tv News Al Jazeera October 10, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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good evening over one welcome to al jazeera i'm john siegenthaler in new york. no deal on the government shutdown but the two sides talk and are expected to talk again tonight. >> plus, stock optimism even the mention of a deal had the stocks soring today. we'll look at whether the traders optimism was premature. the ki kidnapping. the prime minister was abducted at gun point. one. mercury 7 astronauts has died. we'll look back at scott
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carpenter's mission. ♪ for now they started talking. the president met with g.o.p. leaders this afternoon at the white house. there could be more talks tonight. it's the most activity we have seen since the government shutdown ten days ago. one republican called the talks useful and productive, but no deal on the shutdown or the debt ceiling. mike viqueira is standing by at the white house. another day of political theater what does it mean? >> this is a little more substancetive. there is no break through to this impasse. with one week to go the possible default for the october 17t october 17th deadline for congress to act to race the debt ceiling. it's movement and significant movement. house republican leaders were here for an hour and a half this
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evening with the president. all happening behind closed doors. the vice president was there and the treasury secretary as well. talking about a new republican proposal. the republicans and democrats have not swallowed it hole whi e quite yet. they do cite continued progress going on here in a statement that republicans say that even opening the government is now on the tabl taibility table and tha change. eric cantor is a republican leader from the house of representatives. he returned from the white house to the capitol and reporters were there waiting for him. he filled them in. >> we had a very useful meeting. it was clarifying for bea for bs as to where we are. the take away from the meeting was that our teams are going to be talking further tonight. we'll have more discussion. we'll come back to have more discussion. the president said that he would go and consult with the
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administration folks and hopefully we can see away forward after that. >> now how did all of this begin? this morning house republicans among themselves gathered in the basement of the capitol they talked for an hour afternoo and. listening to john boehner's plan of the six-week extension of the debt ceiling. and they want the president to sit down and negotiate a mini grand bargain with taxes on the table. and a lot of democrats have a problem with that. and what is left off the table is re-opening the government. there was some surprise when the white house signalled that they would agree with what the government is proposing. harry reid senate democrats were here in their own right before republicans and he says no how and no way we are going to talk about these big issues until the government is re-opened. let's listen. >> we are here, the government should be open, now, we should
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be able to pay our debts and as we have said and we will continue to say, if that happens we will negotiate on anything. anything. and the president confirmed that today. >> so there are unhappy democrats and nancy pelosi says it's not a smart idea. she wants a locke lock a longer. and harry reid and the democrats are unhappy. and what about the conservatives? these conservative packs the super pacts that have been funding conservative candidates that have republicans scared. they said they are going to give everyone a pass if they're going to vote for this six-week extension they are not going to count it against any conservative score card. they do keep score freeing up the conservation and giving a lot of people hope that a temporary solution is found to this impasse, john. all of the reporters are waiting
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for the speaker to come out of the white house aroun and he sls utah the bacoutthe back door. do we take anything from that? >> you have to read the tea leaves. remember the last time he had a conversation with the president and the president did leave the door open for a deal like the one on the table. john boehner characterized that as unconditional surrender. zblenches we hearwe heard from d john boehner had a meeting and we'll hear from him briefly. perhaps it was a positive development he didn't want to foul up any agreement that happened behind closed doors. >> are he thi they going to be g the lights on late tonight. >> we are not going to be seeing the president of we ar. we are not going to be seeing any administration officals and no background briefings. >> this is what happens.
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they communicate on the staff level throughout the evening. we saw that on the fiscal cliff and don't expect any breakthroughs tomorrow and tomorrow i is another day. it promises to be a long one. >> elaine is here in the studio with us tonight she is a professor of policy at the harvard school. >> good evening. thank you. >> what did you make of this? >> it was inevitable. and the longer it went on the worsworse and worse it became fr the republicans. everyone has to remember that the republicans had the votes from the beginning to pass the budget to open the government. john boehner was not ready to let that vote happen. >> i should point out you helped bill clinton get elected and you were a part of that movement. and your point of view? >> the same.
