tv PODKAST 1TV September 17, 2024 1:25am-2:10am MSK
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she notes that this particular fairy tale is more global than the same bluebeard, that is, bluebeard describes some one-time stage of female individuation, here specific, and the girl without arms, it is so much more extensive, it captures a long period of this female wandering, actually its first part is again dedicated to the internal predator in the person of the devil, what is happening yes, well , the father also behaves here father of the year in what is his benevolent attitude towards his daughter, and what is this she pays a lot of attention to the so-called... personal deal, that is, to
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some kind of choice that a woman makes, which leads her to a state where the devil starts hunting her, as a rule, this unsuccessful deal, it can look like, well, i don’t know, a rejection of her creative ideas, some kind of choice, well , i don’t know, in favor of social approval instead of living her life, being happy, in general, this is very important, by the way, yes, yes, she, ista notes that yes, firstly, without exception, all women make an unsuccessful deal in one way or another, all sooner or... this pact with the devil, but this deal is paradoxically useful, because through it a woman finally understands that she, that she does not really need, that is , she understood how she does not need, and then she begins to look for how she really needs, how her hands grow back at the end of this fairy tale, yes, yes, and the most interesting thing is that hands really are about interaction with the world, creative, yes, including, that is, we create something with our hands, when a woman loses her hands, it means that she has... she has
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some connection with the world was really broken, but due to this inner wandering it is eventually restored and becomes even better than it was, calm down, we'll just talk, where is the south? goodbye, malaita, where? it turns out we can go to angansk? you're not going anywhere, do you understand? what where? hello, do you know, kipin? does he live in this house? we know, as we know, south, the premiere of the multi-part film, on friday, after the voice of children, in the new season on the first, in the city there are already rumors about this crime, wherever you go, they say:
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you don't have any photos of kolya? that's strange, where are they, were they here? lord, how much do you look like my son? you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly. well, major, has the hunt begun? confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book by yulian semyonov. this podcast is a must
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-read, yaglayabatnikova, we discuss the book by klarisa pinkova and sces running with dumps with varvara popova, a jungian analyst and writer. by the way, i read in begushi with wolves, that handicrafts are an important stage of recovery, yes, the healing power of jungian analysis, handicrafts are included, quite an analysis, here rather estos just preaches. that she, who she is, she, she is not only a jungian analyst, she is also a curandera, this is a mexican healer, that is, that here is such an ethnographic component of her work, this is the work of curandera, and just the same - she uses some traditional, well, let's say, techniques, yes, widespread, as i understand it, that in mexico or among hungarian emigrants, with with whom she also interacted closely in terms of restoration - some kind of connection with the soul, that is, this is literally work , including with your hands, well, among the slavic peoples...
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there are also such practices, for example, i practice winding dolls, yes, dolls, working with a spindle, in general, any such practices that allow you to embody something with your hands, handicrafts? a generally forgotten practice of spiritual restoration for a woman, yes, including, plus this is some very small monotonous work and you get it while you are on it concentrated, this is also such an interesting point, though it is not clarissa ss who notes this, someone else, i am afraid to type who now, it seems to me that simona matslehanokh talks about this, that this handicraft, it, you are concentrated on some very simple actions, at this moment some very big, important, but still unconscious work is being done inside you, well, you fall into a trance.
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even here in russia , for example, the guslars tell how they told fairy tales, it was a whole, in general, specially formalized action, so yes, just telling and just listening to fairy tales is already healing, even if a person just listens, yes, i don’t think that any mexican migrants had the skills of jungian analysis, they just gathered around their storytellers and listened and were healed by this, it’s very interesting that one of the fairy tales that penkola analyzes is russian, we all know her, vasilisa, who went into the forest to babiiga, and her mother before she died gave her a little doll, which gives her a hint, how talk to granny ego, the doll also does some of the housework, this is very
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interesting that a russian fairy tale got into this collection symbolizes intuition, please tell me about this fairy tale, so where did clarissa get it from? she repeatedly mentions that fairy tales are also like some kind of magic balls, they jump into her hands themselves, that is, she, as i understand it, was always in some kind of constant search, it was this fairy tale that was given to her, it turns out that she, as i understand it, was adopted by hungarian emigrants in her youth, and her adoptive father brought his four sisters to america, these women, hungarian women, yes, yes, it turns out that her aunts are so named.
