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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 8, 2013 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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>> the government has already shut down, now congress is facing off over the debt ceiling. senate democrats say they'll move ahead with a plan to raise the borrowing limit despite object significance from house republicans. even though much of the government is closed, the supreme court is open for business. we'll break out some of the important cases the justice will weigh in on. >> new protests are planned in egypt following a series of violent clashes that left dozens dead over the last two days in cairo. >> a place they are trying to turn the lights off on solar power, with fines that can reach up to $40 million.
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♪ theme >> good morning. welcome to aljazeera america. i'm stephanie sy. the government shutdown is in its second full week and another day of political wrangling on capitol hill lies ahead. hundreds of thousands are americans are still unable to return to work and the possibility of a larger crisis coming into focus. if congress fails to raise the debt ceiling, just nine days from now, the government will be unable to pay its bills for the first time. aljazeera's white house correspondent reports. >> instead of asia as planned, president obama was home bound, visiting fema, where 86% of workers are furlough heed. the president drew a hard line. >> we are not going to negotiate under the threat of a prolonged
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shutdown until republicans get 100% of what they want. >> the message, the votes are there in the house that pass a spending bill and leaves the health care allow untouched. >> i asked the speaker, why are you afraid? are you afraid this measure will pass, the government will reopen and the americans will realize you took the country hostage for no apparent reason. >> boehner insists the votes are not there and calls for the president to come to the tabled. >> the american people expect when their leaders have differences, we're in a time of crisis, that we'll sit down and at least have a conversation. really, mr. president, it's time to have that conversation before our economy is put further at risk. >> and so it goes, each day brings a new trial balloon, another grand bargain? no chance. a short term extension? unlikely. as the debt ceiling approaches,
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some are saying what is unthinkable, risking the first default of the federal government. four in 10 americans think it can happen without major economic problems. among the tea party, that number is 64%. in the house, boehner is pushed not to give on the spending or debt. >> too many washington politicians pander to next election voters without caring one twit about america's future. >> aljazeera, the white house. >> for more now on the ongoing showdown, randall pinkton is in washington for us. there are reports that senate majority leader harry reid may roll out a stand alone northbound raise the debt ceiling, putting the ball squarely in the lower house's court. is this a real solution or another political tactic. >> i think these days, you have to say a bit of both. what percentage majority leader
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harry reid is talking about is a bill that would raise the debt ceiling for another year. first, he has to get some republican support to make it filibuster proof. there are not enough democrats in the senate to do that. there is some question whether there will be republicans in the senate willing a join harry reid for a clean bill. we have some republican senators saying that if there is any debt ceiling legislation, it will be amended, something that the democratic leaders a understand white house do not want. >> the effect of the shutdown has been humiditied by the pentagon bringing back most of its civilian employees and back pay being grand to furloughed workers. does that lessen public pressure on congress to resolve this dispute. >> i suppose you have to say lessens pressure from employees who were out of work now back on the job. with respect to the public polling, so far, we don't see any signs of lessening pressure
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at all. as a matter of fact, the most recent poll by abc news and washington post indicates that the disapproval rating for congress has gone up to the 70% level as compared to 63% for the president, so i think there's still a lot of pressure there to get a deal done. >> they want to see a solution. we know that. thanks, randall. >> a wealthy couple from texas is pledging big bucks to help preschoolers during the government shutdown. houston billionaires laura and john arnold donated $10 million to the national head start program. the gift helps reopen classrooms for thousands of children in low income areas. head start administrators plan to return the donation as soon as the new budget kicks in. >> in brazil, a two hunt old teacher strike takes a violent turn. [ explosions ] >> as you can see, police fired
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tear gas to disperse a crowd of protestors in downtown rio. a bus was set on fire and government buildings vandalized. 10s of of thousands were marching peacefully demanding higher pay for teachers. >> nine are dead after gunman and suicide bombers attacked security forces in three egyptian cities. so far, no groups are claiming responsibility for monday's attack. this follows protests sunday in cairo where at least 50 supporters of ousted president mohamed morsi were killed by egyptian forces. >> right now, let's go to the phone and to an aljazeera special correspondent in egypt. for security reasons, we will not name this reporter. good morning to you. no groups have taken responsibility for monday's attack. is it safe to assume that this is pay back for sunday when 50
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demonstrators were killed? >> i don't think we can say that. there's been no suggestion here that the people protesting on the streets on sunday are in any way linked to the violence in sinai. the point about the attacks monday were they were in places where there has been a history of violence, a hotbed of violence in sign any, southern sinai where the policeman were killed is an area that's not been troubled at all in the protests in egypt in the last few years. the suez canal is a part of egypt where there's global trade flowing through, so the government trying to keep a a strong presence there. there's no suggestion that members of the muslim brotherhood or the anti coup alliance were associated with the monday attacks. we want to be very clear about that. >> there was an attack at a
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cairo satellite facility monday. is egypts infrastructure becoming more and more a target? >> well, again, there's a difference to be made between the political protests that supporters of the anti coup alliance and muslim brotherhood would be aiming at and people attacking egyptian security assets. that's at a remote location, not somewhere where groups of protestors could congregate, march on and attack. it's a kind of thing where it's much more a location for people who go with weapons. the security forces say that the station was attacked with two rocket propelled grenade. these are things not carried by members of the muslim brotherhood or antcan i coo alliance. i want to be very careful to
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distinguish between the protestors and the rye lens. >> the freedom and justice party, there are calls for it to be dissolved. most of the party's activities has been halted already. what are they saying at the brotherhood about this latest government move? >> they reject the legitimacy of the government outright and say that anything that any decision taken, whether by a course or by the government is suspect and one they don't recognize. they refer to the rulings as unjust and as a new episode in the series of attacks they have suffered under the auspices of the military rulers as they call them. they reject outright the types of measures that are taken. it's worth making the point that on september 23, a ruling was made that would allow the assets of muslim brotherhood's members and of the group itself to be
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seized at a period of time in which the brotherhood would appeal against this ruling has now elapsed. there's a sense to see if the government will go after the official side of things. >> thanks to our special carpet in egypt for that update. >> the target of a navy field operation in somalia this weekend is the key leader of al shabab, the armed group behind the kenyan mall attack. the pentagon released that information. he is believed to be behind all al shabab expansion into neighboring kenya, as well as a number of attacks in the region. u.s. forces were unable to capture him. they wanted to minimize civilian casualties. >> a raid in libya had u.s. navy seizing al liby over the weekend. in benghazi, 100 libbens
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protested the operation. al liby is accused of planning the u.s. embassy bombings which killed hundreds. he is currently being questioned on a navy ship in the mediterranean. >> has mid karzai had harsh words. he he said stability has not come to his country. he condemned foreign air strikes in the name of fighting terrorism. >> the united states and nato have not respected our sovereignty. whenever they have found it suitable to them, they have acted against it. this has been a serious point of tension between us. >> the comments come as the u.s. tries to negotiate a long term
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security deal in afghanistan. karzai ruled out signing any deal until disdisagreements over sovereignty of resolved. >> as she awaits word of a possible nobel peace prize, a pakistani school girl faces another death threat. she was shot in the head when she was 15 years old. the pakistani taliban said it stands by its decision to target the young activist and is vowing to kill her if given the chance approximate she lives in england with her family but wants to return to pakistan when she finishes her education. >> in syria, chemical weapons are being destroyed. 100 workers have been sent to handle this task, this as russian president putin said he and president obama have a common understanding of what needs to be done in syria. we report from the syrian border.
