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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 25, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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>> hello, and welcome to al jazeera, in new york our top stories at this hour. a little too late is the word from i can't an syria and allegf chemical weapons use. schools in chicago are about to open after a tumultuous year. >> good to have you with us. u.n. inspectors may soon get the first look at a site of an alleged chemical wal attack in
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syria. five days after the attacks the obama administration is questioning whether inevidence remains. u.n. disarmament chief is in damascus trying t to timize a te and place for the access. and mike, it sounds like the obama administration has heard enough. >> reporter: the administration now says there is little doubt the president's red line has been crossed. the only question now will there be a military price to pay for the assad regime? >> reporter: after initially insisting on access for u.n. inspectors, now the white house says it's too late. any belated additio decision bym
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would be considered too late to be credible, adding there is very little doubt at this point that a chemical weapon was used by a syrian regime against civilians. defense secretary chuck hagel traveling in malaysia said the military is ready. >> president obama has asked the defense department to prepare options for all contingencies. we have done that. again, we're prepared to exercise whatever option if he decides to employ any of those options. >> reporter: as it is the attacks and it's horrific images are seen globally the obama administration has acted more urgency, and a flurry of calls
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between one between president obama and british prime minister david cameron. according to a spokesman, they reiterated that chemical weapons would bring a serious response from the international community. >> do something in a surgical and proportional way. something that gets their attention and tell tells we will not put up with this type of activity. >> with missiles strikes you can destroy runaways, assad runways. you can destroy his munitions and his fuel. there are lots and lots things we could do. we could even destroy the syrian air force if we wanted to. >> reporter: one year ago this month mr. obama said the use of chemical weapons by the assad regime would cross a red line. the red line has now been
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crossed a second time and the u.s. and its allies appear to be moving towards a response. the question is if there is to be an response exercised by the military and its allies, when will that come? they want consensus. the u.k. is on board and the white house let it be known that the president had a long conversation with the french leader. russia is another story. the spokesman from the kremlin said if they go ahead with a military option it would have catastrophic consequences for the arab world. >> mike viqueira, thank you. as president obama weighs options for a response many americans are cautious about getting involved in syria, that's even if president bashir
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al-assad's forces used chemical. 25% surveyed said they support intervention. 45% said they're opposed. we'll go to mr. taylor from u.s. foreign policies. thank you for being with us, andrew. >> my pleasure. >> we just heard that from the survey that u.s americans do not support a missile response, but i think you'll see a response that something must be done. >> that's right. i think the president until now has framed the syrian crisis more in terms of a civil war or another war in the middle east, but it's clear that the use of chemical weapons, as they believe they have occurred, the red line on that, the president will frame this strategically for the american people.
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that could affect the numbers. when they begin to see how what happens in syria does not stay in syria, these numbers could change, and as these images come out, i suspect they will. >> what kind of options will they have going forward. >> what it's talking about at the moment and tomahawk perhaps cruise missiles strikes including units that have allegedly responsible for the use of these agents. i think that's a completely possible. the united states has four warships in the eastern mediterranean, double the usual number, that is capable of launching these weapons, and what we believe to be at the
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moment because of chemical attack on the regime on its own people. >> what will they look for. >> they can only look for evidence. they cannot assess who used it. they're only looking for forensic evidence. soil samples, skin samples, so on, then of those have been moved out of the country to different networks. the question is the agent--is the agent that killed these number of assyrians, are they still present? that's what we don't know. the u.s. seems to be saying it's a little bit late. if the inspectors can get there by monday, it's too late to get anything substantial and meaningful. >> what kind of timeline are we looking at that they'll be able to look at the site. >> they'll go on monday. it depends on whether they're able to go to all the different sites. they're looking at a deliberate process. we're looking at days of
