tv News Al Jazeera October 5, 2013 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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... >> this is al jazeera. welcome to the newshour. i am steven colen in dohar. we are in somalia these patrols around the basin. >> withw fighting al shabaab who are claiming to have just been attacked by western forces. more than 200 my grants are missing after their boat, inc., off of the italian island of lanpadusa. political tension in cairo
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marking the 1973 arab-israeli war. >> wanted, dead or alive. i am stephanie skown and i will tell you why malaysia has launched a nationwide rat hunt. but first, western forces have attacked an al shabaab based on the somalian coast according to somalian intelligence. al shabaab said a helicopter was used at a raid at night. others say it was an amphibious assault. al shabaab said one fighter was killed. that raid comes exactly two weeks after al shabaab attacked a shopping mall in neighboring kenya. 71 people died in the siege at the westgate mall in nairobi. we have reporters in both countries. let's begin with peter gresta in
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mogadishu. peter, how much or what do we know about this raid? >> reporter: well, stephen, as you just mentioned, there are conflicting accounts. al shabaab insists it was a sea-borne raid. it happened about 2:00 o'clock this morning. they said that the attackers, western attackers came ashore, launched their offensive on a safe house close to the beach, and they said it lasted anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half before they were able to fight off attackers. al shabaab insists there were no senior commanders there at the time but they acknowledged one of their fighters was killed in the operation. western security forces have said that it was an operation that was carried out by the americans. they say that the al shabaab leader was believed to have been at the house at the time although they understand he
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escaped unharmed. there has been speculation this may be part of the start of a major offensive against al shabaab in the wake of the west gait attacks. then looking at the african union troops sitting on the front lines around al shabaab and watching how they have been struggle to go advance against the islamist group. here is what we found: >> this is what a roadside bomb does to an armored troop carrier. al shabaab punch add hole in the engine bay as it carried a load of troops through mogadishu. the vehicle is a wreck. after six years of constant, grinding work, their equipment is wearing out. >> operations we are working on... >> inside a briefing room, a group of senior officers explained their problem. >> we will go from mogadishu to our main supply route.
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>> if the african union decides to advance against al shabaab, these men will have to work out how to do it. the commanders have just over 17,000 troops to cover almost half a million square kill meters of scrub land p they can defend a handful of key towns, but the countryside belongs to al shabaab. >> if we had more tools and enable us to continue our operations on ground, that would be better. and that's what we are asking today, international community. >> this is the sharpened of that problem: company from sierra leon on foot patrol beyond their base in kismo. the sigh array leonians have experience but they can barely maintain security.
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holding anything into the countryside isn't possible. >> these patrols are designed to maintain security around the am zone basin but the problem for these troops is that they don't have the resources to take the fight to al shabaab. so, the battle's taking place very much at the time and the place that al shabaab chooses. >> reporter: eventually we find a cave that al shabaab uses to launch attacks. it's empty now, but there is nothing the soldiers can do to stop the rebels from returning. >> we don't see them except when we are on the defense, they come and attack us. >> so they tend to attack on their terms? >> yes >> reporter: so en if the african union decides it is time to attack al shabaab, they couldn't do it without extra men or equipment. they don't even have a single
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helicopter. >> let's change countries and join andrew simmons from the kenyan port city of mombasa. andrew, we don't know if this attack on al shabaab is in retaliation for the shopping mall siege, but there are developments, aren't there, on that story and new pictures, indeed? >> reporter: most definitely. there is a large spread of intelligence with the fbi, with u.k. forensic officers, but this releases, unofficial release through security forces of cctv is interesting in that it does show relatively clearly four of the attackers who look quite casual in the way they go about walking through a storeroom. there is no sign of any hostages. the time code of these pictures
