tv News Al Jazeera August 30, 2013 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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fast food workers striking, demanding better wages. >> but first, the united states says its still considering taking military action against syria for its use of chemical weapons. search for backing follows vote in british parliament against enter glen the ayes to the right, 272. the nos to the left, 285. >> prime minister david cameron wanted support, but despite the
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british parliament reaction, the u.s. is not deterred. >> the u.s. is very strong in condemning the syrian regimes use of chemical weapons, and that vote in the parliament does not change that. that's a very significant position for any nation to take publicly. we'll continue to work with britain and consult with britain as we are with all of our allies. our approach is to continue to find an international coalition that will act together, and i think you're seeing a number of countries say publicly state their position on the use of chemical weapons. we'll continue to consult with
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our allies and our partners and friends on this. >> reporter: barnaby phillips joins me now live from london. it's a serious political embarrassment, a bloody nose to mr. cameron. >> reporter: more than that, it's a humiliation. not necessarily a resignation issue, but the prime minister cuts a much diminished figure not just domestically but, indeed, on the world stage. i'll bring in my guest jeremy cliff, he follows british governments. why do you think the government lost this crucial vote. >> i think in one word, iraq. iraq's involvement and in david cameron's own words poisoned the opinion of british public
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opinion. >> where does this leave britain's relationship with the united states i think we had cabinet members who stated that it could jeopardize those ties. >> i think it could, in recent years it's been perhaps america's most steadfast ally. and now that parliament has prevented david cameron from moving forward with intervention along side the united states against syria makes britain a much diminished figure in washington. i think we'll aid the united states on communication, intelligence but there is no chance that david cameron could push ahead with military involvement in an intervention. >> we're looking at u.n. security council it was the british who were bringing forth this further motion that david cameron said could potentially
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lead to military action if he deemed it necessary. any strategy seems to be in disarray from the british-u.s. side. >> it's worth noting that britain was leading calls for intervention in syria for a while up to this point. i spoke to american colleagues who said it was william hague who harass really driving the agenda in washington. and britain has led oh far on this issue has now had to set back. it will be very difficult for president obama who was leading from behind. how can they lead from behind if no one was in front of them. until now, britain played that roll. >> just quickly, jeremy, do you think the mps based their
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opinion from the streets that any intervention would have been very unpopular. >> if you look at the polling, indeed. knew as we're looking at a much more restrained intervention in syria the level was a third at most, and a lot of them consulted with their con sit wents and heard a pretty clear answer, we don't want to intervene again. >> reporter: plenty of repercussions to be hammered out in westminster, but back to you, stephen, in doha. >> thank you very much. the japanese government has once again condemned the use of chemical weapons in syria. the chief cabinet member said that the government won't tolerate the use of poison and added japan's position on the syria crisis remains unchanged
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despite the u.n. against intervention. the china said u.n. investors must be able to complete their investigation. all parties should avoid pre-judging the results and not push the security council to take action. syria's closest ally is send two navy ships to the mediterranean. president putin said the ships are needed to secure military presence. they've had a presence in the region for decades. >> reporter: it was the height of the cold war that the deal was struck. in 1980, the leader brezhnev led agreement with the then syrian president. it was strategy that immediately turned the soviet union and then
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later russia into a major player in the tinderbox of the middle east 04 year 40 years ago. what does russia get from the deal today? they have a naval base and russia's only military base outside of the former soviet union. lucrative arm sales. 10% of all russian arms going to syria, $1.5 billion a year. and lastly unparalleled access to syria's military apparatus. little surprise in the u.n. security council that russia has consistently voted down rug resolutions regarding sakeses against syria. but one voice was silent.
