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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 4, 2013 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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hello. the world news from al jazeera. also in this program, bombs explode across baghdad and shia muslims are the target. >> i'll be explaining why
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humanitarian agencies are saying these people have been forgotten by the world. syria calls it bullying and international warning international law must be respected. politicians in the u.s. are considering a draft resolution which says the president is authorized to use the armed force of the united states as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in a limited and taylored manner against legitimate military targets in syria. it also says:
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top obama war planers have laid out their case for military force in syria speaking to pa skeptical congressional committee. evidence bashar al assad used chemical weapons on his own people is solid. >> our intelligence community has scrubbeded and rescrubbed the evidence. we have physical evidence of where the rockets came from and when. not one rocket landed in regime-controlled territory. not one. >> support from the u.s. secretary of defense who told senators the u.s. must hold the assad regime accountable. failure to do so would harm not just u.s. national security but other u.s. security commitments around the world.
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e he said the action would be limited in size and scope. >> in defining our military objectives, we make clear that we are not seeking to are resolve the under lying conflict in syria to direct military force. instead, we're contemplating thanks are taylored to respond the to the use of chemical weapons. >> but not all senators are buying the administration's argument. worried limited military action will not. a deter rant. >> i think there's a reasonable argument that the whole may be less stable because of this and that it may not deter any chemical weapons attack. >> this is a first in a series of hearings on capitol hill this week. members of congress weigh the evidence and decide whether to support the president's me sure. u.s. naval ships are already positioned in the eastern mediterranean ready to act if president obama gives the order. >> the military plans that has been developed by our joint chiefs and that i believe is
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appropriate is proportional. it is limited. it does not involve boots on the ground. >> it is a measure that increasingly is gaining support with top congressional leaders including the top republican in the house of representative sendives who traditionally opposes obama/white house policy. >> i'm going to support the president's call for action. i believe my colleagues should support this call for action. >> reporter: it is action and still has to be voted on in the u.s. house and senate. president obama has asked congress to take up the vote promptly and indications are that will be the case. both chambers return from their summer recess a week on september 9th. al jazeera, capitol hill. >> the russian president says he would not rule out military action against syria if he was convinced the syrian government had used chemical weapons. vladimir putin added only the
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u.n. added that they will determine if a strike is necessary. >> translator: i do not exclude this but i would like to draw your attention one key aspect. in line with international law, only the u.n. security council could sanction the use of force against a so vern state. any other method to use a use of force against a state is in admissionable and can be enter preat theed as an aggression. >> . omart international lou is not a law over the last 12 hours or so. are we getting any reasonable action to the plans that are being put forward? >> reporter: the resa*bgs they really don't want to wait for the u.n.'s inspectors to give their final finings to their
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alleged kim kel attacks. we understand they are samples taken by syria by u.n. inspectors should be arriving at designated laboratories today on wednesday. so the u.n. is really or since they are working around the clock to try and figure oh out what's happened but you will have to remember that their mandate is only determined if chemical weapons were used and they will not look to who used the chemical weapons and that is calling on as the making regional country as well as western powers to say we do not need to wait for the u.n. inspectors because they do have evidence like the u.s. as well as turkey. they have their individuals spell skwrepbs that said tp*b assad's regime did carry out the chemical attacks on them.
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also not really considered the effect on civilians and refugees if any the u.s. military strike. can you give us an update on those refugees who already left the country? >> yes, we spend an spire day on tuesday talking to refugees on the turkish/syrian border and outside that and the stories we are hearing and the conditions we saw are appalling. i remember one person telling me that we've been bombarded by all sorts of weapons for the past two and half years so any military intervention will knot probably not make anything different on us in terms of the effects. i saw the people having no food. there were asking me as a journalists maybe i could help them because they have lost all faith in the international aid and another woman tells me she
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can't even find a toilet to go to because she's living in an open field. so it's a very miserable conditions for those outside syria and we have to remember there are also millions displaced within their country. for those inside sir ya, i think around damascus are the ones who are scared that that the military intervention will only make their lives worse. >> omar, thank you very much. a series of car bombs have killed people in an attack. the security forces are struggling to contain. >> once again, people are becoming poming vehicle tims. on tuesday a series of car bombs tore through the capitol baghdad and 11 neighborhoods in all. in some case explosions went off in rapid success and they may
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have been coordinated. the people who were out for the evening. >> a powerful blast killing people. >> translator: targeted people who earn their living. it's to the other side of the road. >> they are innocent people who work to live not just to the south but also the district in the north and in to west. one of the worst attacks -- a world rest. >> >> translator: the checkpoint here and another one there and the car bomb drive from here. did it come from space? i blame the government for the security breech. >> reporter: the number of day-to-day attacks in iraq is rising. most of them striking shia neighborhoods. the death toll is reaching a level not seen in the last five
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years. more than 800 people were killed last month alone. the spike in violence is not unrelated to the civil war raging next door in syria. politicians have not been able to contain armed groups responsibility for bombing campaigned across the country. now with tense of thousands of syrian refugees crossing the border to consider, the too. al jazeera. and in the first interview since take office, egypt's has defended mohammed morsi. the state of emergency after the deadly crack down in cairo last month. >> there is no other class that determine the state of emergency. we were attacked with the violence assaults. it's what they were calling the burning oaf skwreupt. >> meanwhile 11 members have been sentenced to life in prison. a military caught in the northern city and convicted them of targeting the army last
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month. organized by -- have been held across e skwrept. a rally to mark two months since mohammed morsi was deposed. >> and egyptian ordered the closure of station including al jazeera's egypt channel. the government accused al jazeera bashar al assad for coverage of the critical crisis. the threat to national security. al jazeera denies any coverage. >> radiation levels in japan's fukushima nuclear plant has hit an all-time high. japan's regulator said leaving around tanks have soared more than 20% since saturday. the level of radiation would t*eul kill an unprotected person. we have more from tokyo. >> a spokesperson has said a company has recorded higher levels of radiation.
