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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 18, 2013 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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. >> good morning. this is al jazeera, i'm rah chel kerry, these are some of the stories we are following. new insights emerging including where he bout the murder weapon used in the maz shooting and how he managed to bring it into the building undetected. and we are learning more about the shooter's history and mental illness, and how he managed to keep the security clearance even after admitting to police he heard voice voices in hs head. >> the difficult clean up is underway in colorado, homeowners trying to pick up the pieces. escalating violence in the philippines, government portions appear to be gaining the
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upper hand. ♪ the debate over gun control is heating up again, following monday's naval yard shooting. the white house sending a strong message saying this latest mass shooting reaffirmed the need for better health mental screening. reports say alexis had a history of mental illness, and complained of hearing voices. on tuesday, president obama met with the -- he called for a review of security at all federal agencies and military installations around the world, and also learning more about the 12 people killed in that shooting. police have identified each of the victims.
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randall pinkston is live in washington. authorities say they know exactly how the shooter breeched security before committing this mass shooting monday. i know you have more on that. >> rah chel, thank you, yes. they do know that, but this morning investigators are focusing on something else, because for nine years he had a series of run ins -- now investigators want to know, how with that kind of background he was able to obtain a secret government clearance that gave him access to the washington navy yard. >> federal investigators now believe they know how aaron alexis managed to bring in undetected weapon into the washington navy yard. he apparently disassembled a shotgun and carried the pieces into a building in a bag, one inside he reassembled the weapon in a men's room. earlier reports that he had an automatic weapon
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were not true. >> at this time, we believe that mr. asex sis entered build 187 with a shotgun. we do not have any information at this time that he had an a.r. 15 in his possession. we also believe mr. alexis may have gained access to a handgun once inside the facility, and after he began shooting. >> the attack and ensuing gun battle with police lasted more than half an hour. when it was over, 13 people were dead, including alexis, in response to the massacre, the secretary of the navy is ordering a review of security procedures. >> he is also considering a further deeper more comprehensive review of both physical and personnel security measures across the navy, but he hasn't made a decision. >> because of the tragedy, president obama is again calling for tougher gun laws reiterating that congress
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failed to act following the sandy hook school shooting that left 26 dead, most of them children. >> this becomes a ritual that we go through every three, or four months and yet we aren't willing to take some basic actions. >> because he didn't have any felony convictions he passed a background check at this virginia gun shop, just two days before the maz car he was able to rent a rifle to practice. then bout the bullets and shotgun he would use to murder 12 people. alexis works for an organization called the experts. a spokesman said he had worked for them for six months and during that time they asked for two background checks. and the service confirmed that the department of defense that he had a secret government clear ran. >> randall pingson live in washington, now the, issue of memberring that health and gun control is back in the forefront.
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al jazeera juan carlos is here with that. >> thank you, michelle. know during a run in with rhode island police, just six weeks ago, aaron alexis told officers he had was hearing voices and believed he was being followed. it troubled the police so much thack which you believely informed the navy. >> when he called police saying he was hearing voices through the walls of his hotel, and being followed. he also claimed someone was sending vibrations through his body, using some sort of microwave machine. police say they told the navy about the incident, and were told it would be check out. >> when these people start hearing voices and they have no criminal record, and they can legally purchase a weapon, you have a perfect storm for these mass shooting today occur, and we have certainly seen that over the past couple years here.
