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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 11, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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hope to see you then.
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>> happy to be with you john. >> i know you had a chance to read this article. what do you make on what they are trying to do tonight? >> i think what he's trying to do is put forward the case for this pause that president obama has put us in to and i think he's done it really from two standpoints. one, the principal in which really i think he's technical correct in international law does not allow a strike except in self-defense or through the u.n. security council authorization but there's a reason the russians are feeling urgency about this. that, they're very concerned, that if those chemical weapons fell in to the hands of the al
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key-hr*eupgekey -- al qaeda-lins in syria that they could be used against them. russia is much more approximate to syria or what the europe is. with the summer olympics i think this is a real keurpb. >> juskeurpb -- this is a real concern. >> a strike is still on the table and just before this meeting in geneva. we hear this from vladimir putin. let me read this just a bit here it says the potential strike from the u.s. will result in more innocent victims and escalation spraying the conflict far beyond syria's borders. a strike would increase violence, unleash a new wave of terrorism. under nine multilateral efforts to result the nuclear problem and he goes on. these are some strong words. before the two sides are even
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getting together. >> well, i i think really, obviously, he's speaking to the american people. he's not speaking to president obama. they already made that case to secretary kerry and president obama. i think really the important part of that is what it means for region because we have a situation right now, particularly we ran, two things. it israeli, palestinian talks had just started up. iran has a new president and is gearing up for the possible of direct bilateraln bilateral negs with the united states. >> what would you say critics in the united states who says it makes president obama look weak if he doesn't strike syria. >> reporter: here is a case
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where the basic objective is not a strike, a limited strike, the objective is to try to mark the world safer and make safer if there's a real prospect of getting those chemical weapons out. i think the russians have a strong interest in not having those weapons fall in to the hands of extremists even if they capture some or if assad falls. i think really the objective here is to try to safeguard the weapons and ultimately to get a dialog going that will result in some peaceful settlement where a settlement is not likely to bring that about. joining us from the university of tulsa tonight. thank you. there are key differences between france and russia's proposal on syria's w weapons.
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the french draft blames the government from the chemical weapons attack it demands that those responsible be brought from the international criminal court and threatens the use of military force if syria doesn't comply. all of these have been rejected by russia. when they are allowed to correct syria's chemical weapons. the process could take years. just locating the stockpile could be extremely difficult but as al jazeera tells us, it is also possible. >> reporter: somewhere in the scarred war-ravageed landscape that is now syria which is believed to be one of the world's largest supplies of chemical weapons. even when u.s. officials admit, they don't know where all the stockpiles are. joshua walker says that's the first problem. >> the question is how do you verify something that has never been in the public domain and even intelligent sources are extremely difficult.
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chemical weapons can be describeed in a lot of different ways. this can take a long period of time. >> reporter: another issue is this violence. u.n. weapons inspectors had their cars shot at during the last weapons inspections. it's not clear they would be safe if trying to secure the stockpile. it's in areas the assad government is not in control of. still former weapons instructor richard butler said it is possible because he did it in iraq. >> it's a long process. instructions from the security council were to destroy, remove or renderable harmless iraq's weapons of mass destruction and that include included chemical. i said we've done it. >> reporter: libya sa different example. international inspectors say they got rid of their chemical weapons only to find out after the fall of gahdafi they hadn't. it will take years but they say they will know much sooner it it's likely to happen. >> this is the process that will
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take a certain amount of time. but it needs to be credible it needs to be verifyable and we will work with our allies and partners to test whether or not that can be achieved. the one thing the obama administration has avoided saying is how much time they are being to give the diplomacy. we can give a much better idea of possible u.s. time frame. al jazeera, washington. >> well, law is a form secretary of state. she led the disarmament efforts in libya during her time with state department. she joins us now from washington it' good to see you paula. >> thank you, john. >> can you tell me why it didn't work in libya? >> well, the elimination of the wmd did work. nation building following that may have ban problem but in terms of the elimination, it was
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very, very successful and very rapid. >> how you make sure that that can happen in syria? how do you verify it? >> there are two critical pieces. the first is that we need to make sure that the russians have staked their credibility on the successful outcome of a rapid elimination of the chemical weapons, ammunitions, the agent and the production facilities. so it should be the russians just as with libya it was the united states and the united kingdom that had reached agreement with libya and we took the lead on making sure that everything got done. includeing with the fallainclude international organization. in libya there was strategic decision by the government to give up their weapons and they facilitated making that happen and so we were able to be respectful and work with them.
