tv News Al Jazeera August 25, 2013 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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>> good morning. this is al jazeera. i'm morgan. this is some of the stories we're following this hour. deposed egyptian president hosni mubarak is in court facing charges involving the 2011 deaths of several protesters. >> it seems that they have described to our medical teams in doctors without borders appears to be consistant with eexposure to a toxic agent. >> a humanitarian group's chilling assessment of chemical weapons use in syria. >> a fast moving erratic wildfire threatening yosamite national park and has the city of san francisco under a state of emergency. a bomb blast strikes a blast
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carrying dozens of military officers in yemen. the attack comes just two days after yemen's president vows to fight terrorism. only hours ago former egyptian president mubarak appeared in court in a cage. he's facing a number of criminal charges stemming from the 2011 uprising in egypt. the ousted leader was released from prison thursday to be held under house arrest at a military hospital. mubarak is charged in connection to the deaths of several protesters during the arab spring. three leaders of the muslim brotherhood faced similar unrelated charges but they did not appear in court. jonathan is in cairo and joins us with the details. >> well, mor morgan, they're
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similar charges but both groups from different sides of the political spectrum here in egypt. mohamed badie, the spiritual leader of the muslim brotherhood him and his deputies entrepreneur trial or had the trial begin today. they're charged with inciting violence in june causing the deaths of dozens of protesters. they did not appear in court and their trial was continued until late october. the other big trial today is with hosni mubarak. no one knew what to really expect with that case. it certainly did not disappoint. the former deposed -- president deposed in 2011 did appear in court this morning in a familiar place, in that cage wearing sunglasses and scowling at the courtroom. he faces charges involved with his role in the death of hundreds of protesters during the massive revolution in 2011. he's already been convicted of that crime and sentenced to life in prison. the charges were overturned and a new trial was ordered. we're seeing the continuation of that trial. now, keep in mind, that
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mubarak was freed from prison just on thursday and put under house arrest. it was unclear if he would show in the courtroom and whether the trial would continue. as we saw this morning, both are now happying. the judge in that case trying to assure the courtroom and the public that this will be a transparent process and that mubarak will have a fair trial, and he's promising the lawyers that they will be given access to public documents that they say they need to prove their case. >> jonathan, i understand the nightly can you remember few inightly can you curfew in cairs been shortened two hours. what's propertied thi prompted ? >> that's significant for many here. that's 9 instead of 7. it has been done large by because there hasn't been much violence, clashes have been minimal. not a lot of deaths, a protest we have seen daily, they're smaller and they have been
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briefer. big reason for that is simply because this massive crackdown on the anti alliance and supporters within the muslim brotherhood, they have been certainly dealt a heavy blow, hundreds of their members have been arrested, hundreds have been killed. so, there is a lot of fear among that movement to be out in the streets protesting and so the government clearly feeling more comfortable with the control of power and deciding to soften that curfew a bit. >> thank you so much, jonathan betz live from cairo. now the united states says they're ready to take military action against syria. it is in response to the alleged chemical weapons attack that took place just last wednesday the syrian government denies they were behind the attack on the outskirts of damascus that left hundreds dead. barack obama met with security officials to consider what's described as a range of options. defense secretary says that the military is ready to act on the president's orders. secretary of state john kerry
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called his counterparts in saudi arabia, jordon and turkey rallying support to put pressure on the syrian government. kerry called syrian foreign minister the day after the alleged attack asking for u.n. investigators to have full access to the site. so far, the syrian government has not allowed investigators to that site. al jazeera's jane mazer outlines what's going on in president. >> national security officials met barack obama at the white house to discuss what to do about this. the sounds of grief. the pictures of tragedy. bodies of children and some adults, victims of what appears to be a chemical weapons attack on the outskirts of damascus. doctors without borders says three hospitals in the area reported receiving 3600 patients, 355 died. >> pinpoint pupils, access
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saliva, respiratory distress, convulsions, all points toward the use of a neuro toxic agent. >> in istanbul the syrian coalition says it is time for action, not words. translator:>> the role of the international community must go beyon symphony, we havbeyond sympathy. >> the intey wants proof that the saad syed regime is responsible for the alleged attack but the syrian government is so far refusing to give u.n. inspectors access to the area. it denies using chemical weapons but claims syrian rebels are. syrian state media aired footage of gas masks, protective suits, jugs and vials they say were seized from a rebel hide out in a suburb of damascus. it is the images of the dead that are putting pressure on the white house. preparations are underway for possible military options,
