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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 6, 2013 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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>> this is al jazeera. [welcome to the news hour. these are the world's top stories. obama pushing for foreign support for a u.s. military strike on his final day at the u.s. demonstrations in egypt, thousands turn out and protest against the coupe. and cracking codes that were supposed to keep your online information private. new revelations about spying.
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>> >> world leaders continue to disagree on how to respond to a suspected chemical attack. killed more than 1,400 syrians. in the region, syrian's neighbors are preparing for possible u.s. air strikes. turkey's media have been said that tanks have been set. but the u.s. says it's pulling out all of its nonessential starts from the embassy. and increased attention also being paid to u. and russian naval movements another russian ship is joining the eight others already there. all of this president and opam ma squares off at the summit. any military strike would wreck chances of a political solution. let it's not all smiles when it
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comes to syria then. >> far from it. in fact, quite the opposite. i think really the americans frankly came here with low expectations of winning people around. and they have met those low expectations for you follow me. it isn't clear that president obama has had a particular successful visit, or that he has managed to convince any of thewayering heads of government who are here. in fact, the range of voices who rah urging against action that does not have the backing of the united nations security council is quite diverse. it's including the european union, the united nations, and most of the leaders who are here. of course, the most adamant, the most vocal that an american action would be one of folly is the host himself, vladimir put tin. he and mr. obama pulls apart as
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this draws to a close. >> so it doesn't look like what you are saying there, that obama has been terribly successful in rallying people around his position, where does this leave u.s. russian relations then. >> well one hates to use phrases like return to cold war, was clearly the reset button that hillary clinton famously pressed when president obama won his fist term. edward snowden, home sexual legislation here in russia for many many months, and that had led to the cancellation of the proposed meeting by the g 20, all of that had happened before the alleged attack aboard the --
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on the outskits of damascus. right now the two men don't seem to be able to cooperate on anything at all. and you saw yesterday at the summit of power, the american representative to the united nations saying that the russians have been on instructive at every turn in the united nations security council, and had rendered that institution obsolete, or ineffective. that's why we have had the impression that president obama is more concerninged about domestic politics and about winning the numbers in the house, in the house of representatives while he ponders what to do. meanwhile, russia sending more ships to the region. tell us about that and what that means in. >> well, i think clearly on the one hand, they are telling us that they are still syria's global military player. and they know that at this point
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in time, pictures of those ships passing through reenforce that point. but i think we should also put it in perspective. the russians had kept ships for many many years. it is from their point of view far closer and within their atmosphere of influence, then it should be to the united states. and the russians are adamant that they do not want to get involved in any military confrontation that might be result a spill over, if you hike, from a possible american attack on syria. so it is pocketer to put these things in perspective. >> let's take you life to st. peters burg. >> it became an effective mechanism to create joint approaches in the countries in the global economy and finances. we managed to even out the
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situation after the peek of the crisis in 2008, and 2009. we had to consolidate our efforts to have a balanced economy. now the situation many the world economy is better than five years ago, the economic group is being restored, by the risk is still very high. that's why for the beginning of our chairmanship, we determined our task to assimilate growth, and create new jobs. mainly through encouragement in this investments effective regulation and his priorities made it possible to maintain consistency. and over the time of our chairmanship, syria is what has -- i would like to thank all my colleagues in g 24, the joint work. >> all of that took part
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actively in the discussion of russian initiatives. recollect what contributed much to the effect iness of power work. it shaped over our chairmanship are fixed today in declaration of the g 20, and to this document. we managed to make many practical solutions concerning russian economy. we managed to propose our plan of actions to find new sources of growth. it concerns us for each that one has to combine top policy of the support of the food rates with finding of new standards fiscal consideration. the plan of action was accepted.
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and they had -- midterm goals for each country to use the deficits. we are talking about these steps to regulate fixation, the modern nicing structure. they should consolidate the confidence of the financial markets to our plans and to encouraging investors to invest in the real sector of the economy. and we can see this for the long term civilization of the global and national economy. much break through is -- was in more -- to ensure more employment. g 20 leaders who approved the decision by the ministers of labor in the history of g 20, such a meeting was for the first time the task was set to create
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new quality for job places. especially giving more to vulnerable groups. youth, women, disabled people. >> we also have to comprehensively take into account the different factors to link with finance with budget with fiscal policies. such an approach helps to balance supply and demand. and to create conditions for the business and creation of new job places. to ensure social protection.
