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tv   Consider This  Al Jazeera  September 18, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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>> welcome to al jazeera i'm john siegenthaler. here are tonight's top stories. it was a record day on wall street today, the markets took off after the federal reserve announced it would continue its stimulus because the markets are thought to be weak. gunman former reservist with a history of erratic behavior, doctors say he visited a hospital in the weeks before the incident but didn't show any mental distress. a bus-train accident in ottawa canada, the bus went through the barrier and right into the train.
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dozens injured, eight listed in critical condition. mexico facing more severe flooding now that tropical storm manuel has intensified into a hurricane. a second storm ingrid recently claimed 80 lives trapped tens of thousands of tourists still in acapulco at this hour. the damage thought to be more than $900 million. that is the news at this hour. consider this is coming up next. i'm john siegenthaler. i'll see you back here at 11:00 eastern, 8 pacific. >> in january of 2011, teun tuna
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led the way, after an islamic majority attempted to establish its views as law. the proposition of secular democracy in the middle east all but gone,. who should have the final say on how we leave this world? and no, it's not 1925, but more and more schools are pushing to teach creationism along with evolution. should one theory be taught next to the other? hello i'm antonio mora. courtney keely reports, opponents demanding two and a half years ago that the new government step down in tunisia.
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>> the rapid overthrow of zin al abadin ali sparked the revolt in the middle east that soon became known as the arab spring, protests erupted in egypt, bahrain, tunisia. islamic political party took the majority of seats in the parliament in a peaceful election, the government was given one year to establish a constitution, electoral laws and establish government. stoking fear noong traditional secular middle class. after popular opposition leaders were killed and almost identical slayings in february and july,
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protests demanded the government resign. >> we are determined to bring down this government of collaborators, this failed government, this government of bribes and deceit. >> with protests jamming the street, protest has been jammed since august. the looming question now is, will the arab spring give way to darker days of a radical islamist winter? under continuing pressure, teu nearbyian president declared the group a terrorist. poor areas in tunisia, posting warnings online the government will drag the country into a bloodbath. courtney kely, al jazeera new york.
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>> joshua landis author of the blawgd, syrian comment. and crifs, i want to start with you, a few months after the arab spring began you said the arab spring was going to be followed by summer, fall and winter. where are we now and do you think we're getting to winter soonerrer than we thought? >> it's hell right now, a time worse than winter. in a time of grave uncertainty. i'm not one who thinks that we're going to go into a position that you have horrible things happening all the time there's no way out and everything is a downward spiral, what you have is the beginning of a military process building on top of a revolutionary process. >> we've got egypt, we've got syria, we've got yemen, it's all over where the issues have
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arisen. >> but you've got politics that count for a change. it was if in some ways the arab world was a asleep for 40 years under these dictators who hung around so long and almost all disappeared in the last couple of years. >> and just can't figure it out overnight. >> no, no. you have a hung huge young population that's connected to each other in a way it's never been before. >> the most talented and secular societies, you can still see women on the beach, one in islamic garb but others in bikinis. if tunisia is so modern how did they push for elements much sherea law? >> i think we see polarized societies, with big hunks of
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society, very western leaning, secularrish and a majority that is still very isla islamic. to play the devil's advocate to chris's argument of hope, there are frightening statistics that underlie this. when we look at it from the west, the arab spring we see it about freedom and democracy. the middle east just as important a story is the one of economic misgovernment and hardship and what we're seeing i think in the middle east and in other places in africa is the rapid income gap that has been in a sense dividing the world into two camps. the haves and have nots. we know this in america and we see it in europe. in america we see a big yawning income gap, with the rich getting very much richer but the poor getting poorer, nations
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like india and brazil, screaming grow the middle class, eight, nine, 10% a year, but the middle east economies have been growing at 3% and the population growth is outstripping in some instances the economic growth and there's a big youth bulge as chris pointed to and commodity prices have been screaming up driven by the success of some countries. so you get for example a much higher oil price, food prices, bread and this is just hammering the bottom 50% in the middle east. and it's causing this desire for dignity is driven as much by the poverty that's been growing in the middle east as it is. and how do we turn it around? the more inestablished, the more poverty there's going to be and this could lead to a vicious cycle going in the wrong direction. >> and it does seem like that cycle has started chris. isn't it the danger had tunisia
