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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 16, 2013 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the debt ceiling deadline now less than 24 hours away, the senate is moving towards a possible deal, but all eyes are on the house, which could hold the dee to the first debt default in u.s. history. a not guilty plea from one of america's most wanted a terror sus and effect in court for the first time that face charges that he hemmed plan the african embassy bombings over a decade on the ground. in geneva a second bay of did diplomacy talks are getting underway in six world powers aiming iran to scale back its nick lahr program. in italy, riots break out at a funeral for a nazi war criminal.
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♪ ♪ hello, i am stephanie sy you are watching al jazerra america. the stage is set on capitol hill for an 11th our deal to avoid a potential fiscal cries that's could reverberate around the world. congress now has less than 24 hours to raise the debt ceilingful there is hope that a senate proposal could gain traction in the house to tuesday but it didn't happen of after more than two weeks after a government shutdown, americans are hrao*eus losin losing patiee i huh is more. >> reporter: the focus tuesday more than was about a drawing deal one that both republicans s and democrats could agree to. however house republicans through there all wrench in the plans and said they they want like itdidn't likeit, wouldn't d were hatching a plan of their
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own. the focus was on tuesday what they could come up with. by the end of the day it was all no not because the go period of time plan didn't he had support of it's most cop serve tiff members and has y period from the democrats. the focus has shoved to the senate. we are right where we left off 24 hours earlier. sen to the leader reid majority skphraoerleader and mitch ma co. say they are o optimistic and te broad framework would reopen the government and extend the dead limit and the finer details are being worked out late in the night. watch for something to turf as on wednesdasurface onwednesday s watching the marked and there is concern about how the markets will react to news that there was no plan as capitol hill closed for business tuesday night.
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>> libby casey reporting from the hill. stocks are taking a hit due to the impasse in congress. down closed 130 points down on tuesday and fitch one of the three biggest credit agencies is warning it might cut a triple-a rate figure the deal isn't reached. with a clock ticking. there is concern and polight political blame to go around. shawn kelley is a political science professor at california state university. he joins us from california. professor thanks so much for being with us, the house republicans failed to even bring a vote tonight. now that the ball is back in the senate's court why should we believe that a viable deal is insight? >> well, like most americans, i guess i want to believe that ideal can be reached. but the real problem is in the house of representatives. what you have got is a small to medium-sized group of
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republicans who are feeling that they need to stand on principle. and that the principle that they are stands on the ground is number one, to try to modify or delete obama care, but also to try to get spending under control. and typically you think of republicans as being, you know, sort of tied to wall street. but the faction we are talking about here is a faction that doesn't care so much about what wall street wants. and so you know, there may be some pressure as we see the markets shifting, but this group of anywhere from 20 to 40 republicans, isn't necessarily going to be responsive to that. >> do you think this is just a political game, politics 101 being played out in until the last minute or do you think there is a real threat i've default? >> again, i would like to believe that there is ideal in
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the making. but i really don't think that people should look at this and see this as a game or as political theater as it sometimes is called. the stakes are very real here. and the pivotal actors in all of this feel as though they are stands on the ground principle and that they would be betraying their constituents, the people who voted for them, if they were to shift positions and accept something that they said that they would never accept. what they are worry about is that they are going to get primaries from their right, from more conservative members, even more conservative members than they are already. and so they feel threatened, they my mae feel that, you know, splitting with that conservative wing is the thing to do. but they may feel pressure to stick to their guns. >> does the president need to shoulder some of the blame here, in that he wasn't able to build
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more consensus in washington? shouldn't he have also seen it coming months ago? >> oh, i think they saw it coming, no doubt about it. the real person here who is the key player is john boehner and he's caught in a position where he has to be asking himself, whether it's more important to get something passed and so do something and depends on democrats to pass it, or whether he's going to insist on passing it only with republican votes. if he does that, he's not going to be a i believe to get what he wants through the senate, and if the senate sends him something, he's not willing to rely on some democratic votes. then he's not going to pass anything in the house. so i think this goes beyond gamesmanship at this point. >> all right, sean kelly political science professor at california state university. thanks so many for joining us this ink.