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including the movement of a fourth warship armed with ballistic missiles into the eastern meditarian. >> i do not anticipate a major use of force. i think what you may see is what was commonly practiced under the previous clinton administration, the long-range tomahawk missile strikes from far off the coast, which are very accurate. >> after president barack obama's meeting with the national security council the white house released a statement saying the u.s. continues to gather intelligence, coordinate with its international partners and consider its options. there is no indication decisions have been made about syria and the tragedy that continues to unfold there. >> joining us now is charles blair, senior fellow at the federation of american scientists. mr. blair, how would you characterize the u.s. policy towards syria to date? >> it has been very cautious policy at times, not terribly
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clear in terms of the messages is trying to get out. it has been one that understands that this is a situation where the stakes are incredibly high and there is also a lot of ambiguity. that's the ultimate challenge for any policy maker so it has been a cautious policy but it needs to be. if they get this one wrong it could be absolutely disaste disasterous. >> speaking about ambiguity, doctors without borders are reports many with nerve time gas symptoms. how could the source of the attack be confirmed? >> well, it looks -- the iranians are report ing that the syrians may indeed let the u.n. inspectors in the area. they could go in, take soil, tissue sample, tissue is out of the question but maybe at this point if they have not been all buried they could exhume bd but soil samples will show the products.
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at this point if they can get people on the ground and actually doing scientific methodologist they could confirm it easily. >> thank you so much charles blair, senior fellow at the american scientists. al jazeera is monitoring that story from the bureaus across the middle east and for all of the news updates on syria visit us at many of the wildfires raging across the west are showing no signs of slowing down. melissa chan has been following the wildfires and brings us more. >> we're on the western edge of yosamite national park, behind me, at that ridge, that's the water source for the city of san francisco. now, people are worried that ash from the fire will fall into the water and pollute the water although city officials say that if that's the case, they will be able to draw on other water sources. now, we're in a preparedness level 5 situation, pl5. that means federal agencies are stretched to the max. we have met firefighters from all over the place, they have
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essentially been hop scotching from fire to fire state to state. this fire has become quite large and with many resources coming its way hopefully they'll make some headway to fight the fire and minimize damage to the park. >> the fear now is that millions of people in northern california could lose their water and electricity because of that rim fire. yosemite is on the eastern side of the state, 180 miles from san francisco but most of the bay area's water and electricity flow through that area. the governor has declared san francisco under a state of emergency. ashley generalings ha jennings . >> flames have spread in a corner of the national park, far from tourists but a few miles from this reservoir which provides electricity and 80% of the water supply to the city of san fransisco nearly 180 miles away. >> there was a threat in the northwest to the water shed
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which provides water to san francisco as well as infrastructure in the area. we got a lot of infrastructure with pacific gas and electric in that area and along route 108 corridor that we're working very hard to go and protect. >> from the cockpit of a national guard aircraft.. >> got you in site. in a position behind you. >> to helicopters, air assaults aric about aing up the frontlines on the ground. >> the concern is that it is actually backing down into some canyons that could actually make big runs. and that's where we get large fire spread. >> more than 2600 firefighters are battling the braz. more are arriving daily. >> it is like back draft, the movie, sucking the air out, then you get a wind from nowhere. it is not windy out here. it is the fire pulling the oxygen so it could breathe. >> the strike zone, 4500 residents are threatened, homeowners are on edge leaving when the flames are too close and coming back when it is safer. >> twice we have packed up
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from smith station, went to pine mountain lake with friends and then it got bad for pine mountain lake so we packed up, went back home again. >> the fire is believed to be one of the biggest in california's history. its smoke all right drifted across state lines into reno, nevada, prompting the cancellation of outdoor events. ashley jennings, al jazeera. >> we now have an update on exactly what the firefighters are working with. >> unfortunately they'll not get help from mother nature heading in this afternoon. right now we have an area of low pressure striking across idaho with red flag warnings in effect in addition to that the air quality very poor, last week the firefighters were trying to battle the out complex fire which was near 100% containment. unfortunately down in yosamite national park, only 7% containment, 129,000 acres up in flames right now, firefighters not getting help from mother nature. area of low pressure continuing to track across idaho and it is going to do more harm than actual good
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unfortunately given the fact that we're looking at some gusty winds and some hail, dry lightening which could perpetuate the fire threat. although it is not all bad news across the west. we'll see much needed rain from tropical storm although it won't make impact in terms of making land fall it will provide plenty of moisture across western portions of adds across southern portions of nerve da. we're looking at heavy rainfall so folks traveling, definitely need to use precaution on the roadways, flash flooding a major problem given the area has been very dry. right now we're looking at a couple of showers across central portions of arizona right around the flagstaff area if you're heading southbound towards phoenix along i17 use precaution. i have more coming up very soon. >> thank you so much. there is a break in the case involving the kidnapings of a dozen mexican young people. bodies pulled from a mass grave on the outskirts of mexico city have been identified.