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>> i don't think that putin has something to say just now. to come up and to say that this attack will be wrong and a mistake and a crime and don't do it while i think everybody knows that it will happen any way. it doesn't make any sense for putin. i'm sure he will appear after the strike, and he will strongly condemn. >> reporter: as for the russian people polled, 39% had never even heard of the war. >> no, at the moment i'm occupied with other things. i don't follow the news. >> reporter: they entered iraq, and then it turned out there were no chemical weapons. it's the same story now. they'll use this as an excuse to launch attack. >> reporter: what is important to the kremlin not to bend to
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u.s. pressure. and to that end two russian warships were deployed to the mediterranean as tensions continue to rife. naval forces gathering in the area, and this is not solely an american pawn. so one man, vladimir putin, who has enough clout with assad, remains fundamentally opposed to the military action that could bring about these news talks in the first place. al jazeera in moscow. >> thousands of people continue to leave syria, to try to find refuge in neighboring countries. many head to northern iraq, many of the refugees are sinnan kurds. we're live now, all the talk over the 24 hours about military action and the vote against it
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in the british parliament, have you talked to the refugees there, what do they think about the possibility of military strikes? >> they have mixed feelings here. there is some hope that the military strike will relief them of the situation they're in now, and you can see the condition behind me, but they're also saying why has it taken this long for anyone to take action. this conflict has been grinding on for to years. there is a sense of we want something to happen, but why has it taken so long. the machinations of this, the vote of the british parliament, the united states, the international security council, none of that means anything here. the potential military strike has given them some hope, but they don't think it will be magic wand as soon as the strikes happens, and anger that it has taken this long to get here. >> given there is still a threat of military action, not at a ley
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the u.s. would that mean a greater influx of refugees of where you are? >> yes, absolutely. i've spoken to several relief agencies about this, and the thing i keep hearing, we don't have the funding. we don't have the money. we don't have the capacity. when i arrived a few days ago it was 13,000 people. it's closer to 17,000 people with the latest influx of refugees. one of the problems here at the moment it's just syrian kurds coming over. they share a common history, a common language with the iraqi kurds. but if that strike happens then we'll see others come over that border and there simply aren't enough camps to accommodate those people. the president of the kurdish regional government has promised they'll get whatever they need to build the camps, however there, is a funding price, and that is an issue.
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people are wondering if they'll be able to deal with a huge influx of refugees when and if the strike happens. >> to egypt now. the muslim brotherhood has called for more protests despite the police planned to use live ammunition. one of the muslim brotherhood leaders have been arrested for inciting violence. >> reporter: a key player in egypt's political landscape before the coup, the regular fixture on stage with those opposing the country's leadership camped out for weeks. he is the secretary general of the group's political armed, the freedom and justice party. with security forces moved in to break up the protests on augus august 14th, his 17-year-old
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daughter was shot and killed. his son amarc amar has since ben arrested. he was arrested inviting violence of those protest zoo, two other leaders including supreme guide. members of the group say he was beaten up and humiliated. >> as of now i'm voicing my concern to the international community that human rights should be respected her. >> reporter: he had been in hiding for weeks. a video mention wednesday night he urged egyptians to take to the streets against the interim government. hours before an alliance of candidate groups announced the strategy which includes smaller and shorter protests, and a boycott of companies that they think support the interim
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government. >> large protests are very dangerous now for people. for me, i don't care. i am one who is ready to bu bite anywhere, any time, and i swear on that. >> reporter: security forces warn any attack on public institutions after friday prayers will be met with force. >> the anything authorities have arrested an al jazeera team covering events. wayne, and cameraman and producer have been held since tuesday, and two other journalists working for our sister channels have also been held. the egyptian government is closing al jazeera channels accusing it for operating illegally. it's had its signal jam and
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parliament voting against any military intervention. britain's prime minister narrowly lost a vote in parliament late on thursday. david cameron wanted military action in response to gas attack from syrian forces. and in egypt the brothe musm brotherhood leader has been arrested for allegedly inciting violence. there has been shelling from the democratic republic of congo into rwanda. rwanda insists. ththe congolese army is responsible. >> reporter: these people are furious. bombs have landed in their neighbor in goma. this house was destroyed. one person inside was killed and
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eight more injured by the blast and shrapnel. >> we don't know it, but we expect the bomb women from rwand--thebomb came from rwanda. >> reporter: the police try to calm the crowd, the police collect the injured and leave. we leave with them. the injured are brought to hospital. [ crying ] >> reporter: she was so frightened by the blast doctors say she's hysterical. they try to remove shrapnel from her back. daylight comes and there is more bombs. this time they land just over the border in neighboring rwanda killing a woman and injuring a baby. congolese soldiers and border police try to work out where the shells are coming from. this is congo's border with rwanda, and on this side is the
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congolese city of goma. shells have been landing on both sides. officials heard them being fired from the rwanda side. congolese army spokesman said that rwanda is shelling congo and itself trying to bring attention. >> i don't know why rwanda did it. perhaps to create panic amongst the population. we had a fighting against m 23 and i had heavy losses it is prove that rwanda supports m 23. >> reporter: rwanda denies this, and that congolese keep shelling them, and won't tolerate it any more. the congolese say it was the m 23 rebels. people pick through the republic. nobody knows when or where the next bombing will land.
