tv PODKAST 1TV September 23, 2024 3:25am-4:11am MSK
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danubian principalities, creating a threat on the borders of russia. prussia took a similar position, also not entirely good-natured neutrality towards russia, also forced russia to withdraw troops from the danubian principalities together with austria. russia found itself isolated, the great powers, a concert of great powers, that's what they called it when, who was it? england, france, prussia, eh, at that time already austria-hungary, the early austrian empire, and russia. and all the other four were against russia. and here's the task. firstly, he noted that austria is not a state, it is only government, a harsh characterization that was justified in reality, only much later, russian diplomacy traditionally focused on the german states, in fact, gorchakov himself played this role during his stay in stuttgart and frankfurt am main, gorchakov decides to bet on france. since russia's interests
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coincided with france's, or rather, the story was this: they did not contradict the french. we had no intersections, except for france's participation in the crimean war. accordingly, napoleon ii had to to transfer to another channel, the basis for this rapprochement was the italian question. it hit austria. austria occupied the northern part of italy, austrian rule was known there, igorchakov played a subtle game to direct france's activity towards italy, to support. italy's desire for the avura of the italian then prime minister, the creation of a single italian state, while, of course, gorchakov, as a man of his time, could not support the italian grassroots resistance, i mean the garibaldians, garibaldi, especially since there were connections between the italian insurgents and the polish rebels, yes there were, yes, nevertheless, nevertheless, gorchakov played this italian card quite subtly, but at least he managed to drive such a crack into the paris treaty, such a wedge into it, yes. gorchakov managed to drive it already at
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the end of the fifties, at the beginning of the sixties of the xix century. gorchakov outplayed the austrians, nicholas i really wanted to punish the traitor austria with a shatyk, and gorchakov managed, without spilling a single drop, our soldier, to punish austria with the help of french. the wedge was driven in. then grodchakov expanded it, then a secret treaty was signed between paris and st. petersburg, and then the war between austria and france and piedmont began, which quickly ended in the defeat of the austrians, and here, already during the war itself, gorchakov managed to play a very important role, because the prussians began to mobilize in order to support the austrians, and gorchakov , who was betrayed at that moment, put forward the idea of mediation between
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the prussians and the french, thereby slowing down all this mobilization, and so on. then french generals told our ambassador in paris, count kiselev, that this aid was equivalent to a hundred-thousand-strong army. you mentioned the franco-prussian war, in fact it was of course franco-german, because it actually revealed itself already in the united germany, in the unification of germany gorchakov also played a certain role, he supported.
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with the next polish uprising, because the polish uprising, that's when alexander ii began to carry out his reforms. great, it was completely out of place, naturally, firstly, and the sovereign quite rightly said that it is not impossible to carry out reforms against the backdrop of such internal turmoil, in fact, the poles have started another uprising, one of the arguments that was, it is unsettled in russia now, there, well, this is natural, great reforms have begun, they... cannot contribute to stability and we must take advantage of this, therefore, in general, this struggle is a counter political game, the poles hoped that the great reforms would help them, because they would cause some kind of
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turmoil in russia, and alexander ii harshly suppressed this uprising, believing that great reforms were necessary. so it was necessary to act harsher, but this suppression of the uprising, as often happened in our history, it ceased to be an exclusively internal matter, it became an international matter, and they especially helped with words, weapons, and money, and the poles, the french, the english, and the austrians too, did this. such an international onslaught began, again a coalition of european states actually formed, which, so to speak, demanded that russia give poland everything they want,
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many countries have joined, including spain, sweden, italy, the netherlands, portugal, even turkey, but only belgium and switzerland have avoided participating, strictly speaking, in this onslaught, citing their own. only when order is restored, secondly, he pointed out the excessiveness of the demands, because there was no talk of demands for amnesty or greater autonomy or something else, no, the poles wanted, as they themselves said, they were striving to
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create a state independent of from one sea to another, well, if so, our diplomacy said, then guys, well... today they demand this, tomorrow they will demand that those lands where there are a lot of russians and orthodox christians join them, and then they will demand those lands that, i don’t know, the germans have or somewhere else, so all this is very serious, we need to stop fueling this movement, first of all, the french and the english, this is historical. podcast russia-west on the swings of history, we continue the conversation about the brilliant diplomat alexander gorchakov. i’m not even saying that the whole the argumentation that the russian foreign ministry used during this period was absolutely
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correct. i want to draw attention to how much the tone of these conversations with europe changed. europe could argue. this cold-blooded conversation point by point with each of the powers that insisted on something, gorchakov managed to neutralize this entire diplomatic onslaught that was in connection with the polish uprising.
