tv News Al Jazeera October 2, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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>> this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm tony harris with a look at today's top stories. face to face. for the first time president obama meets with top republicans to stop the shutdown. and remembering the man known as the master of the modern day thriller, author tom clancy. >> a possible end to the government shutdown or business as usual, all eyes are on
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washington, d.c. where in 90 minutes president obama will meet with house and senate leaders at the white house to talk about ways to end the shutdown. the shutdown is having a ripple affect on wall street. investors are feeling a little uneasy and the dow has shut down 60 points. how much can we read into this meeting with the president. >> reporter: they have been talking but they have not been talking in the same direction of one another, so i guess its progress that house and senate leaders are going to be meeting with the president in the white house. they all spoke by phone individually monday night before the shutdown but there have been no direct negotiations with the
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white house or republicans as well. they will be there to talk about the debt ceiling and as we come on the air we're learning that the president gave an interview a few minutes ago and he told well street, this time be worried about the economic repercussions of the shutdown and the second big fight that makes the shutdown look small which is the debt ceiling. here is jay carney, the white house press secretary. >> negotiation in th the washinn sense implies give and take, tradeoff, demands. if you give me this, i'll take that. i'll give that you. the president's approach from the begin something that he's asking for nothing. nothing from republicans. he has attached zero demands.
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>> reporter: in other words, he's not playing the same game that the republicans are playing with the white house, trying to hold obamacare the affordable care act hostage in order to keep the government funded tony. >> is any of what we call the hard line republicans invited to this meeting at the white house? >> reporter: no. it's no secret that john boehner, the republican house speaker, before all this started he tried to avoid this. he did not want this linkage between funding the affordable care act and funding the government. he was overruled by the tea party, by conservatives this hardcore base voters in the house of representatives. they insisted this linkage occur and john boehner has gone along with it and it is now day two. >> now to libby casey on capitol hill. libby, what are the expectations
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here? is either side in a mood to compromise? >> reporter: well, i think it will be a listening moment, and we'll know more as the even progresses, but at this point we're not any closer to a deal than we were when the government shut down a day and a half ago. what has gone on today is the house republicans have put forth a serious of bills, some of them are repeats from last night. they failed last night because they were fast tracked now they're going through a length lengthier process. for example, veterans affairs and getting that funded. national parks and museums and also the city of dc. they tacked on two more national guard and reservists and then also the nih. here is the name of the nih bill, it tugs at the heartstrings, research for life saving cures. it is try to get the public interested in specific sectors of government funding. this may pass the house but democrats will largely vote
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know. here's the sense of what we heard from eric cantor of virginia today. >> we are going to take every issue that is out there that we have agreement on, and put it on the floor, and we will pass the funding bills to go to the senate. >> so that's majority leader eric cantor. but democrats say we want to fund the government and we'll negotiate and talk with you after the government is up and running. here is leader pelosi top democrat in the house. >> people said why can't you all compromise. we have been for days and week saying to the republican leadership we are willing to make an explicit offer to you to support your number. >> so tony as leaders headed to the white house to talk, so far no closer to any solution. >> hmm, and the democrats, if i'm correct here, libby, keep saying if this bill to fund the
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government, this clean bill would actually pass the house if the speaker would bring it to a vote, is that true? >> right, if house speaker john boehner and majority leader eric canter to allow this claim bill, to fund the government, not a piecemeal approach but the whole enchilada, it would pass. it would take 17 republicans to sign off on it, vote for it going with the democrats in order for it to gain a majority of votes. that's to get through. the question is what does it say to republicans strength, to john boehner, to the tea party if they would take that vote. since it's very likely it could pass, and it really coloit's hard to get a count because we call this whipping up the votes, getting a since of who would vote which way it's it's hard to know there are so many lone wolves in the house of representatives.
