tv News Al Jazeera August 25, 2013 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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♪ music announcer:>> this is al jazeera. >> hello there. welcome to the news hour. we have the top stories here on al jazeera. back in court, the retrial begins for ousted egyptian president hosni mubarak. the u.s. reviews military options in syria after suspected chemical weapons attacks on civilians. >> disgraced chinese politician bo xilai accuse as former aid of lying in court on day four of his trial. and zimbabwe host as
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tourist summit hoping to convince travelers to return. they come from opposing sides of the political divide in egypt but trials against both of them have got underway today. on one side is hosni mubarak, the egyptian president over thrown in 2011. he's appeared in cairo's police academy for a retrial along with codefendants which include his two sons. mubarak is accused of failing to stop the killing of protesters during the revolution that forced him from office. in a separate case, mohamed badie, the spiritual leader of the muslim brotherhood. his trial has beened a jurpd until october 29th. mohamed badie was arrested last week, he's accused of inciting protesters to kill those protesting against the muslim brotherhood on july 30th. two other brotherhood leaders are facing similar charges.
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wayne hey joins me from outside of cairo's police academy to update us on hosni mubarak's trial. wayne, i understand that mubarak actually appeared in court. tell us what's been happening. >> well, he has been in court. he was transferred to the police academy from the military hospital facility where he's been placed under house arrest. he's there along with his two sons that are facing the same charges as well, also the former interior minister and six of his aids as well. so far it really has been a procedural start to this retrial. we have heard from the judge whose gone to great lengths to point out this will be an independent trial, very transparent. there have been question marks about that leading up to the start of this trial. he went to great lengths to point out that it will be very transparent and i will try my best to release all the
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evidence to the public to make it as transparent as possible. we have heard from the prosecution lawyers. the moment it is the defense lawyers, they're going through the charges and also presenting names of wpse names s they want to call. the most interesting name that popped up so far, of the interim leader of egypt, the head of the armed forces, now, he was in military intelligence in january of 2011 when the fighting occurred and the protesters were killed. also some mention from the defense for the first time of the muslim brotherhood saying that the same crimes happened under their brief leadership in egypt and they may be responsible or involved at least in some of the deaths back in 2011. >> wayne, of course mubarak has been through all of this before. i mean, his sentence was
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overturned on appeal. is there as much public interest in this trial the second time around? well, it certainly seems to be low key so far, certainly outside of the police academy where the retrial is taking place it is extremely low key, small number of his supporters turned up, numbering perhaps 20 at the most. some repetitives of family members that were killed during that uprising are also here. the security presence was tight earlier on, even that is looking fairly relaxed at the moment with apparently no sign that any large group of protesters or supporters of mubarak are going to turn up. so, it has been fairly low key. i think there is a feeling now that as interesting as this retrial is, it is really to a certain extent irrelevant as to what's happening in the wider scheme of things in the political situation in egypt. >> okay. wayne, thank you for that. wayne hey updating us there
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from mubarak's retrial. let's speak to mike hanna that joins us from cairo now. i know, mike, you're following the proceedings at the high court where the muslim brotherhood leaders were on trial. that's been adjourned. tell us what happened. >> it was a chaotic scene at the beginning of the hearing. the judge came inish the lawyers for both the defense and accused were there. a great scrum of media as well was allowed in the courtroom to observe proceedings. the accused did not appear. the six members of the muslim brotherhood who are facing charges, two of incitement to kill civilians, they did not appear. we're told by the prosecutor general that that was for security reasons. this trial has been adjourned until the end of the october pending further investigation. >> as we have said, mike, given that the arrest and
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putting on trial of the muslim brotherhood's spiritual leader is unprecedented, and, of course, it is happening against a time of huge tension in egypt. >> indeed, yes. what was significant in the vicinity of the cairo high court in the course of the morning was the lack of height heightened security. there was no sign of protests, demonstrations, no increased security presence. this could indicate that the mass arrests of many muslim brotherhood leaders in recent days and weeks has had an impact on the organization. the fact that the general guide of the movement is in prison, remembering that even in the mubarak years that position was left completely untouched in action against the organization, the fact that there has not been a strong public reaction if only manifest in demonstrations in the vicinity of the court is perhaps indicative of how the leadership of the muslim
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brotherhood, its organization abilities has been impacted by this on going mass arrest and campaign against its membership. >> mike, thank you very much indeed for that. mike hanna? cairo. >> syria's government warned the united states against any military action saying this would inflame the middle east. the u.s. says they're ready to carry out military options against syria if they need to as part of a diplomatic push to respond to a suspected chemical weapons attack. charles stratford has more. >> a rocket shoots sky ward from the damascus neighborhood. al jazeera cannot independently verify the pictures that were up loaded onto youtube. it is the same area where an apparent chemical weapons attack killed hundreds of men, women and children last week. the syrian government denies it was responsible. global leaders are calling for some sort of response. u.s. president barack obama has been meeting his national
