tv America Tonight Al Jazeera October 17, 2013 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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welcome too "america tonight", i a think john seeing en thoughter and here are tonight's stop tories it's a done deal the debt and spending bill has been passed by boat the senate and the house with that the government will reopen on thursday. and the country will avoid default on the ground its debt. at least for now. the legislation funds yale january 15th and pays the until until february 7th. the legislation funds yal cory booker will be insurgent's firsnew jersey'sfirst black sen. he won. booker beat our republican steve lonergan a tea party leader who
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campaigned with help from sarah palin and ted cruz, bringing the number of senators who caucused to 55. talks with iran about its nuclear program have wrapped up in geneva representatives from the european union and the u.n. security council have asked iran to agree to international monitoring. the white house says iran proposal's contain serious and substance not seen before. further talk are scheduled for november. those are the headlines at this hour. "america tonight" is up next on al jazerra america, i am john thinsiegenthaler, i'll see you tomorrow night and you can always get the latest news other al on "america tonight" after 16 days i've government and nation closed, closed closed, by political bickering. >> once this agreement arrives on my desk i will sign it
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immediately. we'll begin reopening our government immediately. >> also tonight, the senate's newest member, just missed getting in to the fray. but cory booker faces other big challenges in his new job. >> so you think you can change washington and get them together. >> i can. i think i can. >> and saving their spirit. lgbt youth say they are being targeted by the very forces that they count on for protection. >> you are transgender, you are in a certain area at night they'll look in your bag, search and you they are going to lock up for problem prostitution. ♪ ♪
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good evening and being thanks for being with you is finally et cetera over. the house and senate just a short time ago approved ladies and gentlemen layings to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling. joining us now is political analyst and al jazerra contributor bill snide snider ad "real money" host ali velshi and libby casey and mike sreu kara,e actual when do people going back to work. >> reporter: here is what's significant. we saw 87 republicans vote yes in the house among them, speaker john boehner, majority leader eric cantor of virginia. so you see, there a pretty
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strong presence i've yes vote among house republicans. if passed earlier in the senate and now we just wait for the government to reopen. a lot of drama over the last company of weeks. we really got a pretty quick glide pass this afternoon, though, after we saw this bipartisan deal introduced by the senate leaders. one we saw them come out with it. everything finally start today fall in to place. >> all right, libby, so now let's to get over to the white house and to mike viqueira there, the president said that he wanted to move quickly once he had it in place, what will happen here? >> reporter: this is a victory for the white house, there is no question about it. but you won't hear the president or his are his spokesman say that much they are quake i gingerly after this. anybody that looks at it objectively. everybody knows the president came out on top in tandem with
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harry reid and didn't allow republican to his drive a wedge between them at all. president appeared tonight after the senate vote significantly before the house vote that sort of got under the skin of many house leadership gop leader hip aids and members, but in the end it didn't matter they weren't going to stop all of this out of peak. but the president came out. he did strike a conciliatory tone. he talked about the need to put politics and he legse electionso the moment and the need for move forward. let's listen. >> we still need to pass allow to fix our broken immigration system. we still need to pass a farm bill. and with the shutdown behind us, and budget committees forming, we now have an opportunity to focus on a sensible budget that is responsible, that is fair, and that helps hard working people all across this country. and we could get all of these things done, even this year. if everybody comes together in the spirit of hour we going to move this country forward.