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>> thanks. a 1alleged al qaeda member r al-liby. is accused of bombings 15 years ago when nba which hundreds of silsillcivilians died. >> reporter: one of america's most wanted faced a judge in this courthouse. handcuffs, wearing sweats and a long gray bail. abu al-liby sat quietly and pled not guilty to a list of charges he now faces he spoke softly telling the judge through a translator he could not afford an attorney. now, he still has representation for the hearing. but a new lawyer who can handle what is expected to tab a very y len teen trial. then three trying. he was ordered detained. the whole hearing lasted a couple of mints but it is one of the fuse times an a uminutes bud
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tear offist was here. he appeared much ordinary than those pictures. court documents a al-liby was a key figure in al qaeda, he ran the surveillance and was a computer expert who worked for that organization. now, u.s. forces only captured him about 10 days ago after an exhaustive manhunt. they found him in libya. but his overseas interrogation was cut short because of health concerns, al-liby suffers from hepatitis c and that angers some american lawmakers who wore that i had once al-liby was brought to the united states, he was entitled to rights of an american citizen and that it would cut short his interrogation, possibly jeopardizing any new information that he could share about al qaeda. >> jonathan betz reporting in new york. an airport employee is now under arrest for those dry ice explosions at los angeles international airport. the suspect has been identified by the associated press as
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28-year-old decarlo bennett who works if a company called service air. at rest follows several small explosions inside an airport wrath arbathroom and on the tar. another reprieve for commuters in san francisco. transportation workers for the local bart transit system say the trains will run wednesday while negotiations continue it came just before a midnight deadline in which bart workers were threaten to go strike. employees are seeking pay raises and better benefits. ♪ ♪ >> meteorologist: hello again, well, first of all let's look at what will happen up towards the north west, over the next couple of days things will remain like they have been over the last couple of days. we are getting some clouds across parts of british columbia but that's not bringing rain to anybody. this is what it looks like we are seeing clear conditions across most of washington. as well as in on oregon the rain
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is up towards montana but that will be light. we don't expects to see too much in accumulations for seattle look at the temperatures and skies over the next five days, low '60s and plenty of sunshine through the end of the weekend so get out and enjoy that. down towards the southwest, though, we are seeing a little bit of mix of rain and snow in the higher elevations of colorado, as well as in to utah, we don't expect to see much in terms of rain in parts of arizona. actually phoenix, you are looking like this on your 5-day forecast. low 80s and overnight lows maybe down to about 59 degrees, plenty of sunshine all the way through the weekend as well. here across texas this is where big story is going to be and it's going to continue through the day. we have had a lot of rain push in a lot of the rain has come in from gulf of california also a frontal boundary has laid it out in this area, we could be seeing probably anywhere between two and three-inches of rain all wait through wednesday. now, we do have a lot of saturated areas so flash
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flooding will be a major potential across the region, temperatures are going to be well below average for this time of year. 63 degrees in dallas 63 in san antonio. that is about 15 agrees lower than what we should see in time of year. corpus christy you are about average, at about 83 degrees there. rain on wednesday for texas and dallas, but as you can see, as we go towards the end of the week on sunday, you are back to normal at about 73. iran putting a proposal on the table for its nuclear program. the new sense safe hope surrounding the latest diplomatic talks. san diego's former mayor pleads guilty to sexual haras harassmey some say the sentence he's expects today get is too lenie lenient. and outrage in the streets of rome. at the funeral for a former nazi. uncovers unheard, fascinating news stories?
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iran has offered a plan to end the standoff over its nuclear program. a meeting in switzerland the iranians told diplomats they are confident in progress on a agreement. al jazerra's james bays has more from geneva. >> reporter: around the table once again, international diplomats negotiating with the iranians but this time a new atmosphere of hope and after photographers were escorted from the room a new approach from iran, a power point presentation in english, of a plan called closing the unnecessary crisis. and opening new horizons. but what exactly are the details of the new program i was among a large crowd of reporters with questions for iran's foreign deputy minister. >> we are serious, we are not here to waste our time. we are serious for a real target to the end of hopese negotiatios between iran and the other side. we believe that the plan that we
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have induced has the capacity to do that. >> can you tell us what's new in your new plan? >> many things. >> can you tell us what they are? >> no. our plan is confidential and is supposed to recon if remain co. that's what we agreed on in the meeting. >> reporter: catkatherine ashton her spokesman had a positive tone. >> we have come here with a sense of cautious optimism and a great sense of determination. because we believe it's real time now for tangible results. >> reporter: those who followed the long history of negotiations with iran, say there is no a new pace and urgency to the process. >> the very fact that the time line has been shortened, these talks now are just two weeks after an agreement told them was even made. this is in the realm of iran nuclear talks this is a new world. there is a lot to play for still. >> reporter: the negotiations
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will continue here on wednesday. there has been some progress, but no one is talking yet of a breakthrough or a final deal. in fact, there is already the suggestion that there could be further negotiations in just a matter of weeks. james bays being al jazerra, geneva. >> no final deal is expected at the tend of the two-day session and everyone with president hassan ruan i's new tone israel wants world leaders to keep the pressure up on iran. ray retired army captain says he wants to return to active duty after receiving the nation's highest military honor. president obama awarded the medal of honor to captain william swenson. the most deng rated u.s. army officer since the vietnam war. in 2009, the 34-year-old seattle residents risked his life during a fire fight in afghanistan, he helped toy vac wait wouldn'ted afghan and american troops after they were ambushed by taliban fighters. 15 u.s. and afghan soldiers died that day.
