tv PODKAST 1TV September 4, 2024 2:00am-2:42am MSK
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yes, yes, that's the impression i got in verfort, alexander was behaving differently there, he didn't agree with many things, well , his phrase is also well-known, that if you shout there, because at some point napoleon threw his cocked hat there and almost started trampling on it, he was acting out hysterics, well, he was acting out hysterics, he was acting out, he knew how to do that, he knew how to do that, yes, yes, yes, he was actually a cold-blooded person, so no, it was a prank .
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trade with great britain was extremely important, well, actually the main trading partner, of course, that's why at a certain stage russia began to open the border one way or another, so to speak, including english ships under the american flag began to come to russia, so for napoleon he would have a simple choice: either he abandons his entire policy.
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alexander did not treat kutuzov very well since the time of the australian, because then kutuzov warned alexander that he should not give battle to napoleon, it would end badly, well, i'm exaggerating, of course, but the meaning was this: alexander insisted, he wanted it then anyway laurels, well young blood probably still played the laurels of the winner napoleon plus there was a numerical superiority in this battle of three emperors, what was there, respectively the austrian emperor, the russian emperor on one side of the barricades and napoleon on the other and ...
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south pedestrians in puddles, and water on the asphalt like a river, and it is unclear how many people pass by on this day, it does not seem, why am i so cheerful, i play, i i play, the accordion, the accordion, the prokozhikh, the prokozhikh in sight, i will bring, unfortunately, unfortunately, birthday, birthday, only once a year. unfortunately, birthdays only once a year, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, this is
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a historical podcast, we continue to understand the personality of emperor alexander i. the victory, of course, of alexander consisted. also in the fact that napoleon waited near moscow for the keys to moscow, waited for nothing, then burned moscow, well, according to one version napoleon, according to another version, they burned it themselves muscovites, that's where they burned everything, and just chaos also burned, the riots themselves already burned, well, it's true that kutuz ordered the fire extinguishing stock to be taken out of the country from moscow, on one side of the scale was the burned moscow. and alexander rode into paris on a white horse, which calincourt, the french ambassador, had thoughtlessly given him at the time , here are the enthusiastic applause of the parisians, they showered him with flowers, he did it not without effort,
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because the mood in the army was such that it could have happened, i don't know, a second st. bartholomew's day massacre, because hatred for the french were, i was considered a simpleton, that is, revenge, yes, revenge, for telzit, for the humiliation in telzit, for everything that it was revenge, that is , it was revenge not only against napoleon, but also against those, against his own, against his own, who did not underestimate him, it must be said that
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napoleon saved europe, 100 days, 100 days of napoleon returned from the island of elba, because that the bourbons, toleran, he was a supporter of the restoration of the bourbons, alexander, by the way, hesitated in this sense, he thought that his son could become the heir, well, under the regency, but he did not think so, he was familiar with the mood of the bourbons in general, he knew their value quite well, when the bourbons were restored, well , in order to restore the principle, the principle of legitimism, the principle of legal monarchy, when the bourbons were mainly there, then toleran looked at all this in this way, having preserved his position, betraying in his child the lives of everyone he could, he said, the bourbons do nothing forgot and learned nothing, turned out to be absolutely... right, because, firstly, 100 days at once, because the bourbons began such a policy, revising everything that was
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done by the french revolution by napoleon, that they turned the population of france against themselves in a matter of weeks, yes, and then, the bourbons' property ended in 1830, when they, with their policy, eventually forced the french people to finally rid france of this dynasty. you mentioned the congress of vienna, because there were two.
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is why, first at the congress, while teleran was still in power, he defended the interests of france, and then alexander himself defended the interests of france, because the prussians, for example, had the idea of division in general, dismemberment of france, that there would be no such state, they were very offended.