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and put the last three weeks behind us. >> reporter: president does intend to press the advantage tomorrow. we have already learned that the president will have an event at 10:35 here in washington to talk about some of the agenda items to talk about what the political world in washington is going to look like post tonight. post these overwhelming votes and post this collapse, that capitulation really of the republican party. >> mike let's turn here to bill schneider and ali sre srel vels. >> ali to you first, we are looking to just a few weeks away from now in to the new year, that's not that long away. that this could come up on us again. >> right, the last time the u.s. government negotiated, passed and signed a budget was 2009 for the 2009-10 fiscal year, we are running on an old budget with old priorities, number one. number two account it would be one thing if we shut the government down and threatened to broach the debt ceiling
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because i've budgetary concern and there are real concerns, but as mike pointed out, this was a politics in the republican party that has cost the american economy money, jobs, and confidence. that is where it gets ridiculous. it's one thing to say there are disagreements about the budget and there are real ones between republicans and democrats, but this was actually about obama care, it was about republican politics and that is what is going to be so hurtful to see. this wasn't a natural disaster that we are recovering from it's congress sticking its leg out to trip the american economy. >> libby, you have more detail about the voting setup rear, right? >> reporter: yeah, we are seeing more of the actual nate associated with the votes, the republican loader ship really voted for this. kathy rog rears, kevin ma contactor i voted fomccarthy. the leadership is standing by speaker boehner, we were
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watching to see if there was split among the leadership indicate that go speak boehner's staff our had fallen in their ranks and the minds of others. we see that block holding towing. and we will be pouring more over the lists of names of how everyone weighed in it's an interesting indicator of where the republican party regroups and how they move forward. democrats held the line, they voted lock step for this. both in the house and the senate. that's so significant because they didn't have this disruption that the republicans did, they didn't have the distractions and in fighting they were able to hold it together when says a lot for the democratic leadership and also able to stay on mess. >> what you end one is two republican parties. >> that's right you have a real split in the republican party. it looks like from the figures we heard that a slight majority of republicans might have voted no in the house. and certainly the ones who are thinking about running for president in the senate voted no. marco rubio, wrapped paul, ted cruz, a wide open split in this
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party. if the republicans were to nominate a tea party candidate for president in 2016, my prediction is the republican party is going to split bide wide open because a lot of moderate, pragmatic, northeastern republicans won't support one of those guys. >> on that points, i want to tell you, we talked earlier to a guy who used to actually be the top aide to speaker haster when he was running the house, john fey and talked to ufewer and i m us statiofrustrationwithin his . >> i think this is a difficult situation, the difficult thing about john boehner is he called it like he saw it. he knew this was not going to be a winning strategy to use these government shutdown, really warning many times against the government shutdown. but his members wanted to go down path so helped them. at the right moment he says we have to cut ideal here. i think that boehner did the best job that he could given the circumstances and i still think he's strong within his conference. >> going to the senate side. we saw today senator cruz going
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out there while the leader was on the floor. while the leader was at the podium and when senator mccain was out there. how much of a breach of wrote cool iprotocolis this in and why about what ted cruz thinks about himself. >> he doesn't care about washington decorum, his whole game is the outside game. he's not playing inside game he's going break china every chance he gets. if he can offend people, he doylwilldo it. it's part of his bigger strategic move to be the outsider. now, the problem for that is that he's the one that -- the architect of this failing strategy. and he owns it. he's going to declare himself a winner because that's how he -- that's how he rolls. but he's not the winner. i think he looked foolish and at the end of the day this was a disastrous strategy no republicans. >> is your party in real trouble. >> if you look at the approval ratings, of course they are. 24% approval is not very good. and the party is also fractured.