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indicates it's at least five hours after the initial attack and most of the killing, but that's where it ends. we see four of the attackers. we don't actually get to know more about how this building collapsed where the supermarket collapsed. it's indicated that the kenyan defense force used some sort of device, either a very large farm of an rpg or because ok bazookar they could have exploded devices on pillars but having said all of that, what we are also getting now is names for three of these four men. two are said to be of somali origin, and one is said to be a kenyan arab from mombasa. we understand from our sources he had lived here at 16 years of
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age. he left mombasa. we are not sure of the year or indeed, how old he is now, but he has basically left mombasa to held to somalia with his uncle. little is known about him since then. it's reported that he was involved in various training situations that were links top al-qaeda according to our security sources and that was the position. but right now, in mombasa, aside from that, there is tension after the killing of a muslim tuesday night and three of his friends. muslim human rights say this was a targeted killing. it was an extra judicial killing by the police. the police deny that pointblank and put down unrest yesterday after friday prayers by using live rounds. and as a result, four people were killed. with me now is hussein halid, who is a human rights lawyer and
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former head of an organization which represents muslims in human rights situations. what do you think the situation is like now? it's still tense, but what is the general atmosphere here in mombasa? >> basically we are all very concerned and very wonder about the situation that is prevail g prevailing, and we fear that what we have seen so far may just be the beginning of atrocities, torture, forced disappearances and executions so everyone is very very worried, very concerned that the situation might just get worse and this, of course, is judging from past experiences that we have seen. >> now, muslim clerics have effectively linked themselves to al shabaab. they have called for people to join in the uprising in the past in somalia. don't you think that that is bound to put the heat on this
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community with that having happened? >> very true. i think we have had one or two -- wouldn't call it muslim clerics in general. one or two that have in the past been attributed or heard supporting the war in somalia, supporting jihad and all of that. but you cannot pick two apples from one basket and group them and say muslim clerics are doing that. unfortunately -- unfortunately, this is what the government is doing, putting the whole community against the world and making them to defend actions that are not of their own. and this is something that we are saying is unacceptable. we don't feel that we need to apologize for actions of people that we have no connections with , and we need to be treated like every other person, innocent until proven guilt? >> it's a serious allegation
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that the security forces are carrying out extra judicial kill kings. there was another attack similar to the one on thursday night a year ago when another muslim cleric was killed. these are serious allegations. do you have any allegations >> thank you very much. just to confirm, these are not just two killings in two years we have recorded at least 23 disappearances in the last three years, 23. the latest being the four who were killed on the eve of friday, just the other night. it is very open. when you talk to the police. when you talk to the intelligence, when you talk to the authorities, they will tell you, you know, they are one way or another involved in this. so we have people who have talked to us in confidence saying that, yes, this is what happened. we have police officers who have talked to colleagues, other suspects, and told them that we did a, b, c, d, and we are going to do the same to you. so in our minds -- and it's very
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clear in the public gallery that the police are the prime suspects behind the latest attacks. the police are the prime suspects notice atrocities and torture we are witnessing. it's unfortunate. it's really unfortunate that our government that is supposed to be there to product our rights, when we feel we are aggrieved, when we feel we are vul anywherable, it is the government who is supposed to come to us to protect us to ensure that we feel safe. >> khilid, i have to leave it there. >> okay. >> thank you for joining us on the newshour. right now, we do understand that another muslim cleric is actually on an arrest warrant, and he is now in hiding. he has also known to be out spokenly in support of al shabaab. but as we are hearing right here, there is a broader inquiry on and a lot of people are complain that they are innocent and that they are being victimized by the police. not just these allegations of extra judicial killing.
