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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 20, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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>> good evening everyone, welcome to al jazeera. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. >> the american people don't want the government shut down and they don't want obamacare. >> the budget battle on capitol hill. house members make their first movement with health care on the chopping block. what neighborhood leaders are doing stop bloodshed. plus a supertyphoon, the steps the government is doing to protect the coast.
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well, the stage is set for a showdown. the house of representatives passed a bill today that guts funding for the affordable care act. this is the 42nd time they've held a vote. today a temporary spending measure was added to the bill that funds the government until december 15th. without a new spending measure in place the government would be forced to shut down after september 30th. the bill is split along party lines. 230 voted for it, 189 volted against it including one republican. mike viqueira has more from washington, d.c. >> after a week of in-fighting today a show of unity for house republicans. >> we had a victory for american people and a victory for common sense. >> their calls for celebration a vote to cut off funding for the new health care law. something the gop has voted for more than 3 dozen times before.
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>> it's time to free americans from the shackles of obamacare. >> this time they think they have leverage. tying the entire government to the elimination of the president's health care plan. after first resisting the idea, gop leaders faced a revolt from conservatives, ultimately they gave in. >> let's defund this program now and protect the american people from the economic calamity that we know obamacare will create. >> the bill passed the house even as democrats scoffed. >> this place is a mess. let's get our house in order. we are legislators. >> i invite my colleagues on the other side to wake up from this radical ideologic wet dream. >> without a compromise the government will shut down october 1st. president obama has promised a veto and the senate won't even consider it. appearing at a ford ford plant, mr. obama accused the
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republicans of moving in reverse. >> now they're moving in,. >> i'm happy to hold that debate with them. you don't have to threaten to blow the whole thing up just because you don't get your way, right? >> good news bad news tonight. the good news the president and the speaker are imhkin communic, called speaker boehner only to tell him he won't negotiate on a second crisis point. the country will exceed that debt limit, you and i have been talking about it over the last two nights, he won't negotiate offer the full faith and credit of the united states. things are in a holding point right now john. >> what is the reaction from the senate? >> it is bipartisan negative. senators say they will fight to
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the last, conservative fire brands, ted cruz, mike lee, they say they will filibuster, it is going to be a very long week. john mccain, called this a political suicide note. harry reed the democratic leader says no how no way that provision is going to stay in the bill when it comes out of the senate. >> is anybody talking about a possible resolution? >> they are talking about fill filibusters, cutting obamacare as they call it. nobody is optimistic that something is going to move or break through by october 1st and that is the beginning of the new fiscal year and if there isn't we have a government-wide shut down. >> mike viqueira in washington, mike thank you. what happens if the government does shut down, medicare and medicaid reimbursements as well as social security checks would likely not be affected.
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the border patrol would be held in place. however 800,000 could be furloughed, the cdc could hold monitoring of outbreaks, and national parks museums and monuments could close. are in other news the syrian government has released details on part of its chemical weapons program. the assad regime still needs to provide further information about its chemical weapons stockpile by next week and may allow syria to avoid potential air strikes. kristin sloomi reports. >> two comments for the syrian issue, the syrian government has turned over a list to the opcw, just a partial list and they do expect more to come. now, this is the organization that is expected to oversee the agreement for dismanned ling
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syria's chemical weapons. and they are supposed to have a meeting this sunday in order to approve the plan that was laid out by russia and the united states but that meeting has been delayed which has ramifications here at the united nations. the security council is waiting for organization to give its approval before it can proceed with the resolution making the whole deal official. >> that's kristin sloomi reporting. iran is calling for an open dialogue with the united states. this is an optimistic shift, between the two countries, possibility president obama and president ruhani will meet. john terrett reports. >> in an op ed iran's new president goes on a charm offensive. hasan rahani calls on nations to consider more than just their
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own interest, it means engaging with one's counterparts on the basis of mutual respect. says nobody is immune to extremist fueled violence. we must work together he says to end the unhealthy rivalrieries t drives us apart. oman watcher: >> iranian leaders have come to this conclusion. that iran's economy is in a dire situation and they cannot survive many years with the current sanctions, with the crippling sanctions, if they want to compromise on iran' iras nuclear am businesses. israel ask one of the main components of problems between the iran and the u.s.