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story. the president always ends up winning this kind of confrontation. >> do you think so. >> the president has the bully pulpit. >> doesn'don't the american peoe always lose? >> the m american people always lose when it comes to not being able to keep open the government. >> the whole country loses. >> this is not a partisan statement. no matter who the president is, the president is the guy who has the responsibility for the whole country. the congress can act according to a faction and a wing of the party that has a policy agenda. and in the end bill clinton wanted it. >> bill clinton was a different president that barack obama. and i can see bill clinton pulling and all nighter with john boehner. and going up toot house of represenrepresentatives and sitn
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and talking. >> he stood his ground in 1 1995 and 1996 just like obama is doing now. the fact is that you have a minority of the united states congress trying to dictate policy when they don't control the other bra branch the senate. >> the rest of the republican party seems to be listing to them. including the house speaker. >> they are listening but they are pulling back there are business community lead eshesz t are saying stop this nonsense. and there are people that are willing to run because they are angry about this. >> they have over played their hand. >> we have been listening to eric cantor for the last ten days.
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i almost think there is a change of tone. >> there is a change of tone they are losing the battle of public opinion. and notice that eric cantor in the last 24 hours has moved away from obamacare and towards taxes and entitlement. as soon as that move happened that was a signal that they shifted their strategy once again. and they were losing on the first strategy and they were moving to a second strategy which they thought would be more popular. >> i will ask again, do you think the american people noticed when they made that move? >> it doesn't matter they will notice now because everybody is talking about it. i think quite frankly for the american people that is a more popular move. taxes and spending are more popular than fighting over a bill that has already passed. >> which may be unpopular. >> which may be unpopular. they were winning no points on n that. this was away out of a dead-end
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strategy. >> how do you see this playing out. >> i see this playing out with basically what is happening, it will play out on october 17th it will play out by then. october 17th is the end of the story. they will either extend the debt limit and or open the government or extend the debt limit by itself. >> do you sense that all of these stories, we are getting retdy tgettingready to do storie impact. is having an impact on what is going on inside of the capitol? >> of course it's having an imexact. yo-- impact. you wouldn't have the stratagies and they are measuring how it's going down. it's not going down very well. that is why you saw today a change of strategy. thanks very much. >> thank you.
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>> well hopes for a short term debt ceiling dealing hit the stock markets today. there was a similar reaction in january when congress agreed too a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff. later on we'll discuss on about today's optimism on wall street was premature. national parks are still closed down. in youtub utah five counties hae declared a state of emergency because the parks are not generating revenue. governors in four states have asked for the authority to re-open national parks. the department of the interior says it will if the states can fully fund their own workers. the price for the first ten days of the government shutdown that is $2.7 billion. that is according to economic coon salconsultants.
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with 750,000 employees off the job americans are starting to feel the pain. >> in colorado people who depend on tourism are suffering from the closure of rocky mountain national park. >> if in washington the people in washington don't find a way to work together, i don't know what will bh become of this country. the obama administration says they will let states use their own money to re-open parks. but one govenor says his state can't afford it. the farmers are feeling the effects of the shutdown across the country. in georgia the local farmer is quites offices are closed so farmers can't apply for loans or receive government checks for programs they are already enrolled in. >> they can't come to common ground. that is frustrating. in il illinois furloughed workes
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say when they can't go to work they can't protect the public. we do it through regulations and people being in the field inspecting wetlands and treatment fields and discharges. and if we are not out there, who is. and some workers are botherried about thry --worried about safeb there could be more accident. >> that is because the occupational health and safety are not investigating accident. they are ontari ontario only ing situations of grave danger and death. the debt ceiling next thursday could shave a half percentage point off the nation's gross domestic pr product for the last three months of the year. >> there is other news going on today. a victory for same sex couples in new jersey. a state judge denied govenor christie's request to delay gay
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marriage thees. that means they can start issuing licenses. >> the former mayor of detroit has been sentenced to 28 years in jail for corruption. kwame kilpatrick was convicted >> international inspectors working to destroy syria's weapons are making headway. they have been to three sites. the video she' shows the inspecs of undisclosed locations they have until next year to finish their work libera libya's prime minister is speaking out hours after being abducted.