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back to you, steven. >> andrew, andrew simmons reported on the riding tensions in mombasa and peter greste on the al shabaab raid. thanks, both. to italy, and rescuers there have called off their search for bodies off of the island of lampedusa. the divers have not been able to reach the boat because of strong winds and high seas. it had 500 african my grants t went down on thursday. 111 people are confirmed dead so far. al jazeera's sonny agui . rescue efforts have been hampered here as the coast guard had feeder. there is a helicopter which is patrolling the area as well as one boat out with divers in it. but so far, the divers have not been able to make any rescue
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operations. the weather certainly not making that possible. it is extremely choppy out at sea. they are waiting for everything to down before they can enter into the water and try and retrieve some of those bodies which they have seen in the wreckage of the boat as well as on the sea bed. now, as far as the ceiling on the island is concerned, the people very many at lampedusa held a vigil to commemorate those who lost their life in that boating strategy, something which they feel very, very sad about. the loss is felt in lampedusa about. the people are on the frontline of this migration problem or this migration issue, which is very much felt politically in italy as well. italian politicians say that really, lampedusa has become a port for migration into the eu. and that the eu really needs to step up its efforts to try and help those my grants who are
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coming over from war-torn areas in africa and the middle east and to try and put some kind of system in place in order to help the people on the island of lampedusa to deal with that. >> more to come here on the al jazeera news hour from doha. we will be reporting on the syrian children in lebanon who haven't seen the inside of a classroom for a very long time. as the deadlock over obama's healthcare reforms goes on, we speak to americans who signed up for t for the program. another position, velths wins the grand prix. we will have the sales this hou the grand prix. we will have the sales this hour the family of a woman shot dead by police after allegedly attempt to go breach a barrier near the white house said she had been suffering from post-natal depression. her sister is questioning the actions of the police. why was my sister shot and
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killed where her one-year-old daughter? why? we deserve to know why. and we deserve a proper notificati notification. her sisters ask and demand for it. my mother demands it and respects that. the white house says the u.s. government shutdown is affecting its enforcement of sanctions against syria and iran. congress still hasn't agreed to pay 800,0009 essential workers. patty col hane reports from washington, d.c. >> the white house is getting the headlines they were hoping for across the country. newspapers are saying that the partial shutdown of the government is having an impact on the sanctions against iran and syria. but it's important to remember what the law says. any federal worker that has anything to do with patrol, the national security or safety of the united states is exempt. they are at work.
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so this office spairnth doesn't meet that standard. apparently doesn't meet that standard. jay carney was asked to explain exactly what the impact was. >> you would have to address the sanctions question specifically to the in the. what i think i read in quite a great deal of detail is what the people in that office do and why it is so important that they be returned to work. >> we called the treasury department to find out exactly what the impact was. and so far, they haven't gotten back to us. >> egypt's political military and religious leaders have been attending a ceremony in cairo. they have been marking the 40th anniversary of the start of the 1973 arab-israeli war. the prime minister is expected to speak a bit later on saturday. friday, there was more violence in cairo. four people were killed after security forces prevented
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protestors from gathering in tahrir square. they are angry over the military coup that toppled president morrsey in the july. >> we are expecting an address by the prime minister. the fact is, a large proportion of egyptians may not consider some of the leaders the legitimate government. do they? >> reporter: well, one of the things that has been happening today as you mentioned earlier is that there will be, we are expecting, some sort of speech by the government here f what they say is going to happen tomorrow. it's worth reporting members of the alliance are meeting now to discuss what roots they are going to be taking tomorrow. it's part of their determination to try to get to tahrir square. we aware there are certain routes that were used yesterday on friday where the
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representatives tried to get across the bridge toward tahrir square and were forced back. so we are expecting to hear about the sort of route that is going to be taken and there is a suggestion, also, that we will hear more about who will be allowed on to tahrir square and in what kind of capacity. there will be some sort of parade there or military parade. it's not clear whether ordinary people will be allowed into tahrir square or not. >> that's the kind of issue that's being played out today. and looking from the vantage point that we have where remember at the moment, looking back, cairo looks normal today. there is no suggestion of what the events that took place yesterday nor indeed of what might happen tomorrow. there don't seem to be the armored personnel on the street and the barbed wire we saw yesterday. they can be brought back very quickly and put the in place quickly. >> thank you for joining us from cairo. there has been more intention fighting across syria.
