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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 11, 2013 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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♪ . >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello and welcome to the news hour, i'm in doha and coming up. >> the peace prize for 2013 is to be awarded to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. >> reporter: the nobel committee says the opcw deserves the prize for it's efforts to rid the world of chemical weapons. new allegations against syria's
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militia accused of obducting and murdering hundreds of civilians. the u.n. unanimously approved to send peace keepers to central african republic, plus turkey's tapestry of minorities and many are feeling like second-class citizens. ♪ welcome to the show. the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons has been named the winner of the 2013 nobel peace prize. the announcement was made just over an hour ago and the committee says the organization deserves the prize for its ongoing work to remove chemical weapons from the world. >> during world war i chemical weapons were used to a
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considerable degree. the geneva convention of 1995 prohibited the use but not the production or storage of chemical weapons. during world war ii chemical weapons were employed in mass exterminations and used by both state and terrorists and they prohibited the production and storage of such weapons. it came into force in 1997. since then opcw has three inspections, destructions and other means, sought the implementation of the convention. 189 states have exceeded to the convention to date.
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>> reporter: and they were involved in training the chemical weapons inspection team that is working in syria and he is with us now on the line from vienna, austria and this is a surprise who only heard of the opcw recently and tell us about your work and how you train inspectors to work in a war zone. >> at first i have to say this is definitely recognition of the work of those guys that go out and inspect chemical weapons facilities and also the chemical industry worldwide. i myself worked ten years for the organization and leading inspections all over the world especially at chemical weapons facility and also i was enrolled in the training of their inspectors that you see on the ground that are inspecting syria's arsenal and those guys they join the organization and have a long and rigid training
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regime from 8 up to 20 weeks to prepare them for their task. and as we can see, their results have been awarded today. >> reporter: the noble committee is saying it's just not about syria and you were involved with the work under the umbrella of u.n. and iraq and how did that compare with the challenge ahead in syria, do you think? >> well, i think the challenges are pretty much a like and a lot of similarities when it comes to those challenges ahead now. but on the other hand you have the chemical weapons convention with the regulations and rules when you look at the in inspection and something we did not have with iran and iraq but the work this iraq, the work they did also laid to some
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extent the ground work for the activities now they place under the umbrella for chemical weapons conventions in syria. >> reporter: what do you think the effect of the prize will be on the organization and their work, is it adding more pressure or is it encouraging? >> well, i think it's encouraging for the people that, you know, after 15, 16 years that they have been outcome batting these inspections that they receive now this very, very precious reward. i think it doesn't add much of a pressure. i think they know what they are doing and i think it's more about the reward and that is part of the work they do now more than ever before. >> reporter: okay, joining us from vienna and from hot zone solutions and thank you for your time. on the ground in syria human rights watch accused rebel groups of killing at least 190 civilians during an offensive in
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the providence in august and the group is calling for an international investigation. in a report it says at least five rebel groups with links to al-qaeda are responsible for planning, funding and carrying out the attacks on august the 4th. human rights watch says it all amounts to war crimes and states that 43 of those killed were women, children and the elderly. calling on the u.n. security council to refer the situation in syria to the international criminal court so that perpetrators on both sides can be held to account. we have mary with what human rights group found. >> he retraces his steps. this is what is left of his home in the village of baruda. on august 4 he had to make an heroing decision stay with his son or his wife and run and both
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of his wife and son are dead. >> translator: the marks are clearly visible. there are bullet holes here and here and the blood is splattered on the wall. >> reporter: in early august groups, over 20 according to human rights watch launched this and the target was president bashir assad and people here predominately al-white a branch to islam which assad belongs and fighters attacked a number of al-white villages and in particular this village of barouda and they have strongholds of the village and take control of the area and fighters could move closer to assad's home and bear in on the coastal city of latakia. it was a week's long campaign but it's what happened specifically on august the 4th that is at issue here and video posted by opposition groups appears to backup what human