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would lead the way again? there have been a series of protests over the last couple of months, young people in the midwest want the opposition leader out of power. he said this you about the government, for 50 years we have had a society that's for progress and tolerance. talking about the government he says they want to change the way we lifs. the party did back down a bit on some of the elements of sherea law but it's a very difficult situation there in this much more tolerant place. if they can't get it done there what does this signal for the rest of the region? >> syria is doing a pretty good job of that and in fact egypt is dong a good job. there's a lot of discontent with the do-nothing islamist regime. there's been a lot of talk about issues and women rights, but
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there hasn't been a lot of talk about joshua was talking about, the economy. remember tunisia is much a tourist economy. but not the society that egypt does. more likely this is going to play out in the civilian context and that's probably good if news. i think there's a risk that things will head south in tunisia. but i sound lie polyanna here. there is a chance that somehow tunisia will muddle through and could set the course back to a democratic process. >> the comparison where tunisia's ruling party says he's not afraid that would happen, he told the washington post, that the first few weeks after the coup in egypt the opposition
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groups here were leap and their hopes were raised. but then the egyptian scenario became a nightmare after the massacres. do you think hee is right, will the egyptian example be a deterrent? >> well, we can hope so. and i must say i agree with chris in the sense that tunisia is the best case scenario in the arab spring. tunisia has a solid middle class, it's got a small population, it's very educated and less poferred than -- poverty than much of the arab countries. the more revolutionary, less qualified, syria, 21 years old the median age, egypt is 24, little bit better. gaza yemen, 19 years old.
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it's very difficult to get to a democratic transition with such i don't think people. syria was about 32%, gaza, yemen much higher rate. now tunisia is the best case scenario and it's the most optimistic. it's a country that might make it to a democratic transition throughout this arab spring. it's most likely to. eerie struggling with it's in the balance now. >> symbolically, tunisia is very important. it doesn't have much weight, it is 11 million people. but syria has 85 million people. how goes syria goes the middle east, in fact. >> egypt had a monarchic democracy the first half of the 20th century but is that one
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of the issues here that with everything that joshua just said? >> you know the thing i would come back to that i think is really important is that unlike the early days of egypt monarc monarchic democracy, good way to describe it, everybody has a sense of the outside world, i moved to egypt 25 years ago and i lived there for six years. it was weirdly cut off, there were foreign newspapers if you could read english but basically cut off from everybody in the world. the poor the educated uneducated through satellite telephones they're in touch with the world and they know what they're missing, that's one of the revolutionary forces. >> josh, in the end would we see arab spring be a good thing, as most everybody thought it was
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when it was happening, now we see chaos in libya, yemen and syria we have discussed ad nauseam over the past few weeks. >> i think your original question about the cultural and religious element to the middle east, many people when the arab spring broke out thought this was going to be the fourth wave of democracy. europe, latin america, eastern europe and now the middle east was going to go in this sort of dominoes towards democracy. that is certainly what george bush had hoped for his invasion of iraq and so forth. the middle east is in many ways in the middle of this enlightenment, this war for religious pleurallism. we saw with the beginning of the spring this lunch towards islamic parties. now there seems to be alunch in the other direction as more secular types are pushing back.
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they are not democratic, the secular types. they are running into the arnls of the military. and -- the arms of the military and that's not a good dynamic for a democratic transition. the meaning of the process. >> but the extremists we're seeing on the other side are certainly not democratic either. >> that's the problem, the liberals -- >> go ahead joshua. >> the liberals tend to be dictatorial as well as the islamists are intolerant. in egypt at least the islamists had elections and so forth and now they're accused of moving the close down democratic procedures. but we don't have a surplus of democrats in the middle east, that does seem to be the case. >> chris, final word? >> that certainly seems to be true, but we do have hope in middle east. don't want to sound like polly
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anna. >> we hope that pollyanna is right. pleasure to have you here. coming up one of the largest and most influential investment banks has released a report, the sequester has only begun to cause problems. is that enough to bring members of congress together? our social director hermella aregawi will be joining us. please comment on our google and facebook pages. we'll be right back.