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this is a scene in the west of syria. the pictures appear to show an attack on a government hilt base that was carried out by the tawi br gr brigade in syria. gunfire heard in an attack on government forces. united nations sizthere aay are about 400,000 school aged children in lebanon. it's only able provide assistance to 70,000. many who don't go to school are on the streets working to survive. zana reports. >> omar is seven years old. he never went to school. when he was supposed to enroll, fighting forced his family to flee from the central syrian city to neighboring lebanon.
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more than a year later, this young boy is still without an education, and he clearly feels that he doesn't belong in his new home. tranché >> it's because we are syrians. the lebanese are not letting us go to school. i want to stud. >> there are many others like omar. almost 2 million dropped out of school because of the fighting and displacement in their country. s ha-ha di was hoping to secure a future for her children. >> i can't do anything. my children are prisoners in our tent. >> they should be going to scho school. i have been asking organizations for help. so far, no one helped. >> the united nations says there are about 400,000 syrians of school age in lebanon. it was hoping to provide educational assistance to half of them. it wasn't able to do so because the organization lacks funds and public schools here don't have enough space to accommodate the refugees. >> so many end up on the streets. akmed and his brother, omar
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shine shoes for a living. on a good day, they could earn up to $20. there are no official numbers of syrian children who have now joined the work force. international organizations say they are helping their parents survive. >> 30 already coming traumatized after being subjects of violence and abuse. and now, they are become this due to in the. >> these are the children of an exploitation and abuse. the united nations claim many have become a lost generation. they are casualties of syria's continuing war. access, beirut. well, luciana galistin is unicef in lebanon joins me live from beirut. what kind of fund something available to help these
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children? >> right now, there is around some tens of millions, let's say, of dollars available to support these children, which will run out by the end of this calendar year. as you heard in the story, there are now more than 400,000 children who will need some form of access to education in this coming school year. so the financial requirements for the end of this year and beyond will run into the hundreds of millions likely. >> if the children aren't in school, what are they up to that you know about? >> i mean children here have, of course, been often wrenched from their homes and their communities due to violence. and that means they are in an environment that is foreign to them, that the normal protective social curtain around them has been removed. so children who are out of school are not only missing out
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on an education, but they are also exposed to abuse and an exploitation because those normal family structures and community structures are no longer protecting them. so, obviously, one of the symptoms of that is an increase in those children who are obliged to work and this is a growing concern not just for unicef but for the entire humanitarian community here. >> the lebanese government, lebanon most at risk from the conflict in syria. latest figures i have seen, 800,000 refugees may have moved across the border into lebanon, putting a huge strain just on welfare services and education as well. i suppose one of the mainly most vulnerable groups would be orphans. what happens to orphans there? >> sure. i mean, thankfully, so far, the
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numbers of unaccompanied or separated children that we know about are relatively small. possibly around 2,000 or so although that number is not representative because there are numbers we don't know about. the vast majority have been placed with extended family members or with members of the community that they are from. so that's -- those are in care. but as pointed outed, there is the pressure on public services that is beginning to overwhelm the capacity of lebanon and just to put some numbers into perspective, we talk about 400,000 syrian children requiring access to education this year alone. the total number of lebanese children in the public school system in lebanon is only 300,000. so the numbers and the pressure is immense, and there is no end in sight. i mean we are still talking
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about numbers only for this year. next year, we could be looking at more. so, in terms of resources, the amount gets higher and the needs continue to out pace the need to respond. >> thank you for joining us. al jazeera. . let's take a look around the world now and starting in the pacific, here is richard with your weather. >> thanks, stephen. the pacific typhoon season is reaching its peak this time of year. two major sources show on the satellite image re. the first is a tropical storm, dennis. going travel thousands of kilometers pushing up toward japan. when it goes across japan, it will sustain winds of 150 tph.
