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tv   Krim Yuliana Semenova  1TV  August 31, 2024 4:50pm-6:01pm MSK

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but there was no autopsy, excuse me, what is your name? you know, they call you by different names, some call you pavel trofech, some call you comrade colonel, and some call you citizen colonel, which address do you prefer, very nice, you see pavel terofimovich, there was no need for an autopsy, that's all. so clear, maybe
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he can get better with professor winter, he is a great surgeon, all moscow women idolize him and they are right, suren mikhailovich, please tell us in more detail how it all happened, well, i was on duty then, at about eight o'clock in the morning i called a man, a blockhead. no, sergei dmitovich arrived later with me in the ambulance. a neighbor called, i don’t remember his last name, his voice was so excited and he said that an unconscious woman asked to come urgently. naturally, we left. olga viktorovna was not just unconscious, it seemed to me that death was already approaching. thread pulse, bluish eyelids, pupil almost not reacting. in the car, i connected her to the power supply, when we arrived, i called professor evlampiev and started giving blood. we tried for about four hours.
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"i personally have never seen anything like this, the third day, sixth, advanced pulmonary process, after all , sergei admich said that she had been ill for a long time, coughed, was unwell, so it was not an infection, hurricane processes happen, they are noted in medical practice, he can ask to prepare a copy. " the conclusion of death, i
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will send it to her husband myself, it will be more correct without emotions, what do you think, especially since a friend brought it from here, the poor guy was very worried, he even had to give an injection, only when he was able to cry, it became easier. but there is a will, when viktor lvovich arrived, he was at a conference in dubna, he was called, of course, shocked, so dubov took the old man away with him, organized the funeral in one day, held on tight, you know, well, doctor, all this nonsense, please, save it for a more naive audience, now i'll tell you what happened.
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you committed an official crime, which is punishable by law, depending on the goals and motives. frankly, you don't have much choice, either you tell us here now, the reason why an autopsy was not performed, or we transfer the case to the prosecutor's office, the court will subsequently take your an attempt to avoid giving truthful testimony. so, we are listening to you, okay, i am really sure that this is a hurricane pulmonary edema. i did not ask you about this, why did you not do an autopsy? i did not do an autopsy, because i, because i was asked to do it. who is viktor
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lvovich winter, did he ask you himself or? from someone himself, and what did he tell you, i will not tell you this, i wonder why? i will not tell you everything here, viktor lvovich is a great surgeon, my teacher, and olga, his daughter, her family secrets, i would still think about revealing. just to add that for the state or not, and strangers, pardon me, i am not trained, i can security, this does not pose a threat, you are in vain burdening yourself with our problems,
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we will somehow determine ourselves what poses a danger to the state, and what does not, you are free, you can go. i have two small requests for you: since you are so zealous for other people's secrets, please take care of the non-disclosure of the fact and the content of our conversation, second, please refrain from leaving moscow. goodbye, goodbye, goodbye dates. "i'm listening, konstantin ivanovich, connect me with academician vogulev, the time is not right, but i'll have to disturb
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old man winter. yes, it's a strange story, but honestly, i don't see any other option either. academician vogulev is on the line. mikhail sergeyevich, hello. konstantinov greets you, do you remember him? oh, konstantin ivanovich, how old are you, how many winters have passed, how are you? nothing, we live little by little. what news do you have? i have simply wonderful news. do you know such an outstanding person, mustafa akhramova? honestly, i don't know. well, and also an academician, this is the best huntsman cardinal of balkaria, i don't...
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and what are you starting the operation? much worse, i'm going to the vac, well, i can't cancel it, but did something happen? happened, only time can confirm talent in history, do not judge a genius by his contemporaries, they are only witnesses. today we will talk about yulian semyonov, a russian writer of the 20th century. semyonov's path to posthumous fame was not easy, in the distant 2021,
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when the writer turned 90, and almost 30 years had passed since his death, little who remembered the name of the creator of the legendary stirlitz. was the creator of the legendary ottafon to comprehend the phenomenon of semenov, to understand who
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stirlitz was, you need to remember the history of this unusual writer. here we are now driving along my father's road, along which he always drove from his house, from veli stirlitz to faros to yalta, a very narrow road, so you always have to honk, and dad honked, here i honk, in general, dad in his youth was a great driver was always a great driver, he rode a motorcycle, and he rode at a wild speed, and one day his drifted to mokromovo.
