tv News Al Jazeera August 22, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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water -- it requires this new warning. [♪ music ] >> this is al jazeera. >> welcome to the news hour. these are our top stories. the first glimpse of hosni mubarak as the former egyptian president is transferred from prison to house arrest. >> in london with all the news from europe including france says it's willing to use force if allegations of chemical weapons used in syria prove true. >> i didn't take millions in describes disgraced chinese
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politician bo xilai. >> and expulsion over doping procedures. >> more than two years after he was overthrown and then arrested, hosni mubarak is tonight out of prison. his release comes seven weeks later. it's not for long. >> helicopter rises from the tour of prison after hours of legal procedure hosni mubarak is released. but his immediate destination is just a short flight down the road his release is very much a
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technical term. he'll remain house arrest under the decree issued by the prime minister. a ban from him leaving the country has been imposed. >> we have lost everything. now justice will return and everything negative will we stayed away from will come back. >> mubarak is expected to be back behind bars in the courtroom on sunday when his trial on charge of complicit in the civilian deaths during the 2011 revolution resumes. >> the implication is that mubarak is not being acquitted. mubarak will now go to trial for three different cases. it means for the muslim brotherhood they will use it for marking the movement that it's not just a revolution, it is a military coup. >> on the same day in a different court leaders of the
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muslim brotherhood that have opposed mubarak for decades will also appear. they stand accused of inciting violence during the demonstrations that followed the military takedown of the morsi government. but the self styled youth body that started protest strongly pursued the prosecution of mubarak and morsi and ironically accuses the morsi government of not being aggressive enough against mubarak and because of this he must be charged with the man he replaced. >> bernard smith is in cairo, let's get this straight. the strong man is released, and thhow do people feel about that?
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>> there is an irony there. most egyptians, everyone was glued to the television, the release of hosni mubarak into house arrest was wildly covered here. everybody was watching that helicopter make it's short flight but such is the training in this country that the release is caused mainly by shrugged shoulders. there isn't the anger towards mubarak that led to his ousting in 2011. this time plane see him as a relevance.
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>> there have been a couple of muslim brotherhood arrests today. the spokesman for the muslim brotherhood was arrested in nasr city. and this evening a couple of hours ago at an apartment in nasr city, the par la parliamenn for the muslim brotherhood, this is another example of the country's relentless crackdown on the muslim brotherhood leadership. a few are in custody. a few are still on the run and all of this happened in the last week. there is a clear indication that the army and the interim government really want to stamp down and crush the muslim brotherhood, and i have to say in this last week that has happened very effectively.
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>> now bernard, talking about the crushing of protests. tomorrow will be perhaps a key day to test whether the protest movement has been crushed or whether it's still got life in it. tell us what is planned. >> well, there have been calls for the million man or woman march in cairo, not just in one location, but we're expecting different marchs, marchs to pop over the city. we've had protest marchs all through the week in the evening, and we've been covering those here and they ended about 11:00 at night. of course, friday is the day off tomorrow, and these marchs tend to get going after lunch time prayers. there hasn't been my colleagues monitoring social networks, twitter and facebook there hasn't been many message going out calling people to go out to
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march. a lot of this is thought to be because a lot of leadership was brotherhood leadership and they've been arrested, and there isn't the organiz organization l the people to get them on the streets. we'll have to wai wait and see s afternoon. >> thank you so much. the u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon has asked the syrian government to allow inspectors full access to the attacks. that follows calls for action with france calling the way. let's go to marianne. >> reporter: sammy, the french prime minister said that force may be necessary if use of chemical weapons is confirmed. more than a thousand people were killed by gas attack on wednesday.