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>> but alexis was still given security year rance to the naval complex and was able to buy a gun days before the shooting. ahex sis also reportedly sought out men fall health help from the veterans affairs didn't just last month. navy officials also say they will be reviewing the background of alexis in the wake of this tragedy and the recent revelation of his mental issues. >> we in the navy are also taking a look at his time and service, to see if there's anything we missed that we needed to address definitely. >> alexis passed the background check more than five years ago, a clare rance which lasts for ten years. it is like dr. jekyll mr. hyde. who was this guy. the guy that i knew was so honorable. >> friends of aaron were
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shocked by the shooting. his family said alexis was suffered from ptsd. he was al arrested twice in the last ten years on gun related charges. but they were eventually dropped. the contractor who hired alexis says the government should have made his previous record known, saying if they knew then what they know now, they never would have hired him. >> now, aaron alexis received this high level clearance while he was still enlisted. as we get a clearer picture of exactly who he was, we are beginning to see how some red flag issues we had fell through the cracks when it came to checking his background. >> juan carlos, thank you so much. for a closer look the role mental health issues could have played. a clinical psychologists who specializes in trauma. thank you for coming in this morning we appreciate it. >> when you hear things like he said he heard voices what does that
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mean to you? >> well, here auditory hallucinations, where exactly as he said, voices are coming from the walls from the floors from microwave machines i have treated people like who think that voices are comping from a lamp, or from the radio or the television. telling them they -- there can be voices perhaps in this case where they say you are being hurt by people, in fact, he thought that he was being harmed by people, and sometimes the voices say to kill people. or to retaliate in some way. how difficult is it to know if someone will become violent. >> it is a potential. and when you find someone as in this case, where there is prior aggressive acts, also with guns then
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your ears should perk up tremendously. as it did not do, it did not set off the alarm bells it should have. he had gun problems, he was thrown out of a club. he was upset and shooting into the ceiling when neighbors were making noise, because he couldn't sleep, he had sleep disordered so those things should have set off alarms in the context of the auditory hallucinations. >> when i was listening in the story that juan carlos put together, he was like jekyll and hyde how does that ring true to you? >> it does. because at times -- many times we have heard these stories he was such a nice guy, we have been hearing that, he was so kind, we see a picture of him smiling. that can in fact happen. these incidents can trigger and he is 34, so sometimes a condition like paranoid schizophrenia can manifest itself in the 30's, and you can maybe not have noticed that
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same visions but other signs beforehand. many times people think people are nice, we have heard this so many times and they can be nice, but in fact there's this other when a trigger happens that they just explode. >> he did seem to very open about the mental issues he was having. >> yes. >> what can you do. >> well, at that point, i have to say the mental health system failed him. the v.a. who was seeing him failed him. the police that reportedly at 1 point, well, just don't listen to the voices over something like that, the people around him, his father even noticed he had anger management, the people in the gun world all these people failed him as well. because he was in treatment for a short time. >> one more quick question, and i play seem strange, but i am going to ask it. if someone who commit as crime like this necessarily always mentally ill. >> well, not always,
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because there are many other kinds of conditions that can lead do these violent outbursts that we know from many other situations. you can have a psychopathic personality, you can have a psychotic break, but in this case with the odd tore hallucination, lead to that particular complex, clearly he was. >> right, and there are people who do that. >> dr. judy, thank you so much. >> al jazeera roxanne that has more. >> many victims of mopped's attack spent years and some decades serving their country. michael arnold originally from michigan was a 29 year navy veteran. his mother says he is a wonderful son, father, and husband. >> it just is not possible. not possible that they shot him, just for no reason. he loved his country.
