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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 16, 2013 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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ray powerful earthquake that hit a holiday island. welcome on am stephen cole you are watching al jazerra life there doug doha. coming up a powerful typhoon kills 14 people in japan as it seeps up the country's east coast. united states has warned its credit rating could be downgraded as a budget stalemate continues. and dancing down to rio. bosnia celebrates reaching the world cup finals for the first
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time think find out who else joins them in brazil. ♪ ♪ but first a major rescue operation has started in the philippines after a powerful earthquake hit the central island. the death toll is now standing at 107. but that's expected to rise. only a handsful of people have been pulled alive from the rubble. the government says as many as 2 million people may be affected by the earthquake that reached 7.2 on the richter scale. let's gets more. you are in one of the places worst affected by the earthquake. tell me more about what it's like there. >> reporter: well, in fact, aftershocks are very much still being felt here where we are. one of the areas most devastated
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just a identify minutes ago quite a strong aftershock watt felt here causing a bit of panic among the residents here. behind me is the famous church. this is one of the very first church that was ever built here in the philippines in fact, this is the sent her of roman catholics not just in the philippines but out east asaia. the local government said the earthquake struck early tuesday morning, yesterday morning here local time. over 800 aftershocks have already been felt. coming through here driving around we saw a lot of residents, those that lost their homes living by the roadside just refuse to go abandon their homes, but at the same time, really not being at all comfortable about what for do exactly and where to proceed. now, the government has already put the province under a state think calamity. but for the many residents here, despite assurance buys the government that help is underway, not much really is visible here in the ground here. >> i suppose it is early days.
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the recovery effort, let's talk about that a little more. they are certainly vital in providing jobs for the thousands who live in that particular region. not the least because of the tourist industry. >> reporter: yes, it is, steven. in fact, it is one of the top tourist destinations in the country. it provides thousands of jobs, not just in the province alone, but also to those other residents in other outlying islands, now it's not sure exactly for the government as to the extent of the damage of this tragedy, but a lot of -- a lot of the areas that are mostly visited have already been severely damaged in particular in the areas of this town, in fact. now, the local government is saying also that what we would like really is to be able to find some sort of discussion already, direct discussion with the national government to find exactly some sort of short-term
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or at least long-term also, long-term solution in to finding ways to recover. i understand that the president has arrived, he's pledged to provide help, aid to those who have been affected. but a lot of the residents here are far more worried about immediate needs on the ground, in particular, food, water and security a major concern. >> thank you. a powerful typhoon has killed 14 people in japan as it moved up the country's east coast. dozens of homes have been destroyed. road and rai rail networks have grounds to a halt. winds from the pie footbal typhs high as 180-kilometers an hour, joined now by michael penn the president of the news agency in tokyo. this is a devastating typhoon, isn't it? >> reporter: yes, it is. typhoons normally don't take this kind of a toll as they have
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in this occasion. clearly the typhoon this time as they are calling it a once in a decade typhoon and looking at the damage that it did on this one island in particular, it does seem to be quite devastating. >> and it's moving, is it still moving up the east coast? looks to be. >> reporter: yes, it is. basically in the tokyo area, the storm has now broken. it's actually now we have sunny skies at the moment which often is what follows a typhoon. but in the early morning hours, we were being pounded with very, very strong gusts of wind and shaking the windows and evening making the buildings sway. >> and is it affecting the whole coast, the whole of the coast as it moves up? >> reporter: yes, it is. the transport networks in the early morning were largely shutdown. but on the other hand, most japanese were well aware that it the typhoon was coming so a lot of companies shutdown in the morning operations so they told their workers to come in late.
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but the real damage we are getting is from one particular island, and there it's looking like dozens of people may have died and some really terrible mudslides. >> we have just seem seen some pictures, lika michael, of muds. can you give us honest mate of how much damage the typhoon is causing. >> reporter: well, look at the situation other the island in particular, there is about 8,000 people or so who live to on that island, already i believe that they have confirmed that 13 people have died and they really are talking about dozens of people missing. that sounds like, if those people end up being dead, it will be 50 or 60 people really a terrible tragedy. >> we'll follow this closely. michael, we are going leave it there we are running out of time. michael penn from the news agency in tokyo, thank you.