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rights watch says happened. opposition fighters going house to house, in some cases shooting civilians as well as shooting at people trying to get away. human rites watch says at least 190 people were killed and around 200 people from the area are still held hostage. the hose tam takers continue to hold 200 individuals from the villages based on opposition sources. we are urging these groups to release the hostages. >> reporter: human rights watch says five groups including al-qaeda linked groups were behind the planning, funding and carrying out of the attacks. and it's part of a pattern of abuse that amounts to crimes against humanity. in the investigation the rights group found an image in an opposition video of what looked like hassan shelby's son lying in bed and showed the picture to a resident who confirmed it was him. hassan shelby has a good idea
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who might have killed and buried his wife and son at the box of their family home and the grafitti on the walls says we will win, al jazeera. we are in beirut and when rights group accused the regime of abuses they called on them to respond and act, what is human rights group calling on rebels and backers to do? >> well, what they want really, we heard from the human rights watch representative is that the individual, the donors, those funding the rebel groups to stop giving them weapons and for the united nations to impose an arms embargo. what they are calling for really is justice but this cannot happen because syria is not with the criminal court and the criminal court is investigating the war crimes and would need approval of the u.n. security
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council. the situation on the ground is very complicated. the rebel groups who were responsible for these atrocitys and according to the human rights watch reports they do not fall under the authority of the western-backed syria coalition or the army support military council and are foreign fighters linked to al-qaeda and the army of foreigners and in iraq and the groups were singled out. the syria national coalition issuing a statement saying they are deeply disturbed by the report and reiterating that they disavow these groups and these groups do not represent the syrian revolution. but who is in charge of the rebels? there is no unified command structure on the ground. both sides accused of human rights abuses and most of those abuses have been sectarian in nature. >> reporter: i really wanted to get you thoughts as you spent so much time in syria over the past years on how you think this
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nobel peace prize for the opcw will go down in syria with the people there. >> it won't go down well because the people under ground think the chemical weapons did nothing to stop the war and did not stop the killings. the international community was more concerned of their national interests the united states and israel which is a neighbor of syria and wanted to destroy chemical weapons to reduce threats against their own interest and the people are disappointed. we do know that, yes, the chemical weapons inspectors are working under very difficult conditions. there is a war. but it's very important to point out that the syrian government has been given a new lease of life. the syrian government has received rare praise and right now the military is on offensive to clear an area east of aleppo. whether this is being done in coordination with the
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international community, but undoubtedly this operation as they push the rebels away from the defense facility rebels belonging to al-qaeda and this will facilitate the work of the chemical weapons inspectors and later fears of the west that the weapons will not fall in the hands of foreign groups. >> reporter: always great to speak to you, in beirut and thank you dana. we can stay on the subject of the nobel peace prize and go to london and mike harris is head of advocacy on index on censorship and campaigns for freedom of expression and joins us live. we just have been hearing there about how dangerous and important the work of the opcw is but people will still be wondering about the timing of their win and they have been operating for many years. yet, right now when they are in the lime light over syria that people, that they actually won this prize. >> it is clearly a very
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political choice. the nobel peace prize committee are in essence saying the more war, winston churchill's phrase and they have faith in the institution to deliver the removal of chemical weapons and nonproliferation but it's a difficult year to put this organization in yet this is the first time in over 20 years, since sadam hoo sane used chemical webs against the kurds they have been used against civilians and this is not any consolation to people in syria who have lost their family to the use of chemical weapons. >> what about the way in which the winner is chosen and it's controversial because of the lack of transparency in the process. >> they are all prizes and not necessarily a great barometer, and the peace prizes held up a lot of steam because it chooses
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between individuals and institutions and normally gets the balance quite right. i think it's an interesting choice this year and will prove to be a very controversial choice. this is not the first time they have awarded an organization that works to stop weapons, obviously mohamed and his organization was award the nobel peace prize to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons and builds on that and there will be questions asked and a lot of high-profile contenders for the award this year. >> reporter: in a nutshell does the prize help campaigners like you? >> yeah, i think it does, i think it does. even a nomination process is really important. i mean, from the moscow group in russia and the fact she was nominated in the moscow halsinki is a contender is useful in