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>> the u.n. secretary has outlined plans to increase the number of chemical weapons inspectors in syria. his plans involve around 100 experts, administrators, as well as security officers to take a staging base in cypress where they will work on dismantling syria's stockpile of chemical weapons. there are already 35 inspectors working in syria, so now this plan requires approval from the united nations security council. >> on a related subject, a u.n. body has warned to the number of syrian refugees would increase up to 5 million people by the end of 2014. the u.n. also predicts has by the end of 2014, more than half of syria's 23 million people would be either refugees or
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internally displaced. >> u.s. and russian officials are trying to push for syrian peace talks in mid november. it is not clear if they can get all the sides to the negotiating table. >>ar jen teen i can't's president is set to undergo surgery to remove a blood clot in her brain. the sitting-year-old leader suffered a head injury this summer. doctors ordered her to rest for a month after discovering the clot was pressuring her brain and causing headaches. the health scare comes three weeks before elections that could loosen her party's hold on congress. >> tens of thousands are without power following a record breaking snowstorm in south dakota. four feet of snow were dumped in part of the state. at least four were killed. some cattle ranchers lost up to half of their herds. wyoming and colorado were
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blanketed with snow. for more on this morning's national forecast, let's bring in our meteorologist. >> i used to live in this part of the country and snow can blow around for days with the open land to blow across. we are going to see that melt pretty fast. we have high pressure in place south of the great lakes and clockwise wind flow. in the northeast, a more northerly flow on the opposite side, a northerly flow in the other part of the country. we just had the snowfall, and look at these temperatures that we already have back in place because of that southerly flow. sixty said and 70's across the region that just had a snowstorm. things will melt quickly. you mentioned the wind. that is going to be cranking up in that same area with low
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pressure opposite the high pressure that chan else the wind flow for us. you can see anywhere from parts of oklahoma all the way up to minnesota, that's kind of that corridor of higher winds and where we have dry conditions on top of that, parts of kansas under the red flag warnings, the combination of the humidity and wind means that fire dang are is going up. in the northeast, where the front also went through, this is cooler air here, but at least is going to be a clearer day. temperatures drop from the 70's and 80 said to 60's and 70's, after all that wind damage we saw that went through the area as this storm system went through. i'll talk about the southeast coming up in the next half hour. >> the supreme court began its new term this week. david shuster takes a look at important cases and issues the nine justices face. >> this term at the supreme court is not going to be a high profile as previous years, but cases still have a lot of reach.
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the justice will revisit precedent on everything from what a university can consider in admission to say where protestors can stand outside abortion clinics and how much money can be contributed to a political candidate. the court is being asked to reverse that limit in place since the watergate scandal 40 years ago. the issue involves individual campaign contribution caps for candidates for federal office, as it stands, individuals are not allowed to give the candidate more than $2,600 per election, but the court has already dismantled limits on contributions to parties. perhaps unlimited contributions will be allowed to candidates, allowing the rich to buy even more political power. >> on abortion, annual marches in washington, the supreme court will review a massachusetts law that establishes buffer zones
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that limit where protestors condemn plan straight. the court will decide whether that violates a protestors rights to free speech. >> on affirmative action, it's not gust michigan wolverines and spartans that will be watching when the court limits race for state university admissions. it could affect public universities nationwide. >> this term, the court will review contraception. the new law says it must be covered by insurance. religious groups argue it is unconstitutional. women's rights group notice nobody questions insurance plans that cover sigh agria. president obama has used the
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recess pure put administration officials and judges into office while the senate is on break and not able to confirm nominees, finally in a court sharply divided by ideology, the swing justice will be anthony kennedy. there he is in a tuxedo. he gave a speech lamenting the role the supreme court now plays, saying any society that relies on nine unelected judges to resolve the most serious issues of the day is not a functioning democracy. not a functioning democracy? well, the nine unelected judges of the supreme court usually function by delivering their rulings in the late spring. >> the high court typically reviews about 75 cases a year. it has agreed to hear 44 cases, and there are 25 more set for oral arguments this fall. >> after a nearly two year delay, the new one hundred-dollar bill is hitting the streets. what took so long to perfect it?
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>> while governments are rewarding greener choices with tax breaks, fees behind solar energy. >> fighting for food justice, improving the health of children. >> wall street has other things on its mind besides the shutdown. what will be the latest market moving news.
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>> welcome back. to business news now, can stocks rebound from the recent selloff? good morning. >> good morning. that is the big question. all is calm at the moment, futures flat this hour. investors may be taking a breather from all the selling. the dow stands blow 15,000 again at 14936. ththe european markets are down across the board for the second straight day.
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asia hosted modest gains. as if the stalemate in washington was not affecting the markets enough, today we find out how much money former do you stocks made. this could lead to a lot more significant and buying in the market. one analyst says she's ready. >> for us as investors, this is where we actually would use investors fears and concerns about the future as a buying opportunity. particularly with high quality companies that we know are going to deliver quarter after quarter. >> friday will be an important day when banks start rolling out their earnings reports. bad news in the jobs front. the french technology company is cutting 10,000 jobs, 2100 of them right here in the united states. the company is facing stiff competition from china and is trying to speed up a turnaround. >> it's back in court for dallas
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mavericks owner mark cuban. a judge turned down his request to dismiss his case. the securities and exchange commission is charging him with with insider trading because of a stock sale he made in a search engine company. he denied the charges and testified that he saw no reason why he couldn't sell his shares. >> two years later than planned, the new one hundred-dollar bill hits the streets today. the new c note has several features kind to make it difficult to copy. one is a blue lead to security ribbon. the image of benjamin franklin will be the same. if i actually get my hands on one of them, i'm taking you and everything else for coffee. >> how is the market reacting to just the threat of a default at this point? >> the fear in dix, which measures volatility, the amount of stocks bought and sold is the highest since june.
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>> what about the bond market? >> all bonds have a due date and the 10 year bond, which essentially is linked to our mortgage rates, that treasury bill due right after october 17 is really taking a hit, selling at a discount. the longer term bonds, the ones set after that date are selling at a premium, because the 10 year treasury is the safest invest on the planet. >> investors are fleeing to safety. that makes a lot of sense. >> the nfl is ready to discussion the controversy surrounding the washington redskins name. the league set up a meeting next month with representatives of the united states indian nation. they've punished the nhl with a change the mascot campaign. president obama says if he owned the redskins, he would consider changing the name. >> regardless of the history, regardless of its legacy, it's offensive. it's a dictionary-defined
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offensive term. the president's comments at momentum to our collective efforts to get the nfl and the owner to change the washington team's name. >> nfl spokesman brian mccarthy said the league wants to hear all perspectives rewarding the name controversy, but the topic is not on the agenda during this week's owners meetings. >> the winner of the 2013 nobel prize in physics have been announced. the royal swedish academy of sciences awarded professors englert and peter higgs. they predicted the presence of a sub atomic god particle. four other researchers who worked on the project were not granted the award. >> focusing on gold mines in
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nigeria where kids work deep underground simply to survive. >> weeks after pope francis said the church is obsessed with the abortion issue, a catholic university makes a controversial health care system that has divided the campus. >> they say you shouldn't bring a knife to a gunfight, but nobody told this store clerk. the story behind the wild confrontation caught on camera. >> three teams in baseball had a chance to advance monday, but one did. details ahead, in sports.