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we only sent, by the way, on removing weapons materials from libya but we made it clear that it was always going to be their responsibility. not ours the to eliminate their programs. especially chemical weapons programs. are you surprised that vladimir putin is sending diplomatic messages on the pages of the "new york times" about syria? >> well, i guess nothing should surprise us. but, i didn't see what purpose it had. certainly, he didn't go in to any details. he didn't do, what i would like to see from him, is to make a commitment that they are the tkpwapb or the of the outcome of this process so at the end of the day if syria does not eliminate all their programs. and there are a million ways that syria can impede and make this more difficult. but, if russia agrees to be the guarantor, we might be able to get a successful outcome. if they are not prepared to do
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that, then i think it's probably a matter of buying some time to see if international tension goes away. >> i will tie this question on you. the two sides are going to meet in geneva tomorrow. here you vladimir putin trying to make the case to the american people before that meeting happens. why? >> well, he didn't make the case in there for what russia is prepared to do to make chemical weapons go away. he made a case why we should be attacked. we didn't see him in this position if russia had been more forceful throughout this process and had made it clear to syria that all russian support if they used chemical weapons. >> it's an interesting ploy. we will see whether or not it is successful, what happens in geneva as well. paula des*u tter, thank you for joining us tonight. hundreds of refugees are packed in to make-shift camps
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near the syrian/lebanese border. and we bring one story of desperate refugees in lebanon. >> reporter: a few miles from syria, lebanon is in a beautiful part of the baka tr* valley. but many of the people who crossed the border to get here are living in desperation. >> translator: the sadness is so deep i just pray to god were set up. >> reporter: abdul akman was taxi driver in damascus. he said the syrian regime arrested him and attacked his wife and children. 7 months ago they left. today they lift in this makeshift city along with dozens of other families. there's no electricity here, food, water and clothing is scare. health service service virtually non-exist stand. >> these small children are
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fleeing the country just here on the border because of the war. deplorable conditions here. this is a hole that was dug so that all the people here can have a toilet to go in. >> after months of heavy bombing and fire fights, rada al hallal said the children were so scared that all they did was cry all day long. >> translator: i never imagined i would ever. in this situation because i have built a new house. all the money we saved, we built the house. it was very new. very beautiful house. we had to leave and come. so, i don't know what will happen to us. >> reporter: roba al maju and her family are trying to help the refugees here by distributing supplies and donations. she worries without more help from the international community, there is little hope for these families to survive and these conditions and as the war wages on, the return to syria seems years away. >> some people come and they
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have nothing to wear, they have no place to go, no money to spend and nothing to eat. they have some people come with very sick children. others come with very psychological cases. it's very bad. it's as bad as a war can get. >> reporter: this week the european union announced the mediate release of $58 million-dollars in humanitarian aid to help the refugees in lebanon, half of which are children. put more money will be needed to feed and care for the people and lebanon is hoping for international assistance with hundreds of thousands of more refugees expected here in tkoplg months. there are growing worries that the demand of the refugee influx will soon effect the economy and the stability itself. al jazeera, lebanon. >> a car bomb exploded in that
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city this morning. today's bombing damaged libya's foreign ministry building and hreulibyan's central bank. no group claimed responsibility. the u.s. says it may know who was responsibility for the embassy attack last year. counter terrorism claims several groups including an a al asharia and said they believe benghazi's outpost was selected as a target ahead of time. officials say they still don't know what led to the attack. hello. i'm meteorologist kevin korvoiuo. the national hurricane center ub dated everything that's going on in the atlantic. things are very active. i want to take you towards the east. this is hurricane "humber the
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trto." it may come back up to a tropical storm as it makes its way. that could be a problem. and then i want to take you down here towards the yucatan. we are watching this area now and the national hurricane center saying there's a 50% chance that this is going to develop once it gets over land and back in to the waters the very warm waters of the gulf of mexico. the waters there are about 86, 87 degrees. we expect to see incredible amount over here toward towardse mexican coast. some of the models stay 12 to 15 inches of rain. it's already saturated. once it depositing over here the direction could change so that is one thing. we are going to be watching carefully. when i come back we will talk about storms the across the northeastern part of the united states. it's a pwaopl a booming bus. dozens of the u.s. companies are
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transforming suburbs in to business hubs. plus, american's wounded warriors honoring lives lost on 9/11. the mission they just completed and the help they're giving to others.