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gunmen took him early this morning. >> libyan prime minister released 24 hours after his abduction from a tip poa lee ho. est hhe called for calm there. there are many things that need dealing with. the prime minister was set free after two militia brigades threatened to use force against his captors. what were the motives behind the capturing. last week's raid to catch an al qaeda suspect angered many libyans they accused the government of colluding with washington. >> the initial reports say the den had been taken over bribery allegations. he has said to have ir issued
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checks to guards. the prime minister's facebook page is said to show the moment of abduction. 150 gunman lay seige at the hotel at the time. he offered no resistance as he was led away offering speculation that an arrest warrant had been issued. >> people came with papers from the attorney general to arrest the prime minister. they came in and detained the prime minister without any damage or injury. >> however the attorney general's office told al jazeera that no arrest warrant had been issued. nor had there been an order to dito detain him. what has emerged is a picture of a weak gofl government and the kidnapping at the high over the loafl olevel of government whero
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official appears to be safe. >> the release and the prime minister's instablity and the threat of institutions that are meant to form the back won't of a new democracy. ♪ hello again. the cyclone is making it's way towards india. it's a strong cyclone. history-wise only three have made land fall in india. the track of the storm has stated consistent. but the inintensit intensity hae more consistent by the time it makes land fall it will be
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equivalent to a category ha 4 or just below a category fiv 5. the rain showers have not started on the coast and we are picking up a lot of storm surge. the greatest surge should be about six feet. even though it becomes a tropical storm and then down to a tropical depression. we think the rain will make it's way to the himalayas. more on that and your national weather coming up later in the hour. >> one of two remaining mercury 7 astronauts died today. scott carpenter was 88. he was second to orbit the earth. his flight was marred with technical glitches john glen is the only surviving member of the mercury 7 astronauts. a young girl attacked by the taliban for standing up for education is rewarded for her
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>> welcome back everyone. we are getting more news out of the white house. the president has signed a bill regarding death benefits for members of the armed force that's have died for this country. mike viqueira is standing by at the white house with more on that. that, mike? >> this is the most disturbing story to come out of the shutdown. the death benefit. >> if a soldier dic dies in comt and you are entitled to $100,000 in the days immediately after you suffer that casualty. that had been suspended.
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some 26 military personnel had died in pat e battle while thisd been suspended it became a national scandal that exploded. a competition ensued wea betweee white house and the congress. the department of defense arranged to enter into an agreement with the charity fisher. tonight the president has signed it, john. >> mike, didn't the president say he would veto any piecemeal legislation regarding the budget? >> he did. there are certain things he will sign. he did sign a military pay bill, if you recall. there have been several, at least a half dozen other bills that th has not gotten out of te senate. this is so pointient and visceral that it strikes the hearted of so many americans. not signing it or vetoing it was
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not an option. >> this is an issue that may have moved to bring congress together. >> mike viqueira assistanting by at the white house. we appreciate it. it's been a year since washington has legalized marijuana. now they are shopping for a bank that will accept deposit for pot sales. so you want to open a pot store. this is an important question. who is your banker. >> if you are up front with what you are doing you are not going to get banking. >> john davis is not up front. he owns a medical marijuana dispen scariry. dispensary. he runs his finances through a holding company. it's a front. it's what a prosecutor may call money laundering. >> perhaps, i would rather be in the court and say look i'm
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attempting to comply with the law. if you want to say that is money launderering fine but it's a vehicle i needed to pay my taxes. >> attorney david kerr specializes in marijuana law. >> banks run the risk of losing their federal deposit insurance if they are in the business of taking in and laundering the proceeds of criminal activity. >> the u.s. jus justice departmt says it won't sue states over legalzation. that is the internal policy and not the law of the land. how sensitive is this issue. this state's largest banking group, refused to discuss it even over the phone. the verity credit union told us this year that they were holding medical marijuana accounts and
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after consulting with their attorneys they closed to h those accounts. john has his own bank machine in the lobby but he has to stock it. am i going to stick it out. absolutely. the treasurer's office says they don't expect to have a problem with their current bayinger bank america. the view from the state capitol tax revenue is revenue. even if it's still defined as drug dealing. a canadian writer has won the nobel prize for literature. alice monda monroe is the mastef the contemporary short stories.