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real estate mogal donned trump is facing a 40 million-dollar lawsuit. at stake, claims that he disreceivedeceived students whoo learn about his business plan. >> i wanted to be a part of the history, reenacting the marvelk, keeping the spirit alive. >> thousands march for civil rights to honor the dream of dr. martin luther king.
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>> free at last. free at last. thank god almighty, we're free at last. >> his words forever penned in american history. it has been 50 years since dr. martin luther king, junior delivered his iconic i have a dream speech. this weekend tens of thousands descended upon washington to carry on his mission of equality for everybody. speakers warned that some advances of the civil rights are now in danger of being rolled back. >> the crowds that massed in front of the lincoln memorial didn't match the 200,000 or more that watched martin luther king at the same spot half a century ago. but the determination to see america redeem his vision was strong as children very ron ca and benish reeves were at the 25th anniversary of the march and they brought their kids to
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the 50 year anniversary. >> there are people that care about equity and justice in the united states and recognize we haven't made it but we're still fighting for the same cause. >> the day's speakers underlined the economic obstacles that hindered black americans. >> america needs a new marshall plan for our city's to provide jobs, infrastructure improvements and a true lasting stimulus to the economy. >> they also cited topics never tackled by the civil rights movement in the 60s, gay and lesbian rights and immigration reform. >> king's speech here pushed through laws that guaranteed blacks equal access to the ballot but many speakers here, 50 years later say that those laws are being threatened and weakened by republican sponsored state laws recently sanctioned by the u.s. supreme court. >> the last survival speaker from 1963 said that the sacrifices made then must not have been in vein. >> i gave a little blood on that bridge in selma, alabama
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for the right to vote. i am not going to standby and let the supreme court take the right to vote away from us. >> one of king's co chroniclers say he would have been disappointed by the buy part tan warfare holding up the progress. >> our political discourse is not living up to the promise of america that was articulate sod well 50 years ago. >> a promise that his admirers believe still can be achieved. >> a news update, we're following right now out of yemen, a bomb blast in the capital of yemen left at least one person dead and dozens injured. witnesses say that the bomb was planted on board a bus carrying cadets and officers from the yemen air force. aforce. we know that the group was heading to an air force base, what else can you tell us?
