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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 29, 2013 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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the nays are 192. >> the u.s. government gets closer to closing down as the house of representatives defies the president. crisis talks in italy as burs berlusconi pushing them to
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the brink of collapse. the israeli prime minister heads to the u.s. and u.n. to tell them he won't be taking in bay ryan as one is arrested. why the future british king is getting criticizeing for being involved in politics. at least 30 having killed in pakistan. the blast injured more than 70 people happened near a crowded market and police station. it was also just a few hundred meters from the church where more than 80 were killed in a suicide bombing last sunday. dominick cain has the latest. >> reporter: this is the immediate aftermath of the explosion. the car bomb was detonated near a police station.
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on a street crowded with families attending a busy market. i came here to buy books for my children. when i arrived here there was an explosion. i don't know what it was. maybe a rocket attack or car blast. in the chaos dozens died and many were wounded. >> translator: suddenly there was an explosion. black smoke spread all over and nothing was visible. people were lying on the road and there was no one to pick them up. there was no ambulance, no police. >> reporter: now group has said it carried out the blast, but it is the third fatal bomb attack in pashara in several days. on friday people were killed on a bus. last sunday the city's christians were targeted by suicide bombers. more than 80 people were call at the all saints anglican church.
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these attacks are part of an upsurge in violence in recent months. prime minister sharif has condemned it as an attack on humanity, one which is now seen more than 130 people killed in just the last week. dominick cain, al jazeera. bombings and violence linked to pakistan are liking to be discussed when i meets with his indian counterpart later on. they'll talk on the sidelines in the u.n. is assembly in new york. prime minister singh said pakistan has worked to. >> india is committed to resolving all issues with pakistan including the issue of kashmir through bilateral dialogue.
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for progress to be made it is imperative that the tear tear of pakistan and the areas its control are not utilized for aiding and abetting terrorism directed against india. >> the history of conflict between the two countries. it has gone to war with pakistan three times. there have been efforts at peace. back in 1999 both countries signed a declaration to avoid nuclear nuclear. in 2001 the government carried out an assault on the india parliament. a dozen were killed in that attack. in 2008 the same group carried out coordinated attacks across mumbai and 164 people were killed. they later confessed they were supported by pakistan.
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this is analyst who special lied in pakistan. he joins us from islamabad. we want to go back to the relationship in the moment. first to concentrate on attacks today, another big bombing. why such a rise in the violence in pakistan in a moment? >> certainly there has been a rise, and the center of violence is the capital city. this is basically a response of the taliban to the pakistan army's offer for peace deal. i think probably this shows that the taliban are not interested in peace. they would like to continue with the violence and to put more pressure on the government. i think probably that the government and the ruling party has been actively been involved
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with the taliban and has increased them. >> you talk about appeasing them. how difficult does it make it for prime minister shareif? will he continue the policy to open up a dialogue with pakistan? >> i think nobody can dispute that this problem have you been resolved. if it could be resolved through peace, that would be the best. it's very clear that the taliban are not interested in peace. so the offer of unconditional peace, i think, probably is a mistake. i think probably even if the government wants to speak to the taliban, they should actually be put under certain conditions. it should not be a kind of condition-free dialogue, and it's going to help the taliban. the other thing is that the messages the taliban are getting from the ruling party is that of weakness who the head of the p.t.i. party who has even gone
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to the extent of demanding that the taliban should be allowed to open an office in pashaar. that gives a message of appeasement. >> let's talk about the talks on the sidelines in new york. ahead of the talks prime minister singh has said pakistan must stop being the epicenter of terrorism. how is that going to affect the relationship? >> it's a good thing that the two leaders are talking to each other, but i don't see any major progress being made in these talks. prime minister sharif has repeatedly said they would like better relations with india, but in the last few months the tension has heightened between the two countries because of the clashes on the line of control.