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divisions right before the labor day holiday. >> if the assad regime were to collapse what would be the greatest concern for the u.s.? >> people talk about it creating chaos in syria. unfortunately, we already have that. it would be more chaos. we have the regime-controlled part of the country in which we have hezbollah and iranian forces active, and extremist groups among the opposition. and we have also lawlessness in some of the kurdish areas. overall syria is going to be very chaotic, and it will be divided for many years to come if not a decade. and whether the assad reseem stays or goes, it doesn't really matter at this point. >> thank you for your time, andrew. >> my pleasure. >> at yosemite national park some 26,000 firefighters are battling the blaze which is only
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7% contained. this map you're about to see those yosemite national park outlined in red. the rim fire is outlined in yellow. here's why there is so much concern about sitting utilities. the hydroplant provides water and pow for 2 million californians including greater san francisco. the flames are burning right next to a reservoir water station. the plant has been shut down for safety. a al jazeera's melissa chan has been there live. melissa. >> reporter: our team tried to get as close to yosemite park by the highway, and we were stopped. it was very interesting to see the firefighters at work. >> reporter: lovely clouds but its smoke over the mountains. this was as close to the fire lines as we could get. we watched teams battle the flames both on the ground and
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with help from oh above. we're just west of yosemite national park. firefighters have been trying to fight the flames, but they're going to pull back down this road. the fire has jumped the highway. steep terrain has turned this wildfire into one of the biggest in california history. firefighters say it's so immense it creates it's own weather able to generate it's own wind, rain and lightening. makinmaking it unpredictable. >> we're worried about this getting larger. we're pouring resources into it from across this country. it is the number one priority fire in the nation, and we're hoping to put it out. >> reporter: teams are here mapping out plans to evacuate residents if necessary. more help arrives by the hour to relief those who have worked for days. the typical shift lasts for hours. >> we spent the first 30 hours
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protecting a subdivision. they were air dropping all around us. >> we're trying to prevent the fire moving from the forest to the residential neighborhoods themselves. >> reporter: the fire moves north. firefighters will build containment lines to stock its advance towards homes. what is known as the rim fire has left charred evidence along its path. it may be difficult to imagine when spring rolls around new plants will branch out but it will be decades when trees stand mighty again. >> reporter: it may be difficult to imagine, speaking of the trees, there is a lot of interest in the sequoia trees that grow in the yosemite park. the danger is not emanant. they made precautionary
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measures. they did water lines and oneout operationburnout operations aroe groves. the photographs will be fine and it does not look like the fire will affect the groves. >> what is the status of the evacuations in the area, melissa? >> reporter: yes there has been mandatory shaqs. but the good news this morning there are no longer any mandatory shaqs, they have advisements in place and hopefully there won't be any more mandatory sha evacuations. tomorrow have been told they can return to some of the communities. >> melissa chan from california. thank you. of course the weather always plays a factor. kevin corvo is keeping an eye on the weather.
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>> meteorologist: we're looking at the smoke advisory, and we're showing what we're expecting to see across the area. i'll put this into motion for you. down towards the cell in parts of yosemite where you see the yellow, that means dense smoke advisory in effect. it effects parts of nevada. air quality is down, and that's what you would expect to see here in this region. the air quality is big across idaho, montana as well as oregon. this has been going on for days. formaldehyde is coming out of some of these fires. it's a natural by-product, and it's dangerous for firefighters working in this area. boise is at 83. right in california, 78. warmer as you go down to the national park and that region. what can we expect from the cell? we're looking at heavy rain showers, particularly across parts of new mexico.