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security visor advisors to consr his options. defense minister says that they're ready to act ton barack obama's orders. >> barack obama has asked the defense department to prepare options for all contingencies. we have done that. again, we are prepared to exercise whatever option if he decides to employ one of those options. >> obama has said any use of chemical weapons in syria would constitute the crossing of a redline. but washington says it still needs proof chemical weapons were used in this recent attack. evidence is strong from pictures and testimonies from witnesses. now the organization doctors without borders say hospitals hs it supports in damascus treated many patients with neuro toxic symptoms on the night of the alleged attack. the aid group says 355 of
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those people died. >> pinpoint pupils, access saliva, respiratory distress, convulsions, all that point towards the use of a neuro toxic agent. >> during a phone call on saturday, british prime minister david cameron and u.s. president agreed that the suspected attack by the saad syed government merit as serious response. u.s. secretary of state john kerry has been talking to his counterparts in saudi arabia, jordon and turkey rallying support to put pressure on the syrian gov m. a government that say they had no role in any suspected chemical weapons attack but denies access to chemical weapon inspectors staying in a hotel a short area away. russia has asked them to cooperate but blamed rebels for recent attack. as international pressure increased syrian state tv ran pictures of what it says are chemical agents stored in tunnels that were previously
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controlled by the rebels. the united states disarmament chief arrived in damascus on saturday and is negotiating for access to the sites. charles stratford, al jazeera. >> joining us from d dubai now, theodore, goo to have you on the program. clearly, a lot of pressure on president barack obama to do something. he's unlikely to act without the support of other nations or indeed the u.n. security council, is he? >> well, i think we'll have to look very closely at all of the evidence first before the barack obama administration make as final decision on any kind of airstrike against syria. primarily i think the united states will go after syria on -- in response to this event regardless of what the u.n. says but needs the support of syria's neighbors particularly saudi arabia, jordon, turkey.
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that the would probably cement some kind of action. >> you have also got iran saying that it has a redline itself in syria and if the u.s. crosses that redline there will be severe consequences and syrian authorities say, of course, that any kind of action in syria will inflame the middle east. it does seem as though any military option is going to make the regional problems worse. >> indeed. inning we need to be very careful here about airstrikes and the ramifications because of the access between syria, iran and hezbollah and probably also russia as well because these entities will have to try to control the aftermath of a u.s. strike on syria and, indeed, bashar al-assad's threats to the rest of the region can be met through both state and non-state reactions. could be with missile
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launches, could be also with activating terror cells as well. so, the situation is frought with a number of dangers. >> where does that leave the international community. they can't do nothing, can they, if chemical weapons have been used, that's a gross breach of international law. >> indeed. i think that the u.s. will ultimately have to conduct some kind of strike against syria to send a strong message because this is a defining moment for obama's second administration. i think that the attack would probably target command and communication stations as well as military bases and so on where they can find the syrian army. the danger in doing that is that as people have been saying, there are lessons learned from previous u.s. air wars or airstrikes on other countries like regions like
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kosovov, those under attack have learned lessons too and they're able to have denial, deception tactics so that when the u.s. strikes, they'll strike at wrong places. we have to be careful in the planning and execution of using these types of weapons and their aftermath. >> theodore, good to speak to you. thank you for your thoughts there. now, at least one person is dead and dozens more injured in a bomb attack on a yemani air force bus. the vehicle was carrying personnel to their base in the capital. the yemen based al qaeda in the arabian peninsula have been behind many attacks recently. first of all, what else can you tell bus the blast and who may have been responsible? >> it was a bomb which was planted inside the bus and the
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one who made it, they had all of the intelligence of the movement of the soldiers at the airport, we're talking about officers and aviation caddies going to an air base. they had all inside intelligence on what's going on. managed to plant the bomb and it was detonated when the bus was traveling on a busy road here in the capital. i personally seen a video filmed by a passerby near the blast. very, very graphic. very terrible pictures of injured people, soldiers with severed limbs. the government is now pointing a finger at al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, the most active offshoot of al qaeda outside of afghanistan and pakistan. over the last few days there has been a bit of security here in the capital. the government made it clear, especially the president that the fight against al qaeda is
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going to continue until they are defeated or evicted out of yemen. this attack shows that al qaeda is far from defeated and that they will manage to continue to send their own operatives across the country to stage and launch attacks against government installations, the army and also they say that the western embassies also are a top target for them. >> hashum, thank you for that update. coming up here on the program, an uncertain return to his homeland. we follow the journey of an afghan refugee to a land none of his children have ever known. plus, we'll be reporting from russia's far east where people say they have lost everything in the worst flooding of a century. in sport, the european champions remind rivals why they're still the team to beat.
