tv America Tonight Al Jazeera August 29, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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here are the headlines. the white house just wrapped up its briefing on syria. according to wire reports representative elliot engle says the administration obtained intercepts of officials that proves that the rah jet stream used chemical weapons. uncle said the obama administration also said it saw personnel moving around, indicating something being like a chemical attack. british lawmakers -- that means the u.s. won't get help from its closest ally. leaders on both sides have been debating a military response
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that the rah jet stream used chemical weapons on its own people. california officials say they expect fully surround that massive wild fire, in yosemite national park. however, 301 square miles of the blaze will burn for much longer than that. the so called rim fire has destroyed more than 100 structures. those are the headlines america tonight is next, i will see you back here at 11:00 eastern, and you can always find us on al on america tonight. >> the nos have it. the nos have it. >> a raucous no vote in the british house of common moves president obama closer to a tough decision. will the u.s. go it alone?
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also tonight, a tough sell. is this the right time to buy real estate in bankrupt detroit? and the rebuilding of new orleans, the battle over who longs in the new new orleans. good evening, thank you for being with us. it was an absolutely gob smacker of a vote. one that quickly reverberate here in washington, and one that may force the hand of the u.s. president. late today the british parliament to be the step of saying no to prime minister it
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will not support british participation in a military strike against syria. the fierce response wasn't just a surprise, it was nearly unprecedented to a pettish leader seeking to support his american ally. >> the origin question was the motion on syria, and the use of chemical weaponed as published in corrected form, since when an amendment has been moved. the question is that the amendment be made. as many say eh. >> eh. >> on the contrary no. >> no. >> and the raucous response could foreshadow more trouble, not just for the british prime minister, but for the white house as well. while president obama has taken great pains to say he has not made a decision about action against syria yet, plenty of signals suggests he does plan to move forward. sheila is back with us tonight. and whether things are going the
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way we thought. >> welt, joy, the result of that vote is still being felt around washington tonight. the spokesperson in the national security council, president obama's decision make willing be guided by what is in the best interest of the quite. he believes there is core interests and that's a key trades, at stake for the quite in the countries who violate international norms regarding chemical weapons need to be held accountable. me decision yet from president obama, and no changes course. but more evidence today that what is on the table is something short and aimed only at sending a message. >> the president has been very clear, that he is not contemplating an open ended action. he is contemplating what we are talking about here is something that is very discreet and limited. >> in washington he faced demands for more consultation. there are closed door and class fied proofings of u.s. intelligence. sources say there is emphasis on what the videos show.
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but the release of the expected intelligence report laying out publicly at least some of the additional information the u.s. intelligence community has about last week's attack was delayed. >> intelligence and defense analyst says that document is vital. >> i think it is absolutely critical that we establish credibility. that that credibility remove as much doubt as possible. after our last interventions there's not a lot of open truck in the united states. everybody respecting our military. very few people clearly respect our judgement. >> behind all of this is the specter of then secretary of state in 2003, arguing the u.s. and its allies should do to wark against iraq, because of that country's weapons of mass destruction. >> what you will see is an accumulation of facts and
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disturbing patterns of behavior. >> weapons that were never found. >> and u.s. credibility even with very close allies like the british deeply damaged. in london today, members of par limit were urge gently recalled to debate the action. and were handed this assessment from the british joint intelligent organization. with i have assessed >> adding there is no credibility intelligence to substantiate the claims of the possession of chemical well weapons by the opposition, concluding there is no plausible scenarios to regime responsibility. and finally, it is highly likely that the regime was responsible for the gas attack on august 21st. that was the best case that u.k. intelligence could make. british m. debated all day, british prime minister faced a
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mutinous parliament. >> i am saying this is a judge mint. we all have to reach a judgement, on what happened and who was responsible. >> i didn't think that should be made on an artificial timetable. i am determined we learn the lesson of the past, and we can't have the house of commons being offered to write a blank check. >> late tonight, when it came to a vote, the government lost. >> the jays to the right. 220. the no to the left, 332. >> it is clear to me that the british parliament reflecting the views of the british people does not want to see british military action. i get that and the government will act ard cooingly. not only does president obama