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she is known for her stories southwestern ontario. >> it's the human rights award. she is the front runner for this years' award. she earned global admiration for bravery after the taliban shot her in the head a year ago. well mark morgon i is with sports. it's a big day for baseball out in oakland. >> you and you are not the only ones that are waiting to are the final members. >> the detroit tigers and the oakland a's are battling for the right to move on to the
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championship series. last years' game was also in oakland. the home team sen sent rookie gy into the pressure cooker. he blanked out five and these two teams are scoreless in the top of the second. game one of the nlcs is set for tomorrow night in st. louis. joe kelly will take the monday. he pitched going five and a third innings he walked four and struck out five. he began the season as a relever and then moved into a starting rotation. >> will the financial belt tighten in tampa? >> racrays pitcher david price thinks so. he has said he is expecting to be traded. he may see his salary jump from
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blebenefits of families of falln troops. the benefits had been stopped due to the shutdown. the non-profit organization pledged to pay until the government funding is restored. they also have benefits for relatives of deceased military members. there is no decision on house leader john boehner's proposal to raid raise the debt
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ceiling. they spent an hour and a half this evening with president obama to discuss a temporary extension. the plan called for a six-week extension but would not end the government shutdown. wall street had high homes s that wil will there there was ae debt ceiling. the dow closed higher. the second bi biggest gain of te year. let's bring in hillary kramer she is the president and chief investment officer. welcome good to see you. what did the market say today? >> the market told us something important. the market is behind us. the october 17th deadline it will be done. there for the stock market was cheering and that is why we had an up 2% day. it was optimistic of a day on
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that level, of course now we have other things to worry about. >> they are betting on a deal but if the deal doesn't come tomorrow. what do you think will happen? >> the market will continue to have momentum and follow through here. many of the investors that were betting against the market had to scurry and buy stock and go longer to ensure they were back in the market. a deal whethe will come. there is nothing to stop a deal from happening. there is no external forces outside of the united states that will come into the picture. this is about people in washington that need to come to a conclusion. they are all posturing and making the american people uncomfortable and suffer. companies are saying they are going to furlough 4000 employees. companies like lougheed martin
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and there is a lot at stake and it could be followed through to a company's bottom line if the government stays shut town and - shutdown and goes one step further. >> you are optimistic there is going to be a deal. >> there is going to be a deal. >> so you say earnings are more important tomorrow than anything else. >> that is right. where we stand in the stock market in the third quarter we saw alco which kicks off earnings season report. alco came out and reported and did better than expected. there was talk about some toughness in china and concern there. as we move forward working through all of the s & p companies. we on wall street need to see that revenue is growing. and i need to hear that cea oo's are not concerned about china. half of the u.s. profit comes
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out of u.s. consumption. >> has there been damage done? >> i believe there is. when you ask me what will happen with the market? there is follow through and there is momentum there. don't think tomorrow we will be down and lose it all. >> the market is generally heading upward. but earning will weigh heavy because we may hear from other companies in addition to healthcare saying look, down the road this is going to hurt us. >> a month from now when we get the reports or two months from now when we see what is happening, and a lot of people cut back on their spending and people didn't have jocks o jobst jobs. >> we are in a recovery and america is struggling with a jobless recovery. it's a real conflict. people haven't gone back to work
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and the numbers are dereceiving. de-- deceiving. there for people taking furloughs and we have had the ceo of starbucks who was concerned. however the flip-side of it in 1995 and 1 1996 besaw a governmt shutdown and there was a splurge of spending that occurred. >> good to see you today. thanks for coming by to talk. >> thank you, john. the republican party is still demanding that the president makmake concessions. >> others want to move on. let's talk to libby casey in washington p that. how is the divide affecting the party? there are certainly tis distinct
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factions. there are those that are used to cutting dealing deals and workis the aisle to get things doesn't when they need to. and then there is the tea party conservation that are willing to go to the mat on issues. trying to cut down on the healthcare law and trying to curb the debt no matter the consequences. >> inspite of warnings from economists that breaching the debt ceiling would be a disaster for the u.s. economy, a group of u.s. conservative republicans are pushing back. ending upsetting some of the biggbusiness owners. the obama administration is devaluing the impacts of the debt ceiling. >> i think all of this talk about a default has been a lot of democra demgogary.
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>> nobody wants to default. and default and hitting the debt ceiling are two separate entities. >> the treasury second says failing to raise the debt ceiling by october 17th is potentially catastrophic. >> if congress fails to meet it's obligation. i have the ability to be transparent about these risks i think it would be a grave mistake to discount or miss them. i have urged congress to take action immediately so we can honor all of our countries past commitments. >> the u.s. chamber of commerce says the congress should enact to avoid substantial on the economy. the chamber's position is
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putting it at odds. the country's largest business organization spent more than $30 million in the last campain cycle trying to get republicans electioned. electioned -- elected. it spent $600,000 supporting democrats. holly wade says all of the fighting over the debt ceiling hurts small businesses. >> how the federal reserve responds is how the banks respond to the debt ceiling negotiations and things like that. it has a direct impact on small businesses and their ability to borrow and the cost of borrowing as well. so all of that will hurt small businesses. >> how much issues it will cause
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citdepends on one thing. >> we'll see if they are any closer to a resolution before this crucial deadline. they may have a couple days of wiggle room where they can prioritieprioritize payments. and the market could react dramatically sending off a chain of events. as we heard the political gridlock has hit home for people across the country the international institute of health has stopped accepting patient foss ar foss for clinic. leeeleo was diagnosed with cancn february and he was counting on the nih for help. i was on chemotherapy and it's run it's course. the large tumor was not growing, it was staying the same. the tumors around it have
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started to grow. >> chemotherapy has run it's course. so talking to my doctors they thought the best thing to do is to go on to this clinical trial. >> you were ready to start that clinical trial last week, what happened? >> i got a call from my doctor saying that it was on hold because the government was in shutdown. >> tell me your reaction. >> i was mad. i was so mad. my family was really mad. i just felt that the government wasn't doing enough for us at the time. they talked about helping out their people and so fort. forth. but it turned out to me they really weren't helping us at the time. >> what was the reaction in your community. >> the community was upset. >> i put a post on facebook and they contacted everyone from local news to congressmen and senators and to everybody. it was a real uproar.
