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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 4, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ and you are watching the al jazeera news hour. welcome to this program. in the next 60 minutes, protests against egypt's military coup end in clashes with police. at least one person is killed. the boat that didn't make it. divers continue to search for 200 missing migrants off of the italian coast. >> i'm barbara in london with more european news, including
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the decision to kick former prime minister silvio berlusconi out of parliament. also coming up, fifa goes to extra time delaying its decision over a possible winter world cup in qatar. ♪ one person has been killed in egypt as supporters of the easted president mohammed morsi fought with security forces. police fired live rounds and tear gas to try to disban the protesters. >> reporter: hundreds of anti-coup protesters march toward the square. their intention is to reach the
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place that symbolized the election. but the military was waiting for them. the protests had begun after friday prayers. at this central cairo mosque, hundreds poured out to declare their feelings. >> translator: we are objecting to the bloody battles that lead the country to hell. >> reporter: a day when tradition dictates that the military is celebrated across the country, but not for these people. the banners in the hands of these protesters read raba, a reminder of when more than a thousand people died in august when the military moved against the protesters. while in other egyptian cities
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scuffles broke out between anti-coup protesters and local residents. many of the muslim brotherhood's senior members have been arrested while its active industries been banned. but despite this, its supporters still exist, and as these scenes on friday show, they do still take to the streets. they say their protests on sunday october 6th will be nationwide and particularly in cairo, but a rival promilitary rally is planned there too. al jazeera, cairo. okay. we go to another correspondent in cairo, again we're not naming her for security reasons. egyptians now under curfew is that being defied? >> not in the sense of cairo,
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david, i'm looking out over the square, it is still and really silent all the way around here. there are some protests still going on in egypt, but they are peaceful we are also hearing. we're seeing pictures of demonstrators carrying on, but they are quite small in number, but certainly in the sense of cairo is quiet and well into the curfew and it seems security forces planned to keep it that way right up until monday. this sunday is the 14th anniversary of the 1973 war where there was supposed to be celebrations held by the pro military groups, but we're now hearing that the blocked off part of the square will carry on until monday. they still haven't decided where the celebrations are to take
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place, but they are saying it won't be the square. >> all right. thank you very much indeed for that update from cairo. drivers are continuing to search for more than 200 african migrants who are missing after their boat sank. 127 people are confirmed to have died, but this number is expected to rise significantly. these pictures taken by members of the italian fire brigade show the wrecked boat laying on the seabed. more than 100 bodies have so far been recovered from the site. from lapedusa, sonny reports. >> reporter: rescues continue their search despite the weather hampering their efforefforts.
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>> translator: we'll continue all day and night until we can bury these bodies. >> reporter: behind these gates are those who are considered lucky enough to reach lapedusa. a shelter, which is so crowded that many are forced to sleep outside. one man who didn't want to be identified described his experience reaching here by boat. >> translator: there is no room for your leg, okay, you can't -- you can't stand up, you can't sit down. okay. people next to each other, but we were about more than 400 people. the treacherous journey is a risk that many are willing to take. some leave families behind.
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>> this boat arrived shortly before the tragedy took place. it was full of migrants as you can see here the belongings are still here. life jackets, clothes, telling the story of lives forced to flee in a hurry. they say that brussels needs to step in and help them deal with the weekly boats of migrants that arrive here. >> no one wanted to take a decision to change something. it is the most shameful expression of our faults. >> reporter: the boat disaster will not stop more people from coming here. while the island takes the strain many hope the eu will change its system.
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well, the people here of lampedusa have been solding a silent memorial. the people here have really felt the full weight of this tragedy and many of course have been dealing with these kinds of situations here for years and know full well exactly how these tragedies unfold here. here is what one man who got involved in the rescue efforts had to say about his experience on thursday. >> translator: at dawn it seemed that i could hear screams, but i didn't really think anything of it. we thought it was sea gulls, but at a certain point my friend said we need to go out to sea. and there were all of these people with their arms raised crying for help. it was just terrible.