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also the topic was the topic of the financing of the advancements to approve financial climate and to encouraging long term investments. within this problem some considerable results were achieved which were proof of the summit. the also high level of investors in financing of long term investments whose decisions were taken on the policy, so that to combat including offshore schemes. this year this topic became one of the key topics. we approve add joint plan of action to combat this and also create jointly to create new standard of exchange of information for the purpose.
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in trade, we -- we support the world organization. we also agree until the end of 2016. we will work to increase the original trade agreements. and so that the time complies with the principle of the world trade organization. and the investigate, nonbudget drive tiffs. nonstop exchange derivatives. and concerning some other financial institutes. and causes financial instability became a full international organize.
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the national measures should lead to unjustifiably high place -- and they shouldn't allow the fragmentation of the market. additional analysis should be conducted. this year the report has been drafted about the fulfillment of obligations of the f 20 countries. they are still concerning growth, contributing to growth. it will make it possible to make the work more open. it will make it more understandable to the public. and this and it will have countries with low levels of
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income soon the g 20 issue to consider will -- in the sea of growth and st. peters burg strategy of growth was approved in the summit with five priorities of the further work of g 20. assisting countries with low levels of income. and assurance of food, safety, gardening of excess to financial softs. creation of modern infrastructure, concerning energy and infrastructure, it's development of the human potential and organization of resources and developing.
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of the corresponding markets to encouraging green growth and to support the efforts of the community in prevention of chime changes. to support measures 24 the change of better energy. combating corruption, this year we have this strategy of a furnish tiffs that were brought to the summit. al in preparation -- in proposals. there were practices. so to come back corruption during the contact of sporting events i he this alliance for purity sports will contribute to
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results in this corruption. i want to thank all my colleagues for the constructive work. i'm confidence that the decisions will be implemented. and the f 20 will be an example of the cooperation of interaction with the partners. and a stable economy, and improve the living standards of people. we also conducted a meeting of the breaks leaders. we managed to coordinate our positions on different issues. with interaction of these five countries. it's a big importance. today is the biggest mark of the
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planet, 40% of the population of the countries 17% of the world trade, and one third of the world gross product. it's one of the pay offs of our external policy. i'm grateful for the contribution. and the ideas which are suggested or taken into account in the preparation of the plan of action of st. peters burg. as important as the process of the redistribution of the concerning is also important. the composition atop of the five countries.
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the sides of the vanishing capitol, $50 million. how the decisions will be taken on the activities of the bank. we assume that the bank will work on consensus basis. we have discussed the creation of the pull of currentsy reserves. and the agreement has been reached on the distribution of -- we have an opportunity to take part in the opportunity of the pool with $18 billion. and it's total $100 million. it will have to civilize the world system, world financial system, which -- depends very much on the activity of some financial incentives and some reserve currencies.
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and our financial report, the meeting in brazil. i am convinced of the negotiations will contribute to further deepening of the cooperation within bricks. thank you very much. i am now at your disposal. let's have detailed discussion or short of questions. pause it's late, have been here the whole day. in chechynia -- leereds but al
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there is the industry. it's banning in chechynia. i would like to remind -- the industry was the key industry. now -- u.s. president can contribute to the restoration of industry. and also second question. also to you -- during the there was and protecting the
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boundaries will get the title of special title of the community glory. can you implant this situation so that the city is so that -- so that it will be considered the city of the military glory. >> check kneians suffered as a result of repressions. chechynia did a lot for the victory in the second world war, they behaved courageously, and they were consider this as documented by documents. chechynias are heroic people, according to their mentality. concerning the status of the city -- so solve this, the world
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service is here, in front of the corresponding bodies. which. >> when you say people want it, it's a good thing. i am very pleased to hear that. at the g 20, it's a very specific question. and the economy -- i understand the interest of the republic i promise that we will look at this issue. i will give special instruction to the ministry corresponding ministries.