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>> so what happened, you got help from your congressman bill keating the democrat how did that happen? >> yes he was contacted and then request bill keating contacted me over the phone and we spent a good hour over the phone talking about what has happened to my case. and how i was disappointed this did not go thank you. go through and this may be away to save my life. he said he would look into it and see what he could do. he was one. first people that told me that the clinical trial was passed. for me and one other person. and it looked like it was going to go and i went up yesterday and signed paper se so the clinl trial is now a go. >> i could see the smile on your face when you talk about
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starting on the trial. you have to know that there are other people like you who have not gotten in the trial. whether it's the specific case or not it's the issue of the shutdown that prevented them from getting that treatment. what do you say to them? >> never give up. three to get ahea ahold of a congressman or a sen senator. get it on facebook. get the community behind you. never give up. this could be the last time you try to get something successful for your help. >> leo, thanks for being on the program. >> we also got in touch with the congressman who helped leo fin. >> he said the nih is crucial for cancer patients. >> they say with this shut town they are keeping essential workers. people that may not have a title, the central workers initially and they are central
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and vital and it affects everyone. it's time to put the pol politis aside, frankly and i know this, there are enough people in the house of representatives 0 who will volt o vote on this issue f and let's deal with the issues we are supposed to. but right now too many people are affected in ways we'll never know. today the anniversary of the start of cuba's war of independents. -- independence. many cuban americas find themselves on opposite side when it comes to their ties to the island nation we speak t spoke a miami family about this again an generational divide. >> in this family th generations
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collide. the mother and father were exiled. >> i grew up hating the regime and hating communism. for their daughters cuba is a place they have heard about and wanted to visit. >> they are a part of us and we are a part of them and that is why we have to focus on bridging the gap. the two went to cuba and asked their father to come along. >> you are paying a lot to come back here. and a lot of that money is going right to the government. and they want to see where we are up. >> in many respects they are representatives of the generational shift at the cuban research institute has been tracking for to years. years. -- 20 years. gone are the days that americans supported the embargo against cuba. resent polls show there is it an even split when it comes to the
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embargo and re-establishing diplomatic relations with cuba. i consider it's a trading tool and it's a pawn in negotiations. i have not seen yet where the cuban regime had taken a position to accept the termination of the fargo and giving benefit to the cuban people. >> even with the split w. they stress it's likely cuban americans will continue to length politicians who tow the interestraditional line on poliy against even their own belief. >> most cuban americans who arrived in is th before 199 199y american citizens and cannot vote. it's largely controlled by the exiles who are more conservative. >> the sisters say they moved past the embargo and policy
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debate. they have been helping cengt cubans to the rest of the world through cell phones and media. >> my sister and i have and my generation have a lot more hope and i'm excited about the possibility of hope. i am putting it through the eyes of her daughter an hoping one day they will return to a free cuba. >> it's time to head down to washington, d.c. and joie chan is standing by. hey. >> is there any difference in washington that you noticed about the mood since the shutdown began? >> i think there is a lot of frustration in this town. everyone knows someone who works for the government at some level it's a company town after all washington, d.c. we have been
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watching closely and it is gets frustrating for people wh when y see what is going to on in the nation's capitol. we are going to continue to watch the bhow white house and capitol hill. >> what else do you have coming up tonight? >> we are going to focus on a seemingly endless fight. what is a community to do when drug lords take over? >> one answers is the locals to take on the drug lorsdz lords themselves. >> they have taken to protectening the streets themselves. it's one of the states with the highest my grant populations to the united states. with knows those that stand behind they are faced with reteen violence. they are do it yourself fighters. that has led to face off with the military. they just want to know if they can't trust the government, and they have no choice.