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he said: i have conquered the duchy , i have 480 thousand soldiers to defend it, that is , he could act from a position of strength, he acted. here, by the way, a big question arises, was it worth it whether to annex poland? catherine ii at the time during the partition in poland, actually polish territories, populated en masse not only by ethnic ukrainians-belarusians, under polish landowners, specifically polish territories, did not annex, fearing, among other things, a source of instability. alexander annexed a source of instability became part of the russian empire, two fierce uprisings of 1830-1860, respectively,
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constant movements associated with the struggle for independence, eventually gaining independence of poland after. this is a historical podcast russia and the west on the swings of history, today in the center of our attention, the personality of alexander i his policy. alexander, the winner, unlike all the other participants in the work at the vienna congress. it is wonderful that without solving border issues, dividing up some, it was necessary to repay the victors and so on, without this it is impossible to do, naturally, any post-war congress, so to speak, should solve some such issues, but he was the only politician who tried, but unfortunately, they didn't listen to him, he tried
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to implement the idea of creating some new european... during these napoleonic wars , it was almost over, for him, in general, morality and the bible were united into something single, so to speak, and therefore he, in many ways, approached the solution of political issues, from the point of view of, so to speak, some christian morality, as he understood it, but i think that a rare person read
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of russia, well, let's say, greece, yes, when the events of the uprising in greece began, yes. he sided with the austrians, supported the turks in fact, while not bothering at all to explain why, what does the pan-christian world have to do with it, the sultan is the legal ruler, time what, no, i remained what who i was before, that is, i am for a liberal constitution there for all this, but not everywhere at the same time can this happen at all. after this secondary exile of napoleon became the most authoritative monarch in europe, he knew how to charm, here is his personal trait, he knew how to win personal sympathy, madame destal , a french writer, said the russian emperor agamemnan, the king of kings, agamemnon, who led the coalition of greeks in the war
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of stroy, a greek hero, a hero of the greek epic, accordingly, here is the russian tsar beautiful. and powerful, seemingly merciful, but nevertheless, the sacred union in soviet times was quite naturally called the union of monarchs against the peoples, one can say that this is a sovetdr, so the sentry of foreign thrones against the peoples, this is klyuchevsky, well, yes, in this role alexander headed the sacred union, and this became his main task, indeed, internal affairs receded into the background, after the war of the twelfth year. after foreign campaigns that exhausted the russian treasury, problems inside the country through the roof, a gigantic budget deficit, the economy is not in the best condition, in this, as a result, france... support in spain, respectively, thanks, including to the position of russia, the revolutionary movement is liquidated, it is suppressed with the participation of russia in the german states, really a sentry,
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i don’t know, even he thought about it or not , but there was, let’s say, a misunderstanding, well , even a simple, i don’t know such a simple thing, here he tried to build some kind of pan-european house, to establish some kind of i don’t know general rules of the game, and it was impossible simply by definition, because well, first england went ahead, there were bourgeois, so to speak, all sorts, then there were, so to speak, changes in other european countries, and he, as you rightly say, he was not involved in internal issues, but he was involved in military settlements, after all, it was not rakcheev, who is accused of this, who came up with the idea, but alexander i, what was the idea? i would call it the first attempt to forcibly make a person happy in part, because there were some other pragmatic things, he did a lot
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traveled around the country died in the end far away in the province in taganrog, without even publicly naming the heir to the throne, well , in the end, you and i know about the rumors... names are already solid in no one was present at the solemn death, especially. the body was brought in a closed
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coffin, which is natural, where is taganrog, where is petersburg, while they were transporting, while they were transporting well , naturally, yes, the previous reasoning, which was known, that in his younger years he wanted to retire altogether, make reforms and abdicate the throne. i i don't know what you think, but this is the case when a historian is forced to simply write supposedly everywhere, of course, the fact is that the russian people at that time believed that the tsars, already emperors, do not die a natural death, because they either kill them, fortunately there were many reasons to think so given in the 15th century, or accordingly their departure in pavlovich was happening there were many. they appeared in different provinces, were recorded, sometimes when drunk they pretended to be the tsar, well , it happened, sometimes like fyodor kuzmich became more solid grounds for rumors,
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but of course these are all rumors, and of course a serious historian should say here that alexander died, indeed, the conclusion can be said, perhaps, the following, simply state that for many years, then russia was deprived of a constitution, elementary freedoms. it began to gradually lag behind, reforms did not happen, the principles of the holy alliance did not justify themselves, nicholas was already forced to renounce them, there was a decembrist uprising demanding these reforms, but it was prepared not so much by the rebels themselves, as in general policy of the late policy of alexander i, and all episodes of the historical podcast russia west on the swings of history you can watch on the website of the first channel o.