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but it could shake things up. >> the financial world is getting worried about the en pass at washington, d.c. some of the country he is biggest banks met with president obama to discuss the risk of a long government shutdown and increasing the country's borrowing limit. patricia? >> reporter: wall street is very concerned about what may happen if congress can't agree on raising the debt ceiling. the u.s. government will exhaust it's legal borrowing authority and be left with $30 billion in cash to pay the nation's bills. that's a problem because the nation's give bill given on ansr you given day is $60 billion. >> it's just making sure that we understand the consequences of the long-term consequence of a
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shutdown. we're already in the short-term consequence of the shutdown. but certainly the consequences of the debt ceiling and we agree those are extremely adverse. >> reporter: the treasury started using the last trick up it's sleeve tuesday to push back the day when it's legal borrowing authority runs out and again the measures will be exhausted no later than october 17th. now congress doesn't act, the government will have to make stark choices about which bills to pay. now how damaging this all could be depends on a lot of factors including how long it will take for congress to finally act. >> the initial shock, there will be a flight to safety and u.s. treasury even in that environment may still be viewed as the safest place to be because everyone knows that eventually congress will get it's act together. but the long run consequences for the soundness of your treasury mark will be shaken up. >> reporter: it's impossible to predict how damaging the effects
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would be, but there would be pay including raising interest rates for home and car loans. >> what is the worst-case worste scenario. >> reporter: that the money runs out of money and defaults on its debt. that's the worst-case scenario, and that's what everyone wants to avoid. >> appreciate it. patricia for us with this government shutdown an estimated 800,000 federal employees are furloughed. the average salary is $70,950. that's a loss of over $271 for every day that the government is shut down. but not every federal employee earns that much. let's look at the wages of some of those who work at parks and museums they make $30,920 a year and stand to loss $118 a day. in all, 400 national parks and
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mondamonuments including mount e mount rainier everyone is told to get out and no one can get in. >> there is trouble in paradise. the mount was hit with an early snow tournament. down below the park's main entrance there is a cold reception of a different kind. park visitors are being turned away. >> we thought we would be hiking or days and days in the national park. >> ann and her family plan their two-week vacation months ago flying in from florida, a trip now worried. >> our own government is holding us hostage, practically, because they can't figure out a way to deal with situations. >> as part of the government shutdown 192 mount rainier employees are now furloughed. they received their notices on tuesday. >> we aren't going to have adequate staffing on to be able
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to provide the type of access, the type of services or certainly to respond to emergencies that people do get into here. >> reporter: only essential staff and law enforcement are staying on. no one knows if they'll get paid for their work. mount rainier national park is 370 square miles of wilderness and beauty. october usually brings 130,000 visiters. every day the park is closed it loses $2,000 in entrance fees. the impact of this shutdown spans well beyond the park and it's employees. businesses like this one outside of the park have already notified workers their hours will be cut. and depending on how long the shutdown lasts they may have to close. >> this whole thing is ridiculous. it affects so many people. >> i feel bad everybody working here, too. coming down i thought they are not going to do that. they can't do that. >> reporter: pat and anthony longo say the inn. their stay has been cut short. thursday the inn will close and
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all its visitors asked to leave. >> here is my shutdown folder. >> reporter: back at park head quarters the superintendent is being furloughed. >> the park is for the people. this will not allow them to access them and enable them to serve their purpose. that's a sad situation for the country. >> reporter: the park has only closed four times. two of them now for government shoutdowns. al jazeera washington. >> the impact of the shou shutds being felt in scotland, if you can believe it. awarded a grant from the national science foundation. the problem, the grant which covers her living expenses was an in process before the shutdown. now she's camped out on a friend's couch. evelyn joins us from he hadden .