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disgraced politician bo xilai has accused a former aid of lying in his testimony. it was the fourth day of bo's trial. the former regional communist party chief is accused of bribery and abuse of power. bo xilai admitted he made mistakes but denied accusations of embezzling state funds. we have more from outside of the court. >> for a second day the two long time friends and allies appeared in the courtroom together as adversaries. the case is that he told bo xilai that his wife gu kailai was responsible for the killing of a british businessman neil heyward. the dave after that he says bo xilai pumped him on the side of the head causing fluid to leak from his ear, blood from his mouth and that shortly after that he was dismissed from his post. the prosecution says that that evidence should be believed and that it demonstrates that bo xilai did abuse his power in trying to cover up the police investigation into his wife's involvement into the
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killing of neil haywood, she was suspended to a death sentence for that murder last year. bo xilai responded trying to essentially undermine what he was saying. he said for instance he never had martial arts training, he couldn't have punched him in that manner he lacked the strength to inflict those injuries. he did admit to slapping him in the presence of two others. he says that he's been convicted for his flight to the u.s. consulate in the wake of those events and that therefore that shows he's a man of bad character, he's a liar and that his testimony cannot be trusted. of course, a lot of this does serve both the interest of bo xilai an allowing him to put on a strong defense potentially also serving the interest of the communist party in giving greater weight to his eventual conviction. there is no more proceedings expected today, tomorrow, monday, we expect the final summing up of the case to begin. >> police in india arrested the fifth and final suspect in the latest case of gang rape
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in india. the fourth suspect was arrested earlier on sunday. the five men allegedly attacked a photo journalist in mumbai on thursday. the victim is recovering from injuries in hospital. the attack led to more public outrage over sexual violence against women. the pakistani taliban has sacked one of its top leaders. he was the head of the group's one faction that was removed from that position for welcoming the government's peace talk offers. we have details from islamabed. >> days after the peace talk offer from the pakistani president, the leader of the taliban in pakistan refused that offer and sacked him saying he was not permitted to issue statements on behalf of that group in pakistan.
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earlier they had supported some of his statements buddy substancesubstanced itself froms one leading to speculation that there was a rift between the leadership on those peace talks. now they're saying after the killing of their leader in a u.s. drone strike that they had withdrawn the offer for peace talks. the government, of course, also said that while the offer was still open it would also use force if necessary. >> now, when the former soviet union invaded afghanistan back in 1979 afghan refugees began to pour into neighboring pakistan. three decades later the pakistani government is encouraging those refugees to return home. that journey can be dangerous. as part of our afghan challenges series we have been following a kahn family that took the difficult road through bkyhber pass entering
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afghan through the border and they have reached the city of jalalabad now. that's where our reporter imtiaz picks up the story. >> these are the first few moments of kahn and his family's new life after living as refugees in pakistan for many years they have just crossed the border into afghanistan. afghan forces are clearly in charge here and flying high above the crossing is the flag of the country's central government. kamn's village, where he plans to settle, is still a few hours drive away but the family's first stop won't be there. instead they come to a united nations ran processing center for returnees. all 11 family members, most born in pakistan are rental centered as residents here. the children are given polio drops and receive measle vaccinations.