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you have the tea party caucus that seems to be at cross purposes with the broader republican party. the tea party knees to join in or they need to go somewhere else. if we do not work this out, our approval ratings we could possibly lose the next election, we could lose the house. >> is there a way for the broader republican party to manage the identity tea party? >> i don't believe that the tea party is manageable. the tea party has to reconciles are they apart the republicans are will they accept the structure of the republican party. will we pay our debts? are we going to keep the government operate something can we govern effectively? the tea doesn't think we need to do any of that. each member of the tea party caution has to make a deposition to work within the system or bust up the system. if they want to bust up they might as well start their own party. i for john boehner his biggest problem is he doesn't have
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control over if the conference, he doesn't actually -- he's a speak, but doesn't have enough votes voyt t to actually run an. the tea party caucus north on his team. >> how is the broader gop manage these tpoepgz in. folks? >> how they do it by winning primaries, making sure that there is rational republicans running in every primary and that if these crazy guys get out there and say they are not going to support the leadership, not going to support the party, that they lose in the primary system. you know, we have seen what happens now when you have completely dysfunctional government. it doesn't work. and i -- my message to the tea party is either you become a republican or start your own party. but you can't have have it both ways. >> you have a really fractured party right now. >> we have a fracture party. we have mitch mcconnell, john boehner, people built up the republican establishment. they are being attacked. the people on the far right that
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have no respect for what the republicans are doing, this is a real fracture and it's a real problem. and i am not sure if it's manageable. i think that ultimately, you know, republicans have to win this fight and not just hope it goes away. >> that was john he was a republican consultant he was a top aide to the speaker haster when he was in office, mike viqueira you know him well and know how president obama is now looking to the tea party. does he think that he's got them on the run? >> reporter: i think that what the white house feels this way. but i want to pull one thing out of the the bill that illustrates the divide. down in kentucky in this deal, pork $2 billion worth they are talking about it tomorrow. it's in kentucky, who is in kentucky? mitch mcconnell. $2 billion worth for a damn in kentucky it's already being excoriated by those on the right. the tea party says it's business as usual, mitch macomb is up for reelection next year they as a challenge from the tea party as well and from the right. mitch month come's office is saying it wasn't our idea.
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they point to the house of rep test. the chairman of the approach raises committee he's from kentucky to. this is something you will hear about a lot. and on only illustrates the divide that our pal john was just talking about that has abouts laid bare over the course of the zes last several years w. >> libby you are hearing about the inviting and it's all around you. >> reporter: it is. and we will be watching over the next couple of weeks as the next set of battles unfolds to see who rise to hi rises to the top. and john was talking about the boehner's inning bit to make his party a coalition, is he a speaker in name only? or is he someone who can really get the party around him and can show some muscle? and that is going to be not just important for his future, but also for the republican's and the house. what can they do, how productive can they be and how much can they work a is who the capitol with the senate republicans and
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mitch mam ma connal. >> thank you. >> speaking in name only, the warfare in the republican party and as libby mentioned earlier contrasted with the democrats holding together throwing all of this. who is the lip winne winners ans the loser. >> the democrats are the winners it's an amazing thing they were completely unified. the president showed backbone he had a backbone implants since the last fiscal cliff in 2011 when he made so many concessions the democrats were furious and unhappy since. right now the tea party don't play by the same rules. they play by their own rules. >> did they lose in in this? >> they absolutely lost. but they don't know it. they say this was rounds one and they are ready to fight another battle in february when the debt limit comes up again if i were the president i would love to say, go ahead, make my day.
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i don't think he will say that. they don't negotiate, they don't compromise they don't take deals. they think it's politics. >> they win in their own constituency. >> and make are makin are makin. it's a new source of money. it's independence not from the republican party. it's independent billionaires in many cases who are very, very conservative and they raise money on the internet from enthusiasms that's a new source of mon. >> i when we talk about a presidential election wall street is prepared to support someone like chris christ. these folks won't. so you have not only got two parties two, sources of funding which people and me why didn't wall street put more pressure on congress to get it done they can't exert pressure these hard lineers. >> and they know it. >> they are not behold en to business people or wall street and don't do business, they don't do compromise, that's how
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washington works. every chopping through negotiation, deal makin making d compromising including earmarks which we heard is still happening. >> how much is bon janer damaged. >> he is not. he tried and fought the good fight and they respect him for that. >> mitch mcconnell. >> he is i think not exactly a winner. this thing failed. he was seen as part of the failure he made the ultimate deal and in kentucky he could be in real trouble for reelection. >> he got everybody back in line and got the thing done. >> he's respected in washington but he has to win a race in kentucky. >> the president? >> the president a clear wish never this and that's because he stood his grounds. he didn't make concessions, he didn't even off them joer then n he's the ultimate closer, biden en was very much in hiding the. >> the person that made an influence was se senator reid wo said don't make deals we will fight it t*.