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this podcast is a must-read. i am glaina batnikova. this year marks the 105th anniversary of the classic of english literature writer arias smurdoch. today we will talk about her novel the black prince. the plot at first glance is very simple. there is a hero, an elderly, fifty-eight-year-old writer, who also worked in the past as a tax inspector, he dreams of writing a book, is looking for solitude, but at this time his friends begin to bother his familiar married couple, he begins to understand their relationship and quite unexpectedly falls in love with their twenty-year-old daughter, tries to, well, let 's say, seduce her, but at the same time with a serious approach, but his girlfriend leaves him and he ... ends up in prison, accused of murdering her father, and we are trying to figure out what is behind this relationship behind this family system, the writer vera bogdanova,
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hello! hello, please tell me why it is the black prince that is considered a landmark work by murdoch, what is so important about it, what themes are revealed there? well, in my opinion, it is considered a landmark work for murdoch, because it was a kind of turning point, i would say, a turning point work, a turning point novel in her career, it was very difficult for her, and it is quite unconventional and not like her other novels, and how is it different, it is different, firstly, well... as it seems to me, in the intensity and dynamics , the richness of the dialogues, as she herself said, it is a demonic novel, it was she is demonic hard, well, the black prince, what is this, this is hamlet, right, firstly, this is a reference to hamlet, really hamlet, and it is hamlet that the main character of bradley's novel admires hamlet, a writer, a writer and also a tax inspector, yes , a former tax inspector and therefore also a writer, and he admires hamlet, he...
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he really loves shakespeare in principle, it is hamlet that he analyzes with his beloved julien, that is, julian asks him to analyze, well, like she is the daughter of his friends, she is the daughter of his very good, bosom friend friend, that is, you could say, on the one hand a friend, a sworn enemy, a sworn friend, because on the one hand he is arnold's friend, on the other hand, a fellow writer and rival, a successful writer unlike...
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people, it's vulgar, shallow, we all understand this, in fact it's true, that is , as soon as a book becomes popular, that is , it crosses some line of popularity, we can even observe this now, there are plenty of examples, everyone immediately starts calling this book pop, despite the fact that before that, for example, they could praise it on the contrary and say that it is a very profound work, touches on cool topics, it is done so well, but only when it reaches a very wide audience, a mass audience, it is as if... it ceases to be some kind of product, yeah, that's exactly how they treat arnold's works, the main character bradley pearson, he envies arnold, and he is very captivated by the fact that arnold's daughter, on the contrary, says: i want to write books similar to your novels, that is, he buys me a good rating, well and let's say, straight up flattery, yes, that is, she really wants to listen to a lecture about hamlet. plus
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she herself played hamlet in the production, actually hamlet runs through the entire novel as a thread, but hamlet appears here as a kind of black eros, that is, we encounter many references in the text, here is the phrase black eros, that is, it comes as black eros into this relationship, it turns out that it is eros that destroys them, yes, or tell me how the plot is built specifically around the erotic interaction of julian and bradley.
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when he allegedly killed this arnold, in fact in fact, rachel killed him, but everything is so confusing in this family that in the end it turns out that bradley is to blame, for some reason, he doesn’t even particularly deny his guilt, and but, but this whole situation, this whole dark eros, it led him to finally sitting down to write, what’s the paradox, he spent the whole novel, i laughed a lot about it, it’s of course a terrible situation, but i really laughed, from the very beginning of the novel, our bradley pearson, wanted a place. privacy to
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write? i laughed too, i also reread it now, i noticed that all this time a person wants to write a novel, someone always interferes with him, some people come all the time, some events, in the end it is love that unexpectedly falls on his head and... in the end it is only in prison that he is finally left alone and can write a book, and he finally gets a place of solitude, so that where no one disturbs him, and he finally writes this book, yes, that is, after all, dark eros leads him to a happy ending, and indeed, well, the fact that he still confesses his love for julian, still continues to love her, and even sitting in prison, in general, it's like this, i don't even know what to call it ha, but it's unlikely that this is of course a hand, but for a creative person , this very connection between creativity and suffering is inseparable, in general, just like that, there is a plot of writers prison, there is, well, actually , not only did they go through prison, it was in prison that they wrote their classic works, you also know, it seems to me that this is
