tv News Al Jazeera September 20, 2013 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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>> good morning. this is aljazeera, i'm richelle carey. these are stories we're following. pope francis seems to welcome gays and lesbian's to the catholic church. the reactions are pouring in. >> the death toll is rising in mexico. two storms have pummeled the country and a third approaching. >> another mass shooting overnight in chicago, a 3-year-old caught in the crossfire. >> they risk their lives to help americans in iraq, now a lack of government help is putting them in danger, again.
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♪ theme >> pope francis is setting a new tone for millions of roman catholics around the world. the pope is seeking a new balance for the church, hoping it will become a home for all, not divided against itself. pope francis takes issue with what he calls the church's obsession with abortion, gay marriage and contraception. in manhattan, a special ministry welcomes gay and lesbian operationers. >> the pope's word are tailored to have it the faithful in new york. this church has had a lesbian by school transgender ministry for several years. >> we routinely say all of welcome and oftentimes we print it over the door, all are welcome. is it just something, just a catch phrase that we put on the door or something we make real in how we receive people.
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>> father steven said it goes beyond the issues the pope named, it's something much more fundamental for catholics. >> the conversation is not about same-sex marriage. the conversation is not about well, can i commit myself to a person of the same sex or not, even if it's not done in the context of church. it's really just i want to find a place where i'm welcome to pray. >> the lbgt ministry here is evidence that pope francis with his words is acknowledging the reality that gay and lesbians are part of the catholic community. in his interview, he said: >> francis added that the church
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has become "obsessed with moral issues like gay marriage and contraception." >> a stark contrast from his predecessors, pope john two rome and pope de benedict xvi. >> nothing in the interview signals a change in church policy, but it's clearly a change in tone. aljazeera, new york. >> joining me now is chairman of the through department.
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thank you for coming in. we appreciate it. >> this is a really remarkable document. i don't think in recent history, maybe in history in general we see a pope who speaks in such a human way, talking about his struggles, who talks about the times he's failed. as a result of that, people around the world, clubs an cathd non-catholics resonate. just from the very first moment, he wasn't wearing all the fancy papal garments. this is a shift of tone and a shift of style. maybe we'll see a shift of substance. >> but not a shift of church doctrine. >> that's right. among a lot of the celebrations, i'm enthusiastic about this interview he gave. it's important to remember with, he didn't announce any new teachings. what is fascinating is he says
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the first reform must be in the attitude. i think he's laying out a by of an agenda for what may be coming down the line in his papacy. the first thing is changing the hearts and minds of catholics and non-catholics. >> it seems a bit of a risk what he's done, do you think? >> i think, well, the sort of commitment that people make in entering religious life is a risk. the people who have been processed in the world in catholic position are risk takers as someone who worked in argentina, this is someone for who risk taking comes naturally. >> he is like bring it, this is what i do. there are people who will be moved by this and people who will be moved away from the church like this, who will not embrace what he has said. >> it's a struggle for some who
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look at the pope with a more conservative line. the pope can't be defined by particular political labels. some of those things he said will appeal to liberals, some conservatives. it isn't a one party religion. it may be that what this pope is doing is to create that slightly larger tent. he said we don't want to be a small interest he will. we want to be a church that is open to everybody. there will be give and take on both sides. >> we can't predict what's coming next, can we? >> the folks who got this from our interview are the only who knew before yesterday that this is what we were going to be talking about this morning. they did a remarkable job, a really good job. >> thank you. hurricane manuel makes landfall, the death toll climbs to 100,
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dozens still missing. the resort area in acapulco is suffering from flooding and landslide while preparing for more storms. we have more from mexico city. >> this is the result of days of torrential rains. dozens of bridges and roads laid to waste, thousands of homes destroyed, tens of thousands of people made homeless. people wait anxiously for emergency reactions, flown in by mexico's military. many have gone without food or water for days and are desperate for help. >> we just want medicine and support, something to eat. >> more than 1 million people have been affected by two tropical storms that slammed into mexico last weekend. rescue teams are finding more bodies as they reach isolated areas. survivors say the mud slides came out of nowhere. >> i was walking down the street near a store when i heard a loud
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noise, and i just stood there. i saw how the dirt and dust began to billow up. it was like black smoke and it turned like a windmill. when i saw that it was coming down to the field, i started running. >> the government is appealing to mexicans to help out. food banks have been set up across the country. >> we're here at a collections center in the heart of mexico city, and more than 30-tons of food and other goods have been collected that are being donated by individuals and companies and volunteers are going through sorting these things to go out and airlift to the areas where they're really needed. >> some say the government was unprepared and has not done enough to help them. it's the most vulnerable, they say, that are paying the price. >> the cue was two kilometers long, no tents. there are elderly people, pregnant women, sick children. >> with more storms bearing down on mexico, the government's work is far from over. david mercer, aljazeera, mexico