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>> congress appears to be more polarized than of, with the federal government shutdown entering its second week. republicans promise to hold up a spending bill if democrats refuse concessions, but a new
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deadline is upping the stakes, the debt ceiling. if it is not raised by next week, the government will not be able to pay its bills. how are americans reacting to the stalemate in washington, a recent batch of polls show their political perceptions are shifting. erika ferrari has the latest analysis. >> one week into the first government shutdown since 1996 and congress is taking a beating in the polls, overall approval rating dropped 19% in september, down to 11% this month, the second lowest approval rating for congress in gallup poll history. it is weighing on the republican party. rail the republican party is getting most of the heat,
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democrats aren't faring well either in the court of. opinion. a recent pew poll finds 38% of republicans blamed, but 30% the obama administration, 19% blame both parties. the poll shows president obama is still faring pretty well, his approval rating going up since the shutdown from 41% in september a 45% now. so while neither party comes away looking particularly great as a result of the shutdown, the polls definitely show public opinion is more negative towards the gop. stephanie. >> erika ferrari. global markets of down. joining us now is len blum. thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> good morning. >> i want to start asking you, some republicans have come out
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in the last few days saying the debt ceiling deadlines is not a big deal. congressman ted yoho from florida says: >> is there any economist who believes this? >> no, of a the debt ceiling, you have a debt payment coming due at the 31 of october, and then you have some title payments that need to be made in the middle of -- actually at the end of that month and then another debt payment due in november. if the government defaults, it is going to cavity us in such a horrendous light, and really would be unprecedented. at no time in history has the world's largest economy defaulted on its debt. >> besides what we expect to see on wall street, how would the average american be affected? would social security be
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affected? mortgage rates? >> there is some talk among republicans that maybe we should pay our treasury obligations, pay our debt, and not pay veterans and social security recipients. that's a horrible idea. first of all, it's politically in10ous, because china would be getting paid ahead of veterans. the republicans haven't considered the result of that. >> given that china is the alarmingest u.s. creditor, with regards to that, what happens if the u.s. you defaults on its debt to the chinese? >> it would be very bad globally
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and politically for the united states. this would be a situation where we're not talking about how much the government is spending, we're talking about whether or not the government is paying off its debt obligations as they become due. that's a promise we've made domestically and internationally. >> given the shutdown, the threat of the u.s. not being able to reach agreement on the debt ceiling, how is that possible that the u.s. credit rating hasn't been changed already? >> because i think the rating agencies believe the u.s. government, that there will be brinksmanship up to the last minute, that the two political parties, particularly the
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republicans are jockeying for position, and hoping to garner roads in the upcoming elections by acting like they're being tough in this negotiation, but when push comes to shove, the united states would never default on its obligations. it's important to note that when the united states credit rating was downgraded from triple a. >> back in 2011 you're talking about. >> exactly. there was no effect. it didn't tell us anything we didn't know. we know that washington's dysfunctional. we know that this political brinksmanship is going on. we know that the two parties are playing to their advantage and trying to get anything out of this situation politically that they can. negotiation is not really about the debt ceiling, not at least for politicians that have a reasonable amount of intellectual capacity, because they should know that defaulting
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is a horrible alternative, but threatens to default is the problem. >> thanks so much for joining us this morning. great per spect. q. thank you. >> a top catholic university has decided to remove coverage for elective abortions from its staff health care plans. we look at the impact the decision is having on the campus of loyola marmont, a jesuit school in california. >> the university stands like a sentinel, overlooking l.a.'s west side. with 9500 students and 1700 faculty and staff, it is one of the premier catholic university's and on monday its fate was tested. >> just because there's a legal right to abortion with, i doesn't mean others have to facilitate. >> here on campus, opinions are
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mixed. balancing the religious doctrine that guides this university and the need for a diverse population of students, faculty and staff is proving tenuous. >> the people who work here have chosen to work at a catholic university. if you choose that, you expect it to be distinctive from a secular university. they freely came here and are free not to remain if they feel not having l.m.u. pay for their abortion is restrictive. >> the university has had this requirement for decades. i don't think it makes it more religious or less to exercise their freedom of conscience. >> the l.a. newspaper further writes:
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>> philosophy professor says the issue of abortion is only a small part of the greater discussion on what it means to be a believer. >> the reality is if you went to pretty much any catholic parish in the country, 99.9% is not about controversial, it's about love of god, love of neighbor, trying to love others, serve others, and this is the heart of the matter. >> there is no getting around the abortion debate. while the board of trustees of l.m.u. may have spoken, the conversation is just getting started. >> starting next year, the school's insurance plan will not provide coverage for elective abortions, however the plan will continue to cover it when the life of the woman is at stake. >> new york city police arrested a fourth suspect in the brutal bike gang assault last month.
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two police officers did not intervene when the bikers pulled the motorist out of his car. the bikers proceeded to beat the man in front of his wife. the police are searching for three more suspects. >> in new york, a deli clerk takes matters in his own hands. when a robber pulled a gun, he pulled a machete. the robber thought better of it. the clerk chased him, the robber got away. the owner said he bought the machete for protection last month. >> it's been 10 years since michael jackson injury i can't passed a law banning child labor but many miners are children working under dangerous conditions. we met some of them making a living in the nation's gold mines. >> this 11-year-old is one of millions of children forced to work in conditions like this.
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>> his parents are happy for him to be working, but he would rather be in school. there are dangers to this work. they dig for gold in tunnels hundreds of meters below the surface with no protective equipment. some have been killed or injured. >> this is the side where he and his fellow laborers come to earn less than one dollar a a day. this back breaking job is the only option to get food for their families. despite the dangers, they feel
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lucky to be here. >> the stone's dug are brought here to go crushed. the extraction process begins. these are the dealers who fund most of the operation. they make most of the profit. they reject the idea that using children is exploitation. >> it's the opportunity of a lifetime. most people here are from poor families, they can hardly afford three meals a day, but these young men are better off than the educated. >> back in the mine, the focus is to make money. there are millions like him in nigeria who are out of school and out of luck at the moment, and unless the government finds a way of stopping the exploitation, millions more will never know the joy of childhood.
