tv News Al Jazeera September 1, 2013 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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>> form south african president nelson mandela is dischargeed from the hospital. his condition remains critical. >> this is al jazeera live from doho. also ahead, barack obama puts on hold the the u.s. military strike on syria saying he wants to get approval from congress first. >> in cairo where arab league foreign ministers hold a meeting on what happens next in syria. radiation readings increase 18-fold in japan's fukushima
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power plant. and part of the global movement once again. afghan boys an girls join the scouts after more than 30 years. nelson mandela has been discharged from a hospital after being treated for a lung infection. the south african governor says the formerer president is still in critical condition. doctors are convinced he can receive the same level of treatment at his home. we are joined from the phone from johannesburg. what can you tell us? >> caller: while this is going to be very welcome news from south africans. an effort to receive the same level of intensive care at home. hay have reconfigureed his home
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to allow for the equipment to be used there to maintain his critical condition and hopefully improve it. the health experts that have been treating him during his stay since the 8th of june for some time. medical team will be treating him at home. that will assure many south africans as well. but the other side of the coin calls that there's no situation in any of the statement that his condition improving. so there still cause for concern for the form president nelson mandela here. >> why is there any clarification why they are returning him to his home? >> caller: there in a statement. this has come from the south african of the official con due wit of all information detained to the former president. it extends to reason that he may
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want to be there and this is much more comfortable and more familiar surroundings, more private as well. they have had a string of visitors and a lot of colleagues, politicians the and current political leaders as well. so, i think the understanding would be that this is something that he and his family want and now they have been that if he's stable enough top go home and can give him the same level of care and a place where he'd rather be that they should be doing that and it would be in his best interest. >> live pictures we're looking at. a quiet area around the home of nelson mandela. thank you very much. the arab league is due to meet to discuss the crisis in syria. u.s. president barack obama has pulled back from the military intervention against the syrian government for the time being. well, he's about the to order a
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missile strike for more indications in response to a suspected chemical weapons attack but now he first wants approval from congress. we report from washington. >> reporter: as u.n. inspectors arrive back from syria, a u.s. missile strike seemed is imminent and syrians fleeing across the border. a small group of protestors outside the white house surge for restraint. a small group of protestors outside the white house urgeed restraint. their chants heard faintly in the rose garden as barack obama came out he wants to strike. he's great but now wants congress. >> while i want the authority without congress authorization know the country will be stronger if we take this forth and our actions will be more effective.
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we should have this debate because the issues are too big. >> reporter: but it won't happen soon. the president is not calling congress back in to session. some politicians will return in the coming days. there won't be a full debate or vote until after both houses have returned from summer recess on september 9th. it came as a big surprise since members of his administration started talking tough on syria they have avoided questions about seeking a congressional vote. >> we are engaging in what we believe our responsibility is here to consult with congress. >> we'll consult with congress. >> it important for his administration to consult with congress in a very robust way. >> the administration didn't ask for permission before for taking >> the administration didn't ask for permission before for taking much broader action in libya. they said they didn't need approval. air strikes and missiles there didn't qualify. now they believe congress should weigh in on syria. a body which hasn't been able to pass a budget or bill with broad
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public support. the majority of americans don't want to intervene with syria taking this vote a tough sell according to analyst bill schneider. >> i think a third of congress is ready to support the president. a third will not support the president and that includes conservative republicans and liberal democrats. and about a third are up in the air including some democrats. they're just up in the air. they want evidence and demand a high standard of evidence after the experience in iraq. >> reporter: the administration will like i will have to answer questions it is so far avoided like what is the legal justification? the national interests, potential and consequences. until those questions are asked and answered and if nothing changes on the ground in syria it appears for now u.s. intervention is on hold. al jazeera, washington.