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martin was a navy officer who loved hockey in the boston bruins. richard worked as a security officer at the navy yard. and vishu worked as a an engineer. >> this is extremely difficult to process. i know for myself it is going to take me years to really come to terms with it. >> arthur daniels a grandfather of nine was shot in the back as he tried to escape. kenneth proctor a father of two worked as a foreman at the navy yard, and chicago native kathy guard worked as a financial analyst. 51-year-old mary knight was also killed so were 58-year-old gerald reed of virginia, 50-year-old frank coaler, and 53-year-old silva frasier who works for four years at the naval command. >> people are going to remember dad just for being the incredible man that he was. >> our hearts go out to the folks and we will go
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back to work when the base is open again, we will do what we do each day. to the best of our ability. >> in honor of these victims flags will fly at half stall until friday. al jazeera. >> and continue to follow us onlin online at al for the latest into the investigation into the navy yard shooting. in colorado a massive clean sup underway, flood survivors returning to find their homes and businesses destroyed. this is the second time they have had to start over at a similar flood hit the same area nearly four decades ago. >> inside the canyon collectible flee market ahonk the foothills they are trying to move mud that's piled up everywhere. these people have been working around the clock, since the rain stopped hoping to sal scrag what they can inside the shop. >> this is the water line. >> kate has putter her heart and soul into this place for the past 26
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years. >> it is gone. it is gone. the mud came in, we had four-foot of water and three-foot of mud. >> clean up jobs like this are going on all over locations. here in this store, and just up the road in the neighborhoods too. >> as heavy equipment rumbled down the street, homeowners are moving out, forced to find a new place to live. >> the house is completely trashed. when we showed up there was like six inches of mud in the house. the big thompson flood hit in this very place, leaving more than 100 so people dead. but homeowners were allowed to return and rebuild. spreading from the foothills of the state to the eastern plains. from these nasa photos taken from space, you can see how the area looks
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before the flood, then after the flood. we recognize a lot of these bridges and cull verts and roadways were built a long time ago. and designed to with stand -- our understanding of flood events wasn't the same, and i think we have a strong opportunity here to come out of this whole situation with a stronger infrastructure. >> fema director agreed colorado needs to build back wiser. >> you want to go support communities that are devastated. that's what we do, but we don't want to have to keep coming back. >> but most people we talk to say they will come back. >> we love it down here. it is gorgeous, we have elk, deers mother nature is right here. >> other whose have now loe so much here are having second thoughts. >> i don't think it's justifiable to live in the flood plain, and i don't think it's justifiable to live in the wild fire interface. >> exactly what that
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means for homeowners like kathy william, now remains an open question. al jazeera, loveland colorado. >> as colorado looks to dry out, other parts of the one will be dealing with unsettled weather. for more on the national forecast. >> we have just a couple of showers out there in colorado so let's take a quick look at that. most of this is going to stay to the north, if you were just watching -- here it is vegetation, you can see this thin bad of the river, when i click this you will see how much quicker. so as we take the space image, look at how much
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thicker the water got. and then you can see a lot more of these bands of tributaries as all that water rushed out of the mountains that is one of the problems is that moisture getting pushed up into the mountains and then not having anywhere else to go. the laureller picture for today. yesterday from parts of utah, up through montana, and today maybe even a little bit more into north dakota. some chances for strong storms most of that is going to be the wind threat, but in a little frost area. hundreds of hostages finally free. upper humanitarian award who was given to him, and why some suggest it is a slap in the face. and spying on students how one school district
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is checking the online activities of children and why.
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the violent conflict between armed rebels
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moved into its 10th day. insurgents that blamed the government to help protect, has been holding dozens of civilians hostage. the fighting has displaced more than 80,000 people. al jazeera is with some of them in the city. >> first we would like to show you that by showing you the results of ten days of armed conflict, here the social welfare department has now put a number of evacuees at over 100,000. government resources are reporting either a stretch at this point, there's not enough food, not enough tents the many of them here. we have spoken to some of those that have been effected. they say they are egg tore go back home, they children have not been back to school. now, some of the human rights workers are saying that they discovered that some children are actually showing signs of trauma from the violence
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that they have witnessed in the last ten days. this is just one of the many many issues that human rights workers have to deal with here. a lot of these evacuees are wanting to go home, they said they want to be able to see -- if they zillion have a home to go back to, because there are reports that at least 600 homes have already been razed. so human rights workers are saying this crisis may impact the people here long after the clashes are over. >> more than 100 people have been killed since the fighting began ten days ago. the national security agency spying scandal is effecting the relationship between brazil and the united states. brazilian president called the plan october visit because of documents released by edward snowden. they reportedly showed they monitor the brazilian presidents phones and emails. they had also planned to
