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tv   PODKAST  1TV  September 10, 2024 1:40am-2:26am MSK

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including, well, in simple terms, where there are mountains and where there are volcanoes, there is mostly gold, well, or where there were volcanoes, because siberia of course doesn't erupt much now, but once upon a time, yes, or, for example, the kola peninsula, the most ancient rocks come out there, once there were mountains there, but they were cut off a long time ago, the last time they were cut off by a glacier, and there are no mountains there anymore, when all this happened, that is, when did it start? gold deposits are formed on our territory, these are the earliest deposits that exist, they belong to such a period as the archean, it is about 2.5 billion years and a little older, uh, very early deposits, here is the moment of the formation of the earth, they do not exist, that is, the earliest ones begin in the region of 2.5-3 billion years, in fact, these are rich ores, and because they reflect very unusual conditions that were then on the earth, on the earth. there was no
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oxygen in the atmosphere yet, therefore the entire cycle of the life of the earth and the movement of matter, it was a little different from what is happening today, further, starting from 2.5 billion years and younger, we have such, well , classic objects with an age close to 1.8 billion years and younger, but most of the deposits are for russia, this is certainly the far east, siberia, the urals, and this is the range... well, probably from - 650, but if we take the yenisei crash, theft, yes, well, maybe even from 800 million years to the present, because - modern systems in chukotka, in the far east they are generally determined by an age of 50 million years, 60-90, well, yes, by your geological standards 50 million is like yesterday, there are even modern, well, on active volcanoes in principle - deposition. gold is happening right
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now and - i saw a report, a colleague showed, right in the sublimations - volcanoes, he found newly formed gold, that is , of course, there is no deposit there yet, but it is redeposited, and how is the age determined, here lies, well, from the point of view of the layman, a piece of stone, in it there is a small piece of gold, how to determine that this piece, here a small gold particle appeared 850 million years ago. by and large, to determine the age exactly when the gold was formed - this is a difficult task, in geology there is an approach that allows using isotopic systems, in other words , the radioactive decay of one chemical element into another, to determine the age of this process, if i explain it in simple terms, then when a mineral crystallizes, some amount of a radioactive isotope gets into it, for example, uranium, this uranium decays over time, forming lead. accordingly,
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if we take a mineral, measure the lead content in it, relative to uranium, which is in it, we can substitute the formula into the law of radioactive decay, calculate how much time has passed. the uranium -lead system is not the only flood system that exists in geology, for example, we know that potassium, one of the very common chemical elements that generally surrounds us, and we eat, there is in one banana, how much of the same potassium, it is radioactive, beta radioactive. other chemical elements also transform by transformation, in particular, it has a decay channel with the formation of argon, this is the second, probably, by prevalence method for determining the age of minerals. if we return to the question of how to determine the age of gold, it is a difficult task, because gold usually does not have much uranium, on the contrary, there is a lot of lead, it is difficult to measure, gold has little potassium, and there is a need to either use as... these are other minerals
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that are indirectly related to gold, that is, we as geologists can say that they probably formed at the same time - or try to use new flood systems, here in particular the system based on uranium-torigels, that uranium decays with the formation of a gel, which is an alpha particle, because well, helium flies away, how to find it in the rock? it is difficult to find it in the rock, but - native metals, in particular gold or sulfides, with which gold is often associated, they preserve very well.