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but how did it happen that in the modern world neither a wedding, nor childbirth, nor graduation from university guarantee you initiation, that is, now, as it were, initiation is the work of the initiates themselves, that is , there you really need to somehow organize the conditions for yourself so that yes begins to work in our inner world, and not in some external attributes, actually this fairy tale is about what initial experience is and how to get it, you can get it only by going to this very forest, well, famous.
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he gives a whole classification of these yagas there. i ega - this is, like, a kind of species name, and well, this ega, which is in front of us in the fairy tale, yes, she is really connected with the goddesses of fate, with the goddesses of death, she is exactly that same wild mother or wild woman, just in her, well, terrible , let's say, scary aspect, that unkind just like a mother, vasilisa already had a kind mother, so she needed an unkind one , this very fair, dangerous one giving some deep knowledge. and there is an interesting dialogue, baba iga asks her, asks vasilisa, why should i do this for you, why should i let you in, and the doll prompts vasilisa, because i ask, that is, it turns out to be confidence in her desire, to ask in her
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right to request, yes, that if i have already come, then i really came of my own accord will, i am ready to receive that knowledge, actually the woman agrees with her, okay, stay, you will be with me. works. i also really like the fairy tale "skeleton woman". it symbolizes the complexity of relationships with a man. the fairy tale itself is about... how a fisherman pulled a skeleton out of the water, tried to run away from it, but since the skeleton was on a fishing rod, he followed him, then the fisherman hid in a cave, but overnight this skeleton woman pulled out his heart, began to use it as a tambourine, began to sing, her body became overgrown with meat, she became a wife for this fisherman, yeah, became his wife, and they found happiness, and it's interesting from a psychological point of view.
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the sight of this sea urchin in shells, pulled out from the bottom, and they get scared and break off relations, that is, in general, these fairy tales, they consider different aspects of a woman's life, including interaction with a partner, right? yes, yes, but clarissa herself, of course, she places more emphasis on relations with an internal partner, for example, with animus, for example, the same girl without a handle is also a fairy tale about relations with animus, but in at the same time, that's exactly what i already made a reference to this phrase. to learn from another soul, this is actually from the chapter about, in my opinion , the skeleton woman, about the fact that without turning away from
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a partner, including not just from a partner, but from his shadow, we are also able to receive some very important knowledge, and there is also a negative attitude to the book, for example, i read anna kozlova's novel everything you wanted but were afraid to set on fire, and there the heroine at the end sets fire to a number of books that are a must-read for women, and the first one appears to be the one running. perhaps this is due to the fact that the book is written in poetic language, and the language
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of symbols, not everyone has access to these metaphors, symbols, myths, there are a lot of amplifications, there is a lot of jungian specific terminology, and i will really make footnotes about it, editors, but still it is really not understandable to everyone and apparently it is even more incomprehensible to someone than to everyone else, because i clearly remember how i read it for the first time, it was, i was about 19 years old, i did not understand anything, but i really liked it, and for some, perhaps, once-then that once nothing.
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parts, rather not quite so, we are rather born, here yes tabul rasa, we are born a clean slate and at the same time, when a person is born, he he is related to the archetype of the so-called divine baby, and the divine baby is really, for example, considered by jung as one of the images of the self, and we rather lose connection with this image of the self throughout life, because with... different events happen, we we encounter different prohibitions, different restrictions, that is, this connection, it is called the transcendental function, and it is rather lost, and is it possible with the help of jungian analysis?
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painkiller, i had a very difficult period in my life, it really became for me something like a strong painkiller, and i really did not understand anything, it was very interesting, it was very, very exciting, later, when i was writing my own book, i returned to it with a different optics, like, well, colleague partly, and it was even clearer and more interesting to me, but i have a feeling that
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running with the wolves, it is addressed to a traumatized woman, we can say that... now in modern culture all women are traumatized in one way or another, because the connection with the natural is lost, we have several factors here, well, firstly, real statistics of violence against women and children, well, the same judith herman, also a very famous american psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, she notes that the main, as it were, volume of traumatic, harsh, such traumatic experience falls, for example, on women and girls up to 25-30 years old, well, that is, we already have objective factors, that is...