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six days ago they set out in a mission that started here in key west, florida traveling up the eastern sea board to their finish line. new york's battery park just blocks from the world trade center where the twin towers once stood. >> the last six days spending time with some of the best of the best in our military. can't ask for anything more. >> reporter: on the team boat. he lost his left leg and eventually his right after stepping on his wood pressure he
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placed in afghanistan and an amputee trod making the journey wasn't easy. >> i have to use my arms for everything. it keeps me on the jet ski. there's no other people can stand up so when they're hitting waves like that. you have some shock obsorbtion. >> reporter: the mission was to raise money for veterans and their families. at heart this is a more personal journey. for some of the combat warri oh ors. traveling on a jet ski has given back a sense of freedom. >> without legs, here i need a wheelchair. i have to worry about things. out there i can just go wherever i want. >> a freedom he hasn't had since 2012. that's when he stepped on an explosive device while serving in afghanistan. now his mission is to help other fellow warriors.
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his groups attitude, that they will never keep fighting to take care of their own. al jazeera, new york. >> join us now is david filip. his father was on the first plane to strike the world trade center. the news of his father's death reached him in moscow where he was working for the "globe." good to see you. >> thanks for having me. you told me you have been down ground zero before but hadn't seen the lights until tonight. what was it like? >> it was really something because there's an angle and you can see the lights come out of the new tower. it gives that impression that there's a building there that has this sort of shining -- it's really quite profound to see. i hadn't seen it before. >> you're glad that the building
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is finally depleted. the whole in the ground and the first time i saw ground stkaoe rozero was2008. i was thinking that hole in the ground was there. it's just too clear and visual reminder of what happened there. now you have this big glissening associated with that area. >> you have experienced real connection to the loss at the time you were a correspondent both in moscow and in the war. can you give me your reaction the to what we've heard tonight from vladimir putin? you've met him. >> putin is a very complicated character but one of the things about him, when i did meet him, i was struck by how it seemed he was trying to approach it was me and a very small group of american reporters. he was trying to approach like he understood americans like he could talk to us. and you see him he talks to russians a certain way with this
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russian macho attitude. the "new york times" being a reasonable guy if you just listen to me i can convince you. i don't know how many americans this read that. that will say "okay, now we trust." whatever we think of russia, it's separate. idea that sudden he's going to get american public. it's very putin thing. you were in afghanistan. you were in iraq to cover the war. you lost your father near 9/11. how did that change your opinion on what you saw going on in those two countries. >> well, when you go to afghanistan and especially back then there ha had been a war fon entire generation. everybody i met had lost someone. a husband, a parent, a parent. so to go in there the way i was, it quickly occured to me that
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i'm not alone in this country. wear all in the same poe boat is easy to write about it. it was different in that very important way. >> it seems is almost erie that the united states is going through this going through this public process about whether or not to bomb syria. when we're experiencing the 12th anniversary of 9/11. give me your thoughts on what's going on with the president obama, vladimir putin, we have the -- this is one of the most unique 9/11 we have experienced in the last 12 years. >> something about first one that eerie in this, just days that have bombing, the world had expressed its support. there was support for something coming up in afghanistan. we were already writing stories
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about "here comes afghanistan, this is what to look for" right now we have the world with putin trying to talk out of doing something militarily and it's striking that we have putin as the guy in the head of this effort and he's getting all this attention. what an amazing turn around. >> it really is. we thank you for coming by to talk to us. >> thank you. good to be here. hey. i'm ross shimabuku in sports. the season the according to his general manager is over. the big question, will the captain return next year? here is a player option for $$9.5 millions to return and the yankees are confident that he'll
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be back in pinstripes. you have to wonder at 39 years young, will jeeter's body betray him again especially with his surgely-repaired left ankle. they will be coughing up $29 million-dollars in luxury tax this year according to "usa today." the $29 million-dollars is more than the entire payroll for the houston astros. if the season ended today the yankee would not make the play offs. they are currently a game back in the al wild ka* cards. fans are going to be angry as quell as some of your teammates. the giants running back is fueling the fire. he tweeted this -- to angry giant fans you are irrelevant to me. the giant's head coach tom kaufman will not to commit in the broncos with but might want
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to talk to wilson about social media. we'll be right back.