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>> reporter: a day after hundreds of syrians including women and children were killed or injured. a search among the dead for missing relatives. the syrian opposition said more than 1300 people died after government forces used chemical weapons in a number of areas east and west of the capitol of damascus, an accusation denied by the government. but it has brought swift international condemnation. the french are demanding some sort of action. >> if proven our position in france is that there needs to be a reaction. what does that mean? not to send soldiers in the field but a reaction of international condemnation, and i'm not going to be more precise, of force. >> and the germans hinting at an act of barbarism. >> we are very concerned about the reports that chemical
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weapons have been alengthened to have been deployed. these reports are serious, and should they turn out to be true it would be a monstrosity. >> reporter: an emergency to our meeting to the united nations security council failed to produce an agreement on the best response. u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon called for a thorough investigation for all reported incidents, but ultimately it would be up to the syrian government to give their permission. they continue to deny responsibility. >> everything that has been said is ridiculous, naive, unscientific, illogical and subjective. we mean what the we say, there e been no weapons used at all. the forces are making progress from all sides of the groups. >> reporter: both russia an saye
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reports of the attacks, and they call for a national investigation. they say inspectors are in syria to investigate recent attacks and should include wednesday's atrocity as part of their mandate. there have been claims of when weapons over the last two years, anthe slaughtering of the syrian people is likely to continue. >> jackie roland has it this update for us from paris. >> reporter: the french president has discussed with the u.n. secretary general what he describes as probably use of chemical weapons in syria and he expresses the shock and outrage oover the massacre.
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the french foreign minister said that the international community had to make a forceful response to events in syria, but he was deliberately ambiguous and refused to be drawn in on if he was specifically talking about military force and what type of form that response should take. he appears to be hinting, threatening some type of military action or to put pressure on syria. he said in the u.n. security council did not take a decision then decisions could be taken as he put it in other ways, but again he did not elaborate on what sort of decision and what kind of forum could possibly take it. >> so getting more reaction coming from washington, d.c. the state department has been speaking about these reports of an alleged chemical weapons attack in syria, and so just a couple of lines emerging from that briefing at the moment. the u.s. basically say going to
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reports of chemical weapons in syria prove true it would be an outrageous and flagrant use of chemical weapons by the assad government, but barack obama's chief military adviser has given his assessment of the situation and said it would not be in the u.s. from to intervene. we'll bring you more information and bring you any more developments as it emerges, but we also have more news coming from europe. let's get back to sammy. >> thanks. staying in syria, activists say government warplanes have hit areas of the alleged chemical attack. on the outskirts of damascus. the bombardment will further hinder u.n. investigators from entering the area. there are reports of
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fighting between the rebels in another area that was involved in the alleged chemical weapons attack. government tanks also shutting the area. syrian state television said president bashir al-assad has reshuffled his cabinet including ministry, economy. at least 14 people have been killed in a suicide attack at a military check point in iraq. it took place in a city of ramadi. most of the victims are reported to be soldiers. bomber drove the vehicle packed with explosives and blew himself up. four rockets have been fired from tyre into northern israel. one was intercepted by the iron drone missile system. no one has been hurt. disgraced chinese politician bo xilai has denied corruption
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at the start of his trial. he was dismissed last year in a scandal that saw his wife jailed for murder. we have reports from the eastern city of jinan. >> reporter: this was always going to be an extraordinary day in chinese politics, but bo xilai's behavior in court super charged the drama further. first challenging the judge to give him a fair, just trial and denied in detail each specific charge against him. >> between 2000-2012 bo xilai received bribes either himself or through his wife gu kailai. his son was also involved. the amount of bribes is very large. >> reporter: but bo denied it all. he said that he was a criminal, and a mad dog trying to bite him and shouldn't be trusted. he admitted that bo had known nothing of the gifts given to
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his son and the property deal carried out with his wife. he said that she had been judged mentally unsound at her own trial and therefore her word on financial affairs could not be relied upon. the scandal began in november 2011 with the discovery of the body of neil heywood. bo built a national profile as party chief in the southwestern city of chongching. it was a profile that won enemies and friends at the highest level. one reason this trial has taken so long to come to court. it's riven with political activities. >> i think it's all a power struggle. as for his contributions and wrongdoing i don't think he has contributed much. he was quite a leftest advocate,