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>> big winner reid coached the president, show backbone and don't give in and he encouraged the prison to do exac exactly we did. >> and he was right it worked. >> it was a long way to go. thank you both for being with us, as well with us were libby casey on capitol hill and make sreviqueira at the white house. we are take break and talking about another
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(vo) friday faultlines chases the flames as they spread throughout the west. >> there's a thick, acrid smoke smell in the air and we're following a strike team now to the top of the mountains where the fire line begins. (vo) it's a war being fought by air and on land costing millions of dollars every year. >> you will make an individual decision to build a home there, but what's the cost to the rest of us? (vo) what's going wrong with the war on wildfires and what are the true costs of putting them out?
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>> i would drive around new jersey meeting more and more people who this is affecting. is your race going to become a symbol of that. >> this is a perfect race of new jersey. the only federal race in america right now that new jersey has the ability to send a message to washington. do they endorse a tea party shutdown or reject a shutdown for the republicans and democrats. >> meanwhile, he made a visit a visit about 30 miles to the top one of the central themes of >> companies are cutting back on full time jobs making part-time jobs not growing, divided up businesses and finding anyway they can to again get out from under the thumb of obama care.
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>> lonergan went on two address what he believes is the real problem in washington. >> you have to put an end to this massive government spendi spending. i would like to see at little government as possible local government is the most important. all local governments continue to function. >> late in the day, booker greeted merchants in the historic iron bound section of newark. like rutgers this is booker territory. unlike lonergan, booker believes the federal government can be a positive force in people's lives. >> and i wish my opponent who talks about our cities in such negative ways i wish he could see the truly incredible things happening in our city. my opponent who supports the tea party shutdown my opponent who believes in this kind of divisiveness, sporadic broken politics we are saying we should be going in a district way. >> is that ideal us i ca idealik
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that? >> one third of all the state's development. going is right here. all of this came about because of idealism and believing but most importantly because of working together. >> reporter: you think you can change washington and get them to work together. >> i think we can. >> reporter: thank you, mayor. >> reporter: he has a mayor and he is the kind of guy who is out there with his constituents, i mean, the stories of rescuing a woman from a burning building. shoveling people's sidewalks, senators of different, they are legislate ter it's different legislators, it's different from being like. it's hard to say what kinds of a senator he is likely to be. >> definitely will be interesting to see what will happen when he goes to washington. the results from the special election is not surprising. he won with a substantial lead and he has that star power. that is why he is the most likes politician in new jersey for anyone exempt one person, and that is chris christy now of course we heard some criticism
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about booker being a schoolteacher told us that she thinks, he is, quote, overratedded and a small business own ier i talked to at length told me that cory booker appears too interested in his own political career, not real people. but, you know what, overwhelmingly the people we spoke to he says specially in newark they really love him. we were interviewing him and a car pulled over on the side of the road. the guy jumped out to get his picture taken with cory booker you don't see that with politicians. >> not in the u.s. senate either. >> no, you don't. >> i have to tell you that. just a quick note for our viewers who might be confuse billion dollar why this election was held now. >> that is a good question. but that's because, you know, they had to hold this special election that's because of the death of the former senator. an appointment, so they ended up having this special election, that was in itself an interesting political side show at some point. but they had it on this wednesday and it was confuse to go a lot of the voters up there. what we saw in the race was low turn out. especially in some of the urban
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county, camden and in the newark area, low voter turn out and what we are hearing is because there was a lot of confusion about when this election was going to be and that was the big message you heard from both campaigns trying to motivate their base to get people out and vote today because a lot of people didn't even know that was happening. >> we have asked our political analyst bill schneider to stick around to maybe talk specifically about mr. lon gone the opponent and why he took such a hard line at the end to really present himself as a very strong tea party candidate. given all that's been happening here in washington. you would think that was not a very clever strategy. >> well, you wouldn't think so, new jersey is not a tea party state. >> right. >> it's a blue state and becoming increasingly blue but they love chris christy but he's a moderate republican, if chris christy is he elected by a sizable margin next month, it will be a strong push for him to run for president. the problem is, has a lot of enemies a long conservatives in the national republican party. he embraced, oh, my god, the antichrist he embraced barack obama who came to new jersey to help with the relief effort