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welcome back to al jazeera. here's a look at the headlines. one year after the attack that
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killed four americans in benghaz a*eu cabenghazi a car bomb expld this morning. no group has claimed responsibility. secretary of state john kerry will meet a foreign minister in geneva in a matter of hours. they will talk about a resolution to strip syria of its chemical weapons. they are at odds to serve military action in syria if they don't comply. >> a moment of silence was held for 12 12th of anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. the president was on hand and didn't talk about the syria but said the military force is not an end of itself. >> reporter: since the president's prime address it is the calm after the storm. it's been a day of solemn ceremony in washington even as a quiet hush fell over the
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capitol. ♪ >> reporter: from pennsylvania to the pentagon. today the nation paused as it had every september 11th for the last 12 years to remember. in new york the names of the fallen were read. one young woman had a plea for president. >> three were taken from the us and we love them and miss them very much. and president obama please do not bring us to another war. >> reporter: syria seemed to be on the president's mind on well as he remembered the 125 that pe125perrished at the pentagon. the president asked congress for authorization to attack syria. >> we fail to act the assad regime will see no reason to stop using the chemical weapons. for now, capitol hill is on hold. the russians who have been
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supplying be shar a be bashar ad putin aid the united states will have to renounce the use of force. that's impossible. we will give them a chance but not a long chance. >> one key issue. if they do agree to give up their chemical arms. how can they be assured that their weapons are accounted for. >> the question is identifying the mechanics of how this would work. how would you go in? what could you destroy? what are the steps you would take? >> reporter: press secretary said it will take time to see if the russian proposal can work. >> we have seen more cooperation an helpful activity on this matter from the russians in the last two days than we've seen in the last two years. and with congressional action on hold. all ice turn to genevia, those meetings today, secretary of
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state john kerry and his russian counterpart. >> at the pentagon, president obama paid tribute to those killed on 9/11. there was replaying ceremony on the memorial site in arlington, virginia where 125 people were killed in side the pentagon. and in shanksville, pennsylvania a crowd gathered to remember those who died on united flight 93. friends an family visited the memorial site to the crash site and the jet liner was believed to be targeting the capitol building or the white house before a group of passengers rushed the cockpit. >> new york city' police commissioner ray kelly was named to that position as new york city's police commissioner. he stopped ^py al jazeera earlier and said to this day the city remains a target for terrorists around the world. >> again, we've had plots after
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9/11. we don't know how many were thwarted. besides the 16 but clearly new york is a target. we believe we're doing everything we reasonably can do to protect the city without guarantees. >> but some wor try steps authority to keep americans safe may be targeting some people unfairly. joining us from washington is linda sasurh. >> what's life like for muslim americans 12 years after 9/11? 12 years after 9/11 we see ourselves worst off than it was days after 9/11. as you heard from economieser kelly as an american muslim from
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new york city our law enforce t-plt has put our entire community under suspect and has labeled the muslim community as potential suspects towards terrorism and what commissioner kelly has done is put our spire community under surveillance. as infiltrateed our mosques and went as far as designated some of our organization as terrorists the organizations. >> why is it worse today than it was after 9/11? >> well, a few months, even a couple years after 9/11 we never saw things like mosque opposition. we see mosque oppositions the across the country, vandalisms, last year we had the shooting in oak creek where a gentleman walked in thinking he shooting muslims. vandalisms across the country, arsons. we've had acceptible discussion by pu republican candidates sayg they wouldn't hire muslims in
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their cabinet. it's a really concern to me to see what the future of our country is that can't see american muslims as partners and as americans. >> you talk about muslims as partners. in some ways do you think the american government drove away throeuloyal american muslims afr 9/11? >> i think that the american muslim community has been in this country since its founding and we have a hard time understanding that a third of american phaouamericans muslimse african-american muslims. i'm born and raised in brooklyn and there's this concept that wear some foreig foreign entity. i think the oboma administration with the reextension of the patriot act, the counter terrorism strategies, the department of homeland security programs that have targeted american muslims and people who have muslim and countries of
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national origin. i think, yes, have pushed some people away and created some communities. i think that's not exactly what this country is about and it's not why many american muslim families have come to the united states. >> do you mind talking personally about some of your own experiences with bigotry in this country? >> i'm born and raiseed in brooklyn. on 9/11 i was a college student and to walk out of my college campus and to see burned. burned it's a traumatizing experience. i think for me, to raise my children now in what is a post 9/1 i11. my kids only understand what new york city is now. the identityish about what does it mean to be an american. what does it mean to be a muslim
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and that you. a american muslim and a proud american is something wear trying to instill in our children. someone who looks like me needs to be seen ^py an american it shouldn't. something that i'm ashameded of. it should be something i'm proud of to live in a country that embraces people of all back tkpwroupbsd an people of all faiths. are you saying your kids can be bullied? >> absolutely. our kids in new york -- i run a social service agency. we have case of kids being bull tphreud school. kids who don't want to go to school anymore. kids who ask us, do i tell people if i'm muslim. our message is you should be proud of who you are. we need to keep our school systems and government accountable to make sure that our kids are safe and that our people are being served fairly and most important keeping government agencies like the nypd accountable for the unwarranted surveillance of an entire community and not based on any leads but based on seeing islam or the fact that we