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i didn't really know any of my contemporaries, we didn't invite people here, people came themselves , picked grape leaves from the walls of the house, saying: you can see where such a great writer, sterlitz's dad, lived, then they asked permission to go into the courtyard, we let them in, that's how the museum turned out, basically. during semenov's life, his name was constantly heard, he was incredibly prolific, sat down at the typewriter like a pianist. flew out of the page without any corrections, ready for printing. novels, articles, scripts and
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plays, followed one another. crowds of students came to meet this extravagant man. his statements were quoted, theses were retold. semenov stood out sharply against the background of his contemporaries, not only in his reasoning, but also in his appearance. he had several chains hanging around his neck, on them were objects that were completely incompatible with each other, he had a cross, and a magendavik, a shark's tooth, a claw of a bear killed with his own hands somewhere in the mountains, that is, he was a very bright person in this sense, in this sense, he appeared in the family, so that marry katya, my grandmother from her first marriage, and so... of course he charmed me, became an example there in many things, and for
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my father, and especially for nikita, who was then, in general, a boy, he was one of, probably, the first, even i think that the first person in my life who treated me so seriously, and as a man he knew how to do it, he was incredibly charming, incredibly, with all his.
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in the spring of 1990, she came to russia to shoot a film about yulian semyonov for the bbc. the leftists don't like me for my independence.
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and decided that making a film about him would be one of the heroes of a renewing russia, so it would be a great way to show how the country is changing. since i was working for the bbc at the time,
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i suggested that the management write him as a hero.
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fight, as far as i know, on the street , that is, he could, in general, easily gorky, those late fifties there were two famous bruisers, ernst unknown yuliyan semenov, that is, he calmly immediately rushed to beat someone's face if someone... tried to somehow, so to speak, express his aggression or something else in relation to him, he was a boxer, and i remember the story that dasha, the eldest daughter, with whom i was very close, told, dasha once traveled with him to spain, and so semenov was attacked somewhere in a bar, four people, and spain in those years was also not quite the european union
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, in general, quite like that, quite like the north caucasus of some kind, but in bad times and... i can't say exactly where, but in hot spots, what they now call war correspondents, that's actually semenov was such a war correspondent, that is, he always found himself, i can’t list them now, but in all sorts of the most dangerous places he always found something to do. semenov was fluent in english forsia pashto. in 1956, he wrote his first
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note in the magazine-ogonek under the pseudonym: semenov, chosen in honor of his father, the famous journalist and bukharin’s comrade-in-arms at the izvestia newspaper semyon lyandres. that same year , collections of afghan poetry and afghan fairy tales translated by the young journalist were published. so the name julian semenov appeared in the literary space. many people were already asking themselves: why was the young non-party journalist-translator, yesterday's... suddenly allowed to go abroad, the answer was simple: semyon lyandres, yulian semenov's father, was close friends with konstantin simonov, who vouched for the young man. konstantin simonov, an outstanding soviet prose writer, poet, playwright, screenwriter, journalist, war correspondent, while remaining non-party,
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had a colossal influence on the soviet ideological machine. i am a journalist and a writer, and i love my profession, if journalism and writing can be called a profession at all, because it is a gift from god, to be able to feel and express. it is not some kind of three-story mansion, almost avant-garde, standing on
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the heroes that interest me very much, it turned out that there is a house on a steep hill, and we arrived, sat down to have dinner and talk, and we talked until the morning, and it was phenomenal, because i have probably never met such a storyteller as julian in my life. the first book, and which i read, oddly enough, was on a goat for the wolf, these were travel notes by yulian semenov in the genre of new journalism, and i was very much into it then, i was terribly interested, because it was, firstly, about interesting things, about those countries that none of us had been to, and at that time we did not even hope to visit, besides this it was written in a lively, very precise language, i did not know then that this was a genre of literature, new journalism. it was journalism that became a source of inspiration for the future writer. he continued to call himself a journalist when
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he had already fully established himself as a writer. many people classify your books as detective stories, but doesn't that diminish the importance of your books?