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iran cannot solve its problems with the u.s. unless they come up with a solution in the relationships with israel. and so far, iran has not shown any sign in that regard. >> animosity between the u.s. and iran has been building for years, stretching back to the 1950s when the cia overthrew mohamed mosadek. through mahmoud amhanadenajad. he ends his op ed with a plea to world leaders, prudent engagement that my people have given me. hasan rahani is clearly making a play for this year's star of the u.n. general assembly. >> so has iran miscalculated with the united states? >> it's remarkable. how many years are you covering
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the middle east, teheran and iran's interests are converging. i don't think that teheran has miscalculated the relationship it needs to have with israel. quite likely here at the u.n. in new york they're going to make the noises that suggest look washington we're going oback off israel. there will be no malicious words, but we may persuade, nothing happened about it because it was too soon after the iraq war. but iran has made that offer before and so that's the kind of thing that i think they might be doing. of course what do they get out of it? those sanction he are crippling the economy. they think they'll get a better deal under a democratic
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administration, rather than a republican one in 2016. and the u.s. gets some of the issues solved a little bit. >> this is a big meeting for the united nations next week but especially in iran. give us some perspective are we going to have big news next week? >> i'm not going to put down iran, it's very, very easy to do with the u.n. but actually this time round it does look like we're going to get news. rahani is going to be the star but up and above that, you've got the geneva talks, comes at the end of next week a week from tomorrow then the israelis and palestinians and the indianaians and the pakistanis over kashmir. so legality me stick my neck
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out, and say, we have an interesting and news worthy general assembly but could fall apart by wednesday. tragic late night shooting in chicago's south side. a three-year-old boy who was slot in the face is expected to survive. the boy was more than 13 people wounded in an attack, that happened in the park in the city's back of the yard neighborhood. police say the gunman was armed with an assault style are weapon with high capacity magazines. a pastor is urging the community to condemn this type of violence. he was joined by isaiah thomas. >> we can eliminate drugs away from poverty, when you put weapons and you put drugs on top of poverty, that makes it almost impossible for anyone to rise up out of it.
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>> diane esterbrook is in the neighborhood, where the rally is about to get underway, what's happenings diane? >> the march should get started shortly. the mood around the south side all day today, was one of anger and frustration. a lot of people who live in these neighborhoods think that people in other parts of the city have almost become desensitized to the kind of violence that goes on here. and we've talked to one mother that says no mother should experience what he has. >> he was kind of laying on his left side kind of almost in a fetal position. >> three years ago, lawanda sterling found her child dead here. >> he was obaby but it was hard to die in an alley at 16 like a dog. >> 16-year-old jeremiah wasn't in a gang but was shot anyway because he was mistaken for a
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gang member. in a neighborhood where gang violence and gun fire are commonplace it is hard to move on. >> it must be tough to detach yourself from gun fire. >> if i don't i can't move it on. i hear it in my head all the time. when i hear a shot i naturally jump. >> just days after the fbi named chicago the murder capital of the nation, police say it was gang related and once again called for a ban on assault style weapons. >> illegal guns drive violence. and military type weapons like the one we believe to have been used in this shooting, belong on a battle field. not on a street or in a corner or in a park. >> at new beginnings church pastor cory brooks comforted
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victims. >> for it to be a shooting in a park and all of america not rise up to do something about it is very hurtful. >> la wanda sterling is frustrated too that children on her block could become victims themselves. >> it is commonly accepted, another one is shot, he should -- no, that should not be the norm. they are living in war time. they can't be kids. >> kids too far too often die too young just like her son. diane estherbrooke, al jazeera, chicago. and just an update, police have not made any arrests or urntion nod any -- or announced any arrests in that shooting last night. thank you diane. tie fun usagi ask barelying
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between the philippines and taiwan, aimed at mainland china. usagi is packing winds of 115 miles per hour with gusts up to 185 miles per hour. caused major flooding in northern japan. >> and i'm dave warren. we are certainly tracking that storm as i continues to move between the philippines and taiwan. it is 165 mile-per-hour wind that is what it looked like whit was really intense. over the past few hours that eye is not nearly as defined or intense. most likely will lower the intensity. still though there is a lot of wind and rain with this storm and the track will continue to push it through -- between taiwan and the philippines. now there's a lot of rain with this and a lot of wind.