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>> basically security forces tell al jazeera that the bomb was planted inside a bus with aviation cadets and air force officers on the way to a military base inside of the airport. they're trying to establish how this bomb was planted inside what's supposed to be heavily checked areas and also military vehicles. one was killed on the spot, i have seen a video filmed by a passerby, really graphic video showing some injured with severed limbs. the situation is quite tense here in the capital. so, this comes against the backdrop of growing concerns among the international community and the yemen government that al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, that al qaeda's most active offshoot outside of afghanistan and pack stab are planning to launch major attacks here in
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the capital and also across the country. this is exactly why the yemen government is asking the international community particularly the americans to provide them with more sophisticated weaponry and intelligence to be able to deal with al qaeda. >> now, hashem, we hear that security force forces are callig this a terrorist attack. can you tell us what you know? >> basically that's a term that's being used to point a finger at the peninsula. we were at the blast site, we have no doubt, this is al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. now about what will happen next? the problem is that the yemen government has a string of political and security problems. they have no capability to tackle al qaeda on their own. we're talking about according
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to some estimates, thousands of al qaeda operatives and fighters operating in tribal areas, they're very active in the dessert areas and mountain areas. very difficult, going to be extremely difficult for the government to go to those areas and hunt down al qaeda operatives. now they have been asking americans for more drown attacks, the problem is drone attacks are starting to backfire here creating more anti american, anti government sentiment. recently the president of yemen has asked the americans for -- to provide them with drones to do the fight on their own. as you know, many people here doubt whether this government will be able to deal with al qaeda on its own. >> thank you. new york's attorney general is suing real estate mogal donne donald trump. the suit claims that trump ran a fake university.
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attorney general sniderman says he was behind trump university promising to make students rich and instead had them take expensive seminars. he says that many of the 5,000 students who paid up to $35,000 u they would at least meet trump. instead they just got their photo taken in front of a life-sized picture of him. the attorney general accuses trump of engaging in fraud, illegal and deceptive construct and violating federal consumer protection law. >> meanwhile, five bodies pulled from a mass grave on the outskirts of mexico city have been identified. they're some of the 12 people kidnapped three months ago from a mexico city bar. 13 headless bodies were pulled from the grave on a ample ranch outside of the capital city. police believe 1 are victims of the kidnaping but are not sure if the 13th body is related. 12 were kidnaped from an after hour club known as heaven on may 26th.
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prosecutors say this is linked between a gang controlling the drug sales between the mexico city bars. >> officers in mumbai arrested a 5th rain suspect just hours ago. they were accused of being involved in a gang rain of a photo journalist whose recovering in hospital and says that the attack is not the end of her life. the incident has rekindled anger and fear over india where month ago a 23-year-old woman was beaten and gang raped on a bus with a male companion. >> the united nations world tourism association is meeting in zimbabwe where delegates will tour one of the biggest tourest destinations. recent events threatened to dam pen its appeal. we go to victoria falls where we'll have an explanation of the fear. >> the president will speak in
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a few hours, robert mugabe, and the business community hope he says the right thing. they want the zimbabwe struggling economy to recover, robert mugabe has to say things like he's willing to welcome the international community and work with them particularly countries he has a history with. the business people don't want him to alienate western countries because they provide the bulk of the tourists that come to countries like zimbabwe and the risk of africa. the tourism secretarier in zimbabwe is an industry that was effected by the political crisis a few years ago and is struggling to recover. elephants drinking water in zimbabwe, a few meters away, tourists spot a hippo in the waters of the fourth largest river in africa. some are here for the world tourism organization general assembly cohosted by zimbabwe and zambia. a few days ago president robert mugabe was sworn in for a #th term in office. others say that the process was flawed, most african leaders say that the poles
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were credibility. they hope for stability. >> what we need to do is mainly to be predictable to the people and to have political stability to manage our public perception well and also to encourage foreign investors to come to the tourism industry. >> this group is visiting zimbabwe for the fist time. they come from spain, australia and island. >> we just had a fantastic few hours walking around victoria falls. absolutely stunning. amazing. >> now the elections are over, local holiday makers want to see zimbabwe regain international acceptance. >> we have got a lot to show out to the people and we have got a lot that we can give out so we are -- i encourage everybody to come. >> government officials here feel that zimbabwe is still being portrayed unfairly. >> when you bring it into consideration and put zimbabwe side by side by what's happening in north africa today we pale in significance in terms of incompetent stability. we're very stable destination.