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we could be seeing anywhere between one to two inches of rain for some locations, and for new mexico that means flash flooding conditions. 86-degree for phoenix. the temperatures are expected to rise significantly tomorrow once the rain stops. we expect to see 95 degrees on monday to 105 on tuesday. i'll bring more updates as well as the tropical pressure that has formed. >> teacher strikes, job cuts, it's been a rocky year for the chicago school direct. we look at the challenges ahead as students return to the classroom tomorrow. 12,348 eight-year-old crystal expects to meet a lot of new classmates as a third grader. >> i'm going to have to make friends all over again. >> reporter: for mom it's a bit more harrowing. >> it's very dangerous around here. that's why even though my daughter is in third grade i
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still walk her to school. >> reporter: last may in the face of a $1 billion budget shortfall the chicago school board voted to close down 49 poorly performing and under utilize schools. only a handful of them are in the high crime south and west sides. the consolidation means kids from different blocks will meet for the first time. >> kids are coming from everywhere. rival gains, parents don't get along, cousins don't get along. and when they see each other, it's not about the law. >> reporter: safety is so much of a concern that the city has torn down dozens of vacant houses and boarded up hundreds more along designated safe passage rights. >> you're going to see needles, used condoms, mattresses, discarded alcohol bottles where they've been tagged by different gains. >> reporter: after 17 years on
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academic probation betsy ross elementary shows signs of improvement, but it dipped below capacity forcing the post to shut it down. >> they're making a good school a safe school now a warehouse. >> reporter: no longer a place for students the building is now asternal place for beat up a storing place for beat up district furniture. school districts officials decline repeated requests to speak on camera about the changes or concerns, opting to talk only after the school year begins. parents are waiting, too, to see if any of it works. >> i don't think a sign will stop a fight.
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>> you think you're going to be safe? >> yeah. >> because i'll be here to protect you. >> reporter: grown up worries for a little girl heading off to third grade. al jazeera, chicago. >> violent crime in chicago is on the rise. ahead on our program, what one group of residents is doing to change that trend. and in memories of dr dr. martin luther king jr. at a church in the deep south. every sunday night al jazeera america presents gripping films from the world's top documentary directors. >> this is just the beginning of something much bigger. >> thank god i didn't have to suffer what he had to go through. >> this sunday, the premiere of "into eternity". >> i am now in this place where you should never come. >> how do you contain 100,000 years of nuclear danger? >> it is an invisible danger. >> al jazeera america presents "into eternity". premieres sunday night 9 eastern.
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>> there's more to america, more stories, more voices, more points of view. now there's are news channel with more of what americans want to know. >> i'm ali velshi and this is "real money." this is "america tonight." sglovrjs our -- >> our news coverage reveal more of america's stories. >> coming up on al jazeera this evening, the lingering problems with nuclear power. every day radioactive wasted from power plants is isolated. the documentary" into eternity" covers the facilities. 100,000 years scientists say living there will need to know about. dangers.
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>> this is probably the only testimony of our time. >> you're now entering the repository with nuclear fuel from the 21st century. >> it must be stored in a safe praise. >> this place must not be disturbed. >> do not go there. >> you can't see it, smell it. >> don't such anything. >> go back up to the surface and take better care of our burled. world.
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>> reporter: one of those leaders is bob jackson. he heads the cease-fire in the neighborhood. recently they hosted a back to school picnic complete with barbecue and inflatable slide. he thinks they had yo they shoug camaraderie to bring peace within neighborhoods. >> brings you together to get to know your neighbor. it's hard to commit a crime against someone you know. >> my son is here. >> reporter: that kind of connection might have saved louise's son. anthony was gunned down leaving this barbershop. his assailants still have not been called. he was a high school star complete, the father of two young sons. brown is channeling her grief through charity work. >> we don't want them to grow up being another group or another generation of angry young black
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men or black boys because of what happened to their dad. >> reporter: these community groups say law enforcement alone can't end violence. they say it can only be accomplished through cooperation and compassion. ankle, chicago. >> a woman from new mexico is trying to help victims of domestic abuse in a very usual pay weigh. she's offering free tattoo removal. >> reporter: this is a conversation, a chat to change a life. from her office in albuquerque, new mexico, she's trying to help victims of domestic abuse. >> i think we need to recognize this is a form of branding. this is the super vicious. superficial. this is what is on top. we should be concerned about the acts and events that took place
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that cause this type of brands to take mace. there are so many horrific stories that are underneath. >> reporter: remove of the tattoo could take a while, months, years depending how big and how deep the tattoo has scarred. victorvictory are a's boyfriend demanded that she have a tootoo above her breast, an above her vagina. >> he said sit still and you're going to let meta too you. if you fight back it will get ugly. so i had to sit there and endure it. >> reporter: dawn stepped in because of the abusive relationship she herself suffered, the pain she endured, the tattoos she accepted.