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also the specific project is important. without the duration, i can say that the shadow of syria is at this summit. when on the economic issues leaders managed to find some consensus. as it was syria, as we found out the opinions while different, i want to ask you, how further the contradictions have effected the economic issues and what is the future? russia and the west, what concerns the events more seriously, impacts the world economy, and the rest of the region supplying the whole world economy a major part of the world economy with energy resources. we know as soon as there's some
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clashes set enterprises grow, oil, it means that these suppress the growth of the world economy. in such a difficult world economy time. it is counter productive. i want the diplomatic terms i would hold evening dedicated to the discussion of syria. the issues which arise in this connection. we are talking at 1:00 moscow time, we are finishes for many americans -- it is sad that there were different visions different opinions, 50/50, not quite so. i would like to say who was in favor of the militaries directions is it the united states? turkey? canada? saudi arabia, france.
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very cautiously, schedule the chance that germany is not taking part this the military actions. russia was against, china, india, indonesia. the most biggest muslim country in the world, argentina, brazil, south africa, italy. also against -- let us not forget the message of the pope, who clearly said about the ink admissible to start a new wave of military actions. and much of the countries the hezbollah -- but i can assure you, and the latest social logical services within this
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country, themselves, the majority of the people are on our side. they are against the activities. look at the european people, 67% of the people are against the interactions. and the most important, i have some estimates before. i assume that it would happen with so called use on the parent of the rebels. who hope to get assistance from our side. but those countries we are supporting them. after the whole sense of this provocation. the whole point -- this one part of it, the second part, i want to remind the force against the state is only possible also for self-defense. and also the decision of the u.
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n., as one of the leaders one of the possible discussions those who were otherwise they put themselves out of the law. >> i would like to ask, did you manage to meet barack obama? probably you managed somehow to meet him. and expert journalists have an opinion there is some disagreement or contradiction on the russia and america but because of you would -- you have no relations not to the way it works with -- somehow it didn't work out.
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how -- how can you estimate your regulars with the president of u.s.a. today? >> i guess the word is in a different place, we are discussing. for some 20 minutes, 30 minutes. it was a very comprehensive constructive and good atmosphere. everyone have their own opinion, but there was dialog. we heard each other, we understand the arguments. we don't agree. i don't agree. i hear the arguements, try to internalingize. there was some variance with the evolution of the situation, also -- in the peaceful solution. we agreed the minister of foreign affairs. and general gary in the near future we will have a contact
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and discuss this painful issue. ♪ ç]
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opam ma detective touch upon this topic. we talked about syria only. we didn't touch it as a topic. i want to stress mr. snowden. willing to have him here. by transit, otherwise he would go straight away to latin america. how to put it. not to say something extra redundant. with the glamour, with
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intimidated so much everyone, that he got stuck in our territory. because they could do differently. they just -- to close the air space. they could do the same with snowden if he was flying on a airplane, they could lock the air space, and it would be clear what would happen to intimidate, frighten everyone. what do they think? that when there's no agreement to extradite, just unilaterally extradite. he didn't do any crime on our territory. it is a normal practice of international relations. such issues are the best of neutrality. make this extradition agreement. no, give the criminals that are now in your territory.
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didn't do something abstract crime. now they are territory for -- why the unilateral issue to do this. id wouldn't be correct. the other leaders for me, they have their own position. of course, we have others supported for us. what they started yesterday. said categorical against the action. it was a specimen in the position of the indo nearbyian leader the biggest muslim country many the world. more than 350 million people. loss of the president of
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brazil -- also had such a position. the south african president, he also said -- he said something very important, i think. not concerning this tippuation. he said the small countries it pays well, more and more, feel themselves vulnerable. and unprotected. there's such an impression that the bigger countries can take force against them. he is right. and the conditions try to convince north koreans to give up their nuclear pride. okay, just take it to the warehouse, tomorrow they will be destroyed. so that not to allow this fragile -- unsure in condition of implementation of the norms of international law.
