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tv   Consider This  Al Jazeera  October 14, 2013 10:00am-11:01am EDT

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>> this is al jazeera coming to you live. i'm del walters with your top stories. it's only a few days before u.s. government defaults on its debt. not raising the debt ceiling could lead to another global recession. there are new details in that stampede in india. at least 111 people were killed on supplied caught in the chaos as thousands of hindu pilgrims were leaving from a religious festival there. 17 sailers had to be saved
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off the coast of india during the cyclone phailin. the cyclone has killed least 23 people. the international red cross say there has been no contact between gunmen who captured workers from syria. they were seized supplied on their way to damascus. four of those workers have been released. bay area rapid transit as negotiations continue between the rail system and it's workers. the midnight strike line was pushed back 17 hours. i'm del walters in new york with updates all throughout the day. >> in two daring covert actions the united states moved toward
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al qaeda and a al shabab within hours capturing one high level o operative and another he is escn a firefight. has the white house shifted it's strategy away from kills to captures? the n.f.l. gets hit hard by controversy. a new book looks at two decades of denial of football and lasting brain damage. we'll ask the authors how far the league has gone to save face. and valerie joins me to discuss her new spy novel as well as iran's nuclear ai ambitions. we begin with the capture of the identif al qaeda operative e raid on a a al shabab compound n somalia. >> these actions both necessary and legal. >> we hope that this makes clear that the united states of
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america will never stop in it's effort to hold those accountable to conduct acts of terror and those members of the al qaeda and other terrorist organizations literally can run but they can't hide. >> u.s. officials including the secretary of state john kerri ky says the u.s. operations in libya and somalia send the message. >> we will continue to bring people to justice in the prop ratd way wit --appropriate way s that these activities will stop. >> the navy seals launched the first mission in al qaeda. it to forced them to withdraw without their target. a a al shabab spokesman says they were -- within a few hours of
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the raid commandos grabbed this man off the streets of tripoli in libya. known by his ail alias he was accused of playing a roll in the bombings of libya an tan a tanzania. >> the operations were conducted by the u.s. military under the authority confired by the authorization to use military force in 2001 which authorities authorizes the use of force. he will be brought before a federal court soon. well more i'm joined from washington, d.c. by tim clemente a former fbi and counter terrorism expert that investigated the 1998 bombings. and with me in our new york
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studio chief operating officer and former member of the fbi joint terrorism task force. you were involved in the embassy bombing investigations. what can you tell us about abu anas libby. and all of the work you put in to find gis justice for all of e people killed. how do you feel he is in u.s. custody? >> i'm grateful he was captured but also captured alive. it's greater that we may have inteintelligence value from himo prevent future attacks or immediate attacks that have been planned for the future. it's critical that we didn't do a drone strike on somebody like this. soon either targets. their value for the intelligence
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is far greater that b than a prs cueing woulprosecution would be. >> any significance that they were launched within hours of each other. >> terrorist organizations launch simultaneous attacks against their targets. it's great we can turn the tables on them and launch simultaneous attack. attacks. whether it's by design or kins coincidence. when you have these tactical operations the timing is critical. and you look for those windows of opportunity when it's safe enough for the operators to take action when the inte intelligens appropriate. whether it's design or coincidence. >> it sends a clear message. >> tim you are talking about al-libby's capture. he is being held on the
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u.s.s. antonio for questioning. who makes up the interrogation team. we have walked away from some of the techniques that used to be allowed. the team is going to be made up by f.b.i. and cia agents. >> the me methods that we use dt involve any coercion. and for somebody like this it's going to be a matter of a delicate balance of repore building. and that repore building is to partly put the fear of god in this guy to threa let him know t his life of interna terrorism and crime is over. and if he expects to see daylight in any capacity, his intelligence is the most valuable to us in the immediate hours after his capture.
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it deappreciate depreciates greatly. it was a colleague of ours did all of the interrogations of is a dpam. saddamment ansaddam and that was choreographed by and every moment he made in the room. and he was the only human being saddam was able to interact with. and that kind of control, it allows us to control the conversation and direct somebody like saddam hussein and somebody like al-liby who is not much different and direct them to realizing the scope of what they are facing and direct their cooperation come completely 234 in this manner.