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russia because miller is the grandmother of the human rights movement in russia and talk about the nomination and help her in her work promoting human rights in russia. >> reporter: yeah, okay, mike harris, it's time but thank you very speaking to us in the news hour, thank you. >> thank you. >> reporter: you are watching the al jazeera news hour. still to come republicans in washington offer a temporary solution to the looming debt crisis. and bucking the trend for down loads, why japanese music lovers are still burning for the traditional compact disc. and coming up, in sport formula one in mourning after the sudden death of one of their female test drivers and we will have the details later on in the program. ♪
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but first african union members are debating whether to withdraw from the international criminal court. the icc is a treaty-based court that prosecutes crimes against humanity and those who argue for withdraw have one central argument, the icc is biased against africa. these are all the icc investigations in the world including those at the preliminary stage. we are hearing the icc linked tribunals in former yuklozlavia and these are in africa and involve 25 people and heads of state and kenya's president and kinyetta is leading the campaign to withdraw from icc and, malcolm webb is with us now and
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it's a quite controversial issue, the withdraw from icc and they said yesterday that the african leaders are effectively asking for a license to kill. how strong is the opposition within the organization to withdraw from the icc? >> so far there is only a handful of countries that are advocating for withdrawing and some are saying they don't need to take such a strong measure and others in nigeria said they don't have an issue with the icc. south africa which is one of the biggest players on the continent has not decided and will decide at the end of this. and they have to get the agreement of all of their members and even then that would not actually have any legal bearing on the members or on the existing cases against african rebels and leaders and other
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people who have been indicted by the court. >> reporter: is there anything else on the agenda in the next two days or is it simply about the icc? >> they are electing a new person, a new representative for their security commission but the icc is the main issue here and what we will be taking up most of the time between those that are attending, at the moment foreign ministers are discussing what will probably be signed by heads of state when heads of state come here tomorrow. meanwhile human rights organizations in outrage and saying any such a move that would pull african states out of the icc would bring impunity for those who committed crimes across the continent. >> reporter: thank you for the latest malcolm. and we are getting reports of an
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explosion in the eastern libyan city of benghazi and we are live now on the line from tripoli. any more details on this explosion? >> actually the joint operation chamber in benghazi, a car bomb exploded very close to the foreign consulate in benghazi and a spokesman of the joint operation says a car that was filled with maybe hundreds of kilograms of tnt exploded very close to the consulate and actually destruction happened because of that. as you know the consulate is located in the district which is a heavy densely populated area and that is why because of the
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building and the car that were existing around it, the consulate is very destroyed and took place in three hours from now. and also the good news is that the consulates have been on vacation and only one ganian guardian another libyan one were there but according to the joint operation, they are not injured. they are okay. they demanded and the chamber said they are demanding the states to provide them with weapon detector of a vehicle so they can put it into some explosion especially since it has been happened in the last attacks of foreign institutions. >> reporter: okay, he is joining us from tripoli and thanks for the update.
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the u.n. security council adopted a resolution asking u.n. to consider a peace keeping force in central african republic and hundreds have been killed there since rebels deposed the president in march and james has this report. >> the central african republican is a country in free fall and officials will say if it's not a failed state now it will be soon. and they took control earlier in the year is splintering and fighting itself and a humanitarian urgency and the council voted on the new resolution supporting a strength in u.n. political mission in the country and african peace keeper whose are supposed to take control, take order and the french ambassador said lit be extremely hard and one factor is the presence of the lord's resistance army. that group that first started in
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uganda. >> it's in the square and we know now that the terrorist group is using that based on part of the country as a stronghold, so obviously the challenges are important. >> reporter: the new resolution gives the u.n. secretary general moon 30 days to come up with a full report in the country. one possible recommendation he could make is converting the current peace keeping force of african troops into a u.n. peace keeping mission. >> to the weather with richard who has the latest on the cyclone threatening india. >> this is the season for cyclones and we have a big one at the moment. it's covering a distance of 1200 millimeters and a major storm system and brings to mind a storm which hit back in 1999. this particular one was a
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category five storm. massive death toll associated with it, damage of $4 1/2 billion. and can you make 8 meters coming down you and this is not quite on that scale, it whhas to be sd and we have to watch carefully and no more than a jogging fast but these are forecast winds and this is the problem, we get wind information from the u.s. and u.s. navy and joint typhoon warning center based in pearl harbor in hawaii and this is a category five system with a storm surge of 5 meters that is major storm surge. so according to this it's looking very nasty. the great reliever and the department knows their stuff and would suggest the sustained winds will be 210 kilometers per hour and a category four storm