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>> the international labor organization estimates that one in four of nigeria's children under the age of 14 are now in the workforce. >> it's a common fix for homeowners trying to go green. many turn to solar power to lower electric bills, but taxpayers in spain are told to forget solar power. we tell you the surprising reason why. >> it's a complete 180-degree about turn for spanish solar energy, and a complete 180 for those who encouraged by government subsidies invested in it. this is one such person. he and 15 others built this solar farm south of madrid, now all face financial ruin. >> it's illogical that government asks for your support then leaves you the gutter. in my house, we don't even have heating. it's really sad. >> if the government's new tax on solar panels clears
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particlements which it's almost certain to do, this solar farm will probably die. >> there are people here and abroad who are scratching their heads at the moment, trying to work out what the spanish government is doing. aside from ruining people like this man, the regulation changes seem to go against everything being done globally and in europe to encourage the growth of renewable energies. they say it boils down to a tax. >> the government will also stop people producing their own solar power by forcing all solar panels to be hooked up to the grid. anyone who doesn't could face a $40 million fine. people won't be able to sell their excess solar energy either. >> we are now competitive, and
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now the government don't want us to be competitive and they put attacks, and economical barrier that don't allow us to be in the market. >> for years, excessive spanish governments have supported all sorts of energy technologies with generous handouts, but now the current administration is trying to claw some of that money back. it didn't make anyone available for an interview, but legal experts say spain's energy finances are a mess. >> the spanish government has a serious problem. the energy system has accumulated debts of more than 26 billion you're rose. it's not public debt, it's consumer debt. it could con tam mate spain's public finances. >> whether spain will be able to meet its 2020 energy renewable targets is a question the e.u. demands an answer to. many will never touch solar
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energy again. >> critics call the tax a setback for the renewal energy, but spain hopes the reform will help settle a $35 billion debt. >> there's plenty of sun for those of you who do have solar panels. let's bring in meteorologist nicole mitchell. >> if you have one of those, some have them for their water heaters or whole house, doing good today, especially relative to yesterday. as we get the big picture across the country, we can see a few clouds getting into parts of the plains and rookies. a big chunk of the country is clear, especially after that front moved through the east coast, causing wind damage. cooler air is settling in behind that. along that front, we are going to see that you can still see a couple of showers along the southeast and the front, although off the coastline looks like a little area of low pressure is going to develop
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along that. that will train northward over the next couple of days. we are still going to have moisture chances, but here's wind damage we saw within the last 12 hours. prior to that, we were seeing really wind damage all the way through pennsylvania, starting in the early afternoon hours. over 100 reports, everything from power lines down to a semi knocked off on its side. that was really impressive wind yesterday as this system moved through. in the meantime, cooler air is now going to prevail, so temperatures that were more mid-70's into the 80's yesterday in the northeast are in the 60's and 70's, contrast that because the high pressure system in the great lakes that brings the air into the south as we head to the midsection of the country and because of that, where we just had a snowstorm, places like south dakota, back in the 60's and 70's again. it's going to be a mild forecast for the midsection of the country.
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if you are seeing lingering areas of snow on the ground, this is the time of year it melts very quickly, because the ground is still a little warm from the summer, and then you get air like this on top of it. that snow is not going to last too long for us, but because of that, there's enough wind still through the region with that pattern set up that watch for the red flag fire warnings to increase in places like kansas for the rest of the day. we'll talk more about that storm and the northeast and cooler air in the next hour. >> we have sports and three teams looking to advance in the mlb playoffs, including the dodgers. >> indeed, it made for exciting baseball. the dodgers first to make the playoffs, first toed advance. they had a chance to move on. game four of their divisional series tied at two in the seventh. a single to center plates a run. a lead taken into the eighth.
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>> that's gone! the dodgers lead! >> was not uribe hit a huge home run for the giants in the 2010 world series, two years later, the bomb. the big fella struggled with a heart condition in his career but looks healthy and strong now, striking out the side to send the dodgers into the alcs. >> monday night in tampa, the rays in their series against boston. seemed poise to end this game, but the raise third baseman evened the score in the fifth to tie the game. the red sox tie it in the top of the ninth, setting the stage
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with two outs in the bottom of the ninth, there's your ballgame, hits the first walk off home run in raise playoff history. tampa wins 5-4. game four today in tampa. >> we will be talking about our guy. he throw it to me and i hit it pretty good. when i saw the ball going out, i was like it's unbelievable, it's something that you can't explain. >> in the national league, the cardinals in an elimination situation against the pirates in game four, the rookie who leads them is the guy who took a no-hitter into the ninth in his last regular season start. monday, the young fella was mowing the pirates down. took him six innings to strike out nine. matt holliday provided all the offense the cardinals needed and
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there was much rejoicing throughout the dugout. alvarez blasts a one out solo home run to left field. besides ending the no-no that cut the pirates deficit to one. the cardinals hang on to win 2-1, forcing a game five wednesday. >> coming into this week, the new york jets had to wonder if rookie smith was their long term answer quarterback. through four games, he was on pace to turn the ball over 44 times this season. the rookie grew up big time monday night in atlanta, didn't turn the ball over once and threw lasers like this one for the second quarter touchdown top put the jets up 10-7. smith led the jets to a 20-14 lead. rolling right, touchdown, jets. first play after two minute
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warning, matt ryan hits 11 vein for the score. atlanta up one. 44-yard field goal as time expired put the jets on the plane home with a 30-28 win. smith went 4-4 and rushed for eight yards on the final drive to set up the field goal. >> i've been in this situation time and time again. just great to come out with a team victory. we bounced back from a tough one last week. it's a mindset, and i made it my duty to come out here and not put the ball on the ground, not put my team in jeopardy. it came down to a last second job, but we stood up tonight and that speaks volumes about this team's character. >> that is your morning sports. >> >> one man on a crusade against childhood obesity. >> soda, and then gatorade
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stuff, and then this stuff. i mean, this is what we're up against, really. >> what he's doing to improve the health of teens in his community. millions who need assistance now. we appreciate you spending time with us tonight. up next is the golden age of hollywood going golden but elsewhere. why l.a.'s mayor has declared a state of emergency for the entertainment industry there. next.
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>> we started a social justice movement. >> food in security means they don't have enough to eat or the food doesn't have enough nutritional value to keep them healthy. >> travis started gardening with sean and other local teenagers as a direct response to childhood obesity. 30% of new mexican's children don't have access to healthy food, most from low income families. this is the neighborhood's only grocery store. >> soda, soda, soda. gatorade stuff. this stuff. i mean, this is what we're up against, really, is this intense amount of junk food at our stores like this. >> they did manage to find some fruit and vegetables, but it comes at a high price.
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two drinks, two hall pancreas and two bananas for $10.53. if you're in there and only have a limited budget, you're going to go with the cheap junk food. >> this market is not a big business with, but sets an example. >> if they grow up and say i have a right to see locally grown food in every place that sells food, that would be awesome. it shouldn't be certain neighborhoods that have that, it should be every neighborhood. >> these activists know they have a long way to go before all americans will demand nutritious food and be able to afford it. they believe it's a necessary struggle, in order to give future generations the healthy upbringing they deserve. aljazeera, abbekirk key, no mexico. >> urban farming has grown in popularity, providing affordable and sustainable goods to cities across the u.s. >> we're now in day eight of the
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partial federal government shutdown, the nation edging closer to the october step debt ceiling deadline. >> violence in egypt as security forces were attacked. new protests of ousted president mohamed morsi are planned for today. >> the supreme court has opened a new material. today they will decide if they hear a case on campaign contributions. >> the jets may have finally found themselves a quarterback. he's got a great last name, too. monday night football ahead in sports. >> the storm system that went through the northeast has brought cooler temperatures. i'll have your national forecast. >> we're back with you in two and a half minutes. on inside story, we bring together unexpected voices closest to the story, invite hard-hitting debate and desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you.
