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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 10, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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and twitter. see you next time. good evening and well come to al jazeeramerica roorchl re-openine gort is turk into a bargaining chip. >> death benefit restored the money that military members got from washington after service members died while serving with the country. and a strike with the mass tryst system in the bay city. and stopping the collection of ivory. how to help save elephants and how the government shutdown is affecting is the effort.
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it's late night on capitol hill with the debt limit deadline less than a week away. house rumhouse republicans saidy would keep on talking after the mighting with the president this afternoon. >> it's the most activity that we have seen since the government shutdown ten days ago. mike viqueira reports from washington. >> the president and house republican leaders met forean hour and a half behind closed doors at the white house. is no deal yet it's the first positive sign in weeks. returning to the capitol after the meeting republican leader eric cantor was up beat. >> we had a useful meeting and it was clarifying to both sides where we are. and the take away from the meeting was that our teams will be talking further tonight.
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we'll have more discussion and the press said he will go and consult with the administration folks and hopefully we can see away forward after that. it began with a sudden move from the g.o.p. leaders. >> we want to offer the president the ability to move. en increase in the debt ceiling. a six-week increase with a promise to negotiate on the g. a temporary solution but one the white house welcomes. >> if they were to send him a clean debt ceiling, tension and no partisan strings attached he would sign it. details are vague and no guarantees that it will pass congress.
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missing from the g.o.p. plan an offer to end the shutdown. before any negotiate yailingses start the shut done has to end. one thing that has almost gone unnoticed in all of this. republicans and skiffles are no longer trying to link a funding to delay to the obamacare spinlding hike. the republicans are split when it comes to how do deal with the
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debt ceiling. some want to stand firm demanding that the president make concessions before they pass a bill. others want to move on. today's republican party has different fac factions those tht are around locker and have long lasting ties to the business community. and then the tea party republicans relatively new to wash and full of sketch values that they are willing to go to the mat for. whether it's trying to fight the federal healthcare law or trying to deal with the debt. inspite of warnings from the economists that breaching a debt ceiling would be a disaster for the u.s. economy a group of conservative republicans is pushing back an upsetting some of the g oovment p's best friends business owners these republicans are debt deniers. they say the obama administration is exaggeratings the impact of the debt limit. >> i don't think that the credit of the united states is going to
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increase the collapse. i think it's a lot of democrat going tory. >> there is zero chance that the u.s. government is going to default on it's debt. >> i don't want to default and no one i have talked to wants to default bah they are two different entities. >> failing to meet it's responsibilities it could deeply damage dpngsal markets. the ongoing economic recovery and the jobs and savings of millions of americans. i have a responsibility to be transparent with the american people about these risks. >> i think it will be a grave mistakes to discount them or dismiss them. i have urge congress to take acn immediately so we can honor our past commitments. >> he has the biggs community worried. the u.s. chamber of commerce
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says the congress should act to avoid inflicting stanley cup substantial and enduring dang on the nation's economy. polly wade with the national federation of independent business says all of the fighting over the debt ceiling hirts businesses. >> how the banks spoond to the debt ceiling negotiations and things like that has a direct impact on small businesses and their ability to borrow and the cost of borrowing as well. as well. so all of that will hurt small businesses. wand there is the over all uncertainty on how this will
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ahow much it will cause depends on one thing whether congress acts to raise the debt ceiling on time. all eyes are on the wost to see if they are closer resolution the congress has wiggle room. they warn that that window won't last long. and in the meantime markets could dramatically react. zblorchlts that is libby casey report, let's bring in joe. how are you doing, joe? >> i'm doing great. >> give me an idea of what you make of what happened today. we heard eric cantor come out and say they are making progress. >> did you sense a change in tone? >> i did absolutely. i thought it was a very, very hopeful talk. as remember the two sides have been only talking to the media
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and now they are talking to each other. and that is very posh. you have to consider the fact that eric cantor didn't come out of the meeting blasting the other side. he didn't say anything bad about the president. in fact he said he was hopeful. that is is a good sign. in fact they are working on a package that will likely pass and get this impasse behind us. >> what are the tea party republicans saying about this possible deal? >> you will always have a few tea party members that will that the it's something that needs to be funded if we can talk and have a working dialogue with the president and lump that together under the framework of entitlement spending and figure out away to reduce entitlement spending and away to deal with taxes and likewise deal with
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annual deficits. if we can talk in those kind of terms we cab pass a short term measure to keep the government open and likewise raise the debt ceiling. >> we come back too this after thanksgiving is that what happens? >> very possibly. it fee pens. let's say if the president apoints a bipartisan group of democrats or republicans to work on this. some kind of super committee to work on these issues that the republicans are demanding. to talk about how they get spending under control and to talk about how they reduce taxes or reform taxes to the degree they are able to come up with something that works for republicans. is the time that will be lengthened for the accident sealinceiling and the continuing resolution. a shorlt term deal wit will gete government back open and a longer term deal is possible.