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i will turn to syria. what -- syria, syria. >> what in your opinion are the possible consequences of possible strike of u.s.a. against syria in the nearest -- especially in such countries as egypt, where there's a new authorities. how do you estimate the situation in egypt now. >> it's very hard for me to answer this question. how we started and what finished is clear. it started with a war from our
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mr. movement baric. the organization of the mislick brothers. now they are under drowned. now there is emergency situation. now there's a measures situation, we are worried. egyptian people are a friendly people, it is a friendly nation. what is especially important for us, especially for the russian, is a key country of the arab world. of the arab east. not just for egypt, but the whole region. egypt is sweet, then the situation will become unpredictable. it will be better understand where things can go from here. recently, a military tries to
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undertake some efforts to fight terrorists threats. which especially recognized the dangers. the terrorism in our -- has the upper hand. it is very dangerous, and not just for israel, it is for egypt also. it gives to your opponents to -- some legal instruments to ensure their safety. what can it lead to. i don't know what to say. and so we are say we are obliged and we will ensure our security, carry out corresponding actions. it should be allowed. if it takes place, it will be huge mobilization of the region, in which the egyptian people for the stability as soon as possible. returns to it, we will contribute to it, we will help,
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we will cooperate. with any legitimate element. thank you for the opportunity to ask the question. i'm -- as i'm an ecologies -- the economy, i would to say that g 20 is a very important meeting from the point of content, it is very important for russia, for the whole world. it is very well organized at least what we have right now, we are -- we have charges, but this -- i want to ask you, the summit might have stopped the economy finances, money, and for me, about ecology, information, policy, social justice.
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in your decree announced in 2013, the year of the profession of the environment, and to this phenomenon should effect the g 20. and there's an impression that the summit wants to bypass and protection in many pressure can be created the summit is doing some -- some on the whole issue of the repair of the system. pause the -- our planet has reserves economic growth would stop. i would ask you what your perception of the world leaders. are they ready to talk about the stable growth ecological safety, not just about economy as such. >> your argument that the growth
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should stop, is erroneous. the growth should stop -- now we hope it doesn't happen. the growth is limitless. it will agree here if we start to understand the ecologies, requires special attention. and it -- it is not a bottom less bottom barrel, which can be all the time, without any con wednesdays. i will agree with you. moral -- almost every issue from energy to system that is to support somehow links to the ecology. probably have to listen to your colleagues saying this the
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issues to ensure an ecological safety probably that could have been separated but the leaders -- we are to plame because we are the hosts, we should have more attentive eye as criticism will take into account. there's an issue. >> . >> he wanted to direct this press conference. i want to -- just one second. two last questions. because the by lateral meeting is al should take place. it's short questions please. >> i want to return to syria. because the issue which is
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discussed for major -- behind closed doors is sad. russia will not interfere in the military conflict in syria, and i have a question, once there is military actions start there, russia will they -- will russia help syria, and in your opinion, what other country is similar situation might arise like in syria. >> i don't want to even think about it that one more country may be subject to any challenge of aggression. will we help syria, yes, we will help syria. as we help out -- we supply weapons. cooperate in the economic atmosphere, and hope -- concerning humanitarian assistance. so provide support to people to
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the city who find themselves in a very difficult situation. last question. >> too far race because of the condition i am in. the last question is proposed. >> . >> in connection with the position -- will it influence the policy concerning giving benefits to companies on continental shelf? the risks are high, and high is the risk of the nonreturn of the
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investments. and the risk for we have some benefits for the work on the shelf. the benefits will be accepted an additional amount. >> it's a very bulky project. with some unknown entries. one has to do some gee logical surveys. preliminary work, and the initial stage -- taking into account the difficult areas how to access yeas. the modern technology. add to -- makes this project very costly. and of course, the support of the initial stage would have to have benefits.
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we should think about the other part of the problem. ecology. how to say, won't allow -- as the project goes ahead, which would be subject to check the ecological ties. examination. in our territories -- admissible, especially in the areas of the far north, where the nature is vulnerable. this last question. -- it is clear. in this situation it's hard to imagine if somebody was arrested general, director, for a long time the authorities would be silent, and not react. but this silence, what is it
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linked to not a single mentioning. what was his reaction? [to solve their problem, and not just to pass, which is easy to be done. creating much fuss. be uh the coalition, of course, the final question, please. >>you met with the british prime minister very late last night, how would you characterize your relationship with david cameron and are there any problems or obstacles what would you think in. >> we have different understanding of the situation which takes place in syria.