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discuss spending $4 billion on fighting jeters but that sale is now in jeopardy. the federal cries for freedom of thought is an award won previously by nelson mandela. a statement from france and germany says snowden deserved to be honor for shedding light of the systemic infringement of civil rights by u.s. and european secret services. a california school district is in the middle of a heated debate over with to monitor student's online activities. the officials didn't tell parents or their kids that they were already tracking social media sites. there's complaints of possible invasion of privacy. >> from tweets to cell feeds students in glendale california have been under the watchful eye of administrators for the past year. the district is monitoring it's 14,000
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mid and high school students social media account, for signs of teen troubles including suicide risk, and cyber bullying. the southern california geolistenning is being paid more than $40,000 to oversee public posts by students on facebook, blog, twitter and instigram. >> we monitor everything that violates the student code of conduct, that students and parents agree to. >> the students weren't told about the monitoring none of the parents were informed either. it's all become public recently, sparking debates about privacy. >> i am for it if they think that someone is being bullied. >> i think it is a great idea, kids today think they have rights nobody can look at their stuff, and they feel very entitled. >> we need to protect our students but also don't want to violate basic civil liberties. >> the aclau is al concerned. >> so things like the contract of geolistenning, invest about how the data is become stored how it is
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being utilized. >> the company argues that it only uses data that is already public and doesn't target specific students. glendale unified superintendent wouldn't go on camera with us, uh be it's been reported that the distribute started the program after teen suicide in the area as a way to reach out to students who may need help. naturally the centers for disease control says cyber bullying victims are you have to nine times more likely. last week a 12-year-old girl in florida killed herself after being bullied by several classmates. >> we see time and time again, students have taken their lives where their friends come forward and say this has been going on for years. as the debate continues. it is launching a mobile app, wheren't pas students and administrators can report concerns or threats.
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and while civil rights advocates keep a critical eye on the program. >> it is important that we find a way to balance the rights of students with the interests and maintain also safe and security school environment. >> glendale school personals say they will continue to watch students, one tweet, post, or piec at a time. al jazeera, los angeles. >> well the district responded to the a.c.l.u. request by asking for more time to prepare the necessary documents. lawyers for a north carolina police officer says he was justified when he shot and kill add young black man. he has been charged with voluntary manslaughter after shooting john that will barrel ten times. barrel who played college football approached a woman's house looking for help after getting into a car crash. here is a portion of the frantic call she made to police. >> 9-1-1 hello. >> i need help. >> where are you at? >> this' a guy breaking
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in my front door. >> there's a guy breaking in your front door. >> yeah, he is trying to kick it down. >> can you see this person? >> yes, he is a black man, i opened the door i thought it was my husband, i guesswork up. i was sleeping. >> police are on their way okay. >> . >> i know, is he still in the house, did he leave yet? >> no, he is in the front yard yelling. oh my god, please. oh my god, i can't believe i opened the door with the [bleep] >> you thought it was your husband. >> he works nights. he has a gun and i can see him -- [crying]. >> three officers arrived about 11 minutes into the call, but about six minutes rather later the dispatcher mentioned that a medic was on the way. >> the u.s. government will soon own some prime manhattan real estate.
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prosecutors say the seizure and sale of 36 story property was the largest ever terrorism related forfeiture. the owners of the high-rise plan to appeal. the great debate in the united nations, why some member nations can not see eye to eye, on how to make syria turn over its chemical weapons, plus, massive storms leave 40,000 residents stranded and the popular mexican resort town, how they are trying to get people out of there. and new proof of boston strong, people are signing up for the next marathon in record numbers. >> i'm john henry smith, baseball took center stage, but also provided a great escape. that story and more, coming up in about 20 minutes in sports.
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consecutive years. >> just to be able to defend the title for once will be awesome, and i've done so well here the past few times i've played, getting to the semis or finals. it's been really, really exciting. i'm happy that i've been able to consistently do well here. >> australian cricket captain michael clarke led his team to victory against england, scoring his first tonne. england were bowled out for 227
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in pursuit of australia score of 315/7. >> and now take a look at this young man who has more than a few expectations to live up to. this is argen tendulkar son of sachi, in his father the highest run scorer.