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that does not bode well for these talks. >> thank you for talking to us. so appreciate your time. >> thank you. breaking news for you. we're getting reports that gunman from killed 50 people in northeast nigeria. they're reporting that fighters killed students while they were sleeping at a college. just to remind you that breaking news, up to 50 killed in nigeria, and we'll have a report as soon as we can in this bulletin. at least 15 studenteds have been killed in northern syria. reports suggested they died in an government air strike on a high school. the students were outside in the courtyard at the time. it's not clear if the school was the intended target. the secretary-general ban ki-moon has held his first meeting with the head of the opposition of the syrian national coalition. it focused on a possible peace conference to end the syrian conflict. according to the u.n. the
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president said the opposition group was ready to send a delegation to a peace conference. u.n. inspectors in syria are investigating sites of alleged chemical attacks. they left their hotel in damascus on sunday monday. the team would investigate seven sites of alleged chemical attacks, four more than previously known. a court it bahrain gave jail sentences to shia activities. a human rights leader was arrested on charges of terrorism. the u.s. government is once again edging closer to a shutdown because politicians can't agree on a budgets for the coming year. democrats and republicans have less than 48 hours to do a deal to stop it from happening. earlier they passed a bill to keep the government running but it would delay president barack
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obama's health care law to go into effect. president obama will veto the measure if adopted by the senate. libby casey has more from washington. >> reporter: the house of representatives passed a spending bill largely along party lines that would keep the federal government funded and operating through mid-december. however, it has some very big strings attached. first of all, it would delay implementation of the federal health care law known as obamacare by one year and repeal a medical device sales tax. while that tax is controversial, some say it's necessary to help pay for the health care law. another bill passed unanimously, and this one would ensure that members of the military get their paychecks even if the federal government shuts down. the action now goes back to the senate in this game of legislative ping-pong. the senate is unlikely to pass or express any interest in the bill to fund the government because of the strings attached.
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the senate may have more of an interest in the legislation that would ensure members of the military get their pay, but even if they do that doesn't take care of the big, looming question, which is how they'll come to terms with the other side of the congress and figure out awe way to get a spending bill pushed through both bodies before monday at midnight. that's the deadline when the federal government has to go into partial shutdown mode if congress can't come to an agreement. >> here's what some of the effects of the a possible u.s. government shutdown could be. about 800,000 federal employees, roughly a third of the work force would stay home. active duty soldiers would be on the job, however that delay could be delayed and national parks would close. it would also slow down the american economy and could have an effect around the world. joining me now is guy wasserman, who is a professor of government
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at george washington university school of service in doha. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> it seems like a classic political game going on here. where do you think this will go next? >> that's always a good question. congress has the right under the constitution to appropriate money. the government cannot spend money that congress doesn't appropriate. part of congress, of course, is under the control of the opposition party republicans in control of the house. what it means is they have leverage over the administration, and they're trying to use it to restrict the implementation of obamacare, the health care reform. it will probably result in a government shutdown and that probably won't last very long. >> within the republican party there are some people a bit queasy about doing this. some thil it's brilliant but some don't, do they? >> you look at opinion polls. north korea and congress are about the same in popular opinion, about 12%. so they don't want to add to the allure or shall we say the aroma
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surrounding congress. they worry about that. on the other hand they have their own republican guard within the republican party to deal with the tea party and conservatives who look at this as a unique opportunity to pressure the executive and to make a statement to their own constituents. >> if they get their way, it would mean obamacare delayed for a year. is the president going to let that happen and if he does is that obamacare dead in the water? >> the president will not let it happen. the senate will not let it happen. it's doubtful that it will happen. >> so it does still, though, suggest a situation where obama every time he tries to pass anything gets stymied. how did you run a government if that happens every time you try to do something? >> yeah it's not quite that bad but it comes up with the fiscal year ends and you have to appropriate money. you have a debt limit in the middle of october that they can exert this leverage. more or less things will muddle