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it is considered that we don't have it in principle, but that we would like to see it in ourselves all the time, and besides that, there is this image of a person who will come and save you,
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regardless of what kind of disaster there will be, this person will silently get into his opel and go and save you. yuliy borisovich khariton, i know what kind of bombs were dropped on japan, he wrote a technical assignment, in which he says that we will work on two types of bombs. tromer asked when the soviet union would be able to create an atomic bomb, openger thought and said: "it's hard for me to name a time frame." trumar said: "and i know when, never." the creation of nuclear weapons required a gigantic concentration of forces, this is something new that had to be created in the shortest possible time. everyone is tense. there is a lot left 10, i was not particularly worried.
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in fact, the creation of the first rds-1 product is a warning of the third world war with a result completely unknown to mankind. atomic bomb, personal matter person x. premiere. tomorrow on the first. i can't live without you, premiere. from monday on the first. the creation of a hero who has become absolutely popular, who exists independently of the work in different guises, this is always evidence of an absolutely accurate hit on the core of popular perception, this is a hero whom the people want, love and are ready to constantly talk about his topic, ahead of the funnel, cautious standard füror, thank you, i am always careful, a moment of spring
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a fairy tale, this is... supposedly a chronicle, supposedly as if real events, but in fact it is a fairy-tale plot, a fairy-tale character, a fairy-tale hero, with a fairy-tale fate, with fairy-tale situations, it was the fairy-tale situation , the fairy-tale character of the hero that allowed him to become universal, just as ivanochkurochok was universal, in the same way stirlitz became universal, because he is a fairy tale, not reality, the series 17 moments of spring was filmed by director tatyana lioznova, the role of stirlitz was played
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and he became an anecdotal character, they did not mock him, rather they enthusiastically told stories supposedly from his life, put his hand in his pocket, there was something hard, this is not a mockery, but this is the use of the character as a kind of plot universal, there really
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were a great many jokes about sterlitz, but... semyonov could not stand them, despite his great sense of humor, he loved his hero too much and treated him too reverently, because his sterlitz is ideal, he is a loner intellectual, devoted to ideas, but betrayed by people, a man disguised as an enemy, whose feat no one will see or appreciate, a hero who sacrifices personal glory in the name of his idea of ​​what is proper. the work of an intelligence officer is hidden from public opinion, from wide eyes, the results of the professional activity of an intelligence officer are known to a very narrow circle of his colleagues, well, first of all, his superiors, the leadership of the intelligence service, in this sense, the work of an intelligence officer in its specificity, it is unique,
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i became acquainted with the work of yuliana... semenova somewhere at the turn of the seventies, i was then a teenager, a schoolboy, yes, and i was literally - enchanted by the aura of mystery of romance that surrounds the profession, intelligence officer. semenov's novels about stirlitz are also interesting because the hero's antagonists are invariably smart, educated , and attractive in their own way. in this sense. he understood well that the essence of intelligence activities is a confrontation
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between intellectuals and... the stronger the opponent, the enemy, the more valuable the victory. semenov was generally fascinated by the theme of intellectual evil, which is why he met nazi criminals personally, he tried to understand how intelligence, education, and culture are combined with misanthropy and how love of art can coexist with a complete lack of sympathy and empathy. in this sense, semenov was also ahead of his time, because in those days people still considered education a panacea for everything.
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dad with karl wolf, with a terrible nazi criminal who personally signed the order to exterminate more than 200 thousand slavic and jewish women and children, it was very difficult for dad to talk to him, you can just see the expression on his face, how harsh he is, and dad was very irritated by the fact that wolf was tanned, this nazi criminal only...
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when i turned 16, my father and i went by car to spain, in madrid my dad left me in a hotel and told me not to open the door to the room to anyone, he himself went to meet sotto scarzeny, hitler's favorite and
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mussolini's liberator. early in the morning after this meeting there was a knock on our door, two bald-headed guys were standing on the threshold, they presented my dad with a book of memoirs with scarzeny with his gift. inscription. ottos scarzeny, a german saboteur of austrian origin, collaborated with american intelligence, thanks to which he was acquitted, despite proven participation in punitive operations. long before the revival of fascism, semenov understood that the ideas of exclusivity are immortal. and the fight against them will be eternal. by the eighties, this building was almost destroyed. an idea arose to turn this building into an organ hall. my father responded, donated money. here i often met
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with one wonderful woman who loved me very much for her incredible culture, for her education. but one day, when we talked about the tragedy that happened 2 may 2014 in odessa, she said. yes, people died, of course, a tragedy, but now no one is making noise, everything is quiet, then i remembered my father's words, that we need to be afraid of fascism, that nazism, it is somewhere nearby, with that woman whom i respected and loved very much, i no longer communicate, thanks.