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>> this medal represents them. it represents us. thank you. >> captain swenson has been unemployed since link the arm any 2011. in an unusual move he has asked to return to active duty a request that is now under review by the u.s. military. former san diego mayor bob fill never is now barred from seeking public office after pleading guilty to felony false imprisonment charges this comes just weeks after he was forced to step down as mayor after being accused of sexual harassment by numerous womenful he will face for jail times, he will get three years probation, three months of home confinement and undergo mental health counseling. riots breaking out in the streets of rome, people there were pro toasting the june alf a former nazi captain. al jazerra's claudio has more.
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>> reporter: tensions run high on a funeral nobody wants, in this usually quiet town they tried to stop the hearse carrying erich priebke. one of the perpetrators of the one of the worse a as it tri tyes carried out in italy. days after his death this is where permission was given for his funeral after several cities refuse today give the go ahead for either the service or his burial. >> he was a war criminal. who killed without distinction. men, well, children, i don't think he deserves a dignified burial or a funeral mass. >> they shouldn't have brought him here just as they didn't want him anywhere else, he is unwelcome here too. >> reporter: to make matters worse, the fascist youth turned up. clashes were inevitable. in death, erich priebke was just as controversial as he was in
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life. a former nazi captain, involved in the killing of 335 italians, in 1944, in revenge to the murder of 33 german soldiers bipartisans priebke never repented. identified and arrested in argentina in 1995, he was extradition today italy, aimed eight yi. aged 83ful while under house arrest he always denied the holocaust and said he was just following orders. after he died friday aged 100, questions were raised of the nature of his funeral service and nobody, including argentina, and his own town in germany offered him ebber yell plot. rome where he last lived under house arrest was also off limit. in a statement issued shortly after his death. rome in charge of the city's churches ordered that no public funeral service should be granted for him. that decision fell under a rule of law for those of the church
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considers manifest sinners. then on tuesday, the society of a fact rick fraternity accused in the past of a antisemitism offered to perform the service the angry reaction by locals and the fear that it will turn in to a knee owe nazi rally forced the authorities to does spent the funeral for the night. questions remain over where he should be buried. it was suggested that he should be yes mate created and ashes dd so it doesn't become a pilgrim i believe for nazi si sympathizer. hunger in america, the daily battle for many to put food on the table. and a fisherman's dream come true? the massive creature that one man stumbled upon in the waters off of california. al jazeera america... >>introduces... "america tonight".