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she learned tattoo removal. >> i realized there was this elevation or enlightenment taking place in myself that became this very important purpose to remove this person's name who caused so much harm to my life. i became very excited watching it as the tattoo slowly disappeared, and then one day to have it removed, it felt like final closure. it felt like i had made it past this person was no longer affecting my life. >> reporter: dawn has helped dozens of women here but believes it's a national problem with hundreds if not thousands of victims. she want take away the psychological pain or emotional scars but she can we move a painful reminder of painful times. al jazeera albuquerque, new mexico.
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>> we have your sports headlines and it's all about the little league world series. >> reporter: you got to love it. the champion was crowned at the 67th world series. they came from chula sees at a, california, came up short. it's back-to-back championship for the japanese, they went on to win it 6-4. tiger woods in contention at the barclays, but at number 15 today, tiger goes down with back spasms. if you've ever had back pain you know that awful feeling. he gut it out at 10 under par one shot back from your leader, adam scott. the new york jets had major issues with their quarterback position. knocked out and he had to leave the ballgame with an injured shoulder. sánchez is expected to have an
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mri today. and smith played like a rookie after tossing three interceptions. a lot of pain right there. >> al jazeera, protecting san francisco's vital infrastructure from fires at yosemite national park.
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>> welcome back to al jazeera.i. here is a look at your headlines at this power. the united nations said there is
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an agreement with syria to let inspectors in to the sites of the leamed chemical attacks on the outskirts of damascus. there is very little doubt that chemical weapons were used. hosni mubarak was in court for the killing of protesters. in california, the wildfire in yosemite national park has grown another seven miles. the wildfires in california are so huge and volatile they have created their own weather appearance. the flames moving into yosemite national park on the eastern side of the state. it's almost 180 miles in san
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francisco where a state of emergency is in effect. the concern there is the bay area's water and power supply. ashley jennings explains. >> reporter: the flames spread to a corner of yosemite national park, far enough away from occurrer tourists but a few miles from this reservoir. >> reporter: the threat in the northwest to the water shed that provides water to san francisco as well as infrastructure in that area. we're very hard to protect. >> reporter: from the cockpit of a national guard aircraft. to black hawk helicopters, air assaults are backing up the front lines on the ground. >> the concern is that it's tartinstarting to back down in s
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where there could be some big runs. >> reporter: firefighters are battling the braise and more are arriving daily. >> it sucks the air out and then you have a wind coming from nowhere. it's not windy out here. it's the fire sucking all the oxygen so it can breathe. >> reporter: homeowners are on edge leaving when the flames are too close and coming back when there is no danger. >> twice we would leave and then we would pack up and go back home again. >> reporter: it's one of the largest in california history. it's smoke has drifted into reno nevada prompting the cancellation of outdoor events. >> the syrian government said it has reached an agreement with u.n. inspectors to let them examine the site of wednesday
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alleged chemical attacks. bashir al-assad denies its regime is behind the attacks. we have a warning but the images in this report are disturbing. >> reporter: the rocket shoots sky ward. al jazeera cannot independently verify these pictures that were up loaded from youtube but it's apparent that it's the area near wher the attack that killed hundreds of men, women and children. the government had agreed to allow the u.n. chemical weapons inspectors access to the sites. but global leaders already are calling for some sort of response. u.s. president barack obama has
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been meeting with his visors. >> president obama has asked the defense department to prepare options for all contingencies. we've done that, and again we are prepared to exercise whatever option if he decides to employ one of those options. >> reporter: obama has said that any use of chemical weapons in syria would constitute the crossing of a red line but washington said it still needs proof that chemical weapons were used in this recent attack. >> reporter: during a phone call with british prime minister david cameron and the united states agree that it merits a serious response. >> i think we need to be careful about airstrikes and the