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>> 100,000 government workers could lose their jobs next year thanks to the sequester. that's according to influence analysis out by gold mawnl
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sachs. a team of government sperkts are seeing that the impact, including 42.7 billion in defense spending, 28.7 billion in domestic discretionary spending, 9.9 billion in medicare cuts and 4.4 billion in other cuts. what's ahead for the country's spending as we head to a new round of cuts? dan mitchell and josh barrow. thank you both for joining us tonight. josh a few months into 2013, most of the headline said no big deal, sequestration not so bad because the -- and actually goldman sachs alex phillips said
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the sequester had, quote, little impact so far. running counterto what he said, what's changed in five months? >> the story is not so bad. it's an negative but not such a alarge one. what the goldman report showed, we should 0.1% growth, because of many federal workers being furloughed, that's supposed to stop at the end of summer. it's the ten years of budget caps that creates, that not only did we have spending cuts but low spending for the next ten years. but that's odrag on the economy, it comes in the context of another example, they're starting to see their tax receipts improve, they're hiring again, even though sequester is a negative, performance has been
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fairly flat the economy is growing no, sir as fast as i.t. should and we are going to continue to see that staple. >> you mostly agree with josh that this is not that bik of a deal and in many ways it is a good thing for the economy. >> first i have to say as a libertarian, i want in to be fewer jobs, i want to shrink the size of the federal government. maybe we will see this shrinking of the federal bureaucracy but we need to see, the government ssht spending all this money, because the government is no longer diverting those resources so i view the report as far as it goes as good because i want a smaller federal government but i think the report was incomplete because they weren't looking at how those resources were being used now that the government
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wasn't, reporting them. >> we're not seeing what ben is describing. we're not seeing the private sector picking up these resources and deploying them. even though interest rates are low, business people don't see the opportunity to invest. the outlook is poor. the federal government, that should show up in form of rising interest rates, making it tooest for businesses to get the money they need for investment. that's not the case, this is extremely, people like the u.k. the results have been even worse. the private sector is not picking up the issue of the
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public sector. >> you in your testimony think that if things continue on this road that we could see a balanced budget in the not too distant future? >> if you look at the numbers, we've had two years in a row where government spending was smaller than it was for two reek. 640 billion and if we simply limit the imroat of spending, in other words, let it grow faster what has happened the last three years, we have a balanced budget. it is not that hor hartd to reframe our daily ship. in relation to what josh said, i don't have the view that government crowds out activity through rising interest rates, the government is consuming a part of our national rornlg.