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it discovered several hot spots at the fukushima nuclear plant. this latest development comments just five days after the company reported that previous readings of the the 1,000 were 18 times higher than what had previously been reported. the initial spike was they using more sophisticateed devices. previous machines could read only 10,000 an hour. tetc oh o confirmed that this new spike in radiation levels is not just because of any leaks. so far they have not been able to find any evidence of any new leaks. there's still an important implication in those develops because what does this mean to oh the clean up operations and how will this come kate clean up operation because the level of radiation that is detected is
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extremely high. they can be extremely dangerous. experts have said expo sure to this level of raid skwraeugs enough to kill someone if they are not wearing the right protective clothing. >> still to compton show, going green in california. the university students at the center of a project using energy. and the london building that's so reflective it will fry an egg this the streets alone. . from taking appropriate action in the face of such an ...
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christopher >> what happens when social media uncovered fascinating news stories. >> they share. >> social media isn't an after thought, i draws the discussion across america. >> the social media community, on t.v. and online. >> this is your outlet for those conversations. lap takeaway is our company emerges from a time of war that i was elected in part to end. buzz we really want to turn away from taking appropriate action in the face of such an
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politicians will consider president obama a limited window with action against syria. members of the committee can vote on the motion as early as wednesday. >> a series of car bombs and shootings with at least 60 people in iraq. attacks in baghdad struck 11 different neighborhoods and claimed more than 50 lives in less than two hours. >> radiation levels around tanks holding the contaminated water in japan's damaged nuclear plant are much higher than initially thought. the new readings are conducted with new sensitive detection equipment. >> until our top story now. james is with the united nations with reaction there to the u.s. push for military strikes against syria. >> well, there was all the talk on the case of war here on capitol hill for the united nations.
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he said the only way military action could be authorized is by the u.n. military council. >> everything should be handled within the frame of united nations. the use of force is lawful only when in exercise of self-defense and in accordance with article 51 of the united nations and or when the security council approves such action. >> the syrian ambassador to the united nations has been speaking out listening to what's been going on there in congress. skrefry attacked the u.s. position. >> the appointed american administration to anticipate on the out come and the findings and some of the findings -- how
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could the united states of america act from outside the context of the united nations? we are not asking president obama to the bully of the world. why not waiting until until they have finalized the its mission. >> we understand that laboratory tests are under way in europe right now. part of that investigation by the united nations in chemical weapons used. president obama says he won't wait for thaeupb vest tkpwaeugs but it's just possible those samples will be in time for that congressional vote. per perhaps the u.n. report is not quite as certain and spell skwrepbs. venezuela's president has blamed sabotage for power cuts in about 75% of the country. on twitter he said the opposition is behind what he
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calls an electrical coup. >> the indian rupe e e shows signs oh of recovery. the former governor of bank stepped by after the rupee hit an all-time low. >> gold miners are went on strike for a bigger share of the multibillion dollar industry. some the tkpa*euf pay louds. the industry only offered $6.5. >> saddam's ended to block the oil experts. from the capitol, -- >> reporter: the welcome was a warm one. sudan's plan plenty of red carpet and a full line of foreign dignitaries were on hand along with the president to greet. this was an improvement from the restent hole hostility between the two sides after he threatened to cutoff south the sudan's oil its only form of
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ink-pl. he made the threat because he believes that so*t sudan had been supporting the sudan niece rebels who want to bring down his government. an allegation the south has always denied. sudan's pipeline are the south's only means of experts its oil. the shut this down was scheduled to happen this friday but the president announced on tuesday the oil would keep flowing. during the visit, all the talk has been about a new start and implement a deal they signed a year ago. it will be implemented. sudan niece government sources says the improved relationship will be with the president with his spire cabinet in july it meant it got rid of
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hard liners with the president's government whom they spent more than 20 years fighting in the civil war. both the president face challenges. they need to resto*fl issue with the border territory which is claimed by both sides. and while they improved relationships supports their nation fall interests not at least slowing oil means money for both countries. in the months ahead it still may come under domestic pressure. both presidents have to contend with hard liners opposed to this former relationship but whose political support could be can vital with the governments survival. al jazeera. the united nation is promising that the central african republic will no longer be a forgoten crisis. an estimated 1.6 million people need humanitarian assistance. fighting has displaced more than