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we have been waiting for this decision for a long time. we understand there's a debate in congress. as it goes by, the regime kills more people. they have a chance to change the position of their weapons. according to the intelligence that we have. we know that the assad regime supports this delay to prepare for this strike. >> omar joins us now in turkey. how is the syrian opposition reacting to the latest development? >> . >> i have received part of the official statement for the city here in turkey. basically the city of national coalition is calling on the u.s. congress to stand for its responsibilities to save the syrian people. the statement also says that democracy should not fail to protect the syrian people and end their suffering. the statement will also mention about the syrian regime house
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killed so far. 110,000 syrian people and displaced hundreds of thousands and millions are calling on the u.s. congress to stand up for their responsibility. they will also mention in that statement that if the international community is losing, the u.s. does not end the suffering of the syrian people it will be a green light for the syrian regime to continue the killing of the syrian people leaving aside the official statement from the syrian national coalition and leading member of the city opposition it mentioned that he was very disappointed and surpriseed by the decision made by president obama because he said maybe the president, the u.s. president, fears any military intervention on syria could have regional repercussions and that's why he wants to cutoff his back with the u.s. congress to cover any
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mistakes or my wider complex within the region. >> omar, where does this leave the hopes of allies like turkey. the hopes for swift military action? >> reporter: the turks say just after the u.s. president spoke and they said they would respect such a decision because that it's a democracy and if the president chooses to consult with congress it's his right to do so. however they feel that this delay was only prolonged and continueing the killing of the syrian people until now the syrian regime more time and move and prepare for the military strike. and the killing of the syrian people will go on. however, you have on the other hand the turkish prime minister in favor oh of a wider military intervention and not a day or two hit or run strike.
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they want the syrian regime to accept the political dialog that president assad and the syrian regime out of syria. >> thanks for that. >> there are key dates to keep in mind about syria going forward. president obama and putin will gather in russia on thursday. that may be an opportunity to discuss syria on the side lines of that meeting. the u.s. congress is scheduled to come back only on september 9th. so, what does that mean? it's probably unlikely we will see o with bama order a strike before that date. the u.n. weapons inspectors who arrived in the netherlands after gathering that evidence in damascus. they say it may take up to three weeks now. the spokesman for t*upb secretary general says the inspector's work can't be rushed. >> the secretary general said
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the team needed time to do its job it needs time to be able to analyze the information and for sampleles it has collected and the secretary general has said repeatedly that there is no at ternive to a political solution to this crisis. over all crisis in syria. a mill industry solution is not an option. >> the arab league is due to meet in the egyptian capitol to discuss the crisis in syria but there's little unity of how they respond to the chemical weapons attacks. saudi arabia and other uniteed the emirates support military enter jennings but libya, iraq rule against using force. what is expected then from the the arab the league? >> reporter: on sunday, first of all the meeting will be at ambassador level and later in the day the foreign ministers
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consider a draft text put forward by the ambassadors. already we know that -- a lot are saying the arab league have as far last tuesday in an ambassador's meeting. an issue which con tkepls what it called the haoe news crime can carried out by prointernational prohibited chemical weapons. i laid it at the feet of the assad government of in syria. it was suspended from iraq t lebanon and al tkp*e ria. i think the feeling today is that there won't be any show of unity. there will be a discussion put not a unifyed call for mill industry intervention and
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backing for any u.s. strikes on syria. >> what will that mean for the u.s. then? >> caller: it will certainly be a disappointment if the arab league doesn't give a unifyed green light or commitment to actually take part in any military action in syria. on friday john kerry was saying that the arab league was among american allies ready to respond to oh the alleged chemical weapons attack in syria and back in march, the arab league did offer up their seats, the syrian seats to the syrian national coalition so the scene is generally being very supportive of the anti--assad tpoertss in syria. some of them qatar and saudi arabia have been funding some of the anti--assad forces in syria. put of course others are very, very worried about an escalation in the conflict. notefully neighbors including iraq where refugees are already
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streaming in from syria. and i think t also, the sectarian nature increasing sectarian nature of the conflict is worrying many neighbors of syria at the moment. i think u.s. will be keen to get as many people on board as it can to show if it does launch air strikes that it's not carrying out military action unilaterally. that's the last thing they want to be seen especially after they ruled out any u.k. involvement. all right, in cairo. the british prime minister david cameron faced a defeat in parliament just a few days ago. that happened when the majority voted against military strikes in syria. it shows cam ran doesn't have strong support among the public either. 60% of those questioned said they were against british troops given the level of evidence given the proof of chemical weapons by ashad's regime.