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potatoes, raises a glass of vodka and quietly drinks, oh you are a wide steppe, and you are a wide steppe. by the way, despite the obvious success throughout the country, the series 17 moments of spring did not receive the ussr state prize, and semyonov, unlike the other members creative group, was left without high awards, it was strange, because about the father.
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in general, all this nonsense, that ah, this is a kgb agent, a colonel, a general, a stranger, a dog, i did not think , as many worked, that he was as if part of the state security agencies, although i was convinced and still am sure that to one degree or another , almost all people actively working in the field of culture in one form or another cooperate with the security agencies. all his life he deftly manipulated the system through personal contacts with thinking people
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people, but there were few who thought, so he told me about it many times, what he says in this kgb, he says, there are such oaks sitting, i say, i will write a book, there is something in the book, they read, they say, you know, and this is secret, and i came up with it, they... ask me to remove it, you understand, and i understand him. in fact, semenov was not liked in the special services, only during anandropov's time they allowed him to work in the archives and did not take away all his notebooks of notes on the way out. andropov is the most mysterious general sec of the cpsu. there are still a lot of dark spots in his biography, headed the kgb of the ussr for 15 years. was distinguished by the fact that
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he treated the creative intelligentsia with great respect, that yulik could be liked, i have no doubts, absolutely, it could be exactly like that, besides, yulik amazed the authorities with his charming frankness, he could allow himself to make judgments that absolutely went against what is called the party line, not because he was a dissident, but because he was such a person, he could allow himself to do this, and he did this...
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it happened in the summer of 1967, in my my writer friends were sitting at the party, we were playing the accordion, drinking vodka, suddenly the phone rang, i said: hello, i hear in response, can i speak to comrade semyonov, who is speaking? andropov? what andropov? you write wonderful historical novels with a detective plot, i like them very much. would you like to come to me? as you prefer, to come through the fourth entrance, the service entrance, or through entrance number one from zerzhinsky square, i answered through entrance number one, then tomorrow at four, since then he supported me, after his death andropov, the situation changed radically, the naive gorbachev became general secretary, and yeltsin was already looming on the horizon. unlike most of the country's citizens, semenov understood perfectly well
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what all this naivety would be based on. that is why he founded the first independent newspaper in the country, top secret. it is difficult to explain to you what is happening here in these two small rooms where we lay out our newspaper. this is the first independent, so to speak, international publication with an unusual name, top secret. the main problem with our newspaper is that we completely open, we are against secrecy, because secrecy hinders the reforms that we are trying to carry out in our country. the initial circulation of the newspaper. top secret was 65,000 copies per month, now it is more than 4 million, that is, we are very popular, the official price of the issue is a ruble 50 kopecks, the newspaper is sold for 3 rubles. you can see for yourself, it is sold on pushkinsky boulevard next to the building of the state newspaper izvestia, and the izvestia newspaper is everywhere,
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you can’t find ours. and on sunday we meet with the merdeka representatives, i don't know if they will allow you. to film our meeting, even though you are the bbc, because negotiations are a commercial secret. semenov needed access to the big world, and he was sure that, like the fairy-tale bun, he would be able to outwit even the american media machine, but you can't overcome any system alone, and semenov was always alone, neither the environment, nor capital, nor the state stood behind him. there were only a few like-minded people, but their ranks were rapidly thinning. in 1987 , georg steim, a partner, died under strange circumstances yulian semenov in search of cultural treasures stolen by the nazis lost
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during the second world war of the amber room. stein was found in the forest with his hands tied and his stomach ripped open. in the same year , paul enke, a scientist and intelligence officer from the gdr who helped georg stein and yulian semenov search for the amber room, died. he drank a cup of coffee and died. a year later , another associate of yulian semenov, boris umansky, who was supposed to be the main witness at the trial of the soviet mafia, died of a heart attack. in may 1990, in france was. semenov's deputy for the newspaper, top secret, aleksandr pleshkov, was sent. neither the guilty party nor the suspect were found. in november of the same year, a member of the editorial board, top secret, aleksandr men, was killed. i think that it is most likely that he really came up with some schemes for