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welcome videos are shown to the adults and other lessons are given on how to live in a country that for many in kahn's family is mostly foreign. >> in a stark reminder of just how precarious the security situation is in afghanistan upon arriving in the country returnees are taught how to detect mines and improvised explosive devices. both are among the biggest killers in afghanistan and are a threat everyone here is taking seriously. after filling out a final round of paperwork, kahn receive as $150 repatriotization allowance and an additional $30 for each member of his family. money he'll use to rebuild their lives in a country he hasn't called home for nearly three decades. >> translator:>> i'm very happy to be back. i'm proud to be an afghan. living here will be good for my family. praise to god we made it back safely to our homeland. my plan now is to open a shop. i will workday and night to
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make our life better. >> to help with the long-term success of repatriotization is the u.n.'s refugee agency whose workers promise to stay in close contact with the family. >> we are not targeting the returnees, we're visiting them. >> for now, kahn and family, before they're content to settle in the village he was born in and start their new lives in a very different, often unpredictable afghanistan. >> the russian government is promising to build new barriers to protect its far eastern region from floods. the area has been hit by waters reaching their highest levels in 120 years. thousands of people have already been forced to leave their homes. one of the region's largest cities is now under threat. al jazeera's peter sharp is in the region and says that the flooding could get a lot
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worse. >> after three weeks of continual flooding the city is really starting to take the strap, more roads impassable, more apartment blocks inundated. at the moment, more than 1600 kilometres of road have been washed away and it is effecting not just businesses in the city but also the deadly, deadly important business of moving aid and logistics in areas that have been effected. for instance, now it would normally take you, what, 15 minutes to go from the southern suburbs to the city center and it is taking three hours. the relief operation is being ramped up. 135 specialists, flood relief specialists have flown in this morning from siberia and two dozen doctors have also come in from moscow and, of course, the army is boosting its presence here on the dam defense. there is much more that needs
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to be done. the peak of this flood was supposed to be sunday, today. it is now pushed back for another six to seven days, so there is more water coming and much more to be done to protect the people and the city itself. >> portuguese firefighters made progress in their battle against more than a dozen blazes across the country. the fire in a national park that's causing the most concern is now under control. over 1,000 firefighters are trying to tackle the summer fires. one firefighter has died and nine others were injured in recent days. >> firefighters in california are struggling to contain a massive blaze threatening 5 5.5,000 homes. the fire has doubled in size to more than 500 square kilometres as it rages along the northwest edge of yosemite national park. crews say that the fire is burning so ferociously it
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created its own weather pattern making the flames even more unpredictable. let's get the weather now with steph. steph, i didn't know huge fires could control the weather patterns, what more have you got on the fires? >> it is a shame that this fire is where it is. if it was east the weather could dampen down the flames a bit. where the fire is row indicate there had on the satellite map, you see the cloud there, it is eming up to the east of it. so, really the weather is not going to help it over the next few days and if anything, the weather elsewhere is going to be even worse because just to the southwest there, we have a tropical depression. that depression is not really move anywhere in a great hurry. what it is doing as you see from that satellite picture, throwing cloud up by the north. that's what we'll see heading through the remainder of the day and also over the next couple of days as well. heavy downpours there, over the northwestern parts of mexico and up through the u.s.
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as well. the worst states we're expecting, over parts of california, over arizona, nevada, utah, that's where we could see over 100 minutes of 10 elementarie100100 mill metersog. this is ground is hard f we may see flash flooding through the next few days. still heavy rain around. fortunately it begins to break up for us on tuesday and then a few showers will drift towards the west. >> steph, thank you very much indeed for that. now to a flutter of hope in a place where many species are struggling for survival. a new bird has been discovered in cambodia not far from the capital. from there, scott reports. >> he's very small, very quick and has a distinctive orange cap. meet the cambodia taylor bird. a species of bird discovered through a clap abrasion of three wildlife scientists, it started when one was testing
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out a new camera. >> how we found the bird back in january, 2012 at this site and didn't know what it was. then he went, saw the same bird in early june. again, he didn't know what it was. he got really good photographs. then that really peaked my interest. >> simon then determined that the bird was not an anomaly of an existing taylor bird species. they visited several other nearby scrub areas finding a population proving it was indeed a new species. >> we're a half hour drive from the country's largest city phnom penh. this is where it was first spotted, it is not remote, that's why this is an interesting discovery. >> the undiscovered bird hiding in plain sight can be drawn out by playing a recording of its song on a smartphone. why hasn't it been discovered before? >> the main reason is that because the places it lives aren't very interesting, it lives in dense scrub and most
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birds that live in dense scrub are common bird not many pay attention to. >> thanks to scientists that did pay attention, this taylor bird will draw in more tourists. >> already we get hundreds of birdwatchers every year coming through cam pod i can't. through cambodia. this is new and no one has seen this before. >> many more people can see it. the scientist asks that the bird be classified as near threaten sod that the building boom of the city does not swallow its habitat. >> coming up here on the program. the u.n.'s top human rights official arrives in trilanka after guaranteed access to former war zones. we'll have a report on that. plus, in sport, we'll hear from the driver who will be leading from the front at the belgium grand prix all coming up after the break.