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along, and you won't have the crisis all the time. it's interesting the stock market hasn'ts reacted, so this is a form of theater at this point. it may not be correct perception. >> if a shutdown goes ahead, we have some examples of things that would happen. how damages do you think it is? >> it depends what you think the government does. many say we can get along without out. the thinking is it won't go on that long. >> thank you very much. returning to the breaking news now, a story out of nigeria where there's an attack. tell us what you're hearing. >> reporter: what we're hearing now is that gunmen last night attacked the government college in northeast nigeria, and we are hearing now about 30 or more
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people may have died in the attack. according to the military they launched an attack in the night and opened fire on student. the military is not confirming it there. all its saying is that a team of military officers and other securities agencies have been dropped into the area to find out what happened. after two weeks of calm in the northeast after the declaration after state of emergency, it's heating up in all the two states where they have been holding them for a long time. the military is having a hard time tracking these people. >> thank you for the latest on the breaking news from nigeria. you're watching the al jazeera "news hour," still ahead, fueling unrest we're live in sudan's capital. why this small space in
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shanghai is expected to go big things for the chinese economy. in sports messi's week goes from bad to worse as he goes off injured just days from the championing league match. robin will have the details later. sudan's information minister says the government will not back down on austerity measures that led to an increase in fuel prices. they say the cuts that sparked six days of violence are the only one o -- way out. several leading political figures have signed a petition calling for the move. how are the government austerity measures affecting prices? a liter of petro was 72 cents and overnight it $1.25. the price for a cylinder of cooking gas used to be over
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$3.40 $3.40. now it will set you back almost $5.70. both charges have had a huge effect. the arrange person lives on less than a dollar a day. harriet martin is live for us in the sudanese capital khartoum. noiss are the government won't reconsider reconsider this. do you think the protests will continue because of that? >> reporter: i think certainly. obviously obviously, the trigger for the protests were the reform that is have imposed austerity measures hiking up prices of fuel and cooking gas. now, the issue there is it will mean an effect on food prices and bus fares. while this is the trigger, what happens over the last week is in cracking down on the demonstrations against these awe tear rit measures, the government has killed dozens and
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dozens of people in this country. really what we're seeing now is a focus on the anger around there. >> harriet, some politicians have joined to ask the government even from within the government zone ranks to say, you know we should re"consider this" this" -- reconsider this. >> the thing the politicians said to the government in the open letter to president bashir is they want to see those killing pros protesters prosecutors wanting them -- it would rise because the fuel subsidy would be lifted the real shock to many here has been the brutality with which the government has cracked down on the protests against them. these protests were very much expected. >> harriet, is there any likelihood the government will
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listen to the calls for pursuing the people that carried out such a strong crackdown? >> reporter: we had al jazeera interview the information minister yesterday and he did say he thinks there will be an investigation into these acts. somehow, it's too early to say when government is still responding. we haven't had a response yet from the letter sent to president bashir. we'll see from the coming days how strong the voice of dissent is on what the government does neck. >> thank you for that live update from sudan. a search operation has resumed for 200 people missing after a ferry capsized in nigeria. 42 people are known to have died in the accident on saturday. the boat was carrying traders and their goods to a market. voting count is under way in begin new's election. it was originally scheduled in
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2010 but was postponed several times. more than 1700 candidates were competing for 114 seats. a mallyian army camp was targeted since the presidential election in july. at least four were killed after a vehicle blew up in front of the base. a few weeks ago separatists pulled out of a cease-fire agreement. italy's prime minister is going to meet. berlusconi and there was a protest in the rise in tax. they want to avoid an election seven months after the last one. claudio, why did he ask ministers to resign before the vote of confidence set place to take place on tuesday? >> reporter: lauren the decision he says was because
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the government decided to raise a sales tax, the vat against his will and that of his ministers. the prime minister reacted to that decision quite strongly. recently in a statement i said that it was a microscopic lie and a decision is mad and irresponsible. basically many others in the government believe that the real reason behind this decision to ask his ministers to resign is really the upcoming meeting that needs to decide whether berlusconi is expelled from both the senate and politics as a whole on october 4th. in a way he set his own agenda and tried to make it look like as if he was doing a favor to the italians but rather to himself. curiously today is berlusconi's birthdays and he turns 77 and it's unclear whether the decision to ask the ministers to