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and a storm of about three meters so 3-5 meters in terms of storm surges. what is in close agreement is the track which takes it into the waters which are odisha and border with padesh and we are looking as the system runs across to producing huge amounts of rain and could look at 250 millimeters of rain and you have the damaging winds and you have massive amounts of rain and the storm surge pushing in and the next couple of days it will have a major impact across the region and we will obviously keep you updated. >> barack obama met republicans to discuss a deal to temporarily raise the u.s. debt limit. the no deal has been done without an agreement. the u.s. government will be fault on its next payments next thursday and allen fisher reports from washington d.c. >> back on capitol hill after a
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90-minute meeting with the president discussions to raise america's debt limit are finally getting somewhere. >> the take away from the meeting was our teams are going to be talking further tonight. we will have more discussion. we will come back to have more discussion. the president said he would go and consult with the administration folks and hopefully we can see a way forward after that. >> reporter: and republicans offered a short-term deal, raise america's debt ceiling for six weeks in exchange for other issues and the white house did not immediately dismiss the idea but wanted a longer deal with no strings attached. >> i think the president said the other day if they were to send him a clean debt ceiling extension, no partisan strings attached, he would sign it. >> reporter: the meeting was hours after the u.s. treasury secretary told the senate committee failure to raise the limit would be a disaster
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because the u.s. government is a week away from running out of money. $16.7 trillion debt limit in may, and it has been taking what the treasury calls extraordinary measures to keep paying the bills. all that will stop on october 17th. and he told the committee the government has big bills to pay and payments to the military and elderly and has to pay interest on its debt and if it can't pay its bills the u.s. is in default. >> unfortunately today we face a manufactured political crisis that is beginning to deliver an unnecessary blow to our economy right at a time when the united states' economy and the people have pain stake enly fought back from the recession since the great depression. >> reporter: a catastrophic impact on the economy and a sharp value of the dollar and lead to increased inflation and interest rates will rise and make mortgages and loans more expensive and rolls into slower
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economic growth in the u.s. which almost will mean growth in other global markets. talks are to continue and discussed and finally after days of pointing the finger and laying blame things seem to be finally moving and al jazeera washington. >> reporter: and as the political arguments continue the loss of some government services is hurting americans right across the country. and patty reports. >> ann lucas is supposed to be in the lab making sure contact lenses are not having infection to blind people but she is here in the driving rain with other furloughed federal workers. >> frustrated, bored, angry, cold and wet now. >> reporter: their chance. >> give us a vote. >> reporter: ignored and the chorus demand the government open is growing across the country, michelle lockman a new monday and cancer patient cannot start a new drug being tested by
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the government. >> for the trial and be excited and at the same time was told it was going to be put on hold because of the government shut down was just a big blow honestly. >> reporter: federal parks are closed, meaning no tourists for nearby businesses. >> we are debating right now whether we should pay mortgage or we should pay payroll. those are the decisions that we are forced to make right now. >> reporter: thousands of children from low-income families were going to be kicked out of their classroom but a private donation is keeping them in school for now. that has never been a concern for members of congress though, the house of representatives private daycare center is still open and they are still getting paid. as to explain how that is possible, congresswoman jan. >> i think it's outrageous. >> reporter: she is not alone in that feeling here where workers say they have figuratively and now literally
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been left out in the cold. >> i don't have words for what is going on right now, but what i do recognize is i always believe in the american dream and right now i just don't know how i'm going to get paid and what is going to happen to my family. >> reporter: a question being asked across the country, but only a handful of people have the power to answer it. so far they haven't. patty with al jazeera washington. >> much more to come on the news hour including a top court in france up holds a two-year ban on the controversial practice of fracking. and sports major league baseball's final four are locked in, details are coming up. ♪
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♪ welcome back, you are watching the al jazeera news hour and the top stories the nobel peace prize has been awarded for the organization of the prohibition of chemical weapons and the nobel committee said the opcw deserves the prize for the continuing efforts to rid the world of chemical weapons. human rights watch has accused syrian rebels of killing at least 190 civilians in august during an offensive in the providence and in a report the group says many of the fighters who committed the murders are linked to al-qaeda. african leaders are debating a possible mass withdraw from the international criminal court and meeting at a special african union summit on relations with the icc.
