, i don't see your eyes anymore, i don't see them, your face, me a flock flies by. a small bird.


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