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where it's headed is looks like it's passing between taiwan, there's the eye, the problem is that these bands of rain are moving accreditation the country now, but once the eye against -- gets past taiwan, devastating flooding passing by taiwan. the storm tracks to the west, looks like it will diminish in intense city to a category 1 storm. 100 miles per hour or less, impacting hong kong sunday morning 9:00, between now and then we'll watch taiwan and hong kong, see how the storm develops. significant impact across this region. the death toll stands at 50 persons, the storm collapsed highways and cut off thousands
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from basic supplies. we're here on the so-called sun highway between mexico city and acapulco. this is a major transit route in the country of mexico, for nearly the past week this road has been shut down because of a tunnel collapse caused by torrential rains. now they have just opened this road and we have just seen the first cars coming north escaping from acapulco, escaping from this disaster zone and heading back towards mexico city or other destinations. what we have also seen over the past few hours are buses traveling, empty buses traveling south, other side of the highway towards acapulco where they will be picking up people who have again strand he for days and days and bringing them back north. up until now the government last been trying to move people using
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both commercial and military flights but they have been quite restricted on how many people they have been able to move. and there are still a mass of people who need to make it out. it's causing a lot of tension in acapulco. just a few days ago we were there and we saw very high tensions. we saw thousands of people waiting in line trying to get onto those military flights and civilian flights. it's really hot, people have been waiting there with children, elderly, all sorts of people. and people are starting to get frustrated and fed up with the government with not being able to move them fast enough. so this is going to provide a critical ink already for the government to move those people out and a big relief valve for the government. >> dave mercer reporting. vice president biden will be there in mexico on a preplanned trip. the government in mexico offers questions why warnings and emergency response were not ahead -- there ahead of the
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storms. 82 people still unaccounted for in colorado. nearly 2,000 people have already been rescued a week and a half after the torrential rains began. property losses are estimated at $2 billion and have been reported across 17 counties, more than 1800 homes have been destroyed. one smartphone company cuts its workforce by one-third. the wun once thriving blackberry could be bought out by a competitors. the iphone with bling, details, next.
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>> blackberry looks like it's in far worst shame than it thought. the smartphone maker, is reporting a quarterly loss of nearly $1 billion. its sales have been hit by the rise of samsung and apple. blackberry could end up being bought out by a rival. >> a variety of chinese manufacturers would like to use blackberry to go into parts of north america and europe and asia that they're not currently in. plus it's business focused. >> blackberry dropped nearly 20%. meantime, apple has gained momentum, are first to get their hands on the new iphone 5 s,
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the demand is strong, and silver and space gray iphones are available in seven to ten business days, but customers looking to buy gold version he will have to wait until october. well, jessica taff is here with sports. >> hi john, we were talking about a little baseball going on. a long time pitcher, andy pettit announcing he is ready to retire again but this time for good. it seems that no matter pettit is all time leader in the postseason with 19 wins to go along with five titles. turning ogolf, where an extra $10 million payday is on the way. tiger woods if he request get it if he can hang onto that number
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1 rank in the fedex cup he has it. woods started strong but then the world's top player blew up to finish one over for the day. meanwhile henrik stenson is still on top with a four stroke lead over adam scott. texas running back adrian foster admits he took money on the side as a member of the tennessee vols, from 2005 to 2008, rare that someone blows the whistle on himself. but he did it for the amateur athletes. native americans kicked out of their tribe. a process called disenrollment. where tribal council determines who should be part of the tribe
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and who doesn't. adeleine washington and her family are being tobled by their tribal -- being told by their tribal council that they don't belong. >> it makes me feel really sad that there is such a strong division in our tribe. and that it cuts worse than a sword. >> she and more than 300 others all descendants of this woman, annie george have called themselves nooksacks for decades and have been officially recognized as part of the tribe for the last 30 years. there's a problem. for some reason the word annie george doesn't prayer on one of the key documents used to define who is in the tribe and who isn't. >> never showed up on the 1942 census. >> disenrollment has a practical point.