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200,000. they be tkpwhapb december of last year. the fighting started in tkpa stka -- and for months they lived on plants and dirty water. her youngest son fell ill. so she decided to walk to this hospital. he's mall fourished and dehydrated but now has a good chance of surviving. >> translator: our children are ill and we don't have the money to care for them. these children are our future. if they can grow up, then they can take care of us. >> united nations says every 21 minutes a child dies in central african repic from preventable diseases and many more will die
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without emergency care. >> during the resent fight, this is the only functional hospital for around 140,000 people but much of the drugs here as well as the mattresss you can see were -- by rebels. things are improving here but the priority is to get help to people in more remote areas. an estimated half the population has no access to any medical care. people won't come in to town because they are afraid of the tpaoegters. they should not see them as a threat. we haven't killed anyone. we haven't killed killed anyone. people should just relax. >> but seleka did allow this to happen. the u.n. warehouse used to be filled with the su plays for about million people.
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everything has gone. >> we need vehicles. we need staff. we need communication equipment. we need people who will manage our security then we need everything else that goes with it to influence the situation of children and the populations are most needed. >> reporter: some schools have repopeed thanks to u.n. help. there's hope that it can change. there is fear that there will be more fighting than that will leave these children back. in the u.s. a man who held girls captive in ohio for several years was found dead. aerial castro committed suicide in his cell.
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he admitted to the kidnapping three in 2000. and 2004. they were chained and beaten until they escaped in may. the guy -- he will be replaced by former deputy general as well as the longest serving directors that were said to the have reshaped the bureau. california is leading the way in the u.s. to become green. the state has the most progressive environmental goals in the country including a plan for all new construction to exland energy by 2020. this hrurbgsry community on the california campus has taken college life the to a whole new level. >> with space for 2,000 resident, west village offers a
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resort-style environment but gives students and faculty a chance to be part of an experiment in living it' a first of its time. a zero net energy community. >> it means that pwaescally we would produce the exact amount of energy that we're using on a day-to-day basis. >> reporter: from low flow toilets an sinks to energy efficient appliances, ceiling fans helps air flow and lighting helps use 60% less energy. he's one of the first students to live here. a green pioneer of sorts. >> there are energy usage limits that you have to meet. >> reporter: that means if you're consuming too much electricity management will come calling. >> then we'll walk through the unit and say if you put a power strip in the wall here and shut it off when you leave for the weekend that will not pull any electricity and run these computers and monitors an when you're not in the unit. >> reporter: the community is
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equipmented with thousands of solar panels. >> the solar panels are a huge part of it. that's how we generate the electricity for every unit here. >> reporter: numbers are still being analyzed but the community is on track to meet its zero net energy goals. with california's strict energy building codes officials say west village can serve as a blue preubt for other developers looking to build sustainable housing. >> and while rent and utilities are slightly higher than other area can rent talls residents say it's worth the price. >> you're also getting the ability to say i'm helping the environment every day of my life. >> this small community is helping california achieve its goal that all construction must be zero net by 2020. finally, the london building that's melting cars.
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developers of the city's sky scraper are rethinking their plans after discoverering its reflective panels are strong enough to scorch a vehicle. >> reporter: this is london's hot spot. in the middle of the city, a bizarre beam of light radiates on to the street. powerful, dazzling and hot. the cause of this phenomenon, this 37-story tower. the building's curved construction has had an unfortunate effect. >> you can see it's curved. so that's a vast area up there and it's collecting a lot of solar energy. if that were or the go out in all directions it would be massive but it's focusing down to this point. it's focus down here so that is
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all solar energy getting pushed down here and the temperatures down there are getting really high. >> reporter: so high it managed to record a tell which are of a 198 degrees fahrenheit. >> the sun started to come out and it's already hitting the building behind me and you can see it's quite an intention heat here. >> reporter: anything in the direct glare of the reflection can literally go up in spoke it damaged this car parked nearby. it's caused carpets to smolder, tiles to smash, it's so hot you fry an egg and shinge your hair trying. >> you can really feel the heat. >> it is the supposed to come through. it's quite hot here, yes. the design is the current elevation of the sun over the next two to three weeks weather permitting it will shine directly on to the building. while they say they are working on the problem the worst of it lasts for just two hours during one of the busiest times oh of the day, lunchtime it' too muc
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