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and it may be good for china to put him away in jail. >> reporter: but if he is to be put away and this is his last public hoo raw, he seems to make the most of it. >> zimbabwe's mugabe is sworn for a seventh term in office, and in sport, former number one maria sharapova sends off a shock for organizers at the u.s. open. >> japan's troubled nuclear plant has appealed for help. iit's a move from radioactive
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leaks. >> these tanks were support to store safely water from cooling reactors, instead it's leaking into unprotected ground into the sea. japan clearly monitors the nra and said it can no longer call the situation at fukushima under control as the area is so heavily contaminated. >> this may not be the appropriate way to plot it, but this is a like a haunted house, so many things keep happening. we need to think how to keep such incidents from coming serious accidents we need to make measures to lower the risks. >> the tsunami of 2011 wrecked the plant, and many thousands more can't return home because of meltdowns in three of the six reactors. so far no deaths have been
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attributed to radiation from the nuclear disaster, but that could change if it the contamination grows or contamination happens again. >> reporter: the company responsible for the reactors is tipco, they manage to keep the lights on in this capitol city of 14 million. >> reporter: shinzu aba visited the planet and calling it the largest in human history. >> any way you look at it this is deplorable. >> it may take an international effort to turn the situation around. now it appears that the power plant is neither secure or
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stable. >> the hong kong survivors of the hostage crisis of 2010 has sued the philippine government for compensation. it comes just before the third anniversary. nine people were killed after a philippine police officer took over a tourist bus. the survivors say that manila has failed to respond. >> two iranian men have been jailed in thailand over a failed bomb plot. israel said its diplomats were the intended targets. >> reporter: thai police were not taking any chances, scouring the streets before the trial of two men accused of planting bomb attacks. one man lost his legs in 2012 when explosives he was carrying went off.
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he said he was trying to dispose of them. the police accused him of throwing a bomb at officers. both men say they're innocent and deny any connection to an iranian plot targeting israeli diplomats. >> the suspect versus fought all the charges. we just hope the court will give justice to both of them. >> reporter: the men were arrested in february 2012. after homemade explosives ripped through their house where they were staying. they said they were unaware that the explosives were in their home, but they were found guilty of attempted murder of a policeman and sentenced to life in prison. the other was given 15 years for possessing explosives. while neither man was charged with terrorism or attempting to kill israelis, israel said they're terrorists. >> this sentence shows once
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again that iran is in engaged and in full operation of terror around the world. >> reporter: they reject allegations that there was a plot against israel. another suspect has been detained and two others are on the run. these men maintain that they're all innocent, defiant to the end. al jazeera. >> in zimbabwe robert mugabe has been sworn in for a seventh term in office. he criticized western country for questioning his legitimacy. >> reporter: president robert mugabe is sworn in. in 2009 he was forced to share power with opposition leader. after the elections the year before were marred by violence and accusation of rigging.
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in his acceptance speech he criticized western country still questioning his legitimacy. >> stay who dared tell us that there elections were not fair and credible. >> reporter: the u.k. wanted an investigation into the results saying the polls were not credible, and the european union said they weren't concerned about rigging. most african governments have congratulated mugabe. at 85 years old, mugabe is africa's oldest leader, but they're concerned about his health and whether he'll be able to serve a five year term. he said he's more than capable and he has big plans. he said black economic empowerment policies will help the struggling economy recover. he said his party must now move
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away from liberation politics to issues more relevant to people today. >> they have to be serious about their politics concerning governing and one of performance and performance-related legitimacy. they have to fix the economy, create employment and fix our international standing as a country. >> reporter: mugabe serves as the first prime minister between 1980 and 1987. he has held office of president ever since. some people are happy that he's still president. others aren't. now they can do now is wait and see if mugabe moves forward or backward. >> the u.s. soldier being sentenced for killing 16 afghans in march of 2012 has begun to address the jury at his hearing. he told thhis friends said he wn unbelievable leader in high school. bales has admitted the killings.