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[[voiceover]] from al jazeera media network comes a new voice of journalism in the u.s. >>the delta is a microcosm of america. [[voiceover]] we tell the human story, from around the block, across the country, with more points of view. >>if joe can't find work, his family will go from living in a motel to living in their car. [[voiceover]] connected, inspired, bold. >>about a thousand protestors have occupied ...
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>> the government is already shutdown, now congress faces off over the debt ceiling debate. senate democrats will move ahead with a plan to raise the nation's borrowing limit despite opposition from the republicans in the house. >> new protests are planned in egypt fooling series of violent clashes in cairo that left dozens dead over the last two days. north korea issuing a warning to the u.s. and south korea saying it is ready to strike against what it calls their hostility. even though the government is closed, the supreme court is open for business. we'll break down important cases the justices will have to
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decide. >> >> good morning. i'm del walters, the government shutdown now in its second full week and another day of political wrangling on capitol hill lying ahead. hundreds of thousands of americans are still unable to return to work as the possibility of a new and larger crisis is looming, and it is now coming into focus. if congress fails to raise the debt ceiling in just nine days, the government won't be able to pay its bills for the first time ever. aljazeera's white house correspondent has more. >> president obama was home bound, visiting fema headquarters, where 86% of workerser furloughed. the president drew a hard line. >> we're not going to negotiate under the threat that a prolonged shutdown until republicans get 100% of what
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they want. >> the democratic message, the votes are there in the house to pass a spending bill that funds the government and leaves the health care allow untouched. only house speaker john boehner needs to allow a vote. >> i ask the speaker, why are you afraid? are you afraid this measure will pass, the government will reopen and americans realize you took the country hostage for no apparent reason? >> boehner insists the votes are not there and calls for the president to come to the table. >> now the american people expect when their leaders have differences, we're in a time of crisis, that we'll sit down and at least have a conversation. really, mr. president, it's time to have that conversation, before our economy is put further at risk. >> and so it goes. each day brings a new trial balloon, another grand bargain? no chance. a short term extension? unlikely. as the debt ceiling approaches,
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some of saying what congress says is unthinkable, default. in the house, conservatives push boehner not to give on spending or the debt. >> why do i fight over funding bills, the debt ceiling and socialized medicine? because too many washington politicians pander to next election voters without caring one twit about america's future. >> aljazeera, the white house. >> for more on the ongoing showdown, randall joins us from washington. there are reports that harry reid may roll out a stand alone measure that would raise the debt ceiling, putting things right back into the house. is this a real solution or political postitureing? >> probably both.
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he is talking about presenting a bill and having a test vote later this week. the problem in the senate, there is a possibility of a filibuster, and so in order to prevent a filibuster, reed is going to have to get some republicans to support a clean bill, and right now, we hear a number of senators saying they want to make sure there is a debt limit amendment object debt ceiling increase. we'll see where that goes. >> that effect of a shutdown has been muted by the pentagon bringing back most of its employees and congress granting back pay to furloughed workers. does that lessen the pressure on congress to resolve this dispute? >> certainly with he haven't seen any lessening of the poll results. right now, the republicans have seen their disapproval ratings go up, as this crisis has continued from 63% disapproval to about 70%, according to the
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latest washington post poll. president obama's unfavorability ratings are about the same. i think it's going to take a few more days before we see how this all washes out with the public, but obviously, this can't go on forever. the nation is facing a serious crisis, and world markets are already beginning to be a bit rattled. >> other poles indicate things are not going withle for either party. congress is taking a beating in the polls. there is a new poll out showing just 11% approve, be this is the gallup poll right now, shows the overall approval rating for congress has fallen from 19% in september to just 11% this month, the second lowest since gallup has been taking polls. while the republican party is getting host of the heat, a
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recent pew poll finds 38% of americans think that republicans are to blame for the shutdown, 30% blaming the obama administration, 19% blame both republicans on democrats. >> at least nine are dead after gunman and suicide bombers attacked forces in three egyptian cities. no group that claimed responsibility for the attacks. this follows massive protests in cairo sunday where at least 50 supporters of ousted president mohamed morsi were killed by egyptian forces. we are joined by phone with a special aljazeera correspondent who is in egypt. for security reasons, we will not identify the reporter's name or location, but begin with a question that is becoming all too common, is there calm on the streets of cairo today? >> generally speaking, yes, but one place protests are happening
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is outside the universities. we know of at least 300 protestors who have emerged from cairo university and come out on to the streets protesting, and these are people who are members of the anti coup alliance. there's a small but vociferous protests on the streets of cairo today there. generally speaking, there isn't the sort of ground swell of protests you saw earlier in the last few days on sunday, where thousands of people took to the streets. >> no groups have taken responsibility for the attacks on monday. is it safe to assume that we're looking at payback for sunday's protest in cairo in which 50 of the pro morsi demonstrators were killed? >> i don't think we can make that sort of assumption. there's no evidence whatsoever to suggest the kinds of people on the streets sunday who were either members of the muslim brotherhood or the umbrella organization, the anti coup
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alliance had anything to do with the attacks. they were in areas where there has been violence before and there's a history. the location is a hotbed of militants. >> it has so oh much trade going through it, the government takes measures to assure trade isn't affected. in sinai where the policeman were killed is an area that hasn't had the political trouble that the rest of egypt has suffered in the past few years. i think we should be very cautious about saying that the attacks on monday had any connection whatsoever with sunday. >> also, another development concerning the muslim brother hood, judges recommend that the political freedom and justice organization be dissolved.
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>> the muslim brotherhood rejects every move from this government they would call a regime. they say their government, the government of their president mohamed morsi is the legitimate government and therefore any action taken by the military who now rule is illegitimate and therefore not something -- >> we seem to have lost our communication in cairo. once again, our special correspondent there, we do not name him because of the security concerns in that country. >> north korea put its military on high alert, crying foul after the u.s. started carrying out naval drills off the coast of south korea. this comes after intense rhetoric against the u.s. and south korea. north korea officials warn there could be disastrous consequences. we have more. >> two developments of note on tuesday, north korea's statements really attacking south korea and the united
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states over the joint military exercises, which are going on or due to be going on off the coast of south korea also involving japan, north korea putting its army on alert, saying it had to be ready to promptly respond to aggressive action from the i am pealists and they are allies. more interesting is what the national intelligence service here has been saying to the national assembly on tuesday. we're getting more information coming out of this closed session, a proper briefing now about what was said, and what is being said is confirmation as far as the south careens are concerned that the reactor that restarted, north korea did carry out a long-range rocket engine test, both of these in august. kim jong-un has been saying he
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will retake the peninsula by force in three years. even if that's just to try to rally the troops, the very senior troops around him, an interesting development nonetheless. as well as that, they believe that he's replaced now 44% of the more than 200 most senior officials in korea just within the last 18 months, so an interesting assessments from the national intelligence service and a return to slightly more hostile rhetoric from north korea over the last few days, including tuesday. >> joining us from seoul, south korea. >> tens of thousands without power following a record breaking snowstorm in south dakota. it dumped four feet of snow in parts of the state. four were killed in the powerful blizzard. cattle ranchers lost up to half of their herds. the storm blanketed parts of
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wyoming and colorado with snow. for the latest on that storm, we bring in nicole mitchum. >> if you don't like the weather, just wait a few minutes. if you don't like the season, wait a couple of days. it's feeling like winter. look at what we already have now. temperatures have rebounded. if you're in an area with a little snow left on the ground, the combination of the fact that the ground is still warm from coming out of summer, and now these temperatures, this is going to melt it off very quickly, anything that is left. we are seeing temperatures today easily in the 60's in the western portions of the dakotas, but as we get even farther east from that, more 70's back in the forecast. it doesn't feel like we've just had a snowstorm. with the road closures and everything else, you definitely pettitte. part of the reason we are getting the warm air in is because we still have low pressure to the west of this, high pressure to the east, and between that, you get a flow
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that's a little more out of the south. anywhere as we're heading from parts of new mexico all the way up into minnesota, you have a corridor of stronger winds, a lot of these in the 20-30-mile per hour range. the fire risk is increased. the high pressure i mentioned south of the great lakes is keeping things dry. that is great news, because that storm system that moved through is clearing out, so better weather today for the east coast. back to you. >> u.n. inspectors are working to destroy those chemical weapons in syria. we'll tell you what the organization plans to do now to speed up the process. >> world leaders wrap you go up their economic summit in bali. what did and did not get done. >> the next potential victim of the stalemate in washington could be social security recipients. what could happen if the
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nation's debt limit isn't raised.