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but we also assume -- the same independent power and relations british and russian. we have very successful operations taken is increasing. our relations with great britain are special. somehow in the political sense because great britain and russia members of the u. n., the members of the u. n. they cooperate and do much together, to improve relations and grateful british partners for this. it's concerning our relations with the european union.
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for today i don't see any significant issues can will make our relations complicated. and we are grateful to our british partners that they showed this interest to develop russian british relations. i would like to thank you on the successful summit. first, we know that yesterday you met the chinese leader and you sign add few documents of cooperation, and both sides expressed redness to deepen cooperation. >> i would like to clarify how to dopen the russian chinese
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relations. >> we will help syria the words of russia's president, answering a question there about what the response may be in the event of a strike on syria. vladimir put tin went on to say that u.s. chemical weapons attacks was a provocation by the rebels to invite international intervention. summing up the mood after the g 20 summit, over the split over syria, he said the split over military action was not 50/50, the majority of the people are on our side he said. let's go now to st. peters burg, al jazeera is there. very clear from those comments, if you had any doubts, russia and the u.s. are definitely not any closer on syria. >> no. not at all. and maybe the only possible surprise that came out of vladimir putin's press conference was that he confirmed what we heard within the last hour, which is what he did have a meeting of some 20 minutes, 30
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minutes with president obama, and he says that the atmosphere at that meeting was good, and if you are looking for a little glimmer of hope, he said that his foreign minister, and the secretary of state, john kerry would carry on their contacts into the autumn on the sad issue of syria. but on the real issues, the fundamentals, they are completely far apart. and vladimir putin proudly read out that list. you probably heard it, of the countries the governments here who do not support military accidence syria at the moment. obviously we will have to hear from those governments themselves. they can speak for themselves. but president putin said that the indians, the indonesians who we twice pointedly referred to as the largest muslim country in the world, the south african, the brazilians, the italians, the german chancellor, he then
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went on to mention i think the pope, the e.u., the u.n., all against action which does not have the security council backing and then he listed the american camp if you like. and then he alluded to a id wooer lack of democratic support, he believes in those pro american countries if you like, or those pro military action countries. saying that even those government don't have popular support. so president putin in short, was in a fairly defiant mood, if you like. and feels and sounds quite comfortable with where he is sitting right now. >> indeed. you mentioned an interesting piece of information, which you gave us was that meeting which
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is to come between kerri. that leaves a lot of questions will this meeting come before congress meets before any strike happens or after. what exactly might be the sort of cards on the table to be discussed there. >> it does raise all those questions. the answer is we don't know. a comment i saw from a spokesman just before vladimir putin spoke just now was rather vague, and spoked about continues contacts between the russian foreign ministry and the state department in the months ahead. so there was no real suggestion from those remarks that i could see that there was doing to be sort some urgent meeting that would in any way be synchronized, say, with a vote in the united states congress, or say with an impending american attack on syria. there wasn't a direct corelation. it would be very surprising at
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this stage if there was. because from the american point of view, they came here with i have low expectations as to where they stood vies a vie the russians and those low expectations have been met quite frankly, and at times president obama has seemed like a man who is more distracted by the domestic challenges winning over support in congress as he is by the uphill challenges of trying to bring together some sort of wide global coalition that supports thea which he says he will take if he has the backing of congress. while those talks were going on, he has decided to announce he is going to cut some of its staff at embassies in beirut and turkey. zana is in pay route. >> yes, the u.s. embassy saying nonessential staff will be evacuated from the country. this does not mean the embassy will close. and according to an official at
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the embassy, they confirmed to us that the ambassador and the high level staff will remain in lebanon. they are siting the potential for violence, they are saying these are measures -- these are precautionary measures. they are worried about the possible of retaliation, really. pro test tors did try to reach the compound earlier this afternoon, but the security quartered off the area. a protest organized before this was made, a protest to demonstrate against any possible strike. so the americans quite worried and the lebanese as well. there was a meeting chaired by the president of the country, and the higher security council, really, they have decided to boost security measures around foreign empasssies in anticipation of any retalalay story attack. >> all right, thank you so much. ♪ let's take you to egypt now,
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where anti-caproates tors have gathered. this is the scene coming to us earlier from alexandria. you can see the protests picking up in some parts of the country, protests also taking part in cairo. six parts of the country being reported to have been hit by protests. a car bar bloom up next to his convoy on thursday. ibrahim had -- which left hundreds of people dead. egypt's military leader says security will be increased.