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adelina and others would lose tribal jobs and tribal housing. addelinna lives off of tribal housing. it's not that much to the nooksack reservation, geographically, the property on which the casino sits but about 2,000 members. those involved sai say that thee dispute goes back a long way, a blood food. >> certain group of people don't like the filipinos. back in '96 they tried disenroll us once, they are trying do it again. >> everybody is kind of always taking sides against this family here. i don't like it. >> not a nooksack problem. this is a problem that many
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tribes have. >> professor robert anderson runs the native american law center. he says disenrollment litigation has exploded over the last 15 years with cases in at least 50 different tribes. those cases are often connected to casinos and a scramble for the slice of the tribal gambling pie. but that doesn't seem the case with the nooksacks, whose two casinos are struggling and they don't believe this is a money grab. tribal councils and tribal courts have the final say. the federal government has no jurisdiction. >> tribes are accused of being vindictive. on the other hand tribes say hey we have got a continuing obligation to review our membership and that's what we're doing is responsible government officials. >> for adelina parker this is a matter of responsible
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individuals. >> what did the responsible people say to the tribal elders, did we not mean enough for the o fight for them? >> alan shoffler al jazeera demming, washington. >> still to come on al jazeera, he is a nobel prize winner, we speak to him coming up.
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>> welcome back to al jazeera. i'm john siegenthaler. here are the top stories. leaders in chicago are again calling for a ban on military grade weapons after a gang shooting that injured 13 people including a child seriously last night. it is the latest in a series of attacks in chicago. it is by far the most powerful storm of the year, tie 15 usagi is barreling through the philippines and china. flooding and torrential rains are included. it's already caused major
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flooding in japan. the house voted for a bill today that aims to take down the president's health care law in return for funding the government for another three months. the bill is not expected to pass the senate without the spending measure, the government is set to shut down after september 30th. the house is on a break until wednesday, meaning there is little time to reach a compromise before that deadline. less than 24 hours ago, the house of representatives also voted on a bill that would flash $40 billion from the federal food stamp program. drastic cuts would affect hundreds of thousands of american families. stephanie stanton joins us from los angeles. stephanie. just over a million people are on food stamps about 9% of the population. earlier today we had an opportunity to talk to some of those families about their struggles. they also had some words to the politicians in washington who are making decisions that could drastically affect their lives.
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each week outside downed los angeles people line up to get food from a local church outreach program. 23-year-old crystal harris is also on food stamps. >> they go by fast. especially when you are somewhere where you don't have a refrigerator or stove to cook on. you eat fast food a lot. >> at 26 she has one child and another on the way. she's upset by news that politician he are trying to reduce or cut her benefit. >> i would tell them think about it as if you're in our shoes, you know, would you do the same, would you still do that? >> a potential loss in benefit would affect the nearly 1 million people in los angeles who rely on $1.7 billion in food stamp benefits. it would also affect local food banks and churches who regularly feed the hungry.
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>> see the lines see the need, that might change things. >> they feel a duty to help the lest fortunate and no matter what happens in washington they'll continue to be there to lend aa hand. now if passed, this bill would cut $40 billion from the food stamp program over the next ten years. however there are a lot of hurdles to overcome john because it first has to pass the are democratic controlled senate, that seems unlikely although president obama has vowed to veto it. that's how the situation stance here john. >> thank you stephanie. a nobel peace prize winner is turning his attention to america's broken health care system and the people who have few options when it comes to affordable treatment. amanda price has that story. >> the gridlock in capitol hill,
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enter mohamed unis. his work to fight poverty through microfinance earned him the nobel peace price in 2006. what started as a single loan in bangladesh grew into a system used around the world. a model that helps groups of borrowers grow their earning power. in the u.s. alone, the bank he founded provided women with microloans, as they become more financially stable unforeseen costs still pose major risks. >> they are working so hard to make ends meet for their families and to gain a foothold for their businesses, health care and the costs associated to crisis are as everybody knows one of the main causes of bankruptcy. >> to address that unis and his
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team are launching a new initiative, first clinic in the u.s. will offer primary care for $10 a week and use health coaches instead of doctors and a better way to meet patient demand. >> more and more the notion of having a team approach where you have each trained health professional operating at the highest level of their training and if a message or support can be offered by someone with less formal training, that's a smart way of complementing the care that's provided by doctor and a nurse. >> researchers forecast the u.s. will need more than 50,000 additional doctors by 2025, a growing problem that has many people like mohamed unis looking for alternatives. amanda price, al jazeera. >> earlier this evening i had the privilege to speak with mohamed unis and i asked him how prima care works.