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at that point we immediately called the port and quickly started picking up these people in the boat. we picked up 47 of them. >> as the rescue operations were hampered by bad weather, there was a sense of frustration amongst the coast gashed that they could not continue with those operations as much as they would. they have to be conscious of the fact that bad weather was hampering. they could not get to the underpart of the boat to try to get some of those bodies out. another crucial thing they have to accomplish over the next couple of days before the bodies will emerge on the surface of the water and then they will have to clear them from the surface and take them to the hangar. a grim task indeed. sonny thank you very much indeed. the my grants began their
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journey here. many begin from tunisia here. let's go to tunis. >> reporter: most of the boats that leave here leave from the southern part of the country. we don't hear about the boats unless something goes wrong, but most migrants are deciding to leave from libya, because it's a lot easier there. there has been a break down of law and order and militias are basically in control of many parts of the country, including where this boat left from. i think the priority for the european union is to coordinate with the libbian and tunsian authorities. certainly libya has a control operation which patrols the area, and wants to get a deal going with libya.
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it hasn't happened so far. many of the migrants i have spoken to here in tunisea and sicily say people are making millions of dollars out of people's misery. here people are leaving for economic reasons. there is 50% unemployment in many parts of the country. they will go to italy and then fry to get to france. but i have spoken to a new wave of syrian ref gees who managed to make it to lampedusa, and they say there are thousands waiting in libya for the next available crossing. >> many on board were from east africa. peter is in somalia's capitol mogadishu. >> people-smuggling networks are very, very well sophisticated
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and organized indeed. you hear of brokers moving through the refugee camps looking for people that have the money to take them across to southern europe. anywhere between 97 and 99% of the african migrants who move into southern europe coso using the services of these people smugglers. it's a very well organized but extraordinarily dangerous network. there has been speculation with the growing stability we might see the number of refugees trying to make the journey decline. once people have the money, they are actually sending members of their family aboard because they don't have confidence in the future stability of this
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country. people still are afraid they will find themselves destitute once more. so they are saving up to spend people abroad and providing some kind of assurance by sending money back home. we are going to see refugees continuing to try to make that journey across the waters regardless of how dangerous it is. no decision is going to be made on who the 2022 world cup in qatar shifts to winter until after next year's tournament in brazil. football officials said they will look into the concern of the heat in doha. recent reports about the alleged mistreatments of construction workers in qatar were also discussed. >> i wanted to create a
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discussion on the summer or winter, and i do not expect it that we go and make a decision now. we cannot make a decision without having consulted our partners. it is impossible. it is impossible. you have to make a difference between political diplomatic approach when you express something, and then the reality of fact. and i do not know who will be the outcome of this consultation. i don't know what will be the decision, which we will take probably end of 2014. let us work on that, and then we will see. again, thank you. we have plenty of time. thank you. now to the executive director of qatar 2022 joining us live from doha. i know you will say you will be ready for either a summer or winter world cup, so as a
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football fan, would you rather watch a football world cup when the temperature outside the stadium is 40 degrees isn't it grade plus or between 15 and 20 degrees centigrade outside? >> i would like to say that for us as -- as you rightly said we would be ready to host the world cup whether that be in the summer, winter, fall, or spring. i would like to see cooling technology being implemented. we have always said from the very beginning this technology is a legacy for countries and regions that have similar climates at the gcc, the gulf, qatar and i would like to see this technology being utilized so countries can take advantage of it. >> that is a great pr answer. i have to give you that. and you are head of pr for the