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did your grant get caught up first in typical washington bureaucracy, and then the shutdown? what happened here? >> so my official start was october 1 when he received the grant in the spring. it's for the fellowship that i'm doing here at the university. so basically my paperwork was sent in. it was due and they were very helpful in getting things processed before they were not allowed to work any more. it's bad luck that it started right when the whole business started up as well. >> so you thought this might actually happen, and you took steps to sort of expedite the process? >> well, they contacted all of us who are on the same fellowship, who are all over the country and all over the world doing our fellowships. and allowed us to send in the paperwork early which they usually don't do. they were preparing for processing the handful of applications or handful of
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starting salaries in the process before this shutdown came into affect. they tried to do their part, but now it's in the hands of the treasury before it gets back to them. we're at a halt right now. >> so evelyn, the grant, not only covers research but cost of living. so basically you don't have enough money or roof of your own over your head. how is that working out? where are you staying? >> yes, luckily we were able to stay with a friend. that was planned out ahead of time to give us little bit of stay here while we were finding an apartment in town. lucky we can stay here for as long as we need, but we're looking for apartments, we need to put deposits down and pay rent, and we're not sure how we can pick out of our savings to pay for living expenses that
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will be coming up. >> how about the research? >> lucky, my sponsor scientist has been very gracious, allowing me to use some of her funds until i have migrant come through. again that can't last forever, and since the fellowship is an independent scientist, and not having the funds to support doing the lab work and the field work, it's not a great way to start a collaboration at this university. >> forgive me, what what are you working on? >> so i'm studying pair sites and mice out in the field. so trying to figure out what happens when something is infected by multiple kinds of parasites or that th pathogens,. >> you need your money to do that. that's for sure.
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any thoughts? how frustrated are you that the government is where it is, which puts you in the position that you're in? >> it's been a very stressful couple of days realizing this could affect me and my ability to start my new position. it's been extremely stressful in the short term just every day. but also making me concerned about the state of government funding for research, which is extremely important to publicly fund science, and it makes me question my long-term commitment or long-term decision to stay funded by the united states, which my husband and i are both scientists, and we're start to go think, well, do we want to be funded by the u.s. if our funding can be done elsewhere. >> evelyn, thank you. appreciate your time. >> thank you very much. >> the federal government and states running their own health
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insurance exchanges are facing pressure to fix them, actually. many people using the online marketplace are facing overloaded website. there were similar issues on tuesday when the exchanges went online. the exchanges are an important part of president obama's healthcare reform law. >> meteorologist: and so beautiful around the northeast. and into parts of the south even. right now we've got some fall colors but because the government shutdown you won't be seeing those fall colors out in the national parks. however we have been watching consideration for the beautiful areas of the blue ridge mountains. we've been looking at the last couple of months. august came up well above normal for rainfall. we look at ash field, north carolina, just in the foothills of blue ridge mountains. because we have so much rain in this specific time it had a lot
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of affect o acorns bears are coming down to find aconcerns because it's not happening up in the mountains. >> thank you. >> best selling author tom clancy has died. he was known for thrillers like "the hunt for red october" and "patriot games" both were made into box office block busters. tom clancy was 66 years old. international inspectors are on the ground in syria. their goal, to find and destroy
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[[voiceover]] fault lines investigates wage practices in the restaurant industry. >>the employers have the upper hand out here. they can steal from you and face very little, if any, consequences. >>basically, this industry is saying, "we don't have to pay these workers at all. they should work for us, but we don't have to pay them." [[voiceover]] two-thirds of low-wage workers experience wage theft every week. >>you're telling that these people are allowed to treat people like this, and you can't do anything?