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city. >> now to asia where a super typhoon is barreling down on the philippines, taiwan and hong kong. one of the strongest storms of the year packing 127-mile an hour winds and torrential rains, the massive storm is 680 miles wide and has already caused major flooding in northern japan. we are joined live from hong kong. craig, what types of preparations are you seeing there? >> in the philippines, they're already making sure that village is stocking you on provisions, and getting out of the most exposed areas. last year, a typhoon hit the philippines and killed 1100 people. they get hit by about 20 typhoons a year, so very much are used to dealing with them, but it doesn't stop the damage that's caused. the philippines will be first
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hit. as the typhoon moves across the straight,ify was not will be hit. it's on track to slam into hong kong, where we are at the moment on sunday. if that happens, then it will cause a lot more damage in the southern parts of china in an area already severely damaged by tropical storms this year. >> all right. craig reporting live from hong kong. do keep us posted, thank you. >> a storm the of this size has not been seen in years. the last category five was hurricane andrew in 1992, costing $25 billion in damage, killing 44 people. we are here with a closer look at that super typhoon and the danger in mexico, just a lot of dangerous weather out there. >> very dangerous. right now, we are looking at a life threatening storm bailing toward hong kong, a city with
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millions. on the radar, the sheer magnitude, size of the storm extending from portions of southern taiwan into the philippines. this is northern luzanne, but the it's in between will bear the brunt of the storm's wrath. we are talking damaging winds and flooding dow downpours. this storm is on the move, look at how fast it's pushing toward the west northwest and it's going to continue to push into southern portions of china into southern hong kong, a city filled with millions. take a look at how large the storm is again, taiwan into portions of
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luzanne. this is a life-threatening storm, a very dangerous storm that we're going to monitor the next several days. we expect it to make landfall in hong kong saturday night into sunday. >> it is another violent night in chicago last night. 13 people, including a 3-year-old boy were injured when someone opened fire in a park in chicago. authorities say the boy is in critical condition, shot in the cheek. he was at the park with his mother. this happened aren't 10:15 last night on the south side of the city at cornell state park. at least 10 ambulances responded to the scene. investigators say this may have been gang related. one adult victim has been released from the hospital, others remain in stable condition. >> i think it was like an a.k., it was a lot of shots, like boom boom boom boom boom boom boom. >> i was across the park over here and i heard shots. i came over here, there was a
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lot of people down. >> this comes nearly three weeks after chicago saw an outburst of violence over labor day weekend. >> house republicans ramping up for a big vote today, their proposal, keep the government running at the expense of obamacare. we're live in washington. >> iran's country hinting it may be ready for constructive talks with the u.s.
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>> welcome back. a vote on the budget and a republican effort to defund obamacare is expected in the house today. if the threat of a government shutdown looms, senate democratic warned a bill that defunds obamacare will be dead on arrival in the senate. we are live in washington. >> good morning. >> we have heard that some key senate republicans are actually not behind speaker boehner's decision to push to defund the health care allow. what's going on? >> we've focused for the most part on republican opposition to
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the affordable care act, which we all call obamacare. there is also another battle, sort of a family feud, if you will between republicans. what's happening is that in the house of representatives, there are conservatives who say they were elected to get rid of obamacare and they're going to do that no matter what. speaker boehner has decided to attach that to the bill. the senators know that the departments are a majority there and there's no way that the boehner bill is going to pass. they're saying what's the point. mccain, one republican senator, and say what's the point. let's deal with the affordable care act in another manner later. >> randall, if congress cannot come to a compromise and pass legislation before the
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september 30 deadline, what kind of contingency plan if any is in place to deal with a shutdown? >> rest assured there are many contingency plans in place for all of the agencies. in the first place, many have gone through this some years ago and when they thought there was going to be a government shutdown had to make plans to take action. federal workers will likely be furloughed. we've seen a momentum mow from the department of state saying prudence demands that they be prepared to tell some workers that they may have to not come to work for a while, not get paid as well as reduce services. are we going to see federal contractors, anyone really who does business with the federal government on alert to see what's going to happen at the end of the month. the money will stop if there is a government shutdown, likely not for a long period of time, because there will be such pain that the republican house of
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representatives are not likely to stand pat for long. they'll make their point and government will have to get on with the business of government. >> late yesterday, a group of republicans announced their own version of a separate health care bill. can you explain that to us? >> well, you know, it's interesting that after four, five years of fighting the affordable care act, that the republicans have come up with an alternate plan, but their plan still has a number one priority, which is first it would eliminate the affordable care act, start from scratch. second, they say it's a market based solution and that they would include among other things provisions to make sure that preexisting conditions get covered, but here's the deal. this plan comes out of the house of representatives. it is unlikely to get passed in the senate, and so this is another effort to speak to their base, but probably won't have