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this is why all these people are here. they're here because they're ep orsing us, they wouldn't come if we were a war zone. >> when the land invasion started in 2000 governments warned citizens to travel to zimbabwe. the number of tourists coming here dropped. now the tourism industry and u.n. summit hopes this election will rebuild zimbabwe's battered international image. the tourism industry contributes 12% to the gdp and 300 people are employed directly and then there are part timer, hundreds of thousands of people. officials want that number to sprees. r to happen people have to have confidence in zimbabwe going forward, not just now but into the future as well. >> thank you so much. right now some of the worst flooding in record in russia. hundreds of families have been forced from their homes as extreme weather conditions linger. these women are called fierce
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are our top stories n syria, the international human stair yann group doctors without border says that their medics have treated thousands of patient for neuro toxic symptoms. those symptoms are consistant with ex pos exposure to chemical weapons. the california rim wildfire is moving into yosemite national park after destroying 200 square miles. they pose a threat to the san francisco water and power systems prompting the governor to declare a state of emergency. former egyptian president hosni mubarak and muslim brotherhood leaders make their first court appearances all facing charges over the deaths of several protesters. >> the u.s. says they're ready to take military action against syria after chemor chemical weapons were used in an attack in damascus just this week. barack obama met with national security officials to discuss possible military aid to the country. three hospitals in damascus supported by the international
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humanitarian group doctors without borders say that victims began showing up after wednesday's attack. exhibiting neuro toxic symptoms and medical staff say they have treated 3600 patients already. of those patients, medics say that at least 355 people died including at least one doctor. we're going live to beirut for the latest. what exactly is syria's reaction to the growing calls for international military intervention? >> the government is defiant warning against neitz intervention in syria. a statement by a minister in the government said "it won't be an easy trip." the repercussions will not only burn syria but the whole middle east. syria is relying on strategic and powerful allies, russia is one. russia has so far blocked any military action with a u.n. mandate in syria.
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if the west decides to go it alone or hit syria unilaterally along with western allies, then syria is relying on iran, a very powerful ally really in this region and iran warned that, you know, any military strike would coss crosse a redline is the word they used and warned against severe consequences. syria can also rely on an ally here in lebanon. the hezbollah a armed group and hezbollah and eye yann can strike israel, america's alie. in strike to spark a regional war with no mandate or a form of a form of consensus. we have heard the u.s. defense secretary say plans are in place, the military is ready. at the same time he stressed we still are waiting for conclusive evidence and facts about these allegations of chemical weapon attacks before any ax action is taken. >> you mentioned the u.s., you mentioned they could go at it
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alone. but, what exactly are the west's other options in dealing with the syria conflict? >> well, right now we know there is a military stalemate on the ground. some may argue that the regime has the upper hand. it still controls the main population centers, damascus, the coast, so, there are those that say the regime is still -- it has the upper hand. now, if the regime emerges victorious, this is a blow to the united states, a victory in syria means a victory for iran. right now what option does the u.s. have? the rebels, the fighting e on the ground, the most powerful fighting forces on the ground are anti u.s. they're basically linked to al qaeda and we have heard the u.s. joint chiefs of staff actually warn against this new power which is emerging in syria. so, if they manage to cripple regime in any u.s. strike the force on the ground would be anti u.s., they know this. u.s. in the west has been trying for months now to try to unify this fractured
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opposition, a fractured opposition on the political and military levels. so far, to no avail. the options on the ground are quite -- they didn't really have that many options on the ground. that's why it is very important for the u.s. to create a force, an opposition force that could take control in the event of the fall of the syrian regime. >> than thank you for joining . >> earlier i spoke to an executive director of doctors without borders, i asked him to describe the symptoms of the patients they have treated. >> the symptoms range from blurred vision to coughs, confusion, severe states convulsions, paralysis, respiratory failure leading to death. our organization is not in a position to confirm scientifically the agent that was used but we have said and the reason we're coming out is over a combination of factors.