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2022 bid. but from the football fan's point of view, which would be better, 40 degrees outside or 15 to 20 outside? >> well, look, i mean you are posing this question to the football fan, so i would suggest that you go and find some fans and ask them this question directly, but for me, like i said, we're confident that we are going to host the summer world cup. we're confident of our technology. i'm standing here in the stadium, which i'm pretty sure you have visited. outside it is in the low 30s, inside it is cooled between 20 to 22 degrees celsius. i think you know what it is like here, your public transport is air conditioned. your hotels are air conditioned. so with this technology being used in open public places, i
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think we have answered the question. i'm pretty sure a world cup here summer or winter would be a great event. >> what did -- fifa say to you about migrant workers? >> well, look on the issue of workers, we have always taken this issue very seriously from the very beginning. we've put on a worker's welfare strategy. we have created internal worker's welfare -- >> i'm going to butt in, because the point is what did fifa say and what was your reply? >> our discussions with fifa have not only started today, we have been speaking to them since 2010. we have had discussions and open dialogues with human right's watch and amnesty international. we have already established a
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working's charter, and worked on contractual language that will go into all of our contracts to ensure that the minimum standards are adhered do and they will be above the internationally recognized standards, and we are sure we will be making this issue very seriously. there are a lot of example here in qatar where these standards are extremely high, and we're looking to have standards similar to those. >> if you have been looking at this for three years now, why are a lot of the workers still dyi dying? >> i can only speak to you on -- on -- as -- as a speaks person for the committee right now. these questions i think are better posted to the relevant authorities. i think you know that there is a
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an investigation. there has been an internationally recognized laugh that is looking into this, that are going to give their recommendation. >> will you be asking to see the results of that investigation? >> i'm sure these results are going to be shared with us. we as the qatar 2022, sit on several committees that deal with migrant workers, so i'm sure the results will be something that we'll be looking at. >> will you share those results with us? >> we're not the holders of these -- of -- of this study or of this investigation, so, again, this question is better posed to the ministry of labor. >> but if i came back to you in several months and said to you, look, you have been told what the situation is in qatar, would you share those thoughts with us? the wider world? >> i'm -- we have a always been
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open on issues that relate us to, whether that be migrant workers or other issues, so i think why don't we speak in a couple of months when you have questions on this subject. and we'll take it from there. >> can i have this interview that something from the head of international slavery nations. he said it is no longer speculation that the world cup is being built on forced labor, it is definitely happening. >> i think there are examples of exemplary worker's sites, worker's living quarters, and if you are going to take the negative and just focus on that, then you can always paint a picture looking like that. we have always said that the
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world cup is a catalyst. the world cup is a way to accelerate and improve situations, whether that be environmental technology, whether that be social, economic, human, so if worker's welfare is an area that needs to be developed and further improved, then we will work on those. >> thank you for talk us to. >> thank you very much. still to come in this program, the violence in nigeria is forcing thousands of school pupils to quit their studies. the kills of a man in brazil's largest slum turns the spotlight on brazil. i'm here on a very special day for afghan's cricketers. [ cheers and applause ]
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to get some more european us in now and start in italy where the political face of the former prime minister looks sealed. a panel has recommended that he be removed from parliament. >> he is used to getting his own way, but he could not stop this. >> translator: the committee deliberated the cancellation of the election of senator berlusconi in accordance with rule number 225. >> reporter: with those words that was it. barring an intervening from the european court of human rights, mr. berlusconi is almost certain to be out of the senate within weeks. he was last year on wednesday, but is unlikely to be back again.