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any effect. >> all right, randall pinkston live in washington, d.c. it's going to be a long day for all of us, thanks so much, talk to you again soon. >> let's bring in local an love the at new york university and a top aide to former asks hillary clinton and the professor at the school of international and public relations at columbia university. thank you for coming in. let's get started. >> senator john. >> i isaac con from georgia trying to hammer out a debt deal. he says it's totally atrophy. we are earning our 11% popularity rating. it's easy to talk about obamacare than the major sources of our problem. it sounds like its business the usual in congress. what's your reaction to that? >> absolutely well said and he's absolutely on point, sadly enough. one of the questions you can ask is where are the grownups in the republican party on this.
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you do not fight for something you have no hope of getting and that is what they are doing. they are going to take a vote to defund to go oh the senate and be sent right back and we will be back in the same position, except we'll be one or two days out of the shutdown of the government. this is absolutely, he's absolutely right. they're earning their 11% and that maybe high. >> on a good day it's 11. why do you think they're doing this? >> because the republican party lacks -- it's hard to think about it this way, but the leadership lacks the strength to bring their members along. that's the problem. you have a republican party that's weakened and trying to figure out who they are going to be going forward. you've got the leadership on the one side and 42 members, the tea party on the other side fighting for the heart and soul of the party. this is an interparty battle. they are going to hurt themselves in terms of the big races they want to win, like the white house in 2016, like the
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mid term elections. this is the problem for the party and the establishment, the leadership knows it but haven't been able to bring their members along. >> explain exactly what the government shutdown, what it actually means. >> it means that aside from critical services, life threatens services, you will basically have government agency shut down and government workers furloughed. that costs money to close and actually open government offices, in the two times that this happened in the mid 1990's, it cost $1.4 billion. this is not chump change. this is actually a very serious concern, not just for the government itself and its employees, but also for the people who receive those services. so essentially, a lot of very crucial, important programs around the country that get funded by government would be topped. parks, national parks, things like that, so it is a problem, and the reality is this has ripple effect for the markets.
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if you look at what the fed has done with continuing the quantity taughtive easing, they're nationalling that there is some real concerns for the economy and the rove over the last few years that they need to actually continue that stimulus. what the potential shutdown does is it further adds to the concern that the recovery isn't as strong as we needed it to be, and the shutdown essentially what will do is stall government and stall the recovery, as well. >> you both seem to agree that it would be very damaging if this happens. having said that, do you think this is a purely political exercise, or is it truly a principled exercise for at least some who want to do this? >> i think you can say it is to a certain extent for the members representing the constituents of principle's exercise. they truly believe obamacare, the health care act is going to hurt the country. that said, if they look at the reality of the situation, you have karl rove coming you the and saying this is just an
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exercise in insanity, because there is no way to achieve their goals. they have to join that principle with the reality that they don't have the numbers to push this through. when you look at those two things in concert and the the impact on the economy, imagine how different our economy might be now if we hadn't been going through this the last two years. if they had worked together, we might not have been downgraded, our economy might be stronger. they have to think about the reality. there is a lot of principles, a lot of fight for the heart and solve of the republican party but the reality is they don't have the numbers to push this through. government is about compromise, congress you have to compromise. >> before i let you go, how do you think it will play out. >> i think there is going to be a deal. in reality, no one wants this. democrats don't, because it takes their agenda items off the table, immigration, jobs off the table. for republicans, it's quite the same thing, with you at the same time they've got to go back to
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their constituents in 2014 and explain why they haven't been able to do anything. quite frankly, most of this repeal of obamacare is really just scorn, blatant scorn for this president. they have said from the very beginning they do not want to make this president a two term. that has happened. now the only weapon is to be able to stop and thwart his agenda. that's all that this is, but i don't think that's something they can readily explain to their constituents. >> we'll have to see how this plays out in the coming days. thank you both very much, appreciate it. >> all right. the house voted to slash the food stamp program by nearly $40 billion over the next 10 years. the bill passed out a single democratic vote yesterday and president obama has promised to veto the measure. it's part of the farm about him the house voted on back in july. right now, one in seven people is on food stamps. >> the bill now heads to the senate where democrats say the
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cuts will plunge millions into poverty and they will not let the cuts stand. under the house bill, 4 million people would be removed from the program starting next year. after that, another 3 million would be cut each year. for those who remain in the program, the bill limits them to get benefits or only three months at a time. >> a texas appeals court overturned the money laundering conviction of former house leader tom delay. he was convicted of misusing political campaign funds. prosecutors claim he redirected donations. the appeals court said there was not enough evidence to support the conviction. the prosecutor who handled the case said he will appeal the decision. >> the floods in colorado have taken lives, destroyed homes. now experts say they're causing oil spills. we'll have the latest on the recovery efforts. >> also, the chemical weapons attacks in syria will pass the shadow over the united nations general assembly next week.