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>> the u.n. security council is calling to allow immediate access for humanitarian aid. serious humanitarian is rapidly declining. we're live at the u.n. headquarters here in new york. kristin for two and a half years as you know the security council was silent on syria. now we have this statement on humanitarian situation. what has changed? >> reporter: well, tony, the situation has gotten increasingly desperate inside
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syria, very hard for the security council to ignore. we're talking 4 million people who don't have enough to eat, and by the u.n.'s estimates they haven't been able to get to about 2 million of those people to get them any aid whatsoever. so an increasingly desperate situation for the security council to deal with. humanitarian groups are lobbying very hard for the council to make some sort of a statement to put pressure on the syrian government to improve access. they say they've been denied access to these areas that they need to get to. the council on the heels of an historying resolution on syria chemical weapons had a lot of good will, and no one wants to be seen as opposing relief for syrian children and others in need. >> here's what is important. the u.n. passed a statement, not a resolution, and it's an important distinction, isn't it? >> reporter: well, it is, tony. the statement does not have the same weight a as a formal regulr
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that is binding international law. there are no built in consequences for the syrian government or the opposition, for that matter, if they don't comply with this resolution. but th the u.n. thinks this is a good first step and pushed for this. and they're wary if the syrian government does not comply the security council should follow up and take further measures. >> this is fraught with all kinds of difficulties. how would the u.n. even get to rebel-controlled areas where there is no, sirran government presence? >> reporter: yes, that's been the real tricky part. the access is easier through neighboring countries in many cases through turkey or jordan. but the international community and ngos still require the syrian government's permission to go to these places. something that the syrian government has been reluctant to give. hence this statement that they should allow cross border access and the syrian government's
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response has been okay, that's fine but all the aid has to be funneled through us. >> kristin, thank you for us at the united nations. for the first time an american president participated in an event to declassified c.i.a. papers. the clinton library released hundreds of documents about the bosnian war about intelligence and policy making. here is our report. >> i woke up in the middle of the night last night, and i couldn't go back to bed. i relived bosnia from start to finish. >> this is the first time a u.s. president has been part of declassificatiodedde-classificaf intelligence documents. >> like all of history, there are many questions still pending, but the pieces held. because a long time ago with a lot of other things going on
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>> former clinton advisers came together for the release of the documents. madeleine albright said it was not always an easy process. >> but it was okay to disagree. if you look at these particular documents you can see us disagrees. >> reporter: it's normally 25 years before sensitive documents are released, and it's not known whether this will be a growing trend in the u.s. intelligence community. this is something that the clinton administration views as one of its greatest achievements, lasting peace in bosnia. al jazeera, little rock, arkansas. >> the government shutdown might cause a delay in jobs report but employment information is causing concern at wall street. private sector jobs, fewer were
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added than expected. reuter said gate's position as chairman is stifling the company moving forward especially finding a replacement for retiring ceo steve balmer. they may ask gates to leave. eric schneiderman is suing wells fargo to force the bank to comply with last year's settlement over last year's practice of mortgage lending. snyderman said he's dropping similar charges against bank of america after it agreed to reform it's lending practices. >> and ross is here with the sports headlines and the buzz
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about the pirates. >> yes, still celebrating top to bottom as kids like to say. they waited 20 years for a playoff game but happy days are here again. the pirates will host another postseason game after spanking the reds last night. unloading two homers on the night as the bucs would go on to win it, 6-2, and they're moving on to the nl division series against the cardinals starting on thursday. if you enjoyed last night drama h,we're doing it again in the american league. the tampa bay and rays with another one day winner take all match up. alex rodriguez is fighting his suspension in connection with the bio genetics scandal by saying he didn't know the things
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he was taking were illegal. will it work for rodriguez, we'll find out. we're headed to a break right now. millions who need assistance now. we appreciate you spending time with us tonight. up next is the golden age of hollywood going golden but elsewhere. why l.a.'s mayor has declared a state of emergency for the entertainment industry there. next.
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>> welcome back, everyone, to al jazeera america. the day after u.n. chemical weapons inspectors arrive in damascus the u.n. passed another neur on syria, allowing humanitarian workers to bring in aid. and health insurance are scrambling to fix their website. many problems occurred whe whene insurance plans went on the internet tuesday. and the white house looking for ways to end the government shutdown. it's not the only debate consuming washington.