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>> how much damage has been done to rums and democrats but especially to rums? >> well you have to consider this, john, it always look bad in the short term for congress when these kind of things happen. so rums are probably taking the worst of it now. and remember this also, john. americans tend to have a very, very short memory when it comes to their member of congress. congress in general may be very, very low in their poll rankings. but americans have a tendency to return their individual members of congress back to congress every two years. it's likely not to have a long term impact. >> as a result of this is the house speaker and eric cantor stronger leaders for the republican party now. they have a tough job of course.
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the republican party document de eye to eye to get paste this challenge. they have a very, very challenging jobs. i think they emerge stronger than when they began. especially if they can cobble out a deal that will get the government going. and raise the debt ceiling. thanks very much. >> we will indeed. hopes for a short term debt ceiling deal. the dow jumped 308 points. and despite the search on wall street some big financial players are hedging their bets on the debt ceiling. j.p. morgan is selling off their
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short term u.s. government debt that m mature it this month. the probability of government default is low but they are taking preorb o precautionary mo protect investors. the federal government will be sending financial help to the family of fallen soldiers president obama signed a bill that restores funding that was stopped because of the shutdown. yesterday the fisher chairlt chy agreed to pay out the benefits during the shutdown. they agree too pay the funeral and burial experiences. libya's prime minister is speaking out hours after being abducted and kidnapped. gunman took ali zeidan in tripoli this morning. >> the libyan prime minister released less than 24 hours after his abduction from a
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tripoli hotel. he appealed for calm. zblorchlts. >> he was released on the prime minister facebook page is said to show the moment of abduction. up to 150 gunmen are have said
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to lay seige at the hotel at the tile. ali zeidan had no resistance. >> people came with paper from the attorney general to arrest the prime minister. they are from the committee of will he be yeah revolutionary who are rebels they came in and detained the prime minister without any dabbling or injury. >> however the attorney general's olfson told al jazeera that no arrest warrant had been issued. nor had there been an order to detain him. what emerged is a disturning picture of a weak central government and the multiple ma militias and the kidnapping the at highest level of government where no official appears to be safe. the mysterious abduction and the release of the prime minister highlight libya's continued instablity and the threat to state institutions that are meant to form the backbone of a
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new democracy. international inspectors working to zees 0 syria's chemical westminster say they are makin make -- chemical webse making headway. the group has only visited locations in government held areas they have until the middle of the next year to finish their work. we are taking a look at a historical weather event in the bay of bhen gal. the somgal -- bay of bengal. this storm is at 166 mowsh and gusting to 201. that makes this ey element to a
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category five hurricane. not since 1995 have they had a storm as stromg. strong we are watching the storm very close and it's making it's way towards india. we expect to see a lafnl land fl with the storm on saturday afternoon. storm surge could be up to 25 feet high and it won't be over on sunday. we are going to be looking at extensive rain across the region as well. another one we are looking at is a typhoon a category 3 making land in the fil philippines andt will bring rain and mud slide and landslides. we'll keep you posted throughout the evening. san francisco residents
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could be facing a hectic commute tomorrow morning. a two month ban on transit expires at midnight. if they can't reach an agreement the city could be in for a second railway strike since july. the former mayor of detroit was sentenced for corruption convictions today. three decades in prison fo kwame kilpatrick. jane goodall weighs in on how the government shout dow shs affecting elephants. is
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the former mayor of detroit has been sentenced to 28 years in prison for corruptions. akwame has received one of the
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longest sentences o every giveno a govenor. >> kwame was known as detroit's hip-hop mayor. he went to jail after i was convicted of hiding assets from the coirlt. court. but his corrupt administration
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exacerbated the crisis. >> he is being made a scapegoat for the beleaguered woes of a city. it's struggling with a thousand abaabandoned homes. now for detroit the road to renewal remains as potholed as it's city streets. a victory today for same sex couples in new jersey. a state judge denied govenor christie's request to delay gay marriages. that means they can begin to issue licenses in 11 days. christie wanted to wait until an appeal to the state court is final. the government shutdown is impeding illegal ivory. the legendary primate specialist
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jane goodall was going to be there earlier i spoke to her about how to stop violations against wildlife. >> i spent a lot of time in the various national parks where they live. and they are the most amazing beings. they live long and they have close family bonds that live for many, many years. they are like us they grieve when a member of the herd is shot and the poaching has become so intense now in the last few years that if we are not careful there won't be any elephants left. and you know they are saying as many as 65 a day are being killed and 35,000 a year. no populations can with stand that sort of hunting for too long. and it's all because of the passion for ivory in asia, particularly china whereas people get more wel wealthy, on.
