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tv   Consider This  Al Jazeera  September 23, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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>> welcome to al jazeera, i'm jeeghtd. john siegenthaler. here are tonight's top stories. all hostages have been rescued in kenya's shopping center siege. an unknown number of gunmen are held up inside the nairobi mall. it was an al qaeda operation that left at least 65 dead. residents of the united states may have been among the gunman who attacked the mall. no meeting is scheduled yet between president barack obama and iran's president rouhani.
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but officials have left open the possibility that they might talk. that will be the first meeting of u.s. and iranian leaders in more than 30 years. senate gop leader mitch mcconnell says he won't vote against the reinstatement of about affordable care act. next is consider this, i'll see you back here at 11 eastern time, 8:00 prask. 8:00 pacific. >> are dozens dead and hundreds
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wounded as members of the somali armed group al shabaab including several americans storm the high end westgate mall in kenya. consider this, how do american citizens get involved with a group with a long history of terrorist acts. undisputed key to obamacare, young adults. but why would healthy young invincibles want to help the program when they could get along with a small fine? voyager 1 may or may not have left the solar system or you may be able to travel into space or maybe not. hello i'm antonio mora. kenya's interior ministry says
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they believe all hostages have been released. according to the red cross at least 62 people were killed in the attack and 175 injured. kenyan police also say at least three al shabaab fighters were killed. acourtney keely reports. mall packed with well to do kenyans and well to do shoppers. a spokesman for al shabaab told al jazeera that all muslims were released by the gunmen when they left the mall. a militant group based in somalia. >> we will establish islamic rule from alaska to chile. be warned we are coming. >> al shabaab also claimed responsibility on twitter saying the attack was revenge against
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kenyan troops who helped push al shabaab out of key territory in somalia in the last two years. we will not negotiate as long as its forces are invading our country so reap the birth fruits of your harvest. advocates a saudi arabian group, but most are sufi muslims, terror tactics like beheadings and stonings. capitol of mogadishu, launched by african troops. u.s. embassy bombing which killed 200 people. president obama telephoned kenyan president, firming its
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relationship with kenya. young nephew and his fiancee were also killed in the attack. >> keep them always in our prayer. >> courtney keely. >> professional of international relations at george washington university. also with me from washington, richard minuter. fm kenya's, given that does this come as a surprise that they were strong enough opull off this westgate mall nightmare? >> no, actually, it does not come as a surprise. the only surprise is that it did not happen earlier. al shabaab has been threatening to pull off a major strike like this for the last two years. the last one they did was in
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july, 2010 in uganda, where 70-plus people were killed. this is first time they have managed to pull off such a big attack. there have been a number of smaller ones in kenya over the past two years. this is not a difficult task to do, as long as you have the organizational skills the training and the commitment to die for the cause, any group can do it. so it does not prove the strength of al shabaab in somalia itself where it has lost a lot of support. >> most expertsd had thought al shabaab had lott growns, rarely struck outside of somalia. here is a list, they killed 79 in kampala ugan dan, during oik trials, mostly around spla somai
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capital of mogadishu. do you see this as a group on its way out? >> certainly not a group on its way out, it's been growing in somalia for some time. they are competing for recruits and money. into the syrian civil war which is drawing recruits across the arab world. the young men that are still their recruits that they are still a player for those who can't get to syria or other places. the other thing is they are competing for money, they have to show there are funders across arab region, capable and deserve being, which otherwise would go into the syrian civil war or iraq or afghanistan or somewhere else. given this the organization really had to do something big and dramatic. and as the ambassador just said, the mall is very poorly guarded.