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only 21% said they thought david cameron acted because he generally believed in that using chemical weapons syria crossed the red line and acted badly. well in all 71% of voters said they felt that resent military action to libya, afghanistan and iraq made it less likely to gather any other military interventions abroad. joins us live from london for more on this. lawrence, there's shock images coming ot of syria following those alleged chemical weapons attack. what's the story in the u.k. that they don't want anything done about this. >> reporter: one thing is that's strikeing the about this is it's a cross party. there are new polls more in a more liberal one. both had the same raoults. a good 60%, 65% said they
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against british intervention and for all the sock shock that everybody feel, i think what you get is the overwhelming sent of seupbtism from the right and left here about what british interests really are. as you said it's one in five people believe cameron when he says it's about chemical weapons. and the 7% say they don't trust british involvement in foreign countries because of the impacts of iraq and afghanistan and libya as well. so what you u have is a situation where you've got the foreign office in the ministry of defense here inching to get involved because they say it's the right thing to do an an overwhelming people in the country saying we don't believe you. if you look at the track record in in particular when iraq happened everything is going wrong. we don't believe this is necessarily going to be a good thing so if you add it all up. not only is it dissa*s rose in
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syria it creates difficulty for people in the foreign office persuading the public at large here to get involved in any intervention involving the middle east in the to the future so bad that it's an experience people feel in the last ten years or so. >> is this a lack of trust developing between the population and policy makers rather than simply about what's going on in syria. maybe, a case you could call it of o.k. itis? >> reporter: yeah, it's not just iraq. the polling also suggests afghanistan which clearly is turning out when the u.k. troops all happens. how has afghanistan changed for the better? libya which is a success the at the time is now seen here as not having work in the way that people the had thought but iraq is the biggest one. remember a million people marched in the streets in london in 2003 and tony blare ignored
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them and did it anyway. look what happenened in iraq. unless it's changed in britain in the last decade it's much poorer. there's a big debate whether britain should be providing aid to foreign countries and all of it lends to a debate which sends the people here said that britain shouldn't be doing all these things and it look after itself a bit more. i think politicians here need to start understanding that a little bit better at the moment because they have been so surprise peud the way the parliament voted here pup i think it will be very surprise bid the numbers in this polling as well. >> thanks so much. radiation at the tank holding contaminated water at japan's fukushima nuclear fold is 18-fold. there's enough radiation to kill an exposed person in just four hours.