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her husband roger, who in general did not want to marry her 20 years ago, but it turned out that way and he was forced to marry her and it was a very unhappy marriage, from which priscilla runs away, everything in general ends very badly, so what kind of... we will not take the marriage, it is not ideal at all, that is, bradley is not happy with it, in general, since it ended in nothing, and despite the fact that christian is trying to get him back, he himself bradley is somehow not very eager for this relationship, and there are no good heroes, listen, this bradley, look, rachel is trying to hook up with him, when this young julian's mom, then this julie falls in love with him, well, conditionally, she says, at least, that i love you, then we see that even at some point... we read some analysis, and this random character francis, who is constantly getting in the way, some unfortunate brother of his ex-wife, we even see how he hints at some kind of passion, almost arnold's for bradley, that
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is, we understand that this bradley is some kind of just a hero-lover in every way, although he is a tax inspector and an unsuccessful writer, why is this feeling, which is attributed to him after the fact. such real feelings have not experienced, by the way, it is interesting, critics draw a parallel in the novel the black prince, when the hero finds himself in a whirlwind of other people's passions, as if everyone attributes some love merits to him,
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critics compare this with the statement of iris murdoch herself in early interviews, when she is transferred to her in the black prince, this podcast is necessarily about ... the black prince, and tell me please, vera, you are also a young, beautiful woman, you are also a successful writer, you feel, maybe, some similar conflicts with the image, because in fact, none of the, let's say , viewers who will watch this program now or those who will read my interview or... even those who will read my books, none of them know the real me, which is logical, this seems to me, an absolute understanding that some image that is imposed on me, readers, viewers, who have nothing
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in common with me, it can also play an evil joke, because at some point he didn’t want, for example, a relationship with rachel , some kind of affair, but he gets carried away into this affair, listen, it seems to me that there is very typical behavior there, you know, how rachel behaves and how she behaves... some kind of intimate and communications, while he doesn’t want it, but she is his affair, a half-affair with julian’s mother, he somehow then impresses julian, that is, again, his mother then writes a letter to julian that this bradley, he tried to seduce me too, it turns out that he has some kind of effect on julia a heavy impression, she runs away and maybe this will play some role in their relationship , this passion, but we see that this is how you shouldn't behave, right? as a woman presses on a man and maybe this will be in him this
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passion, there is also not very clear what exactly will be in him passion, because he has known julian for a long time, well, in fact, a novel from a man's point of view, here iris murdyk, a woman, she writes this can be such a person, this is a reliable narrator, we believe her, you believe in what you, you have a feeling that these are men's feelings in relationships, what is interesting to us women, we read, yes, how is it from the point of view of a man, but... the one from whom he writes, that is, the same with me, when i write from the point of view of a man, at that moment i am this man, when i write from the point of view of a girl, i am this girl, i will write from the point of view of a dog, so i will be a dog for some time , that is, well, you are just like on your sides, who says that i am a writer, i even write love for a stool, but this is how it works, that is, it is impossible, well, in a good way, it is clear that there are different situations and sometimes it doesn't work out, but these are just countries, if we speak specifically... in the novel the black prince, there are basically no reliable narrators,
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this is murdoch's game itself, an intentional game, yeah, there, we don't know if we can trust bradley's story, because we have four more afterwords, where each secondary character tells her own version, rachel says that in fact bradley is crazy, and that means he harassed her in every way, in general this is her look, yes, it seems like such a story is very specific.
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as you rightly noted, even in prison, that julian still loves him, and he even almost takes on this murder of arnold, simply because he feels guilty for what he destroyed and somehow psycho, but it is not worth such, as you think, such a reaction, because well, okay, well, a girl, well , she got carried away, maybe, by a professor at the institute, who is older, this is a popular plot, why ... suddenly - such a one climbs on bokovshchina, yes or faustshchina, even, yes, some dark principles, dark eros, here on the one hand, again, i don’t think that we can talk about true love on his part, he fell in love again with an image, he realized his creative principle, creative principle, yes, where does this darkness of nabokovshchina come from, well , this is about impossible love, and why is it so impossible, not really impossible, as it seems to me, on the one hand... it’s clear, if you reason logically it’s possible, but with that
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intensity with that madness that happens there the character is - it's even some kind of absurdity, that is, to the point of absurdity, this very situation is built up, that is, she has so many meanings sewn into her novels, so many layers, so many subtexts, in each of them, you can talk about each of them endlessly and it pulls out an infinite number of meanings, plus and different forms - yes, due to this we read the black prince with such rapture, that is, he is not boring, he is very, yes, there is a lot of dialogue, and - by the way, good dialogues, wonderful dialogues and here, what is surprising is that there are a lot of them, very
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