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>> the goal is to prosecute him. but he has not been read hits ee -- his miranda rights. do you think they will have a problem convicting him with whatever is out there? >> w we have seen this tell template. he was captured at sea and he was taken aboard a navy ship and he was interviewed for months and then turned over to a law enforcement team and read his miranda rights and he continued to cooperate and in the word of the u.s. attorney from the southern district he was convicted and pled guilty and i think is still looking at sentencing and could look at a life sentence. it's possible to serve both masters. that is to get valuable intelligence and preserving a viable prosecution. that is what the government is looking to do.
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>> will al-liby bring us a water shed of intel intelligence. he spent ten years in iranian custody. how much are we going to get from him now? >> the water shed we are going to get is not necessarily things that have built up for years. this guys knows how they operate. he knew how they operated then. and even if he has been in the game for the last several months or a few years, he has a lot of intel againsintelligence and th. and the personnel working on their side. and let's talk about ben gazi. he had a five million dollars bounty on his head. and a former director of african counter terrorism told the new yor"newyork times," the adminisn
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is worried about things going sideways and they took advantage of a rare window of opportunity to remove the threat before it became wars. if the window is closing does that mean we are leaving the suspects on the street there? here is what the republican congressmen said on sunday. if we were able to get al-liby we didn't get the operators from ben gazi. some of them have now gone under ground. what does it say about our priorities? >> this is where the law and politics emerge we can't deny the capture of al-liby was significant. to me it sends the message that the cooperation between the u.s. government and the libyan authorities is getting better. haven't the libyan government complained about this? >> they could com come complaini would venture to guess there
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were some people in the inner circle that new what was going on. they have to complain to save face with their own people. i don't believe this was a completely union ra unilateral . >> let's turn to somali so maul somali. was he really the target? the compound is also used by the head of al shabab. all of the sources i read said he was the target. i'm not privy to the classified information. he was a target. this is a guy that was associated with two of the key embassy plots, the attacks in 1998. both of whom were significant players in the embassy attack. he was affiliated with these guys and involved in the
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2002 embassy attack and airliner. this guy is a big deal. >> why not take him out? there was enough fire power to take him out? >> the vault value of speakingo somebody like that and getting intel intelligence from him again with 60 people being killed and soft attacks like that are vulnerable to us in america. with thousands around the western world and closer to a million or more, i believe we have close to three quarters of million in america alone. those somali are a small minority are infected by al shabab. and when i mean infected they are infeblghte infectedded by the idealology. >> let's talk about the drone strikes and to take this guy out or not. given what you just said.
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according to a u.s. mill dr military official. that is two opp towe capture missionings in two hours. do you think they are stepping back from using drones? >> i can't say they're stepping back. they are weighing their best options they are operating in an area if they believe they can put special forces on the ground and reasonable success of capturing the target, they are not going to look at innocent civilians or collateral damage, they are going to opt for the option that gives us a chance to collect intelligence and that is what these special operations forces are attempting to do. >> now, tim, a al shabab last wk we had experts telling us that al shabab was on it's way out. but in the matter of weeks they succeeded with the gruesome attack on the west gate mall in kenya an and are they more sophistocated and stronger than
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they have been given credit for? >> i don't know sophistication is the proper scale to measure them on. they have been weakened as far as territorial areas in somalia and they are no no longer mean they are weaker. base thebecause they don't conte territory doesn't mean their numbers are decimated. they are still getting financial spoorsupport around the world. it may be more difficult because they are under ground now. and because they can repeal the attack it shows the difference between the rules of engagement between them and us. they are not worried about collateral damage they are worried about saving saving then butts. don, when it comes to al shabab they do control territory and they can tax people and they are killing elephants and poaching
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elephants to kill and using the ivory for their trade. they have become major charcoal sellers in the region and they are getting financing from the he is somalis here. and apparently they have the money to pay a lot of fighters and not that many of them are religious fighters. they are getting this financing to pay many of these mercenaries or somalis who are working for them. >> money is the life blood of any terrorist organization. without money they can't survive. eventually they won't get recruits and they won't buy the resources and weapons and provide for the track and things. and there are a lot of sources of money that come in to al shabab. we, as the u.s. government , have done a lot to stem the flow of money going in there. prosecuting the people in the united states who have sent money to al shabab.
