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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 22, 2013 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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we have given the number. we have lost 59 lives and 175 have been taken to the hospital. that is what the position is of now. >> reporter: how many people? >> we believe there are still some people in the building. we believe that there's some people in the building and that's why we say the operation is very delicate. >> reporter: are they be fighting or being held actively hostage. no information on that.
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we will not go through that. >> reporter: [ inaudible ] >> member of the press, we have permission that a good number of them are still in the building. but, we, i think that they are with people. i think for now, i will -- >> reporter: [ inaudible ] >> now, the government and the security forces are very delicate. they have the hostages an i want to confirm them the rescue about the people in that building that
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we have handled them with the best under this. the situation is very, very -- we want ask kenya to keep over the building. in fact, we are doing everything to make sure that the hostages who are in the building come out safely. i think the security is doing a good job can and the support to make sure that the people who are getting out of the building get them out as soon as possible. >> reporter: [ inaudible ] >> i have said that this remain a national security operation and when we talk about the operation, you u are talking about the various security operation. we have received a lot of messages out of the country.
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for now, it's oh our operation. i'm sure there's a lot of commitment to this. some of them saying they want send blood to come to this country and many people have donated blood in the hospitals and want to see the individuals -- our country by all means, we will take care of it. the criminals will face the full force of our forces. our police have shown full commitment to this. and to you kenyans we thank you also. >> reporter: [ inaudible ]
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>> i think we are sure to be but also to be to get 1,000 people out of the building it's something we must thank the people ahead of our operations. i assure you here and there that it's significant to the potential of losing life. >> reporter: [ inaudible ] >> i want top assure kenyans that our security forces are in control of the situations. we will keep you posted. we are in control can of the remote control. if you are in control of this and there for, give us an
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individual. the thank you very much. the. the media with questions for the cabinet secretary. he updated us with the death toll here it's now at 59 with 175 people in the hospital. he wants to emphasize the security force work in rescuing more than a thousand people from the shopping center. he did say they are in full control of cc can-tv within the shopping center and the next is being put in to action. i know the location of the attacker. they believe there are 10 to 15 of them. there are any hostages being held with those attackers. let's bring you an update on where we are with that situation. we have security forces locked in this stand off with a al-shab
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that is in an up scale part of nairobi, the capitol of kenya. >> the security cabinet secretary not giving details about those hostages at the moment updating the death toll to 59 being killed. we are seeing throughout the morning, army reenforcements being sent in the area around the mall. the al-shabab gunman are refusing to negotiate. also those attackers are isolated on the ground floor or in the basement of the shopping center. now, among the dead we know the relatives of the kenyan president. also two canadians twaopbd french nationals. several americans have been wounded. al-shabab said this karpb sage in retaliation for kenya's military intervention in
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somalia. witness accounts of people trapped in side asked tk-r he was one -p who was rescued by security forces. >> i saw them walking. they were armed with a long guns. one of them had bullets tieed the afternoon himself. they are shooting randomly. i remember shooting them that area. i remember very well, unfortunately, they shot the security guard ahead of me. they shot him in the head. the that was the graze of a bullet. fortunately, it did not hit me. i lay down flat next to oh the guy. as i lay down there, the shooting continue continued for a while then i guess they proceed from me and to the roof the top so there a bit of quiet
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for 10 or 15 minutes. that's when i had something pulling out that we were able to get out and walk. they had people that walk out to their cars, some children and woman. that's where i stood up where i was. i didn't realize i had been shot nil saw blood on my leg. >> the form prime minister has spoken out to condemn the attacks. >> the people to save the lives who are in danger.
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this is not a time for politics it's a time to unite the country together. >> we are live from outside that shopping center. we heard the interior cabinet secretary saying he's not going to away and that they have control of the cc-tv inside the shopping center. that there are the between 10 and 15 gunman and a number of hostages. are you seeing any signs of a final push in to the shopping center?