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we have fital, a typhoon in the eastern part of china over the next few days. sustained winds at the moment at 165. it largely misses taiwan and the winds will decrease by the time it reaches mainland china. over the next couple of days we could look at something like 150 to 200 millimeters rain falling across taiwan and the far east of china. so, certainly one to watch. but having said that, having built up the typhoon, you mindm find the most severe weather is to be found from nothing more than a mun day monsoon trough around the gulf of thailand region. it looks nasty on the satellite. our forecast over the next few days, we could see two to 500 millimeters of rain falling around here, which does mean it's going to be like cambodia which sees flooding and tie land where it's been wet on recent days that will get the worst of the rainfall. if you get three, four 500, it
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extends toward southern parts of vietnam. it looks wet here in the coming days, stephen. >> richard, thank you very much indeed. let's look now at sidney harbor, always worth a look an especially at night. mag of any 70 fire work display. i was there once watching these fireworks in australia days. some of the best i have ever seen because the fleet is in town, not just the australian fleet but ships from all around the world in sidney harbor enjoying the harbor and a beautiful city. and there is the opera house, of course, the iconic picture. also coming up in this news hour: we will be reporting from guatemala where police and medical response teams are so stretched, volunteer fire fighters have to step in to try to help out. a 20th century napoleon, vets nam remembers the red
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one fighter was killed in the strike. >> that's one fighter so far. he script's interim leaders have been marking 40 years since the end of the arab-israeli war. four people were killed in the protests on the streets against july's military coup. a partial shutdown of the u.s. government is going on. the u.s. congress still hasn't agreed on a budget to pay 800,000 non-essential staff who have been told to stay at home for the past five days. the deadlock in washington centers on president obama's health reforms. republicans want changes to the measures that allow millions of uninsured americans to qualify for healthcare. they are able to sign up for coverage on the same day the shutdown began. kimberly houcket reports >> reporter: tony richardson has been cutting hair for more than a decade. he works for himself and doesn't qualify for employer-based healthcare coverage. so he has had to think twice about going to see a doctor. and when he does, it costs a
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lot. >> i don't get anti-by octoberics. i can't every day it. >> reporter: that's changing. now americans like tony can shop for health coverage as a result of president obama's healthcare reform law set to take effect next year on october 1st, enrollment began and millions are beginning to sign up. in new york, two million people shopped for health insurance the day the website opened. in illinois, that state's averaging more than 50,000 residents checking out their healthcare choices each day. in california, the state's website is getting more than a million hits a day as many previously uninsured residents shop for medical coverage for the first time. >> that gives you a sense of how important this is to millions of americans around the country >> reporter: it's important to millions with pre-existing conditions like asthma, diabetes or high blood pressure. they can no longer be refused health insurance. the white house hopes to sign up
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seven million people by december but not every americaning will have that opportunity. there are still millions in the u.s. who will not be covered >> reporter: that's because the people the new law seeks to help live in states controlled by republican governments. 26 of 50 u.s. states have refused to adopt one aspect of the law that seeks to expand existing medical coverage programs for vulnerable groups. it's something that the u.s. supreme court ruled was constitutional last year. >> i think the contentiousness is going to change. there may be conservatives who don't like it, but they won't try to take it away because it will be politically unpopular to do so >> reporter: for now, they are trying. >> that's the reason for the u.s. partial government shutdown. republicans are refusing to agree to funding to reopen the government unless the president's healthcare program's delayed. it's something tony richardson can't understand.
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he wants others to feel that way, too, to finally be able to see a doctor when it's needed and not have to worry about the cost. kimberly halkette, al jazeera, washington fifa executives have announced there will be no decision to on whether to move the 2022 world cup t that's what we heard yesterday. brazil or fifa has announced it will set up a task force, which defers the decision even further because they only just found out about the intense summer heat in qat a. r. >> that's not entirely true. they want to discover what a switch's affects would be on broadcasters. >> i want to create at discussion on the summer or winter and i do not expect that we go and make a decision now.