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these are our top stories at this hour. gunman aaron alexis managed to sneak a shotgun be the navy yard by taking it apart and hiding nit a bag. law enforcement officials say he did not have an assault rifle as previously thought, but may have taken a pistol from one of his victims. there's also information that he suffered from mental illness. that's according to rhode island police who had a run with him just six weeks before this week's shooting. it was al -- that run in with trouble, police
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notified the navy about that. the country's newest mass shooting is stirring an old debate over gun control. al jazeera take as look at the on going struggle to overhaul the nation's gun laws. >> they are back once again on capitol hill, concerned mothers, advocates and victims of gun violence. >> it's events like yesterday continue to happen, and nothing changes, i just don't even know what to say. i have no words, enough is enough. we will see change. it must happen. >> families from newtown connecticut boarded buss yet again for the trip to washington, d.c., with a similar message. >> until something happens there will be other communities that join our terrible club. >> for the president another shooting, another statement of support, it's become a predictable pattern in this presidency. 13 killed at the army base.
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>> we are going to stay on this. >> 12 dead, 70 wounds in a colorado movie theater, six worshiperring killed in a wisconsin temple. >> all of us are heart broken. >> and 20 children, six adults gunned down in their classroom. >> the majority f othose died today were children. beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. the emotion of newtown translated to action, and the push for congress to adopt new legislation, strengthening background checks for gun purchases and the limit on the number of bullets that a new ammunition clip could hold, that failed. now another mass shooting but no sign the president is going to push again for gun control. >> i have taken steps that are within my control. the next phase now is for congress to go ahead and move. the leader of the senate says he still doesn't have is votes to pass gun
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control, but advocates say he is still hopeful. >> it is going to come down to what the american people want, and how many people speak out and voice their opinions. >> polls show the vast majority of americans support some gun control measures. and it's still seems unlikely any of the leading politicians are going to try to change that any time soon. al jazeera, washington. >> one member of the newtown alliance group that went to washington is 16 years old, his name is carlos soto, he lost his sister victoria. she is the teacher who died shielding students from the gunman. no one in our group questioned that we were -- that we weren't going to come down, everyone knew that this is just more motivation to come down. because this is in your backyard. and this proves it can
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happen anywhere. it can happen at a school in a mall, and now at a naval yard. >> the newtown alliance has pushed for beefed up background checks for gun buyers fell short in the senate this past april. in just a few hour as hear willing get underway in the house, focusing on last year's attacks. house republicans have strongly criticized a state department review board that investigated the attacks. three people including american ambassador were killed. they say senior officials were let off the hook. the key witness will be the under secretary for management. just daying after a u.n. report confirm add deadly gas was used to kill hundreds of people, the security council is now reconsidering a resolution that would force syria to keep its promise to give up chemical weapons. there are differences over the best way to make sure that happens. >> time is running out
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for the u.n. security council to draft a resolution turning last weekend's geneva agreement on syrian chemical weapons into a legal tool enforceable on the world stage. the permanent 5 security council members have been holding behind closed doors meetings on tuesday. is russians with the veto already appear to be backing off. in part, because the u.s. britain and plans are insisting on including use of force language. a day after the u.n. report was published secretary general urged leadership on all sides especially from russia and the u.s. >> based on scientific facts therefore we m not take it as usual. i sincerely hope that russia and the united states demonstrate their leadership at this time. >> we talk to people who are on the ground. >> awe on rights watch,
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there's little doubt who fired the surface to surface rockets the u.n. report blames for spreading gas in damascus. they have done the math and worked out exactly where they came from. >> the u.n. investigators have to be very cautious. but if you connect the dots if you map out the trajectory, they identified carried the saran gas, they nicely converge toward an army base. >> meanwhile, the permanent five will go on meeting trying to get all sides on the page for a vote before next week's jamboree of world leaders. secretary state john kerry have continued talked next week. for more on the diplomatic battle we are joined by christopher swift in washington. he is a professor. professor, thank you for
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joining us this morning we appreciate it. >> good to see you, thank you for having me again. >> absolutely. >> well, the u.n. security council resolution, as drafted by the united states, u.k., france, those are key players some key players that are not part of this. does vita chance to pass? >> well, the difficulty is with the geneva agreement is not that everyone didn't agree, it is no that no one in new york can agree on the enforceable measures. we were able to get some parameters set down in terms of the verification and elimination of asaad's chemical arsenal by virtue of the fact that the united states put the threat of force on the table. britain, france, and the united states want to do that in any security council resolution they want it to be a chapter 6 plus, or chapter 7 resolution. and the rugs aren't having anything of it. so we are looking at agreement of geneva quickly unraveling as we get into the questions of