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everyone." >> manuel weakened to a tropical storm after making landfall in mexico. a new storm is forming in the gulf. there are massive flooding and landslides. 100 people have died and that number is expected to rise. >> the house of representatives are scheduled to vote today on a bill that would keep the government running past september in exchange for cutting the president's health care allow. while it is expected to pass the house, it has little chance in the senate. >> an urgent plea from washington today to the u.n. security council, act immediately on syria. we report on tough statements and diplomatic maneuvers coming from many sides of this debate. >> the u.s. secretary of state wants swift u.n. approval of a u.s. russia deal to eliminate syria's chemical weapons. >> this fight about syria's chemical weapons is not a game. it's real. it's important. it's important to the lives of
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people in syria, important to the region, it's important to the world that this be enforced, this agreement. >> john as herry had little time for the view. >> the u.n. report confirms that chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin were used in syria. we know the assad regime possesses sarin, and there's not a shred of evidence, however, that the opposition does. >> but at the united nations in new york, the five permanent members of the security council met late into thursday evening to try once again to reach an agreement on a resolution of addressing syria's chemical weapons. >> how much progress, do you think? >> well, i don't want to comment in detail, but we're having constructive discussions, and i hope that progress is being
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made. we'll keep meeting until we reach agreement. >> any chance on a comment? >> not bad, i think, not bad. >> are we hitting any major obstacles? >> i'm not going beyond that, not bad. >> there was an unusually frank admission from the syrian government. in an interview, syria's deputy prime minister said the war had reached a stalemate, saying the government would call for a ceasefire at peace talks in geneva. neither the armed opposition nor regime is exhale of defeating the other side. the deputy prime minister said the syrian government will ask for an end to exterm intervention. keeping up the pressure on assad's regime, the french president suggested for the first time that his country could arm syrian anti-government
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fighters, saying any weapons must be supplied in a framework that can be controlled, because we cannot accept that weapons could fall into the hands of jihadists. >> director of the truman national security project nuclear no one proliferation expert group is here to shed light on how the public rhetoric doesn't necessarily align with the behind the scenes diplomacy. thank you so much poor joining us, mr. costa, we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> what do you think might be going on behind the scenes that we don't actually know about? >> well, let me begin by saying that the u.s.-russia framework agreement agreed upon last week had a lot of positives. syria has the burden of proof on its shoulders to identify the location of chemical sites and
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provide access to inspectors. the time lines are short and feasible. third, the u.s. and russia have a consensus on syria's actual chemical weapons stockpile. the question that's going to be faced at the u.n. this week is going to be the enforcement of this resolution. u.s., u.k. and france believe the agreement must be enforced under chapter seven of the u.n. security council, which would authorize punitive measures such as sanction and force. russia feels it should be an avenue to be pursued, but not wanting a reference within the resolution. i think what you will see now -- you're going to see a lot of i don't thinking back and forth and you're seeing that today play out in the headlines. at the end of the day, i do believe a resolution will be agreed upon and i think it will probably be reflective of what
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we saw in the u.s.-russia agreement last week, which had reference to chapter seven, though not authorized as directly as perhaps the u.s. would prefer. >> maybe implied use of force but not explicit? >> exactly. >> >> it will leave open the option along the lines of in the event of non-compliance, we should take further action under chapter seven. >> stay with us for a moment, because we're going to need you in just a second. ok? iran's new president has an op ed in the washington post this morning, saying the age of blood feud is gone. here's a quote
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>> president obama and rouhani have been communicating through letters. first reaction to these developments. i think they might be surprising to some. >> yeah, i think it's nothing but good news compared to where we were with the former president ahmadinejad last year. we've seen a diplomatic offensive, releasing political prisoners the u.s. have been asking them to release. they have eye toll i can't
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supreme leader has shown flexibility in negotiations with the sufficient. newly elected president rouhani has exchanged letters with president obama. this is the first time there is a real possibility of a diplomatic break through. >> why now? is it simply a change in leadership at the top? >> i think there's a few reasons. the first is iran is feeling the greatest economic pressure it has in a very long time. it's oil reserves have been cut in half. its currency is struggling, so that's one. second, iran is ready to begin to not only relieve economic pressure, but also yes, the in-fighting that occurred previously with president ahmadinejad and other members that were more in line with the