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re resign is a gift to italians or himself, lauren. >> what options does it leave the government? >> reporter: later the president will meet to find a solution out of the crisis. there are three options. either the judge manages to convince them to backtrack from the decision which is quite unlikely, or he foinds other support from around the government from within the government. that's unlikely because the other big party is the five-star movement because they tonight want to double up with them to form a government. the third option unfortunately is really early elections, lauren. >> thank you very much indeed on the update on the fragile world of italian politics. human rights group in greece welcome the arrest of senior members of the party. 21 golden dome members and including the leaders are
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charged with belonging to a criminal organization. supporters rallied against the decision. the party denies being involved in violent attacks including the murder of a musician two weeks ago. many activists support the arrests but say more work needs to be done. >> all these extreme right miernlt minorities in parts of greek society are still there. with arresting the leader and some members of the organization doesn't mean that you deal as a whole with the ideas that gave them power. >> voting is take place in austria's general election where the ruling coalition is expected to stay in power, but the social democrats and conservative peoples party could struggle to win a majority. a series of corruption scandals have affected support for the two parties. china has opened a free trade zone? in shanghai to liberalize the
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economy. they made the pledge despite they won't sustain the benchmark of 7% growth. >> reporter: as part of the effort for economic liberalization they launched a free trade zone in shanghai. this is supposed to contribute to the overall national growth rate of each year of 7%. it's built as a laboratory of economic reform. it covers less than 1% of greater shanghai but the chinese government wants this small part of the city to do big things for the economy. it launched a free trade zone a half hour drive from the center of the shanghai business district outside the international airport and busiest container terminal. within the 29 kilometerses there is less government control and import and export duties have been removed. foreign mobile service companies could come in for the first time creating competition for china's telecom giants. in 1990 he looked to shanghai to
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usher china into a new economic era, and it worked. across the river there 30 years ago it was farmland. with this new free trade zone the current premier hopes shanghai will again lied china into economic change. it won't impact china's economy that much. >> translator: the premier has pushed very hard for this free trade zone. it's to show his resolution of the economic reform. it's more symbolic than concrete policies. he wants to copy the experience from hong kong but in a very limited way. it's not a real free trade port or zone. >> reporter: lee hopes that the project will help the overall growth in china's economy. some feel that's years off, but it has already boosted the local economy inside the zone. >> translator: my company has benefitted a lot from it.
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sales are twice as much compared to the last month. if you want to sell property here someone will buy it without hesitation. >> reporter: what most economists want to see is how that expansion will be realized on a national level. the government has been guarded with the exact details and plans for this free trade zone and makes it very clear that it's a pilot project. so the government and economists will closely track the progress here in the free trade zone. big change though really isn't expected for two to three years but there's early indications when the stock and trading markets open in asia on monday morning. now the weather. >> thanks very much lauren. well, we have for the a tropical storm now intensified to typhoon strength in the open waters of the southwest pacific. you see a swirls away here and it's going to make its way further westward over the next few hours. it will may landfall around central parts of vietnam about this time tomorrow actually
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maybe a couple of hours earlier than that. it will bring very heavy rain in across the region. sustained winds of the moment around 165 kilometers per hour gusting to 200. it's the equivalent of a category 2 storms used for atlantic hurricanes. you can see it runs in as we go on through the next couple of days. it's not just about the wind of course. we're talking very heavy rain in and around the region. we've already seen 145 millimeters of rain just to the south in the space of only 24 hours. that's the volume of rainfall we can expect to push in across what is a flood-affected part of central vietnam. the heavy rain is in place through monday then. you go on into tuesday, and it will be a little less wet, shall we say, but still plenty of rain around nevertheless. that rain stretching across once again, and we see some of the rain continue for central parts