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>> this is to address the people who are left out of the health care system. even in the united states, there are millions of people who are outside. and particularly undocumented people and people who, even after obamacare, there are a lot of people who still don't get the insurance program. so we are addressing those people to see how to bring health care for them particularly primary health care and in a way that we have been practicing in bangladesh. not as an hav individual. you come as an individual to a doctor and these people are afraid to go anyplace you don't know where to go. emergency is the only place they can go and they don't know who to see, what to do. what we are trying to do is create an intermediary, a health coach, so real health provider to far as these people are concerned, is a health coach who
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helps them to take to the right kind of person so that you don't worry about where to go, how to do. >> talk a little bit about -- you say it's about covering cost not about making money. >> that's right. >> how does that work? >> the whole thing is to make it sustainable. it's not something that you want to make money out of this whole thing. whether you tend towards health care it's all about making money all about the hospital or the insurance and all that. and these people are left out of that system where somebody is trying to make profit out of that. and there's no charity program for them either. so we created, if it's a charity program then somebody has to pay for it. who's going to pay for that? so we thought the best thing is to have a self-sustaining program. taking out the personal profit into the picture. so we created this in a sustainable way, we'll be charging each person, if he -- something like 40, $45 per
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month. so we will be collecting this money in -- >> and that will cor cover all ? >> that will cover all cost. that is our charge, make sure you take care of that health care and also within the amount they can afford to give. >> you are the champion of microfinancing, is that where this comes from? >> when we started the microcredit, addressing the poor women giving them the loan, we found the other problem. poverty and poor health is a synonymous health. if you are poor you are poor in health. so you have to address these issues. you cannot walk away you say we lend the money so -- and then there aren't money and they take care of, then we try bring in health insurance for them. health insurance this we started out with, it was about $3 per
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family mere year. >> go back, how much? >> $3 per family per year. >> it doesn't seem possible. >> it is possible, when you think about 5,000 borrowers, if each one is paying $3 so you have $15,000 coming in. with that $15,000 you can build a whole health care program right there. so we do that. and it worked very well. so -- >> how do you control costs? because in this country, the rising cost of health care is one of the big problems. >> not only it's rising cost, it will continue to rise. it will become a very frustrating experience the way the whole structure is made. so we need to even address the bigger issue of health care in this country otherwise it will just -- >> for instance, the cost of a serious disease of cancer or heart transplant or major heart
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surgery could wipe out a family's savings, hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> anywhere that's possible. >> so translating that into your program -- >> and our program is basically primary health care because the government provides the health care in the medical system, in the health care system. when we have serious diseases then we connect them with the government hospital. our job is to provide. in the primary health care system that's our job. most of the health care system when you are dealing with bofort and all that basically is a primary health care issue, not the basic issues like that. >> could this be as groundbreaking as microfinance? >> should be, because when you cover the cost with 40, $45 per month, that is also challenge to us. we don't know yet. so we start with that and how to make it more efficient, how to address the issues in a way, in a discussion.