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we cannot make a decision without consulting our partners. it is impossible. you have to make a difference between political diplomatic approach when you express something and then the reality of facts. and i do not know what will be the outcome of this consultation. i don't know what will be the decision between this date, probably end of 2014. let us let us work on that and we will see. thank you. >> fifa's president said he can't ignore the deaths of construction workers in qatar, the executive director of 2022 said my grant laborers will be protected. >> our discussions with fifa have not only started on worker's welfare. we have been speaking to them since 2010 since we won the
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rights to host the world cup. this has been an ongoing discussion. we have had open die logs. we have established and worked on contractual language to ensure that the minimum standards are adhered to. and i want to tell you that these minimum standards will be above the internationally recognized minimum standards. for us as a supreme committee, we are sure we are going to be taking this issue very seriously. we are looking to have high standards. a vietnamese general who led victories bo nigoan ziad, a look back. he was node as the red nap o olian, a slightly built man, revered as the mastermind behind
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the hugh milating defeat of the french and the americans. >> the moment i heard about the news, i rushed here to get a newspaper. i can't believe it, but it's true he is gone. he is a legend not only for vietnamese people but also inspiration for many from all over the world. it is a huge loss for our country. >> many historians ranked him alongside successful military leaders like douglas macarthur, napoleon anderwin rommel. he had nod formal military training and he faced western forces that were much bigger than his peasant army but his gurella tactics until 1954 t the unlikely victory still studied paves the way for the collect of the french empire and brought with it the end of european colonialism around the world.
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it was a spark less than six months after bif faa. it was where it all started. we must acknowledge that. >> he took on another super power, the united states. the fall of saigon in 1975 confirmed his military prowess and ushered in communist rule across a now united vietnam. but his victories came at a cost. millions of vietnamese were killed in the war. his opponents accused him of being too ready to incur heavy losses of life to achieve victory. his career took him into politics, but he stepped down as deputy prime minister in 1991. he remained active here meeting his fellow revolutionary fiddle castro and former foes like one time u.s. defense secretary robert mac it nam ara.
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in rebate years he was too sick to appear in public but he will be remembered as a national hero, the man who took on and defeated two of the most advanced armies in the world. miriam mahone, al jazeera. >> china's president has delayed a meeting they joined investment opportunities. trade between chinese china and malaysia accounted for almost $95,000,000,000 last year. now, we are stay nothing region. the government is hoping an appeal to commercial instincts will help contain its rat population. an estimated 220 million rod ents are sprouting a rat-borne disease which has killed 28 people. now, there is a campaign to pay people for trapping the ver min. stephanie skowan went out to the find herself a rat. >> setting a trap to catch a
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rat. it's a thankless task in one of malaysia's wholesale market where the rat position lives with apparent impunity. osman has worked as a rat catcher for 15 years. growing up in a rural village, rodents hold no fear for him. he would rather be doing this than trying to rid the city of other pests. his team set several traps around the market. he will leave them overnight to see if they can catch anything. i probably caught 30,000 rats in the past 15 years. i love my job. i am helping reduce the number of rats and the amount of disease. they will pay 60 u.s. cents for any rat brought to government disposal centers. there has been a spike in the number of cases of lepti leptis parosis, found in rat urine which can be fatal.