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gorchukov continued to try to balance this disparity of forces in europe in 1872-7 on his initiative, well, including on his initiative, an alliance of three emperors was concluded between. the german emperor, the austrian and russian emperors, and there these emperors of austria and prussia visited st. petersburg, then return visits were made. but this alliance turned out to be short-lived, the fact is that in 1875 ott von bismarck decided that it was time to finish off france, there had already been a successful war, france was humiliated, france was almost knocked out of the concert of great powers altogether, after a shameful defeat, the capture of the emperor, the emperor died accordingly, there was a revolution in france, the paris commune, bis decided that france was now weak, alone, no one would stand up for it, it was possible to finish it off. in order to achieve hegemony in fact in central western europe, germany, a united germany.
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austria at that time was already in fact such a tail of the german empire, which followed the course that set the german empire, their forces were incommensurate after austria's defeat by prussia during the wars for the unification of the german state. and so here is gorchakov. gorchakov, in fact, he did not issue ultimatums, but he made it very clear to bismarck. against the russo-turkish war of 7-78, he believed that russia did not have enough strength, that
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russia in this sense violated the established parity in europe, that the strengthening of russia by seizing turkish possessions would not be allowed by the great powers, and accordingly it was not worth getting involved in this war, in russia at that time there was a very strong patriotic upsurge, a wide variety of people, just like slavophiles , what you were talking about, yes you were talking about that it is necessary to support the brothers. slavs, brothers, bulgarians there and so on and so forth, in the end not immediately alexander ii hesitated for a long time, but in the end he decided, and despite the skepticism of even the minister of war dmitry milyutin, russia entered this war, the war was expensive, 250,000 russian soldiers, of which only 50,000 died from bullets, bayonets, saber blows, and 2,000 died from difficult conditions, from illness, from the cold, the famous shipka seat and so on. after this, russia concludes the san stefano treaty, according to san... well
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has a very broad autonomy, pays a symbolic tribute to turkey, and in fact , things were also moving towards the independence of romania, turkey was losing territory in europe, almost losing territory in europe, in general, russian troops did not enter constantinople, as it was then called in russia, or istanbul, only because england and france, primarily england, spoke out sharply against it. they led their fleet accordingly, brought it right up to the place of military operations, and in order not to be at odds with these powers, russia, accordingly, constantinople istanbul did not captured, although the opportunities for this were already there, not just opportunities, with difficulty did not capture, grabbed at every bush, so that the turks would run away, that but after the san stefano peace russia was forced, again a concert of great powers again as then in crimea, again because of turkey. united against russia and the conditions
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of the san stefano peace were considered preliminary, the berlin congress was convened. as a result, the territory of bulgaria was cut in half, and divided into three parts: one autonomy, broad autonomy from turkey, another part - eastern rumelia - a principality under the protection of turkey and the third part - macedonia remains with turkey. the territories were cut up so that the bulgarian territories became part of romania a little bit, part of serbia, which later laid the foundations of the balkan wars. turkey retained a number of possessions, including albania. in general, such a patchwork story was made, which then did, yes, russia's contribution was sharply reduced, and russia was forced to give up a number of territories in transcaucasia. gorchakov was then in the berlin congress, but he is 82 years old. bismarg was younger, bismarg pretended that he was an honest broker, an honest intermediary. in fact, he played, of course, on the side of england and france, in order to take revenge on russia for the seventy-fifth year, and in
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order to prevent russia from strengthening significantly, therefore this mine, accordingly, under the future european peace was set, because it is from the balkan question that the first world war largely flows. gorchakov outlived all his brothers from the lyceum, we started from the lyceum, you can to finish, here pushkin, you could say, it turned out that... he wrote lines that just concern gorchakov directly, he was the last of the graduates. tsarskoye selo lyceum. and so pushkin wrote: which of us in old age will have to celebrate the day of the lyceum alone. an unfortunate friend, among new generations, a tiresome guest, and superfluous, and a stranger, he will remember us and the days of the unions, closing his eyes with a trembling hand, well
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, absolutely directly, no one knew that gorchakov would be the last, but... he turned out to be the last, i think that here, closing his eyes with a trembling hand, old man gorchakov, already retired, recalling past affairs, i think that he honestly admitted to himself those mistakes that also happened, but at the same time, i think, he could console himself, also quite rightly, with the fact that he made foreign policy more russian and more patriotic. actually, this is how he will remain in our history, i agree, and here , finishing, we can quote gorchakov himself, he recalled: "i was the first in my dispatches to use the expression sovereign and russia, before me for europe there was no another concept in relation to our fatherland, as only the emperor. count neselrodi, mentioned many times today,
