tv The Stream Al Jazeera October 8, 2013 2:30am-3:01am EDT
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level in the wild. that's it for me stephanie sy. have a great evening. hi, i'm lisa fletcher and you are in the stream. drones in the united states. there will be 30,000 of them flying above your head within the next 20 years. is america ready? ♪ by september 30th of 2015, the faa has to have regulations in place to allow unmanned aerial vehicles, or typically known as drones into the nation's air space. later this week thousands of
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enthusiastic will be getting together in new york for the drones and aerial robotics conference. amidest the excitement will be discussion about privacy and civil liberties. when you think of the word drone you probably think of surveillance and the military, but as they become more accessible, everyone from farmers to firefighters and animal protection advocates will be using them. but the new era of less-costly surveillance is leading a lot of states to ask how these private drone strikeses should be regulated. conversation. >> yeah, lisa you mentioned the deadline of integration. so we canned the community is the united states ready for drones? and 85% said not ready. and fred said . . .
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however, carey adds some context and says . . . and we'll be discussing some of those uses tonight. loyal streamers as you know you are the third host of the show. engage us throughout the show and we'll try to get your comment on the air. >> joining us is truman heintz, a former army intelligence captain and drone pilot. joining us by skype is the dean of aviation and public services at utah university. in our google hangout is trevor tim an activist with the electronic freedom foundation, and steve, a drone pilot and the
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superintendent of shark, an animal protection group. pierre, you are an army intelligence captain and a drone pilot, and really there are so many other uses. give us the 101 on the vast array of drones. >> sure, lisa. number one they come in all shapes and sizes, so they could be as small as the size of your hand or as big as a 737 bowing. >> wow. >> they can fly for minutes or days on end. and thirdly, the sen source you put on them. you can have full-motion imaging or just to detect heat. in the military we use them number 1 for lethal purposes, but that's a small sliver of what the military uses drones for.
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in most cases we're using them to gather intelligence. so as we transition, i think we'll see that drones can be used for firefighting, for search and rescue, and border patrol, and lots of domestic uses as well. >> let's talk about private drones. there is a misnomer that they are just in the pursue of the military. steve you use a drone that most people have never heard of. tell us what you do with it. >> one of my loves for a long time has been aviation. i have a private pilot's license, and it was natural for me to want to find out more about drone technology. it's a lot of fun, and there are some very practical uses. you know i can take my drone and have a great time putting it up someplace and at the same time i can be watching
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-- as far as animal protection goes, areas that very badly need to be watched. like in pennsylvania there are places where they slaughter live pigeons individually shot out of boxes. and in doing so, we find illegal animal abuse. i have found illegal burning, where they are burning pigeons as well as other garbage including plastics and tires and this kind of thing. so one of the ways i have enjoyed my hobby is to fly drones in a place where i can also get valuable footage of animal abuse where we can try to stop that. >> lisa our community is still divided.
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so wayne, as lisa mentioned, a lot of people equate drones with foreign policy and military strikes, and we just talked about steve saying how they use drones for animal protection. talk us to about how some these drones are also used in other areas in the united states. >> the first thing i would like to say is in my area we don't use the d word. because the d word has a very negative connotation associated with it. so we call them unmanned aerial systems on our manned aerial vehicles. once the faa decides on the integration of usa's into our national air space system, 85% of the use of these uas's will
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be for agriculture and public safety. firefighters -- our wild land fires that we have in utah, california, and arizona, are getting more widespread and more intense, and the way that we might those wildfires now is really the dated technology. it's a little bit better than what we had 40 years ago when an airplane would actually fly over a fire and drop a tube with photos that that airplane had taken. now they can detect areas where the fire right move and areas where firefighters can't see, because that's what happened in that tragic accident in arizona where the firefighters were there -- those 19 firefighters. there was a blazing fire on the other side of a ridge that they didn't see, and that was
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ultimately their demise. if there was a usa there they would have been able to see it. >> you wrote a piece learn to stop worrying about love the drones. drones? >> i think for three reasons. think about the economic benefits. a whole new industry, unmanned aircraft industry -- 2013. >> there are different estimates but we're at least talking in the billions. and also efficiencies in other areas, whether it is firefighting or agriculture there will be other benefits. and also search and rescue, disaster relief, these drones can go places that humans and helicopters can't go, so those are two of the reasons i'm excited outside of law enforcement.