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almost 3,000 people have fallen ill so far this year with the disease which causes a variety of symptoms including fever and muscle aches and pains. serious infections can cause organ failure. part of the problem lies in poor street hygiene from unlicensed food stores that have set up shot around the city. left over food debris and trash not disposed of correctly makes a perfect larder. >> it goes into the drain, found on the floor and it attacks the rats. if you can keep the place clean, i think we can get rid of the rats. their only go to a place where there is food. >> the next morning, we returned to the market to check if the traps have caught any rats. we are in luck. the bate left in the cages has snared three rodents. they will be taken away and disposed of humanely. it's a small victory. >> the local rat catchers say they snare about 20 rats each
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week from this market alone. that has little impact on the estimated 7 million strong rats population. even the catchers, themselves, say they could never iradicate every animal. stephanie skawan, al jazeera. bets have been placed on who will receive this year's noble peace price. tin san is one of the names being put forward. other names discussed including julian assage and edward snowden. education activists and former u.s. president bill clinton are possible contenders. more news coming out of libya now. at least 15 soldiers have been killed in an attack on a checkpoint near the town of boni walid. two years after gadaffi was overthrown, government is seeking to maintain control over
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the palestineian officials believe there is a more sinister reason behind the closed you're >> reporter: it's not a place of beauty, but the municipal dump outside albaria has been perform agness function for the last 35 years. disposing of millions of tons of garbage from this heavily occupied region of the west bank. the israeli army closed it down. it said the site was a health risk. >> as for the palestinians, this unexpected concern by the israeli authorities over the environmental health of the people on the west bank masks a very different motive. it's all to do with this illegal jewish settlement up on the hill. >> this is sigot bulled built in 1981 home to 1600 jewish settlesers. it's a small settlement. but here at the municipality, local officials believe it has got big territorial ambitions.
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>> that's the reason they believe the army closed down. >> the environmental report says that the dump site doesn't pose an environmental hazard at all >> reporter: the garage trucks rambles through but in the absence of a permanent disposal site, it is dumped on private land, which the palestinian municipality says raises environmental and health concerns. it was horrible. the city was on the verge of an environmental catastrophfee. people would burn their waste. it wasn't bearable to walk in the city. >> the israeli civil authorities issued this statement: due to the environmental damage caused to the aquifer and to the air, the head of the civil administration in the west bank has accepted the recommendation given by the environmental professionals to close the
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landfill operating in the area. >> with the municipal dump now closed, many palestinians fear the expansion of theett little settlement on the hill will begin taking over more of their land. peter sharpe, al jazeera in ramala. >> now to sport including rugby. i will listen to some of this. here is robbip. >> football, cricket and mlb action to come. a couple oftories developing in asia formula world championship is on poll. he has a 60 point lead in the standings. vettle was 2/10ths of a second factor mark weber posted the third fastest time. he will start 13th after being handed a penalty for hitching a ride in the last race in singapore. >> there has been a change of
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the guard in men's tennis. we have a new world number 1. ralph natal will assume the top spot, the atp rankings for the for the first time since 20s 11. only needed to reach the final to toppel. after the sem e final retired hurt during the first set of their match on saturday. we will get another nine months of people giving their opinions on whether the qatar 2022 should be moved. they said they will make a decision after next year's tournament. many have aired their views but the chelsea manager has said he would like to manage portugal at a world cup but seems to be more concerned about the global warning in the next nine years. >> the weather is changing a lot, maybe change so much that when we come to qatar, the
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families in december and in june, it's cold. so we don't know. assuming the climate doesn't change too much t thchelsea pla on sunday, the two manchester teams with headline on saturday looking to bounce back and united looking to turn their poor league form around. munich, the german bundes league sees roma. in the spain, real madrid in league action. a 3-no win over granada. carlee set up two of the goals. moving away from the bottom of the table with one win, reya in the 23rd minute. second victories of the season,
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a win, an unbeaten run. >> afghanistan's cricket has written another chapter in the extraordinary story on friday. the team thrashed kenya to qualify for the 50 over world cup for the first time in their history >> reporter: from the refugee camps of pashawar, to a cringet world cup in new zealand, the cricketers have come a long way in a short space of time. many of these players took up the game as children while living in refugee camps in pakistan during the war against the soviets in the 1980s. they will now have a chance to play against the world's best aon the game's biggest stage. the team were cheered on by the united arab immigrants sizeable portion. bowling first again kenya, they have plenty to shout about. kenya world cup semifinalists as
