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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 7, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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>> welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walter. here are the headlines. gred lock over the shownt. and sever storms are moving through parts of northeast and atlantic. seven days now after the government partially shut down, and still no end in sight to the stalemate. wall street starting to become very nervous, very concerned
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about although fiscal crisis. stocks have been lower today. checking the big imormd the dow down -- board, the dow down over 100 points. congress just has ten days left to act. our white house correspondent mike viqueira joins us live from washington. mike, spieker boehner saying there aren't enough votes to pass a clean spending bill in the house. how is the white house reacting? >> the same old standoff. right now the president has left the white house complex. he says the headquarters of fema, the federal emergency management association. 86% of fema employees are furloughed, not on the job and many of those on the job are not getting paid. house be republicans point out that they did pass a bill to fund fema over the course of the short term. that of course has been rejected
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by senate democrats and the white house as a piecemeal approach part of that strategy, this ongoing standoff that is happening in washington and shows absolutely no sign of abating del. the debt issue, everyone concerned about. john boehner is not going to bring it up, contrary to reports, a clean rise to the debt ceiling without, that has the markets spooked and the white house hitting back hard. john boehner saying something controversial, that there aren't enough votes in the house to pass a clean spending bill. creating a heightened sense of concern here among financial markets. it appears there is no end to this standardoff in sight, del. >> we know both sides have been negotiating through media. what is white house's message to republicans, is president obama willing to negotiate? >> you're essentially seeing the same thing play out today.
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the president took a stroll up the capitol mall in the sunshine, today is a rainy day, to try to put john boehner on the spot, to isolate john boehner to have him put a clean bill on the floor. boehner over the weekend has refused to do that. he is standing firm with house conservatives, says he doesn't have the votes to pass it anyway. many people including the white house believe that such a bill could pass easily. this public relations strategy to try to put -- try to get the public behind the white house and democratic efforts to pressure john boehner. going to fema talking about what's needed there talking about the dire impact that this shut down is having. >> mike viqueira joining us live from washington. mike, thank you very much. libby casey covering capitol
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hill for us. libby has congress made any compromise towards a compromise or are we as mike mentioned marching towards that debt ceiling? >> we are not seeing any sign of compromise. we are in the middle of the are shut down and the debt ceiling, coming ten days away. this may be the quiet, the calm between these two very serious storms. i loved it when you said they are fieting their battle through the media. both sides making their arguments. hearing more today, really a tit-for-tat. the real question people are asking is who is going to get the blame for this and who is going to get the public ire and so therefore be more incentivized to come to a negotiated agreement. we saw recent po poll numbers ot from gallup. saying who are you blaming?
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it's interesting 70% say they are worried about the government shushutdown, they do see it, formulate% from 1995 when it was at the height of that week long government shutdown, more people are concerned because they are blaming both president obama and also the republicans. >> and libby this war of words families are struggling to survive. today the first day back to work for thousands of government workers but thousands still off the job. when is the latest on when they will be back to work? >> we will see defense civilians back on the job but hundreds of thousands of more across the country not just here in washington, d.c. who are still staying home, still stuck not working. look like they will get back pay. congress has moved forward in ensures they will get back pay. that is not going to come until this shutdown situation is resolved, that means missing
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bills or having a lot of anxiety if you are trying to figure out just howe to get by week to week like many american families are. and i spoke to some folks over the weekend in sectors you wouldn't think of right away, researchers who have years worth of research riding on afield season that starts in a week. people who travel overseas for the american government, a lot of sectors of both the american economy and projects that span from health to education to science that are on the back burner right now until this government situation gets resolved. >> libby casey, thank you for being with us this morning. egypt, a sue i'd blast and an explosion killing at least four people in sinai. today's attack follows a deadly weekend of crashes in which 53 people who have died. our correspondent in cairo, we will not name because of security reasons.