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signs of wealth is to display ivory in your house. >> explain why the crushing of ivory is so important to this cause. >> i think it makes a statement. and the idea is to try to take the ivory off the market. what we hope for is a moratorium on importing ivory of all sorts. and a moratorium on any el elept hunting that is allowed by some african countries. unfortunately it still is. and that of course means that some ivory has been imported into the united states legally. and that makes it easier for illegal ivory to be smuggled in. i was actually shocked to learn that the united states is the second biggest market for ivory after china in the world. and if you have a illegal trade
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coming in it's hard to determine if ivory is farmed and whether it's legal or illegal. >> you spent your life trying to pro tentprotect wildlife arounde world. give us an idea where you think the world stands when it comes to wildlife protection? >> unfortunately we are not in a very good state. partly that is because you are organized criminal gangs. they are associated sometimes with terrorist groups. and as i say, the punishment when people are caught is usually into the too severe. and for the people at the other end of the line, the rewartdz re very great. they are prepared to pay a lot of money all the way down the supply chain to the ranger, the poacher out in the field. and you know, as a result of all of this, we have a lot of people being actually killed, rangers are killed in the liniv line of.
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people are coming in with ak 47's. rhinos are being poached from helicopters. you zoom down in a helicopter and shoot the rhino and hack off it's horn and take off again before anybody has arrived. they are beginning to use conservation drones and armed forces in some countries to try to tackle it. but as i say, as long as there is a demand, and mostly that tea mannedemand comes from asia and particularly chie china, the pos will find a way of getting the goods out. >> well mark morgan is here with sports. a long way to oakland tonight. >> the kikey to post season basl is pitching.
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focus on oakland this evening. the tigers and a's are battling for the right to move on in the series. ververlander was stellar. he gave up two hits and struck out ten. cabrera gave the tigers a 2-0 lead. the tigers advance to the alcs for the third straight year. the final 3-0. now in chicago tonight the giants trying to right a sinking ship. big blue are trying to avoid the worst start in 37 years. giants staggering out of the gate. one of elie mannings first quarter interceptions. forty-eight yards the other way. the bears win 27-21. manning three picks in the game and league leading o 16 of the
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season. a thursday night college football tilt. the cardinals hosting rutgerss. and that touch do you know strike to rogers. the card improve to 6-and-0. next up one. few teams that could ruin their perfect season central florida. louisville wins it. and in three weeks millions of americans will have less money to buy good. the reason congress voted to reduce what the government provide for food stamps. what it means for the most vulnerable. >> so you want to sell blueberry cheese cake po pot or other products legally? who is going to handle your bank account
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>> twenty-nine members of the military have died sinless the e shutdown began. republican leaders and the president met at the white house this evening. with both sides seemingly optimistic they were unable to agree on a g.o.p. proposal to temporarily extend the nation's debt limit. the possibility of a short term debt ceiling deal sent the stock market soring. the dow closed 323 points higher. the largest one day gain of the year. there was a similar reaction in january when congress agreed to a deal avoiding the so-called fiscal cliff. the market jumped 308 points that day. the u.s. has big bills to
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pay and if the government defaults it could mean slower economic growth in the united states and global markets would take a hit. house g g.o.p. leaders say they are working into the night to avoid that. allan fisher has more. >> back on capitol hill after a 19 minute meeting with the president with suggestions that the debt limit is getting somewhere. >> the take away is our teams will be talking further tonight. we'll have more discussion and we'll come back and have more discussion. the president said he will go and consult with administration folks and hopefully we can see away forward after that. >> it was reported that republicans offered a short term deal. raise america's debt ceiling for six weeks in exchange for discussions on other financial issues. the white house didn't dismiss the idea but wanted a longer deal with no strings attached.