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enforceability. >> so it sounds like this is a nonstarter, like this is not going do happen. >> the fundamental alignments of interests here, that have delayed the international community's response to events in syria, that have prevented us as an international community from taking any kind of meaningful effective action have not changed. they have not changed by virtue of the query/lavrov agreement. even if they had changed they still haven't changed with respect to the syrian civil war in general. one concern i have is that we are going to get into a long drawn out argument at the security council, or within the u.n. architecture about this agreement, and that it is going to take energy and focus away from the bigger problem, which is finding a peaceful solution to the syrian civil war before it destabilized the booter region. >> okay, that's fair
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enough, but did the issue of chemical weapons have to be dealt with before you even get to dealing with the civil war? >> yeah, not necessarily. what we are doing here is putting international interests ahead of local interests in syria. from a regional perspective from an international perspective, there's a high premium on removing these weapons such that they don't my rate, that they can't be used against neighbors that's primarily the u.s. and the russian concern, and it is a concern that they share. the concern that the area they can't agree on is this distinction between supporting the asaad regime and sort of qualified or limited or skeptical support for the rebels. and until there's clarity in terms of who negotiating partners are going to be and a five step process, or a three set process for getting those partners to the table, the chemical weapons part is nice. but it doesn't get to the fundamentals here. >> it sounds like you are
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saying that while discussing syria, all these international players are forgetting about the syrians? >> well, look, we have two things going on here, the first is a war and the second is a set of agreements between the united states and russia. and usually what happens in these sorts of agreements is you build a set of prosetses and policies and you try to create what are called confidence building measures. the difficulty is that all the confidence building measures in the geneva agreement are between moscow and washington. they are not between the asaad regime and the rebels. and that's the place where we really need diplomacy. the chemical weapons can wait until later. it is going to be very hard to remove, identify, and destroy these weapons. and it is going to get harder overtime. thank you professor of national security at georgetown university, thank you. >> my pleasure.
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good to see you. >> all right. >> still not clear what caused a fire at boston's low gal airport. plumes of black smoke forced some flights to land elsewhere. the fire was quickly brought under control, and is not considered suspicious. al in boston, in just one day, more than 7,000 people signed up to run the next boston marathon. the entries exceed the number of spots by more than 2,000. the strong show of support after april's twin bombings at the marathon that left three people dead. next year's race will accommodate 9,000 more runners than this year. and baseball is doing its part to honor the victims in d.c. yesterday. john smith is here with the details on that. >> hey, rah chel. baseball is a game, it is a pass time, and in times of crisis it can also be a nice escape. such was the escape in washington, d.c. where the behaves national double header was a lucked bit of normalcy following the shooting
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deaths just u just blocked away. members of the navy were on hand to thank the nationals for opening up their parking lot to evacuees from the nave i have yard building the team also postponed yesterday's game to keep organization members from out of harm's way. before the start of tuesday's game, one last guess churr. >> as we honor the lives lost, and pay tribute to all those effected by yesterday's senseless act of violence. >> a moment of silence for all assembled to remember and reflect. then these two teams played a thriller in game 1, the natts rally for a 6-5 run. and then in the natt's 4-01 in game two, the fan extended the high hitting streak to 28 games and zimmermann has the big blow with his 8th inning solo home run. in houston, the reds jumped all over the astros scoring four in the first, including two
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here courtesy of zack cozart's 2 rbi single to right. later it would be jay bruce's time to shine. with the bases loaded he sent one over the fence, for a grand salami, a 5 rbi day for bruce, reds win 10-0. pirates sending jeff to the mound, trying to lock up the n.l. central. trying to show that he is going to be in the thicks for a long long time. one of three hits for him, bottom of the inning, singles to right center, stummens allowing both men to score, padres still lead 3-2. and fielding gem later kept bird from more mischief. to hand pittsburgh it's second straight loss. and so here is where all of this leads us in the national league wild card standings. you can take a look, the sweep keeps them in the conversation for one of the two spots. they are still on the outside looking in, although behind the national league central the pirates hold a top
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spot, although they are only one game behind the cardinals. if the natts aren't catching anyone it will probably be sensing. high swoon for the two wild card leaders 8 and 15 mark since august, combined with the rangers 2 and 12 mark has given four other teams hope of sneaking in. now these two met in front of a surprisingly sparse crowd, ian kinsler surf pried jeremy by driving his first pitch out of the park, for the rangers first home run, and first lead since september 8th. he drove in three runs overall, by beating team that bay 7-1. remember when we thought the tigers and miguel cabrera could catch case davis with the a.l. home run lead? yeah, me neither. davis set an orioles record with his major league leading home run. their game was tied at two in the 9th when danny became the first batter to reach base.