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>> the bomb if hid in a car outside headquarters, left a crater 3 meters deep. he described how it blew out the windows and shook the neighboring buildings. the dead were low ranking police officers. forensic investigation later discovered it had been a suicide attack. and before scenes further confrontation and bloodshed in cairo on sunday that left more than 50 people dead and 260 injured. security forces fired tear gas and live rounds, at protestors in the anniversary of the 1973 october war. the protest was to reach tahrir square, where thousands were celebrating the anniversary and waving flags, and general abdul
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fattah alsisi. some egyptians in t tahrir squae took a more conciliatory tone. >> they are part of the egyptian people so we can't throw everything at them. we can't keep saying the muslim brotherhood causes everything that happened. there are other things that happened and we never said it was the muslim brotherhood. the second attack on the suez canal, several soldiers shot and killed by unidentified armed men. security here has been tightened after a group calling itself the alffa congregate,. >> t ensure that gloibl trade could continue to flow freely from the mediterranean to the red sea. over the last few months the
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egyptian authorities have launched the largest military crack down in the sinai peninsula in decades but it has focused on areas in the north like el arish and rafa. no one has claimed responsibility for these latest attacks further south. al jazeera cairo. >> and it has been another violent day in iraq, people saying 37 people killed there dozens more injured in a series of attacks in baghdad. the explosions are the latest in a series of violence. country turning owidespread sectarian killings, al qaeda claiming responsibility for these attacks. mourners in israel celebrating the life of a rabbi, just hours after he died, he was a spiritual leader and aan influential figure in israeli
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politics. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said yussef was the most influential in his generation. 93 years old. abu anas al-liby has been on the most wanted list for more than a decade. he planned the attacks in africa in which 220 were killed. >> home in tripoli two cars were waiting for him when he returned to the mosque on saturday morning. >> masked men came out of the car but the driver wasn't masked and one of them was yawfting his mask - adjusting his mask when e was getting in.
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they have broken the window on my husband's car and it seems like they had drugged him. >> al-liby had been wanted for 15 years by the fbi but the way in which he was detained has angered libya's government who want to know more about his whereabouts. secretary of state john kerry says it was an important operation. >> he is an appropriate target under the use of military force passed in september of 2001. >> al-liby is suspect ed of involvement on the twin attacks on the u.s. embassies in ceng ka and tan assig ann tanzania. >> foreign troops on libyan land to kidnap my brother.
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they were supposed to present legal documents to the libyan government amount my brother should be tried here in plib yah. >> instead, al-liby is believed to be seized and detained on a u.s. military ship. caroline malone, al jazeera. a toarpd watch in ne -- toro watch in new york new jersey and pennsylvania. we turn to dave warren. >> that is a tornado watch indicating that the potential is there for these storms to spin and rotate. no warnings right now, just severe thunderstorm warnings, the orange color there, northeastern pennsylvania, north jersey and one outside philadelphia. these storms are moving east about 60 miles per hour and they have already moved through pennsylvania, the line here pushing through eastern pennsylvania about to move into the new york area.
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this severe cluster of storms line beginning to bow out an indication of very severe winds. potential to give wind gusts about 60 miles per hour. this area is under a warning closer to the south around philadelphia, south of reading, southeastern pennsylvania and philadelphia, the line extends tall way to the south to d.c. and bloafe baltimore and it cono push to the west and the east. these storms potential of having wind gusts 60 miles per hour even rotate a little bit, that's why the tornado watch is in effect until 5:00. we'll have more in the national forecast coming up in just a little while. >> thank you so much dave. a reason to smile, it comes at all places the gas station. price of gas is going down, we'll tell you why when we come back.
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[[voiceover]] from al jazeera media network comes a new voice of journalism in the u.s. >>the delta is a microcosm of america. [[voiceover]] we tell the human story, from around the block, across the country, with more points of view. >>if joe can't find work, his family will go from living in a motel to living in their car. [[voiceover]] connected, inspired, bold. >>about a thousand protestors have occupied ...