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supreme leaderrer, i think those divisions have started to settle down, driving this process. >> we'll have to see what happens in the coming days. joseph costa, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you very much. >> iraqis who work with the military in 2003 could be cut off from the u.s. permanently. a law that gives the state department to hand out special immigration visas runs out this month. thousands of iraqis that served as interpreters could be stranded in iraq. >> there is an unbreakable bond that you cannot define among civilians with military man. >> the whole back of this vehicle is gone. >> tim and his interpreter were targeted half a dozen times while on duty in iraq. now retired from service, he asked us not to use his last name. >> what do you do after you've
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been blown up and survived. >> such events happened, and now you don't think about it. >> it's an everyday occurrence. >> working in iraq was ok at first but soon got dicey for his family. one of his sons was hurt when their car was blown up in the driveway of their home. >> he got burned on his arm and leg, passing through the ball of fire out of the house. >> when he wanted to bring his family to live in america, tim pulled out all the stops to get him a special immigrant visa for iraqis hood worked with and fought for the u.s. >> we could not, and i'd like to emphasize not with a capital n have accomplished our mission without him or his fellow interpreters. >> five years ago, congress authorized 25,000 visas for families like him, but the state department has issued only 25% of them and now time its running out. unless congress acts by the end of the month, the law allowing these visas will expire. the state department says we
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welcome any actions by congress to extend the iraqi s.i.v. program and are working with our interagency partners and interested members of congress to extend our authority to allowed tort continued issuance of special immigrant visas. lawyers working on behalf of iraqis who worked to the u.s. military and are seeking visas say thousands of them could soon be shut out completely. >> this wouldn't the potential catastrophe that it is if the state department and department of homeland security had administered this program efficiently and expeditiously when the legislation was passed. now we're in a position where men and women who served at honorably as our own troupes are potentially in threat of death. >> tim says looking after those who risked their lives and their family's lives for americans should be a number one priority for the government. >> darn it, if we can put a man on the moon, we can get these guys over here. that's kind of how i feel.
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>> at least he and his family are now safe in the u.s., grateful to the town that's made them so welcome. >> i never forget, you know. something in my mind and my kids and my wife, something we couldn't have back there in iraq. >> he just wants his countrymen who also risked their lives for the u.s. to live the dream, too. aljazeera, connecticut. >> safety is not the only issue for those interpreters. they say their employment prospect in iraq are weak because of discrimination against anyone who aided the american war efforts. >> the colorado floods have left seven dead and that number is expected to rise. the damage reports continue to come in, including more than 5,000-gallons of oil spilling into the river. state energy officials say the company that owns the damaged tank has put booms in the water to keep the oil from spreading. a second spill was reported near
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platville, along with the environmental damage, thousands are now being hit officially. the reason, many homeowners did not have flood insurance. we report. >> jesse and will collins were among the first people allowed back into lyons. it's just utter devastation. >> they found four feet of mud inside the house where they lived. what's left fits inside a few trash bags. >> everything that was like about waist high is gone. >> we own our business outright. it took me 30 years to get to here. >> just down the street, fema search and rescue team was going through the neighborhood, trudging through high water to make sure everyone has been accounted for. these boots on the ground are part of the rescue process, but
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now a week after the floods, fema's attention is turning to money to help people get back on their feet. there i see not supposed to be a river running down this street. only about 6,000 people have flood insurance in these counties. >> you hate a exaggerate and talk about a 500 year flood, about you this is a historic event in colorado. >> she said a lot of people in colorado affected by these floods were not even in flood plains. >> many people say it happened now, it's not bog to happen again at any time they see her breaking images on t.v., people unable to recover from this financially. we hope that will help people to be financially prepared and buy flood insurance. >> 2,000 people have signed up for them.