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the high readings of radiation were recorded at the same tank. earlier i spoke to a former nuclear scientist where the iraq atomic energy commission. he said the radiation leak is extremely serious. >> it's a problem. a big problem. they have 1040 othey have 1060 . it's going in to the sea and in the pacific ocean and the only people that have suffered are the fisherman because the level of contaminated fish last week has risen. if there is another earthquake a serious one, 6, 7, 8, or 9 that's 1060 tanks that will rattle the damaged korsd and fuel or structures have already
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weakened, yes, that's a potential very, very serious threat if another strong earthquake hits the same area again. >> still ahead in the program, we call it the torture chamber because here is where you got your mind the right. >> more than 50 bodice discovered from the reform school in the u.s. as the tales of torture emerged. dramatic pictures of a landslide in taiwan. third. and you can kiss that puppyy, w
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welcome back. nelson mandela has been dischargeed from a hospital after being treated for a lung infection. the former president is still in critical condition. doctors are convinced he can receive the same level of treatment at home. u.s. president barack obama is asking congress to approve strikes against syria and the arab league is expected to meet in cairo to discuss the crisis. contaminated at the fukushima's nuclear plant has increased 18-fold. there's enough radiation to kill an exposed person in four years. tin creased level was detected on one storage tank on saturday. more than 50 bodies have been found in a graveyard on a school campus in the u.s. state of florida. forensic experts have been given permission to exhume the grave
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and determine how they died. those who attended the reform school say thar they were subjected to horrific beatings by staff. a school segregate bid race. the deaths kurd on the black side of the campus. >> reporter: body did buried next to a garbage dump on the side of campus where the black boys lived. that's something that the whole world needs to know. >> reporter: it was place where the state put kids who got in to trouble. author and richard huntly were sent there in the late 1950s. >> scary. >> this is a form of slavery pause they going to beat you to what they wanted you to be. >> reporter: they said they did back breaking farm work. richard lost a toe and when they ran a foul of the school staff they ended up in what they
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called the white house. >> i call ate torture chamber because here is where you got your mind right. if you didn't know how to pray you learned pretty fast. >> reporter: even though no one knows who's buried here or how they died the state isn't launching a criminal investigation. the attorney general said only one staffer is still alive, too old to be questioned. still, forensic an poll gists could determine if a boy died as a result of a gunshot or blunt forced trauma. researchers have found 50 bodies so far and just begun their work using ground training the radar using to find mass graves in kwraouinyugoslavia. those who cannot be identified will be in marked graves here on the campus cemetery. >> they have an obligation to return those remains to their
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families for proper burial. there's a moral obligation. >> reporter: until then richard huntly will have to speak for the dead. >> our life is cut short. don't forget our bones in these forgoten graves. free us, free us, let our bones go home. al jazeera, marianna, florida. another leading figure in egypt has been arrested. he was detained in alexandria op charges of inciteing violence. he joins others from the muslim brother who have been jailed. >> yemen's prime minister survived an assassination attempt. four men fired at his motorcade and no one is claiming responsible for the attack. the former government has been battling in the arabian peninsula. >> the suspected members have
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ambushed and killed 24 vigilantess who tried to detain them in nigeria. the nigerian army have been fighting. the army is encouraging people to form vigilantes groups to help in the fight. dramatic footage is cap can khured the moment a motorists in taiwan narrowly avoid being crashed by a boulder. he was driving when they were suddenly hit by a landslide. it caused ebs tenseive damage and only a couple escaped with just minor injuries there. the landslide triggered by days of rain from tropical storm. >> well, there are more than 35 million boy and girl skuts around world. students in afghanistan are joining the ranks once again 30 years after the country was kicked out of the international scout caning movement.
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jennifer glass reports from kabul. >> reporter: scouting faces many challenges in afghanistan. they try to reestablish a movement after a 30-year movement. once a month the scouts go and visit designed to help them better understand their country to places like a national police hospital. in all there are 1500 scouts. scouting started here in the 1930s. they have the international scouting organization first in world war ii and again in 1979 after the soviet invasion. this started just four years go -p in 20 2011, he helped take te scouting programs from 8 phepl tpwoers 150,000 years later. his tpe lose city to focus on
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the -- his philosophy is to focus on the basics. >> first day, survival. dealing we emergencies an those kinds of things which are part of all scouting programs but really mean something here. >> reporter: since there's no resent, it's hard to find adult leaders it's important to explain the program in a culture that's suspicious from outsideers. >> my message like other kids like me is to get the scouts and get a good education. at this time our country needs educated people. >> translator: my family encourage me to be a scout an learn something. i'm proud of what i'm doing and my family is also proud that i'm learning. >> scouting is one of the only after school programs available in afghanistan. it isn't officially recognize bid the government, something it's needed to join the world scout organization. for now it's mainly afghan directors hop hope it will grow
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through world of mouth and help build the scouting legacy here. and if you want to keep up-to-date with all the news and latest developments including nelson mandela head over to al i'm lisa tphrefrp and you're -- i'm lisa fletcher and you in the stream. are detroiters making a come back?
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