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>> welcome back. egypt's deposed president mubarak has appeared at the start of his retrial. he's charged with failing to protect demonstrators during the 2011 revolution that over through him. a separate trial of the muslim brotherhood's spiritual leader and two deputies has been adjourned until end of october. mohamed badie is accused of incitement to kill protesters during the demonstrations last month against the brotherhood. syria's government is warning the united states against military action saying it would inflame the middle east. the u.s. is ready to carry out
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military action against syria if they need to. nation response to increasing signs of the use of chemical weapons on civilians. >> israel says it supports a u.s. led response to the alleged chemical weapons attack in syria on wednesday and believes an attack of this kind has implications for israel's security. translator:>> our finger is on the pulse and if needed, it will be on the trigger. we know how to protect our citizens and country against those who have harmed us and who want to cause us harm. >> sue is live for us in jerusalem. israel is clearly worried about syria's weapon capability in particular access to chemical weapons. >> yes the israeli prime minister was talking about fears for their own citizens with comments on having his finger on the pulse but possibly on the trigger. he went onto say that israel
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was poised and ready should it be needed to take action and it should be forbidden for a dangerous regime to have the most dangerous weapons. his comments weren't the only to come out of israel. the israeli president was meeting with a french foreign minister sunday morning. he turned around this morning and he said that he thinks that the international effort should take direct action to take out the chemical weapons. he's calling on international action immediately. the french foreign minister added words again yet again saying that he was confused, he didn't understand the absence of directory action of really strong reaction from the international community. now he said he believed that there was evidence to show that the saad syed regime had committed what he called a chemical massacre. >> what about the general public there, sue? how much is the whole conflict in syria worrying people there and what do they want to see happen in syria?
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>> certainly if you go somewhere like the galan heights where we saw direct conflict on the border, on the line there, you hear people say they were very concerned. at the sometime the israeli government heeded the u.n. please not to get directly involved, to pull back, to allow the u.n. engagement force to really hold the line between them. there have been rockets coming over since. i think people here are not looking to get directly involved. they're looking forward into national reaction rather than the israeli strikes we have seen some covert airstrikes on areas inside syria, what the israeli government called a weapons caches and envoys on route to hezbollah. the government saying they're doing it to protect citizens but i don't think there is a growing clammer here for israel to start using its military might in any kind of international action.
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also perez turned around and said that he thought it was a morale call, that had over ridden any kind of strategic worry as to what would happen in the region. it is complicated for israel. if you see some sort of power vacuum from the saad syed regime being taken out they concern themselves with the extreme groups, they were fighting within the opposition in syria, they may start to gain power and there is a big fear here that they would call for the destruction of israel. so, even though they want some sort of international force to stop any threat of chemical weapons here on israel, there is a greater concern of what happens after that. >> sue, thank you very much indeed for that. sue turton in jerusalem there. >> more than 100 mainly syrian migrants have been taken to sicily after being rescued by the italian coast guard. among the passengers were several women and children. over 1 new york cit 1,000 migrad
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in italy in the last week. >> the u.n. top human right official arrived in sri lanka after the government promised access to former war zones. navi pillay will examine allegations of human right violations and a government crackdown on the media. >> another crime against the media. five men stormed in the house of the senior journalist early on saturday. police say initial investigations show that the motive was robbery but the victim isn't convince. >convincei don't know. i don't know whether it is a warning. what it is, i don't know. frankly i'm hoping that there would be an end soon. >> the incident comes amid direct and indirect pressure on the media as well as a heavy handed military crackdown on civilian pr protess like this demanding clean water. it is one area that the u.n.