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outside, life continues for the people of itly, but few in rome feel any sympathy for their former prime minister. >> i really hope this is the end. >> translator: i think that the end of berlusconi should have hand a long time ago. he tried everything to avoid it, thinking he was above his destiny. >> translator: we got tired of him. we trust him too much. now we should turn the page. >> reporter: this was the beginning of the end for berlusconi. it's a year now since he was convicted of tax evasion. he was given four years and the law clearly states that anybody sentenced to more than two years for any offense cannot hold public office. there was nowhere left for him to go. but he is a fighter, and this was the fight of his career, for his career. he threatened to use his influence to bring down the fragile coalition government, but faced an unexpected mutiny
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from his own people. berlusconi had no weapons left and everybody knew it. >> i think with the approval of the confidence vote to the elected government, he really exhausted his cartridges and bullets and now he is accepting what needs to be done. >> reporter: so is this really the end for berlusconi? it certainly looks that way. the senate wants him out, and once that vote has been ratified by the full senate, he is gone. this is man who has never been afraid to appear in front of cameras, and italians know full well this is not the last they will hear from silvio berlusconi. more than 60 syrians who want to request asylum in the uk have occupied part of a french ferry point. the french go has offered them
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temporary shelter, but their long-term future is uncertain. >> reporter: after two days this protest here does not seem to be coming to an end with the protesters packing up what little belongings they have. they arrived here on wednesday many of them determined, they say, to reach the uk. what makes this group different is where they are from. they are all from syria, they say. many say they have fled the violence. refugee groups we have spoken to say there are more and more syrians coming to the port. the french authorities have said that they will give these people the chance to apply for asylum now. >> translator: these are people who are fleeing their country because their country is at war. the statutory response is eye asylum. >> reporter: but what many of these people wanted was to get
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around 30 kilometers over there and that is to the united kingdom where they believed they would be treated better than here in france. this highlights just how many syrian refugees there are. the unhcr say the number of people coming here is going up. this is just the tip of the iceberg, though, because the number of syrian refugees around the world is over 2 million. well france and other european nations have already faced criticism over the number of syrian refugees that they have taken in. as countries bordering syria bare the brunt of the crisis, the un says wealthy countries must do more to help. >> reporter: it has been a long journey for this man. from the northeast of syria to the outskirts of paris.
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one of the first things he learned about france was that cigarettes were expensive, so he makes them himself. if only his other problems were this easy to fix. >> translator: it has been seven months and today is the first day my kids have gone to school. and the conditions in which we are living are very bad. >> reporter: he arrived in france with his family six months ago. they found a flat through a housing charity and get $650 a month to live on. france said it has received 1700 asylum requests fwra syrians since the conflict began. and not all of those have been processed. groups representing refugees say the french simply aren't living up to their international obligations. lawyers representing asylum
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seekers, say now it's time to turn words into action. >> translator: they may have well be the planet mars. it may be easier to get to mars than europe. >> reporter: so far european count industries accepted very few syrian refugees. here was a plane load arriving in germany last month. the united nations says europe needs to do more. >> we have seen a -- a rise in the number of people trying to cross the mediterranean sea to arrive in italy, a rise of people trying to cross through turkey and greece and arriving in bulgaria. bulgaria is flooded with refugees with its own capacity to deal with them. so we need a better responsibility sharing among states within the eu. >> reporter: more than 2 million people have now fled the conflict in syria.
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the camps are saturated. faced with these images it's hard for europe to argue it can take only a few thousand refugees. immigration a hot topic in europe right now. and even pope francis has mentioned it. he lamented what he called the world's indifference to the plight of refugees fleeing their homelands. referring to thursday's deadly migrant shipwreck, the pontiff declared friday a day of tears. he was visiting the birthplace of his namesake, hosting a lunch for the poor and urged the faithful to fol he his example of serving those in need. among the stories still to come out of europe this news hour. can two sides become one? the german chancellor holds talk withs the rivals forming a
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coalition. and we will be walking the red carpet in asia. and two men battling for the number one ranking in world tennis. that and the rest of the sport news is coming up.