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when you look as the austerity in the out convince dom else where that. >> rick: to look at the difference between private sector austerity through high ter taxes, that's what we've seen so far in the u.k, or private sector, i think we've seen much better in results in countries that have done what they can to control liment or even cut government spending as post office to spain and the u.c. who have been addressing poverty every since. >> talking about how our debt to gdp ratio is the highest since world war two and it could get to 100% in a few years? >> smaller companies that don't
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have the captive are credit nature, put it neville a position where it would be unable to pay its debts, are they are save securities because they have confidence that the u.s. government will repay them and that gave us a luxury that, other governments didn't have where we could rely on fiscal policy -- >> request you but now we're actually in a position where the accident to gdp ratio in the united states is likely to be stable around 70 to 75% over the next decade. so there is no deficit crisis in the united states anymore. the crisis is that we continue to have be extremely high unaccomplishment, people have given up on trying to find new jobs and so washington instead of focus being on trying to bring down the deficit even further, they have be folksing
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on ways to can thabd will itself improve the belong term budget picture. >> sudan, these cuts have come in all different associates of ways, indiscriminate cuts. let's talk about the defense department. last year lee porn panetta said, it would be a disaster for the general milk public, with the u. having to be involved in so many different places around the world that the defense department being cut so indiscriminately many is a problem? >> mine first i would say, maybe we shouldn't be involved in so many place is all around the world, that is a luxury i have to be on a libertarian think
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tank. certainly i would agree more across the board cuts would be better or fairer but even better would be to actually craft a budget and figure out ways to reform, and do it in a more intelligent way. but here's the reality. we had three choices going into the 2011 debt limit fight that gave us the budget control act which gave us sequester. the three choices were, raise taxes that's what obama wanted, do nothing, that's what of course a lot of people in washington wanted or take the sequester. out of the three choices to me it was a no brainer the sequester, it is not a big severe giant cut out of a 3.5 trillion budget it is more like clipping your finger nails and that was a good fiscal step to get control over washington. >> there has been a result over the sequester, some argue that
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the poor have been are impacted more. hermella. >> who does sequestration hurt the most, the social media wants to know. >> in aannal economy wide view, the biggest is in the defense sector because the defense takes half the cuts. people who work for the military, these are the people that have gotten furloughed, with exception of the department of defense and the irs, mostly hitting on the defense side. and then if you're in a federal government related industry in washington, d.c, there's less demand for everything from office space to retail stores in washington, d.c. as a result of sequestration. that said, overall that's a region of the country where the economy's doing pretty well in the last few years. >> better than almost anywhere else. >> i don't think the effects would have been outsized. i wouldn't say the effects fall
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principally on the poor. most programs for the poor are mandatory tri programs. >> you have head start programs, education programs, some entitlement programs that are being cut and there is certainly an impact on the poor people. >> most of the big programs that are particularly important to poor people things like medicaid food stamps the earned income tax credit that isn't affected by sequestration. >> dan, after spending the day on capitol hill, we have a president when he was in the senate argued about raising the debt sealing, we had republicans not worried about raising the debt ceiling, not wanting to do it now, are they going to come together in an intelligent plan? >> washington, intelligent? they argue against it when they're not in charge. we are going ohave a lot of
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political drama political theater. at the end of the day, they'll come to some agreement, there is no threat of default, there is more than enough revenue coming in to pay the interest. whether we're talking about the continued resolution fight, drama but at the end of the day probably status quo because we have divided gopt government. >> and -- government. >> and josh is nodding agreement. i believe we'll be discussing more about this in the coming weeks. coming up, steven hawking set, who should have the final say on how the terminally ill people die? after this.
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victoria azarenko my name is jonathan betz. i'm from dallas, texas, and i'm an anchor for al jazeera america. >>my name is ranjani chakraborty, i'm from houston, texas. >>i'm kim bondy. >>nicole deford. >>and i'm from new orleans. >>san francisco, california. when i was a little kid, i just really loved the news. >>news was always important in my family. >>i knew as a kid that was exactly what i wanted to do. >>i learned to read by reading the newspaper with my great-grandfather every morning. >>and i love being able to tell other people stories. >>this is it, i want to be a part of this. >>this is what really drove me to al jazeera america.
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>> professor steven hawking was 21 when he was diagnosed as als a motor disability commonly known as lou gehrig's disease. he has defied the odds now 71, he is speaking out on an issue that he once viewed as a great mistake. assisted suicide.