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rolling on the floor, this is not a running with the wolves business, perhaps, well, that is, her yes yes her psychological, well, as if her psychological state requires attention, right the attention of such a close, well, i don’t know , specialized specialist, of course, that is, in general, this book is quite safe, it’s not that it reveals some deep layers
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of the psyche, it reveals, but still not so much, it’s a book, because we don’t interact, for example, as in... love as still accepting yourself any other question, how to find this love, this is exactly what she is thinking about, giving the example that, indeed, again, culture sets some impossible demands on a woman regarding her body, when a woman tries to meet these demands, for example, if she is not genetically adapted to them, well, let's say she is fat or is valued tall
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and thin, and she is short and stocky , unconventional, beautiful, yes, that these requirements just how to move them away from yourself in general to be fine in any body, it seems to me, this is very relevant, because for example, i have a daughter, she is 11 years old, but she already thinks about diets, about how she looks, this is some kind of i don’t know, some kind of mental virus that many people catch and in this sense this book, of course, running with the wolves, this is a treasure trove... hacks how to avoid these mentalities you can’t avoid, it’s just how to know about them in general, that really, that it’s not you who is some kind of wrong bad curve yes, that it is in general. well, like a collective attitude, which you did not choose yourself, in which you for some reason are forced to comply, and it turns out that it is not necessary to comply at all, many women do not know about this either,
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for example, you have already read it once, you want to go back, some individual chapters that are relevant to you now, then there really are women's groups and there are quite a lot of different ones who are directly involved in living these fairy tales, yes, that when women get together and not just read the fairy tale, they tried to relate it to their personal experience, for example, the experience of meeting a blue beard, for whom what kind of blue, who got what kind of blue beard in life and what happened to you next, that is, you can do it.
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that is, the fairy tale that you remember is useful for you at the moment, yes, of course, that is how it works , that is, such a principle is obtained, synchronicity is turned on, yes, that what you remembered from this fairy tale is yours, that is exactly what you needed, for example, here again, write without a pen, and i used it, i used it a lot when i was preparing my own book about the heroine's path, for example, i remembered two moments from it very well, this is an unsuccessful deal and dual citizenship, now i am rereading it before our meeting, i think: yes, half of this fairy tale has fallen out of me, it turns out that this is really it, there is a lot more, and this is really how it works, what you take is yours. well , that is, in this book there are many layers, you can
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return to it many times and read it repeatedly, read it in fragments and it turns out that it is like a kaleidoscope, it is put together differently each time, this book never repeats itself, as they say, every time you read it, every time i just don’t know opening a random page, it is something new and important, yes will bring. great, this was a must-read podcast, i am glaya nabatnikova, my guest was varvara popova, a jungian analyst, writer, we discussed the book by larisa pinkola stes running with the wolves. all episodes of the podcast are a must -read, watch on the website of the first channel on the air of the first channel podcast everyone wants to fly, i am its host, leonid yakubovich, hello, as
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strange as it may seem to you, today we will change the topic of conversation a little in the podcast everyone wants to fly, after all, the right word we always we are talking about aviation, but it is not about aviation itself, in fact we are remembering people who were envied, are envied and will be envied many times by boys and girls, everyone. so, today we will talk to you about the results of the film commander. the film is based on real events, a film based on the life and work, life and combat work, one of the commanders of the legendary alpha group of the federal security service of the russian federation gennady nikolaevich zaitsev, hero of the russian federation, who recently turned 90 years. we promise you that... in the next podcasts we will meet with current and those who once fought in this group to learn the details of this or that
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operation, but before... a short history, actually, special forces units have existed for quite a long time, these groups naturally existed in order to carry out specific tasks, during the great patriotic war there were special forces units, you can remember rosnas, this is august forty-first year, the so-called special purpose company of the baltic fleet, a unit of divers, reconnaissance, top secret, there were about 50 such special purpose units during the great patriotic war, so on october 24 , 1950, the then minister of defense of the union of soviet socialist republics vasilevsky, chief of the general staff shtemenko signed a special directive under
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the number, if i'm not mistaken... to form by may 1, 1951, the 46th special purpose unit, with a staff of 126 people, that's what was in this... with all combined arms, mechanized armies, airborne corps and military districts where there were army associations, to create separate special -purpose companies. subsequently , an abbreviated name was officially established for all formations of this type, it was called spetsnaz. in this form, the special forces of the main
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intelligence department. existed until 1953 50 years ago, the legendary special-purpose group of the state security committee of the union, well, now the fsb, was founded, a group called alpha, on the combat account, which dozens of anti-terrorist operations hundreds of capable lives, actually the alpha group was created as an anti-terror group, well really... this unit solved the problems of ensuring national security. the following events influenced the creation of group a of the fifth department of the seventh directorate of the kgbsr. i want to remind you that in 1972 at the olympics in munich on the night from the fifth to
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the sixth, if i'm not mistaken. black september took hostages from members of the israeli olympic team. ridiculous attempts to free them led to the fact that 11 people died. this event shook the entire world without involving. as i remember, every single newspaper wrote about this our. border, it was a shock, this tragedy caused such an explosion in society, there was another situation that showed how necessary it was to create a special group, this happened on november 2, seventy -three, then a group of four people hijacked a yak-40 plane, which was performing a passenger flight from moscow. to
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bryansk, at the request of the hijackers, the crew had to return to moscow, which happened, landed at the airport vnukovo, where the hijackers demanded a ransom for the plane, to ensure their flight to sweden, and a few hours later, as a result of the assault , the plane was freed, and this became another reason, another pretext for... to create a special forces group that would provide work specifically in the conditions of an anti-terrorist operation. the then president, the legendary, what is the sin here, the president of the ussr state security committee, yuri vladimirovich odropov expressed concern that the tragic events in munich could be repeated in the ussr, and the experience
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of resolving such conflicts, as you understand, by forceful methods with the neutralization of bandits in the soviet union at that time was not there to meet the olympic games of the eightieth year fully armed. there was a need to form a special unit that would be able to counter threats and ensure security both during the olympics and the general security of the country's citizens, so order 2089 ov appeared, that is, an order of special importance from july 29, 1974 on initiative.