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>> joining me now is jen mishory, deputy director of
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young invincibles, she's in washington d.c. and yevgeniy feyman, a research assistant at the manhattan institute. thank you for being with us. i want to start with you yevgeniy feyman. the young people are crucial to the success of obamacare. >> absolutely. they'll balance out the risk pool, they'll keep premiums that need the insurance, and the administration is reaching out to them. >> jen, the young invincibles are in the 18-34 group. tomorrow night, fault lines investigates wage practices in the restaurant industry. >> the employers have the upper hand out here. they can steal from you and face very little if any consequences. >> basically this industry is saying, "we don't have to pay these workers at all. they should work for us but we don't have to pay them. >> two thirds of low-wage workers experience wage theft every week. >> you're telling me that these people are allowed to treat people like this and you can't
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do anything? i'm here with you on the al jazeera news hour. protests have turned violent in egypt as supporters of the owed president mohammed morsi rallied. rough waters have hampered the search for hundreds of missing african migrants off of the coast of italy. you see the vessel on the bottom of the seabed. the vessel went down close to the island of lampeduce. an italian senate committee has recommended that silvio
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berlusconi will removed from the senate. let's go to carol kristin who is a senior lecturer in kings college in london, joining us live from that city. october 6th, a few days from now seems to be a date chosen by the protesters to really challenge the military. tell us a little bit about why people are concerned that this appears to be bubbling up towards that day. >> well, it seems to be that the muslim brotherhood has every intention to take the army out of the limelight on that day. every year 6 october is army day this is a special one because it will be the 40th anniversary, and it's usually a celebration
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of egypt's military might. by sort of deflecting the attention from these events, the anti-coup coalition is evidently trying to embarrass the military and take away some of that glory. >> what could be the result of that? >> well, it is -- quite likely that armed forces will not take kindly to that, and that has become clear today that the military and security forces are very much determined to keep the protesters away from the square which also has very strong symbolic power because of the role it played in the 2011 regime change. so i think we are on a collision course here. it just depends on what happens in the next two days to what exsent the coalition is able to mobilize people and penetrate.
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>> how much support is the military which ousted an elected president. >> there was a lot of concern about it. most of the democratic countries didn't take kindly to morsi, but felt like you need to respect the elections. so by stepping in and interrupting that process, the countries that try to support this important change in egypt's political system were embarrassed and really struggling to take a position. we saw very strong efforts from american diplomats and also european politicians to avoid
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that word coup in those weeks. >> thank you very much indeed for that. talking to us live from london, appreciate it. bashar al-assad says turkey will pay a heavy price for backing rebels fighting to over throw him. >> translator: in the near future these terrorists will have age pact on turkey, and turkey will pay very dearly for its contribution. it's not possible to use terrorism as a card and put it in your pocket, because it is like a scorpion which won't hesitate to sting you at any moment. these amateur pictures shows the apparent aftermath on an stake strike on friday. the army and rebels are also locked in fierce battles outside
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of lepo and damascus. the german chancellor has had a meeting with her opposition. >> reporter: she has met her center left rivals to see if they can indeed put enough of their differences aside and govern together. she says that europe and the world are watching, as she tries to form a stable coalition. they may not like it but they need each other. the chancellor lead talks with the main opposition party, discussions were behind closed doors, but the areas of disagreement are public. the christian democratic union said little about what had been decided just that more talks lay ahead.
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>> translator: it makes sense, and it seems necessary to continue with more discussions. we will do this on the 14th of october. >> reporter: the right party will meet with the opposition greens next week. the social democrats leaders said a week ago they would consult some 470,000 faithful at a congress mid-november. a majority of members are for now opposed. >> the social democrats have the problem that say no on the one side. it could be helpful for them to go into a government, but it could harm their image and could harm the chances for the next elections. >> the parliamentary elections meant europe had to postpone a lot of important decisions, the ongoing coalition talks here mean that europe will have to
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wait a little longer. the majority of germans said their favorite option is merkle joining up with the opposition. the results of a referendum should be known by saturday. the 60-member chamber scrutinizes and sometimes delays the passage of bills. the bozdyes of dozens of bosnian war victims are being exhumed. it was discovered early last month. al jazeera's course pondent is there. >> reporter: the mass grave which has been discovered last month is one of the largest in this part of the country. the mass grave continues the bodies of victims who had been killed in summer 1992.