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high commission of human rights navi pillay will be looking into during her visit to sri lanka. the final stages of the war, allegations of the deliberate targeting of civil yans, killings and other human right violation also be examined. navi pillay is quoted as saying she wants to see for herself the reconstruction and the rehabilitation effort but also what progress is being made towards accountability and reconciliation. sri lanka's former representative in geneva say that this visit is crucial. >> the last best chance for the government of sri lanka to convince her that there is no need for an international inquiry into the last stages of the war. >> he says that to do so the government will have to be willing to set up credible, open and empowered national processes. relationships between the two sides have been strained in
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the past. the government minister launched a hunger fast outside of the u.n. compound in columbo where senior figures were criticized. the situation wasn't helped with the high criticism from the high commissioner. >> given the harsh, confrontational exchanges between the government and the u.n. high commissioner, a lot is riding on this visit. for the government, it is a chance to prove it has nothing to hide. navi pillay will get a firsthand look at the realities on the grounds. the government says having invited the high commissioner it would not place any restrictions on her. >> we don't have to be defensive and defensive, you hide something. we we're not defensive. neither are we owe fep civic. we'll give you the normal tour of any visitor from international entity. what they want to see, they see. simple as that. >> the u.n. high commission of the human rights is due to provide an oral briefing on the government's progress to the human rights council in
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september followed by a full report in march, 2014. >> sri lanka's 20-year conflict ended in 2009. the army and the tigers have both been accused of human right violations. a u.n. panel said two years ago that 40,000 civilians were killed in the last few months of the war. many human rights groups have called for an international investigation into allegations of war crimes. instead, sri lanka created the lessons learned and reconciliation commission whose recommendation it says are being implemented. another commission has been formed to investigate disappearances and criminal proceeding have begun among 12 elite command ants from during the war. >> good to have you on the program. the sri lanka government is
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bitterly opposed to the u.n. finally it allowed navi pillay to come in to visit war zones. do you think that will have a positive effect on issues such as human rights abuses and freedom of media? >> yes, the sri lanka government is responding to international pressures since 2009 at the end of the war sri lanka has been on the defensive and it was really not allowing anyone to investigate or report on the war crimes and was taking a position that there was zero casualty of civilians during the war. now the situation has changed within the last four years the international pressure has made this visit of navi pillay to sri lanka and this will give an opportunity to further investigate the crimes committed by both the warring factors and particularly the atrocities committed by the
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sri lanka government and i'm sure the u.n. has gathered enough information about the war in sri lanka and war crimes in sri lanka and navi pillay's visit will definitely collaborate all of that information and fom further steps are taken at an international level. >> until now though, they have simply refused to allow the army to be investigated for possible war crimes but it has established a commission to investigate the disappearances. do you think it is doing enough? >> it is not doing enough. in fact, you see the government is on the record that it has appointed commissions, appointed various commissions to investigate matters but nothing was implemented at the end. in a few years ago it appointed a committee called aprc to bring forward a resolution to the conflict in sri lanka, that committee's
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proposals were stacked up and it has not been implemented. the government is good at reacting and at the moment the government is under heavy pressure, it is doing everything to basically ease the situation. as time passes i'm sure it is not going to do things unless there is enough pressure from the international community. >> well, you, of course, are part of the alliance of peace and reconciliation. can you tell us what progress is pg made towards reconciliation. i know there are elections next month, aren't there, in former war zones? >> it is not enough. reconciliation is a wider process. the conflict itself is for a long time it has sought independence from this conflict. this conflict today as you see, the south african order has to be implemented, the victims have to feel confident they're participating in the reconciliation process. at the moment what's happening is government is implementing things and importing things and these aren't being treated
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as reconciliation process. there are a lot of constraints in the process. part of the problems, and as for the country, the war in there, they're not included in this reconciliation process at all. it is not a transparent process at all. the heavy presence of the army in the north and east, what kind of a reconciliation process can take place there. the government is basically boosting its image by trying to say that it is basically involved in the development process. that is the only thing that is promoted at the moment. so, what the government has to do is move away from that and go for real reconciliation process, even in the report, they have -- it is not far reaching, doesn't deal with a number of issues that has to be dealt with. >> okay. thank you very much indeed for joining us. good to have you on the program. >> thank you. >> now, it is 50 years since
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martin luther king delivered his if a miss "i have a dream" speech in washington d.c. tens of thousands of americans have been celebrating the anniversary pledging to continue his fight for racial equality. they also heard warnings of setbacks for the civil rights movement. [applause] >> the crowds that were in front of the lincoln memorial didn't match the 200,000 more who had watched martin luther king at the same spot spot a half century ago but their determination to see america redeem his vision was strong as children veronica and benicia were at the 25th anniversary of the march and brought their own kids to the 50 year commemoration. >> there are a lot of people who still care about he canty injustice in the united states and recognize we haven't made it but we're all still fighting for the same cause. >> the day's speakers underline the economic object