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the agency has $4.3 million for cash grants, unemployment assistance and temporary housing. >> we're a piece of the recovery package that people have. >> fema said the federal government can only do so much. >> we are not able to fully compensate you for your losses, but we want to make sure you have a safe inhabitable place to live. >> we were on top of the world before this. we start from zero again. >> jesse and will are hoping fema's jump start will help them begin getting their lives on track. >> i always if something happened, it would be from a fire. flood i guess is the last thing that came to my mind. >> for them and thousands of others, the long financial recovery process is just beginning. tamara banks, aljazeera. >> standard homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods.
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in colorado, it costs $650 a year to add it. >> we have a look at the national forecast this morning. >> it's 36 degrees right now in rapid city, south dakota. take a look at the map here behind me. it's our latest cold front on the move, extending from minnesota back into texas. i really want folks to be careful on the roads this morning. these are severe thunderstorm watch boxes i should last night. these storms with this cold front produced throws to 200 reports of damaging winds and hail. we are looking at that threat again today as the storms push towards the east from detroit down into indianapolis and maybe as far back as portions of st. louis. i want folks on the roadways, i-70, i-80 to use precaution again, looking for damaging winds, hail and isolated tornadoes.
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actually, yesterday in texas in a city called moore, we did have a report of a tornado touching down, because these storms are so volatile. >> that's all of the moisture from manuel, continuing to push and really fuel these storms as they continue to drag towards the east. i-70, i-80, i-35 from dallas into houston, and as far south at corpus christie looking at heavy rainfall. behind the front, it's cooling down tremendously. 36 degrees right now in rapid city as we track further on into the east across omaha, 53. in chick, it's 68. that's ahead of the front. that is going to fuel the volatile storms this afternoon, and really on into tonight. damaging winds, hail and a chance for isolated tornadoes from detroit into indianapolis, back into portions of st. louis. i really want folks in that area to use precaution. a shower or thunderstorm friday,
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sunday into monday, it heats up a bit. new york city, it's a nice day, a high of 79 with mostly sunny skies. saturday will reach 77 with partly sunny skies, then that front pushes on through sunday. if you have outdoor plans, take an umbrella with you. it's going to be a wet day with a high of 74, wooler monday with our high coming in at 69. super typhoon makes its way towards china. right now, taiwan into the northern philippines in luzanne, this storm is massive and will pose a significant risk to human life. >> sports now. the cool thing is so often, it's not about what happens on the field, it's all the emotional stories that come with it. >> absolutely. two huge fan favorites coming back to philadelphia last night.
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andy reid spent 14 years in philadelphia, got them to 4n.f.c. champion games and one superbowl. in today's nfl, even the most successful coaches wear out their well chem. he left this season to take the head coaching job in kansasty. last night, he was back in philly. there was a big debate whether he would be cheered or booed. they gave him a healthy standing ovation. >> the second straight game, turnovers. michael vick threw to turnovers in this game, including that one returned. the offense, kansas city, looking pretty good so far this season. jamal charles providing 92 yards of rushing offense and the score as andy reid returns to philadelphia victorious, 26-16.