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>>a fresh take on the stories that connect to you. >>grounded. >>real. >>unconventional. >>an escape from the expected. millions who need assistance now. we appreciate you spending time with us tonight. up next is the golden age of hollywood going golden but elsewhere. why l.a.'s mayor has declared a state of emergency for the entertainment industry there. next. on august 20th,
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a battle between oil giants chevron and residents of ecuador's rain forest is under way in a new york courtroom. chevron is trying to reverse an $18 billion judgement they were accused dumbing toxic waste and causing lasting health and environment damage. a report from ecuador. >> reporter: donald is an activist who gives so-called toxic tours. he digs a small well outside a house in the amazon, and shows us the waste of oil drilling. he says it was dumped in the pit by texaco without proper safety measures. >> they should have disposed of this why did they create these pits, why didn't they put it in metal tanks like they did back in the united states. >> reporter: mercedes jiminez lives in one of the homes. >> our health has been affected. my family is sick. i am sick. my bones ache and my sons are
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ill. >> reporter: mercedes and another 30,000 people filed a class action suit against texaco, now owned by chevron. pablo took the oil giant to court and won. the company was told to pay $18 billion by an ecuadorian court. but chevron appealed. and is now accusing him and his team of mass fraud. >> crude oil spilled on the roads indigenous people affected cancer cases, children with leukemia, all these are chevron's problems now the trial is to show the company is putting up so the world doesn't seem the crimes commit heater in the amazon. >> reporter: chevron did not respond to al jazerra's interview request. the company has denied wrongdoing in ecuador and claims the area was properly cleaned up. people here say the new trial means they may not get the money they won in damages. there are hundred 80 waste pits scattered receive jungle, the crude over the years has forms
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these pools of sludge. we are standing on top of an oil reservoir and it's actually gone solid. but it's pretty deep. they tell us about three meters or so. and as you can see, it wasn't cleaned up properly, there is oil everywhere. and the smell is really strong. and the whole place it's like this. while the community awaits the verdict, many say the damage to the environment is done. and hope that the country bans drilling in the amazon rain forest once and forever. al jazerra, in the ecuador vinnie amazon. >> a chevron lawyer took the stand we understand and said charges against. company were bogus. jc penney is denying rumors that it's hiring bankruptcy flaws are lawyers they say there is no truth to the allegations which sent eights stock tumbling. they are trying to rerife scales after a failed experiment to go
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upscaled laugh years they have been reassuring innin investorss enough wash kasami, o on hand fr the year. hung never america. according to a recent poll, 20% of americans didn't have enough money to buy food for themselves or their families in the last year. that's just shy of the peak 20.4% in 2008 when the economy imploded. one in five children live in a household that has difficulty feeding them. natasha spent a day in the life of a palm beach county florida family strug to go put food on the table. >> reporter: terrell middleton is nine years old but quickly growing in to a young man. he's already 5 neat towel and 110 oupbdz. >> he's 110 pounds. >> as a big boy, about but we don't have enough food. that will kill me as a month mother. you can't eat. >> reporter: terrell leaves for school munching on dry control yell, eats a free breakfast at growth park elementary.
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>> i like it because it's free took. thanks to a state program they serve a free breakfast for any student under 18 regardless of income. 94% of the students at grove park eat free or reduced lunches. >> food and security runs our school. kids will come in off the bus and you can tell already what kind of morning it is. >> reporter: grove park elementary has a food pantry for families in crisis in addition, each week the charity feeding south florida gives rotating groups of students free bags of food to take home. terrell's mother, 28-year-old tar -a struggles to put mod need on the able even when food stamps, they makes $15,000 a year working part time at a school. >> i don't want him to go to bed huchinge reu, he takes roids and he's hungry.
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>> reporter: we asked him how he feels when he's hungry and trying to learn. >> crazy someones my minds. >> reporter: life hasn't been easy for the single mother and her son, she's been raising him alone shins his father died when he was five years old. in 2011 as her driving home she was shot three times in what police says say was a case of mistaken identity. the shooting was a turning points in her life. shshe hadn't been working and vowed to become a real provider. >> i probably would have become a statistic. you know, of how people see us. you know, as when i say us, i mean younger black women. who rather stay home and get government assistance than go out and work. >> reporter: in may, she graduated an associate's degree and became a paralegal. she hen been able to find a job in her field. school is out. terrell grabs a snack and will study in the school's after care program until his mother picks him up. it's now after 7:00 in the evening. middleton fidgets in hunger while his mother makes spaghetti and chicken patties for dinner.
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>> slur that's? >> it's a question that will haunt her as she drives to improve their circumstances and insure her son doesn't feel the pain of hunger, al jazerra, palm beach county, florida. >> feeding families with healthy foods say serious problem in the u.s. and a proud. so activists are marking wednesday as world food day. it's the kind of fishtail that you've got to see to believe. a marine science instructor snorkeling off the doesn'ter california coast spotted this 18 footlong se serpent like fish it took 15 people to drag it to shore the body of the fish was almost perfectly intact and appeared to die naturally they are rarely seen dead or alive. that is a scary sight. that will do it for this edition of al jazerra news, i am stephanie sy. news at the top of every hour, thanks for watching.
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