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they have only 15 days to increase the nation's debt limit or they could default on its debt for the first time. president obama talked about the issue in an interview. >> obama: during the course of my presidency i have bent over backwards to work with the republican party. i purposely kept my rhetoric down. i'm pretty well-known for being a calm guy. sometimes people think i'm too calm. am aexasperated? absolutely. this is entirely unnecessary. >> president obama also said he's not going to be dragged into negotiating with extremists in either party. mike viqueira is back with us from the white house. mike, let me take it in this direction. is there a chance in this meeting in less than an hour from now that we will be talking about, well, not we, but that the people in the room will be discussing not only funding the
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government, but also a grander deal to raise the debt ceiling? >> reporter: you know there are a lot of moving parts when the president did that interview. we have a lot of moving parts. but really on the surface not a lot of movement. you're right, the longer this thing drags on, october 17th as everybody may be aware by now we have a crisis looming that is larger this the one we're in the midst of, and that is the ability of the united states to borrow money to pay the debts it's already racked up, that is october 17th. now there is a fear perhaps even an expectation that these two events, the shutdown and the negotiations, although the white house does not call it a negotiation, talks over raising the debt ceiling, something that the country has to do or it will default. the president said no how, no way, not this time. we're negotiating but we have more sound from an exasperated
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president obama. no, we do not. i'll keep going. the president said we will not negotiate until the shutdown earns. he warns this time meaning two years ago, when there were talks over the debt ceiling this time wilit will have a profound impat on the economy. >> people around the world are trying to make sense of what the government shutdown means. phil ittner joins us live from london, phil, what is the impact to this? what is happening here in washington around the world, any impact noticeable at this point on the global economy? >> reporter: well, as far as the economy is concerned, the reaction on this side of the atlantic has been muted. there is waiting and seeing,
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holding the breath. what is happening domestically in the states is not really effecting things economically on this side of the pond. but there is deep concern obviously about the debt ceiling. right now the europeans, it's luke warm reaction. a hit to the dollar. some of the markets here have gone up, down, dipping a little bit here, there, and the other place. but what they're really concerned about is that debt colleague argument, and if america defaults on its debt, that means that it will not start flooding back in this direction and that has europeans really scared. >> here's one of those finge finger-to-thewind and taking the world's temperature on all this north now. how is this effecting america's global reputation? >> well, that's another thing where america is taking a major hit. the european--really, the global
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really don't under what is going on in america. what the european and actually the rest of the globe really as you see the reactions coming in, what they're really saying is, what is going on with america? they don't understand domesti domestically th, the perceptions that it can't get it's house in order and this is coming on the heels of syria, and that confusion. it doesn't look like there is clear leadership or direction coming from america domestically or internationally, and that has people scratching their heads, and they're concerned where this is going to lead. domestically, as well, but certainly globally. >> there is head scratching going on in italy. phil, stand by because we've got a couple of stories for you on this story. if you can't make head or tails
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of the u.s. government shutdown. look at what is happening in italy, the government was about to collapse. we have more now from rome. >> reporter: rome. >> reporter: a convincing win. failing the senate's vote of confidence, it now can turn its mind to reforming the constitution. >> the majority of italians are telling us, i should say that they're yeting at us that they no longer can take these scenes of bloodshed in the political arena where they fight over everything but nothing ever changes. >> berlusconi wanted his party ministers to kuwait the cabinet. but then he was backing the prime minister. >> because italy needs a
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government which can produce structural and institutional reforms we have decided not >> reporter: berlusconi who be stripped of his seat after conviction of tax career finish. >> the wind can change, and there is a chance for berlusconi to be elected again or to play a more significant role in the future. on wednesday they still face huge challenges of r reversing years of stagnation. >> we're back in london, phil, same question, what is the international reaction of what is happening in italy?
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>> reporter: a huge sigh of relief. that could throw the euro zone's third largest economy in disarray because of political en pass in the government where a far right of berlusconi's party where they were saying whoa, wait a minute. let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. let's be careful about this thing. a lot of fears of what was happening in this thing. now berlusconi has backed down and left the government, it has maintained itself and they seem to have passed this storm, the eurozone is awfully relieved they're not going to go into yet
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another crisis. >> badded behavior from individuals in governments on both sides of the pond. phil attner thank you. >> buddhist gangs have torched dozens of homes belonging to the muslim community. five people including a 95-year-old woman was killed. the government said it will take all necessary measures to stop the violence. we have more. >> reporter: the violence started after a taxi driver said it started after he was verbally abused by a buddhist. they stabbed a 94-year-old woman to death. one man told al jazeera why he joined in. >> we're doing all of this to protect our religion because we
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heard a muslim man abused buddhism. >> in one village they say the police stood by while the mobs moved through. >> the police are merely shooting in the air and not doing enough to prevent the violence. more than 200 people have been killed, and thousands have fled their homes but not all buddhist agree with the gangs. >> we're all natives of this region. if this violence persists all the business and community here will be affected. >> reporter: their president is in state for the first time since the conflict broke out. he is criticized for not bridging the sectarian divide but he said no police or military can end the violence. it has to come from the people. human rights groups have accused the police force to be complicit
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in the violence. the government denies. the latest attacks have pushed more men, women and children into hiding afraid for their lives in forests and remote villages of myanmar. al jazeera. >> a books could become an endangered species soon, not because people are reading but because of what they're reading. plus, a new way of using drones ahead how scientists are using them to help farmers. and in sports, it is another winner take all game between the rays and indians tonight. ross will be here with the proffer. preview.