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withdrawing huge state funds with the help of the special services, i do not know whether it was the kgb or it was gru. so that there were no projects to restore the yalta film studio and to create tourist zones in the crimea, it was in someone's way. in addition, my father knew how where the big money goes, not to restore the economy, they couldn't forgive him for that. there are only a few people left, and
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how many of them have access to secret documents, nine, at the entrance to the narrowed circle, yes. and introduce me to olga winter, help, help, if you understand, oh, boshed candles, where did you get them, acquired with the graves of the fatherland, and what if the conflict, the break with her husband and the connection with dubo, a reliable person, with an impeccable reputation, this is just a screen, you will not succeed, why is it that the russians feel the leak of information, this is really serious, seres quinter should not cast a shadow on her if she is not involved in the case. the legendary multi-part film based on the novel by yulian semyonov. tomorrow on the first. over the past 7 years, 17 hostage takings have been committed. i will blow myself up. is this
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clear? unfortunately, the statistics are not encouraging. "shut up everyone, from this second you are all hostages, are you crazy, these are children, my name is zaitsev, gennady nikolaevich, i am the head of the operation to free your children, if you do not show up soon bright, most decisive victories that will surprise the whole world, what the hell do we need you for, let it be..." complicated, there are many enemies around, try to figure out who is who, if necessary, we would not ask you, they appointed you, that's it, go to work. i'm asking you, are you taking on this case or not? stepan, what are your demands?
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to begin with, we demand eight machine guns, can you hear me, please, save my friends, if any of the children get hurt, our negotiations will lose their meaning.
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despite the fact that he spent a significant part of the time in the west, looking for materials, amber room, met with some famous and secret people, he did it in the context of his country, for the sake of his country, to tell his readers, and he was interested in russia as a native country, his heroes always worked for their country, therefore in this... in the modern view , yuliyan semenov was certainly not a liberal, he was a man who wanted to transform
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the negatives of his country so that it would become stronger, so that there would be more reasons to be proud of it and easier to live in it. his friends were people who were directly connected with the authorities, really connected with the authorities, another matter is that they were liberals for that authorities, but not in our understanding of the word, it was very interesting to be in his company, they treated me like a boy, but like a native boy, these were people who served the state, but they did not have the orthodoxy and sometimes stupidity that accompanies the authorities ,
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he would have been closer to the statists by nature, firstly, i am not his close friend, like, for example, zhenya dodalev, but after all, we discussed something quite a lot with him, well, i don’t know, it seems to me that he was a statist, he was, on the one hand, of course, a man of liberal views, but not a stinking liberal, because in external terminology the word liberal is completely...
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or for me, the fact that this country, and they all say it’s a country, the fact that this country was able to do this to my parents, my parents’ friends, and so on, it outweighs the victory, they chose for themselves the country that it became for them, actually i think that this rift between them, it started because of this, it deepened because of this and
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it spread to us, because now our po... we won, yes, we built something, but we did such a thing to our people that there is no forgiveness. unlike many representatives of his environment, semenov felt like a citizen of the country that won. in some ways he was a very soviet person, in what i like in the word soviet, in
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what i feel soviet, in relation to. no, he did not look like a soviet person, but he had something of a russian bear about him, and he was so charming, so inviting, we somehow crossed paths in paris, and i introduced him to my parisian friends, french and english, julian immediately fit into
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the group, and we all went somewhere together. then he took us to a party at his daughter olga's, and then we all ended up at someone else's house, where we had fun, drank and enjoyed ourselves. to be near him was to be at an endless party of life, he had so much energy, so much interest in to those around him. hurray, he told me this phrase, he says: i, an officer of my country, about the soviet union, saying, i am an officer of my country, i want my country to be well, although he was non-partisan, and not at all, so to speak, a false communist or pro-communist, but it seems to me that in general he was not born for soviet life, if he had been, if he had lived somewhere in america or
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somewhere in western europe, he would have developed more, although much more, in fact. semenov was a representative of the soviet elite, rich, famous, originally from families of prominent first-wave communists, his wife was from the mikhalkov clan, and yet, ordinary people were close to him.