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>> i think someone who has terminal illness and great pain should have the choice to end their lives and those who help, should be free from prosecution. we don't let animals suffer, why humans? >> doctors of assisted suicide, welcomed hawking's opinion but some do not. joining me is barbara combs lee. she is at our studio in portland, oregon. >> steven drake, an analyst from the disability rights group, not dead yet. he joins us from rochester. you responded to professor hawking's comments, proving to be a genius in one area doesn't
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are prevent you from being stupid in one area. if you were a pet dog they would put you out of your misery a long time ago. little harsh? >> probably, but part of what he's said is something that is commonly used by assisted suicide and uta euthanasia promoters, the story they are promoting is that all of our pets, all of our animals are put to death because they have painful terminal illnesses. and of course all we have to do is look at our meat industry to know that that's not true. and when it comes to our pets that's also not true. veterinary statistics find most common causes for putting a pet down is that they are incontinent, they have developed behavior problems, they have a
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condition too expensive to treat. about a year and a half ago there was a survey that found the cutoff amount of money that made the difference for families between euthanasia and treating their family pet was $500. that if a treatment cost over $500 it was euthanasia for the animal. now these are hard choices but it doesn't mean that those deaths were for the good of the animal or spared the animal suffering. it was for the needs of the hunl beings. >> barbara, reaction to what the professor is saying and when steven hawking said? >> i think it's a completely different set of principles values and beliefs. we should allow individual to make their own end of life choices because 2003 respect them as human -- because we respect them as human beings. we are respectful of their
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individualality and we should be respectful of their own decision, in perhaps the dying process has become too prolonged and they would like to take opeaceful graceful exit through death with dignity. >> right now in the u.s. four states have some sort of death with dignity law, washington oregon, montana and vermont. overall what would you like barbara to happen in the u.s., what kind of choice would you want people to have and are the laws in those states which actually are fairly restrictive. they require a 15-day cooling-off period. is that the kind of thing you'd want? >> i think that any decision that is ang end-of-life decision that have the possibility to advance the time of death should be taken very, very carefully. there should be safeguards there
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should be carefully deliberation, there should be an end of life decision that this is the last resort. steven hawking is dependent on million technology every day of his life to take a breath. he could decide to end his life at any time, and it would be perfectly legal. all woe have to say is i'm ready to stop my ventilator. he doesn't do that, his quality of life is still very good. i think that the idea that if you had the choice to die peacefully somehow that would sabotage your will to live is disproven by steven hawking. steven hawk is empowered, he has lived every day by choice. he is advocating that when the time comes when they are terminally it and their suffering is unbearable they should also as he does have the option of for peaceful death.
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>> as barbara points out hawking's comfort zone is that suffering, his comfort zone for assisted suicide is pain, he says those who are in great pain should have the right to choose to end their lives. you argue that that is not a faish threshold. >> well, what he is comfortable is when people are terminally ill dying and in great pain, his comfort zone isn't reflected in any law, in any country. here in the united states, the criterion is simply that you have six months or less to live. as predicted by medical professionals. in europe, in the netherlands, in bell jim it isn't limited to
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terminal illness. they don't talk about pain, they talk about suffering, it can be emotional, logic o psychological or physical. it has been used expansively, in the netherlands they have used that to expand the pool of people they consider eligible. even now, where they're engaging in infantacide on infants of spina bifida. >> hermella. >> when is assisted suicide reasonable, when you have all your marbles or at the end?
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>> people with alzheimer's would never meet the dual criteria of terminal illness and mental competence. if they are mentally capable they are not terminally ill, if they are terminally ill they nor longer mentally capable. now that doesn't say that people with early alzheimer's shouldn't think about what their death might look like, what the circumstances are when they would want to withhold or withdraw lifesaving therapies shouldn't have open honest conversations about their family members, about when they can no longer eat, they can no longer get food into their mouths under their own sustenance, under their own power? people should have frank conversations so that everyone around them knows when the time might be to stop therapies and to decline treatment of
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illnesses that would normally end the life of someone with very severe and advanced dementia. >> hawking also said that prosecuting people that help family members commit suicide is wrong. i know barbara you're supporting barbara mancini, who assisted suicide for her dying father. he had a do not resuscitate order, the hospice he was at called 911, was very upsettle that his daughter was going to be prosecuted and then he died a few days later. i'd like to hear both of your opinions on this. barbara why don't we start with you. >> i think everyone is completely befuddled with the prosecutor's going forward with the prosecution of barbara
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mancini. it serves no public purpose. barbara was at the bedside of her beloved dying 93-year-old father and she handed him medication that was prescribed for his pain and suffering. that's not behavior that we want to deter. she tried to enforce his do not resuscitate order. she tried to be a good steward of his wishes at the end. that's not behavior that we should be deterring. it just doesn't make any sense to prosecute barbara mancini. >> i believe you agree with barbara on this that she should not be prosecuted . where should the line be drawn? >> for one thing i think these cases need to be investigated. part of what happened here is that the hospice nurse called this in. barbara mancini put the hospice nurse in a very difficult position.