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of philippines where we already have flooding. thanks much indeed. coming up on the program, smoothing out a rocky relationship. have they opened up a gap between the israeli prime minister and the u.s.? not happy to help you. why a new payroll system in the u.s. is falling afoul of employees. major league baseball bids farewell to one of its stars. that's coming up later in the sport. the most important money stories
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welcome back. at least 30 people have been killed in an explosion in pakistan. a third such attack in a week. the blast that also injured more than 70 people occurred near a crowded market and police station. it would delay implementation of president obama's health care reforms. sudan's information minister says the government will not back down on awe tear rit measures that led to a hike in the price of fuel. president bashir is facing pressure to repeal measures which sparked six days of violent protests. israel arrested a suspected iranian spy at tel aviv airport. they say he's a belgian citizen of the origin. he was caught with photos he took of the u.s. embassy in tel
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aviv. he says he was sent to the country to spy for iran's revolutionary guard. we're live from jerusalem. peter, what do you think about this arrest? >> reporter: he was traveling under a belgian passport with a name alex mans and they confirmed he was arrested on september 11th. it was two weeks ago. as you said it was at the airport, and he had in his possession pictures of the u.s. embassy in tel aviv. he had visited -- he's of iranian extraction and born in iran and 55 years old and he visited israel three times since late 2012. he's said to have told his interrogators that he was promised $1 million to spy on israel and his orders were to forge business links in tel aviv with israeli companies so he
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could visit the country regularly. >> okay peter. thank you very much indeed for that live update. the announcement of that arrest as israeli prime minister netanyahu makes his way to the u.s. to attend the u.n. general assembly. netanyahu said he would tell the truth about iran's nuclear ambitions. this is the israeli government he's first reaction between last week's telephone call tweenz president obama and president rouhani. he will also travel to washington to meet president obama. >> translator: this evening i'm leafing for new york and washington to meet president obama and afterwards address the u.n. general assembly. i will represent the citizens of israel, our national interests, our right as a people our determination to defend ourselves and our hope for feet. one must talk facts and tell the truth. telling the truth today is vital for the security and peace of the world and, of course, it is
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vital for the security of the state of israel. >> thanks for being with us. so benjamin netanyahu talking about the onslaught of smiles. why is he so concerned about the phone call you think, between obama and rouhani, the iranian president? >> reporter: i don't think it's necessarily the phone call and i wouldn't focus all too much on the phone call. i think what he's concerned about is that since the election earlier in the summer there's been a certain deterioration among the will of some countries in the world to continue to push the sanctions regime against iran. i think what he wants to do is go over and say, judge the guy not by his words but by his actions, and the actions haven't changed. >> you mentioned the rouhani language. let's see what he had to say at the u.n. just a few days ago. >> translator: it was clear that their view was the environment has been created as a result of iran's elections. this new government is
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completely different from the past. the conditions are such that the path has been already facilitated or paved to a great extend in order to create the confidence required and i assure on the iranian side this will is their folly 100%. within a short period of time there will be a settlement on the nuclear issue. >> so that idea that there might be a settlement one would think israel might be pleased about. why are they so concerned? why the lack of trust is the question, but that's all about a lack of trust, is it? >> look i think it's obvious if indeed this works out and does lead to an end to the nuclear program, that would be something that would be greeted very positively in israel. the concern here is that he doesn't necessarily mean it. when he was a nuclear negotiator in 2003 from 2005 he said one thing and did something else. the concern here is he's going through the same motions again, and it's nice to say they're
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going to halt the project or going to come to some kind of agreement, but it's another thing altogether to actually take the steps to do it. >> in the past the relationship between netanyahu and obama has been notoriously prickly. they mended the fence a bit sense then. how will this affect the relationship between the two of them? >> i think obama's visit in march was a landmark in the relationship, and since then you haven't seen stories or heard much about the dysfunctional relationship between the two that existed perhaps in the first two years. i think one thing that you can notice is since his visit here there's no public megaphone diplomacy between the two countries. i'm sure there's disagreements, but they've been aired in private and not in public. that's a big difference from what happened in the beginning. i think it's the same thing we'll see now in the iranian situation. with netanyahu wants to tell obama, he'll tell obama tomorrow. he didn't go out ahead of time and say it publicly.