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no offense to a laboratory theorist, no, and pavel, a more applied person who is looking for this gold, these models help you to search for a plant, and well, in principle , you mean age-related ones. yes, for example, age-related ones, and no, well, of course, they help in some way, although of course, the main criterion for searching is to look for ore next to ore, yes, if there is a gold- bearing deposit in some region, why not look for more, but in principle this is an important, important question, yes, the age of mineralization, these events when gold deposits were formed, they were not formed continuously, but... such eras, well, that is, for example, continents collided, heating began, friction, these solutions began, gold was formed, yes, in generally speaking, we can, knowing the age of some garnitoids, we can know that
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gold is associated with these garnitoids, nothing is associated with garnitoids of a different age, accordingly, this is already for the search model of how we will, where we will search, this is ... already important information, this is a podcast schrödinger's cat, and i am its host grigory tarasevich, today we are talking about how to find gold in the depths of russia, how to look into these depths, and how to find what decorates our life with its yellowish, expensive light, about gold, about that, how geologists search for gold in russia. listen, i'm starting to look at my wedding ring with more and more respect, just like that, not only because of family values, but because look, neutron stars collided, then continental plates collided, so that i could have this little yellow ring,
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such events took place over billions of years, and how much ore was crushed for your ring, well, by the way, yes, in my ring, how many grams are there, oh, three grams probably we will, how many tons of rock are needed , well, it depends on the content, in principle , industrial content now starts there from a gram per ton, that is, 3 tons of rock were used, so that well, no , yes, if if by gram then 9 tons, 9 tons, yes, yes, and if sands, in sands, industrial content, there it is true that they count per cubic meter of sand, but they are less than a gram per cubic meter, so what? i look at the ring with great respect, if, dear viewers , listeners, if there is something golden next to you, there is a golden tooth, a golden ring, gold chain, look at it with different eyes from the point of view of billions of years, tons of rock, thousands of kilometers, because at first, when
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they look for gold on a scale of thousands of kilometers, they probably look, well, like any mineral, when searching for it, in geology the principle of successive approximations is applied, that is, all geological exploration work begins, they have a certain stage, there is even a law, they begin with a regional study of the subsoil, that is, a certain area of ​​​​territory is taken russian federation and a state geological map of a million-scale or two-hundred-thousand -scale is compiled for it. geologists go on routes, study routes, look at space images, conduct some rare areal. geochemical studies, take samples for analysis and build a map on this basis, a geological map, one of the components, well , in fact, this is a geological map, this is not one sheet, but there is a whole set of different
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sheets of graphics, here is such a talmut, there is also a report attached to it, and there are presented an idea of ​​where what minerals might be here, what areas are promising? then there are prospecting works, at the stage of prospecting works, promising areas are identified, they are studied in more detail, and then, as a rule, they conduct searches along rivers, if there is a river hydrographic network, sometimes they use where there was glaciation, the volcanic method, that is, they collect, look for pebbles with signs of ore, then reconstruct, like a glacier along... and where it came from, that is, everything in more detail, in more detail, such a golden funnel is obtained, in the end they find a source, from where it flows into rivers, somewhere else, this gold is carried, dispersed, they find ore fragments,
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they found this, this is not a deposit yet, first of all, you need to see what is there, as a rule, we have soil on top, but here is something loose, the destruction of these rocks, they take, drive a bulldozer, tear off everything loose, reach the bedrock, rock, there they find the native body, evaluate it... what is its thickness, they test it, determine the content, so they make several intersections, for example, this vein, they get an idea from the surface, already somehow extrapolating to the depth, yes, i make a reasonable assumption that it is not only from the surface, for example, it goes 100 m deep, they calculate the predicted resources, that is, this is not yet a reserve, well, they roughly imagined it, after that they drill... wells to confirm, they confirmed, this is not yet a deposit, that's when it is all, the ore body
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is riddled with these wells, they drill, they get pieces of core, study them, determine the content at each intersection, all this multiply, multiply, calculate the reserves, then it will be a deposit, i specially took with me a souvenir that was given to me by geologists who are looking for gold in the krasnoyarsk territory on the yanisei ridge, this is that very core, that is, what is taken out from the depths of the earth, a drilling machine, yes, can you explain what is on it, why it can be connected with a gold vein, that is, in theory, i have a piece of a gold vein in my hands, well, almost, if only we had some water, yes, water, it would be better to see it, yes, that is why it is here, because its surface is like that rough. water in the studio not because someone felt bad, but so that the geology could be seen better, i think the depth
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was about 100 meters, there, we wet it and magic happens, wow, now it can be seen, it has become, it has become not so scary, by the way, here at the drilling, when a geologist describes the core directly at the drilling, they take it out immediately , the geologist documents, describes, and there is always a bucket of water and brushes. yeah, here or a spray bottle to wet it, because it is much better visible when wet, and what do we see? here, well, you can see something white, yes, and something gray, so, something gray is the host rock, these are some sandstones, maybe oleurolites, orgelites, what was once sand, clay, which were deposited on the bottom of the ancient sea, then it was compressed, then it was compressed, heated up, pressed, cemented and became strong. rock, so in the strong rock then it cracked
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, superheated water vapor began to flow through the cracks, we call it fluid or hydrothermal solution, very hot, more than 100 ° it is still liquid, because of the pressure, yes, due to the pressure it liquid, although sometimes there is a supercritical fluid, which is an indistinguishable state, liquid and steam, here above 373, it seems degrees a. and therefore due to the fact that it is so hot, it dissolves many minerals well, well, entering the crack, interaction with these rocks, it cools down, precipitation of this begins, well, mostly it is quartz, generally speaking, most often gold is in such deposits, it is in quartz, yes, if you find quartz, you immediately need to knock to see - what will be there. but if you found quartz, this does not mean, that there is definitely gold there, even when we go to sites, we beat these quartz veins,
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well 90% of them are empty, like a drum, as they say, except for quartz, which in general is not of great interest here, what else can you see here, here - this one, most likely it will be seen as black, and this strip, it sparkles a little, this is perite, well, in general it looks like gold, if i didn't know, i would think that this is gold. yes, it is called fool's gold, well, there were often cases when people found it, they collected, raked bags, rejoiced, and then were upset, well, here there is no visible gold, but this does not mean that it is not here at all, it can be in the form of a fine fine inclusion, if there is visible gold, then we can immediately say with confidence that the content is 10 g per ton, what kind of crack it could be, if we took a microscope.