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stick ms that still hinder black americans. >> america needs a new plan for the cities to provide jobs, infrastructure improvements and a true lasting stimulus to the economy. >> they also cited topics never tackled by the civil rights movement in the 60s, gay and lesbian rights and immigration reform. kings speech pushed through laws that guaranteed blacks equal access to the ballot but many speakers here 50 years later say that the laws are being threatened and weakened by republican sponsored state laws recently sanctioned by the u.s. supreme court. the last surviving speaker from 1963 said the sacrifices made then must not have been in vein. >> i gave blood on that bridge in alabama for the right to vote! i am not going to standby and let the supreme court take the right to vote away from us. [applause] >> one of king's chroniclers say he would have been
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disappointed by the partisan warfare that's held up more progress. >> our political discourse is really not living up to the promise of america that was articulate soed so well 50 years ago. >> a promise that his followers believe can be achieved. >> coming up, we'll have all the sport, including the boat that's now within touching distance of competing for sailings biggest prize. ç]
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truckerings calling for -- truckers calling for cheaper fuel have joined the protest. >> honduras has declared a state of emergency after an outbreak of a fever. 120,000 have been effected across central america. rachel levine reports. >> fighting a killer disease. these children are in the advanced stages of den dp. ue, a virus spread by mosquitos that is deadly. checking on patients, this doctor says that the young and old are particularly vulnerable. >> the critical they are, the first three, four days. then once the fever is gone, the platelets get down so the patient can have a lot of breebleeding and start having a sharp and then may die. >> honduras is in a state of emergency, over 14,000 cases have so far been reported this year. more than a dozen are dead.
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people come to public hospitals like these to be treated if they can. the healthcare system here is over stretched and under funded. people are literally being treated in the hallways and oftentimes they have to buy their own medicine. the government says it is tackling the outbreak. neighborhoods where cases are report ready fumigated. government workers go door to door educating people about prevention. in this tropical country months of heavy rains provide the perfect breeding ground for the mosquitoes, the insects lay eggs in stillwater. ingrid's youngest brother is finally in recovery. she says that the government is more focused on the upcoming elections than the health emergency. translator:>> they're not helping the health system or education. there is no money because it is all going to the campaigns. >> the last severe outbreak of
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bengue in central america was in 2010 when over 130 people died in the region. with at least 120,000 suspected cases so far this year officials are hoping 2013 doesn't surpass that number. rachel will he convenient, al jazeera, honduras. >> now, after weeks of negative headlines after its presidential election zimbabwe decided they want to win back tourists so cohosting a tourism summit seems the way to do it. we have a report from the zimbabwe side of the victoria falls. >> elephants drinking water in zimbabwe. a few meters away, tourists spot a hippo in the waters. africa's fourth largest river. some are here for the u.n. world tourism organization general assembly cohosts by zimbabwe and zambia. a few days ago the president robert mugabe was sworn in.
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many were floored but others say that the polls were credible and the tourism industry hopes for stability. >> what we need to do is mainly predictable as a people, to have political stability to manage our public perception as well and also to encourage foreign investors to come in tourism industry. >> this group is visiting zimbabwe for the first time. they come from spain, australia and island. >> we just had a fantastic few hours walking around victoria false. absolutely stunning. amazing. >> now the elections are over local holiday makers want to see zimbabwe regain international acceptance. >> we have a lot to show out to the people and we have a lot that we can give out so yeah, i encourage everybody to come. >> government officials here feel that zimbabwe is still being portrayed unfairly. >> when you bring it into consideration and put zimbabwe side by side with what's happening in africa today, we
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pale in significance and instability, we're a very stable destination. that's why all of these people are here, they're here because they're endorsing us, they would not come in a war zone. >> when the land invasion started in 2000 the governments warned citizens against traveling to zimbabwe. the number of tourists coming here dropped. now the tourism industry and uru.n. summit are hoping that they'll rebuild the battered international image. >> let's get to sport now. >> thank you so much. barcelona coach martinn has described the money amount of money to be spent on bell is disrespectful. he held about the upcoming game on sunday. they're likely to confirm a world record deal for bale in a few days. he says that he feels out of place in the current economic climate despite them spending 75 million on the new striker
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namer. >> garth bale, a very good player. answering the second question, the numbers are almost a lack of respect to the world in general. >> bale definitely won't be involved for his current club in the premier game. the other game sees manchester city playing in cardiff. they have spent over a million in strengthening their new squad under the new manager and they started their season with a 4-0 win over new castle. >> really very good game in the way we -- i want to -- the team must play. not only because of the way we score goals and we have made the goals but in the way we play. we're a very agrey civic team, that's very important to me. >> liverpool made their best start to a league season since 2008 in a win over villa with a second straight win.