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the security guards when they see visitors with bags often direct them to walk around metal detectors. it is a haven for some of the upper middle class black folks of nairobi. for a long time, a jock, most dangerous thing you do is in the traffic on the way to the mall. this is considered safe no more. >> this is a quote, a place where tourists from across the world come to shop, where kenya's decision makers go to relax, where there are jewish and american shops. as you said, security didn't seem to do much good, although there were security guards, metal detectors. ambassador is there any hope of defending soft targets like this? >> quite frankly there is not,
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unless you have very good intelligence. intell tells me, potential attacks have been thwarted, or potential attacks. beyond intelligence you can tighten up your security and make it a bit better but you can't really stop something like this in a public mall and undefended and it's going ohappen any -- to happen anywhere, anyplace. >> this area, according to the u.n. monitoring group on somalia those supporters in kenya have established an extensive financial support system for al shabaab, they have sponsored local troops to go to kenya and supporters of al shabaab fighters. what are they looking for given they are a fairly substantial
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minority in kenya, richard? >> people got to remember people are not terrorists because they are crazy, people are terrorists because it fills an important void in their lives. it gives them a sense of meaning and purpose. and so there's always going to be acertain segment that supports these kind of terrorist activities both in terms of recruits and in terms of money and unless you engage things at the root and deter this kind of action which is very difficult to do and doesn't necessarily involve armed force. yes it involves intelligence and penetration among these groups, more than likely it is stoking the moderate forces where banning islam ick forces inside that community, against the louder more better funded more radical forces. >> earlier this year al shabaab
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posted a recruitment video including one of these young somali americans, they call it minnesota's martyrs, the path to paradise. let's listen to one of the maircamerican recruits. >> if you guys only know how much fun we have over here, this is the real disneyland. come and join us. >> ambassador, that young man apparently became a suicide bomber talking about disney land. how important are these americans to al shabaab, the more important question is, what's the danger to america if these young people come back here? >> there haven't been that many americans although it's a disturbing number, somewhere in the vicinity of 40 to 50 plairns from a variety of cities, minneapolis-st. pall, but also columbus, san diego, one or two towns in texas, not to mention
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daphne, where omar hamami came from. his father was syrian his mother from the u.s. from a strategic point of view not so important, their numbers aren't that great and not all of these people went to somalia, some supported al shabaab in the united states. also the interesting question on this is when did these people, americans or persons who lived in the united states that are currently involved in this episode in nairobi, when did they go to somalia? are they among the group that went back in 2006 or 2007, or are they recent recruits? if they were recent it would be disturbing, if they were among the older group, less so. >> it might apply that they are one of the younger recruits. what can happen richard when they come back home?
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former fbi counterterror agent, i know fiction writers have talked about this for a long time. is it a real concern? >> absolutely. remember that the mall of america one of the largest malls in the world if not the united states, is just an hour down the road from the twin cities. are there communities across the united states that have been involved? given the large somali population in twin cities and the large number who have made it to iraq or somalia or other problem spots, the number is interesting. this could be dramatickic and devastating. >> ambassador as we mentioned the top of the program there have been numerous reports that al shabaab targeted anyone who wasn't a muslim at the mall. a police officer told me i heard these guys they came in and asked are you christian? they shot you, are you muslim,
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they let you go. another observer said his wounded wife was able to leave the maul, after she recited a passage from the koran that converts to islam. >> this is from the westgate bombing the first time where i can recall that al shabaab has used this tactic. maybe they've done it before or i just missed it. it is not clear to me whether this is a tactic used by all of the members of the al shabaab team or one or two of them or this is a new tactic or policy by al shabaab but it's most helpful and i think the vast majority of muslims around the world and certainly the vast majority of somalis would entirely disassociate themselves from this kind of movement get
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support for your cause. >> certainly salafi terrorist atax are muslim themselves more than 80% globally speaking. when they say they sorted out the victims and only killed nonmuslims, that helps solidify support in their own country. we saw it in luxor, where they sought out westerners or nonmuslims, we saw the opm, where they carried out the bombing during a muslim prayer time so they wouldn't kill observant muslims. when groups are worried about political support they are careful not to kill muslims. >> specifically targeted at, two
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suicide bombers attacked a christian church there. after the attack the city's bishop emeritus said, it is not safe for christians in these countries. the european countries don't give a damn about us. ambassador, what is the danger for christians in pakistan specifically but also, across the muslim world? >> well, hopefully this is something of an anomaly. i agree with richard that this has happened elsewhere. >> we have had the attack in egypt against coptic christians. >> i agree. in terms of al shabaab killing nonmuslims, the overwhelming. moo of the killed have been muslim.
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i'm not sure in the mind of most smalis this is going to track too well, they know very well other muslims dying at the hand of al shabaab, not nonmuslims. it is a very worrisome trend you do see in much of the world at the moment. >> we really appreciate your time tonight and look forward to speaking to you again. up next, the fight to get young invincible invincibles toh care insurance. please post your comments on twitter are, facebook and google plus. we'll be right back.
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>> one group of americans will play a big part on whether obamacare succeeds. the millions of young healthy americans. they are vital participants in the health care plan for it to offset the cost of older sicker americans. some have taken to calling them the young invincibles and there is an organization of that name working with president obama to get young people to sign up for the plan. is obama administration officials have said they need to enroll 2.7 million united states residents between the ages of 18 and 35 in exchange plans to balance risk and hold down costs. will they enroll come october 1st and should the they pay the price?