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after hurricane sandy which he appreciated there was a hug, a literal embrace, that's what killed off the former republican governor of florida, he's now a democrat. >> tell us what this election tells us about the strengths of the tea party on the national stage, we are look at big gubernatorial races ahead. >> that's right. >> not only chris christy. >> no november we have chris christy in new jersey, he's more of a mainstream republican who is likely to win a very blue state. what does that prove. that a mainstream republican can win a democratic state but in virginia, kenneth who is the attorney general and a strong tea party republican, he right now is losing virginia and if he loses in november, it will show all tea party republican ca win a yo purple state in the south d that will be devastating. >> that was a problem. there was image being in the new jersey governonewjersey governou
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heard from ted cruz was praise you did not hear him mention ted cruz's name one time, no photo op. really trying to separate himself now from the tea party extremism and if he is going to win villanueva sr*eupblg that'sn do. >> and virginia has a lot of federal em blows on furlough losing money. >> unhappy. >> gentlemen, thanks for being with us. coming hoop online operations rooting out injustice, we'll download the certainly messages of the group anonymous.
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and now a snapshot of stories making headlines on "america tonight." concern is growing about the widespread salmonella out break trace today foster farms chicken plants in california. the kr-68 cdc says it's resisteo antibiotics, more than 300 people have been sicken the since march. a heavy out of this world discovery as drivers pulled a half ton fragment of a meet or r from the bottom of a frozen lake in russia. more than 1600 people were injured when it fell to earth and exploded in february. promising signs in geneva after two days of talks with eye raj about its nuclear intentions no details aside from it's a important were revealed. they say they will need again in november. we told but the group anonymous an online collective made up of
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the internet savvy activists. they launched a social media campaign to get a case reopened and it isn't the first time that this group was halleed thousands of people online to expose a perceived injustice, as we report, the group anonymous has been making an impact for years. >> reporter: it happened in tube stubenville, ohio. a video up load today youtube showed a former stubenville high school student laughing uncontrollable about what sounded like the rape of an incapacitated girl. >> he raped her harder than that cap raid marcellis wallace in pulp fiction. >> she is so raped right now. >> reporter: a picture of the passed out 16-year-old being carried by two players from the town's legendary football team, showed up on inning extra graham. the assault continued later with these comments on twitter. some people deserve to be peed
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on. never seen anything this sloppy. lol. the images were soon removed, but not before being captured by crime blogger alexandria goddard. two players were arrested a week later. but she began blogging about the case. afraid that the popularity of the town's big red football team would me excellent the attackers from being brought to justice. her blog came to the attention of anonymous a loosely organized group of internet activists. five months later which prosecutors appeared to be dragging their feet. the group hacked in to roll red roll the football team's fan page and post third degree video warning. >> the girl was sexually assaulted, molested, raped, and drugged unconscious from party to party. >> reporter: anonymous trented tthreatened to publicly identify everyone who is responsible. >> you can hide no longer you have a tracked the attention of the hive. op roll red rollin gauged.
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>> their stupidity astound me. they hung them themes. they post it had themselves. they put it all out here. and we have the reputation of hackers but nobody had to hackneying to get any of these tweets or anything like that. >> reporter: derrek was the person behind the mask on this video posted to the roll red roll website. he admits making the video, but says someone else hacked the website. >> the tweets and the facebook post that his the kids made mocking the victim, the rapists them sales made ithemselves made that somebody could do that. >> reporter: a week later he rereleased video that he said was sent to him. >> that was the big bombshell that got everybody going it, make the splash needed to get more people involved in the investigation. >> away in the butt and she wasn't moving. there is usually a reaction. >> reporter: the video racked up more than a million views and spark national outrage, a no one
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plus protesters converge odd the streets the stuben vim. >> [ shame on you ] >> reporter: we got 2,000 people on their sheet street peacefully who stood there with signed and rape victims speak on the ground line it was very power. >> reporter: in match, malik rich mashed and trenrichmond ane convicted. spending one and two years in juvenile detention respectively. he sees justice served. >> there is a sense of excitement but a sense of empowerment. this is what, you know, the people are supposed to be like in america. >> reporter: it was a classic hack at this vitt action. a diverse group with computer skills. >> people join or become part of anonymous. because they are seeking em empowerment.