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the manager rogers is happy that the team is doing well even without the striker surez. >> for me, it is about the team. you know, he's a world class striker and, you know, he's proven that. he's tame at liverpool. for me, the focus will always be on the team. so, whoever goes in to play, they have to play for the team. as i said, it was a performance today. >> a perfect start to life as a manager the spaniard played tribute to the match winners after the pair scored in 29-0 win. this is the third straight win of the season. level on points at the top of the table with three other teams. england's cricketers will complete their ash series win over australia in a few days tame after day four was washed out. play is now you wanted way in london.
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england has just crumed their first innings with the match heading towards a draw. the home team have an unasale launasalable 3-0 series lead. >> caribbean has won a premier league title. russell with captain gail guiding the side to a 7wicket victory. tiger woods is not far off the pace. world number one woods is four shots behind the coleaders in new jersey on eight under par. roy macilroy is without a tournament win but is better showing better form. he's now 6 under par. >> the greens are perfect out there. with it being windy but still the fairways are getting fast. you can get the ball down there if you're feeling good and frisky you can drive it all the way down with a lot of wedges in there. >> the belgium grand prix is
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underway with hamilton in pole position for the fourth straight race. he recorded the quickest late time late on in a rain effected session. three time defending world champion and leader vettel was second fastest with a red bull teammate weber third. vettel leads the league by 38 point. >> i think when i started the lap i was a little back on the board i saw on the screen i was 7th, 8th, i was like my god. especially as it was getting -- raining more. then i went wide in turn 1 and my dash display was usually telling you whether you're up or down and it said i was 3 seconds down and then five seconds and then 6 seconds. i didn't understand what was going on in the lap but i just kept pushing. yeah. i could see i was catching vettel towards the end. what a blessing, i feel fortunate to be up here. >> south africa posted their first away victory in a rugby
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championship in four years and they lead from points difference from new zealand. they had thrashed argentina by a record 60 point margin a week earlier. facing a much bigger challenge in argentina, they led the match with just 8 minutes remaining. two late kicks won it for south africa. sailers are a victory away to win the right to race for the america cup. there was a race record to again overpower italy's challenger winning by one minute and 58 seconds. there is now a 6-1 lead in the challenger series and new zealand to seal their victory later on sunday. >> the world's top tennis players are in new york ahead of the final grand slam of the season. the u.s. open, which begins on monday. world number one and defending champion serina williams is going for her fifth title.
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this is the first time murray is walking into a grand slam as the defending champion and even though he's not the favorite to win the britain says he's not feeling any pressure. >> it is a new experience. it is different once a tournament gets going i don't think -- i don't think it changes too much. there is a lot of pressure on me for a lot of years to win a grand slam and then same sort of thing at wimbledon, i wouldn't imagine it is the same here. >> and there is much more sport on our website, for the latest check out a there is details on getting in touch with us on twitter and facebook. that's for me for now. back to you. >> thank you very much indeed for that. see you a little later on in the program. that's it for the al jazeera news hour for now. but there will be another bulletin of news straight ahead. we'll take a short break and then elizabeth will be here to keep you up to date with the day's developments. i'll see you a bit later on.
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♪ ♪ >> good morning. this is al jazeera. i'm morgan. this is some of the stories we're following this hour. deposed egyptian president hosni mubarak is in court facing charges involving the 2011 deaths of several protesters. >> it seems that they have described to our medical teams in doctors without borders appears to be consistant with eexposure to a toxic agent. >> a humanitarian group's chilling assessment of chemical weapons use in syria. >> a fast moving erratic wildfire threatening yosamite national park and has the city of san francisco under a state of emergency. a bomb
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