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this is a difficult task. especially when you look at foreign sources of money coming in from other countries, other organizationses under the aces you a you a us a auspices of ngo's. once the money gets over there it's difficult to track if the money gets into the hands of people that need food or al shabab. >> two months ago we were talking about ciet al qaeda ande arabian peninsula and the islam extremists and now al shabab. the u.s. forces have a lot to fight. don and tim we appreciate you
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a controversial new book has the n.f.l. settling the class action lawsuit with 4500 players nor 7
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$765 million. was there a cover up. let's ask the authors. they join us here in the studio. great to have you both with us? >> the n.f.l. first started looking at this stuff. the first commission they named was back in the mid 90s. when do you think they really knew they he had a problem? >> go ahead. >> well in 1994, the n.f.l. commissioner at the time sets up this committee the mild traumatic brain injury committee. this is after he says publy that he i skeptical that there is a problem. he sets up this committee. and he appoints the head of the committee not a scientist but a jets team doctor, a guy who is a rheumatologist an and becomes te
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commissioners personal physician. >> that kept happening over and over again. they had a conflict of interest. >> in addition to the doctor that is a rheaume toll gift. the commissioner apoints the large segment of the team committee is team doctors. they are putting players back on the field saying we have no problem. you have that narrative. and the league should be coming aware as we get into the late 1990s and early 2000, a growing body of evidence and researchers telling them through survey reports or ultimately through thee the study of the al brains that there is it a growing connection between repetitive head trauma from football to brain damage. >> nothing happens for another ten years when mike webster a former pittsburgh steeler dic steeler dies and a doctor does
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an autopsy and found an issue in the brain. the doctor tries to get the information to the n.f.l. and the n.f.l. does what? >> he is a nigerian doctor who has never seen a football game. he has never seen a football game. he thinks the n.f.l. is going to treat him as a hero and give him a big wet kiss as he describes it. in fact the league attacked him and attacked his work and tried to get the paper retracted. and that was the beginning of what became really a years' long fight over this issue. >> the evidence starts mounting but the n.f.l. keeps resisting it. >> what they do they themselves publish a set of research in a journal called neuro surgery and it's edited by new york giants new york consultant. again you have a conflict of interest.
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you have team doctors engaged in this. and their message is that concussions are not a big problem in the n.f.l. and we have this problem handled and it's not a major issue. n.f.l. players are impervious to these injuries and they don't get long term brain injury? >> it's the basis of a front line documentary that preermded premiered on tuesday. >> when playing football one has to expect almost every play every game every practice they are going to be hitting their heads against each other. that is the nature of the game. those things seem to happen around a thousand to 1500 times a year. each time that happens it's around 20 g or more. that is the equivalent of driving a car 35 miles-per-hour into a brick wall. a thousand to 1500 times a year. we have done this story a couple of times and we have gone into
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the tremendous effect this has on players. what did you guys find? >> that is one of the most profound things that we found when researching our book and the documentary. the imbethe impact on these plas profound. they go from people that are loving pillars of society and people that are widely admired for their skills and their at leaptic perform athletic per performance. >> mike webster was a person that became homeless and went into financial ruin who was tazzing himself to sleep with stun gawns gun he was purchasing and writing thousands and thousands of thof letters to his family. it was striking to read these letters and watching somebody descend into madness. >> it's not just the big hits. that is one of the big misconceptions here. >> that is right.