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recently as 2003 but they were brushed aside by the after gans all out from 93 in 43.3 overs. a target of 94 to win shouldn't pose many problems but it put the afghan victory party temporarily on hold. but some big hitting from captain mohammed nobby settled nerves, winning by seven wick et cetera. pew pandemonium. always underdogs afghanistan's success story began almost by
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accident. at home to make sure cricket in afghanistan has a future. al jazeera. massive celebrations in the afghan capitol, england, new zealand, sri lanka and another qualifier have 16 months to prepare for the 2015 tournament. a rain delay cut short the golf acti, international team bn deyon playing a 4-3 win over hunter to keep the pressure on the u.s. team who lead 4 and a half to 3 and a half points. maybe, not league baseball has shot back after a lawsuit from a-rod the he is suing the mlb and the commission accusing
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them of improperly gathering evidence in an effort to destroy his career. baseball organizers deny the allegations? >> they claim the new york yankee's player has broken confidentiality agreements by filing the lawsuit. >> they are level at 1 apiece after the at lant at braves beat the dodgers while the pirates thrashed the cardinals 7 to 1. another big victory in massachusetts for the boston red sox with five runs in the fourth inning to beat the tampa bay raise. boston lead their american league series 1-nothing. elsewhere, the detroit tigers were one-game winners over the oakland a's. the best nation in rugby will be decided in johannes burg. with the formation rugby, south africa have to score four tries and deny a bonus point if they are to prevent new zee rand from addtion a 12th titles to their
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world title. >> one of the biggest boxing fight in receipt years takes place in mosque could you a little later. vladimir puts his title on the line against povetkin. at this the biggest fight he has been involved in with a million dollars purse and the ukrainian's wba, ibl and ibo titles at stake. he is unbeaten in 26 fights with 18 wins coming by knockout. both men are olympic gold winners. schindmirror is the longest heavy weight champion for more than 60 years. that's your sports, stephen. >> lovely. thank you very much. at government scheme to stimulate the economy by offering incentives seems to be backfiring. thousands are defaulting on their loans. veronica reports from bangkok. >> tie land is big on cars. so much so it's even been called
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southeast asia detroit. but even though it's the biggest car maker in the region, thailand took losses under floods. under a new scheme, first-time car buyers are given a cash handout worth as much as $3,200, a rebate on the tax they pay when they purchase a car. as a result, the program has been quite popular. bangkok is known for terrible traffic. sterns that should take a few minutes could take hours if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. some are wondering whying the government came up with a scheme that could only make the traffic worse by putting more cars on the streets. 1 of the 1.2 million people who bought new cars under this new scheme. but now, there is a problem. about 10% of the people who did the same are defaulting on their loans and selling their cars.
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i tried to make the monthly payment but the cost of fuel and the cost of living are going up. and so are the tolls. it's getting harder to pay the bills. >> the incentives have had a serious impact on car makers, too creating human demand that hasn't been sustained now that the the scheme is no longer available. mitsubishi is thailand's biggest auto maker. it has to have sales promotion campaigns top shift it's over supplied market. >> i prefer long-term program by the government rather than just to give some one-year special privilege to the demand, to the customer who buys cars. >> the scheme that was supposed to stimulate the economy and help first-time car buyers instead led to consumers borrowing money they can't pay back and made it harder for car makers to stay profitable.
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the economy is in a recession and growth is at a standstill. given it's the third largest industry, contributing 12%, it's a crucial factor to getting the economy moving again. veronica, al jazeera, bangkok. let's go back to sydney, wonderful pictures from there of the fireworks. the reason for the big bang, the australian navy, celebrating 150 years since the navy entered the city's harbor. 20 warships from 17 countries including china and the united states and britain joined the fleet. this spectacular display coincided with britain's prince harry coming to sydney and the "premier university said lock up your daughters, australia. prince harry is here.
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a series of tornados touched down in the midwest injuring more than a dozen people, causing significant property damage. several states along the gulf coast are bracing for impact as tropical storm karen is set to bring heavy rains and flooding. shutdown stalemate the government closure moves into its fifth day with neither side appearing to budge. >> why was my sister shot and killed with her 1-year-old daughter in the car and she was unarmed. >> the family of a woman shot and killed at the capitol speaks out saying she was troubled, but didn't deserve to e.
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