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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 1, 2013 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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the president says he wants a powerful congress first. the arab league is meeting in cairo to discuss the situation in syria. yemen's prime minister survives an assassination attempt. radiation readings increase 18-fold in japan's fukushima nuclear power plant and part of a global movement once again.
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afghan girls and boys join the scouts for more than 30 years. the arab league are due to meet to discuss the crisis in syria. u.s. president barack obama has pulled back from the brink of military intervention against the government for the at least. he this was about to order a missile strike but now he first wants approval from congress. we report from washington. >> reporter: a u.n. missile strike seems eminent. a small group of protestors outside of the white house urged restraint. >> obama! >> reporter: their chants heard in the rose tkpar den as president obama came out to tell the rolled he wants to strike. he's ready but it's going have
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to wait. he now wants the approval of the u.s. congress. stkphao while i believe i have the authority of carry out this military action without authorization, i know that the country will be stronger if we take this course and our actions will be even more effective. we should have this debate. >> reporter: it won't happen soon. president is not calling congress back in to session. some politicians will return in the coming days for a series of hearings but there won't. a full debate or vote until after both houses have returned from summer recess on september 9th. it came as a big surprise. they avoided secrets of seeking a kong congressional vote. we are engaging in what we believe our responsibility is which is to consult with congress. >> we will consult with congress. >> we believe that we should consult with congress in a very
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robust way. when taking much broader action in libya. they said they didn't need approval. air strikes and missiles didn't qualify. now they believe congress should weigh in on syria. a body which hasn't been able to pass a budget or even build with broad public support. the majority of americans don't want to intervene with syria making this vote a tough sell according to analyst bill schneider. >> i think a third of congress is retkpeu to split the >> i think a third of congress is ready to support the president. a third will not support the president and that includes conservative republicans and liberal democrats. and about a third are up in the air including some democrats. they're just up in the air. they want evidence and demand a high standard of evidence after the experience in iraq. >> reporter: the administration will like i will have to answer questions it is so far avoided like what is the legal justification? the national interests, potential and consequences. until those questions are asked
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and answered and if nothing changes on the ground in syria it appears for now u.s. intervention is on hold. al jazeera, washington. we've been weight on this decision for a long time. u.s. has finally taken this decision however we understand there will be abdebate in to congress. as the days go by the regime kills more people and further delay of action gives them a chance to change the positions of their weapons. according to the intelligence that we have we know that the assad regime supports this delay to prepare for the strike. >> reporter: joins us live in turkey. first of all, how is the syrian opposition reacting to the approach the obama administration is now taking to military intervention?
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>> reporter: well still waiting for the syrian national coalition to issue some sort oh of a statement later on sunday. they expect they will do so in the coming hours but late saturday, a spokes person for the syrian national coalition said he was surprised at president obama's decision to consult with congress before ordering a military strike. he said that decision will disappoint many people inside syria. we spoke to some people within syria, mainly in the north part of the town where a rebel commanders say that now they've lost all faith that america will indeed carry out a strike against president assad's forces. another person said that or gave a contrary position saying that it he's sure that america will
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carry out such an attack and if they didn't do so then president obama will this suffer a huge political blow. >> how are you other u.s. allies like turkey also viewing the position by the obama administration? >> reporter: well, a spokesperson for the turkish foreign ministry did say that turkey respects president obama's decision, however, they did say that any delay in carrying out the attack against the syrian regime will give them more time to prepare and also to kill more civilians. however the states person did mention that turkey was pleased that what the president obama decided and determined to carry out a strike. so, it's a good position and a good sign. however, it remains to be seen whether the congress will approve such an attack and we don't know if president obama