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more of an awareness generation, training of mind, you don't eat the way you do, you don't do the things you do, when you are pregnant you don't do this 1-2-3 things, this kind of stuff. >> health coach. >> health coach, that's where it comes, you're not bringing the doctor right away, you're bringing through the health coach the instructions, and you are not fiedin following the principles. that's how we manage that kind of thing. >> that was dr. mohamed unis with us earlier tonight. the obama administration is calling for tough rules to cut greenhouse gas emissions. affecting future coal and natural gas power plants. >> new power plants both natural gas and coal-fired can minimize their carbon emissions by taking
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advantage of available plod earn technology. these technologies offer them a clear pathway fort today and in the long term. >> but critics say the new technologies are expensive, and acquiring them will be another blow to the coal industry. >> we have seen market capitalizations of big companies like peabody be crushed, and the coal sector is probably in the worst shape than i've sen in my lifetime. >> the technology to upgrade the plants will be expensive and that means that consumers will pay much more for electricity. >> former new orleans maim ray nagen wants his trial postponed. >> after being charged with 21 counts of taking bribes from
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city contractors, former new orleans mayor ray nagin wants his trial postponed, he says federal prosecutors have accused him of being racist and i incompetent this week a federal judge granted the officers a new trial because of the prosecutor's online postings. the connection between the comments and the verdict against the officers was clear to observers like dan cielino of loyola university. >> many of those jurors got their news from online news sources where these very unfavorable and venomous posts
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had been aired. to is prejudicial thrirchg -- so the prejudicial outlook was readily apparent. >> but he says nagen's case is different. >> some of the blogging by the department of justice was unfavorable to mr. nagen. however, what is different about this case is now we all know about it. >> cielino thinks, whether those views were influenced by anything they read online. nagen isn't the only one challenging convictions this way. three other attorneys have filed to have their adjudicated cases overturned. >> nevertheless while more people are likely to try, cielino says the odds are
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against them. in about 15 minutes america tonight is coming up on al jazeera america and joie chen is standing by in washington, d.c. with the latest. hi joie. >> on america tonight, it has been very violent week. starting with the d.c. navy yard and last night, chicago playground 13 people were shot including a three-year-old boy. night closer look at gun violence and children caught in cross fire. tragedies that open new wounds on grieving mothers, share their hurt and turning their pain into something positive. that story and much more coming up at the top of the hour john. >> okay important topic joie thank you very much. an old crime is making a come back in texas. ahead on al jazeera how law noarms officers are trying to -- enforcement officers are trying
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to stop the theft of cattle. and how tiger woods did today at the tour championship. in american journalism - >>introduces america tonight. >>in egypt, police fired teargas at supporters of the ... >>a fresh take on the stories that connect to you. [[voiceover]] they risk never returning to the united states. >>grounded. >>real. >>unconventional. [[voiceover]] we spent time with some members of the gangster disciples. >>an escape from the expected. >>i'm a cancer survivor. not only cancer, but brain cancer.
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faultlines investigates why so many babies are dying in america's inner cities. >> lot a times programs and stuff all they care about is numbers. they don't care about people. >> faultlines: america's infant mortality crisis.
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>> cattle russ ling is on the re rise. >> rancher bob alfords has got more than a dozen long horn on his 42 acres. each one is brand he except this calf. >> she's got two brands.
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>> alfred who has pictures of all his animals, have none stolen but he has seen many around here who have. >> almost double what we have had in the past. >> alfred should know, he is also the sheriff. >> a lot of them support drug habits. >> alfred has got an ally in george days of who tones johnson county cattle auction. >> they're liable to give you an address that's not right, there may be something, they may not have a license plate on their trailer. >> high cattle prices is a reason why theft is on the rise. davis says cattle prices are up about 25% from two years ago. >> a good 25 pound calf is worth a lot. >> 16 so far this year. stealing cattle is not that hard. all thieves need is a property where no one lives, a $10 bag of
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feed, and less than an hour to get cows on a trailer and out of here. >> i'm doing more livestock now than i've done in a long time. >> detective steve shaw spends most of his work hours investigate cattle theft. he's not just a detective, he's a victim. >> i dairies for 15 years and i had three baby calves stolen at that time. >> you work all year long to you know to accumulate something an then they take it from you. somebody drives in your place and steals half your calf corroborate. that's pretty bad. >> here comes another one, this one got only my brand. it is a major deterrent. >> but the sheriff is surprised that more farmers don't get them branded.