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face a withering coalition, with no prospect for a strike, it is still not clear how the administration sees the days after a strike playing out. all right, you have done this. you hit at the asaad rah jet stream. what happen happens to the syril war? are you going to back the rebels? are you going to -- are you really going to step up humanitarian aid. what is your goal. they are also going to ask, you have talked about consulting and working with your allies, well, where is the indication. you have agreement. and such port. >> some late breaking news, we knew that the white house was having a series of telephone consultations. what the intelligence was they had. we have heard from one of them. he said that he has been told by the white house, that have
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intercepted of syrian officials discussing the chemical attack. previously, we had heard from unknown sources about intercepted. so tonight, elliot uncle says that the white house is on the record saying we have intercepts of syrian officials talking about the chemical attack, and further more saying that u.s. intelligence observed syrian military making preparations and moving things around. as if in preparation for something big. now we are going to go now back to britain. and talk now to one of the members of par limit, who this afternoon decided he could not vote with his government. our number one ally will remain the united states. i have always taken to view of a
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british prime minister, is to stop an american president driving drunk. in my view, many people in this country, and i fear also your own, tony blare, helped george bush to drive drunk and if it was up to me, i was was in both iraq wars a disastrous invasion of iraq. the problem with this is what is your end point. outrage at the atrocious behavior of the asaad rah jet stream. outrage is not a strategy. >> and there you go. one reason why members of parliament today seeing no end in site to this. now some poll numbers to keep in
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mind. 2-1 against military action in syria. and here at home the most recent poll taken the week of the chemical attack that was last week, shows that only 25% of americans would support military strikes. >> that's a pretty significant number. on the subject of popular support, there is reason for president obama to tread cautiously here as well. joining us from seattle, is the washington state congressman, he is one of 21 democratic representatives who have asked mr. obama to get congressional approval if he does decide to go forward. congressman, i want to ask you about that motion of popular support, and whether it is there. you are home with the constituents. do you see any indication that there is that kind of opposition that we saw today. >> we have not had one phone call in attacking syria. everybody is opposed to going into action.
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that's not scientific, but that's the experience in my office. and i think that having been through the iraq war, and the build up to the iraq war, this feels like deja vu all over again. we have people telling us they have absolutely proof that this happened and that happened. but a lot of us haven't seen it. and when we saw what they did in iraq, we kind of dubious about our own government's willing to tell us the truth when they seem to want to go to war. now, the question is what is the dpoal? do they want asaad gone, or do they want them to say i'm sorry, we used chemical weapons, what is the goal? what is the threat to the united states. if you are going to attack a country. >> congressman, you know the inspectors are expected out this weekend, but they are already warned to understand what the results are it may take weeks of evaluation. what can we afford to wait for.
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is there a point in which the u.s. has to go based on the knowledge that it has now? >> the attacks have already occurred. the people have died. now the question is what is the next move, and we should move very carefully, because we could well set off a fire storm in the middle east in syria, and in iraq, and in iran. the possible of what can follow -- they want to make a decision on the back of a galloping horse. and that is not the way to make a decision. >> stand by for a moment here, our correspondent is here as well. i want to ask you -- it could take weeks before we know what the results of this information are. is this something of a diplomatic delay? >> we think that the secretary
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general of the united nations will have some kind of a preliminary report the his hands over the weekend. but it is true these results can take a long time. we know the inspectors believe they have high quality samples both from surviving victims, environmental samples and perhaps also from remains of munitions. >> so congressman, it could take time, what would you need to see? what sort of core interests need to be proven to you before you can vote to approve a strike? >> well, my question is who are we trying to help? it is not clear that the opposition is all food guys. guys good guys. some of them may be al quaida. and we may be playing into their hands as we try to take over the government of syria. at this point, there has been no public discussion, it's all been done in the white house, with a few leaders. some of whom are not the friends of the president, and in my
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view, this out to be a major debate, as they had in the british out of commons. we out have the the president call us in, sit down and have a long debate. and let the government come and show us what the issue is. >> and what the discussion is about alternatives which we would like to get back to you on another time. with us here as well. continuing to follow up on this story. and when we return here, surveying the real estate of a bankrupt city. cheap houses for the taking. but let the buyer be ware.
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has seen some sign of relief. while there are deep pockets of dispair, there is surprising optimism in all things the real estate market. rose more than 16% last month, to understand why that might be. here is america tonight. >> we are standing on a street that was named by my great great grandfather. who moved to the city of detroit from germany in 1851. and set up a farm on then the fringe of the built up city. >> arthur george a professor of urban studies at wayne state university here, has written extensively about detroit. the neighborhood where his family settled mirrors the cities history.