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join me are jen meshuri, director of the young invincible and yevgeni, start with you. these young people are absolutely crucial to the success of obamacare. >> absolutely, these young people will balance out the risk full, keep down the premiums for those who really need insurance and that's why the administration is reaching out to them so avidly. >> jen we know the young invincibles are in that 18 to 34 group. what is the principle, young people who work part time and jobs that don't offer benefits, people who are over 26 and can't get their parents -- can't get insurance under their parents' policies anymore? good it's really a mix. what we have seen is all sorts of people. a young person attending community college and work at night part time. it is someone who aged off their
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parents' plan but can't get an offer of insurance under their job. it kc a person under 26 but don't have a policy, it is a real mix and it's hard to fully define what that population looks like but it's a pretty diverse population. >> they certainly are the targets for both sides of the debate. one side the obama administration is really going after them with all sorts of resources. they are -- they've got tv ads including one that has a psychedelic -- this won that runs in oregon. there is another -- a young invincibles video contest where people could win up to $30,000. the baltimore ravens have signed on to push obamacare. katy perry is pushing for obamacare. but on the other hand there is
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viral videos that feature creepy uncle sam, all when school is set to be underway. ask this helping or adding to the confusion? >> i think young people are unsure what obamacare does, they are even unsure how to enroll into the exchanges. just today i spoke with a reporter who was writing about the exchange in south carolina, it is going to be a federal exchange and she has no idea how people would sign up for it. young people of course don't know that, they don't have anyone to tell them. >> young people often don't read or use the newspapers. i wonder if these viral videos of reaching out to people are going to be effective. jen to play devil's advocate, if i'm 23 and health and don't think i am going to get sick, where should i pay for health care if i get sick all i'll face
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is a $95 penalty or 1% of my household income? what would be the incentive for me to go and sign up? >> and certainly, it will be an individual choice and will choose to pay the penalty. what we've seen engaging in this population young people do value coverage. about three quarters of young people in a recent poll say that they value coverage and that they want insurance. so this myth of a young invincible, it is a myth. most people want coverage. it is not necessarily that you're convincing a population that's not interested. traditionally there have been lack of access to affordable options. 19 million, of those, hopefully expanded medicaid, about 8 million of them could qualify for medicaid. another 9 million on top of that
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will qualify for some sort of tax credit to help bring down the cost of insurance. so the young uninsured population tends to be lower income and are more likely to be able to enroll in some of the cost breaks that you're seeing available out there. >> we'll rook at some of those costs -- look at some of those costs but if you are looking at paying $100 in insurance and if i only pay $95 fine, and i can go out on a couple of dates for the money i save, that is probably something the young people would factor in. >> even 1% of your income if you are paying two or $300 a year to avoid buying insurance, that is a great rate, 60% in medicaid can be as low as 40%. so while young people might want insurance they're not
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necessarily willing to pay the price for it. >> we have a viewer question, hermella aregawi for that. >> why should the young and healthy care about the health care coverage? >> sure. there are a couple of reasons why the young and healthy generally care about it. a stat i saw recently was that about half or over half of young uninsured people were struggling to pay down medical debt, not the like they were paying costs they can't afford and don't want that coverage the protect themselves from that debt. they certainly do. one thing with regard to prescription drugs. all the new plans you are going to see on these marketplaces or exchanges they'll have to provide certain types of benefits. one of those, essential health
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benefits they call it. we know that prescription drugs is one that young people tend to use. >> let's look at cost and what the exchange would cost? kaiser has provide us with some figures. in vermont, a young person's tax credit would cover the cheapest plan, the bronze plan but when you hop over to oregon that same 25-year-old with the same income is going ohave to spend $16 or in connecticut it's going to be as high as 258 or as low as $69. $258 if you get stuck is a lot of money. i suspect people are going to resist paying those numbers. why this disparity among states?
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>> loot of it to do is the varying cost of health care in this state. minnesota is a little cheap are, the population is generally healthy there, it has to do with current regulations of the market. new york is heavily regulated, california is not. new york is going osee a decrease in rates, california is going to see an individual. lower price is, and more people in the market to begin with. jen let's play a clip because a lot of people are confused about this. >> we will keep this promise to the american peep. if you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor, period. >> that was 2009. now health and human services website say you may be able to keep your current doctor and many insurers are severely
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limiting hospital he and doctors. insurance companies are basically not including major medical centers in a whole bunch of states including california. >> sure, it is going to vary state by state and so you're going to see a lot of variance across the states, my colleague mentioned. states are really in charge of ensuring network adequacy. making sure that plans give access to folks and to their doctors on those exchanges. >> what if they don't include some of these major medical center, you couldn't go to those centers because the cost would be completely prohibitive. >> that's one point i wanted to make. i actually think for young people this is going to be particularly important. young people haven't been insured before or a significant number have not.