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continues to quote gorchakov. even the bitch told me directly, why am i doing this, we only know one tsar. my predecessor said: we don’t care about russia, but gorchakov did care about russia, he changed the situation. this was a historical podcast russia-west on the swings of history, with you were peter romanov and sergei solovyov, study history with us. you can watch all episodes of the podcast russia west on the swings of history watch on the website of the first channel. this is the podcast easy money, me and its host mikhail khanov, today the topic of our issue is the myths and reality of passive income, how to create a stable income without active activity. our guest is elena kornilova, phd in economics, associate professor at the financial university under the government
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of the russian federation. hello, len, hello, mikhail. well, you know, as my younger children say, forgiving. then there is nothing present here, that is, complete relaxation, complete immersion in nature, as they say, and the money is earned somewhere there, there is such a way so that everything is like in this meme, which knew there about 400 ways to honestly take money. maybe he came up with something like that, but this is not passive income, he worked, he worked, he worked, yes, here, probably, it is necessary to say, well, to upset everyone who starts watching our podcast right away, that you will not be able to get anything out of the sky, first of all, passive income is a consequence of some of our active actions, which happened in the past, yes, which
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happened earlier, and its existence cannot be denied, that is, i will simply emphasize it now for... our audience, a simply brilliant formulation: passive income is a consequence of our active activity in the past, when we created it, that is, passive income itself, as if by magic, does not appear from anywhere. sorry for interrupting, but for the sake of such a wonderful formulation it was worth it, you can immediately say that it can be created, but for this you need to work. like passive income developed for us? well, actually, also - as we understand, in the middle ages there were landowners, feudal lords. who leased out land and received rent from it, that same passive income, that is, they themselves did nothing with the land, but characteristic, even in this picture, pay attention that the landowner, he is not just lying on the beach, the rent is dripping somewhere there, no, he walks around, checks that the peasants worked on the land, because the land itself
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will not bring income, where will it come from, that is peasants must earn so much to pay him rent, that is, in fact , to show very much. picture, that there is no such thing as just poverty, here you can even add that it was not enough to own land, sometimes it was unsuitable, they also had to carry out reactionary work, well, at the level that was accessible then, so that someone could get more income from it and like pay a part, you also had to bring in a pair, well, accessible for us, for everyone, now, this is a comparison with renting out an apartment, before renting it out, you need to do some renovations there so that the price is higher. and in general people could live there, so, actually, when the age of the industrial revolution began in the 19th century , the first companies appeared that began to pay dividends, that is, companies needed.
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the development of stock exchanges took place, actually, those same bonds appeared, and let's say so, probably, and the most striking such achievement, when the first exchange-traded funds appeared, this is what is very actively promoted, especially in the last few years, that passive income is when you do not choose companies yourself, here take a fund that is already thought of for you, collected some companies there, here you buy and search for this fund, here it is, you have passive income, no need, do not manage, here use only this, well, also check, as they say, in the company and can evaporate and something will happen to her, i will say for our listeners, viewers, for our audience that we are talking about the 20th century and despite the fact that elena said that the last years, but i will refer you all... to the wonderful writer anton pavlovich chekhov and his work the cherry orchard, which was written at the beginning of the 20th century, and if it seems to you that this is about some incomprehensible
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countries, this is about russia, because at the beginning of the 20th century, the main character of this work, when he explains what he will do with the estate sold, at the beginning of the century, he says that i will invest this money in government bonds and will receive such and such coupon income, i remember how... in the beginning of the century in russia there were such institutions , the consciousness of the middle class was already such that everyone actively uses those very instruments that are listed here, well, finally the 21st century, well, yes, the age of the internet, and now of course, well, a large number of earnings have appeared on the internet, the most common, let's say, some affiliate programs. when well, someone founded some kind of service and so that it actively was sold, attracts a person, says, well, you look for a user of users, and we will pay you a certain commission, well