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will, what we'll do next if the congress didn't give the authority or the authorization to president obama to carry out such an attack. finally, a quick note, i would like to say that prime minister did say initially before even barack obama's decision that turkey was against a one-day or two-day hit-and-run -p kind of or a wider military that forces president assad's regime to accept political dialog in which the president -- >> thank you so much. still remind you can of some key dates to keep in mind going forward. while president obama and the rest oh of the g20 gather on thursday. that may be an opportunity to discuss syria on the sidelines of that meeting. the u.s. congress is scheduled to come back on september 9th so it looks like unlikely we will see obama
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order a strike before that day. and u.n. weapons inspectors gather evidence in damascus. they say their analysis may take up to three weeks. >> a spokesperson for the u.n. secretary general say they work in andleizing their evidence from syria can cannot be rushed. the secretary general has said publicly that this is the team needed time to do its job. it needs time to analyze the information and the samples that it has collect canned and the secretary general said repeatedly that there's no alternative to a political solution to this crisis, over all crisis in syria. a military solution is not an option. >> the arab league agreed to meet in the egyptian capital to discuss the crisis in syria, too. let's get the latest from our
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correspondent. they do not have the latest reputation for quick and decided action. what's expected out of them today? >> reporter: they have acted quickly in bringing forward this meeting which was scheduleed for next tuesday. the arab league foreign ministers john kerry on friday listed the arab league as one of america's allies ready to response to the ahreblged chemical weapons attack in syria. let's not forget that the arab league did back in march give the syrian seats to the national coalition that omar was just talking about and of course some of the members notably the united arab tell rats took part in the military campaign against gahdafi in libya it's a lot more complicated. last week the arab league did issue a statement condemning the use of chemical weapons as an illegal act and putting the blame squarely on the government
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that bashar al assad in syria but some of the members think they did have major reservations. lebanon refused to take part in issuing that statement and iraq and algeria refusing to take part in putting the blame at the moment. i think in a meeting in the next few hours there's a lot of heated discussion. i that it's unlikely to be any unity when it comes to giving a formal backing to possible military action against syria. >> good stuff. in cairo, there. >> another leading figure in egypt's northbound has been arrested. he was defined in alexndria on changes of inciting violence. >> syria's authority say there was an attempt to attack a container ship passing through it. they say the vessel wasn't damaged and traffic was not interrupted.
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two explosions were reportedly heard in the area. the egyptian's army has opinion ordered to improve security in the canal. it's vital for global trade. >> the prime minister mohammed survived an assassination attempt. tkpupbman opened fire at his motorcade when he was returning home from his office in the capitol. we have more from yemen. >> caller: i have just spoken with the security chief of the prime minister and said that the tprao*eupl was on his way back home from a meeting with his cabinet when suddenly they saw a car parking next to the house and someone gets out of the car and opened fire. his security returned fire and the police now and -- so the police are now taking them in the capitol summer. this is quite -- it's the
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capitol and it showed a very delicate situation in yemen. yes men is a transitional period. they have to finish a national dialog. they have to address issues and establish another system of government. the government coalition now and f are creating more tension. the promise has been attacked and former president is accused of trying to under mind the country. this is why they were targeted. they are expecting more tension and clashes in the future at least until they come together and come to a final agreement about moving it forward. >> still ahead, our torture
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chamber because here is where you've got your man. >> more than 50 bodice recovered as a reform school in the u.s. as tales of torture emerge. we will tell you why environmentalists are cutting down trees in the indonesian rain forest. . same champs as english and arabic channels. disorder in a mexico court. why this judge lost his cool.
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this is a statement not only
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>> the arab league due to meet in cairo to discuss the crisis. another leading figure in the muslim brotherhood has been arrested. he's been detained in alexandria on charges oh of inciteing is violence. yemen's prime minister has survived an assassination attempt. four gunman fired in his motorcade in the capitol. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. >> radiation at the tank holding contaminated plant at the japan's fukushima plant has increased 18-year-old. there is enough radiation to kill a person in just four hours. the level is in the one storage tank on saturday. earlier in the month high readings of radiation were recorded at the same tank. >> the australian prime minister is made his last major campaign pitch less than a week away from national elections. he's trailing. hind the opposition and opinion polls.