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at left 21 people have been killed in a bomb attack in southern syria. the powerful blast happened in the province there. women and children are among the dead. the syrian observe tore foy human rights said government troops were positioned in the area. suspected al quada figure has pleaded not guilty to several charges of terrorism. he's appeared in a new york city court after being seized by u.s. commandos in triply 11 days ago. he accused of involvement in the 1998 u.s. embassy bombings in kenya and tanzania. politicians in the united states are still rangalling over a budget deal. and if they fail to reach agreement before the thursday deadline, the u.s. could default on its debt. patty explains a little more from washington. >> reporter: the ongoing fighting is already having am impact the credit agency has put them at watch anything at this
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meaning it is under review and could be downgraded and could spook financial market in hours to think do. here is where the country, is basically the senate. both parties thought they could come up with an agreement the republicans said no, they are going to vote on their own bill that is unlikely pass the senate and the president won't sign it. with less than a full day before the treasury department says it will run out of money to pay all of its bills it appears the leaders are voicing optimism but showing very little reason for it. the second and final day of talks in geneva between world for your honor in other i ran are due to start this hour. both sides are trying to end a deadlock of iran's disputed nuclear program. state television in iran which closely reflects government views describe the talks as positive. this is the first time since negotiations began in 2003 that a positive tone has come out of
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any talks. iranian officials are hoping to end the country's isolation and the crippling economic sanctions. their a efforts appear to have been welcomed by many iranians. >> i am very happy because i know if we keep going this way the shanks will surely be lifted and the economic hardship the people are currently facing will be eased to? some extent. >> he tend of the day it should be taken so that the economic difficulties and sanctions could be eased it would help with our economy and improve the lives of people but we shouldn't fully concede to the west. our diplomatic editor james bay is his there. what's on the agenda today 123-4678 the iranians came up with a detailed plan and the international community is now going receive points in that balloon. the international community has made it clear that iran must prove that it's nuclear program
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which says is is for isville vinnie purposes is for those purposes and not secretly trying to build a bomb. the international community represented here by the p5 plus one has long made clear its demands, the five permanent members of the u.n. security council and germany. they have long demanded that iran store most of its stockpile of the uranium that had that is already enriched in another country. they have also said they want iran to stop all refueling activities at the nuclear plant. most importantly of all. they have said they want a ron to disclose everything about its nuclear program that might have a military application. those are among the main points, main demands for a long time by the f5 plus one, steven. >> let's talk about uranium enrichment. it's clear, perhaps clear to some, that iran will be allowed some degree of uranium enrichment. are they talking, arguing about
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how much enrich think they will be allowed? >> reporter: that's absolutely what they are arguing about. the levels of enrichment. iran's deputy foreign minister has made it clear that they are allowed to enrich uranium by international law and international treaties. it's a question of the level of enrichment. you need to enrich uranium to use it in a civilian nuclear power plant, about 20% inning rich for him that. but then it's only a few steps to get to 90% enrichment, that's reps grade uranium. that's what the world doesn't want iran to have. so these are the technical details that will be discussed in the comes hours. >> james bays in geneva, thank you, james. much more to come in the next 15, 20 minutes, including displaced within their own country rewe take a look at the plate of some of an began stan's poorest people, stay with us.