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>> the u.s. has played a vital role in the apec summit, but president obama was missing because of the shutdown. we have more from bali. >> the summit has now officially been wrapped up, the leaders are all going home, we are now left with the question, how is this summit going to be remembered if at all. it was interesting to hear from the european president last night when he opened the dinner for the leaders and he said what we normally remember were the leaders usually remember is the food they had at this official dinner. of course it was a joke, but symbolizes it is wine and dine content of this summit, but of course, there's a lot more to it. of course, it's not a summit with jaw comes and decisions,
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but about commitments and meetings. what has come out of this meeting is that people have committed leaders in the region have committed to this very important asia pacific region that holds more than 50% of the worlds g.d.p. that's what has been coming out of this meeting. of course, we don't see any really concrete results, but economies are struggling nationally, then was it's very important that they actually come together here at the world forum and speak about about still working together for economic growth and doing investment here in the other countries in the asia pacific which is very important. >> some asia watchers are calling mr. obama's absence a diplomatic disaster. >> in syria, u.n. inspectors are destroying chemical weapons there. 100 workers have been sent in to handle that task.
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this as russian president putin said he and president obama have a common understanding of what needs to be done in syria. we have more. >> the u.n. secretary has outlined his plans to increase the number of chemical weapons inspectors in syria. his plans involve around 100 experts, administrators as well as security officers to take a staging base inside where they will work on dismantling syria's stockpiles of chemical weapons. there are already 35 inspectors working in syria, so now this plan still requires approval from the united nations security council. on a related subject, with the war on syria, a u.n. body has warned to the number of syrian refugees would increase up to 5 million people by the end of
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2014. the u.n. also predict that by the end of 2014, more than half of syria's 23 million people would be either ref joes or internally displaced. >> u.s. and russian officials are pushing for syrian peace talks in mid november, but it's not clear if they can get all sides to the table. >> syria is not the only country where big changes are happening, egypt, iran and others are hot spots around the world and undergoing almost constant change. ian before himmer is the president of the eur asia group. in syria, there is focus on the chemical weapons being destroyed, but the opposition group say the world is losing sight of the fact that hundreds of thousands have died and
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millions displaced. are they incorrect? >> no, i don't think the world ever had focus. it's hard to lose something you never picked up. certainly none of what we've seen over the past two years has done well for the people of syria. the americans were never interested, the american people never interested in playing a direct intervention in syria. obama was retuck factual to do the absolute minimum militarily and there wasn't much push back from the democrats or republicans. very few alice of the united states want to pick up the ball and run with it. i wouldn't say chemical weapons are a distraction in the sense that there is an important principling upheld internationally, which will have an impact on iran, as well, but none of this helps the syrian people and assad looks more entrenched than he has in the past year. >> some are saying we're returning to the insurgency as
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we were in the 1990's. >> sectarian conflict in the middle east is going to grow, because absent international engagement from the u.s. and allies, there are lots of countries in the region that will have strong support. >> the public says they don't want to get involved. >> which public? >> the american public and european public. >> it's clear that the united states does not want to be the world's policeman. obama has said as such and made it clear the u.s. doesn't want to be involved in in terrible civil wars. the folks that will be are from the region. those countries will have different preferences and outcomes, whether talking about egyptian, qatar, iran, turkey. they all support very different outcomes. of course you're not going to expect a positive stablized stad
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equal lib ream to come out of that. >> israel comes out and says iran is a wolf in sheep's clothing. what should we make now of iran? >> i actually think there is progress in iran and the progress comes not from obama trying to shake his hands, it's from years of tough sanctions to the iranian economy. not just the united states and japan, the europeans as well. they had a listen to the germans, have a more unified position on iran, meaning more sanctions. the reason we have a new president in iran that wants to engage diplomatically is because the international community has tripled the iranian economy. that means the u.s. doesn't need
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to threaten bombing iran. it only needs to continue to lead this coalition and that's been effective. >> should we see, i guess mixed signals coming out of iran for more critical reasons than actual reasons, who should we listen to? >> they have been much closer in terms of the outcomes they'd like to see. i'm not so interested in rhetoric on israel, the same way not interested much in netanyahu's rhetoric on iran. i'm more interested in what these countries do. obama has been clear there's no trust, they want verification. the u.s. has largely failed in syria. the united states has so far succeeded in iran in really slowly and incrementally putting enough pressure to get the iranians to the table. we don't know to what he can sect they are prepared to end what has clearly been a nuclear
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weapons program, albeit over many, many years and incrementally, we'll find that out. >> thanks for being with us this morning. coming up in our next half hour, we go from international affairs to problems here at home. we will continue our conversation with mr. before himmer about the ongoing government shutdown. >> the winner of the 2013 nobel prize in physics are in. that announcement was made about an hour ago in sweden. >> the royal swede issue academy of sciences has decided to award the 2013 prize in physics aprofessor englert. and professor peter higgs. >> those men were proven right just last year after a
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prediction in 1960 with the so-called god particle. >> there was a big bang when many scientists thinks it all started. these became the building blockion of our world, but why and how this happened is a mystery. >> one theory was and continues to be tested at the research center near geneva, switzerland. scientists have been shooting atoms do you know tunnel to see what happens when they collide. in march, they confirmed the existence of a sub atomic particle that turns energy into mass. this particle is named after the man who first suggested it might exist, now noble price winner peter higgs. >> we new so little about where this particle might be in mass, and therefore how high an energy machines would have to go before it could be discovered, and
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there's been a very long development over the years of technology of building machines at higher and higher energy. >> now that they know where to find it, scientists are trying to understand how it works. like other important discoveries of the past, they hope over time their work will lead to a new understanding of the physical world and new technologies that could change the lives of us all. >> the professor congratulated all of those who contributed to understanding the origin of sub attackic mass particles. >> there's a lot at stake. reports say the social security administration is now warning it k guarantee checks will be sent out if the government's borrowing limit isn't raised. the agency started to receive calls from people worrying how
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the shutdown will affect their monthly payments. the agency decided to warn people after speaking with the treasury department. the treasury will determine how payments will be made but has not yet laid out a priority list. wall street futures flat this hour. investors maybe taking a breather from the recent selling in days. below 15,000 again, at 14936, the s&p at 3076 and nasdaq 3770. european markets are down north second straight day. tokyo and hong kong posted modest gains. investors are now getting ready for earnings season. today, we finds out how much money former stock alcoa and young brands have made. this could cause more buying and selling in the market.