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, conditionally passive income, well, a seller, no, well, elena, here i probably would not agree with this, because here it is work, it is hard, big work, the work of a salesperson, well, sales is sales in english and this is what they call sellers or there spheres of activity. hard work and if it seems to someone that there are cryptocurrencies, it is still a stretch to say that this is passive income, we we say how, that is, passive income is income that does not require active activity, where is there no active activity here, it is full growth, here i would mean that something like, say, a pyramid is built, when you attract, let's say, under your management additional agents who receive sales, how it works, we will not say how the cosmetics network. but still you have to build this network, you yourself must first sell so that people come under you, there are these formations of dozens, hundreds and so on, sellers under you, but
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still you have to push them every month, push, stimulate, and it works, it's not some beach, you go there, they will all run away there and create their own little pyramids, you know, i really liked one example, i don't remember where i read it, how to test passive summer income, imagine that you fell into a coma for a year... a year later you woke up, and the income continues to drip, it really was passive. elena, just another bravo and a wonderful , precise formulation, that a is very a simple way to check, i honestly hear it for the first time, to check whether your income is really passive, or whether it requires your participation, there, let's say, you went to the himalayas for a retreat, yes, on a program without telephone communication, an annual one, yes, and you sit in the mountains for a whole year, talk to higher powers and exactly a year later, when you return, everything should be as you, in what state, you left your financial affairs, they should only increase by the planned amount, so if this happened, then your income is completely
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absolutely... passive, if it didn't happen, then you know, like something went wrong, yes, but in general for russia, it seems to me, the most characteristic, well, that is, well, when communicating, yes, even with some of my acquaintances, and they have an idea of passive income, it is necessary to buy several apartments, rent them out, it 's as if there is nowhere more passive, but this is a sacred topic for a russian person, yes, that is, real estate, everything is rolled up in concrete - this is our everything, that is, this is the only way we can increase them, but here the most interesting part begins, yes, it begins here. simple mathematics: everyone wants to buy a one-room apartment in moscow, it doesn’t even matter what region they live in, but for some reason it is figuratively believed that if i have a one-room apartment in moscow, i will be able to rent it out, then i will, so to speak, provide myself with a comfortable old age, yes, well , such a modern one, well, let’s take the outskirts somewhere in moscow, well, not very far from the metro, so that this is really loyal, let’s say this apartment costs about 8-8.5 million, the rent, let’s say somewhere around 35-40 thousand, and if we
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we just include regular math, well, let's skip yes... these inflationary, but just banal things, then only in about 18 years you will start to receive it, that is , the payback of these investments is about 18 years, and we still don't take into account that, firstly, tenants tend to move out because they don't like it, yes, that is, we haven't included downtime here yet, that is, when you part with one tenant and wait there for a month, well, in the best case, while calculating, if you just put 8 million there in the state. to all lovers of investing money in three banks, you will receive 18 per annum, this is me burying real estate, yes, because in fact the modern generation, here are the youth, they are generally, my children are young, well , the middle ones there do not even think about buying apartments, why? well, here it turns out that even when in principle deposit rates were not very high in banks, renting out an apartment was comparable to a deposit in a bank,
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but at the same time we ... need to sort things out with the neighbors, who flooded whom there, our tenants or not our tenants, he threw some kind of party there, again the whole house was turned upside down, by the way, elena, a great example of passive income, a bank deposit, that is, everything is exactly as you have formulated it, first you spent enough effort to earn this money, then here in its pure form, you take it to the bank, up to 1,400 under the state deposit insurance program guarantees you.
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now your 18%. here is a typical example of passive income, this is how it is, if we clean up , it closes and you receive it in a year, well, here we leave out such a concept as inflation, because for the most part deposit rates, well , now, of course, the situation, as if we were to remove a little bit, which is happening now, they are either less than inflation, or well, comparable to it, that is, this is what will allow us to simply preserve, that is, about increasing some, yes , we are not talking, if... we think that passive income is what should help us later, well, there, provide a good old age, yes, then this is x2, yes, in relation to inflation, yes, that is, we must understand that we will start spending it, and the capital must be renewed, there are actually two classic ways, when we have capital and we eat it up later over the course of life, when we can no longer work actively, or the capital must be of such a level that its income allows us
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to withdraw part of it. and add part back so that this capital continues to grow, so to speak, the question immediately arises, where to get that very initial capital? i would say that there really is no magic pill, if we consider financial capital to be the starting capital component, yes, then here there are definitely no other ways, but the start-up capital, if we expand the concept a little, this is essentially our knowledge, our professional skills, which the more.