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>> we have breaking news now concerning the budget standoff between the white house and members of congress. president obama addressing workers at fema, the federal emergency management agency just a few moments ago. here is what he has to say. >> i'm here for a couple of minutes first i want to thank craig fugate and his entire team, the incredible workers here at fema. they are having to under less than optimal situations still respond to mother nature which doesn't stop just because the government has shut down. i want to get initially a briefing on what had happened with hurricane karen became tropical storm karen around then fortunately dissipated so we dodged a bullet there. in the meantime we're on tornado watch in the mid atlantic states because of severe weather
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patterns and we have gottably arsdz up north, blizzards up north, and other severe weather patterns. i want you to thank you for all the incredible work you're doing. i think it's important to understand that the people here at fema have been doing everything to respond to potential events. here at fema they are in touch with their state and local partners in case resources are needed. fema raims remains prepared. with distribution centers across the country. but their job has been made more difficult. thanks for folks at fema we were prepared for what might have happened down in florida. nevertheless, the government is still shut down. services are still interrupted. and hundreds of thousands of hard-working public servants including many fema professionals are still furloughed without pay, or
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they're not allowed to work at all. so craig was just explaining to me here, at fema, about 86% of the fema workforce is furloughed, in response to the potential event, that might have happened down in florida, and along the coast, craig called back 200 of those workers. keep in mind: calling them back didn't mean they were getting paid. just they had the privilege of working without pay to make sure they were doing everything they could to respond to the potential needs of their fellow citizens. now that this particular storm is dissipated craig is going to have to refurlough at least 100 of those folks who were called back, so think about that. here you are a fema professional dedicated to do your job. at a moment's notice you're willing to show up here in case people got in trouble and respond to them even though you're not getting paid even though you don't have certainty
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and now you're being put back on furlough because the government is shut down. that's no way of doing business. that, by the way, just speaks to the day-to-day emergencies that may come up and that it's fema's job to respond to. craig was also explaining the fact that when it comes to training first responders, for example, we have on a weekly basis already scheduled training for first responders that now have to be rescheduled. it will probably end up ultimately causing the government more money for us to put those things back together again. and so not only is this shut down hurting fema workers, not only is it making it more difficult for us to respond to potential natural disasters, but it may actually end up costing taxpayers more than it should. right now congress should do what's in the best interests of the economy, and the american
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people, and that's moved beyond this manufactured crisis and work together to focus on growth, jobs, and providing the vital services that americans all across the country depend on, including the services that fema provides. i heard a lot of talk over the weekend that the real problem is, is that the president will not negotiate. well let me tell you something: i have said from the start of the year that i'm happy to talk to republicans about anything related to the budget. there's not a subject that i'm not willing to engage in. work on. negotiate. and come up with common sense compromises on. what i've said is that i cannot do that under the threat that if republicans don't get 100% of their way they're going to either shut down the government or they are going to default on america's debt, so that america for the first time in history, does not pay its bills.
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that is not something i will do. we're not going to establish that pattern. we're not going to negotiate under the threat of further harm to our economy and middle class families. we're not going to negotiate under the threat of a prolonged shut down until republicans get 100% of what they want. we're not going to negotiate under the threat of economic catastrophe that economists and ceoceos increasingly pr suggestd would happen. the other thing i heard over the weekend was this notion that congress doesn't have the capacity to end this shutdown. the truth of the matter is there are enough republican and democratic votes in the house of representatives right now to end this shutdown, immediately with no partisan strings attached. the house should hold that vote today. if republicans and speaker boehner are saying there are not
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enough votes then they should prove it. go to the house and vote their conscience and they can determine whether or not they can shut the government down. my suspicion on, there are enough votes there and the reason that speaker boehner hasn't called the vote on it is because he doesn't, apparently, want to see the government shutdown end at the moment unless he is able to extract concessions that don't have anything to do with the budget. well, you know, i think the american people simply want government to work. and there's no reason that there has to be a shutdown in order for the kinds of negotiations speaker boehner says he wants to proceed. hold a vote. call a vote right now. and lest see what happens. the second thing congress needs to do is to raise the debt ceiling next week so congress can pay the bills that it has already spent. that's what most americans do,
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if they buy something, if they buy a car, buy a house, put something on a credit card they understand they got to pay the bills. this is something routine. it's been done more than 40 times since ronald reagan was president. it has never before been used in the kind of ways that the republicans are talking about using it right now. we can't threat an economic catastrophe. in the midst of budget negotiations. so authorize the treasury to pay on the bill. that is a better idea than economic shut down. how do we boost manufacturing how do we make sure our kids are getting a first class education? all those things will be on the table. i'm happy to talk about health care, happy to talk about energy policy.