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meetings were often held here in sevastopol, he met with sailors, black sea sailors, naturally. with workers of the sevastopol, one of the largest mass meetings, at which there were almost two hundred people, took place at the sevastopol instrument-making institute in the eighty-sixth year, where semenov was practically in... for 4 hours, students, teachers, and simply city residents who came to meet him, did not let him go for a long time, semenov, despite all that, loved to make an impression, for example, to come there in the same military uniform of a non-karagan partisan or in an afghan national white suit to meet, and he was very democratic and communicated with ordinary people, as if not lowering them to their level, but raising them to his level, that is why you could ask him any question and... get an adequate , clear answer, this is reading and preparing to answer, and we can watch an excerpt from the film, and then we will continue our business,
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we agree, he told and acted out story after story, he got high from it, and he knew what stories interested specific people, he told stories accurately, depending on the changing audience, and he played it brilliantly, played different characters and told how everyone looked, behaved, and it was amazing, he was a genius as a character, that is, and we, we, we do not take his script, we do not take his books, but we simply consider him as a person who managed to deceive the system, perhaps the most powerful system in world, i'm not talking about the state,
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and it seems to me that this is one of his strongest features, no less important than his books. despite the image he created of a cheerful master of life, semyonov is a tragic figure. yes, the country loved him, but he was one of his own among strangers and a stranger among his own. after all, the soviet intellectual elite rejected father sterlitz. as writers. i did not perceive him, although i understood that he probably writes a lot, as if he knows how to write, well, i watched films based on his works, they were a good subject for discussion in companies, i
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i know that my father, being a young director, yes, there in some seventies, maybe sixties, in general was quite skeptical about semenov's literature, now they would call it commercial, now they would call it. yes, then there was simply no right word for it, but over time he completely changed his mind, and so to speak, recognized that, of course, semenov is a phenomenon, in his genre, in his own world, yes, this one, which, which he created. semen, first of all, is a talent, he thanks to his, his talent, his enormous capacity for work and made his way, because... i can't say that he was very much loved, he was not tolerated in writers' circles, writers hated him, well, because he was an upstart, he didn't need to graduate from the literary institute, you understand, for
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the institute is completely different, suddenly he flew up like a meteor, here he is friends with everyone, everyone loves him, he is allowed to go abroad, but what are you saying, writers couldn't stand him, well, because, well , you understand, all creative people, after all, they are distinguished by envy, amazingly, no one has such envy when you say that he, so to speak,
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in the history of our country is actually impossible, now in france we are coming out, because i say, because my husband is a citizen of france, i often go there, and the publisher published 17 on...
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read the novel by yuliana semenovna. semenov left as a legacy to future generations not only an ideal selfless stirlitz, but also a concept of the country. now everyone knows that the country is not equal to either the state, or the leader, or the regime, or the ideology. the country is inextricably is connected only with... it is the country that reveals the essence of a person, through language, image, culture of thoughts. on the day of the referendum in sevastopol there was a real national holiday. people walked along the streets and
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rejoiced and put their signatures on this flag. the main meaning of all the inscriptions is: hurray, we are russians. and then the sevastopol residents brought this flag to our house-museum, and we value this exhibit very much. it is worth a lot. the story of who semenov is, in our, well, in life, in our culture, in our mentality, it manifested itself very vividly, literally recently, when i was taken to kranshtat, i was in kranshtat, and there i went to patriot park, right at the entrance on the right, so there are these poufs, there is a screen on which they show 17 moments of spring, a black and white version, people are sitting, including.
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after all, he had a stroke in the midst of filming, it was a complete shock, we saw each other the day before and he was full of life, it seemed that lightning had struck him, i didn’t know what to do, i wasn’t ready to quit working on the film and even went to the hospital to film, which was ethically difficult, if that means you you want to film something or something, you have to ask permission. i wasn't
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ready to let him go, when i left the bbc years later, i took the tape with the footage with me. i distinctly remember the thought flashing through my head, i don't know how, to whom, why, but one day these shots will definitely come in handy.
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from simferopol to moscow, and then, why not, to paris, this museum will always belong to our family, it will not become state-owned, admission will remain free, and any person interested in creativity yuliana semenova will be able to come here, i will die... i will return to you tomorrow to sleep for a while with a slope at the hovel, i kiss you, while my children.
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hello, on air evening news in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. there are 22 people at the port. a mi-8 helicopter with tourists has disappeared in kamchatka. the conditions for the search and rescue operation are extremely difficult, all the information.


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