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which had she kept her mouth shut and something came out, she could have been in a tough legal situation as to what to call. my position is, you know, there's a term called prosecutorial discretion which should be exercised. i think that that one is a suspicion of somebody assisting or euthanasia or a killing committed needs to be investigated. investigated doesn't mean everyone is prosecuted and you certainly don't want to prosecute something you're not going to win. this one, when you look at it, you know, worst case scenario is she handed him his own prescription and he took what he wanted to relieve his pain. and he died four days later which makes it really hard to make a case that he died of the dose he took that day. i don't see -- you know i'm a
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hard case. barbara will tell you. i'm not sure that -- i'm pretty sure based on what i know unless they're sitting on more information that i have a lot of trouble rendering a guilty verdict in this case. >> well, this is a -- it's a fascinate being case and there have -- fascinating case and there have been many cases with different facts in the united states, barbara combs alee, stephen drake, appreciate you coming on, and we'll have you back on. i'm sure. coming up next, huge polls show hillary clinton a huge favorite in the next presidential race, and that means nothing. more in our data dive.
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>> today's data dive jumps to the top of presidential polling, former secretary of state hillary clinton with a plassive lead among likely candidates for president. joe biden a very distant second 55 points behind. on the republican side, new jersey governor chris christie, then bottom jeb bush. clinton's lead if history is a guide she won't even say she's running for at least another year and a half. last time she ran then senator clinton didn't declare her candidacy until january of 2007, 12 months before the iowa caucus. the 2017 caucus is still 27 months away. you know how many hands shane
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and how many babies kissed. a cnn u.s.a. poll had mrs. clinton up by 24 points from kerry and edwards. edwards was derailed by constantly. kerry didn't run. you know the man listed -- who wasn't listed was the one who eventually won. the lesson of history is there is no need to hurry. bill clinton didn't dive in until 1991, 13 months later he won the presidency. the early polling is often wrong and so are the early races, only three have taken the republican nomination and won the presidency. the iowa caucus is often wrong.
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that's why running for president is marathon not a sprint and fund raise ago side you don't want to make that marathon any longer than it needs to be. are. coming up if you think the scopes monkey trial settled the evolution question, you'd be wrong. stirring up passionate debate, up next.
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>> every sunday night
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>> in 1987, the supreme court ruled you could not teach creationism as science in public school classrooms because the law was intended to advance a specific religion. however, 14 states have recently dealt with creationism in their curriculum. the debate continues today, arguing for example, while i understand the theory of evolution and its wide acceptance there should be the inclusion of the creation model based on the biblical view of history. but scientific groups insist evolution is real and is the basis of all modern understanding of biology. how do schools decide what students should be taught? joining us from berkeley california is dr. eugenee scott
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and zack exawx dr. scott i want to start with you. my own personal experience, i went to a conservative catholic school. said evolution is consistent with current beliefs. >> the best kept secrets is that catholics and mainstream protestants accept evolution. it is one segment that doesn't accept evolution and doesn't want to talk to their kids but they're really noisy. as a result we have had the continuing problem of teaching of evolution. >> zack you got involved in 2008 when you were still in school, the louisiana science education act, allowed textbooks into classrooms on evolution and decided very strongly about it and decided to do it yourself
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and you took a lot of heat. why do you think this ignites so much passion? >> i actually don't understand why this ignites so much passion. this is the 21st century, it's been 150 years since charles darwin wrote the evolution of species. as you mentioned, this has happened to divide a lot of people who have managed to have their faith and also understand the science behind evolution but it is a threat and those groups have lobbied quite hard to pass laws which allows creationism through governmental materials or i heard you mention earlier, the statement about biblical principles who came from a court uncourt viewer in the high school process this last week. and so you creationists really want to sneak creation into the