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>> this empty lot is where his father's home once stood. what goes through your mind now? >> i wish i didn't have to use my imagination, to see what life may have been like when he was a child in this neighborhood. neighborhoods like this, eerily shells. row can do online and find single family hopes for less than $20,000. even less than $500. >> tens of thousands of abandon homes are spread across 139 square miles. an area big enough to include
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san francisco, and the island of manhattan. a decent home at a good price, might be right next to a boarded up old billing or an empty lot. and that potential bargain may have plenty of expensive strings attached. >> detroit has a very highly developed illegal house stripping industry. we are talking about basic facilities like furnaces. sinks, tubs. washing machines. banisters. light pictures anything that can possibly be scrapped or sold on the second hand market will be taken from that home. so you are taking about a ruininged wrecked shell. >> buyers face not only the cost of fixing the place up, but paying back taxes as well. >> oh, my goodness. we are talking multiple tens of
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thousands of dollars more, and even then, you can count on that property probably depreciating in value from that point. what a deal. >> buyers must also contend with services such as eradek garbage pick up, and streetlights that may not work. that's if they are find a mortgage. >> it is incredibly difficult -- in 2012, the last year we have data, there were only 389 mortgage loans in the entire city. >> stretching north from downtown, to midtown area, is showing genuine signs of rejuvenation, and in some established neighborhoods home prices are actually going up. take a ride through one of these and you will find a very different move. >> is there a sense that detroit has hit bottom? >> absolutely.
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particularly with the bankruptcy, that's the absolutely bottom at this point. >> real estate poker is brimming with optimism. >> over the last year, values are going up, the biggest challenge is demand is out pacing supply. >> even with pricing rising from the depths of the financial crisis, middle class homes here are a bargain compared to other major cities. if i want the buy a house right now, what will it cost me? >> if the home is move in ready, you can still get homes here in the 50,000 range. >> your move in ready homes will run anywhere from about 100 to 125. what does a buyer typically get. >> four to 6,000 square feet. >> you can get a lot of house for your money. a four or five bedroom english
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tutor on a tiny street. wayabout during the depths of the financial crisis? >> prices like that are drawing young buyers including 30-year-old, who moved to detroit from seattle. are you pieing a home in the city of detroit. >> yes, i am. >> are you crazy. >> no. i think i am very smart. it is a great time to buy in detroit. it's beautiful historic homes. at incredible prices and many of the neighborhoods are up and coming. >> so he and his wife put an offer on this brick home, the asking price $125,000. forsythe has a vested interest in the future, the nonprofit he runs worked to revitalize neighborhood business districts like this one. >> people here on the ground get
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it. they know how much good is happening in detroit right now. the exception not the norm. >> that part of the city representing maybe a few square miles at most of 139 square mile city. if you take that corridor, the stable neighborhoods that are holding their own, you are talking about a tiny fraction of the area of the city of detroit. the no, ma'am is more like what we are seeing. >> and this street named for the family has come nearly full circle. >> i think the neighborhood will continue to empty out and eventually become a complete replica of the kind of vacant prairie that my great great
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grandfather saw when he stepped foot on american soil. it will indeed be a return of a setting. >> so parts of detroit seem destined for more decay, other areas appear to be turning the corner. for now the housing market is an urban hodgepodge. coming up here, a cultural violent stravaiged by a storm, eight years after katrina, new orleans is back, but is it loses site and letting go of its rich character.
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fow a snap shot. just days ahead of the pro football season, and in h the wake of a number of concussion lawsuits. a deal with 18,000 of its former plays. pay outs will vary, but the money is used facebook the compensation and for treatment. >> the chain of strikes in cities all across the nation as
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fast food workers protest for higher pay. in the biggest demonstration, workers in at least 60 cities banded together to demand that their can't wage, be more than doubled. the eye in the sky, a predator drone is helping california fire crews map and monitor hot spots surrounding the yosemite rim fire. after 13 days the place is 30% contained. those san francisco water supply is still threatened. this very hard anniversary on the gulf coast. ten many communities along that coastline were all but blown away, and flooded out in the wake of hurricane katrina. close to 1900 people died. much of new orleans lay under water and was badly in need of life support. tens of thousands the situation was desperate. many felt completely awant donned. the military man charged with leading the effort to bring new
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orleans back. eight years later he tells america tonight, the lessons he learned p beginning with a need to evacuate quickly. the if you have a job, and a house, and a car. and when you evacuate for a week, it's probably cost you two months housing allowance, just to evacuate on your own. on the other hand, if you don't have a car, and you may have living on a minimum economic, you are economically charged. if you have to evacuate, you may need help from the government. in terms of a bus ride or plane ride out of the area. evacuation is not easy. it's not easy where people with jobs and even harder with people who are on fixed income whose don't have a car. or the economic needs to rent a hotel room three or 400 miles away. it is a hard decision.