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>> thank you for your analysis. 61 people are known to have died after a building collapse in mumbai. special equipment was used to free dozens of victims trapped in the rubble of the five-story apartment block. they say the building had structural problems but they're not clear why it came down. we have more from the scene. >> reporter: recovery efforts ended early sunday morning. i'm standing exactly where the five-story building was, but it's hard to tell if anything was here before. it's been completely flattened as officials cleared away all the debris for safety reasons. the victims and families are at hospitals right now, but locals are gathering around the area. many have said they're upset because they knew this building had structural problems since last november, and they were asking for something to be done about it but nothing ever was leading to the tragedy that happened. this is, unfortunately, the latest in several building collapses that happened over the
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past few years, and especially this past year. the biggest one was outside mumbai where 74 were crushed to death when a building collapsed there. the reason this is happening is what many people blame on the nand demand for cheap affordable housing in cities in india. rent in mumbai can be as high as london or new york so demand for housing in a central area like this one is very high and people are willing to risk being in structures that are unstable because of the demand. now, people have said that many of these structures are illegal, and officials are usually paid off to allow them to be built. in this case the structure was legal, but renovations that had illegally been made at the ground level are alleged to be part of the collapse. people say officials were paid off, which is why this building in need of a major repair since one year back was allowed to
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stay. there's a large protest in new delhi against the eviction of farmers. it came during a speech of the chief executive of the western state. his fwovt has filed a court case when protesters say plans to throw farmers over the land. monsoon flooding killed several and destroyed buildings irjts. a second earthquake has struck in pakistan. hundreds of homes have been destroyed and thousands are homeless and aid is starting to arrive. >> reporter: another 22 people are killed and 50 are wounded after a second earthquake struck this region the epicenter of that earthquake was northeast of awaran but it caused damage from the more powerful
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earthquake earlier on tuesday. the chief minister of the province has moouched to awaran himself and he's been here the last few days. they're trying to get the logistics and movement of goods to the areas where needed most. there is some problems as far as the distribution of the relief goods are concerned. people have lost everything. there's an acute requirement for water, for tents, and also important food items. medical teams are working round the clock. volunteers have been brought in from other districts to go into those far-flung areas, but the government despite its slow response is now saying they're trying to sort out the logistical nightmare in a district that's one of the most remote in the country. >> the former head of chile's secret police during the dictatorship has been found dead. the authorities say that the
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general shot himself outside his apartment in the capital of santiago. he was serving a sentence for crime against humanity was on day release at the time. an investigation into the deaths of 19 firefighters in the u.s. has blamed poor communication for the tragedy. they died fighting a blaze in arizona in june. the report says that while proper procedure was followed better communication between the men and support staff could have prevented their deaths. a growing number of companies in the united states are switching to payroll cards to pay their employees. high fees mean some workers end up earning less than the legal minimum wage. we have the report from new york. i'm sorry. we don't seem to have that report at the moment. our so-called peace summit in the city of chicago has attempted to start dialogue with gangs. it's aimed at reducing the high rate of murders in the city.
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al jazeera's diane easterbrook reports on some of the community programs trying to turn teenagers away from a life of crime. >> reporter: even in chicago neighborhoods scarred by violence, there is hope. for charles danner that hope comes from boxing. it's an outlet for anger, an alternative to street fighting and gangs. >> boxing, that's how i do it. i can fight, and i'm doing it in a good way. i can go have matches and get some anger out. >> reporter: he discovered at b.a.n. at his high school on the chicago's south side. it teechls youth from areas with dense population how to channel aggression and control their emotions through sport. just across town this 17-year-old has found sanctuary from gang life in a different program, build. it uses counseling to help kids interact peacefully and break
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free from gangs. he said build convinced him to leave a gang last year. >> i came here and it shows me -- it's not about what gang or race or anything. you can still be friends. >> reporter: with gang violence escalating in cities like chicago, eric holder sounded a call to action earlier in week. >> the cost of failing to intervene in the life of a young person who is at risk of being delinquent could add $3 million over the course of his or her lifetime per kid. >> reporter: research shows participants in b.a.m. committed 40% less violence program. that evidence convinced the city of chicago earlier this year to raise $4 million from local businesses to fund private anti-gang programs. both b.a.m. and build believe strong role models keep kids out of gam. b.a.m. counselor timothy jackson estimates three-quarters of the boys he advises don't have