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future of reading across the globe. today we traveled to sri lanka to the largest book fair, and one of the highest literacy rates in south asia. but the old fashion book is facing a new rival in the age of rapidly advancing technology. >> reporter: an avid reader, eager for more. the library service for children is very popular. she has borrowed it's books for 10 years. >> i have enjoyed reading books since i was very young. books are nice and meaningful. >> reporter: the books project run by the public library visits 42 areas every two weeks. organizers hope to entice new readers into the world of books. >> children who are introduced to books at this age continue to read when they are older. >> reporter: for those who don't the world of technology is where they often turn for entertainment. youngsters are spoiled for
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choice, with oh phones, tabs, other devices. those who make these choices reading is not to the same degree. >> reporter: i see children moving away from reading. >> the new world of technology has not spelled the end of paper text. the world's largest floating book fair stopped in collumbo. >> i think its refreshing experience. >> reporter: with over 5,000 titles on sale and another half million in stock the ship's captain said there is still a market for books in many of his ports of call. >> we do see more and more electronic books, but for many of the places we visit, it's going to be far, far in the future. >> reporter: sri lanka's online gaming community has a different view of it.
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>> reading, all those things can be done through the internet. >> reporter: their president is not taking any chances. they have developed a network of libraries in rural schools. the increasing availability of the internet in most starts of sri lanka combined with low cost and cheap devices is luring young people away from books. but for these children nothing beats a good old fashion read. al jazeera, columbo. >> and tomorrow al jazeera's dave mercer takes us to mexico out of 108 nations on the index of reading mexico ranked second to last. mexicans read an average of three books a year compared to spain people read 7. 5 books annually. you procesross is it true that s
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have not won a playoff game since the 90s? before you were even-- >> reporter: born? oscar for best actor, yes. an epic win for the pirates last night, and their manager said it best. we weren't thinking one and done. we were thinking one and run. over 40,000 fans are rocking the house in pittsburgh, and like they say, tony, you always sit on black because the pirates with the hurt on the red. russell martin double dipping, doubling down and hit two homers on the night as the pirates went on to win their first playoff victory in 21 years. and they're a happy clubhouse. >> this is 20 years of waiting, you know, and you're seeing it all come out in one night. hopefully we can keep this atmosphere late until october.
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these fans are giving us energy out there and we appreciate them. >> you talk about feeling good all over. our ballpark showed up. our fan base showed up. the city showed up. the 40,000 jammed in here how many do you think were watching hanging on every pitch that never stopped. there were very few times when someone was not up yelling. it was tremendous energy and we've done a lot of great venues that played important games. but that spark from our fan base i'll--i don't know if i ever felt that before. >> the crowd is going to be actually going bongers when the pirates take on the st. louis cardinals. let's savor moment for now. let's go to rob from detroit. rob, what was your take from last night's epic win by the pirates? >> reporter: it was thrilling to be honest. if you didn't get goose bumps watching that crowd in the
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atmosphere of pittsburgh, then you're not alive. >> the beauty of the postseason one team gets hot--watch out. what can we expect from the upcoming best of five nl division series before the pirates and cardinals? >> that's going to be very interesting. i know everybody thinks the cardinals are going to roll, and these two teams have been going at it all year. i like the pirates in this. i really do. i know the cardinals are the favorites, but pittsburgh, this is not a surprise out of the blue. they have really good players. when you add players to a team of great players, i think you have real legitimate shot. >> we'll have another one-game winner take all between the cleveland indians and tampa bay rays. what is the key in your opinion?