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>> i read that a private company with a private drone volunteers its use in the floods of colorado and they were able to get it up and map submerged areas. that's pretty mazing. >> it is amazing. we would use zones in chart new areas in the military. when the ground changes drastically. the old maps you have are outdated and you need to go get a visual -- an accurate visual that takes into account something like a flood. >> our community is still critical. here is melissa . . . and keri says . . . trevor i want you to get in the conversation, i know you are a bit critical here. what are your thoughts on that? >> i think the guests so far
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have done a good job of courses plaining some very good uses for drones, but we also have to look at the flip side of thing like the tweeters mentioned which is misuse especially by law enforcement. the types of agencies that are used the most advanced drones are federal and state law enforcement agencies. they have been using them for years -- of course they are not firing missiles off of these types of drones, but they are firing off the types of predators that can stay in the area for long periods of time. the department of homeland security has ten of these flying on the border. the immigration bill debated in congressman dates that they flow them 24 hours a day. and they are also being loaned
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out to law enforcement agencies around the country. and none of these agencies have any sorts of privacy rules. >> trevor i want to pick up after the break with you talking more specifically about that, and ask our viewers, should law enforcement be allowed to use these drones, and if they are, and if they are allowed continued use, should stronger lines be drawn. tweet us your comments and we'll share them right after this. ♪
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genetically modified salmon. ♪ welcome back. in that was the view from a private drone that monitors power lines. now we're talking about the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the u.s. and how much they should be regulated. before the break we asked you if law enforcement should be able to use drones and where the lawn should be drawn. response?
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>> a lot of suspicion. expensive. >> exactly. >> trevor first your organization obtained a list from customs and border protection about how many times it flew predator surveillance drones on behalf of other agencies. talk about what you found, and what that really means? >> yes, as i was saying before the break, customs and border protection as about ten surveillance drones. but when they are not using them they lend them out to law enforcement agencies. and the justice department said they only used these drones two times. when we got our request back, it
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turned out they are used them over a hundred times. and this is the same pattern we have been seeing over and over again with the federal government is they refuse to release accurate information of who is flying drones in this country and what they have been used for. we had to you under the freedom of information act to find information out, and now when they release the information it is obviously months old, rather than posting it on a public websites like they should. >> what do you think the issue is? that u.s. border patrol and customs loaned these uav's to other agencies, were these other agencies not allowed to use them? what would be the purpose of not disclosing the agency's uses? >> that's a great question. i'm not sure why they would not want to expose it besides having the public find out and be
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worried about it. none of these agencies have privacy policies. we don't know how long they keep the footage? do they hand it on to other agencies? are they looking for other things besides wanted criminals which they have a probable cause warrant for? these are all questions that the american people deserve answers for before they start using these drones regularly. >> pierre i want you to jump in here and react to what is being said, and then also, do you think lines need to be drawn a little more distinctly. >> sure, i think first off, just because someone doesn't release information to me, doesn't necessarily mean they are trying to hide it. so i applaud treasure and his organization for seeking transparency. i have no issues with that. where we draw the line is going to boil down to number one
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whether we think drones require warrants. and then the second line is whether we're going to restrict different purposes, so if one of your viewers, steve wants to use it to look at animal rights is that something we're going to allow, versus whether someone uses it to look in your backyard to determine whether you are smoking marijuana. >> michael just tweeted in . . . and the line lisa you mentioned, he said is too thin. tom says . . . that? >> i think one of the big things
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that the faa is going to do -- what the faa wants to do is safely integrate uas's into our air space system, but they also want to create rules and regulation that govern when they can fly, how high they can fly, and what type of activity they will do. one of the things they will do in the next five, six, ten years, will be just what they did in regular aviation. right now there are no rules, but it will come to an end once we have the integration of these uas's with the faa authority over them. >> steve you want to weigh in here? >> well, this is an incredible technology that the rest of the world is going to embrace it. we certainly should too. there are so many fantastic positives to it, that it's only
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the flat-earth society that is going to ignore it. now this is where the electronic freedom foundation comes in. for somebody to just say i'm afraid of a drone, that's not a good reason. there are people who are afraid of automobiles and airplanes and so own and so on. this is a fantastic organization, we have worked with them. they are bringing up some of the real concerns that every american should want to know more about, and frankly, i think the faa is probably going to do the best job that they can. this is something new, so we're going to grow into it, like we have grown into the internet and every other technology that has been developed. this is nothing to be afraid of. this is something to look at the issues that pop up and simply deal with them in a responsible manner that protexts people's privacy. we have satellites taking
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pictures of the world every day. so to pretend that somebody doesn't have accessible to you in your backyard -- but nobody really cares. there are billions of us on this planet, and for people to be afraid of this technology, just -- seems very childish to me. deal with the real issues. >> they are trying to deal with real issues across the country now in legislature after legislature. but drone strikes laws differ from state to state. and that is creating issues. what is the best legislation? regional or consistent on a federal level. think about that, and we'll talk about it after the break. that's all i have an
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>> a warning for the global economy. asian powers tell the united states to sort its debt crisis out. more violence in brazil as teachers protest over better pay. north korea puts its military on alert after the united states moves ships into a south korean port. plus: >> i'm wayne hay in tokyo where we meet a man facing upheaval for the second time in his life, after this city's dio
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