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♪ ♪ time look at the top stories in al jazerra. a major rescue operation has started in the philippines after a powerful earthquake there. people are still feeling the after shocks, the death toll has now reached 107 people. one of the three major credit agencies warning the united states its credit rating could be downgraded if politicians fail to reach an agreement before team. the u.s. could default on its debt. a suspected al-qauda figure has denied charges of terrorism that
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economy speared to kill and maim u.s. citizens, he denies involvement in the 1998 american em bass a bombings in kenya and tanzania. is the funeral of a no, sir i war criminal has been canceled in italy. he was a german s.s. officer who took part in one of italy's worst massacres in which more than 30 300 prisoners were kill. >> reporter: tensions run high eight funeral that nobody wants, on tuesday, locals in this usually quiet hill town a few miles from rome tried to stop the hearse carrying the body. one of the perpetrators of one of the worst atrocities carried out by nazi germany in italy. days after his death, this is where permission was finally given for his tune ram. after several cities refuse today give the go ahead for either the service or his bare r
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burial. >> he was a war criminal killed without distinction, men, well, children, i don't think he deserves a dignified burial or a tune hal was massachusetts. >> they shouldn't have bought him here just as they didn't want him anywhere else, he's unwelcome here too. >> reporter: to make matters worse, the fascist youth turned uup, clashes were unhe have table. in death he was just as controversial as he was in life. a former nazi captain involved in the killing of 335 italians in 1944. in revenge to the murder of 33 german sole iners bipartisan. he never repented. identified and arrested in argentina in 1995est extra draws ex-extradited to italy. he said he was just following
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order. after he died last friday aged 100, questions were raised over the nature of his funeral service and nobody, including argentina and his hometown in germany offered him a burial plot. rome, he lives his last years under house arrest was also off limits. in a statement issued shortly after his death, the vick or of rome in charge of the city's churches ordered that no public funeral service shall be granted for him. that was under the rule of law for those the church considers manifest sinners. a catholic fraternity used in the past of antisemitism offered to perform the system. the angry a red sox by locals and the fear that it will turn in to a nas i rally forced them to suspend if for overnight. questions remain over where he should be buried it was
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suggested that he should be yes mated and ashes disbursed so that advertise tomb doesn't become a pilgrimage site for nazi sympathizers. russia has denied bail for another green peace activist arrested during a protest against oil drilling in the arctic. the british citizen appeared in court in the port city today. it's where he and dozens of other environmentalists are in custody. prosecutors charged him with piracy for trying to scale an oil rig in arctic waters last month. more than $60 billion has been given to afghanistan in aid since 2001, but many and where did the money go? many afghans displaced inside their own country due to war continue to live in horrendous conditions, jane ferguson visited one such camel in kabul. >> reporter: a life lived here is one of the toughest in afghanistan.
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in this camp some of the poorest people in the country struggle to survive. most have fled the fighting in the south. a camp elder says finding help from the government is impossible. >> it has been five years that i have been struggle to go help these people. i have not stopped. for god sake, come here and see the situation of the people. a wealthy person wouldn't even let a dog live in these conditions. >> reporter: as foreign forces move out of afghanistan in a final push, continuing aid money has been promised by the international community. but analysts here say over $60 billion has already been poured in to the country, much of it wasted. and very little of it having gone to people like this. this doctor an economist who believes aid money has been wasted and political instability increases as the coalition forces leave. corruption could become worse than ever. >> it will be very difficult for the international community to
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continue the pouring of billions of dollars in here if the afghanistan government will not become a responsible partner. they have to bring the mechanism that would ensure the accountability. >> reporter: accountability doesn't exist. >> food and other things are not given to us. this aid money that comes to the widows and poor people i don't know where it has been lost. >> reporter: this place has been become famous for children freezing to death in winter. but the winters ahead will be even more uncertain for mean afghans, 12 years of war and foreign aid has brought little help to them. many now turn to prayer for help instead. jane ferguson, al jazerra, kabul afghanistan. more than a century ago germany colonized the area of southern africa now known as namibia. tens of thousands of africans were killed and all opposition was crushed now the government is trying to mover the country on from its rather bloody
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colonial past. here say report. >> reporter: nine dye disting tiff dress is a reminders of what is considered the first genocide of the 20th century. 10s of thousands of africans were killed by the german colonizers. by copying their style, they believe they assume their former enemies' power, although germany has not formally apologized and calls for compensation about havbeen unanswered it isn't something they dwell on. >> who will be responsible. who will say our grandfather was wrong? who will say that? no one. so something you have to accept and live with it. >> reporter: the government wants to assert a more indigenous identity by renaming some german-named places but the people in the port town have fought back so hard the government has backed down. he says his hometown would have lost valuable tourist dollars.
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>> what you are selling tour i remember is an experience that is linked to a go ow gio graphie then you brand that. so when you change the name, the images of that evoke in your mind may not longer reflect the geographic space as you know it. >> reporter: and the capital change is underway. this statue honors the tough glorious german warriors who fought the resistence. the statue was moved from its original spot to make way for a new national museum. which over looks the city. but the president wanting to one step further, and get rid of the statue completely. while some want to share the colonial legacy, families like these believe that although their dress may have originated with their former oppressor, it is now wholly theirs. the family's matriarch says the tradition will never going away, but her doubt early disagrees.