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>> aljazeera attended last night's festivities in philadelphia, which also included the retirement of former quarterback donavan mcnabb. >> the kansas city chiefs improve to 2-0 and already have more victories than all of last season after their victory with the eagles. andy reid got the victory against his former team. donavan mcnabb had his jersey retired at half game and reed was cheered entering the field and got a gatorade bath at the end of it. >> that's a long time especially for a changeupy old guy. i enjoyed every minute here. i'm enjoying my time in kansas city. i'm coming back, i really didn't think much about it until the game was over. it's great to see the guys and players, they're here. >> philadelphia should have
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channeled their inner donavan mcnabb, because the former eagles quarterback had his number five jersey retired during an emotional half time ceremony. >> i stand here to let you know i truly love and respect everything that you've given me for 10 years. [ cheering ] ♪ >> the eagles have dropped two straight games and it doesn't get any easier. next week, they'll be heading into denver to take on the undefeated broncos, while the chiefs would strap it up against the new york giants hoping to go 4-0. aljazeera. >> now to baseball where a little more than two months ago, the dodgers were considered to be one of the most disappointing teams in the majors until they won 41 of their next 59 games, including last night's 7-ices come from behind win in arizona, thanks to two home runs we ramirez as the dodgers became
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the first team to clinch a post season berth by winning their first division title since 2009. l.a. becoming the third team to be in last place on july 1 or later and still win their division. to celebrate, the dodgers hit the pool. there's a pool in center field in phoenix. that's a fairly bold move, though in enemy territory. >> in the american league, the race for the wildcard spots are getting tighter. the rays and rangers are fighting for the top spot. three homers off matt moore put the rangers ahead to stay to win it 8-2. tampa bay and texas now tied atop the two american league wildcard standings with cleveland just a game back -- half game back. >> the red sox with a chance to earn a berth. the red sox scored three runs on steven drew's two-run home run
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and pedroias single. january lackey on the hill struck out eight, walked two for his 16th career complete game as boston posted the win to earn a spot in the playoffs and reduce the number to clinch just one. they finished dead last last year with 93 losses. this part of the year is when the champagne and beer starts pouring in baseball as they celebrate justify making it too the playoffs. >> baseball and football at the same time, this is an amazing time of year. >> los angeles police officers could soon have witnesses attached to their shirts, witnesses that remember everything and never blink, and there's evidence the change could be a big help to the department. faultlines investigates why so many babies are dying in america's inner cities. >> lot a times programs and stuff all they care about is numbers. they don't care about people. >> faultlines: america's infant mortality crisis.
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about where this device has already seen success. >> five with my victor north. >> the sergeant patrols the streets in california with his badge, his gun, and a little something extra, a small camera clipped to his uniform. >> it sort of acts as an independent witness to document our actions. >> police have been using body cameras for the past year, capturing every incident the officers respond to. >> douglas, step out, keep your hands where i can see them. >> the department has seen a huge drop in the number of complaints against officers and the number of times the officers use physical force on suspects. >> we had an 88% reduction in officer complaints and a 60% reduction in use of force. >> when people know they're being filmed, they act differently. >> l.a. police commissioner is working to bring the technology to los angeles. he says lapel cams will result
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in more transparency within the force. >> the taping of those if done correctly and newt intrusively or against any of the rules saves man hours for the police officers. it helps the general public feel like there's some sort of additional accountability, and it saves time, money, lives. >> the l ax pd is getting help from deep pockets. dream works jeffery cats sendburg have pledged money for equipment. the aclu supports the use but is concerned about how the camera is used and who gets to see what's being reported. >> the videos should be reviewed only when there's reason to believe there is officer misconduct or some kind of criminal act documented. >> he says the department is still working out the details, but officers won't be able to turn the cameras on or off
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themselves. like dashboard cams, they might turn on automatically when lights and sirens activated. los angeles is looking to this as a guide. >> it's a slow process, needs to be in premental and you need to do it right. >> the lapd will test the cameras. >> if all goes well, officials hope that each and every officer will be using one within the year. stephanie stanton, aljazeera, realto california. >> since coming under fire for the beating of rodney king, the lapd has tried to put dash cams in every patrol car, but only one in three have them. >> a deal to keep the government running past september is looking less likely. today the house is expected to pass a bill that would pay the bills but cut funding for obamacare. >> pope benedict's comments are getting reaction from around the
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globe. >> the death toll is rising from a pair of hurricanes in mexico, and now another storm is on the way. >> good morning to former eagles make emotional returns to philadelphia. we hear from reed and mcnabb coming up later in sports. >> a typhoon is heading towards hong kong. >> aljazeera continues. we are back in two and a half minutes. you can always check our website, thanks for your time. do keep it here. on inside story, we bring together unexpected voices closest to the story, invite hard-hitting debate and desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you.
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>> good morning. you are watching aljazeera america, and these are stories we're following. a showdown over funding the government and the president's health care law. it's pitting republican against republican and all comes to a head today with a congressional vote. from floods and hurricanes, now a super typhoon, the strongest storm this year is now churning in the pacific. >> the pope makes a concession about the catholic church, calling it small-minded and obsessed with issues like homosexuality and conception. >> how would you like to get paid $18,000 to stay in bed all day?
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