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practice islam that we're some of sort of enemy to the state. i think if we're going to keep new yorkers safe we need to see the american muslim community as part norspartners to fight terr. i agree new york will continue to be a target but the plot he's talking about that have been thwarted many have been because american muslim haves went to authorities with these tips. if the american muslim communities feel they are targeted or their institutions their being infiltrate bid new york police department that trust is broken people and people will not feel comfortable coming to law enforcement that they need to counter terrorism. linda sasour in washington, d.c. tonight. thank you for sharing your story. >> thank you. >> security in new york and across america has changed tkras drastically since the september 11th attack. the government spent billion dollars to prevent another
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attack on new york soil. >> reporter: 12 years after that fateful day in september america's security sector the booming. government spends nearly six times what it did in 200 i 2001 fueling the security apparatus. adding new jobs for those with specialized skills. >> since september 11th there's ban steady growth and it has changinged the landscape in terms of what you can do with a technical degrees what you can do with a military background what, you can do with security clearance. >> reporter: u.s. intelligence spending has doubled. it's not just government doing the spending t private sector adds more than $280 billion-dollars to the market. boltering firms that specialize in cyber security and new hardware. that's transformed bedroom communities of the nation's capitol in to major security hubs. >> it's a very different place than it was ten years go.
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there are new builds. >> reporter: two years ago he started his own video analysis company in arlington, virginia. >> we take video and turn nit to pw*e to. >it into beto. >> it an ao -- >> let's say you're looking at syria or you're looking at 10,000 videos a day and i see the presence of this particular weapon is 3% throughout the month of june and in july we have 10,000 videos a day we see a jump top 7%. you can watch those videos all day and never see that jump. >> the video surveillance market has doubled over the past two decades and it's not just overseas. it now dot american city skaeups thinking they can identify faces and they also raise questions about what level
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of privatety s*eu we can come to expect. >> american company are compeled to spraoeucompeledto provided t. ali velshi, al jazeera, new york. passing a me sure that would outlaw some federal gun control laws. and this vote was as close as you can get. law makers in the house got the 109 votes they needed to over ride the governor's veto they came up one vote short. that means the gol governor's vo stand. it will have the null tpaoeud federal gun laws in the state of missouri. some called it the most gun friendly legislation ever to be considered and passed bay state
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ledge khur khur and it has been -- legislature. critics say the bill was unconstitutional and p potentiay in large part where it sets up federal law officers trying to enforce federal gun laws. that will not happen. law will stay as is. so with we'll see what happens next. some proponents of the law they are happy to have overwhelm coming support for this bill more than they thought they would have. that's a message of the federal about need to preserve second amendment rights.. i'm jefferson city, missouri, al jazeera. today is a look to remember a look at the worl world trade r site now and what the future holds. .
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>> the 9/11 pools are open following where the original twin towers once stood. there's water falls with the names of the victims evened in the granite. workers are still building the 9/1 is museum. space will be filled with pictures and personal stories and sobering images of the original structures.
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and the centerpiece building here one world trade center is nearly complete. this shimmering sky scraper reaches 1700 feet in height marking the year of independent ^py design. inside work continues. it's ban long 12 years and controversy has marked ground zero ever since officials. tkpwapb to try to rebuild. from the start, officials refused to rebuilding the twin towers in any fashion. project and many skyline many victims families performed. special develop -pl corporation in charge decided to hold a contest to come up with a new design. officials selected a design by an architect who had never built anything taller than four stories. the freedom tower featured wind turbines near for the roof. put building engineers pointed
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out it violated fundamental laws of physics. new york police added it was unsafe and would be vulnerable to terror attacks an the developer larry silver steen complaining about limits and office space that could be rented. officials officially passed the architect's with reviseing the project this time with input from the new york city police department. in 2005, he unveiled a new freedom tower plan. the first steel beam was installed in 2006 and by 20008 the sky scrapers concrete core began to rise and construction reached street level. in 20009 as part of a new marketing effort officials changed the name from tkpraoe fm tow twoer one trade sent tperp tower reached the half way point and that summer the pie ral on top was put in place. one world trade ter has leases of a chinese company. the u.s. magazine company, the
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federal government's general service administration and office pw-s long to the new york state. but that's still leaves about half the total office space this the building unrented. still to come, four world trade center an adjacent sky scrape ser nearly ready to open. another one, three world trade is under construction then there's two world trade center which is only a design waiting to be built when the business rental market for lower manhattan improves. al jazeera. >> talking about yankees lose one of their big leaders. >> derrick skwraoet ear season is over. he said this season has been a nightmare for him physically. he's had injury after injure from his apb ankle to his quad.