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one is the pattern that was shown, the second is the massive casualties that are in the short period of time. that combined with the symptoms that i already mentioned and a fourth point, very important point, secondary infection of the medical workers and volunteers that came to the assistance of the patients that presented in the clinics. one clinic that we support, 70 of 100 volunteers ended up suffering secondary systems of the toxic agent as a result of treating patients. >> next in focus, the windy city and the education system that's gained national attention. the chicago teacher union has called it a blood bath. 49 public schools are closing and more than 2,000 are being laid off. it is the largest school closing in chicago's history. chicago public schools claim the closures are not race related but are instead the result of a billion dollar historic deficit driven primarily by a 400 million-dollar increase in
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annual teacher pension payments. parents of effected students are argue ing that the closures disproportionately harm black students. the closings come during a time that increasing violence remains a headline in the windy city and chicago has already seen more than 200 homicides just this year and in the face of an epidemic of gun violence a group of local women are turning to prayer to promote peace. >> these women are trying to bring peace to chicago neighborhoods punctuated by gunfire. >> we're claiming that where there is godless there will be peace. >> this is a group of clergy quietly waging war against the ongoing violence plaguing the city. >> it is painful to listen to the ambulance or to walk out of my house and to see yellow tape. >> fierce women is at combating crime through prayer. that's not all. the group is also knitting together a network of other like-minded community groups. the idea, they can do more to
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stem the tide of violence together than alone. >> everyone wants action, action, action. really the start that have is building relationships across the city. >> while the number of shootings in chicago is down year over year it is still a violent summer on the city's south side. in fact, on this particular block a 6-year-old was critically wounded recently by a stray bullet. that prompted a number of parents and community leaders to say enough. >> nice to meet you. >> one of the leaders is job jackson who heads the anti violence group ceasefire. they recently hosted a back to school picnic with music, barbeque and an inflatable slide. jackson thinks that cohesion with comradery is the best solution for peace in high crime neighborhoods. >> why do events like this stop the violence? >> it brings people together, it gets you to know your neighbor. a lot of times we don't know each other. it is hard to commit a crime
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against someone you know. >> my son is here. >> that kind of connection might have saved louise brown's son. anthony brown was gunned down a year and a half ago leaving this barbershop. his assailant still hasn't been caught. the 21-year-old was a high school star athlete and father of two young sons. brown is channeling her grief through volunteer work and plans to start a heeling group p for children like her grandsons. >> we don't want them grow up being another group or generation of angry young black men or boys because of what happened to their dads. >> these community groups say law enforcement alone can't end violence. they say it can only be accomplished through cooperation and compassion. al jazeera, chicago. >> one of china's biggest political corruption trials is now on day four. disgraced top politician bo xilai is once again taking the stand. this time, he's facing off against a former police chief
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who only days ago testified against him. bo is accused of embezzlement and abuse of power. al jazeera's harry fawcett tells us about a trial that's captivating the nation. >> it is a different day today. usually they last all day, they just took two and a half hours before we saw the convoy carrying bo xilai and his long time friend away from court. the two men were facing off in court again. bo xilai is the man who started off this whole political scandal when he fled to the u.s. consulate nearby the city where the two men worked. that was in february of last year. he told the court that he told bo xilai one evening p, january 28th last year, that he knew that his wife, gu kailai, had killed the british businessman neil heyward. the next day he says bo xilai came back saying that his wife said that she was being framed by this long time friend, he boxed him around the ear so that his ear was leaking
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fluid. his mouth was leaking blood and then shortly after that he was dismissed from his post so therefore backing up the prosecution claim that bo xilai tried to cover up the murder of the man trying to protect his wife. as far as bo xilai is concerned, this man is not to be trusted. he said that he never had any martial arts training and lacked the strength to inflict the kind of injuries that jung was talking about. he says that jung had been convicted already over his flight to the u.s. embassy last year and was someone who could not be trusted. so, here we have once again these two very long-time friends, adversarials now in this incredible case. >> well, it is going to be a bright, sunny, beautiful day across much of the country. high pressure is in control across the midwest and it is going to be a very hot day.