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the health insurance literacy is rarely low, where you can go to a dork or the where is a co-pay, that is something we're focusing on, not only just these new options, tax credits, is medicare extending in my state, you get to actually make these choices. >> one thing that americans don't like to mention, the program provides support from low income families, but already this year much more into their health insurance last year. is that one of the reasons americans don't understand? >> people obviously are not happy about paying more for their insurance. the president misspoke in 2008, 2009, saying that for the typical family insurance costs
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would go down by $2500. that was an expectation people had going in. that was never going to be the case primarily this doesn't affect the typical family to begin with. >> one thing would i want to add is, the typical young uninsured person is pretty low income. so you're looking at somebody who is making about 16, $17,000 a year and that person is going oqualify for significant tax credits. we're talking ten, $15 a month to purchase insurance. so for them that is going to be a huge cost reduction. >> jen, yevgeni. we'll continue on this as the exchanges open up. coming up, poverty and a young man who traveled america to see it firsthand. next.
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victoria azarenko
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>> the u.s. census found this summer that about one in five americans will experience poverty at one point in their life. one in five. last week the census found 46.5 million americans, 15%, are living in poverty right now.
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it's worse for kids, nearly 1 in 5 of them are currently poor. meanwhile, wall street has bounced back and many sectors of the economy. how is one half making a come back and the other haven't? let's see the are story on poverty, sasha, appreciate you joining us tonight. in your studies and your conversations and your travels you say that you saw the face of poverty changing that it now comes in all shapes and sizes from college graduates to the uneducated drug abusers and people who have always been sober. what do you see as the biggest misconceptions we have about americans in poverty today? >> good evening and thank you for having me on. what i think you find is that there is a stereotype about poverty, you're poor because
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you've done something wrong, you're poor because you are morally blame worthy or you are poor because you i interviewed hundreds of people, they are from all walks of life and they range from people who have dropped out of high school to ph.d.s. in the era of inequality where some people are doing phenomenally well, billions at the time bottom are not make it. they are failing to make it because the economy isn't responding to their needs. so they're ending up without health insurance. they're ending up unemployed after decades of work. they're ending up not able to feed their children. again not because they are doing something wrong but the economy is not inclusive anymore. >> the new census numbers do
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describe and paint a very bleak economic picture of america. and the question is, though, how under those circumstances, how do you distribute the burden of helping those in poverty? >> i think we used to do it better. i'm very wary of romanticizing the past, jacob reese wrote about them, steinbeck, and in the nap 60s during an era of affluence. we have given up as a society trying to alleviate it, poverty has become a forgotten topic. so if you're doing well you essentially privatize your life. you live in a gate community quite often, you live in suburbia, where you can ignore the rest of the country. what we're seeing is if you spend time to talk to people,
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you go to out of the way places, you talk to people, you go into families homes and talk to people, you see a tremendous well of economic insecurity. we don't live in a country where we have wholesale starvation, the poverty in america is not the same as poverty in india or subsaharan africa. what it means is every single day if you live in that situation, you're having to juggle bills. do i pay my heating or i make my car payment? do i buy food for my kids or do i make my house payment? do i buy medicines when the doctor says i need medicine or buy car insurance or keep my gas on? those are impalatable choices. if you send your kids to school hungry, that kid's life opportunities are being
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trunkated. as, we have a moral obligation to deal with this crises. but instead that does affect 1 of 5 americans. >> but sasha, no way do i want to diminish the suffering, i went in the late '90s to tunica mps which ica mississippe poorest area in the country, sewage in the gutters, 14 million americans are getting disability checks. more than even ten years ago. there certainly is more attention that is being paid is there not? >> we have a partial safety nut. we wait until people get extremely poor and you mention
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food stamps, that is one part of the safety net that has survived, the welfare system has been shredded but the food assistance programs have until recently survived. when you want a true measure in america, no one looks at welfare because it doesn't measure poverty anymore but a rough approximation, a few hundred or a few score of dollars a month, those people would be missing meals. they would be malnourished, they would be sending their kids to school absolutely hungry. there have been republicans who have gone after the food stamp program, essentially said, we're going to shut america down and came $40 billion out of food stamps, economic blackmail -- >> to be fair, when there are
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substantial amount of cuts, it's only 4% a year of the massive numbers. >> let me interrupt you,. >> again i don't want to diminish the suffering that that might involve but -- >> let me talk about this a bit because this is one of the things in the abstract, when we talk about abstract numbers and abstract quantities, it is easy to turn poverty into something that's far away but when you actually humanize it, talk to people, you realize the number people behind that 4% statistic, there are 50 million people, 2 million going hungry, that is .5% of the population, a little bit more than that, needlessly put at risk of hunger by a policy that is going to save in the long run not much money.