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bradley manning's lawyer says he expects a pardon. the white house said they'll treat the request like any other. manning said he is a female and wants to live as a woman named chelsey. he was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking classified documents. in mexico the school year started this week but many students have been left without teachers. thousands of teachers are protesting against planned education reforms. there have been angry scenes outside of parliament in mexico city. teachers are unhappy about having their performances rated fearing it could lead to layoffs. well, adam is live for us in mexico city. so we understand, adam, that package passed through particle the without the measure specif specifically of evaluations. is that a win for the teachers?
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>> reporter: well, it actually passed through the lower house of congress. i'm standing outside of that house. you can see teachers camped out. it passed overnight, and the teachers are very happy because they think that they may have momentum to keep it from passing and being enacted totally. that is the key provision they do not want enacted. they're worried if they're judgedded by an independent commission they may not hold on to their jobs. this is a big win. it's a setback for the government right now, but it's not over. congress could still reintroduce this element into the law and they could do it later today and any other day in this legislative calendar, but right now teachers have momentum at their back on this one provision. >> i guess this does not defuse the whole standoff. what posture are the teachers taking? >> reporter: well, they're digging in. not only are they camped out here outside of the lower house of congress, they're headed to the senate, thousands of teachers are walking there now.
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they're going to surround the senate because now this legislative packet, it goes to the senate where it will be debated and voted on there. if it does pass here with the evaluation intact it won't pass there, either. it has to pass both houses but they're not letting up. they think the fact that these congressmen and women who voted in the middle of the night decided to postpone this element of the aggravations means that perhaps they can keep the pressure on and keep legislature from reintroducing it later in time. of course this could change at any moment because the mexican legislaturlegislation can be ve. >> what is at stake for the president in all of this, adam? >> reporter: well, this is a political hit for the president of mexico. he has made education reform one of his key reforms amongst many. he came back to power less than
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a year ago saying mexico needed a change and needed change fast. he said students from mexico, millions of them just can't compete in this globalized world unless schools are better. mexican schools, public schools are prison abysmal in an abysmal state. he said you need to evaluate teachers and they say this is not going to happen. so he's not happy about what he is seeing taking place outside of congress. >> thank you so much adam, in mexico city. thousands of syrian refugees are pouring into northern iraq to escape the fighting, and this tent city has sprung up in just a week. we'll show you conditions inside. how early warnings saved many families in the philippines from rising floodwaters. and th the new york yankee star makes u.s. history. we have the details in sports.
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egypt's deposed president hosni mubarak has been released from prison and taken to a hospital in cairo. he has been placed under house arrest ahead of his retrial in a few day's time. france is calling for the world to respond forcefully. if it confirms that syria use the chemical weapons on its people. germany also called for a tough response. the attack killed more than a thousand people. disgraced chinese politician bo xilai is denying one of the bribery charges against him. he's accused of corruption and abuse of power at his trial in the city of jinan. he was dismissed from his post last year in a scandal that saw his wife jailed for the murder of a british businessman. well, the increase in violence in syria is prompting syrian kurds to cross the border into northern iraq. 39,000 have made the journey since the board was made a year
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ago. that means more than a 190,000 are in the region. they're being housed in camps across the iraq. >> the syrian iraqi board will be closed on friday, but so far people have taken advantage of the border being open and coming in greece number. this camps like this. it's worth showing you what it looks like. this is 13,000 people living under canvas and rope. this camp was set up on wednesday. so it's remarkable that they've managed to get so much done already but there are things that they need sanitation, clean water, etc. but i spent the day in one of those camps, and let's take a look at what i found. >> reporter: arrived in this camp on friday. she said she escaped hell in syria after her husband was killed. she's the sole breadwinner for a family of four and has struggled. she has spent weeks walking to the iraqi-syrian border.