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>> alex cobb pitching for the rays. this guy is a studd with 22 starts this year, and indians, i mean, i hate to take anything away from them. they've won ten games in a row to close out the season, but if you look a little closer they played bad teams down the stretch, and their record against good teams is not even close to as good as you would think. it's actually not good at all. and against bad teams they play really well. i don't know. i want to think the indians because they're at home but i'm going pick tampa bay. >> and the rays, talk about this pitching match up it's an interesting match as you talk about alex cobb. they're sending a rookie out who has a lot of promise in danny salazar. what are you expecting? >> reporter: yeah, for them to pick a kid like that to pitch in an one-game do or die situation is going to be interesting. obviously it will be a short leash but you know, alex cobb has been out there.
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it's going to be off the field. >> alex rodriguez, what is your take? >> they say that it is not accurate and it's not true. they have not got to the point where they have made their argument or presented any evidence. you have one story saying this, and then another story. that alex didn't know what he was doing and he didn't know what he was taking. that's hard to believe that that would be his defense in what happened. i think alex rodriguez is doing what he needs to do which is fight because the suspension was so big and unprecedented he had no other choice. baseball forced him to do this. >> all right, rob, speaking of
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the yankees, joe girardi will be a free agent, will he stay? will he go to the cubs or jump in the broadcast booth? >> i think he stays with the yankees. they asked him if you're interested in being here we want you back, and we're going to give you a raise. the yankees are trying to lower their payroll and get it down ,. he's from chicago, and the situation, but i think if joe girardi had his choice and everything was laid out on a table, i think he's going take the yankees and feel he could always take the cubs job down the road. i'm expecting him to stay. the yankees want him and joe wants to be there as well. >> that's live from detroit, tony, we all know that money
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talks. >> oh, it does. appreciate it. thank you. when we hear about drones it's usually connected to military airstrikes in other countries. but drones are also being used across the u.s. we have reports on how drones are helping with farming. >> early harvest in the colombian basin in oregon where crops ar, third generation farms are always looking for new ways to farm. >> the resources are finite. >> reporter: aerial photography is part of that resource. it can show him where his potato crops are having problems. at this oregon state research facility unman drone flights
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tests are under way. >> with these things you can lower the altitude, get finer resolution, maybe the leaf level. we have the opportunity to see a whole lot more and understand problems whole lot sooner than the color infrared taken at 10,000 feet. >> reporter: it looks liking is built from a bold kit but it costs thousands of dollars and it has to be flown by a licensed pilot. the faa gave us special permission to view these tests. it's an expanding industry and controversial because of privacy concerns and drones by u.s. military forces. >> how does this drone work? >> we don't use drones, remember? there is sensitivity about the semantics here, the words being used. there is sensitivity about the technology being used. this was as close as we could get to take pictures.
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if these, whatever you call them, can help, he'll consider using them. >> one, it's a financial thing. two, with my sons to give them to be fourth generation farmers, we have to take care of what we have. >> with an eye on the future and an eye from agriculture from above precision farming makes it even more precise al jazeera oregon. >> on the calendar it it is officially fall but it feels like summer. we have the forecast. together unexpected voices closest to the story, invite hard-hitting debate and desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you. that's all i have an real money.
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snow in some places down around the valley floor. this will push in for wyoming. we already have a start for this big storm coming in with a lot of cold air behind it. we'll be tracking in slowly but surely over the course of the next 24 to 36 hours. you can see our freeze warnings going into effect for a few spots like north california and san francisco, and you have warnings of gusting winds even in san jose you're going to have gusting winds as it moves to the north. bismarck with wind gusts around 16 mph and that cool air keeping air in the 60s.
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>> this is al jazeera america, i'm tony harris with a look at today's top stories. the u.n. security double is calling on the syrian government to allow immediate access for humanitarian aid. aid organizations warn of starvation in the country. and u.n. inspectors, find and destroy chemical weapons. president obama will meet with congressional leaders in 30 minutes to talk about the government shutdown. house speaker boehner's office said the white house invitation appeared to be a sign the president might be backing down on his refusal to negotiate changes to the affordable care act. but white house spokesm j
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