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the folks at boston university talk about co concussive hits. they can try to legs lat legislf the games the big hits we see time and time again of the the linebacker or the wide receiver. the larger question is if indeed the repetitive nature of hitting each other time and time again is going to lead to potentially long term brain damage that is an issue not just for the league but that is an issue that we move down to high school students. high schools. >> the first case was mike webster and in 2006 andre waters shot himself in the head and the brain condition showed that of boxers. and in 2012 june seau shot
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himself in the chest. and ten years into one case after another. boston university has now looked at more than 50 brains almost all of those brains showed cte. is the n.f.l. doing better? >> well i think it depends on who you ask. the league has gone thank you thithrough theperiod that we dee book. a period of profound denial. they have gone through pressure because of that from journalists to congress and they are forced to do something. they blew up this committee and they put more serious people and people with more expertise in this issue to research it and get involved. i think we are at a stage that the n.f.l. is still heavily
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voivd iinvolved in the science d controlling the ziens science of concussions. and the question is how much can we trust them at this point. a lot of people believe the new commissioner is trying to do the right thing and we'll have to see. >> he was embarrassed before congress because a congresswoman pretty much said he sounded like the tobacco companies in denial with some of his answers. and after that it seemed like the n.f.l. started to take more action. but you had the experience with the documentary who is initially a joint production between front line and espn and then reportedly the n.f.l. may have influenced espn to pull out. >> clearly the league is a powerful force and a $10 billion industry. we were obviously not happy about the turn of events because it was a great partnership. at the same token whether the
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league influenced or how much they influenced what is positive not much really changed. the league with it's connection with brain damage and football. the commissioner is still saying the same thing now he said before congress four yearsing a. we are going to let the doctors decide whether this is an issue or not. many of the independent doctors that hear that think it's a ridiculous thing to be saying. the link is made and the question is now how prevalent it is. and on the point of them influencing science or espn the reality is the documentary is airing and espn is in support of our journalism. >> you brought up the issue of money and in 2011 espn signed a extension of $20 billion. fans? do you think they care when they hear about this stuff? will it affect how they approach their favorite
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pastime? >> i think the real issue is you will hear people who read our book or who have heard about this issue, some people feel they are looking at the game in a different way. the reality is the game is still wildly popular. mark and you are huge fans ourselves. we love the game. i'm a 49er season ticket holder. >> what do you think will happen? >> i think the issue for us is we are hoping that as much nivtioinformation about this ise gets out there. on one level it's about the n.f.l. but it's gotten into the national conversation now at this point. he is parents all over the country whose kids are involved in contact sports are trying to make rational decisions about what they want for their own kids. most of who are not going to play in the n.f.l. but are looking at the n.f.l. for guidance. what is the reality around these injuries and the reality airchld
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tharound the risk of playing football. >> it's not just football. concussions are an issue in all sorts of other contact sports. the research you have done and bringing the issue to light is very important for most parents in this country? well i mean i think we hope so. again our goal has never been to be about casting a aspersions on football. it's much more about informing people. this is the dialogue that is happening. it's moore abou more about pareg these decision eggs. t-- decisions. and we are at the point this iss a discussion happening and that is the place we are moving forward. >> and the n.f.l. has put new regulations into place. and they are certainly being more careful with players, especially quarterbacks and
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running backs and witted wide rs who get hit the worse in many cases. >> do you think they are doing enough quickly enough? >> i think it's a give question to answer. as mark said, they are still where they were before. they are not acknowledging that football can cause these injuries. never mind the prevalence issue and how many people get it. they are to the point where they are acknowledging there is a link. and i think for a lot of scientists that day has passed. >> that the science has settled on that subject. at the same time, they are making rule changes. the real question is how much can you really change? how much can you legislate safety into a game that is inher rayl inherently brutal and violent. and for that reason in many ways is our most popular spoafortd. sport. let's hope they figure out something that helps these players.
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>> the book is "league of denial" a really important story to tell. >> we'll be back with more of
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but just because we can live longer and in some cases should we? a controversial new book "knocking on heaven's door a path to a better way of death" how americans live a much lower quality of live amid a higher cost. katie butler is the book's author. she joins us from san francisco. thank you for being with us tonight. i know this book is deeply personal for you. it focuses on your dad's earned indof end of life.