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>> the state will never take control. that is it impossible. we the people could take control of these things but the state will never do it. they don't have the capacity. >> is mexico any safer? with the vigilantes on patrol we'll explore the policing effort at the top of the hour. >> yeah america tonight is 12 minutes away with joie then. it's game five in oakland for the tigers and the a's and it's win or go home. that is coming up in sports. your be youking
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aiming night into oakland between the tigers and the a's. and it will determine what happens in boston right? >> yes the final member of the time four is in plates. place. the cool thing is there is a game every day or if not every day every other day. it's busy. the american league the oakland a's are hosting the tigers in a winner take all to see who will advance against the boston red sox. the a's have been here in prior years and had a hard time closing the deal. they have been involved in 12 games that are potential series clinchers and they were 1-and-1eu i-and-11 in those games. they have played in five previous series division. and they are 0-and-5 in those games. they are trying to change their for tomb teunls infortunes in fe
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crowd. they're scoreless in the third and injury la very verlander is. pitching. money more right here as far as that game is considered. joe kelly will take the hill for the cardinals tomorrow night he started game three for the pirates in the division series. going five and a third and he walked four and struck out five kelly began the season as a a reliever and then moved into the starting rotation. >> we talked about their decision to go with kelly. >> joe earned this. he started off this season and i said it many times, he showed us so much and earned our respect
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trecomingout of spring training. and nothing that he did not do. he was going to be working out of the pen and he got many opportunity. he did get the opportunities and he made the most of them. he came in here regardless of what the role was. those things pay o off in the lg run. you stay the course and buy into the overall fil philosophy. and he got his chance and made the most of it. >> let's look ahead to the n.f.l. weekend. john henry smith spoke to sha shareen williams and. >> he has thrown four pick sixes in the last four games and it's really cost them those games. he is on a short leash. there is no doubt about that. t.j. yates is sitting back there and he has won as many playoff
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games as he has. he has lost his fend and if h cd if he throws another pick six t.j. is going to get a chance to lead this team. >> cowboys and red skins struggled massively on the defensive side of the ball are we going to see another 99 point shoot-out at cowboy stadium. >> it sure looks like it's that way. the red skins dominated the cowboys last season. and i spoke to rj the other day and he is feeling like he is starting to play himself again. they are giving up points at a high rate. we know what the cowboys over fifence can do. offense can do. this looks like another shoot-out in dallas. >> the bro broncoses are bronco8
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point favorites. are they going to have to invoke mercy this week. they are rolling along with the point spread over tampa bay. peyton manning has 20 touch downs and he threw the interception against dallas last week and they are rolling along and are on pace and the n.f.l. records are tough to stop. the jaguar's two safeties have ten games among them. they could top that point margin which would be something to see. they are not going to probably go 16-and-0 but at the end of the week they are going to lose. >> all right quickly the giants and bears are playing in soldier field and that game is tied at 7. elie manning has thrown two interceptions. is this interceptions on the year already. the giants bounce back to score
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♪ welcome back everyone. i want to take you over here towards the eastern part of the united states. we have seen a lot of rain for many people. here in new york we didn't get as much rain as we thought we would get yesterday. it broke up to the north of us and kept us cloudy and we had rain showers off and on. where the rain is a major problem is still across parts of the central part of the eastern u.s. we talking about into west virginia and pennsylvania and new jersey. we are looking at flooding along the coast regions. not because of the rain but because of the circulation pushing the water into the bays and inlets. especially at high tide. in these areas we are seeing lots of flooding going on. coastal int into floo flooding .
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tomorrow we have rain in maryland and delaware and pennsylvania. in new york it says it's going to be raining all day awltd p ae way through to sunday. we are going to be cloudy and off and on rain for these days. and monday and tuesday 70° and partly cloudy conditions. out here toward the west though. look at the system coming out of colorado. we have snow and we have some sleet. this area is producing severe weather as it makes it's way across oklahoma and kansas. >> we will look at this tonight and we may get damage, maybe some hail or wind out of this. over towards the northwest. not looking bad for seattle. we are going to dry out but it's going to be raining in wyoming and montana. that is your weather. your head linelines are coming p
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right now. ♪ welcome to al jazeera america i'm john siegenthaler. here are tonight's top stories. >> no debt ceiling dealing not yet. white house and republican leaders say they had a good meeting today. they have yet to make a deal that would extend the debt limit. >> a spokesman for john boehner says both sides say the talks will continue throughout the night. >> the government is extending pebenefits to fallen troops. president obama signed the measure after it left the senate. they pay out $100,000 hours o after the member's
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