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>> hour house was destroyed by shelling. my husband stayed behind and then in may he was killed by armed men. i don't know who they were, terrorists, syrian army, i don't know. but they put my husband in a barrel and shot him like an animal. >> reporter: her story is common here. the kurd government opened the r after hearing stories. but the cheer number crossing the border means resources are stretched. this is a mammoth operation. nearly 13,000 people live in this camp alone and the u.n. are registering between 25 to 50 tents a day, but it is a slow process, and there are some people here that haven't been given tents yet. so they sleep outdoors. the united nations refugee agency said they're in desperate need of assistance. >> water is priority, then
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provision of food. winter is around the corner so we need to think in advance about infrastructure winterization because we don't want this to turn into a mudbath. >> reporter: it's extraordinary to think that this vast city of canvas and rope didn't exist on wednesday. how long it will be here is unknown. serious conflict drags on and the spill over in the region is clear for all to see. al jazeera. >> reporter: now the regional government is keen to get as much help as they can to those syrian kurds who have come across the border. this camp alone requires ten different charities and agencies and the kurdish government to be able to run. there are several camps like this across northern iraq. the numbers are quite staggering. nearly 191,000 refugees in total with 39,000 that have arrived, some 2,000 refugees arriving on tuesday. at the moment these kurds feel
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relief when they get here, they're safe. but if you're in this camp for six months to a year, and the syrian conflict is driving on, that relief will turn to frustration. >> one step closer to holding negotiations with the opposition, it follows mass protest and calls for the government to step down. now the two sides have agreed to a plan for new elections. it's being proposed by the country's powerful trade unions. the yemeni government has issued angie fo an apology. it was right on state television. the government apologize to rebels of the northern side of province for repeated military campaigns launched there betwe between 2004 and 2010. the statements coincide with national reconciliation talks that began in march. they were set up to address grievances by large segments of
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the population. scientists say the deadly corona virus is being detected in saudi arabia. the bat could be origin of the disease and the virus is spreading through winged mammals. but the bats are not felt to be responsible for the transfer to humans. more than 90 people have fallen to the mers coronavirus almost havhalf have died from the viru. we have reports from rizal province. >> reporter: roads a day ago that were like this are now like this. they are on the move once more. at this evacuation center outside of manila people are already talking about returning to their homes.
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holding the youngest of his 12 children, murto moved his family here when the floodwaters rose. >> it was some hours before we evacuated. it was going to be very dangerous and we thought it would be safer for the children. >> reporter: after hundreds died in devastating floods in 2009 evacuation measures have been greatly improved. >> people are prepared and know what to do. when there is heavy rainfall they know to come here. >> reporter: the fact that people were evacuated in time, and that relatively few lives were lost is being seen as a measure of how prepared the philippines are becoming in dealing with its storms. from better defenses in rural areas to a squatter relocation program to clear manila's waterways improvements are being made. at the national weather center staff appropriate their latest bulletin on the receding storms. better forecasting and public
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warnings are being credited with saving lives. >> it has helped us so they have much time to prepare in this area especially to the low-lying areas, along the coastal area. this year we are more prepared for this event. >> the question is can the improvements keep pace with the country's worsening storms? ron mcbride, al jazeera philippines. >> malaysia's has won the right to use the word allah. it's use by others could confuse muslims. the attacks of malaysian churches and other places of worship three years ago. australia needs to free refugees who have been unfairly contained.
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the group are mainly tamils from sri lanka. they all arrived on boats into australian waters between 2009 and 2010. they've been granted refugee status but they're still being held. the snowden is now the subject of a high court hearing in the u.k. >> reporter: well, sammy, the court gave british police a week to look threw files seized from david miranda on sunday. they launched a criminal investigation as a result of what they found. just to remind you miranda is the brazilian partner of glen greenwald who has been writing about edward snowden. he was held and questioned for almost nine hours when transiting through heathrow airport.