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he had strokes and he had blindness and then he had hernia's and then to treat the hernia they put in a pace maker. that led to a devastating situation for your family. tell us how that all was. well my father was given a pace maker that really extended his life into the time when it was a burden and a curse to be alive rather than a blessing. it's also destroyed my mother's life because she was a full time caregiver, sometimes having to care for him minute-by-minute. and it was agony and i knew and my mother came to feel that the pace maker had been a terrible, terrible mistake. this device had a ten year battery. it was put into an 80-year-old guy who could no longer complete a sentence. >> his life was pr prolonged ani know at different times before he stopped being able to complete a sentence, he said
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some heart breaking things himself. he said i don't know who i am anymore. he even said at one point, i'm living too long. you and your mother wanted the pace maker turned off to let him end his life naturally. but when you suggested that the doctor recoiled at the suggestion. >> i want to say at first this was agonizing for my mother and i to get to the point where we wanted the device turned off. these are horrible decisions. people across the country are having to make them every day. either make them or avoid making them. when we went to the cardiologist he looked at my mother and i as if we were morale monsters. later he said to me when i was researching the book, it would be like putting a pillow over your father's head. >> that is what it looked like to him.
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that is not what it looked like for my mother and i who cared about my father extremely deeply. >> he could have continued to live even if the pace maker had been turned off,. >> yeah. >> he would have died in the natural course of matters. medical recommendations have changed about turning pace makers off since your dad died? >> that's right. in 2010. 010 the cardiology association got together and created a document that clearly said this is not euthanasia or assisted suicide. it's simply alieutenan allowinge underlying disease to take it's course and allow nature to take it's course and natural death. and the law for a decade has been you have the right to request the withdrawal of any medical treatment. and your wishes should be paramount onc ones and not the values of the the doctor. >> that was not the end of things.
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even when your father had pneumonia and what did turn out to be the end of his life. doctors still kept making of organizations t efforts to prolong his life even three he didn't exist in a real way. and he was suffering and that was also very hard for you. >> he did still exist. he was still my dad to me. even though he was so debilitated and suffering. when he was on a hospice unit dying of pneumonia which we were not treating quite intentionally and we asked to have the pace maker turned off again. and the cardiologist service that was called said no. it was bureaucratic slip up at this point. for thousands or millions of americans it's much more intense than that. a full 20% of yo us die in intensive care. and that is a harrowing depth dh
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for ever everyone. and there is conflict between families and doctors about when to end life support. >> where due draw the line between saving a loche lovered d when a family should let them go go. >> i think it's different for every family. at this point families are deferring to doctors who are not capable of making them. these are morale emotional decisions that are based on deep values. you can't defer these decisions you hav have to talk about thema family before the crisis hits. >> that is a question that the family will ask. if i can keep my parent alive. if they are deep into alzheimer's and dementia, there are those moments what do you say to them? >> i think dying is incredibly
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difficult. and the question are you prolonging the dying of this person you love for your own emotional need, or are you doing the loving thing for that person? i got an e-mail from a woman whose 92-year-old mother is blind and bedridden in a nursings home and refusing to eat. and the doctor kept trying to pepersuade her mother to take a feeding teup. teup -- tube. and now i understand and how painful this is for me but i need to let my mother do what she needs to do is die a normal get. >> we have a social media question for you. the viewer said don't we need advances in health law regarding consent and power of attorney? >> i don't think it's a legal problem. i think it's an interactional problem with doctors.
