tv Yug 1TV September 6, 2024 11:20pm-12:00am MSK
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south-east, jewish or something? i don't know why everyone is so surprised, the name has been with me since childhood, i'm used to it. why can't i sleep longer on my birthday? because the pie will become. here, take it, it's for you. i'm not opening it, i know that there, there is a retinue. she doesn't knit a new one every year. always a size bigger, as granny says, for growth, but why should i need growth if she makes a new one every year, besides, granny's holy ones are very prickly and i sweat in them, well, as you like it, of course, thank you, granny, well, let's go to the bathroom, but
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i wear them, because granny gets offended, nails cut your hair, such claws have grown, baby teeth are completely replaced by permanent teeth and by the age of 13, i have only one baby tooth left, and it is very loose, i know that i need to pull it out and make way for the permanent tooth, but i am scared, and i don’t like my grandmother’s methods.
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on this day, my life changed forever, but first things first, points with the same temperatures, thank you all, the lesson is over, the eighth paragraph is at home, there is fifty, no, no, not a sebrot, your sweater is ugly. i have few friends at school, well, how few, not a single one, sometimes it’s even sad that i don’t have a few walking home from school, my classmates say that i am withdrawn and silent, but why say anything when there is nothing to say, at school they often laugh at me, especially in physical education, come on, come on, come on, don't give up, probably
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because i can't run fast, i can't go any higher and i quickly lower my hands, i still don't understand what made him laugh so much, maybe it's for the best that i'm alone, because today i have a very important mission, i'm going to get my first passport, probably, for residents of large cities, getting a passport is an event not so important, but in our town not much happens, so for us it is something serious, especially the first passport, and especially for me, and why does a person need a passport? maybe because we do not take
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each other's word for it, people often, well, i also, well, as you like, of course, thank you, granny, fifty there is, there is not, but sometimes it is necessary so as not to upset anyone, i am going to my documents for the second time, the first time i did not really like it there. i noticed that people really like to stand in line, i understood that they do it it gives pleasure, hello, are you working, what about your nose, fell, and i didn't tell you what happened to me then, there was an incident, kid, your shoelace
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is untied. the thing is, i constantly hurt myself. granny says i'm in the clouds. what, kid, are you alive, kid, are you sure, am i sure, yes, everything is fine, no, yes, come. it will be ready in a week, granny, where are my scissors? look there, remember, i said that my life would change forever, look what happened next,
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granny locks the cupboard from me always carries the key to it with... boy, but not today, his secret has always attracted, i read somewhere that a person's basic knowledge base is formed before the age of 17, which means my age is the most suitable for showing curiosity, wow, where does granny get so much money, maybe...
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all the transfers from some d boil, boil, strange, that's my last name, and my patronymic is dmitrievich, stop. this is dad, why did he keep quiet, a criminal, i'm going, i need to figure everything out quickly, and i need to go to school, that i was poisoned, so i cheated, it seems, yes, in dining room, i rarely do this, but it concerns dad, grandma was chatting on the street. neighbor, which means i have more than an hour, in grandma's sideboard i counted a million rubles, no doubt, all this time my father looked after me, gave me 70 thousand a year, that's
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almost 6 thousand every month, a lot of money, very generous, considering that i never... my grandma and i have been living alone since i was three years old after my mom died, grandma gets nervous if i talk about mom, she even threw away her photos, but i saved one, true, you can hardly see her there, but you should look at her. i immediately remember my mother, her hands, her smile, her smell, time gradually erases
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her face from my memory, i'm afraid that some morning i won't remember it at all. of course, i didn't find out right away that she died, my mother was a lama, at first ba told me a fairy tale, she was a human for only 3 years to raise you, well then the spell ended, she went to her own, well that's it, sleep. but i still hoped and waited for my mother to return, without my mother the stars no longer fell, over time ba stopped telling his story. and where is mom, mom, mom at work, then i learned
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know anything about mom, then i've never seen my father in my life, i only know that granny called him a scoundrel, your father, a cural bastard, a real bastard, don't remember him in our house, he doesn't remember you, that's it... and you don't remember, she scolds him, obviously without love, i have no idea what he looks like, as a child i imagined him as a blond with a moustache, only later i found out that he was a popular singer, i should have guessed earlier, because my granny really liked him, and my dad, no, but it turns out that he remembers me, according to the census in all of russia. only 200 people with the last name kipen, if you remove me and women, you get about 100
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people, it's not that hard to find him, you just need to adjust him to his age, granny said that i appeared out of stupidity, when people do stupid things, if you believe grandma, then in youth, so we reject all old people, so 19 people, great, i just... grandma, of course, will scold, but he sends me so much money that it is even somehow impolite not to say at least thank him, the message should be short, but informative, judging by the money, he is a busy person, by the way, remember, i said that i have no friends, this is not entirely true, i have kolya, it is he, advised me to look for dad on vkontakte. bro, if you want to find your father, advise me to look on vkontakte. thank you,
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kolya, but i don’t advise you, all the sobs are stifling. my mother always gets me, makes me look for a job. kolya and i are in the same alpha clan. don’t judge me, i’m still a child, and like all children, i love computer games. kolya is probably my best friend, although i ’ve never seen him either. it was the longest night of my life. so, 13 people responded to my message. all the answers were negative. there were also strange ones, except for one, in the morning
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i told my granny that i was leaving for school, i went to my dad myself, my path lay neighboring. everything, but there was a problem, i have never in my life traveled by train, because i am afraid of electricity, i already told you, in general i have about fifteen phobias, insectophobia, airophobia, aquophobia, orachnophobia, haptophobia, gymnophobia, cancerophobia, and of course, claustrophobia, and after it liftophobia, muusophobia, parures trichophobia. the list is constantly growing, but there is the main fear in my life,
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to lose my granny, i have no one except her, i sleep very badly, almost every night i check if she is breathing and i hate her. yes, she doesn't get out of the bath for a long time, granny, are you okay, get away from the door, stop guarding me, are you coming, no, i'm really afraid to be left. alone, maybe that's why i want to find my father so much, so desperately that nothing can stop me, i took with me everything i need for the trip, our old
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camera, a photo of my mother and something that will prove that i'm definitely... his son, money and checks, lesnaya station, next station, don't forget your things, some half an hour and i'm in the village of lesnoye, granny doesn't like this settlement, he says, bad people live here, in our city for some reason they call it hare. i know who tongues are, and i saw them in the movies, but upon arrival i didn't meet a single one, the vegetable sellers definitely don't look like them,
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great! oh, well, blondie, how did you get here, okay, what's this , i want to take a picture, with me, why, as a keepsake. yes, i haven't had to take a picture as a keepsake for a long time, i thought you were more, granny also says that i'm skinny, granny has a point, oh, you can tell right away, he knows her, let's go, fly in, i'm already in full swing at 14.