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i think the president said the other day if they were to send him a clean debt ceiling extensiowith nostrings attachedn it. >> failure to raise the debt limit would be a disaster, that is because the government is a week away from running out of money. it hit it's debt limit in may. since then it's been taking extraordinary measures to keep paying the bills but all of that will stop on october 17th. the government has big bills to pay including payments to the military and elderly. and it has to pay interest on it's debilities. debilities -- debt. and if it can't pay it's bills, the u.s. is in default. >> we are delivering an unnecessary blow to the economy right at a time when the american people have spai
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painstakingly fought back. >> they will have a catastrophic impact on the economy. it will lead to a sharp fall in the value of the dollar. which can't lead to increased inflation. u.s. interest rates will rise and make mortgages and loans more expensive and that will mean economi a hit on economic n the u.s. after days of pointing the finger and laying blame, things finally seem to be moving. >> national parks are still closed because of the government sthut dowshutdown and some state suffering. utah they are declaring a state of mm emergency because of the k arparks not generating revenue. the department of the interior said it will if the states can
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fully fund their own workers. the price for the first ten days of the government shutdown is $2.7 billion. that is according to economic consultants. with 450,000 federal employees off the job americans across the country are feeling the pain. in colorado people who depend on tourism are suffering from the closure of rocky mountain national park. >> if in washington, the people in washington don't find a way to work together, i don' i don'w what will become of this country. >> the obama administration says it will allow states to use their own money to re-open national packers. but at least one govenor says his state can't afford it. farmers are feeling the effects of the shutdown across the country. >> in georgia local farm offices are closed so the farmers can't apply for loans or receive
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government checks for programs that they are already enrolled in. >> they can't come to common ground i don't understand, it's frustrating. >> the workers at the environmental protection agency say they can't go to work they can't protect the public. >> we do that through being in the field and inspecting. if we are not out there, who is? and some workers in texas are also worried about safety on the job. there could be more accidents he sairs. sairs -- says. that is because they are not doing random inspections they are victoriain investigating cat danger and death. americans can feel the effect on their pock e pocket books as tis on. the debt ceiling could shave a half a percentage point over the nation's gross domestic product
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over the last three months of year. for millions of families fighting to put food on the table their food stamp benefits could be ou cut back. 47 million americans rely on food stamps every month. with congress preoccupied with the shutdown and the debt ceiling that is not likely to change. joe berg is the executive director of the new york city coalition against hunger. welwellwelcome andwroa. joe. >> tell me what will happen with the lowering of the amount of food stamps. they are trying to disstract the government from what is happening. this november 1st everyone of
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the food stamp resi recipients n america are going to get a cut. and the farm bill cuts are in addition to that. and the cuts that we are experiencing now as part of the see quesare in addition to that. on a personal level how does it impact them? what does it mean? >> already a clinic in north carolina that serves women and infant and children kids under five. a program that prevented half a million babies at birth soup kitchens in new york city have to ration food and turn people away and serve fewer families and reduce their hours of operation for all of the right wing tal talk let's help, the realities the right wingers have cut aid even to the agencies
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they claim should be the solution. >> there are other programs as well correct? >> tongtongstons of others prog. head start and the women and children's programs. if the ceiling is not approved by november 1st or if a farm bill is not approved by november 1st. not only will you have the massive cuts, the whole program could actually go away. >> when these programs it's not just that people are hungry and how to they feed their families? what do they do? >> they don't. americans are socialized into believing that there is going to be a happy ending. the banker is going to feel guilty at the end and bail everyone out that is not what happens in reality. in reality poor people suffer more and ever.
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every dollar spent generates $1.07 in economic activity. the food stamps program is one. best economic stimuluses that america has. this would be a huge hit to all of the jocks at supe jobs at sus across america. joe thank you for being with is. >> thank you. the national institute of health enrolls 200 people in clinical trials every week. but during week win the nih signed up only a dozen patients. >> well the ke chemo has run its corse. and talking to my doctors they thought the best thing to do was to go on this clinical trial. >> you were ready to start that trial last weanin week what hap?