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its creator, by the way, another example of passive income, if this can be attributed to passive income, these are royalties from authors, let's say songs or from authors of some works yes... mentions, well, here you just need to monitor, yes, so that your rights, they are not infringed and you receive royalties on time, yes, these very royalties from their intellectual property, that is, intellectual property can be safely classified as passive income, yes, this is true, but here again it turns out that we either need to hire someone, or monitor it ourselves, because pirate sites are multiplying, those who want to upload, leak works somewhere are also multiplying and it is necessary... as if to monitor yes, so to speak, so that no one steals our passive income by distributing ours for free, it turns out that this is also work, that even what i always cite an example, when people tell me that
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well, in fact, here is a dream to have six or better yet 10 commercial premises in moscow to rent out and how and how offices, well, those who do not understand how it works, they think that you have rented everything out, and the money is coming in, well, first of all, here is what you said. that there is a shift change between tenants, yes, therefore your task is to work with the tenant so that he does not have the thought of moving out, you must communicate with him, you must understand his pain, yes, you must understand his aspirations and so on. the second point, you you need to keep your means of production, which is this real estate, in order, i just know people who own several premises there, and they have entire offices, that is, they create a company to manage these. real estate objects themselves already control only this company, but there are five to six people working there who are engaged in the fact that there is a way to hand over to trust management, well, that is, there are such specially educated ones, that is, you have, for example, one there apartment, i don't want to do it myself or it's
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in another city usually apartments do it this way yes, we find a management company, but here again you have to understand, you'll have to share the income, how much is left there, the miracle didn't happen again, what else could there be that can be called passive income as close as possible to a bank deposit, where you don't have to do anything at all, really, i would still say that this is a scary word that many there don't understand, diversification is our everything, well roughly speaking, we don’t put all our eggs in one basket, that is, we have some capital or we are just forming it, we put part of it in the bank, we bought some, let’s say, good government bonds with part of it, with part, perhaps, if we still have some left, we bought some real estate that we can... yes, also rent out, then it works out for us, and we reduce the risks that we have, the vest has slipped, we have a bank deposit, the bank deposit there has closed, the rates there are very bad, yes, and we had some good bonds
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stashed here, we do get some income from them, but it's just like in the old soviet union, the combination is important, it all just works, you know, when i get, says mikha, here's 50,000 yes, thank you very much, elena, it was very nice to figure it out and dispel, actually, all the myths, i'm very glad i hope we managed to do this about passive income, which
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works somewhere there without human participation, mutually, well, everyone, successful investments of passive income in future. you can find all episodes of the easy money podcast on the channel one website. hello, in the sunday time program, about the events of this day at the battle of drones, domestic developments taking into account the experience of special operations, whoever reacts faster to these requirements on the battlefield wins. advancement in donbass. one of the dugouts
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of fpv drone operators, here are the birds ready to fly. you can hear our mortars working. the response has gone to liberate the kurdish borderland. mobilization in ukrainian, help, help me, please, what is it, what is happening, what is happening, what am i about kiev wants to allow those under 20 to be driven into the trenches, but it turns out that this has been the case for a long time, i was mobilized on february 24, 2022, despite the fact that i was 19 years old, and the expired zelensky was going to zaket, why, the red color of anger, the name of those who lost their eyes and hands, we tell netanyahu that the lebanese front will not stop, what is happening in the middle east? the third lebanese war or the beginning of a more global
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conflict? but if the houthis have supersonic missiles or missiles of such power, then others will have them too. what will happen to the world, explosions of pagers and walkie-talkies, a gun in the bushes. i always said that golf is a very dangerous game. a new assassination attempt on donald trump. this man was involved in ukrainian affairs. who tried to kill the us presidential candidate, a lone psycho or a participant in a carefully prepared conspiracy. erase from memory. an application for all those who once thought: class, self-film, why, why are fellow party members ready to merge chancellor scholz and what dirty game are they playing against their opponents? this is the bottom. today is the election in brandenburg, which depends more.