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this special unit turned into this already in the early nineties, when the detachment began to be written about more or less widely, the duties of the group, which included, the implementation of special assignments of the chairman of the kgb of the ussr to suppress terrorist, sabotage and other especially important, especially criminal acts, that is, the implementation of very specific tasks, prohibited, as you understand, with the risk to life each time, everyone knew this. the first commander of this special unit was appointed major general of the border troops vitaly bubenin. by the way, vitaly bubenin, hero of the soviet union, participant in the soviet
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chinese armed clashes, if you remember, on damansky island. it was a large, serious operation, much was written about it. by that time, several similar special units had already been created as part of the state security committee with similar functions, that is, zenit already existed, cascade already existed , vympel was already organized in 1981, these units had their own functions, we will talk about this later, today we are talking about the alpha group, the first group consisted of only 30 people, according to the colonel's recollections. the first recruitment of the alpha group of the 1978 draft was one of the best in the entire history of the group, this is according to the recollections of everyone who served then, because i read in the press, they say that this is so,
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no offense to those who serve today, they all claim that these first 30 people were, well, i'm not afraid to say, outstanding officers, the group was first used in 1976 in switzerland. alpha was supposed to do this: it covered operations on exchange of the leader of the chilean communist party luis carvalan, but you must remember, for the soviet writer, then considered a dissident, publicist, human rights activist and neurophysiologist vladimir bukovsky. three years later, alpha was actually operating on the territory of the united states, when. a mentally ill person entered the territory of the american embassy threatened to detonate a bomb if he was not allowed abroad, on the territory of the embassy, which was located in moscow, that is, they actually repeated, operated on the territory of the united states.
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the bomb eventually exploded, but only the terrorist himself died, none of the diplomats were hurt. a semi-closed, but well-known operation. the storming of amin's palace. they wrote about it, everyone knows about it. the development of the situation in afghanistan in the seventy-ninth year is armed actions of the islamic opposition, a mutiny in the army, internal party struggle, especially the event of september 79, when nur taraki, the leader of the pdpa, was arrested, then killed on the orders of hafizullah amin, who had already come to power from operation alpha. it is known that the school in sarapoli was seized on december 17 , 1981, this is udmurtia, two armed soldiers, conscripts, broke into school number 12, took tenth
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-grade students hostage, demanded unhindered travel to the west, and money, of course, and so on, the entire alpha group was raised on alert, it is difficult... there is a case of a protracted shootout, the commander of group a, gennady nikolaevich zaitsev, was appointed senior, based on whose life and work the film was actually created... the commander managed to neutralize the invaders without a single shot, the head of the city department of the state security committee vladimir, if i'm not mistaken, orekhov, junior, by the way, a sergeant of the soviet army, a participant in the events on damansky island, well, in the past, in 1969, a hero of the soviet union, by the way, was awarded, so they entered into negotiations with the terrorists, he entered into negotiations with the terrorists, was able to gradually ... all the hostages, after which
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group a arrested the criminals. on the air of the first channel podcast everyone wants to fly, i am its host leonit yakubovich, today we are talking about the legendary unit group a, group anti-terror, alpha group. federal security service of the russian federation. what else from history? the tu-134 plane flight? tbilisi, leningrad, 57 passengers on board, seven crew members, it was hijacked by seven, well, how to say, representatives of the golden georgian youth led by joseph tsereteli. nevertheless, despite the fact that the plane was hijacked, the captain of the plane gartpakhadze landed the plane in tbilisi. the hijackers demanded to fly further, but nevertheless the captain
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simply said that we would not fly, landed plane to belisi. they wrote and talked about it, and even a whole film was made about this operation, the criminals were captured, the hostages were freed, then the liberation of the bus in arzhenikidze in vladikavkaz, on december 1 - this was in the eighty-eighth year, a local bus brigade led by pavel eksheyants took hostage fourth grade students of school number 42 , a teacher, by the way, the bus driver. what was the goal? to receive a ransom of 3 million dollars and travel abroad. by order of the general secretary of the cpsu central committee gorbachev, a group of crisis headquarters to save children. and so during operation thunder. this was undertaken by the alpha anti-terrorist group under