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more now from our special correspondence, not naming the correspondent for security reasons what is the situation now? president obama just beginning his press conference to basically the end of the g 20 summit, let's listen in. >> this summit marks another milestone in the word's topography from the crisis in erupted five years ago this month. instead of the looming threat of another finance thible melt down, we are focused for the first time in many years on building on the gains that we have made. fir the first time in three years instead of an urgent discussion to discuss the european crisis we see a europe that has emerged from recession. in the global economy. our manufacture sector is rebounding.
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in rules have strengthened our banks or reducing our addiction to foreign oil, and producing more clean energy. and as we learn today over the past 3 1/2 years our businesses have created 7 1/2 million new jobs. a pace of more than 2 million jobs each year. we put more people back to work, and have cleared away the rubble of crisis. we are also making progress and putting our fiscal house in order. our rates are fallen at the fastest rate in 60 years. as congress -- i am going to keep making the case for the smart investments and fiscal responsibility that keeps our economy growing. creates jobs and keeps the u.s. competitive. over paying bills we have already wracked up.
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the world has confidence and the full help and credit of the united states. as the world's largest economy our recovery is helping to drive global growth. in the emerging markets in particular, there is a recognition that a strong u.s. economy is food for their economies too. yet, we came to st. peters burg mindful of the charges that were made. as it emerges -- we have an opportunity to focus on boosting demand and reducing unemployment. as well as making some of the changes that can increase long term growth. growth in emerging economies has slowed. so we need to make sure that we are working with them in managing this process. and i'm pleased that other the past two days we reached a consensus on how to proceed. we agree that our focus needs to be on creating jobs and growth that put people back to work. we agreed on ways to encouraging the investments and
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infrastructure, to keep competitive. nations agree to continue pursuing financial reform, which undermines budget and unfairly shifts the tax burden to other taxpayers. we are moving ahead the tax avoidance, and unfairly shifts the tax burden to other taxpayers. we are moving ahead with our development agenda, with focus on issues with food security, and combating corruption, and i am pleased that the g 20 nations fazing down certain greenhouse gases a priority. that's an important step in our fight against climate change. during my trip, we also continued the efforts to advance two key trade initiatives. and the trance pacific partnership. i believe if we continue to move forward on all then't froms i have described we can keep the global economy growing and keep creating jobs for our people.
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of course, even as we focused on our shared prosperity, and although the primary ask of the g 20 is to focus on our joint efforts to boo the global economy, we did also discuss a deprave threat to our shared security. and that's the syrian regime's use of chemical weapons. what i have been emphasizing and will continue to stress, is the asaad regimes raising use of chemical wells isn't just a syrian tragedy. it is a threat to global peace and security. syria's escalating use of chemical weapons threatens its neighbors, turkey, jordan, leck non, iraq, israel. it threatens to further destabilize the middle east. it increases the risk that these weapons will fall into the hands of terrorists groups. but more broadly it threatening to unravel the international norm against chemical weapons
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embraced by 189 nations and those represent 98% of the world's people. failing to respond to this preach of this international norm, will send a signal to world nations. author tin regimes and terrorist organizations that they can develop and use weapons of mass destruction, and not pay a consequence. that's not the world that we want to live in. this is why nations around the world have condemned syria for this attack, and call for action. i have been encouraged by discussions with my fellow leaders this week. there is a growing recognition that the world cannot stand idly by. here leaders from europe, asian, and the middle east have come together to say that the norm against the use of chemical weapons must be upheld, and that the asaad regime used these weapons on its own people, and the consequences needed to be a strong response.
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the arab league has said that the ashad regime is responsible. the organization that slammic cooperation, general secretary has called the attack a blatant front, to all the morals and the international laws and norms can require as decisive action. so in the coming days i will continue to consult with my fellow leads around the world, and continue to consult with congress. and i will make the best case that i can to the american people as well as to the international community, for taking necessary and appropriate action. and i intend to address the american people from the white house on tuesday. the kind of world we live in, and our ability to deter this kind of outrageous behavior is going to depend on the decisions that we make in the days ahead. and i'm confident that if we deliberate carefully and choose wisely,


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