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strong father figures, so he tries to be one. >> sometimes they see me in public in the mall or at the grocery store, and i think they get a chance to see life. i'm really kind of living out the type of things i'm talking about, and it's real to them. i think they get excited about kind of who they can become through this program. >> reporter: diane easterbrook, al jazeera, chicago. new zealand moves closer to another rugby title. and gold galore in the dutch league. robin will have all the details in just a moment. don't go away. what happens when social media uncovers unheard
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hello, again. back to the story new about the growing number of countries in the united states that switch to payroll cards to pay employees, but high fees mean some workers earn less than the legal age. cat turner reports from new york. >> reporter: he used to like working at mcdonald until the company gave her a payroll card. it's loaded up with an employee's wage, which is used at an atm like a debit card. the problem is fees and lots of them, but natalie wasn't given a choice. >> i went home and called the higher-ups to see if they could find another way, direct deposit, a check, something. they told me i could activate the card or not get paid. >> reporter: so she quit hired a lawyer and sued mcdonald's. let's look at those fees. if natalie was using the payroll card now, each time she checked
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her balance it would cost between $1 and $3. each purchase made with the card has a fee of 50 cents, withdrawing cash costs up to $6 and if you chose to be cautious and not use the card she could be penalized with an inactivity fee of $7.50. that doesn't leave much when you earn $7.25 an hour. about 50 u.s. companies use the payroll card system. most are big name retailers and restaurants and it's becoming increasingly popular. companies can save up to millions of dollars a year by switching from paychecks to cards. >> the prepaid card industry is rapidly growing. it's been around a while, but it's still relatively new. there's a wide range of companies involved. there's a whole spectrum of costs associated with these cards, protections that people get, and other kinds of abusive practices. >> reporter: corporations insist they offer staff multiple ways to be paid so the payroll card helps lower wage workers that don't have wage accounts.
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walgreens started to use it as a pilot program in 2004. its employees have the option of being paid by direct deposit or by check. in a statement to al jazeera, walgreens said we sought to create a payroll card program with the intention of providing terms as reasonably possible for employees that choose to be paid that way. >> you go online and check applications. >> reporter: natalie is still looking for work online and at job fairs. she has a 7-year-old daughter to support. >> they are taking advantage of underaged kids who don't understand fees and debit cards. i think they're taking advantage of people who are less fortunate or just struggling to find a job. >> reporter: natalie would rather be unemployed than watch her small salary become even smaller without even touching her money. cat turner al jazeera, new york. time for sports now. here's robin. >> wilson has broken the world record at the berlin marathon
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even before the race. he had the eyes on a record time in germany and shaved 15 seconds off the previous set time. it was set by his fellow countryman. he crushed the finish line in 3 thourz, two minutes and 56 seconds. he also won the london marathon last year. real madrid ended the neighbor's 14-year league. they beat real on a night which should have belonged to the world's most expensive footballer. we have the action for you. >> reporter: in the spanish capital the crowd had to wait until the second half of the madrid/darby to see the home debut of the world's most expensive player. he came on as they were behind 1-0 at athletico. he grabbed the early lead after 11 minutes, his eighth goal of the season. it took a while for bale to get
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involved, but he tested the keeper. they merely extended the league. and it came off the crossbar. the substitute almost leveled things with a few minutes remaining. his shot was well-saved. they ruled out 1-0 winners to remain unbeaten in second when they're second behind barcelona on gold difference. just a day having to testify in court over fraud with the spanish of $5.4 million, messi was back on the field and sharing why he's worth so much money. it take long for the star to score his eighth goal of the campaign. just seven minutes later he asked to be substituted because of a thigh injury which could mean he misses the champions league match against celtic on tuesday. his side went on to win 2-0 in
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the second half to get the spanish champions a new club record for their best ever start to a season. richard nicholson, al jazeera. he's only been on the job for a few months now, but already david moises is feeling the heat. they made their worst ever start to a season picking up just seven points. it wasn't helped on saturday when zuni canceled out an earlier goal from morgan. they clenched the it-1 victory, the first win for manchester united in 55 years. it's a different story for arsenal. they sit on top of the premier two points ahead of tottenham. they won at the liberty stadium in the late game on saturday. goals from the german forward and midfielder ramsey giving them a 2-1 win.