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what we know is that on the territory of the nisei region there are very large gold deposits, like well, like there, for example, like the olympics, it is associated with quartz veins, here we see a quartz vein, this is already good, accordingly, the olimpiada deposit, it was formed in several stages, approximately 850 million years ago and its last stage was 650 million years ago. it is interesting to see, this quartz vein and the mineralization that is in it, how old is it, if it is close to the age values ​​that are for rich gold mining systems, then this object becomes even more promising for me, because we already know that in this area with such age values ​​there were suitable
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conditions for gold accumulation, the second point, again purely academic, as i see it, that... then quartz veins are a sign of such a type of deposit as an orogenic type deposit. orogenesis is mountain building, if translated from greek into russian, in this case we have these superheated fluid solutions, they rise directly from the mantle along very deep faults, and in fact, if we look at world production by deposits, then this type of deposits they contribute a very large percentage. they are interesting for nidrousers, that is, this is my opinion, it would seem a simple stone, but what kind of story can be seen in it, a detective story, well, here in fact there are quite a lot of generalizations, yes, that is, we take and by analogy we build something up, that is, this does not mean that we
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saw it right in this piece, we talked a lot about high models, about the universe, about neutron stars. and how does a geologist work, does he walk around the taiga with a hammer like in the movies? he walks, but not only, it's you, yes, i'm somewhere, and why do you need a gun, in who are you shooting? so, well, this is of course such a poser photo, yes, under schwarzenegger, but in general, yes, you have to go with a gun when there are regions with bears. olga, do you also go on expeditions, i do , but on others. again, as a representative of such academic science, i work mainly with already known open deposits, and for me the main task is to understand how it happened that it formed here, uh, to say that pay attention, for example, to such things, and accordingly, when i come to the deposit, most often it is already an operating deposit, where somewhere once there was
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a quarry, so that you can come up, look at everything, take the necessary samples for very specific scientific tasks. that you have not encountered bears i do not, have you had to encounter a bear? well, nose to nose, fortunately i did not have to, but it was on the route, i heard him, he was crackling somewhere in the bushes, i felt the smell, well, and my partner and i shouted, beat him up there, and he ran away, literally there in 5 minutes, uh, another the route group of the portage shouts, a bear is coming towards us! in general, they have left the route, what is happening and where? so, this is in yakutia, and it is clear that i am wearing a mosquito net, because there are a lot of mosquitoes, well, and i wash, a concentrate sample, that is, this is loose material, as a rule, from rivers, or maybe we just took some kind of rock, a vein, crushed it and
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also washed, well, or the same core was ground, yes, yes, you can grind the same core and ... wash - and then there is also a funnel, that is, first the lightest is washed out, then the heavier, until there is nothing left, until there is nothing left, the heaviest minerals, black ones, as a rule, are magnetite and gold, actually, it remains, in principle, this is a prospector's way of extracting gold, yes, exactly with a pan, well, why do they usually do this in a river, my back just quickly starts to hurt in the river, so i made myself such a washer, well , the pan itself... like 100, 200, 300, 400 years ago, yes, well, here it is plastic, but the shape is the same, and there are other different shapes, there are in gayane, i worked, they are round patches. similar to a vietnamese uh hat like that they literally make it from any piece of iron sometimes you go and look at an abandoned car and on its hood there are such circles expressed it is clear
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they made patches but tell me all this exotic taiga bears this washing in the river is this profession that attracts you or is it just circumstances? well it is an interesting experience, well although over time it becomes like a circumstance and something in itself. why did you become, honestly, yes, it was brought in by chance, i always liked biology in general, but i decided that it would be my hobby, but in general i wanted to become a gemologist, so i studied, these are precious stones, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, it just so happened that i got into the geological exploration institute, and i ended up in the group of geologists, i studied, realized that i liked this thing and then it went, went, eh, generally speaking, i traveled well, i was in the far east, in africa, worked in south america. olga, and for you, if you did not choose the path there with tents, bears and other exotic things, what motivated you to become a geologist?