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so we have learned all those lessons from katrina. the infrastructure. it has been significant upgrated $14 million. we upgraded pumps after katrina. that have been reengineer sod they have back up power, so in case the electricity goes off, generators will come on, so they have redundancy. we also learned to build our buildings smarter. is the charity hospital at the cost of $1.3 billion as piece, because those hospitals flooded because the generators were on the first floor. if the basements -- those two hospitals would not have to be replaced. when they became violated on the first floor, the loss of electricity lose air conditioning and no longer usable.
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so the new hospitals the first floors will be generic, in that if water gets in them, the rest f the hospital can continue to operate. all that being said, it will unlevied you some protection. but then on the other hand, we have to remind people, that anything built by man can be overmatched by mother nature, nothing can give you full protection from the hurricane coming ashore, other than being evacuated. today new orleans is in ways a city on the rise. growing sector and a hot housing market. but the recovery has left some people behind. mesh tonight looks at the tensions facing a changing new orleans.
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a a vibrant entertainer. performing known for live music. >> but eight years after one of the biggest natural and man made disasters in u.s. history. hurricane katrina has left another mark on new orleans. the city's culture and demographics are rapidly changing. >> how you doing ms. jesse? >> andrews grew up in the treme. it is perhaps the oldest african-american neighborhood in the u.s. settled by free black people in the 1700s. >> the church of great grandparents founded. it's called zion hill baptist church. my mama still do to this church. she is the secretary.
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>> where are you going, lou? >> pull over there. >> where you going? >> how y'all doing? >> one more room on this strip. >> nothing on this strip. >> the whole strip. >> don't want you around here. >> ginning to call the police and have you ared. >> since katrina this neighborhood near the french quarter has become one of the hottest zones for redevelopment. public housing has been torn down. nearby a new medical district is under construction. but while property values rise, the live music that once made tr exme famous is now disappearing. >> for shorty myself, tuba fats. member of the rebirth band.
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we all first started playing music on this politic. in front of this place. >> this place mean as lot to you? >> it mean as lot to me, but it means more for business of live music. >> what happened? >> part of the regentrification of new orleans. a lot are being targeted for closure. >> why. >> they say it is noise, they say it is crowd. two people, the people that support the music and the clubs don't move in the neighborhood if you don't like the culture. >> when crow were a kid was that a problem in. >> live music everywhere. >> and now that's gone. >> gone. >> andrews is upset about the city's noise ordinance, although first drafted in the 1950's enforcement has always been selective. >> mayor mitchell andrews lad been more aggressive about policing music in the city. stopping many musicians from playing on the street. and shutting down several pars that featured music without
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proper permitting. >richard is a professor of geography at tool line university. researching the gentrification of new orleans. >> we have a small butt very significant culturally significant way of people from the rest of the united states discovering the cultural cash shay of new orleans. moving in, some say gentry fying, as transplants and increasingly people are saying this as a threat. since new orleans, tens of thousands have moved in. they are predominately white, young, and highly educated. but some that are native, feel left out. especially in black neighborhoods. >> people say gentrification, is
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don't understand that one of the things crow are doing is tearing apart the social fabric. born this the lower 9th ward, he says the changing in the city are driving out the black majority. >> 100,000 black people have not been able to return to new orleans since the flood. >> why in the? >> they couldn't afford to leave. they left at gun point, and they were put on -- i mean that literally. people did not have a choice about whether to leaf. i interview people. and they were literally, a gun was put on them, you get on the bus. >> and why aren't they coming back. >> they can't. if you don't have the money.