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the french technology company is cutting $10,000 jobs. 2100 will be here in the united states. the company is facing stiff competition from china and trying to speed up a turnaround. two years later than planned, the new $100 bill will hit the streets today. it has several features designed to make it more difficult for counterfeiters to copy. the image of benjamin franklin stayed the same on the current bill. >> i want to go back to the social security benefits. how soon could we see those cut? >> as soon as this month. come october 17th, the treasury will have a difficult decision to make, whether to service existing federal debt, think about those u.s. treasuries, 10 year notes that are so widely traded around the globe, or to make money available for federal benefits like social security. >> and october 17, that deadline
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looming large. how are the markets responsibilitying? >> the markets are nervous. you remember those credit default swaps everybody was talking about a few years ago? those are insurance against losses on bonds. right now, that insurance for u.s. treasuries is selling at a two week high. that again suggests how nervous the markets are. >> they have reason to be nervous. thank you very much. >> the government shutdown having wide ranging implications. we'll tell you how it's putting some women and their families further at risk for domestic violence. >> the taliban, vowing a new attack on this young girl. she survived their first attempt to kill her, just because she thought that girls should get an education. >> three teams had a baseball's chance to advance monday, but only one actually did. details ahead in sports.
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[[voiceover]] there's more to america. more stories. more voices. more points of view. >>from our headquarters in new york ... [[voiceover]] now there's a news channel with more of what americans want to know. >>i'm ali velshi, and this is real money. >>this is america tonight. >>our news coverage, reporting, and documentaries explore, inspire, and reveal more of america's stories. >>i'm here to investigate genetically modified salmon.
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>> victims of domestic violence could soon have one less flies turn. due to the government shutdown, government programs once considered essential are running out of money they need to operate. we report. >> hank runs a shelter for victims of domestic violence in washington, d.c. her program release on government money to function. it's already dealing with a shortage of funding because of federal budget cuts, but now with the partial government shutdown, she fears that soon... >> there's not going to be anyplace for survivors to run to in emergency and bottom line, more will end up on the street or end up god only knows, dead as a result of domestic violence because they had no place to go. >> she estimates she can keep the shelter running for two more weeks, then the emergency money from the government will run out. president obama claimed there is a way to end america's fiscal
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deadlock that's kept government programs closed for a week. >> the truth is there are enough republican and democratic votes in the house of representatives right now to end the shutdown. >> a top republican in congress is blaming democrats and the president for the political brinksmanship that's about to get worse. october 17, the u.s. faces defaulting on its debt payments for the first time in history if congress does not lift its borrowing limit. >> the president had us all down to the white house last week only to remind me that he was not going to negotiate over keeping the government open or over the looming need to increase the debt limit. the president's refusal to negotiate is hurting our economy and putting our country at risk. >> for now, it is ordinary americans suffering with government services they counted on disappearing. the u.s. transportation safety
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board says it now won't investigate some transportation accidents, including this one over the weekend that killed a contractor working on the washington, d.c. subway system. >> it's really fast, ok? >> the center for disease control is no longer tracking flu outbreaks, because two thirds of its staff has been told to stay home. new strains of the illness may go undetected, another government program on hold, putting thousands of americans at risk. aljazeera, washington. >> for more on the government shutdown, we return to ian bremer, the president of a grube that is a global political risk and consulting if i recall. let's shift to domestic policy, some reading the tea leaves believe there might be some last minute deal. should we be optimistic that we will avoid the debt ceiling? >> sure, we should be optimistic that the u.s. is not going to default. if i was advicing the rating
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agencies, i would say downgrade the u.s. at your peril and embarrassment. that's not going to make it feel that the american government is functioning efficiently. it's a last minute pass and you have an absence of willingness to go to grand bargain that would allow these going forward. >> you said there are no republicans whose seats are at risk, bottom line, no one has anything to lose by not doing anything. >> this is the issue with the house. the last time the united states faced a shutdown was 1995. at that point, there were some 35% of republicans were in seats that they won, but clinton had actually won those districts in the earlier presidential election. today, the percentage of republicans in seats that obama won is well under 10%. >> so you don't think there's going to be that big shift from the mid terms because the people in those districts aren't really
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upset. >> i think redistricting in congress has created safe seats for both the house republicans and democrats, so they're not vulnerable. i think the media social networking your twitter feed means if you're a dem, you don't listen to republican criticism, if you're a republican, you don't listen to democratic criticism. in congress, there's a much greater differentiation in the united states. >> some republicans have been saying that we're not going to be seeing arm what get don. you can. >> you can close down websites
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but how many americans see overall, the markets and companies are performing well. the leadership understands that an actual default would be very damaging to the u.s. economy and to themselves politically. that's true for the leadership of both parties. ultimately this time around, you will end up with a small deal, but absent pain and consequences, people don't act. that is precisely what we're seeing in a very divided u.s. government. >> beyond that, beside the fact the international community seems to be bewildered and beputled by what's going on in washington, is there any long term damage being done to the united states by the fact that two parties can't get along?