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as long as prices are high cattle rustling is going to continue. thieves around here often end up in jail. mark schneider, al jazeera kleborn texas. >> well a yankee agent calms it a career. >> andy pettit, as we already mentioned we already knew mari marianoings was going to be calling it quits but andy pettit says he will retire, this is the second time. if you have heard it back, you are absolutely right. he was coaxed back by the yankees after winning five championships but this time around it is for good. simply, mentally and physically
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exhausted. as for the timing the three time all star said he wanted to show fans his gratitude while he was still in uniform. if the yankees fail to make the postseason, sunday will be the last time we see andy pettit in pin stripes in the bronx. honor mo as well. $10 million up for grabs to the golfer who drums up the most points overall in golf's four-tourney playoffs. tiger woods didn't have a birdie all day long yesterday, clawed his way back to 4 got his autograph goingroovegoing but t? got the errant shot and going into clubhouse with four stroke
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lead over adam scott. well the ncaa didn't have to waste their time, investigating aaron foster, for taking money for play, foster did it for them. part of an upcoming documentary that features college athletes who have gotten money on the side along with their allotted scholarships. he did it to pay rent and eat. he agreed to the movie in hopes to draw attention to the rules he thinks is against amateur athletes. on the ut vols has yet to be determined but the texas running back says he doesn't feel he did anything wrong. well, the first two weeks of the nfl's already in the books and we get a better picture now the teams identities and the look at the contendedders and pretenders. for the 0 and 2 buccaneers they
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look more like the latter. our john henry smith spoke with fort worth star telegram, shereen williams, asked ask the question of her who was to go coach or qb? >> josh freeman is in the last year of his rookie contract, the land was story he would ask for a trade before the trade deadline next month. whether that is true or not he is certainly playing his way out of town. he has four touchdowns and 11 interceptions, he has the 30th rated passer, he is not playing very well. there is no question this is his last season in tampa bay. there is a rift between the two of them. i think the only question in tampa bay is this greg schiano's last season in tampa bay. >> two gutty wins fo for bears,e
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they lucky to be 2 and 0? >> two games, two fourth quarter quarterbacks, they believe in jay cutler and i think that's difference for the bears this year. their offense is contributing, they are rated ahead of their defense, defense is 17th. offense is contributing to the calls maybe more than previous as sooseasons. the last year, they fired their head coach, and they need to win more than ten to assure getting into a playof playoff berth. >> who is your biggest surprise? ryan tannehill, 19 career start at a&m in college as a quarterback. he actually made more starts as a wide receiver, played more as
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a wide veer receiver at a&m. he is looking comfortable with mike sherman who is his coach at a&m. better and better. 63% of the teams that start 2 and 0 make the playoffs. the dolphins are well on their way. big team win, kansas city chiefs in. >> can't believe andy pettit and marriano rivera. >> it's going to be awhole new team. >> thanks very much. >> you bet. >> coming up dave warren has a look at the weather.
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victoria azarenko
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>> welcome back. i'm meteorologist dave warren. talking about a big change in the weather, showers and storms to the east warm summer like weathered. behind it return to fall. quick change in temperatures as you see showers and thunderstorms run through, gulf moisture leading to flooding. so there's a lot to talk about right in the middle of the country. first off the showers and storms have moved through chicago drying out and getting much
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cooler in the northern plains. big drop in temperatures and it's dry for the weekend. the temperatures have dropped into the 50s now in minneapolis, still 66 in chicago, warm air moving to the east. don't expect temperatures as warm as they were for the next couple of days. cooler air is moving in. a lot of rain and tropical moisture is being pulled up as the front passes. flooding problems in the southeast here and this is a flash flood watch with a few warnings in effect. that's quick flooding, a lot of rain at once will lead to quick flooding, watch out for flash flooding in the southeast with these storms. warm in the northeast. warm day today it will not last, 75 on sunday with a shower or thunderstorm, cool and dry weather here monday, tuesday and wednesday of next week. headlines are coming up.
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>> welcome to al jazeera. i'm john siegenthaler here are tonight's top stories. leaders in chicago tonight are calling attention to a spike in violent crime. last night a group armed with an assault rifle stormed a basketball game and opened fire. 13 people were injured including a three-year-old boy who was shot in the face. attack is prompting more bans of assault type weapons. a fight is brewing between senate and house in washington, d.c. defunds president obama's health care law, senators are expected to strip the bill of the health care provision. both house he have until


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