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progozil, now we'll chat with you, i wonder what chatting is, i liked my dad right away, he's smart, he knows a lot of strange words, so, well, let's chat, lobotryam, here, thank you, help yourself. apple compote, almost, well, as they say, my luck, and a dacha by the sea, what are you, are you so nervous, come on, come on, something really burned my throat, it's not tasty, yes, but then
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just started looking for your folder? just granny , only honest work, and why didn't you talk about you before, and what did mom tell you? i don't remember, she died when i was three, yeah, lousy, brother, lousy, well, just yesterday i found all the money you sent, what kind? and i brought your checks, quiet, quiet, quiet, why are you showing off your grannies here in front of everyone,
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so let's put the backpack back, no fuss here, now slowly get up and go out, got it? we're leaving already, yeah, where, where, where, to get some air, it's stuffy here, come on, where were we rushing to, the electric train is in 6 minutes, well dad, kid, i'm not your dad, and i'll never tell you anything.
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that he's not my father, dima is good, although he himself i'm an adult, i was glad that i was able to escape, but he doesn't think so, but would a bad person protect me, i'm not even his son. the circle of advantages is narrowing, i have seven people left who haven't responded to my message, that's not bad, you, like me, hardly thought that finding a father would be so easy, it's time to make the first adult decision, please, yes, hello, i... what, get a passport? and is that you? i see, you're pinching your nose, i'll check now, check if everything is correct,
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anything, i am always in touch. "i know, you are lucky, you can stay home, you don't have to go to school anymore, yeah, say, this is my mom, okay, bye, we'll chat when i get to the second dad, good luck! of course, i don't feel sorry for grandma, she will probably worry, so i wrote her a letter, i think she will understand me, wa, i know, you forbade me to rummage through your closet, but i found the money there that dad sent me. "i
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i went to look for him, you will scold, but i need it, take care of yourself, don't forget to take your pills, i'm not worried about me, i'm dressed warmly , i promise that i will definitely come back when i get all the answers, i took the money and receipts with me as proof. don't be angry, i love you, your south, lord, i have planned the best route, i have money, the main thing is to spend it carefully. did you
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buy out the whole compartment? i've never slept with strangers, give me your passport, hold on, but i folded it, yeah, just the usual ones. will you be going alone? yes, my dad will meet me, i hope you forgive me for having to pack, well i'll keep an eye on you, there's tea, coffee, if you want, call me, have a nice trip, south, tambourine, nicholas, take beret. well
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, that's it, there's no turning back, i'm setting off on the longest journey of my life, the whole of russia lies ahead, only seven fathers scattered in different corners of the largest country in the world, and i'll definitely find you. calm down, granny, calm down, teenagers often run away, girls, clubs, nothing, he'll come back, what clubs, it says, he went to look for his father, lord, who knows what's written there, wait 3 days, and then write a statement, we'll consider it, i'm going to spank you in the ass now, are you
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nothing to be afraid of, let the world know how i love, suffers with us, suffers with us, i i'm afraid to be alone, cool, oh, well nastya, well now it's great, here i am, anton, you know , i have another question for you, you are often compared to alexander gradsky, he writes that you have a similar musical. general view on music, yes seriously, they opened me up, i'm sitting there and thinking, god, they are destroying me, i'm generally honestly surprised by the reaction of people including my wards, that they want to join my team, because in principle i understand my, well, i've been working in music for a long time and - well, how can i say, it's rich, but i understand that i'm not pop star in the sense of just, well, a bright star, you know, everyone should come to me, this is very, tell me more, i really like it. whether this opinion is shared or not, the opinion of the audience, i think that alexander
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borisovich, i am his in fact, well, i won’t say that i am his friend there, you know, for many years, but having participated in the voice in the second season, we came to talk with him there about lit zappelin, all the concerts, and he just, well, he’s a meter, i mean, this is a person who has grown to those judgments, to that behavior, yes... which he himself, well frankly, let's say, he allowed it somewhere, yes, that is, he, he had the right to behave like that, that is, and to say things that, well, you can hear from meter, from me, it seems to me, such things, well, it's still too early to listen, that is, i, frankly speaking, am often embarrassed to comment and say something, because, well , you really need to grow up to this, a bird sang to me, so to speak, that when you became a mentor, you were even worried that no one would...
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