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one of the things i talk about in my book is we have an obligation as a community to take care of the people in poverty, far more children in poverty, and it's got far more people in what's called deep poverty, people who don't get to half the official poverty line threshold. we have 6 million americans in this country with no access to cash. now only assistance they're getting if they're getting any is food stamps and other nutritional assistance. you take that away and those people have absolutely nothing. it seems to me and i talk about this in the book it is a matter of political choice. we have no economic necessity to do that. we have no need as a country to beat up on our poorest and our most vulnerable residents. we're choosing to do it and it's that choice that i highlight in the american way of poverty. >> we have a viewer question.
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hermella. >> a jewish boy says, how can an american living in poverty ever get out of that cycle, he says too old for school and unemployable. but what people in this predicament get out of that situation? >> it is a absolutely good question. people in the last economic recession lost their jobs, put on the economic scrapheap and they are too old to restrain and too old to rebuild their savings. many of them may have lost their savings when the housing market collapsed. in terms of what can be done, it is a big project over many, many years. this one over the past three decades have transferred a tremendous amount of risk from companies and corporations onto individuals. more and more americans have no pensions to fall back on, no defined pension benefits they can expect in their old age. one thing that has to be done is
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rebuild a pension system. the government has to realize that there have been people that have left beggared from the economic problems. gas stamps one of the things i advocate in my book in rural areas which have been particularly hard hit by gas spikes, where gas prices go up 50 cents or even dollar a gallon. there are people in those communities that need the same kind of assistance as food stamps. i advocate gas stamp program as part of an antipoverty program. >> you have said we will not go down the road of greece. i only have about 30 seconds left. what do you propose at a time when our national debt is at the highest level since world war ii and people are afraid that it
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will get to 100% of our gdp. >> it is a matter of priorities. what do we spend our money on and what do we value? we grievously undertax very wealthy people and big exrairgses and we are self-starving our political infrastructure. that is choice, we could have targeted limited tax increases that would fully fund the sorts of programs i advocate in my book. it's doable. that we don't do it is a failure of our moral imagination. not an economic necessity. >> sasha, appreciate having you on. coming up the poaching of rhinos, has shot up, why should you care? it's apparently funding terror groups. that next.
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every night on my show i break down confusing financial speak and make it real.
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>> today's data dive plunges into the dangerous world of illegal animal hunts also known as poaching. rhinoceros tusks are incredibly valuable, about $45,000 per pound, that's more than gold or
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cocaine. the horns have had ornamental value and powder from the horn is used in asia for its healing power. the rumor is that it cured a chinese politician's cancer. that mark has already been passed this year with three months left. it's gotten so bad some conservationistless have considered lifting the ban. him owes, poachers sell their meat and canine teeth which are made of ivory. elephant herds have been thinned for years due to poachers wanting their tusks. dropped from 1.3 million in 1979 to only about 120,000 today.
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authorities in zimbabwe. this month the white house announced would it destroy 6 million tons of seized ivory as a symbolic gesture. hill riary clinton, estimated 35,000 african elephants were killed last year, that is 96 a day. at that rate they would go extinct within a decade. there are some bright spots. while mountain gorillas are listed as endangered, massive efforts have helped. poachers have gotten their number down to only 294 in 1991, but now tripled the number to 880 now. efforts to save other great animals of the jungle, let's
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ohope those efforts succeed. coming up has proof of alien life just been found? we'll talk science, space science, next.