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many leaders believe the continent is treated unfairly by the court. france's top court has rejected a challenge to a ban on a controversial way of extracting gas out of the ground. environmentalists say fracking can pollute water supplies, supporters of the technique says it opens the door to vast amounts of energy and emma hayword reports. >> they are taking pictures to chart what happens here. a few months ago drilling equipment she tells us was being used and the land was being considered as a future site for shale gas extraction otherwise known as fracking. and oil the site operator told al jazeera it's totally compliant with france's ban on fracking. >> fracking is only for five years, ten years, it's a no hold
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idea. it's -- it's not a long-term idea because as long as you wish to get energy, that will be finished one day. >> reporter: fracturing is a technique used to extract gas, a drill goes deep under ground and moves horizontally horizontally where it's trapped in rock and it fractures the rock and releases the gas but the method is criticized for creating earth tremors and polluting the water table and france was the first country in the world to ban fracking but a u.s. energy firm decided to challenge the law. the constitutional council has decided to uphold the law. the french public and the authorities still need to be convinced by the oil and gas industry that the benefits of fracking out weigh any
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environmental risks. and that could take some doing. shale gas exploration has been embraced by governments such as the u.s. and resisted by some communities. supporters of exploration in france believe it has been unfairly judged. >> the benefit of fracking to make it sharp and clear is to produce france's own resources of hydrocarbon with gas or possibly oil. and therefore replacing imports of the desired outcome. >> reporter: the industry is unlikely to give up the fight for fracking in france and she is determined to keep this land clear for the future generations, emma hayward al jazeera in paris. >> fracking is helping to power the u.s. to become the world's top oil producer, a new report by the international energy agency says the u.s. will over take russia by next year.
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the exploitation of shale oil reserves allowed the u.s. to reduce crude imports. may may end the cease fire if they do not get more rights and kurds are unhappy with the set of reforms aimed at improving human rights and we have the latest from turkey. >> this is hundreds of years old and a symbol and a place of worship for many syrians and the only christian religious group featured in the turkish government reforms. and as syrian property was ceased by the state in 2008 over an ownership dispute. >> translator: we are the sons of this land. we did not come from another country and have our own language, village and culture and want to be equal in
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everything. >> reporter: prime minister has proposed a set of laws to improve this for the kurds and christians and education in languages other than turkish at private schools naming a university under the leading figure and returning christian property. but not everyone is happy. for the syrians here, the government's move is implemented and would be a step in the right direction. but for other minority religious groups including the christians the grievances are deeply rooted and the government has to do more. the post reforms seem to have been aimed at to end the 30-year conflict have rejected it and saying it's not enough. ♪ and as for them it's around 15 million demanding more rights
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and official recognition. >> translator: we are not recognized in the constitution nor are our places of worship. we want official status, government funds and an end to the victimization. >> reporter: they deny there is widespread discrimination against minorities but says some of the problems began during the founding of the turkish republic and promises reforms to make it stronger but until that happens the miss trust religious minorities feel towards the state will not go away. and i'm with al jazeera east turkey. >> reporter: the environmental group green peace is concerned for the safety of the activists being held by russia. the campaign is detained and charged with piracy over an arctic protest last month and phillips reports. >> the commitment to do everything possible to get them out of prison as soon as possible. >> reporter: at headquarters in
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amsterdam they worry about friends and coworkers sitting in a russian jail in a port by the arctic sea and convinced of the justice of the cause. >> i think the sacrifice already made by activists as highlighted the problem about needing to defend the arctic, the fact that we are running out of time on acting on climate change and in that sense the sacrifice of the activist is not being made. >> reporter: they were arrested when they tried to board a russian oil rig and accused of piracy, nonsense says green peace because it was an honest protest talking about exploitation of the arctic sea. this rents green peace with the biggest diplomatic price since it blew up one of the shifts 30 years ago but the people detained in russia today come
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from 18 different countries giving this dispute a very international flavor. in london russell bryan worries about his brother who is traveling with green peace as a freelance camera man and held in a cold cell for weeks with no idea of what will come next. >> it's not for me to comment on russia's kind of what they are looking to do politically. all i can do is say their government to kind of end this nightmare, it is a nightmare, it's horrible, and for my family and release my brother and the families of the other 29 on the ship because it's horrible. it's not fair either. he doesn't deserve to be in jail. he is not -- he doesn't deserve to be there. it could ruin his life. and i wouldn't -- i wouldn't
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like to see that for my little brother. >> now the activist may face new charges but the allegations they had illegal drugs on their ship which is strenuously denied by green peace. president putin said he doesn't think green peace are pirates but he said he has no control over the russian judiciary. >> reporter: they seized 190 million of drugs smuggled from china and 200 milligrams of meth were in the tires shipped from shanghai and three are arrested. officers in india have also made a big drugs bust, 26 kilograms of heroin were ceased along the border in pungi and worth more than $200 million.