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ramifications because of the access between syria and iran and hezbollah, and probably also russia as well. because these entities will have to try to control the aftermath of an u.s. strike on syria. indeed, bashir's threats to the rest of the region can be met through both state and non-state reactions. >> reporter: u.s. secretary of state john kerry has been talking with his counterparts in saudi arabia, jordan, turkey, rallying support. the russian foreign ministry said that moscow was satisfied with the construction approach of the syrian approach of the u.n. mission but also said that they paid serious attention to the remarks that the u.s. secretary made and said moscow was alarmed by demands by paris,
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and other capitols while ignoring what it describe many facts showing the attacks were provocation from the opposition. >> reporter: in an interview on lebanese television, the syrian minister said that the syrian government is not to blame. >> we said it once, twice, we have never used chemical weapons in any shape or form. >> reporter: a senior official in washington said any decision by the syrian government to open the site to u.n. inspectors was too late to be credible. al jazeera. >> just across syria's border people in the lebanese city of tripoli are protesting a double bombing there. the attack targeted two of the city's mosques during friday prayers. security officials say 47 people were killed. the attack marks the deadliest fall out from syria's civil war
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to hit lebanon. various sites throughout t e area during a month long wave of killing, the area's worth period of blood she had since 2008. two trials got under way if cry row. one more hosni mubarak who is accused of killing protesters in 2011. in another courtroom across town a hearing. >> reporter: a day of protests and trials in egypt. two of the largest protests took place outside of cairo. one in the port city o city of alexandria and the other in sinai.
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now all of this is taking place as there is an increasing crackdown on the muslim brotherhood. more arrests on sunday, including the arrest of more muslim brotherhood former members of parliament and son of a prominent muslim brotherhood leader. now that is also happening at the same time as two trials took place in cairo. one end of town it was the trial of senior members of the muslim brotherhood. and another area of cairo, the retrial of former president hosni mubarak as well as his sons and former interior minister took place. we have details on all those trials. >> reporter: released from prison but back behind bars just days after being transferred from jail to house arrest in a military hospital, hosni mubarak
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appears in court. only charges oon charges of come killing of protesters in 2011 revolution. muslim brotherhood barak's lawyer says the charges against other defendants are similar to his client, and that it was mohamed morsi responsible for civilian deaths, not mubarak. thand in central cairo the trial began of morsi's former completion in the muslim brotherhood, including the organization's leader and two of his deputies. but here it was empty be announcing that the accused would not appear because of security reasons.
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the egyptian media has label this as the trial of two regimes, equating the trial of the deposed dictator with that of the muslim brotherhood. a comparison and resented by the defendants' lawyers who insist the motive for proper cushion is purely political. >> all of these are political trials, trials just dressed in legal clothes. >> reporter: this case is also adjourned until the end of october. the prosecution has made clear that it's not just individuals but an organize that is on trial. mike hanna, al jazeera, cairo. >> at least one person is dead and dozens injured after a bomb ripped through a military bus in yemen. the explosion happened in the capital city of sanaa. so far no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. and influential voice in the
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african-american community is now calling hillary clinton a war criminal. dr. cornell west made the remarks on talk al jazeera. david schuster is the host. >> dr. cornell west has repeatedly called president obama a war criminal because of the administration's use of drone strikes, and then later we shifted to other topics, including the 2016 campaign and asked dr. west about hillary clinton. >> would hillary clinton be a good president? >> in some ways i would think hillary clinton as i do with barack obama, they're both brilliant. they're both charismatic. they would be head of an empire and both involved with war crimes. of course hillary was right there-- >> is dr. car nell west calling
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hillary clinton-- >> absolutely. very much. how could she be secretary of state, the same way henry kissinger was. >> that's quite a bit different than-- >> anything that mosts and breathes, that's genocidal, she never said that but she's making additions connec connect--those decisions connected with those drones that are dropped on hundreds of people. >> reporter: she's making political decisions. >> she's in the room with the president in regard to a killer list. >> reporter: we also had a lively discussion with dr. west about barack obama, racism and martin luther king. our interview appears on talk al jazeera. i hope everybody will tune in. >> david. thank you. a church in new orleans is remainderemembering it's rule ie