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in the last 38 batters he faced. valencia got a triple and they sacrificed pinch runner home for the 3-2 win. the indians were tied with the royals in the 8th when cabrera stroked one to left field, sure seems like alex gordon could have snared this one, but he did not. the score generously gives him an rbi double. where michael boar ran ices it. indians beat the royals 5-3. so, here we are, in the mid september with six teams in the hunt for the wild card spot. the rays and rangers have the same record. they are a half game ahead. two games over baltimore and 3 1/2 over the yankees. and the royals and that's your look at morning sports. >> thank you. mexico is dealing with serious flooding. the country was hit by two tropical storms earlier this week, killing at least 50 people. more than how thousand residents and tour is are stranding in the resort town which has been hit
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by exceptionally hard. well, it plight look like a perfect holiday destination, but here one of mexico's premier tourist destinations people are desperate to get out. more than 40,000 people have been trapped here for the past three days while major storms have dropped heavy rainfall, and caused flooding and landslides near and around here. now supplies are getting short, people are trying to get back. we are here at the military abase, way have military planes that will be taking people out by is hundreds. they have planned for one plane every hour. they use the plane to bring supplies in, and then they use the same plane to get people out, people are desperate, they want to get home. >> lingering moisture from the remanence of ingrid will keep the threat of showers and thunderstorms in place for some parts of the country today. for more on that, and the morning national forecast, over to nicole
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mitchell. >> we have had a number of problems in mexico, and it doesn't look like that is totally going to end, because we have another area of disturbance. what we originally had happen, was the squeeze play. so we had manual on one side, ingrid on the other, caused all the rain in the central portion, even rain up into south texas, now, ingrid has dissipated, you can see that area has gone -- manual is hanging on. it is a depression, which means the winds you have that circulation, but the winds are not strong enough for it to be considered a tropical storm, but still is moisture we have along the coastline, so that is causing a very dreary go of it. and of course, any moisture that has gotten near the mountains can cause mudslides things of that nature. then, as we goat to the other side, and the yuke tan peninsula, you can see this more closely, all of that moisture out there, that is a disturbance area, so we don't know if that's the actual circulation with it yet, but very likely
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within the next day or two we could see is this develop into our next tropical system, a tropical storm. and this eventually will pull out and into the bay after that it's track is very uncertain. so something we have to watch for the next few days. but yuke castan still getting disturbances. still a pretty moist flow here. we have been seeing that so we are going to see anywhere from texas flu -- you can see the cloud cover in patters of florida. this will be one of our wetter portions of the country, with chances of a couple inches of rain. the one other chance for showers and storms is in the northern plains.
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anywhere from utah up to north dakota could see strong storms. yesterday we had just a coup and the primary threat with that was wind, foible a little bit of hail, but in the meantime, temperatures in the mid section have rebounded back up to 82 today in minneapolis, just a couple of days from the start of fall. >> thank you, nicole. main street and wall street are waiting for the federal reserve latest decision on the stimulus policy. it is said to be released today. at stake is the $85 billion. analysts are warning any tapering of the program could mean higher mortgage rates. president obama is meeting with business leaders at the white house, who want today send a message to congress, don't hold the economy hostage. if the president's healthcare plan is not revealed, president obama wants business leaders to underscore a point that a government shut down could have dire consequences.