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the leadership of gennady nikolaevich zaitsev. all hostages were released. the group was delivered there on an il-76. and this is what was done. it was the crew members who became hostages instead of children, that is, they were exchanged. under the cover of a live count and schoolchildren, yakshiyants' group moved from the bus to the plane. after that , the fourth-grader. teacher was released, the criminals managed to get the plane to take off in israel, and on december 2, the il-76 flew to tel aviv. this was by agreement between the top leaders of the two states, but then they were arrested in israel and deported by the ussr on the condition that they would not be sentenced to death . the condition was accepted, on december 4 , the terrorists appeared in court. the leader of the banta was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment
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with confiscation, the rest to fourteen years, then the seizure of the pre-trial detention center in sukhumi, this is in abkhazia, this was in 1990, a riot in the pre-trial detention center of the city of sukhumi, on august 11, seven prisoners beat up the guards officers, approved their keys, released 68 more criminals from their cells, and some... the criminals demanded that the authorities, in exchange for
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the lives of the hostages, provide them with a minibus, a helicopter, and leave the city unhindered. on august 14, a special flight arrived in sukhumi with members of the special forces unit of the kgb of the ussr, as well as fighters from the special forces training battalion of the omsbdon named after dzerzhinsky, these are operatives. one of the groups was supposed to storm it and neutralize the criminals who were there, and the other two were supposed to take control isolation ward. during the assault, at least it was known, three criminals were killed, including the gang leader ditzaria and prunchak, they were killed, the rest of the bandits were arrested. it
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was a very complicated operation, because i repeat, the brutal bandits had a huge amount of weapons in their hands and from... they were shot terribly, all the hostages were freed, there were no casualties on their side at all, two participants in the assault were wounded, further in the history of the group, thank god, the storming of the white house in august 1991, this is what the participants remember, we , as they write, we drove through all the hot spots of the soviet union with... after that , the decision matured that in moscow we would not support unfair orders, this was written by vladimir eliseev. the last operation during the existence of the ussr involving alfie was the event of august 1991. on august 20, a meeting of the heads
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of all departments of the state security committee was held. at the meeting, the following order was given: together with units of the soviet army. the state security committee and the ussr ministry of internal affairs to carry out an assault the building of the russian parliament, the white house. all other special forces of the kgb and the ministry of internal affairs were also transferred to the alpha commander karpushin, including, by the way, the vimpil group and the forces of the ministry of internal affairs, as well as amon, which is part of the operational structure of the vbd. and the oms-don division, that is, the moscow riot police and the special purpose division seconded to the ministry of internal affairs, all orders were given verbally, the ministry of internal affairs was supposed to push people out of the white house, and the alpha would take it
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by storm, however, as you understand, to take it without major human casualties among civilian population was practically impossible, by that time. the white house was surrounded by about 10,000 civilians. there was a risk that the security forces could be brought to trial for carrying out a criminal order, but that is not even the point. in short, in the end , on august 20, at a meeting, karpushin announced that he would not participate in the assault on alpha. likewise, army general grachev refused to carry out the order. all senior officers of group a announced their refusal to carry out the order. 2 hours before the time when the assault was supposed to begin, then ninety the third year the event at the white house, it was in october, one of the most important events of those days in the history of the group a was october 4 , ninety-three, when two groups
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alpha and vimpil participated in resolving the most acute political crisis, which led, well, as you remember, if someone ... so to storm the white house, and some here the group the day before this was given the order it was claimed that the order contained the words to fire to kill, you understand what this means, in the capital of our homeland, civil war, ours must shoot at ours. two at theirs, i also don't really understand how such an order was given, but nevertheless, the alpha fighters abandoned the idea of storming on their own initiative and entered into negotiations with the leadership of the supreme...
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