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civil rights movement this weekend. robert bray has more from new orleans. >> reporter: there are tens of thousands of people celebrating the march on washington. the 50th anniversary this weekend and into the week. people here in new orleans are looking at another part of that. this church on this exact place in 1957, 28-year-old martin luther king became the president of the southern leadership conference. they designed this group so that they could fight bus segregation. clearly it has become a national movement and now historic movement. >> what i remember about him is his melodious voice, if you will. it was the kind of voice that when you heard him talking you listened. his concern as far as i interpreted it was that there
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was an inequality for us in the various areas of our lives, and it was time for us as negroes at that time to come together in peace and order and make a difference. >> reporter: important and powerful words from people who were here back in 1957. and the delivery of that message has inspired many people around the world and will for years to come. back to you. >> we'll go to mary francis barry previews at the university of pennsylvania, als welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> as we inch towards the anniversary of dr. king, what are your thoughts? >> well, i think it's right thing to do, and it was done very well in commemorating the march of 1963.
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i think most of the goals that martin luther king had in mind he and the other organizers have not yet been achieved, and i think he probably would understand that they haven't. the overriding goal of having people confront the idea that we are a racist society, i think that happened, and that we have a moral responsibility to do something. but i think that on a number of measures, including the economy, the overall economy for the masses of black people and poor people in this country, we have not achieved the jobs of the march, and we don't have total freedom, and we still have some discrimination. it's one of those glass of a full/glass half empty occasions. >> the words of dr. king changed a nation but the civil rights movements and battles spanned the course of many years. did we in a sense with this
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march forget about these battles? >> well, i hope we don't. after the march took place in september when the four little girls were killed in the church in birmingham, after the march was when great violence and firebombing and beatings and people going to jail, and all these things happened after that. and the legislation that we needed to have passed didn't happen until the arrests and violence and then the assassination of jfk. this is a milestone. it should be celebrated and commemorated, but it should just make us remember that there was more to be done then, and there is more to be done now. >> i want to talk about the economic disparity between black and white families. the african-american unemployment rate still hovers around 15%. why are african americans falling mind in the economy? >> well, there are probably a couple of reasons. one, there is sill racial
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discrimination in our society. the other is the kind of jobs available, and the education system and the inadequate education, that was one of the goals of the march, to try to improve the education so there would not be educational disparities that still exist in our society. globalization has had an impact on blacks just like everyone else. when you add all of that up, and you add the race as an issue, then you can see why the black unemployment rate remains about twice the white race even 50 years after the march. >> when it comes to representation in our final moments here, we of course made significant stride with the african-american president, but why are we still seeing a lack of leadership when it comes to top black leaders. >> well, i think the president does not want to be seen as catering and emphasizing racism and blacks although from time to time he will make statements as he did about trayvon martin and other things, but when it comes
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to policy, i don't think he wants to be seen as targeting. i think that it's a good thing to have a black president, but on the other hand there is a price to be paid when you can't have an emphasis on the problems that exist. >> mary frances berry, professor of history. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> we'll have a live report from williamsport, pennsylvania, in just a pit.
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my name is ranjani chakraborty, i'm from houston, texas, and i'm an associate producer for america tonight. i grew up in a very large, loud indian family. they very much taught me how to have a voice, and from a very young age i loved writing, and i love being able to tell other people stories. the way to do good journalism is to really do your research, to know your story, to get the facts right, and to get to know the people involved in your story.