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>> >> i got a call from my doctor saying it was on hold because the government was in shutdown. i was mad. i was so mad. my family was really mad. >> i felt that the government was not doing enough for us. >> what was the ry reaction in r community? >> my community was pretty upset. i put a post on facebook they contacted everyone from local news to congressmen and senators. to everybody. it was a real uproar. >> what happened you got help from your congres congressman qs congressman bill keating contacted me. we spent an hour on the phone talking about what happened to my case and how i was disappointed that this did not go through. that this may be away to save my life. he was one of the first people that told me that the clinical trial was passed.
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for me and one other person. and that it looked like it was going to go. >> but you know the feeling of being told when you can't. and you have to know that there are other people like you who haven't gotten into the trial. whether or not it's this specific case or not it was the issue of the shutdown that prevented them from getting that treatment. what due sa do do you say to th. >> never give up. try to get ahold of a congressman orsen tore. or senator. get it out there on facebook. get the community behind you. never give up. this could be the last time you try to get something successful for your health? the government shutdown has forced a furlough of three quarters of the staff at the international institute of health. toyota has been found not liable in one of the series of wronwrongful death lawsuits.
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a california woman's family said her car unexpectedly accelerated when it crashed into a tree in 200the. 2009. toyota had recalled vehicles that year. on thursday the jury said the car maker was not responsible for her death. iit's been a year since washington state legalized marijuana. now the state is shopping for a bank willing to take on pot sales. >> so you want to open a pot store. here is an important question. who is your banker. >> if you are up front with what you are doing yo you are not gog to get a banker h. >> john is not up front. he runs his finances through a holding company.
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a front. it's what a prosecut prosecutorl money laundering. perhaps. perhaps. but i would rather have, i would rather being be i be in a courti am attempting to comply with the law. if you want to call it money launderering that is fine. but i need to do this so i can pay taxes. >> this attorney specializes in marijuana law. it's a reasonable position for banks to stay away from marijuana proceeds. banks run the risks of losing their federal deposit insurance if they are in the business of taking in and laundering the proceeds of criminal activity. >> the u.s. justice department has indicated it won't sue states over legalzation. that is internal policy not the law of the land. how sensitive is this issue.
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this group's banking group refused to discuss it over the phone. the verity credit union announced they were holding medical marijuana accounts but after the publicity they backed off and closed the accounts and stoptd takinstopped taking pot s john davis has his own atm in the lobby but he has to stock it with money. nfangno financial institution wl touch it. hundredses of millions of dollars of taxes paid every year. the treasury office says they don't expect to have any problems at all with their current banker, the bank of america. the view from the state capitol is tax revenue is tax revenue even if it's something that the federal government could define
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as drug dealing. talented artists could lose the place they create their works. the medium is graffiti and the building that is their mecca is about to be torn down. it was the justin verlander show tonight as the tigers move on in post season. that story and more ahead in sports.
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>> in new york a group of graffiti artists have gone to court to try to stop the demolition of an old factory. it's the site of street artists from across the globe. >> on the subway train to manhattan.
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one building stands out in the urban lan landscape. a blaze with color an creative, it's known as five points. the old industrial site is a mecca for graffiti artists. johnathan cohen serves as cure e cureator. there is no other space for a graffiti artist. >> anan icon of street art it's been a back drop of music videos. the building is now slated for destruction. the name five points refers to the five boroughs of new york city all coming together. the site attracts graffiti artists anded admirers all over the world.