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the yankees decided to shut him down. he hopes it will be 100% with a full off stone recover. people are starting to whisper the "r" word. retirement. he's 39 and playing short stop in such a demanding position. the yankees are confident that he'll be pack in pinstripes. in the nfl, they have a reputation for ba being a dirty player. was fined $100,000. for a low hit. the fine is the largest penalty ever for an on the field incident. now he's been fined six times in just four seasons. he realizes time to grow up. >> it's just the fact thatty had
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more points on the board. i don't want to thurt play. and in that instance it did. so i made it to a point to decide to them and they now i know. i think it's for player safety and it's least concern and you have to only respect it and that's one of the reasons why i spoke an welcome in half time. he understood where i came from and no hard feelings. at the same time he cut me and no hard feels and we'll go from there. it's throw back thursday. how about some thirsty football. now both teams won their season openers with some last minute field goals. plus, it's a division game featuring the new kid on the block and rookie tkp* eno smithh versus tom brady. >> there's a lot of coverages an
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a very smart team and disciplined and made a lot of mistakes. >> these nfl games take a lot ot out of you so you make sure you do your best to recover a game like this. >> again, you set the really steady hard and you don't have the extra few days off actually that you would if you were playing on sunday. >> it's awesome. it's opinion that way for a long time. for me, and any time you see them on the schedule, you just think of all the great games that you've had against them and you think of how challenging the game will be. >> it is take two for robert giveen iii. the good news rg3 looked sharp as the game progressed and hoping it continues on sunday and the redskins head to lamb f.
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you just work those k*eupbgs out. as fathose kings kinks fn rogers that's not something i try to go about every day. we just want to win and aaron rogers and the packers have won a lot of games over years. so in that sense we want the win. >> when you cough up the football twice like david wilson against the cowboys. fans are going to be anklery bu. the participants and angry giant fans, you are irrelevant to me. irrelevant to me. the giant's head coach would not commit wilson starting against the broncos with with w but
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defensive end puts in this 12-year anniversary of 9/11. to all the loved ones who lost loved ones. they look to us for something to take they mind off of it. hopefully we'll continue to play infirinspiringing football and e these fans something to be proud of. we all know somebody who lost their live its and effected from 9/11. >> just hopefully to lift up the spirit and if we have to do that. that's a lot bigger than the contract and wayne game like that. >> all right. corruption in college football. "sports illustrated" came out with a report allegeing that okay okaoklahomawas paying thei.
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ali wajahaplayers. nick doesn't want any distractions and when someone asked him about these allegations he walked out of his press conference. >> it happens sometimes. >> thank you very much. america night starts at the top of the hour but after the break, your weather forecast with kevin.
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it has been a stormy night for many of you across the northeast. take a look at the radar and the satellite and all the storms passing through new york as well as the rest of new england. we had 160 wind da damage repors just from the storms. those are the yellow dots that you see right there. we do have severe thunderstorms watches in effect from new hampshire, massachusetts as well as maine. that is going to continue for next two, three, four hours. it's going to be a problem. we're going to see a lot of power lines down. trees down across the area.
11:59 pm
tomorrow's commute may be messy. just make sure you check that out first. temperatures new york, 84 degrees. today, during the heating of the day, the heat index was up to 107-degrees for new york. a lot of other cities were 105. we do have thunderstorms that will reerupt tomorrow afternoon. dropping down to 75-degrees. by the time we get to sunday. we are not going the to see a high temperature of 7 73 and overnight lows are going to be in the high 50s. it's down to the southwest unfortunately and parts of new mexico and colorado. we're talking about another six inches of rain and localized areas in the next two or three days. so flash flooding a major potential there. that's a look at your national weather. your headlines are coming up in just a moment. .
12:00 am


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