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now the metropolitan police is describing it as highly sensitive material that if released could have put lives at risk. harry smith sent this update from outside the high court in london where the ruling was made. >> reporter: the court's decision can be best described as a partial victory for both sides. david miranda's lawyers came here hoping to persuade the court that their client had been detained illegally. they said they used legislation to stop terrorists suspects, not to stop journalists. they said that equipment that had been seized from their client should be returned to their client, and they said the police should be barred from examining the material on that equipment, equipment that included a laptop and memory sticks. they said that it was confident and the confidentiality of it should be preserved. but the argumen government argue
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was grounds of national security. they had starterred a criminal investigation. the judges said the police could hang onto the equipment. they could examine the material but only on grounds of national security. the other side gave they are reaction on the steps of the court. >> the undertakings of the police source were stopped in their tracks, and some of the basis on which the police sought to justify their position was rejected. our client will be returned his property. we consider this to be a partial victory, and we hope to have the court's full reasoning tomorrow afternoon. >> reporter: so the police now have seven days to continue examining the documents that are contained on the seized equipment. the lawyers in court said there were tens of thousands of documents, and they will have seven days to go through that. after that we'll have to come back to the court, persuade the
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judges they have good ground for suspicion or return the equipment to mr. miranda. judges will then also set a date for a hearing to decide whether or not david miranda was legally detained when police stopped him at heathrow airport. >> members of an extreme right wing cell calls the national socialist underground killed ten people over the course of seven years without being caught. now parliamentary report said police dramatically under estimated the neo-nazi threat. we have reports from berlin. >> reporter: it's a report that examines what went wrong and make sure that it doesn't happen again. how a neo-nazi gang carried out so many killings over so many years without authorities suspecting or caring that the far right group was involved.
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it is a story of failure by the police and intelligence services. >> they were not as professional as they should have been. they directly linked the background to organized crime mafia structures, and so on. it's not to criticized that they looked in that directions will, but what we do criticize as parliament is that they only looked in that direction, that the possibility that there could be a racist background for these murders was completely out of the picture. >> reporter: these two men are thought to be the leaders of the gang. they killed themselves in 2011 apparently fearing they were about to be arrested. this woman is thought to be their accomplice. and these are the victims, ten of them. eight turkish, all ordinary people almost all shot in the head, usually at point blank range. they recommend that the police
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verge from mor more diverse gro, and the police have to look for political motivation when a serious crime is committed against someone from ethnic background. it's in places like this that people feel most bitter about how the security forces responded to the neo-nazi killings. to many people here it's evidence that they are not yet equal citizens in germany. >> reporter: a turkish community leader said he was shocked by the killings, "b" also by what he called the impotence of the police reaction. >> my confidence in security authorities and law enforcement has disappeared. i must honestly say i no longer feel safe. >> reporter: germans are used to soul searching. they've looked at their past with honesty and courage, and
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this report examines what has gone wrong today, and how this country can be a safer, and fairer place for all its citizens. al jazeera, berlin. >> eastern russia has been hit by some of its worst flooding by more than a century. thousands of people have been forced from their homes and the river in the city now threatening electricity plants. hundreds of soldiers have strengthened defenses along the river. at the other end of russia holiday makers along the coast got a bit of a shock when a large naval craft made an unexpected beach landing. some look on in amazing as the amphibious vehicle came from the sea on to land. the military said it was routine military exercise and the holiday makers should not have been there. you're you will up-to-date with all the news from europe.
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yet many indonesians are not aware of the risk and continue to use it. but now the government has decided to remove some products from the shelves. >> reporter: leaded paint is most dangerous for children up to six years old. their brain development can be affected by lead, a toxic metal. children can swallow its dust at school and at home, and their i.q. levels can drop dramatically. that's why in most industrial countries leaded paint has been banned. >> from the decorative paints we investigate many still contain lead. from the sample we took 75% still contain lead levels that are considered dangerous. >> reporter: most indonesians are not aware of the risk of lead when they are buying paint. companies selling unleaded paint or reduced the levels significantly have made it clear on their products.