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no, well, actually, when i entered the geological faculty, i wanted just that kind of romance, it was hard for me to imagine myself as a person who would sit - only at a computer, for example, work in an office, and i wanted what i would do in the future to allow me to - work like this... with my hands in a laboratory - at a computer, including having the opportunity to go somewhere into nature, to look at the world around me, so it seems to me that my choice in this regard of the geological direction, it was completely balanced justified, uh, so returning to such difficult field conditions, well, i probably, uh, after several years of studying at the faculty, i realized that i like all of this, but physically, in fact, of course, it's hard work, maybe this is also some kind of gender specificity, that is, in principle, among geochemists and people who work in laboratories, there are usually more girls than among such field
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geologists, well, this is probably a generally understandable picture, so yes, well, in general, i like all this forest romance, in general, until now, tell me, is there another element of detective fiction besides forest romance, when you look at how with... mining next to the ore, but in fact, by and large, local residents are one of the very large contributions to geological exploration, that is, this is exactly
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the area when we have fundamental classical geology, that gold behaves like this, it has such and such chemistry, and there are really other methods, that someone once saw something somewhere, someone told someone something, and a real detective, well, this is more of a scientific passion, because well, i remember. work in a state organization, yes, even if i worked for private owners, but it would belong to a subsoil user, to put it in
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your pocket, to find a nugget to put in your pocket - a very bad idea, but this excitement that you will find something, cool, it still exists, yes, that is, here, maybe it's like a child in a sandbox, yes, which, they dig something up there, he won't get rich, but he is interested in this on... these and of course scientific excitement too, yes, when you build some models, assumptions, where it is possible to find ore, and where it will not be, and you immediately run and check, you want to check it, and there are many places left in russia where you can still find a large deposit, well , i think that yes, there are huge territories through which there was one route there and there, give a tip at least on the scale of thousands of kilometers. well, the new land, for example, by the way, or the branga ridge, the chukotka region, there are territories in which practically no one has gone, in the far east, there in
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in the yanomai region, there are territories where even in soviet times there were no routes, because it was simply physically impossible to raft, to walk, to see something, as if from a geological point of view, from the point of view of looking at the map, there is every reason to assume that there may be large deposits there, the question is how to find them there, to find them with minimal effort, and here , perhaps, there is such an alliance between fundamental science and exploration, that is , we can give something from our side, we can you tell what is real and what is not? after all, as far as i know, there is quite a low competition for geological departments, why? is there not enough motivation? i think, maybe there is not enough popularization of the profession, we see economists, lawyers on tv every day, in tv series, somewhere else, here are the ones about geologists, well, what kind of films have there been lately, the territory, yes, filmed based on the novel by kauvaev, like a remake, but nothing. there is no,
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there is no geology in school, that is, we have biology, we have geography, and schoolchildren have an idea of ​​what kind of area this is, about what geology is, about how it 's like, that it's different, that it's not just about going into a field with a hammer, about this, well, there's no idea, and as a result, when you finish school and choose where to go, it's just not on the list, let's imagine that some high school student or parents of a high school student are watching us now, what's more likely, what would you tell them to motivate them to go into geology? well, that is, my idea, probably, is that russia is a mining country, that is, we always we lived and will live, including at the expense of our own resources, in this regard, taking into account that we have huge unexplored territories, that is, if you go to study geology, then you don’t have
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to be afraid that later you won’t be able to, well, it will be difficult. find a job, be in demand, therefore, that is , there will be enough work for a couple of centuries, yes, yes, that is, this is not an area that can collapse, like, in 5-10 years, your, your argument what will be, well, i will probably appeal to the fact that to the love of traveling, and geology is a wonderful opportunity to travel at public expense, yes, or at the expense of some investor, because... well, i was in the urals, i was in yakutia in the magadan region, in the khabarovsk region, i went to africa, worked, i went to south america, worked, and i was even paid for it, it seems to me that this is a weighty argument, yes, but at the same time there will be opportunities to work in the city, right now i work in a department that does not go out into the fields, i am now at this