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after a 2-1 win away and there's a double that lifted the men ahead of roma who played later on sunday. the only other game on saturday saw them give ac milan a one-goal win over them. without the striker baratelli. off to second in the dutch league after a relatively easy night at the amsterdam arena. the go-ahead eagles and they made sure they lived up to it scoring four goals in five minutes. they won them with a welcome confidence boost a week ago. in germany they held onto the top spot. he scored twice in the first half as they were reduced to ten
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men. then a player who has been at the center of much speculation, robin got onto the score sheet. it was at the back of the net twice. he set up another. 5-0 winners in this game. munich only magged a lackluster 1-0 victory courtesy of a second half goal. it puts the titleholders level on points. new zealand is on the brink of defending the rugby championship title. they claimed a los angeles-minute point win of argentina and buenos aires with the second time to hand the victory. new zealand is clear of south africa in the standings. they were also in action on saturday and won their game as well. they claimed the championship
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crown. they beat australia 28-8 in capetown and meets snu sglee land in johannesburg yes, sir. markens to impress. he captured his seventh pole of the season ahead of the grand prix in spain. he will start from second on the grid on head of danny pedosa. the man who came close to scoring the lowest evered round on the european tour is in the driving seat after the third down of the links championship. peter was inches away from catching a record-breaking 59 on friday. that was his breast at st. andrew's where he shot a 55 including this eagle on the 18th. he holds a two stroke lead into the final round. new york pitcher andy pettitte has finished his career
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at the highest level. he played against the hometown team. he helps with a 2-1 win. just one earned run on five hits. back in 2006 his performance kept an mlb career that posted records for most postseason wins and starts. the boston red sox took a hit. they love 6-5 to the baltimore orioles with steve pearce doing the most damage. he bagged himself 3-0. >> the play is not in time. >> that's your sports. thank you for watching. >> thanks very much indeed robin. maybe the future king of the united kingdom but principle charles is coming under increasing scrutiny. his business dealings are being investigated by parliament and some critics feel he's exceeding his powers by influencing politics, too. >> reporter: the duchess of
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cornwall the land and property of the prince of wales is so big it affects the lives of everyone in this southwestern corner of england. when when they apply for permission it always gets its way. sometimes local politicians try to oppose it. they find it as secretive as it is powerful. >> the information comes out trickle, trickle. in this day and age in in century, urn anything to do with a monarchy should be open and transparent, and the people should know what's going on there. >> you think at cornwall it isn't? >> no it isn't. >> it's worth well over a billion dollars. the projects it developed are designed to mirror the views of prince charles himself. should he really be doing this sort of thing at all? there's certainly no doubt in the financial muscle of the dutchy of cornwall and the oponies of it here say it's so
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big it's able directly to influence political and economic decisions often against the interests of people that live here. opponents of the prince of wales in london say it applies on a national level as well. they say it raises serious questions about the conducts of a man who will one day be king. the rule set in stone is the monarchy in britain is apolitical. charles is known to write to and meet ministers regularly on issues which he's concerned about. his critics say it's in direct breach of his powers to project his opinions on people that didn't elect him. >> he has a rather curious mind world view which is a combination of, you know traditional christian values and sort of this kind of holistic environmentalism that puts him in the sort of manor house in the field. that's kind of his mentality. >> reporter: his supporters meanwhile, argue that the people
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expect the future king to exercise some opinions and join in the national debate. the prince who is somebody a gadfly pushing independent views. if it's not political, he can do it. if we don't want him doing it we need to define what the prince of wales means. >> reporter: at a time when support for the british monarchy is far overstrips politics this runs against the grain of popular opinion. the fact it's investigated at all suggests the establishment itself wants to clear up what may become an image problem in the future. lawrence lee, al jazeera in cornwall. we have more news anytime on our website, stay with us on al jazeera. aaron jordan will be here in a few minutes. thanks very much indeed for watching "the news hour." back in an hour.
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running out of time and out of options. congress moves a step closer to a government shutdown as lawmakers on both sides of the aisle stake out their claim. spoiler alert. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu comes to america to discuss the smoke screen that he says iran's president used to fool western powers. paying to get paychecks. many low-wage workers are losing money every single time they get their checks. and threading a needle at 100 miles per hour. now, we'll show you how this daredevil stunt am came -- came to a screec


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