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it's a very delicate operation. >> they are using these hostages as human shields. we are seeing a few officials come out now. it's been quite surprising to wake up and find the situation still going on having been the case all night. the kenyans feeling that they're getting enough news about this? are they feeling okay that authorities are on top of the situation? >> reporter: it's really
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frustrating. the government saying this is a matter of national security. they have not told us what is going on inside. they have located where these attackers are or where they are holding hostages. they are really feeling -- we will offer you something here because we are getting very little information. we don't know how they are engaging and how security forces have opinion injured. this is a matter of national security. we should just wait an see this and it's going to take a while. this is particular even more
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frustrating for relatives of those who are still in that mall the as well who are hiding in various parts of the mall. the police have managed to secure the second floor going up but the basement, the ground floor and first floor where the attackers are in the super market are still -- there are people who are hiding in all those floors. it's really frustrating for many people. absolutely. i can only imagine what they must be feeling. thanks very much for joining us now. the very latest from nairobi. we will keep you updated with all the developments as we get them. now to our other developing news. this time out of pakistan where 56 people have been killed in a suicide bombing. this happened in the city of
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peshawar. >> reporter: it occured in a large number oh of people are wounded. some are said to be in critical condition. there's an emergency situation in the hospitals. the doctors are asking for december cat donation for blood to save lives. details of the attacks have emergeed. two suicide bombers on the policeman who were guarding the church. two policeman we're told, one of them was killed e immediately and the other was wound. the suicide bombers went inside the compound where the sunday church service were being held. people were coming out of the church at the time. so, it whraurpblgs crowd area -- so, it was a large crowded area inside the compound. but where they blew themselfs the up was outside -ft oh building. both the suicide bombers body
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parts have been taken away for dna investigation and at the same time as i mentioned the the situation is very grim because it is the first time that a church has been targeted in the city of peshawar even though there have opinion minor takes against church ofs in the past. this is the first attack in the city of peshawar so far. why are the churches being targeted? >> reporter: well, that is the question everyone here is asking. there have been deadly attacks inside mosques, inside shiite mosque, shia mosques, minorities have been targeted. this is the first time auz i mentioned has happened in the city of peshawar it will be interesting to see if there's any claim of responsibility. people came out protest on the streets and the stphop keepers shut down their businesses because they were annoyed at the
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fact that there was hardly any security on the premisess. however, so far has claimed responsibility nor deadly atta attack. >> okay, still ahead on al jazeera, emergency crews in mexico trying to find dozens still buried under this landslide. we will have that coming up. plus, from land mines to grape sraoeupbs it's a bustleleing industry and it got started.
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security force still in a stapd off with al tha al-shabab fighters. in the past half hour, the enter ministry says security forces rescued around 1,000 hostages and an unknown number of people remain trapped in the complex with 10 to 15 gunman. >> at least 56 people have been killed in a suicide bombing in pakistan. this happen a at church in the northern city of peshawar. opinion polls will return to power far third time but may struggle to keep her coalition majority in parliament.
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the problem is the christian democratic union and the social union and at 15 have been sa be5 points ahead in the poll. the junior coalition partner she's been working in, the free democratic party here is says you have to breach 5% in the vote cast to get any seats at all in parliament. once again going to the old polls an looks like they they struckle to achieve that which will mean the angle who's not in the party expected to win an absolute majority. it hasn't happened in half a century. who could she form a government
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with? the largest number oh of germans would like is to form a t a position with the opposition. that's really the challenge that she is facing despite being the most popular elected politician with ratings at 70%. that's what's pulling her party ahead of the poll. several are watching this very closely. the driving force. hind the policy along with the netherland and other countries. there's been a continue situation oh of you will of those policies during the
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european commission and the international monetary fund. the official democratic party would issue euro bonds it will assure for debts of all the other governments if they want to issue public policies an that's not going to happen but when you form a coalition lit take up to 28 weeks or more with the social democratic party. .ing slightly more generous. it might be something that they talk about. there's not going to be a radical reorientation with the party. the opposition voted for all the the bail out and supported all her efforts to save the euro. i don't think there will be a big change should that come to past.
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>> 65 people have died in a bomb attack of baghdad. it was in the shiite city of the city. it comes a day after two bombs hidden in an air conditioning unit in the city mosque in the city of samara killed 15. mexican president have survivors of storms in the pacific coastline. mud slides purrryed entire villages in the the mud and rocks. more than a hundred people died in the storm. he said they will be rebuilt in safer location. >> translator: we eve had we'ved extraordinary rain and unfortunately, guerro has opinion the most effected.