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doctors on the whole t do not do the kind of informed consent in a situation like a pace maker. my dad and mother were never told this was a device that would last ten years and nor were they told that it could be painlessly deactivated and they could do that when circumstances change. witthe problem comes when family members are in a conflict. or you are not on the same page as the doctor. these are human interaction problems not legal problems? >> in the first full year of spending medical spending has shot up to 19% in 2011. >> does the big business and dollars involved in the end of life decisions, what kind of
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factor does that play? >> a quarter of medicare spending is for the last year of life. a third of people have surgery in their last year of life. a third spend time in intensive care in the last year of life. all of these create enormous amounts of dollars. and devices like pace makers and the equipment in icu and medical devices have almost a guaranteed 20% profit year in and year out. and so from the point of view of the businesses quite understandly they are not in the business of define being healthcare policy they are in the business of defining markets. you have doctors doing studies to prove and justify that more of these devices should be used. you have sales people fanning across the country and chatting up the doctors and providing them with lunches. and really quite extensive
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inducements and encouragements to see putting in devices and prolonging life as the only way to go. and unfortunately healthcare is the biggest lobby in washington and there is no lobby for the patient. one of the hardest things you write about are how your mother got to the point and you got to the point you hoped your dad would die and how excruciating that was. millions of americans are in similar situations caring for ailing parents. and i know it affected your mother's decision on how to treat herself late in life. what advice would you give to caregivers to make life easier for them in these circumstances. >> first of all it's to have these conversations with your family early. it's not a question of do i want a pace maker or do i want to be intensive care ever.
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it's what is it that makes my life living. at what point is my life a burden than a blessing. i think the emotional task realizing that the end of life is coming that is saying to those that you love, i love you, thank you, please forgive me, i forgive you and goodbye. and if we do the emotional work prior to the panic trip to the intensive unit or er if that work is done ahead of time and you have these conversations you really have a chance. the other thing i say is ask to be connected wit with a pal pale care program. this is a wonderful approach to medicine where you get a lot of old fashioned doctoring and a lot more contact and a lot more help making medical and personal decisions don't be terrified of hospice and palliative care.
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check them out and do some research. have just an informative meeting with them and see what they can provide for you. otherwise you will be in the situation where you get blue skies before the end and then you are not prepared. and the most important of all, saying to your best friend take me out in the field and shoot me if i e get like that. that is not an end of life plan. if you don't have an end of life plan someone else may have an end of life plan for you and it may not be in accord of your values and it may extend your suffering. >> the book is "knocking on heaven's door." katie butler thank you for
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>> the witches won by 14 points. >> and the irs won by nine points and departmen dmv and jury duty and cockroaches. >> congress lost to mother's in law. public radio fund-raising drives beat congress by 35 points and hip officer
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sters took congress by 35%. still some people are less popular than congress including one of it's old members. anthony weaner got less than half of congresses school. they prefer congress to cyrus and we in mass media have not been too poop of popular ourselves. we may be on the rise. we are doing three times better than congress and that is up from and all time low of 40 last year. maybe one day half of america millions who need assistance now. we appreciate you spending time with us tonight. up next is the golden age of
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hollywood going golden but elsewhere. why l.a.'s mayor has declared a state of emergency for the entertainment industry there. next. on august 20th,
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they now have nuclear weapons has grown since you left the cia. are you hopeful that proliferation will stop? >> i am hopeful. i think more and more nations are realizing that nuclear weapons belong in the dust bin of history. they no longer provide the security that they once did where we have the nexus of nuclear technology and terrorism. the proliferation will continue unless we take strong international steps which is what glob global zero is suppor. i think we are lucky so far. >> iran is trying despite their deniledenials to get nuclear we. now they have finally talked.
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do you think their talks will be successful. they will get to the place where iran will not develop a weapon. >> i'm carb cautiously optimistic maybe there is a window of opportunity. president rouhani has clearly shown a moderation in tone from all of his tweets from wishing a and a phone call and they'll be meeting in geneva and high level meetings. and this is amazing that this is the first time that there have been this level of talks since the iranian revolution. and i believe diplomatic relations should not be reserved for just for friends. i believe that america is a great enough country that we can speak with our
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enemies and our friends. i think iran wants to return to the commune o community of nati. >> these sanctions are biting and i'm optimistic that we have a moment here. >> while at the cia i monitored the top pakistani nuclear scientist who was involved in helping involve iran with nuclear weapons. the biggest concern the nuclear device falling into terrorist hands. given what has happened in the past ten years what do you think the likelihood of tha that is? >> i think it's very high. it's something that we need to have very strong international instrusive inspections and begin to move toward starting with the united states and russia, reducing our nuclear arsenals and we can't continue on the path which we are going.