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before katrina it was a residential neighborhood. >> i would like to see them come home, but they have to -- you know, they have to come home and get a job. henry is a new neighbor. >> how many of your fakes are from new orleans. >> not many, but that's okay. >> gentrification is a very hot issue. and one of great concern. and an inevidentability. and if you don't have some movement of health into a poor neighborhood, then it is going to go the wrong way. >> if there is a face of the redevelopment of new orleans, it is press one of the city's major developers and the driving force behind the demolition of most of the cities public housing. >> you feel good about the future of this city? >> i do. >> and how different will it be from the new orleans of 15 years
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ago? >> what will the big differences be? >> well, i think the new orleans of 15 years ago was really struggling. poverty, crime, bad schools it was not moving in the right direction. saved by the cultural, history, but heading for trouble. >> i see that's been turned around. we lost a lot of poor. and that had pluses and minuses. the plus is that poor are expensive in social services, and they are concentrating in poor they can make neighborhoods so dysfunctional you have a lot of crime and other activities. and so that extent i have think we we have benefitd from the loss of the poor, besides the human tragedy, i am just looking at it from a city -- on the flip side, we lost a lot of the
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people that were the basic culture of the city. so i think jeff all, i see new orleans has greater potential now then i have seen in my lifetime. >> i have seen some people raise concerns that there's not enough affordable housing. >> i think that's accurate. we just a question of resources. >> the average price for a home in new orleans has gone up more than 0% since hurricane katrina. some neighborhoods saw a rise of fearly 15% in just the last year. the owners of this new restaurant say the city used to be much more affordable. >> one thing that is disappointing to us is how expense i it has to be to create this place. that means we have to be more expensive. we feel like we are pricing out the people we wish we could have. >> that's a challenge. >> yeah. >> because there is still a very
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large portion of this city that is low income. >> yeah. >> and do they fit into the fabric of the new new orleans? >> some, perhaps, i mean -- there's many new orleans. >> many musicians here are afraid their new orleans is disappearing. as gentrification makes it too expensive for them to live here. >> we are standing in front of the legendary dew drop inn. >> people played music here. >> yeah. >> in the middle of the neighborhood. >> and it was legendary, and now we talk about it, years later. i am scared with what is going on fow, there will be nothing to talk about some years from now. it will all be sanitized. >> five generations. i know them all. >> a real community, a real
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neighborhood. >> a real community. >> i like. >> i love. >> i love. ♪[music] >> i doesn't matter if crow are black or white, what i want the plaque and white people to come together and sit in the jewel of america that it is. and that report from tonight, adam may. still to come here, spending years in guantanamo, in limbo and with a clear record. the story after go talk mow how they ended up at the camp, and what their life is like now.
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that's next on "consider this." of the 166 men that america holds captive. a three-year-old moratorium on the transfer of yes, ma'am these back to their home country, but so far there are few signs of an eminent home coming. former detain knees that were returned before the moratorium to find out what their lives had become. never charged with a crime, he spent almost nine years in prison.
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he is the last from the prison to return home to live in yemen. mo hamed was studying in pakistan when the after shocks of 9/11 began reverberating around the world. one might, many the spring of 2002, he was visiting a student house when pakistan. authorities raided it. he was arrested. >> two months later they turned him other to american forces. he had also traveled abroad to
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teach karan. wayreason did they give for detaining you? >> he spent eight years at go town mow. he denied having been involved on u.s. targets or terrorism of any kind. though they labeled him a combatant, the united states never charged him with anything. >> what sort of mistreatment did you experience while you were in go talk mow?
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this one story brick home is about to be replaced by micro housing. just two to 400 square feet each. tending his tomatoes across the street, expects more people, less peace and quiet. >> if i wanted something super dense, i would live in bell town. but that's not what we are looking for. >> this unit rents for 800. >> here is a typical example. 200 square feet, furnished but sparsely. it share as deck, and also share as common area and kitchen down a few flights of stairs. there are noelle i have tors in the five story building and units start at 600-dollars a month. >> a lot of verns, microsoft, those guys that are looking for a place that is furnished a short term lease. >> it is the kind of simple stuff that is perfect. >> i pay my rent, i pay a $25
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pet fee. >> one company has trademarked a podment, and they say they wish they had more. these units fill up as soon as they open. this is seattle's capitol hill neighborhood. sort of the central battlefield in the micro housing war. here is the problem. apodments on this side, and across the way, single family homes and in many cases those homeowners are not happy with what is developing. this build willing have 28 units on a small inner city lot. increased density and monthly renters are concerns two doors down. >> i will be curious to see how the month to month character is. is it more transient, more of a party neighborhood. >> when the recession boosts demand the more affordable housing. 28 buildings have been proposed. three p have been built or are permitted.
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most have no parking and aren't required to provide it. >> it is then more power to you. >> neighborhoods about vests have asked city planners for a moratorium on this kind of building the city is still issues permits. >> am squeeze reporting from seattle, that's it for us on america tonight, please remember if you would like to comment on any of the stories log on to our website. you can meet our team, and get sneak previews oif stories we are working on. also you can talk to us on twitter or on our facebook page.
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0's welcome to al jazeera. here is the latest on syria. u.s. officials were briefed by the obama administration, and one congressman is saying obama is still weighing its option. the officials told lawmakers that intercepts of communications prove that they used chemical weapons. >> the jay toss the right. 272, the nos to the left, 285. >> british lawmakers said no to an attack on syria tonight, it was a major defeat, he had tried to persuade parliament that an armed response to the use of chemical wells was the right course of action. >> i
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