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with the number of family deaths and the way in which it happened. >> we report from the village. >> reporter: rescue teams slowly begin town earth what lies. beneath a disaster stko*e disas. here they will take the body of a woman, one of ph-f they expect to find in the coming days. survivors say the mudslide hit without warning. >> i lost my nephew, my grandchildren, the whole house is gone. i lost my entire family. they were making bread when mudslide hit. >> reporter: the hill slide collapsed last sunday. the results of days of torrential rain brought on my tropical storm "manuel" turns of rock collapsed on theville and burring dozens of houses. >> those survivors were evacuateed to the shelter in nearby alcapulco although people
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are safe here, they say it's impossible toll forget what happened. >> translator: i never want to go back to that town. they took t it took away my mother and sister but i need to go back to give thaepl prop oher purial. >> reporter: more than 50 communities have been without food or water for a week. washed out bridges and flood-damaged roads means the only way in to these mountain villages is ^py air. here, too t there are challenges. >> translator: we're doing all we can to bring much-needed assistance to these remote villages. biggest problem we face is the weather. >> reporter: on thursday, a rescue helicopter went missing in stormy conditions. two days later, it was found crashed with no survivors. at the operation will continue and with help from the
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government in could recover but for residents of la canarra, their neighborhood no longer exists. >> making his way to the south east of the country. expected to hit hong kong late sunday or early monday. >> bracing itself over the arrival of soggy streets here becoming increasingly deserted. services are suspended. major disruptions in hong kong international airport with hundreds oh of people likely stranded overnight at the airport here. people are expected major flooding with this tpaoe typhoo. we know the amount of rainfall on taiwan.
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also further down the coast in the province. thousands of evacuated ahead of this storm. if the worst of the storm will come in the nighttime hours when lit also coinside with the high tides and if it's a full moon here at the moment where we are likely to get at high tide. people are expecting to see storm surges then. that face themselves far long night. >> they are being sentenced to life if prison. the the former liveing the star the found guilty of bribery, corruption and a descent power but removed from office last year during a scandal and saw the wife convicted of the murder of the businessman. he has more from the court in eastern china. >> reporter: the fate for disgrace the chinese politician found guilty on three counts. most carries a life in prison
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sentence, taking bribes. the pay back she took in bribes as well as corruption. there were no surprise. he was in the court house for just over two hours. there were no surprises in the verdict and the sentencing because this is a high profile case for the chinese government and is focused on cracking down on corruption. we expected a very heavy sentence. this isn't the end oh of the trial. we will probably hear more over the coming weeks because there's strong indications that he's going to appeal this decision. it will take them to a higher court. it's now over but now he's found guilty on all three charges. >> the people who live in afghanistan depend oning a culture to survive. it means many krops never get the to market. there's one american group looking to change that.
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>> reporter: it's almost time to harvest. a group called roots of peace that brought california grapes to afghanistan. >> it builds higher value crop cans. >> reporter: the group came here ten years ago, afghans were growing grapes on the ground and dragging them to market. today they tpwraoupb the branches. >> translator: it's good for us. the grapes are safe from the rain and from the ground. >> reporter: before thing could be planted here, the ground had to be cleared of the land mimes. >> reporter: this whole area used to be the taliban's front mine. it took weeks in this area so these vines could be planted. >> reporter: an organization has cleared them all over world. >> by removing the land mines
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they are returning in to -- in to pruning hooks. it doesn't just help farmers grow fruit. she helps them to sell this product. with this market center and with the system, our grape has the market as well as in the daily market. >> a nearby school was built after the her daughter collected 50 u.s. pennies so they wouldn't have to study under a tree. the organization works with 50,000 farmers in all of afghanistan's 34 provinces an these the lucky ones. only 1% have access to cold storage so much of this crop their. sold p-fr it gets to market. the 300 afghans will hope their
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planting here to flourish and spread. jennifer glass, al jazeera, afghanistan. we will have more in just a moment. for the very latest developments in kenya, pakistan an other stories from our web-site, al jazeera,.com.


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