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kevin is promising tank breaks for more investments and infrastructure. yohe's been speaking at the campaign launch. >> in this election, we are now engaged in the fight of our lives. it's a fight about the values which under pin australia's future. a fight about our vision for australia's future. it's a fight about how we go about building australia's future. a future and no charge for the few. >> al jazeera's andrew thomas was at that speech in price bonn. >> reporter: the speech went down very well. this is a room full of labor party supporters and activists. it depositing well on television on the evening news broadcast that kevin had convinced and he did try to do that ^py appealing to what they know about the fate of the economy. this is a relatively strong economy by international standards. plenty of jobs and aaa kre credit rating and still that
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message hasn't so far gotten through. many australians are worried about future and pose fears that the opposition has a play on and it put him in a commanding position in a opinion poll of concerns. they have had to pull a big rabbit out of the hat to turn the opinion. ohs around and convince them that even though his party had a last few years, he was in a place the prime minister you'll remember and then replace her as prime minister and want to convince the wider australian public the vote and a chaotic day behind many years still the right person to take australia forward. >> half of indonesia's rain forest has disappeared in the last 30 years due to logging, mining and plantations. the government on commercial activity and a return to a more traditional way of life are helping to restore it.
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now we have an environmental story with a twist. it's a struggling the rain forest with too in trees. were in at the national park in indonesia. >> reporter: it's a rare sight to. they are cutting down trees to put back the forest. these palm trees had been illegally planted and after pressure the company handed them over to the government oh. cutting them down means the original forest gets a chance to grow back. in the last 20 years large parts of indonesia's jungle have been transformed in to a new kind of forest. 10 million of palm old trees. for the economy, -- it's good for the economy put bad for the rain forest it' used for food, fuel and soap.
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the trees are causing draft and making the land less fertile. >> translator: this palm is the colonizing our country. our land will be dead. nothing will grow here. >> reporter: it's on the island of sumatra it' now covering 80% of the land. it will be a lot less despite the successful efforts by the government to try to save the remaining rain forest, economic pressure is quickly threatening what is left. this was the national park until the local government recently allowed companies to grow oil. environmentalists say there are plans for 1.2 million to be cut down despite a government ban on logging. the government says it's a lot less than that. >> translator: this is our last remaining forest. samatra really needs to be saved because this is the last place where elephants, tigers, rhinos can freely roam around. >> reporter: the destruction of
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indonesia's rain forest have put indonesia in to the third largest of green house gas in the world. in an effort to stop this the government expanded the on logging in two more areas for two more years. >> translator: people know there will be a punishment but if there's logging still going on we have to see if this is happen aning in the area where the ban is active. if this is the case the punishment will be stiff. >> reporter: although other green season and other environmentalists are happy with the ban they fear it will not be maintained in the long run. trying to restore the forest by cutting down trees the might be more effective although it will take at at least 20 to 30 years to grow back the trees that were cut down in just a few minutes. so we're here in one of the last remaining protected rain forest
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in southeast asia and surrounded by wild life. this here you can hear the sound of monkeys and protected specie but you can also see the destruction here. the trees are actually the original trees from the rain forest but if you look down you can see they are all surrounded by palm old trees. and palm oil as i said in the story are one of the main sources of income now in indonesia. >> when you interact with the locals there, how do they respond to the deforestsation? >> reporter: >> reporter: what you can see now, they are now afraid of it. basically for many, many years they also helped and were illegal loggers or miners or worked in the palm plantation. they have been wiped away and
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it's resent rainfall in this forest so the people are now more and more aware of the risks and they are also thinking a lot more about the future. >> and government policy hold the destruction. how is that shaping up, then? from the government the of the opener has actually made it to do something against it. the world is already complaining and it's the third largest in the guests and the government didn't like that. so the president made some significant steps to put this ban on logging in certain areas. this was quite successful although you have to say as people had already had licenses like mining companies or had the license already we thought the ban was enough that they can still go ahead with it. there were some loop holes there and the ban has been extended and everyone is hoping that we will have more results from that. >> the thanks a lot. >> thousands of people in mexico