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power engineers, drone assembly shops, arsenals, airfields, there are about thirty of them in dnipropetrovsk, poltava, kharkov regions. in odessa, a dry cargo ship with missiles and ammunition was attacked, which is comparable to more than one echelon, which were destroyed earlier. intelligence discovered places of accumulation of militants who prefer to be located in civilian objects, for example, hotels, a precise strike on kharkov palace, on a hotel in ... poli is in the dpr, the former assistant
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of zaluzhny was eliminated along with three commanders, the university of the ministry of internal affairs in dnepropetrovsk, occupied by units of the armed forces of ukraine, was hit. georgievka in the dpr, from which to kurakhovo near kreprain of the armed forces of ukraine is less than 8 km, was liberated. and more about the important destroyed targets. the main radio communications center of the main intelligence directorate of the armed forces of ukraine, a ukrainian radar of american manufacture, camouflage did not help it. south of kupinsk in senkovo, a direct hit by an aerial bomb on the site. is developing after the liberation of ovdeevka and
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ocheretin. disclosure, as the military say, ocheretinsky flower, the expansion of the bridgehead contributed to the fact that now our military is in the immediate vicinity of the brave industrial and logistics center of the militants pokrovsk. for us, it is krasnoarmeysk, waiting for liberation. and what is the situation in ocheretin and how are things in the atlant battalion, for which, thanks to you, the collection of our war correspondent alexey ivanov has been completed. together with the people's front. the trip to ocheretino turned out to be risky, it did not go without shelling. alexey ivanov has exclusive footage. the hydro-builders' microdistrict in ocheretin and multi-storey buildings on the north-eastern outskirts of the village. it was here that our fighters from the center group unfurled the flags of russia and the banner of their atlant battalion in early may of this year. well, our film crew was the first to get to this, as it turned out. very hot section of the special military
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operation, the drone detector does not stop for a second, but as it turned out, drones are primarily komikaze or comedians, as the fighters call them, here is not the greatest danger, the enemy is firing from nato artillery high-power shells, residential buildings, even when you entered, i understand that many were even intact, yes, this house was also intact, this house was intact, yes, yes, yes, we just entered. the enemy began to destroy everything, that is, we see the result, a destroyed burnt house, yes, yes, yes, yes, the asu and the torch leave behind just scorched earth. and not only that, when we entered it began, that's it, let's go to the basement here, come on, come on, the result, everything in
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the house, a powerful explosion, only 150 m from us the strike destroyed a multi-story building across the road, here are the shots from the camera. the operator, in a pause between the shelling, we continue moving together with the fighters of the strun battalion of the thirty- fifth separate guards motorized rifle brigade of the central group of forces, well, you can see black smoke rising above this multi-story building now, this is the result of this powerful shelling from the ukrainian militants, there is a fire there, of course, no one to fight the fire, it will all continue. now it is smoking and burning, fire, run, run, run, move, move, move, it looks like a mortar, there's a crater here, the terrain is very dangerous, the enemy sees everything from drones, and of course
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safety here is the most important thing, the assumption that the enemy was not just watching us, trying to take aim, was confirmed. in the area of the hydro builders, when we started talking to our scouts, what was the mood, what was the mood, fighting, we need to defend the homeland, here we came, we're defending, you're a volunteer, yes, well done, you came a long time ago, no, not so long ago, the second month, but my great -grandfather fought, cleared the territories just like these, i understand, from banderovites, well, probably from his great-grandfather, this time the mine fell even closer than the previous shell, well, how are you going, do you hear? it immediately misses, so let's go into the house guys, maybe we'll sit it out for now , let's go to the park, let's go back to
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the nearest basement, as soon as it gets quieter , we go up to the upper floors, ask the fighters about the situation, we are convinced once again , ukrainian militants are trying to destroy the village as much as possible. now the enemy is sitting, it turns out, in four forest tracts, from here, about 2.5 km in a straight line. the machine gun is working on houses, right now there is mortar shelling, you can see that the village here is at a height, a truly strategic place, mark 233 m, actually, it was to this village that the vsushniks clung, but our brave guys are very...
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through this forestry we were drawn to the five-story buildings, you can see the territory of the industrial zone, here is the local ochretensky water utility, it was through these buildings that the company of the atlant battalion entered, the commander here was a poet, we just saw these shots, how the soldiers directly accepted the battle from that side, from the side in the east, having already cleared this zone, the fighters moved further into the multi-story buildings, here the fighters from the 115th mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces tried to cling to every house, every street, but our attack aircraft used such a tactical maneuver, entered the...
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