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>> you will start dressing how they dress, fixing yourself how they fix shelves, you wouldn't really wouldn't to wear that dress, going out to a mall or going on you to*ut a party dressed up in your traditional way, that's like, i don't know, kind of lame. >> reporter: whether it's german or african names or different him them lines it's a conversation that the they are having that's says much that is as much about the past as the future. in cambodia the trial of the former leaders of the cam rooming is coming to an end. lawyers are delivering their final verdict. the last two defends are the regime's ideologist and his heads of state. they are charged with planning and implementing the regime's policies. in bow left gentleman protesters have blocked roads with burning tires and conductor off routes routt in the city.
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they say that they are against the government of the president and want bolivia's natural gas reserves to be naturalized. in brazil a march has turned violent after protesters clashed with police, thousands of people took to the streets of rio in sow paulo in sport of striking teachers, police fired tear gas to disperse the crowds as demonstrator through molotov cocktails teachers want betting woulworking conditions. teachers have been on strike since the beginning of august. at least five people have been killed in india after severe flooding there. heavy rains in the aftermath of the cyclone raised water levels. floods washed away field and homes. 15 people were killed. aid agencys say a million people have lost their homes. the potential health risks of mobile phones is once again
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coming in to the consciousness, this time by officials in france. they are warning children in particular that they should limit their use of mobile phones because their brains have less protection from radiation than those of adults. tim friend has this report. >> reporter: mobile phones are the big effort single source of every day exposure to electro magnetic radiation, france's national agency for health, food and environmental safety says that in lab tests these emissions had a biological effect on cells. there was no demonstrated impact on health, but some groups could be at risk. >> our first recommendation is to warn about the use of mobile phones by children. particularly when it's glued to their ear. because their brains are more exposed to than those of adults, they have a thinner skill. >> reporter: the study accepts that mobile phones are immaterial proven all thimprovig
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any health risks and of course people are using their phones in all sorts of different ways. many of which don't involve holding them close had toy their ear. but the parents at this paris primary school are worried. a mobile phone is about to be put on the roof. >> it's not as if we are prehistoric or rejecting technology, that's not the i issue we don't reject technology or phoned we just want the minimum of pro pr*e cautions to be taken. we don't juan the mast next to the most fragile people, children. >> reporter: the panel of 16 experts that issues the report says exposing our to antennas should be limited. the industry insist that his is always operates well within safety limits. and statistics prove it. tim friend, al jazerra, paris. automatic qualify indication
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for next year's world cup concluded in europe. many of the teams you would expect it see are on their way to bra dill. ibrazil but there was one surprise. >> reporter: poland had once did he flied england a place at the 1974 world cup. it didn't happen this time. england took the lead in the first half at wembley, thanks to a header from striker wayne rooney. captain steven gerrard's late strike gave england a 2-0 victory. they head to brazil as group "h" winners ahead of ukraine who thrashed santa maria recipients reno 8-0. france joins ukraine in the playoffs they missed out on automatic qualification despite a 3-0 win against finland. france and ri. spain goes through as group "i" winners through to their 2-0 win against georgia. portugal also had to settle for the playoffs.
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they beat luck up burping 3-0. their first. man chestemanchester united wini also scored. in the absence of suspended cristiano ronaldo and opinion i. russian won their draw with azerbaijan, turkey's world cup journal seu over they lost 2-0 to the netherlands, the dutch had already won group "d." eye iran robin and wesley snyder scored the goals in istanbul. romanian take the playoff spot at the expense of turkey following their 2-0 win against estonia. it was a historic night for bosnia herzegovina they reached the finals for the first time with a 1-0 win at lithuania. he scored the decisive goal. they win group "g" ahead of greece on goal difference. richard, al jazerra. dance on the ground a pitch,
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dance on the ground the streets as well in sarajevo. our reporter stephon has more from there. >> reporter: this is a had i toss i can day for sports in bosnia. everybody though this is the first time that a soccer team here qualified for the world couple of they have missed four opportunities to qualify for the european cup. another four for the world cup and supporters and the players on the national team say month more waiting, it's time to go to the world cup next year in brazil. some 3,000 people were watching the game in the game. and after that many more came from all parts of the country and city and started a big party and celebrating. and the is operation will probably last until the early morning. it is also important to say that this is one of the biggest sport events here. everybody though the game wasn't held here.
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bosnia [inaudible] it was dominating the home team lithuania. the reporters who traveled said they waited a bit look long for the first goal which came in the second half, but all in all, it is absolutely fair and deserved for bosnia and hertz go convenient a


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