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>> there is damage, but not to the u.s. economy. if you're chinese and worth a million dollars, you're still interested in making sure you buy real estate here in new york as opposed to keeping it in china, interested in sending your kids to college in the u.s. that is not changing. the perception of what the u.s. is prepared to do for its allies, how much money its willing to expend, how much time it's going to engage in asia and other parts of the middle east, what the u.n. wants in foreign policy, that you are seeing a change. many american allies and antagonists are looking at the u.s. and seeing that they may be wanting to engage in hedging strategies. >> thank you very much. >> we turn to afghanistan now where afghan president has mid
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karzai saying stability has not been brought to his country. >> whenever they have found it suitable to them, they have acted against our sovereignty. this has been a serious point of contention between us. >> the comments come as the u.s. tries to negotiate a long term security deal in afghanistan. karzai ruled out signing any deal until issues over sovereignty can be resolved. >> a little girl was shot in the head by the taliban when she was 15 years old. the pakistan. >> i taliban said it stands by
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its decision to target the young education activist, saying they will kill her if given a chance. she now lives in england with her family. she wants to go back to pakistan when she finishes her education. >> nearly 5 million people in southeastern china are coping with the after effects of a typhoon. it will cost $160 million to rebuild after that typhoon struck early monday. the storm had 94-mile an hour winds and dumps up to eight inches of rain in some areas. dozens have been killed, others still mitting. >> for more on our national forecast, we turn to nicole mitchum. >> fortunately, that typhoon dissipated as it moved onshore, but we have another in this region of the world. the western pacific are most active basins. if you look at the atlantic or eastern pacific, this is where
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we tend to see the most storms. a typhoon is what we in the united states call a hurricane at least in the atlantic base that's what it's called. you can see he this pretty clearly. earlier images here, a very defiant eye wall was moving near okinawa, so the southern reaches of japan. what we would have called a category four at that time. now you can see it diminishing as it moves between south korea and japan with, still bringing all that wind and water to both of those areas. as we get back to the united states, a much calmer foreclosure. we were pretty busy, that same storm system that brought the storms to the northeast had previously brought the storm to the northern plains. all of that has changed now. it's a very sunny forecast for a lot of the midsection of the country now that high pressure is in place just south of the great lakes region. because of that, we have a couple of things going on. we are seeing that the lingering front along the coastline is going to bring showers to the
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southeast, but along that, we could have a low pressure area develop and skirt its way back up the coastline, so along the coast over the next couple days, more getting northward into wednesday and thursday. do still watch for some moisture, but the band of showers, the storms from yesterday, that has cleared out for now, and with that, we had a lot of wind damage yesterday, over 100 reports, almost 115 mostly from pennsylvania northward. this covers the last 12 hours, but farther south was included in that, everything from trees down to a semi everturned as a storm system moved through. the wind has cleared out with that. the cooler air has moved back in across the region, so the high pressure is in place. that's kind of that flow around the northside bringing the canadian air in. on the southern side of all of that, it's if you know he will go warm air into the midwest so where we just had the storm, temperatures rebounded into the
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60's and 70s. if you're in an area with lingering snow, that's going to melt before too long out there. >> from a typhoon, to a jet. >> coming into this week, the new york jets had to wonder if the rookie was their long term answer for quarterback. >> he threw lacers for the second quarter touchdown. by the fourth quarter, smith led the jets to a 20-14 lead. back the end zone, touchdown, jets. atlanta in big trouble. matt ryan hits for the score.
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extra point puts atlanta up one. 44-yard field goal put the jets on the plane home with the win. 30-28, smith went 4-4 and rushed for eight yards on the final drive to set up the field goal. >> i've been in this situation time and time again and just great to come out with a team victory. we bounced back from last week. we've got to put it behind us. it's a mindset. i made it my duty to not put the ballgame on the ground, not put my team in jeopardy. it came down to a last second job against a tough atlanta team on the road. that speaks volumes about this team says character. >> how about the l.a. dodgers, first to make the playoffs, first to advance. they had a chance monday to move on if they got past the braves one last time. game four of their divisional series, tied at two in the seventh. a single to center plates a run.
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the braves took a 3-2 lead in the eighth. >> drilled to left. that ball is gone! the dodgers lead! >> juan uribe hit a home run, a huge one for the giants in the 2010 world series. his two-run bomb sends the dodgers into the nlcs. they beat the braves 4-3. >> monday night, the raise trying to stave off elimination against boston.
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two outs in the bottom of the ninth and there's your ballgame. hits the first walk out of home run in raise playoff history. tampa wins it 5-4. game four today in tampa. >> we'll be talking about our guy. he throw it to me and i just hit it pretty good. i was thinking just a homer. i saw the ball going out. i was like, i mean, it's unbelievable. it's something that you can't explain. >> in the national league, the cardinals in elimination situation themselves against the pirates in game four and a rookie would lead them, 22-year-old micah with a no-hitter, monday picked up right where he left off.
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it took him six innings to strike out nine. matt holliday provided all the offense the cardinals would need. much rejoicing through you the dugout. a one out solo home run ends the no-no and cut the pirates deficit to just one. a game five in st. louis wednesday. >> the tigers face elimination at home today against the a's. >> the supreme court, their new term now officially underway. the important cases and the controversial issues that are facing the high court. >> another day, another arrest in that wild new york city motorcycle melee. the latest details in the road rage case straight ahead.
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more critical power. >> on abortion, the supreme court will review a massachusetts law that establishes buffer zones that limit where protestors can demonstrate. the court will decide whether the buffer zones outside clinics vital a protestors first amendment rights to free speech. >> it's not just michigan wolverines and michigan state spartans watching when the state rules on limiting race as a consideration for state university admissions. the ruling could also affect admission practices at public universities nationwide. >> the court will also visit contraception. the new health care allow said
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birth control must be covered by insurance offered to workers through their employers. religious groups argue that coverage requirement is upconstitutional. women's rights groups notice nobody ever questions insurance plans that cover viagra. >> the supreme court will address the scope of executive power by defining what the constitution means when with vacancies that can be filled up. president obama has used the recess pure put administration officials and judges into office while the senate is on break and not able to confirm nominees. >> the court sharply divided by idealogy, the swing justice in most cases will again be anthony kennedy, the one in the center in the glasses with his hands up. last week, he gave a speech lamenting the role the supreme court now plays. he said any society that relies on nine unelected judges to resolve the most serious issues of the day is not a functioning democracy.
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>> not a functioning democracy? well, the nine unelected judges of the supreme court usually function by delivering their rulings in the late spring. >> the high court usually reviews 75 cases each year. it has agreed to hear 44 cases and there are 25 more set for oral argument this fall. joining us to break down see cases is a professor at brooklyn law school. he has argued before the supreme court. there are usually two to three key cases that everybody talks about. what are those cases this term? >> mr. shooter pointed them out. we've got affirmative action coming up next week, campaign finance, and weaver got public prayer, the three big ones on the docket. a less sexy one is recess appointments, highly charged issue given the ongoing standoff between the president and congress and his ability to
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appoint officials without congress's advice and consent, so that's going to be a real knock down-drag out fight. >> the court is going to review a case concerning finance contribution limits again. some say the last time the court got involved in this issue, it was a disaster, the citizens united case. is there a possibility that the court would do an about face? >> i don't think it's going to be an about face. there certainly is a possibility. i do not see them extending citizens united ruling, a corporate ruling to the limits on individual direct contributions to political campaigns and essentially deregulating the entire campaign finance regime. i don't see that happening, given the public outcry last time and chiefs justice roberts' in substitution at concerns about the court's ongoing integrity. >> some say the system is broken
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and the court has to do something. they point to that last election in which we were talking about a billion dollars presidential election, just running for a congressional seat these days, two to $4 million, depending on the district. can the court stand by and not reign in campaign finance? >> in the opening, we heard justice kennedy lamenting the court's role as an increasingly politicized body. i don't personally think it's the court's role to get involved in politics and do what our elected officials seem to be incapable of doing. it's puzzling that kennedy on the one hand laments the court's politicization. >> are they delving into politics? >> we have changing mothe ideasa
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society. we have continued relevance and necessity of affirmative action. >> is this court going to be remember for one key thing, and if so, what will it be? >> so far, weaver got the health care ruling and same-sex marriage as the signatures of the court. this is the roberts, the ninth year of the roberts era, and his legacy is yet to be determined. >> thanks for being with us. >> that will do it for this edition of aljazeera. more news in just two and a half minutes.
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there's more to it. >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello, welcome to the news hour. i'm live in doha, our top stories on al jazeera. the u.s. defense department says a senior al-shabab figure was planning several extremist attacks. north korea warning the u.s. of a horrible disaster after a giant american aircraft carrier docks in south korea. un inspectors go to work on the duc


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