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also across the northeast where temperatures are right where they should be at this time of the year. apt to draw your attention to the southern tier of the country. we have ivo continuing to draw plenty of moisture in to the southwest and they need the rain but flash flooding is going to be a major problem there. we have a stalled out frontal boundary acrosse the southeast extending all the way from new orleans back towards jacksonville. so, it is going to be a very wet day along i10. i want folks traveling there to use precaution. now, we'll begin in the north central plains where you can see the heat. 97° in minneapolis today. typically this time of year they're right around 79 so it is uncomfortable, it is very hot and that heat continues to fargo, bismark and back to rapid city. now, north of here, north of minneapolis we could see some showers and some thunderstorms turn a bit gusty especially through the afternoon when the heating of the day is the
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greatest and the instability in the atmosphere is the greatest so we could have damaging winds and hail. i want folks around that area to use precaution. meanwhile, you could see we have excessive heat warnings in effect for minneapolis not just today but really as we track into tuesday. it will be very hot there. also warm across idaho and unfortunately we do have air quality alerts and we have red flag warnings in effect. there is an area of low pressure tracking across idaho. unfortunately it is going to do more harm than it does good. we could see a bit of moisture, a bit of rain across the area. for the most part we'll see dry lightening, hail and some gusty winds. that's going to be a major problem extending all the way down into northern portions of nevada. now, the good news is, we're getting much needed rain across arizona, certainly from phoenix, towards vegas, you need to watch out for flash floodings certainly along the roadway, i40 as well. as we make our way further into the southwest we'll see showers and thunderstorms
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really on into monday night. so, i want you to be careful if you're traveling certainly today on into monday and really on into tuesday when the heat does return. as i said, it is a gorgeous day in the northeast and we're going to see plenty of sunshine. >> thank you, jelelah and then there were two. the little league world series championship will be played today and jessica taft is here with sports. >> just because the word "little" is in the title, no mistake the kids play big! i'm talking the little league big series and today two dominant teams facing off in the finals. japan, may be the defending champs but the kids from california, they have been the rockstars of the tournament. i'm talking about california dreaming, the party was started against connecticut in the u.s. title game driving in the first two runs of the ball game and check out the big fellow, 6'4", he legs out the triple. he's the mvp of the tournament
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so far. nick, not too shabby, mora will unload a 3-run shot. here he is at the dish. this one, send it clear out to deep. center field, his third home run of the tournament and the king of swing also is the king of the hill, two for the california kids. mora struck out 10 batters in 5 plus innings of work and they go onto hammer connecticut 12-1. california is in. now, who will they play? mexico and japan battling it out in the international game. remember, this was a rematch from wednesday night when japan won. mexico looking for redemption and they're tieing it up at 2 with that monster shot to center field. it stayed that way until the 6th. whose the hero? step up gumi going long. talking cool under pressure. the celebration began for the defending champs. it is japan versus california
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for the 67th little league world series title. mark more gone has a preview of the monster showdown. >> japan will try to solve 6-4holman that had a no-hitter earlier in this series. california manager tibet is confident with holman on the hill. >> i have never been nervous. i don't argue with u mps and i'm never nervous. i get to play ball next week too in southern california. we'll go back, play ball. whatever we're going to do. we're fine. >> we're excited, happy about the win today, we're not done yet. >> taking the mound tomorrow, what is your mind set on this experienced team from japan? >> i will pitch like i usually do, going after guys. we have to hit the ball too. so, hopefully our team comes through in the sh. >> japan beat mexico 3-2 on saturday. the solo homer was the difference. immediately following that
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victory the japanese manager admitted his first emotion was not joy. >> he's definitely relieved, the international championships have always been tough games so he's really relieved he was able to win this one. >> he wasn't happy before the fact that he hit the home run but for the fact that he was able to add to the team's win. yeah. definitely not an individual way of looking at things but the whole team. >> japan will be looking for its 9th world championship, california won its last title in 2009. let's go back to the studio. >> thank you, mark. >> to football. the only thing that can make the jets quarterback controversy take another turn is if he bring brett favre back from retirement again. in this morning's edition of as the jets turn, jets taking on the giants in preseason game number 3. smith getting a first nfl start, a game of first for the rookie qb. first quarter, that was his
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first nfl touchdown pass that tied it up. then it was followed with another fist, his first ever pro game with three interceptions. not so good as a stat when you're the qb. so, they have the veteran, sanchez, right? well, that's up for debate. check out that. a tough site for jets fans, he was knocked flat. he would leave the game with a shoulder injury and will have an mri today. they still managed to win in overtime. that's a look at sports this hour, i'm jessica taft. >> thank you so much. next up, musical marathon. the seattle opera performs a famous n significanc compositior 14 hours long. >> offering paper goods for loved ones that have past in china.