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america tonight and al jazeera america, it's a perfect place for that to happen. >> the youngsters at the little league world series are in the spotlight again. we have more on championship sunday. >> it's the sunday that all of these kids will remember. japan came in as defending champions, but teams from california came in dominating the competition. they both came in 4-0, so something had to give. the big fella at 6'4" getting the party started at first, and shoots it the other way to give california an early 2-0 lead. he helped his own cause because he was pitching today. japan would rally back inned third. and you can kiss that puppy
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goodbye, chula vista would answer back. they would come up clutch. jiancarlo, and california is back on top, 4-3. but buckle up, this game was a rollercoaster ride. the bottom of the fifth, they would strike again with a rainbow to centerfield, his second home run of the game. unbelievable stuff. that would tithings up at four. --tie p thingthingsup at four. and japan is one against your little league world series champion. our mark morgan is live. you were there for all of the excitement. japan, you have to give them credit because they played
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unbelievable defense. >> reporter: they really did, ross. very impressive. japan entered this championship world game with being disciplined, opportunistic and defendsive minded. let's check out the defense for a second. you can't emphasize this enough as the japanese team made several stellar defensive plays. while doing so they held down the high scoring californians. chula vista scored ten or more runs 14 times during the regular season. that was not the case today. today japan hung around and hung around. as you supposed them moments ago, japan pounced in that fifth inning. again, the defense and the discipline set the table today. the japanese blueprint game plan if you will worked throughout the contest. they held down the high-scoring
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chula vista team to walk off with their second consecutive world championship, and ninth over all here in williamsport. >> was your heart racing? it was a back and forth ballgame. what do you make of this rollercoaster ride? >> it really was. there were some squandered opportunities by california. they had the bases loaded and in outs and they didn't score. that plays into the great defense that japan played in this game. it was back and forth with both teams grabbing the lead. then in the end we talk about opportunism. that's what japan did. they score three runs in the fifth and closed the deal in the sixth. japan came through when it counted and was able--the japanese pitcher--to silence the booming bats of chula vista. >> they had the big bats and they were the pick to win it all. but the kids from california, they have to be very proud of what they accomplished this
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week. >> you know, they really are. it's very early. as you saw some of the kids very sad after the game. these are 12 and 13-year-olds, so they're going to be. this is the end of this journey for them, but i spoke with their manager immediately after the game. he was gracious enough to talk to us. he told me, hey, these kids will hold their heads high. i'm so proud of these kids. we're going back to southern california where the weather is great. we'll start baseball again next week. we'll have his comments later on this evening as we'll have even more of a wrap up of japan's ninth championship little league win. >> thank you very much. from williamsport, pennsylvania world series, champions, japan. all these kids. great sportsmanship. they're all shaking hands. i know the kids from chula vista are disappointed, but they
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should be very proud. >> thank you. the weekend is coming to a close coming up next. we have the national forecast for the week ahead.
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[[voiceover]] every day, events sweep across our country.
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>> hello again. a couple of hours ago i was telling but the disturbance in the gulf of mexico. now we have a tropical depression, and this is tropical depression six. this is the area we're watching very carefully. this circulation that is very close to the mexican close. we're talking to the state of
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veracuz and tampico. we're talking about 35 miles an hour winds. we could see five and six inches of rain from across that region, and it's so close to land and doesn't have much chance of developing. that's the area that we'll be watching. for united states we won't see showers from the tropical weather but we'll see showers in houston and parts of florida. we'll look at dallas at 94 degrees. over the next couple of days, though, things are going to be extremely hot the central and north central part of the united states. we'll see omaha 98, and a heatwave is about to start. that's a look at your national weather. headlines are up next.
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>> welcome to al jazeera. i'm thomas green. here are tonight's top stories. california forestry say the fire is 7% contained. it has grown another seven miles. the united nations say there has been an agreement to allow the investigation of a site of the last week's alleged chemical attacks. karzai visits


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