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the fact it's being taken down it's hitting them hard. >> all average around the worlde talks about five points. and it's really sad if it's gone. >> the owners plan to build two high-rises on the site. after years of allowing the artists to work there. the ma plan is to have gallery space for the artists and a space for the artwork outside of the building. >> the folks at five points wanted it to be just what it is. kind of forever. and that wasn't possible given the private ownership of the land. >> but the artists are not happy. they have filed a la lawsuit unr what is known as the visual artists rights act. which gives artists some say over their works regardless who owns them. >> it's not really attacking the
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larchllandlord, it's a fightinge artist after 11 years of work. >> with few places left to spray paint e. th. with the destruction of five points it will send them back underground. well it's all going out in oakland and all going on out in oakland tonight. >> baseball post season is here. it happens quickly. we play every other night and some exciting stuff. now before this evening the oakland a's had played in five previous american league decisions game fives since the year 2000. they have lost every time. the a's are trying to buck that trend. >> that is sunny grey giving you
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the nod and first batter he strikes out jack sown. and he was facing verlander. and moss not a chance. 95 on the gun and that ends the inning. tigers need some runs early on. cabrera see you later. he came to the plate without a home run in the series. batting .235 and the tigers jump to a lead and they are happy to say the least. verlander has a no hitter going. and swinging it up in his eyes verlander in control. no outs. a clean up the middle and the no hitter is over after 7 and two-thirds inning. the a's are relieved. he strikes out and it's the final batter he will face.
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>> 10k's on the night for verlander. the tigers close the deal with the fly ball to the right and squeeze it and tigers win it 3-0 and advance to the als. you execute your pitches and if you hit your spots big swings don't work. and obviously guys hit the battle you have to focus on executing and you can't focus on the big guys taking the swings you have to focus on the pitch. >> i saw you talking to jeff jones and to jim air the eightth inning did you try to lobby for the ninth inning. >> a little bit. i said i was running on fugs fus here. and if i take in a base runner and they take me out. and that made complete sense to me and bhe benoit was fantasticr us all year.
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the new york giants shockingly inept play this seen season has been the big story. they are trying to avoid a 0-and-6 start tonight in the windy seaso city with the bears. manning throws one right into the arms of the defender right there tim jennings. 48-yard later it's 7-0 for the bears. and manning and the giants would bounce back and down 14-7. manning hooks up with randal with the great toss and finishing off a 80-yard drive. and not bad. first and goal from the three. cutler and the bears and they find their favorite target brandon marshall. and bears are up ten at recess. giants down late in the third. jacobs bulls in from one yard out. 27-21. giants in bears territory late
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in the game. did i mention i would pick up later about the imt. manning over throws it and manning three picks on the game and he lead the n.f.l. with 15 interceptions. and here is jay cutler. >> it's a goodwin and especially on thursday. a short week. the guys are a little sore. we came out here and made well on the first half. and played offensively down the stretch and couldn't convert on the third down and those guys made plays for us down the stretch. a goodwin and we got a little banged up. >> fifteen has been able to put a little pressure on you and i don't think you were sacked at all tonight. how much trust do you have in your offensive line. >> the way they play right now makes my job easy. we are running the ball efficiently. we are playing well and we keep
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getting better and better. >> louisville over resul rutgers tonight. 24-150. -10. cutler looked cool after that game. >> when your offensive line plays a lot better and you don't get sacked you look like that after the game? kevin corriveau has more on weather and more on the destructive cyclone heading towards india after this.
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a category five hurricane hitting the united states would be devastating. think about the equivalent hitting parts of the india. that is going to be cal cats catastrophic. you can see the eye and you can see how large this storm is. this storm is expected to make land fall in india on saturday. it's going to be hitting a population density that is quite
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large. a square kilometre in that region. we are going to be watching this carefully. people are being evacuated out of the area. and it's going to be historic o ogeecyclone. the other is a typhoon. we think it's going to take a tract to the west and go close to manila and making it's way back out to the south. it could be vep veterinarian vis the impact of the storm. we have seen quite a lot of rain across the east coast. pennsylvania is seeing the brunt of the rain. new york not a lot of rain for you today and not a lot of rain tomorrow. cloudy skies will be in the
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forecast there. the showers have broken up as they have made their way to the north. dark greens and yellows in pennsylvania. and over towards the parts of the west a lot of wind damage with the storm coming out of the rockies. in the rockies you will see rain and snow in the area. and the severe weather outbreak that is pushing through. up here in the northwest things are getting better for you. >> we have seen a lot of rain for you. a lot of areas across the northwest will be getting better over the next couple of days. up towards montana and wyoming too. zblrchlts in thin the next few l see a lot of rain. two three or four-inches. down towards nevada we are seeing a break in the area of rain and that went through. and also down here. take a look at what is happening in parts of the west. you can see the mix of purple -- excuse me pink.
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that is a mix of rain and snow.


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