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>> i really didn't know about it. i never heard about it. if i knew about it i would have been more careful. >> reporter: bright colors like this one usually contain more poisonous lead levels than others, and selling paint has become booming business, and authorities are warning environmental aspects not taken seriously future generation is at risk. companies using leaded paints blame it on the government because there is simply no ban. they havothers have taken the ie to change the materials themselves. >> most people still buy leaded paint. >> reporter: when confronted with the results of the survey the government announced that in 2015 leaded paint will be banned. >> we're aware of the risks for sure, but this still happens due to economic reasons. unleaded paints are simply more
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expensive, and i have to admit that we're having trouble competing with cheaper imported paints. >> reporter: despite the announcement of the ban health experts warn that nationwide action is still urgently needed even though paint may be lead free in the future, playground and furniture still painted with leaded paint still form a risk for these children. >> a volcano has erupted in southern japan covering the nearby city with ash. residents in kagoshima have used umbrellas to protect themselves. the volcano erupt regularly causing a state of alert. >> reporter: gentlemajamaica han
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warned to get their doping testing in line. drug testing procedures in the county were inadequate. there have been a number of drug scandals involving jamaican athletes in the last few months. 4 x 100 simpson failed the drug test and a month later veronica campbell brown tested positive for a banned diuretic. shthey expect action to be taken quickly. jamaica can be declared non non-compliant with the anti-doping code, and they'll decide on a further course of
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action. on to football. totham in the first leg of their playoff match. no news on their gaithe garrett. messi is due to have testing on his injury. barcelona strike, a great finish from spain's record goal scorer. partly laws of the arrival, the brazilian came on following messi's injury and scored his first competitive goal for the club since his move. an amazing goal to victory
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against flamingo. they fought, displayed some fantastic skill and composure to smash in a second goal. world cup is in brazil next year but he has never played for the national team. a few more goals like this just might give him the call up. there is more on our website aboutal salvador suspended 22 top players while they investigate match fixing allegations. go to for details. baseball history collecting the 4,000th hit of his career becoming only the third player in the history of game to do so. his achievement came in the
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game. the yankees won the game 4-2. so ichiro third, and who is top? that would be pete rose in 23-year career he collected remarkable 4256 hits. ty cobb from 1905-1928 he made 4198 hits, and then we have i ichiro, he has made 4,000 hits. maria shar sharapova, pullet she decided they couldn't take part of the u.s. open because of a long-standing shoulder injury. she's currentry ranked third in the world and was champion back
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in 2006. australia with day two of the test against england. delay after three hours steve smith made his century and declared 492-9 and finished the day 32-0 for the rel reply. that's our sports for now. >> we have developing stories for you. the u.s. soldiers being sentenced for killing 16 afghans in march 2012 has apologized and said he committed an act of cowardice. robert bales had his hearing in washington state. let's go over live at the military base near tacoma, washington state. what else did i say there, rob? >> reporter: it sounds like the line just dropped. >> all right, we're sorry about that. it does seem like a line has
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dropped. we're sorry about that. we'll try to come back to him later and get more on that story as soon as he gets--as soon as we re-establish contact with rob. let's see what we're going to do now. all right, the tango was creat created. south america by migrants from europe and africa in the 19th century, now the dance is inspiring those in europe escaping economic hardships in their homelands. we have more reports from buenos aires. [♪ music ] >> reporter: when the she discod tango in her native italy it was love at first sight. the music was brought to argentina. but europe's economic recession played a role, too. >> europe is stuck in the past. people go will to see what usedded to be. people come here to see what will be. argentina is like a teenaged country.
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>> reporter: europeans are migrating to argentina once again. first they came in the 1920s. walter said nostalgic longing for their home. [♪ singing ] >> reporter: italians turn tango into a sad tune. but though lyrics are influenced by opera and feeling blue and longing and crying. [♪ music ] >> reporter: but this particular dance style became famous worldwide. overred shadowing the lyric. >> reporter: it's very difficult to dance tango. >> all right, stay with us here now. that brings us to the end of this show, but we'll be back with another full bulletin of news. that's coming up in just a couple of minutes. so don't go too far away.
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