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hurricane sandy, still wreaking havoc at the jersey shore. fire officials are pointing the finger to that massive storm for the recent fires that destroyed the boardwalk. rebuilding haiti 3 1/2 years after the earthquake, their efforts to get their country back to normal has stalled. that's all i have an real money. victoria azarenko
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>> every sunday night
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when haiti was struck by a devastating hurricane the u.s. and the world pledged billions of dollars in aid. america tonight with what went wrong. >> tucked at the bottom of goat mountain on the outskirts of pore da prince is a hot and dusty camp site. their home had collapsed aid agencies encouraged thousands of haitians to abandon their tent cities for the promise of better, safer, and eventually permanent housing. this is what they ended up with.
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yes, this is mom's house, when you come in you see it very small. you look up and you see the roof is metal, the sun is hot, the house is boiling hot. when it rains the water comes rushing from the monitorings and we have huge flooding it is not good. >> it's not good, for the 40,000 haitian whose have been living here for more than three years, and not good for the estimated 100,000 squatters who found refugees in the neighboring hills. all lured by the prom of a new haiti. kari was chosen in part because it was slated to be the location of a new industrial park. the place where sorely needed manufacturing jobs could be created. 3 1/2 years later, that project remains nothing more than a dream, the 40,000 people who live in the camps and the tens of thousands more living in
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the shanties, dotting the surrounding hills find themselves in a dessert like landscape with no jobs, and a two hour commute in traffic to get to the city. kari is just one example of a larger failure to help haiti. alexandar main is with the center for economic and policy research. >> when you hear the number billions of dollars have gone to haiti, i think it's not much more than $1 billion that has been effect. >> the international aid has brought small pockets of development, the clinton bush haiti fund invested $2 million to build this $45,000,000.05 star hotel, the oasis. the fund says the project created 200 jobs. >> jimmy tries for two years to get a job at a hotel. today he says he makes 6-dollar as day on a good
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day, driving a motorcycle taxi in port a prince, he has given up on the home he was promised and is trying to rebuild his family home. for jimmy there's no sign of a new haiti, like so many he is building back on his own. >> earlier this month, hate test president toured the country to assess the nation's reconstruction efforts. the fire that destroyed a popular jersey shore boardwalk was an accident, investigators believe the fire in seaside park was caused by faulty electrical equipment that has been damaged by hurricane sandy. dozens of businesses were destroyed. in stanford connecticut a huge explosion, leveled a house. the homeowner was outside at the time of the blast. witnesses say debris threw hundreds of feet.
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authorities aren't sure what caused the blast, but they believe gas was involved. one of america's largest homes miami beach mansion has been sold at auction for $41.5 million. the ten bedroom house which feature add gold inlaid pool went for as much as -- was supposed to go for $125 million but much less than that. the former owner, shot and killed in the front of the house, right on the steps of the mansion in 1997, you could beaver statute he's mansion or something like it before you are the winner of the power ball. fair warning those odds of winning the jackpot are one in 175 million, and if you are the only lucky winner you will walk away with $223 million. at the end of our first hour, here is a what we are following new detailing emerges about
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the emotional stability about naval yard shooting. president obama has ordered a review of security at all federal agencies and military installations in the wake of the shooting. the president will also meet with business leaders today to discuss the need to grow the economy, and create jobs. >> baseball took center stage tuesday while also taking minds off the tragedy, at least for a few hours that story and more, coming up in the next hour. >> and i'm meteorologist nick coal mitchell. but ahead of that, temperatures are on the rise for the midwest,ly have your forecast. >> al jazeera continues we are back in 2 1/2 minutes.
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good morning, i'm stephaniesy, and these are some of the stories we are following. new insights including where he bout the murder weapon used in the mads shooting and how he managed to bring it into the building undetected. plus, we are learning more about the shooter's trouble history, and how he managed to keep his security clearance, even after admitting to police that he heard voices. and turning a red state blue? why some say texas can be converted to democratic territory in times for the 2016 election.


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