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government officials here in kata are down playing new reports of migrant workers being mistreated. a trade union federation report says it found disturbing evidence of people living in crowded camps and they are working on new buildings, sports facilities and roads preparing to host the 2022 football world cup and we report. >> reporter: these are just a handful of more than a million workers who left their country in search of a job in katar but the promise of a better life has not materialized and he was knocked off last july and survived with an injury to his shoulder but his colleague was killed. but it's not just at work where these men suffer and many live in over crowded labor cramps and sleep in cramps places where there is no sanitation. the plight of migrant workers is
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more of an issue of qatar since it was awarded the 2022 cup and union and rights groups criticized them for not doing enough to protect laborers. but the government insists it is doing its best to improve conditions. this week it met with members of builders and with workers international, a global trade union representing those in the industry. >> translator: there are some concerns over companies that confiscate passports and this is illegal and we prohibit the practice and another improvement we introduced is increase in building site inspections and banning companies for making staff work during 11:00 and 3:00 p.m. in the summer when the temperature is too hot. >> reporter: for many of the migrant workers here the risks associated with their working conditions are huge but take the risks because qatar has
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employment and a chance for a better life. the problem is not many companies take advantage of that and despite the labor law being good on paper it's not properly enforced and that allows employers to overwork the staff, confiscate passports or even withhold their salaries. >> health and safety when it comes to long overtime and underpayment and this is the result, it's important for the government to address this very quickly. they have to increase three times or five times their inspection, they have to create help in safety committees. >> reporter: where you look in doho you see a building site and costing billions of dollars and labor and rights groups are asking is what will be the human cost of all this? al jazeera doha.
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>> still to come on the news hour. ♪ we report from new york on a major attraction for graphity which may not be there too much longer. we will be here to preview a full round of qualifiers. ♪
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♪ hello again, now the japanese have a reputation for being among the first to adopt new
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technologies, but in music sales the aging cd is holding its own against digital down loads and sales were up 3% last year and japan is the world's biggest market for physical music media than the u.s. for the first time and we went to tokyo to have a listen. ♪ down at big boys they just have the new davis and his friend says cool. and bar owner gives it a first spin through a pair of 1979 jvl speakers and obviously the whole bar says cool. >> translator: it's part of the joy, you want to touch it, the jacket cover. >> reporter: with thousands of vinyl records and cds this bar is an shrine to physical media and cds are kept at home in a
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land of tiny apartments not designed to hold them. >> translator: for all my customers it's the same, fighting with their wives for storage space. >> reporter: it's a fight being fought throughout japan and an icon of 20th century the cd is never theless alive in well in 21st century stores and clever marketing of boy and girl bands keeps the kids buying. >> translator: japanese will have all kinds of actors like tickets to events to see pop idols and keep coming with new ideas. >> reporter: remember the facts, japan does and many businesses still rely on them and the japan newspaper are long the world's largest selling and comics holding their on in an online world and time may be catching up with even the japanese cd. >> translator: more people having smartphones cds will
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eventually decline here as well as people skip the download and go straight to streaming. ♪ back at big boys that is not so cool. >> translator: as long as there are people who appreciate cds, they still exist. if we stopped that will be a problem. >> reporter: so spin it again while you can and stay cool. ♪ robert bright al jazeera tokyo. >> reporter: okay now it's time for the sport. >> thank you very much. we start with some bad news in formula one former test driver maria is dead in her hotel room in the spanish city and she was one of the few women to come close to competing at the top of the sport, the daughter of f 1 driver raced f-3 in daytona
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before joining up with her. she lost her eye in a horrific accident while testing with the team last year. and a police spokeswoman said they are assuming it's a natural death but are examining the scene. the sad news of the death came just as a second practice session was being completed at the japanese place. and they set the fast time on friday and other drivers struggled at the circuit and it has a reputation of one of the most difficult tracks, but no problem for the veteran and mark and sunday he will have a fourth consecutive world title. detroit tigers will battle the red sox for a place in the world series and justin verlander led the tigers to victory over oakland and the match of the american league division series. verlander struck out ten batters and only gave up two hits in the