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stage... i am an office worker, although i still have 2 years back there i was running around with a hammer and a backpack, maybe i'll come back to this, many thanks to our guests, with you was the podcast schrödinger's cat and i, its host grigory tarasevich, and we talked about gold , how it appeared, how it ended up on the surface and how to find it on the territory of russia. hello, dear viewers, you are watching a special edition of the podcast triggers, continuing the theme of the series mutual consent, today we are talking about abuse, abusive relationships, with you is the host tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan, our guests today, hello, hello, your
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story. a tendency to merge with a partner, you are already speaking directly as a psychologist, i am already speaking as a person who has been in therapy for some time, and thank god, i have opened up a vision of my situation, an opportunity to improve it, to correct it. well, let's then, since it's a special issue, let's switch roles, tell us what not to do in order not to end up in an abusive
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relationship? let's? then let's start with the fact that an abusive relationship is a relationship in which there is a tormentor, an abuser, a person who causes harm, this can be verbal and... and non-verbal abuse, this can be psychological violence, violence associated with the use of all kinds of manipulation, including physical violence. an abuser is a person who suppresses a person's will, imposes his reality, and so on. in order not to get into an abusive relationship, you need to have powerful supports, you need to have good. high, sufficient self-worth, so as not to be subjected to these manipulations, you need to be brought up, probably, in a healthy environment, to have great examples of healthy
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self-esteem, self-worth from parents, and it seems to me that a favorable atmosphere is formed specifically in the family, when there is no such atmosphere, a woman grows up and... insufficient self-esteem is what drives a woman quite high or normal, self-esteem drives a woman into those relationships in which the abuser first really puts on... and how long ago did you end this relationship? i have been living differently for several years now, i think differently, i perceive myself, actually i have my values ​​have changed and i have a completely different
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man, in his psychological makeup, he is a healthier and more adequate partner than i could even expect, you are lucky, and that is, do i understand correctly that now , having received that... vaccination, you will under no circumstances fall for the bait, where you are still admired, you are put on i really hope for this, and it seems to me that every woman who has been in such a relationship and who is in therapy, is working with a psychologist on her psyche, is getting healthier, she already sees some alarm bells that indicate that we are dealing with an abuser. insofar as we cannot benefit you personally, as you said, let's try to benefit, well, you said that today we are just having a conversation, where you want, your statements are unlikely to concern our situation, i came to talk to you because i was invited,
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super, let's talk in a way that would be useful to those who are watching us, of course, with pleasure, i came only because i wanted to tell you that i went through this relationship, life... after leaving an abusive relationship, it is of higher quality, it is much more interesting and safe. you said that in order not to get into such a relationship, you first need to have internal support. didn't you have such support? unfortunately, i was very, very focused on some external stimuli in my life, including achievement, on...
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hope, which he is unhappy with, maybe to talk differently, because he thought that i looked vulgar in speech, for example, there were a lot of complaints about who i was, and he was constantly dissatisfied with me, after just the period of the pedestal, it follows that he lived with us, this is the debunking of the legend, well, that is, first he says you are the smartest, and then he shows that you ... the worst and naturally there is a cooling off towards you and you want, as if this attention, love, which were in your relationship before, at the beginning of your meetings, you want to return, you want to somehow
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prove to him that you are worthy of attention, that you love him, if you have cooled off, then probably the reason is in me, i thought, i tried to meet all his requests for aesthetics, for beauty, i would like to be that woman from his dreams, where did you get such an idea that you need to be such an ideal wife, as you said, comfortable, yes, sew on handles to yourself, so that it is convenient. to wear all sorts of things, all sorts of beliefs, did you come into the relationship with this belief already? i came into the relationship with the desire to become completely different than i was before, i wanted to - escape from some failures in my career, from those opinions that i formed for myself, not in my favor, negative, i wanted to hide in marriage, i wanted to hide in the image of a wife, look how... cool, this is already advice number one, that is, if a woman has a desire
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to get married in order to meet the expectations of parents, society, friends, anyone, yes, then this is like one of the first flags that you are talking about, this is sacrificial behavior, yeah, that's already good, this will already be useful, so run away, hide, escape from yourself first of all, and what does devaluation look like for this victim, who is sucked into this hurricane, first it is sucked into the so-called love bombing, when he gets you out from under the ground, when he suddenly needs to court you and flowers, gifts, and some luxurious trips, everything that any woman can dream of, he appears in such an idealized light, presents himself and becomes the only important one, as if everything pales in comparison with this man, that is, he creates a certain image,