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have been marching against the government's lg reform program. protestors say they don't want the oil industry to be privateized and opened up to foreign investment. they are also having the if the who's about to deliver his first state of the nation address. >> translator: the oil energy to move and strengthen oh our so sevency doesn't require changing the constitution and removeing the state from its production activities. who ever say sureing that is the case will make us believe a monumental lie. >> more than 50 bodies have been found in a graveyard in a school campus in the u.s. state of florida. forensic experts have been given permission to exhume the graves and determine how they died. those who attended the reform schools say they were subjected to horrific beatings by staff. the school was se segregated bye
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it's next to the black part of the campus. -p. >> reporter: there are bodice buried on the campus of the reform school for boys. bodies beforeryed next to a garbage dump on the side of campus where the black boys lived. >> th* that is something that the whole world needs to know. >> reporter: it's a place where the state put kids that got in to trouble. they were sent there in the late 1950s. >> scary. >> this is a reform of slavery because they are going to beat you to what they wanted you to be. >> reporter: they did back breaking farm work. richard lost a toe in the field and when they ran the school staff they ended up in what they call the white house. >> i call it the torture chamber because here is where you got your find right. if you didn't know how to pray
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you learned pretty fast. >> reporter: even though they don't know who is buried here or how they died. the staten't launching a criminal investigation. only one staffer is still alive too old to be questioned. still forensic an poll gists could determine if a boy died as a result of a gunshot or blunt force trauma. searchers have found 50 bodies so far and they have only just begun their work using ground penetrating radar it's the kind of technology used to find mass graves in the former yugoslavia. researchers at the university of south florida are hoping to identify the remains and finally return them to their loved ones. those they can't identify will be properly buried on marked graves here in the campus. there's a more travel obligation that the state has to do it. >> reporter: until then richard huntly will have to speak for dead. >> our life was cut short.
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free us. let our bones go home. >> reporter: natasha, al jazeera, marianna, florida. >> suspected members accused and killed 24vi give lantes in algaer i a. the army is encouraging people to help fight the group. there are more than 35 million boy and girl scouts around world. students from afghanistan are joining the ranks once again. 30 years after the country was kicked out of the international scouting movement. jennifer glass reports from kabul. >> reporter: scouting faces many challenges in afghanistan as
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organizers tries to reestablish the movement after a 30-year absent. once a month the scouts go and visits design to help them better understand their country to places like the national police hospital. in all, there are about 1500 scouts from six afghan provinces. almost half of them girls. scouted started here in the 1930s and afghanistan has been out of the national scouting organization. first world war ii and in 1979 after the skougt invasion. this scouting started four years a go. in iraq he helped take the skougt problems from 8 members in 20 2004 to 150,000 six years later. his philosophy is to focus on the basics. >> first thing, survival. dealing with emergencies and those kinds of things which are part of all scouting programs
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but really mean something here. >> there's no resent of history of scouting here. it's hard to find adult leaders. it's difficult to explain a program in a culture that's suspicious about sliders. >> translator: my message to other kids like me is to join the scouts and get a good education because at this time our country needs educateed people. >> translator: my family encourage me to be a scout and learn something people proud of what i'm doing and my family is also proud that i'm learning. >> reporter: scouting is one of the only after school programs available in afghanistan. it isn't officially recognized by the government. something that's needed for it to join the world scout organization. for now it's mainly afghan directors hoping it will grow through world of mouth and current scouts will grow to lead and help build skougt legacy here. >> if you want to get more on the girl and boys scouts as well as other stories worth
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following, especially our lead story, the situation on syria and the the u.s. president's decision to seek congressional approval before he takes any military action. you can get that and other stories on al you can find that on the front page there. it's quite a mix of stories for you.


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