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right now we're following a breaks news alert out of massachusetts. state police say firefighters are on the scene of a plane crash. it is at the municipal airport 18 miles from providence, rhode island and 40 miles from boston. the management agency tells us that two people have been confirmed dead at this time. we're making calls on this news alert and we'll bring you an update as soon as we can. meanwhile, china's rising cost of living isn't just a problem for the living anymore. craig report reports from hong g and the annual hungry ghost
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fest. >> at this street temple food and offerings are made to the dead who during the traditional hungry ghost festival will come back to visit the living. accord together ancient traditions here these spirits must be placated with objects of desire and enter tape. >>and entertainment. >> many came from hong kong to make a living without family. many died without a proper funeral. they became spirits without a home. >> it is festival for chinese unless your business is funerals. these shops sell items made of paper, everything from cup cakes to cars and homes which families burn so that their ancestors can use them in the after life. paper money provides the ghosts currency for hellish behavior traditionally it came in denominations of tens and 20s but growing inflation
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meant billion dollar notes are the normal and this year there is a trillion dollar note. translator:>> most of the under world value notes are in high value but a trillion may be enough to buy just a small piece of pro served tofu. >> thankfully hyper inflation has not isor risen from the under world on to the streets of hong kong where the ghosts of the 1997 asian crisis still rome. in a large financial center cultural sentiment is a very powerful psychological tool. >> by burning and consuming these goods they're more expensive goods that you can burn, it means that you have a stronger capacity to support your ancestor and you feel good by doing that. >> in this most superstitious of cultures, financial success is often linked to karma, so monks hold ceremonies to ease
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the suffering of the deceased and prepare them for the return to the you wanted world where they're said to let out an unearthly wail of lament a response perhaps to the hyper sh with unpublishing greatest mysteries may be solved. we may hear what sollinger was working on the last few years of his life. they say between 2015 and 2020 the author instructed his estate to public at least five additional books. the last novel came out in the early 1960s when he withdrew from public life and he later it died in 2010. seattle forged a world class reputation for the row deduction of the epic opera series the ring cycle. al jazeera's katharine joins the crowds as the ring comes around once again.
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from the first sound beckoning guests in the lobby this is obvious, this is no ordinary opera. >> good to be here again. we come every year. >> they come costumed or in classic casual. the ring nuts come in from all 50 states and 22 countries and they stay for days. >> the ring sicka cycle is onef the largest things that exist in western culture beginning at the beginning of the world and ends at the end of the world and starts all over again. >> attending the ring psyche as well a heroic journey itself, four full operas lasting a total of 14 hours over six days. ♪ ♪ president nights swarm with dwarves, dragons, romance and maidens. ♪ ♪ the new york times called this
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ring psyche al high culture version of a star trek marathon. these visitors from denmark call it a dream come true. >> since i was a little boy i read in a book about seattle and it was -- if you want to see this, the good old fashion style, you have to go here, to seattle. >> i say the ring in seattle opera's heart, in other words if you mention seattle opera to any opera person virtually anywhere in the world they would say the ring. >> seattle's production is known as the green ring for its sets of ancient forests of the pacific northwest and this ring is pure gold for seattle's hospitality business. it generates an estimated 39 million according to a u of washington study. >> this particular event draw as huge fraction, half of the patrons from outside of washington state. so, the spending per capita is way higher. >> in case a full week of opera is not enough, there are
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lecture, day long symposiums on themes like the spa and temporal d dimensions and a laceser light show and comedy sketches. >> if you missed it this time around you have to wait four years for another chance. al jazeera, seattle, washington. >> the news continues in just two minutes with live updates from cairo with al jazeera's jonathan betts and as always, your instant news updates from around the world are a click away at i'm morgan radford and i'll see you in just a moment.
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>> good morning. i'm morgan radford and these are some of the stories we're following at this hour. deposed egyptian president hosni mubarak is in court facing charges involving the 2011 deaths of several protesters. a bomb blast strikes a bus kiriing dozens of military officers in yemen. the attack comes just two days after yemen's president vows to fight terrorism. >> the symptoms that they have described to our medical teams in doctors without borders appear to be consistant with exposure to a neuro toxic agent. >> a humanitarian groups chilling assessment of chemical weapons used in syria.
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