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classroom because they think that's a threat to their belief. >> that louisiana law dr. scott came after the ruling in the classrooms. in those circumstances why are still states trying to challenge what is the established law of the land? >> they are still trying to challenge the first amendment that calls for neutrality. you are not supposed to advocate or denigrate religion in public education institutions like schools. they are still doing that but in a much more subtle fashion, in the main 80s, edward versus aguilar decision. rather than just arguing for the trait-undisturb up teaching of creationism, they are arguing
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that teachers should teach evolution but the evidence against evolution. the only place you ask find it is in the creationist literature not in the scientific solution. without putting them in legal jeopardy, getting this through the back door. >> you can't simply say out there there are people who believe in this? >> i'm sorry? yes there are people out there who believe in it and -- >> no, exactly. but in a sense of, they would not be satisfied with a simple -- but they would not be satisfied with not the mention n of that simple theory. >> the problem that some christians have with evolution is they believe that there is a stark die cot my between enthe truth of the bible and evolution. if evolution is true the bible is false, if the bible is false
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there is no god no salvation no religious rudder. so evolution can't possibly be true. but i really think it's important for people to think about what is the real issue here, and the real issue is, what do we teach in science classes? we teach science. the only science deeg with origination is the -- dealing with origination is the science of evolution. people will fight tooth and nail to get evolution out. now they like to get creationism in but they would be happy snuff to just get evolution out. that is not a very good compromise because that pleengss you're undereducating -- evolution is a very important concept not just in biology and geology but really across the board. >> that's a battle going on in
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texas, you went to a public hearing about what should be indicated in students' textbooks. from what i understand it seemed like a lopsided win for science. that's how it's been described. what was the debate there because there was loot of passion on the side of the creationists. >> this is the debate whether to adopt biology textbook to teach evolution fully or not. as far as it stands, as far as we're aware, we were advocating for those to be adopted. creationist want textbooks to be revised. we had people came starting this meet meet sc asked what type of creation, without lipging abinl
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cal truth. it was area they want to put biblical truth in the textbook. and it wasn't necessarily it was a win in that we've had a large rnlgt majors that support -- majority support. we brought hundreds of people to a rally outside the texas education agency. eight board members came and spoke at that rally, some said evolution is cruel i don't need to say more. reporting goodings textbooks so we had it on our signs but it remains to be scene what exactly happened in these textbooks because they could be reeivedded and that would be wrong. and there will be a final vote on this in november and we'll see what the board does. if they proven these biologist textbooks that teach science.
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going dr. scott on twitter reply doctor asked why dinosaurs are not in the bible she seems confused how would i answer her? allow would you answer this parent? >> i think -- it depends on what my religious views were, if i was a conservative christian i can find dinosaurs in the bible. there is behemoth and others represent aiptions of din dinoss or whatever. i would point out that the bible was written in the people language of the people of the time. there's no atomic physics in the bible either. that doesn't marine there is no
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adoing physics. don't go to the bible for those, that's why i would encourage you. >> do you thiz these battles are dying out? >> i wish, they are going as strong as ever, that's why we are fighting because we think good fight should be fought in the classroom so as long as, going ohave to be fighting that's how i see it. i can't predict what will happen, long they don't we are -- >> we're out of time we got to go i really thank you for joining us. the show play be over but you can go to, or to twitter, aj consider this.
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we'll see you next time. >> good evening everyone welcome to al jazeera i'm john siegenthaler in new york. investors pushed the markets to record highs after the federal reserve makes a surprise move and decides to keep its economic stimulus program in place. i am so, so very sorry that this has happened. my heart is broken. >> the mother of the navy yard gunman apologies for her son's -- holings for her son's horrific crimes. desperation grows for thousands in mexico hit hard by flooding.


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