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during the process authorities found the victim's watches, documents and some money. they concluded that some remains had been moved from this mass grave to another in order to hide the truth about war crimes. for the families left behind it is a hope, and gives opportunity to find a reconciliation with the past. [ inaudible ] which is now the republic remains silent. they said only they don't want to talk about past. the netherlands says it will launch international efforts against russia to recover the ship of green peace and the release of its members. they are being held in the northern russian city.
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and those other main stories out of europe, now back to david in doha. >> barbara thank you very much indeed. four people have been killed in the kenyan port city. 24 people were arrested. earlier rioters set fire to a protestant church. the violence came after the killing of four people on thursday. among them a man who was accused of having linked to al-shabab. the u.s. president barack obama has now cancelled a trip to asia with the partial shutdown of the government in his country now in it's fourth day. secretary of state john kerry is standing in for many obama at the trade block in indonesia. he is also been in tokyo for security talks. the annual meeting is focusing
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on regional integration and security. then mr. kerry will head to malaysia and the philippines. indonesia said it, quote, fully understand the decision of the president not to go. mr. obama spoke with the indonesian president and expressed his regret. japan has criticized the operator of the fukushima plant for the way it handled the facility after the disaster. they are still trying and struggling to prevent radioactive water leaks nearly two years after it was damaged by the earthquake. the company has been accused of building shotty water tanks to lower costs.
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a vietnamese leader has died at the age of 81. he was seen as the last of vietnam's old guard revolutionaries. all right stay with us, if you can, we have this coming up. i'm andy gallagher in new orleans. home to one of the largest vietnamese communities in the united states. where they claim their children are being failed by the system. and we'll talk about the world cup in qatar and brazil.
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[[voiceover]] gripping films from the world the world's top documentary directors. >>banging your head over and over again can be a bad thing. >>every time i would do heading i would see stars. [[voiceover]] it's all fun and games until tragedy strikes. >>a former player kills himself. >>we have to stop playing the game, or we have to find a solution.
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a quick update before we move on -- on our lead story, the protests -- continuing protests in egypt. we now understand having earlier reported that one person had been killed, the death toll according to those in charge of medical emergencies in that country -- the death toll now four people and 40 injured. four dead, 40 injured in egypt. the u.s. city of new orleans prides it's a on a growing school system.
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but the vietnamese population say it is being left behind. >> reporter: in the communal gardens you'll find a neighborhood known as little saigon. it is home to the largest vietnamese xhup tee in louisiana. and at its heart is this brakery. it is the kind of place where friends and neighbors immediate to talk about their problems. and for a mother of two, it's her son's education she is most concerned about. >> translator: why would they let my son fail. he comes home from school in tears and talks about committing suicide, and when i go to the school to talk to them, they make up excuses. >> reporter: and it's that breakdown in communication that is causing the most concern. his daughter spent so much time translating for both her mother and paul's teachers that she almost failed at school herself.
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the city is failing to provide vietnamese services and other minorities with the lang wait a minuting -- language help they need. >> it's a shame when you see it, and now you get to pick and choose who you service and who you don't. >> reporter: this community feels like it is being badly let down by a school system that is in many ways the pride of new orleans. people here claim they are being denied access to a basic education. it's a charge officials are taking seriously and they are keen to point out that schools in new orleans pride themselves on being inclusive. here at the international school pupils learn french, and man
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darin. >> i think we have done a great job. academically our schools are better off today than they have ever been in my lifetime. >> reporter: but the vietnamese community say drastic improve is needed, and they just want a chance to get a better education. time for the sports news with sana. >> as you mentioned earlier, fifa have not made a decision on moving the 2022 world cup in qatar from summer to winter. >> reporter: consultation not confirmation. this executive committee meeting was expected to make the winter
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switch in qatar official. but the talk will continue for at least nine more months after brazil will not be in the spotlight. >> we will not make a decision before we have finished the world cup of 2014. but it cannot be later than '15. >> reporter: for once there was so much resistance in his executive committee. jeffery webb captured the need for proper discussion about winter. >> i don't think we should make a decision today. we don't know who the stakeholders are, so it would be irresponsible to make a decision today. >> reporter: the other major issue, the health and safety of construction workers, bladda himself says he will visit doha.