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3-0 victory and this is the championship and will face st. louis or la dodgers in the world series! i work my butt off all year to try to get consistent and keep myself where i need to be and i feel like it finally paid off at the end of the year. it was not easy and a battle for me all year long, excuse me, but i feel like i was finally able to make a couple adjustments i need to make and get myself to be more consistent. >> reporter: and several nations can book their spots as next year world cup and they are being played across europe and north and south and central america. the situation is more dire for mexico who hosts panama with just one win so far, a loss at the stadium could see them miss out on qualification for the
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first time since 1990. >> translator: but the players want support. i think it's the only thing we want. we know at the moment things have not been going well but we have a great opportunity. this is the moment for the last option we have to do something we should have done. >> reporter: and qualifying is expected to go ahead despite an explosion at the stadium due to host the march in parma, a faulty generator is blamed for the blast in an area containing the stadium offices and three were injured and to workers suffering serious burns and staying in there and trained at the venue despite flood light failures and put spain on the verge of qualification. and a match for england and if they win the game and choose this clash with poland they will
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qualify from group f or h and anything less may be placed out. >> with the players and i need to qualify and i need to deliver and it's very important. >> reporter: also to belgium and a draw against croatia and brazil and germany will go over ireland and russia and bosnia can also qualify if they win their respective matches. and players all over the world play tribute to one of the greate greate greatest cricket of all times and little master will end a 24-year long career at home in india next month. and we report from new deli.
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[horn blowing] he captured the hearts and mind of cricket fans around the world and not just a sports staff but a national hero. >> hello, i can see that. >> reporter: and indians and the nation's cricket authority alike the news of his retirement was hard to digest. >> and it cannot be felt and he is one player who created all sorts of recourse and i don't see any player incoming would be breaking that. he is that kind of player. in my world the modern cricket sought the retirement. >> it's difficult to imagine it without him. and the way he played for 24 years and every game he played
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with the kind of enthusiasm he showed and like a boy who is in a cricket field and had runs. i think it's basically a really sad day where you will have cricket teams in the future without him. >> the youngest player to score a test hundred in australia. >> reporter: on the cricket seen in 1989 and tendulkar had more than 100 million and in the hometown of mumbai expectations are still high. in his resignation late tore the cricket board he said he lived his dream and over the country the best celebrated man has broken a number of records and the only player to have scored more than 100 and one of the most run scorers in cricket and shorter forms of the game.
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the exact location of his last test match is yet to be confirmed. but wherever it's held in india it's undoubtly going to be one of the biggest sporting events this country has ever seen, al jazeera new deli. >> reporter: and that is it for me. >> thanks. now an old factory in new york has become a world famous canvas and to tear it down has driven them to a recourse. >> reporter: one building has a blaze with color and creativity and it's known as five points. the old industrial site is a mecca for graphitti serves as coordinator. >> no other place that offers more space at any given time or date for artists if you are
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amazing, horrible or in between or never touched a canvas and want to experience it we do offer that. ♪ an icon of street art has been a back drop for movies and music videos but the building is now slated for destruction and the name five points refers to the five bureaus of new york city all coming together. in fact, the site attacks grafatti artists and from around the world on a daily basis and that this will be lost is hitting them hard. they came all the way from france. >> all around the world everyone talk about five points, you know, and many grafiti arrisks come here and sad it's gone. >> reporter: they plan to build two high raises on the site after allowing the artists to work there and the plans include gallery space for artists as well as a place for artwork outside of the building and
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jimmy vanbramer helped negotiate the deal. >> the people at five points wanted it to be what it is kind of forever and that wasn't possible given the private ownership of the land. >> reporter: but the artists are not happy. they filed a lawsuit under what is known as the visual artists rights act which gives artists some say over their works regardless of who owns them. >> it's definitely not attacking the landlord, it's really fighting for the artist and giving them a voice. >> reporter: with few places left to spray point the destruction of five points would send the artists back under ground and their work confined to street art history and al jazeera new york. >> that is it for the news hour and stay with us, more news is straight ahead and that is it
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for now. ♪ >>
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that tense governmentn stand off. w time running out, house leaders put a plan to temporarily raise the debt ceiling but that deal is still a long way from being done. executions civilians held hostage in other unspeakable crimes against humanity, a new report detailing violence in syria carried out by rebel sources. cyclone kie lean has the strength of a category five hurricane, and there are fears it can devastate the country. and japan is now bucking


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