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people caught in the middle feel less and less safe. >> malcolm webb, why do you think the finger of blame of shelling is being point at rwanda? >> reporter: well, the position of the united nations rices to the highest levels that it was fired from rwanda. the u.n. said some of its soldiers saw some of these rockets being fired from m 23 positions into rwanda. rwanda is insisting that it's being fired from the congo side and they're going against-- >> let's go back to i just interrupt you only because we went to strange green pictures from an alien planet, i suspect, but if i could ask you once again to discuss the positions once again from the united nations and congolese
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government. >> reporter: the u.n. are very clear up to the highest level that m 23 fired these rockets. they say their soldiers saw these roberts leaving m 23 positions and landing in rwanda. the position of the congolese government is now the same, but rwanda insists that it was the congolese government. rwanda is now talking very tough. they said they've reached their limit and they have to defend themselves. the situation over here is very tense. it will be interesting to see how farrow wanda is going to push it, and how far the u.n. is willing to take it, too. >> if you could give us perspective, background to the contention. this is not the first time that there have been tensions between either side of the border, i'll put it that way. >> reporter: that's right, since 1994 rwanda has twice invaded the democratic republic of congo. although they denied it in 2008
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and 2009, and it's widely believed they support the m 23 rebellion as well. the rebellion started last year in may, april, may, when units of the congolese army defected and started fighting the government troops. at first the m 23 would have the stronger position. they took the city of goma and then pulled out under international pressure. since then the u.n. has taken a more active role. their troops have fought along the congolese army and that has swung the conflict the other way. the m 23 has suffered heavy losses a and they've been losing ground and pulling back. >> not just a finger of blame being pointed at rwanda, but also the accusation that rwanda wants to cause tension. why are people saying that?
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>> reporter: that's what the congolese government say. they say rwanda ordered the m 23 rebels to fire shells into their territory as a pretext to openly bringing in their military. rwanda denies this, and said it was the congolese government shelling it. the congolese government is very clear that they would bring their troops in the area to become stronger in the region. >> thank you. an attack happened in at a mosque in the northern province of kunduz. it killed a man. high temperatures and strong
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wind have fueled more than a dozen fires around the country. and firefighters in the u.s. are trying to stop a massive wildfire in california from spreading further into yosemite national park. the so-called rim fire has expanded 800 scare kilometers, and is the sixth largest wildfire in history. it could take another week to fully o contain it. a military drone has been brought in to help bring it under control. still in america, fast food workers across the united states has gone on strike for more pay. they say they can't live on what they earn and want increased wages of $10 an hour. [ drumming ] >> reporter: making themselves heard loud and clear, hundreds of striking fast-food restaurant workers and their supporters rally outside of a mcdonalds in los angeles demanding higher wages and the right to join an union.
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jacquelin martinez is a mother of two who works at this mcdonald. >> we need more. we support the house, the bills, everything. >> reporter: this demonstration was part of a nationwide movement. fast food workers in 60 cities across the u.s. walked off the job on thursday. it's the biggest labor challenge the $200 billion industry has ever faced. the one day strike includes workers from mcdonald, wendy' wendy's, burger king and kfc. in illinois they're demanding $15 an hour. that's twice the current minimum wage. in delaware workers took their protest inside the burger king where they are work. and in new york, in front of a wendy's outlet.
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it said the strikers and organizers do not reflect an accurate picture of what it means to work for mcdonald's. those words ring hollow for bartolemae who says he makes $10,000 a year. >> we need respect and dignity. >> reporter: as the protesters marched a small group occupied a subway sandwich establishment. >> we know these companies are making millions of dollars. we know these ceos are bringing home golden pair chutes and vacation homes for their families. what about the families who are making the wealth. >> reporter: growing number disparity and proliferation of low wage jobs are signs of the changing nature of the u.s. economy analysts say. >> what's going on with the fast food workers and with these
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strikes, it's very symptomatic of what's happening in the economy overall. for rough lie 60% of the workforce. it's the way that our economy has evolved. we are seeing more and more adult workers with education and skills and experience only able to get low wage jobs. >> reporter: strikers of community organizers say if fast food companies don't come to the table and negotiate, they will consider calling for a consumer boycott of fast food. rob reynolds, ankle, los angeles. >> a march in support of small farmers in colombia has become violent. [ protesting ] >> 30,000 protesters demonstrating in the capitol bogota when rioting erupted. it happened on the tenth day of the farmers strike. the unions say workers can't compete with cheaper agriculture products which are flooding the
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market. a mexican judge has apologized for attacking two fellow justices in court. he lashed out during session. the judge became angry an after one of his colleagues accused him of insulting him. he had brought shame upon the court and he could face impeachment. there's the website. that's the front page at the moment of mr. cameron in the house of apartment last night.
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