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fifa and blatta are emphatic the 2022 world cup will be plays in qatar, and that was the only decision made. >> joanna has been monitoring the reaction from the capitol of doha. >> reporter: well the decision by fifa to hold a consultation process really means as far as the qatar organizing committee is concerned, it is business as usual. this will be a june-july world cup, and that is their construction plan. the stadium behind me is where the fifa heads were brought to
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be shown the cooling process. they have said this is fifa's world cup and it's up to fifa to tell them when to host it. if fifa do decide in the next two years to move it to the winter, then they will accommodate that. having said that, the construction time line continues to look like it is going to be a june/july world cup and the investment in the cooling technology is continuing for now. [ inaudible ] are on their way for the 50th world cup for the very first time. they beat kenya on friday. afghanistan [ inaudible ] out for 93. it continues an excellent run for the country who has also reached two con executive world
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competitions. >> reporter: [ inaudible ] what a crushing victory for afghanistan -- for the first time in their history, when they'll face the likes of australia, new zealand and england. they have spent millions of dollars promoting the game around the world, and this afghanistan's success story began almost by accident. the goal is to build on that success, and make sure that afghanistan cricket has a real long-term future. over to kenya, massive celebrations in the afghan capitol of kabul. they will be pooled in pool a. hamilton set the early pace at the formula 1 grand prix. the world champion sebastian
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betel was second. the spaniard in tennis is threw to the semifinals. he dropped the first set before recovering to win 2-6, 6-4, 6-1. a win next guarantees a return to the top of the ranks for the first time since july 2011. and the home faef rate was not part of the tournament. while world number one serena williams had no problems, beating the dane in straight sets 6-1, 6-4. alex rodriguez is suing major league baseball and its commissioner bud selig accusing
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them of improperly gathering evidence in an attempt to destroy his reputation and career. he was suspended for 211 games for doping. he is the only player challenging his penalty. >> and that's it for me, david. thanks very much indeed. asia's biggest film festival is taking place. 300 movies in 10 days. there is flash photography in harry's report. >> reporter: the stars of south korean tv and film arrive. the film festival is certainly a celebration of this country's success in the entertainment industry. but it also acts as an undertoep drawing in films from around the
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region. nurturing film makers and showcasing their work. the 2013 opener was no exception. a tail of arcticic expression is directed by a monk, celebrates indian culture and was shot in sri lanka. >> we are aware that this is the first time a non-korean, non-chinese film is opening the festival, and it's a really, really great honor for us. >> reporter: this demonstrates how important this part of the world has become to the film industry as a whole. box office takings in the asia-pacific region through by 15%. china is the biggest market for movies outside of the united states. have they become too big? too much about the money?
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>> as soon as you have been to this festival once, you are family, and as the festival gets bigger and bigger and bigger, they have kept that mindset all the way through. >> the range of kids on the shows vast. ♪ >> reporter: [ inaudible ]. >> translator: i find some of the films a little bit of embarrassing. there are some i would rather not show, but this is a great opportunity to look back and also show some more recent works. >> reporter: organizers have decided to close thefestal with a small indy film. once the credits to the dinner roll out, the fans should feel well and truly sated for another year at least. and that is the end of the
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news hour. ♪
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this is al jazeera america. i item tony harris in new york. here is a look at today's top stories. john boehner telling democrats they need to talk on day four of the government shutdown. he faced the camera, saying republicans didn't want the shutdown, and adding that president obama is not willing to compromise. president obama says republicans are using the spending bill to simply advance their own agenda. thursday security scare in washington, d.c. is still being investigated. the capitol was locked down after the police chase ended with a woman being shot to death by police. a law enforcement official said carey had been dilutional in recent months and


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