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>> space scientists have been very busy especially over the
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past scum of weeks from finding proof water on mars to voyager becoming the first spacecraft entering interstellar stays. most recently they found single sell diatoms, where did they come from. joining me is derrick pits. derrick, thanks for joining us. what's the chance that these diatoms are from another planet? not everyone agrees with this discovery. >> it would be wonderful if there was more co concrete evide of these diatoms coming from space. they are creatures found in sea
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water here on the planet earth and if you read the article carefully there was only one piece of a diatom found in the material that was collected by the scientists that have written this report. so it's hardly conclusive, and in addition, if you continue to read further you find out that the sample isn't taken very broadly. and a number of other small complicating factors like that. so when we actually get right down to it, it's hard to take this on the surface value for what they claim it could be. >> so no sure alien life yet. well let's switch over to mars and the new pictures from the nasa's curiosity rover. it is a lot of compelling evidence that mars was once wet. what do you think derrick, is it clear that mars had water and the question then becomes could that have supported life. >> i have to say antonio, many years ago, back in the late 1970s when i was looking at
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satellite photographs of mars using air photo analysis techniques applied to technology, it was evidence that long aago that many of the surface characteristics on mars are covered by efluvial environment, certainly proved to me as well as many, many many other scientists that proved that mars was much, much wetter in its past. if you look really closely, you'll find that there's still water frozen into the surface of mars. as perma frost. so we know mars had water in its past. >> life or no life? >> would i have loved for it to
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have been life. we need some fossils. i think it makes sense to send paleontologists to mars and they would find evidence pretty quickly. >> sending evidence to mars. there is a reality tv show trying to send a mission to mars. but it isn't going to happen soon because it would expose where astronauts to radiation, would that be a long time before that allows us to get to mars? >> space exploration hasn't been an easy thing to do, fraught with risk and no lack of risk, sending people to mars. for no matter less than radiation factor. we have found ways to mitigate some of those risks to make it worthwhile for those rirvegd. if we can mitigate the radiation
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exposure, mars would certainly be one of the first topics to -- one of the first places to go to nail down this question of whether or not there is any other life in our solar system. >> i'm sure we would like to go back to the moon, it has always captured our imagination. mars 100 million younger than scientists have believed, billions of years now, 100 million not so much in the grand scheme of things. what's the significant of the discovery? >> i think the significance of the discovery runs in two direction is really. it's our ability to further interpret the evidence that we're collecting both from earth as its history of its early formation with the moon and our ability to better analyze lunar samples as well that give us more details about the early history of the moon. and the other piece is that being able to better understand how the moon was formed in this
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solar system can give us hints and clues about the formation of planets orbiting other stars in our galaxy. it may help us get a better understanding of what may have been going on in other solar systems. as you know, it is only recently this we have been able to clearly identify planets orbiting in other solar systems. >> now that voyager 1 spacecraft accordinnasa has been the firste subject to enter interstellar space, the helio sphere, the magnetic shield that surrounds the sun. there is debate when this happened or if it has happened at all. >> oh yes, the debate has been going on for a couple of years now. the reason why is because when we get to the outer reaches of the solar system so to speak we are encountering a region that
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we are not familiar with at all. as recently as last year scientists were unsure about whether or not we had passed the helio pause, because it seemed like we were outside then back in then back out then in. scientists realized the heel owe pause was pulsing back and forth over the spacecraft. now we can detect that we are outside it, not out of the solar system yet, still a ways to go, but at least as far as we have ever sent anything before. >> let's get a social media question from hermella. >> thank you. derrick wants to know what is the expected life span of voyager 1. >> that's a great question. engineers expect voyager 1 to operate another decade or so, 12 years or more, around that time
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period 12 years. and that's a really wonderful things because it tells us that the engineering that went into this was really good, we'll continue to be able to do good science. and the longer the spacecraft lasts the more bang for our buck we paid to build these. 35 years is a lot to pay, and these spacecraft will eventually cost us only pennies. >> the international spacecraft had to skip its first chance to link up with the space station. but this is private money that is going othese new rockets. a good idea that we have taken a lot of this private? >> oh, i think it's a fabulous idea. it makes perfect sense. if we think back to the early 90s what a lot of corporations outsourced the easy things they were doing and do exclusively well and this is the thing that
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nasa needs to focus on. i think it's the great way to go, it doesn't take much to launch international space stations and pizzas up into the atmosphere. but being the space program of the 21st century in which they take on the big jobs, going back to the moon, going on to parse anmarsand to the various other . >> derrick, i'm sure you would like to go. thank you for being on the show. the show may be over but thek continues on our website, slshes consider thi/consider this.or our facebor
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pages. good evening, everyone. welcome to al jazeera. kenyan force worked to clear the mall of gunman and words that americans are among the shooters. leaders gather at u.n.s as the world waits to hear from iran's president. >> how one world is educateing, not debating obama care. >> reporter: the kenyans say american w


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