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how do we deal with our long term fiscal situation? all those things i've been eager to and anxious to talk to reebltion about for the last -- republicans about for the last sefng months and i've put out a budget -- seven months and i've put out a budget for how i expect to grow the economy and we shouldn't hurt a whole bunch of people in order for one side to think that they're going to have a limb more -- a little more leverage in those negotiations. last point i'm going to make: the bill that's being presented to end the government shutdown reflects republican priorities. it's the republican budget. the funding levels of this short-term funding bill called the cr is far lower than what democrats think it should be. nevertheless, democrats are prepared to put the majority of votes on to reopen the government. so when you hear this notion that democrats aren't
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compromising, we're compromising so much we're willing to reopen the government at funding levels that reflect republican wishes, don't at all reflect our wishes. for example here afema they're still subject to the sequester. here they were having trouble making sure everybody was staying on the job and fulfilling all their various function. we need to get that sequester lifted that that's been hanging over the head of the economy and the negotiations during the entire year. this short term legislation to reopen the government doesn't even address that. that has to be done in a broader budget framework. so democrats have said, we are willing to pass a bill that reflects the republicans' priorities in terms of funding levels. that's a pretty significant compromise. what we're not willing to do is
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to create a permanent pattern in which, unless you get your way, the government's shut down or america defaults. that's not how we do business in this country. and we're not going to start now. so again, i want to thank everybody at fema here for the extraordinary work that you're doing. you show each and every day that you take your responsibility seriously. you do your jobs with consummate professionalism and hopefully, you're setting a good example for members of congress. they need to be doing the same thing. and if they do, then there's no reason why we all can't move forward and make sure that we're taking care of america's business, all right? thank you very much, everybody. thank you. >> thank everybody. >> you've been listening to president obama addressing workers at fema the federal emergency management agency a short while ago, he was telling
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them that there will be no more negotiations concerning the debt limit and also opening the government. he says the democrats have done enough. craig by the way of explanation is craig fugate the director of fema. he also indicated that 86% of the workers have been laid off because of the government shutdown. they were allowed to come back because of tropical storm karen but now that threat has passed they were also laid off again. as by way of balance, house speaker boehner saying on the talk shows yesterday he believed that keeping the government reopen or the debt ceiling for had a matter should be tied to substantive spending cuts, those being his words. he thinks under that plan the government can reopen and the debt ceiling crisis can be averted. the situation is affected the markets. the dow jones industrial average down in triple digits almost 100
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points. we'll check the dow how it is now, off 86 points, wall street has the itemmers on what washington is or is not doing. techknow is next. we keep an eye on that unfolding situation, wondering and waiting when washington will reopen for business and whether or not congress will act in time to keep the nation from falling off what would be a cliff if the debt ceiling is not averted. techknow is next. you can track us 24 hours a day as the news continues, we will see you then. desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you.
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on august 20th,
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>> low-end welcome. i'm phil torrez here to talk about innovations that can change lives. we're going to explore the intersection of hardware and humanity . lindsay moran is a former cia agent, kyle hill is an engineer, tonight he's got the dirtiest job and the science that can revolutionize indians's dairy farms.


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