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but unfortunately this continues to be a really dire threat and it's something that is what i developed my expertise in at the cia. it's what i continue to do with global zero. and as you pointed out. >> it's the central point in your book. and let's talk about it. valley plame and vanessa pearson how close is that cia agent that lives in cypress to you? >> i would say that she is smaryter than i am smarter thand younger than i am and informed by my experiences in the cia. i was always irritated with how female ciaop ops officers were treated in culture. i was given the opportunity to write this book and i wanted a female character that was realistic and still entertaining. >> i want to talk about how real
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lisrealistic she is. you bring up the portrayal in movies and tv shows. we are seeing more female agents in home land and zero dark thirsty. thirty. are they not an improvement from the past. >> perhaps they are not highly sexualized. but again they tend to be sort of, for the most part, cardboard characters. and homeland is compelling tv. but notice i how she doesn't really have any friends. and for that with an ops officer not to have very good interperceninterpersonnel skillu wouldn't go very far. and jessica justaine did a beautiful job in zero dark
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thirty and was nominated for it. but as i understand it that character was a compilation of several officers. and there is always a team effort that goes into a successful operation that goes by the way side. it's more dramatic to focus on one character. >> on the individual. while you were at the cia you were a deep cover officer. how much of what you write in this novel is true to what a cia covert operator may do? and how much is more, you know , novelistic. >> well i took out all of the waiting and all of the rabbit holes that you go down that come up with nothing because you can't keep a reader very long if you put that in. and there is a lot of waiting for your assets whether you are in a restaurant or in a park and so forth. but what is very genuine is all the trade craft that is very accurate. and how you communicate cla
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clandestinely with an asset and how you move in and out of a country. and those sorts of things. and the locations are all places i have been or worked or traveled to. and i tried and her interactions at headquarters and s and so foi tried to make that as realistic as possible and still make it entertaining. >> the book starts with the main character and vanessa pearson meeting covertly with an informant. those kind of meetings and the cloak and dagger thing and the advanced world of technology with so many different ways of communicating that still happens? >> believe it or not yes. despite the technology what matters is the human interaction. i'm biased. the human intel against is goiny telyar intelligence
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is helpful but it's really only with that human interaction that there is a certain degree of trust and you understand what the intent is and that is where critical intelligence comes in. vanessa pearson meeting her asset in ver vienna. >> when you wrote your autobiography you had the cia vetting it and not wanting you to write it. did you have any issues with this book? >> when you join t cia you are obligated to secretsy and ceici secrecy and everything i write i have to go buby the cia. unlike "fair game" which had quite a bit redacted this one
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therthere are no black marks? >> back in 2003 you were a covert agent and you had to resign a couple of years later and you could go no where further at the ci all. dis -- went from a secro a household name, how massive was that transition for you? >> it was difficult. it took me honestly to come to terms with it. i had gone from being a very private person where secrecy and discretion is paramount. you don't do that job with hope or desire of public recognition. and literally overnight i was a public person and emmeshed in this partisan scandal. harder. >> it was very difficult. my husband joe wilson and i went through the wringer.
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it took me a while to realize at least if i am going to be a public person i can use my voice and speak uta out about things t i care about passionately like global zero for instance. >> unfortunately we have to go. i hope there has been a silver lining in all of this for you. >> you dedicated your life to all of this it must have been hard to lose that. the autobiography and the novel and the series of enoug novels e movie must have made up for some of what you went flew. through. i look forward to finishing your book tonight and the rest of the series . the show may be over and the conversation continues on our website. you can also go to twitter. we'll see you next time.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. here's are the stories that we're following for you. >> i'm confident the republicans will allow the government to open and extend the ability of this country to pay its bills. >> lawmakers try to work out a deal as the deadline for extending the debt ceiling gets even closer. as the u.n. inspectors could be buying time for the assad machinregime. and muslims around the world gathering for hajj.


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