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not even an image, but a space where you strive to get there, which you then strive to deserve, as if to close the need to be, to be important, yes , it's about importance, about uniqueness, about uniqueness, if there is no feeling of inner confidence that you simply exist, and you deserve respect and love by birthright, and this is not... taken away from you, then such a character becomes very tempting, because he gives you what is not inside you, so you need to develop self-worth, celebrate your features, your inclinations, develop in your hobbies, in the profession, to diversify your life as much as possible, to bring in the same trips that the abuser often lures, to give yourself some gifts. to make your life the way you would like
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it to be ideally, well, at least, try to please yourself and live a full life, it should become ideal at your expense, and not at the expense of another, you are talking about this, of course, here is a question of responsibility, you are right in drawing conclusions, as for me, i shifted responsibility for many areas of my life to a man, because that it seemed to me that i couldn’t cope on my own. in financial terms, he was handling all our cash flows, he was doing a great job, as it seemed to me, and i felt generally unfit for this and handed over, delegated what seemed to me to be beyond the man’s strength, it turns out that he became like this - that is, the owner of the keys to my life, i gave him everything and when i suddenly needed them, he took the position of a full-fledged owner, here i am, handling your life,
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in quotes, yes, i, that means, have the right and order, impose veda, and i am your master, even so, you are watching the podcast paws triggers, with you today sergey nasebyan and tatyana krasnovskaya, we have a special edition today, in which we talk about abusive relationships and life after them, how to determine where? this is a healthy position, and where it is already worth stopping and showing attention horo, too persistent courtship and inattention to refusals - this is probably the very first most important flag, because inattention to refusals, to refusals to interact, there are men who love, no, when a woman refuses to court him, and he does not perceive no, as an option that can exist at all, because usually men with such
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a constitution also have a narcissistic personality type, they cannot stand refusal, for them it is something like a sport, when a man starts to bombard you with his attention and does not respect your right to refuse and your opinion, roughly speaking, then this means that he is not inclined to respect a woman with her choice, how? he achieves her in this way, she may think that it is really he needs her, but there is such humor in this, this man doesn’t care what kind of woman he wants to achieve, for him it’s a goal, like in dog racing, the rabbit automatically moves on a stick to motivate the dogs to run,
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approximately the same goal and target, any woman for such a man, how to understand that you are important to him, and not... it turns out that the key message that you are saying now, and i like it, is actually describing the ideal man, then in fact, it is that the search for the ideal man, as well as the ideal woman, is just a direct the way, including in objective relationships, there are no ideal men, there are no ideal women, there are
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conflicts, there are conflicts, there are disagreements, there are situations in which you need to understand, which can be resolved even at the level of. a psychologist, if you are already in some kind of long-term stable relationship, that is, you do not need to be afraid of conflicts, conflicts, you do not need to be afraid, you are absolutely right, yes, it is in conflicts that interests are very often defended, if suddenly you did not have time to designate your boundaries at the entrance to the relationship, then there is a point still, you have to talk to the person and, uh, maybe even in an aggressive form, if you are already in a conflict, but to communicate... that you are unhappy, that you would like other options for resolving the situation, that you have a different opinion, there is sense in this, that is, a red flag is when the fear of defending your position appears, the fear of defending your position was typical for me, because i had a rather strict family, in
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which, probably, little attention was paid to self-expression, namely in revealing an opinion. because self-esteem is when you evaluate yourself against someone, against a person, their achievements, and you need a standard in order to evaluate yourself, it turns out that you are constantly in some kind of neurosis, and you worry about the fact that someone has more, someone is more beautiful, more
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of some benefits, that is, self-esteem is associated with comparison, with comparison, and self-worth is when you are rooted in... sufficiency, self-worth is when you simply feel normal, good enough, and accept yourself, try to accept yourself, people often confuse this with narcissism, because narcissism is not only a disorder, but also an accentuation of character, and people, of course, that's why it is not called a disorder, that's why i say that it is clear that there is a concept of psychiatric. what you are now saying about self-worth with these are different things, people often, for example, confuse egoism and being afraid of it, how to deal with this? it seems to me that it makes sense to contact a psychologist, at any moment, when suddenly, thank you very much.


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