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>> reporter: quinn norton is a journalist who covers anonymous and hacker culture. anonymous has become a populous movement she says because membership is open to everyone and it's hierarchy is based entirely on merit. >> some anonymous build tools for being a activists and some just take down websites. you act. and that's how you gain social capitol. you don't have a resume. there is just a list of things that you did. >> reporter: their knowledge of computers and the internet have allowed a technicianly savvy generation who might not otherwise have become involved in social issue to his find their voice. >> i think the most powerful thing about anonymous is the transformation it does to the a no ones. to the people who are in it. whips taronce they are part of l political action it sticks with people. >> reporter: during the air action spring they hint egyptians he right government censorship.
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in tunisia they took down weapon sites. >> anonymous has decided to help these people win the battle against oppression. >> once you feel like you are part of the tunisian revolution you care about the world in a way that very little other things in society will train you to care about the world. the one thing that you can fairly universally seu is they anti-censorship and pro free speech. they can express themselves in ways they couldn't anywhere else and it was nearly sacred that that culture. >> reporter: but when activists attacked the web side mastercard, visa and pay pal for refuse to go process payments to wiki leaks founder their ideals september them on a collision course with u.s. law enforcement. >> somebody pulled in the driveway in what appeared to be a fedex swap but it was a swap team they put guns to my head and put me in handcuffs 67 is
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the department of justice going too far in their fight against on loan protesters. >> what the government is doing is hitting whistle blowers with a sledge hammer now. >> and we will hear from "america tonight" lori again tomorrow night. still adhere tonight, profiled and locked up. it's a life story that many trans gentransgender can tell, e community gripped by fear.
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welcome back. tomorrow you may notice a lot of >> tomorrow you may notice a lot of purple clothing a about. signed of what is called spirit day. organized to support lesbian game, by and transgendered americans and raise awareness of people bullied because of their orientation, tonight we look at those that are supposed to protect all communities, amid concern that lgbt are being targeted by law enforcement. >> reporter: in a place station in memphis, tennessee, a young transgender woman has just been arrested. this officer called for her to be fingerprinted using an anti guy slur and she refused. the officer then wrapped hand hs cuffs over his fist and while another held her down, both are fired. violence against trans joined
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people is not just a problem in memphis. a study about by the national co coalition of canty violence programs found across the u.s. there are three times more likely than others to experience police violence. >> a common motion that can he understand about policing is the police look for things that look funny, that's part of what policing is. it's this generalized suspicion does something look out of place and trans gent people are often that thing that looks out of place. >> reporter: dean is a lawyer and founder of the sylvia rivera law project. a poverty law center that represents trans joined people. he says 80% of his clients have faced police harassment or violence. >> if you want to understand why trans people face such high rates of criminal saying and incarceration it those see how poverty feeds that. so people are already more likely to be poor because of job chris diss criminal nation, not being able to access social services, homeless shelters et cetera if you can't access those people you are mike likely to be poor and on the streets which puts you in the path of police. when the police are profiling
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trans people on the street it's trans women are color who are most likely to be profiled as section workers and arrested and caught up in the system. >> reporter: many arrest ares take place on christopher industry in new york city's west village. in 1969, masa rests and police violence led to four days of riots. transgender women were among the leaders of the protests. as nightfalls, christopher street is alive with activity. i met sasha washington as she walked with her friends. rejected by her parents when she have came out. she became homeless eight young age. >> how old were you when you first started sleeping on the streets? >> i am 26 now, i could say i was homeless at the age of 15 until 23. >> reporter: sasha told me that police often suspect her of engaging in prostitution and when i found out the evidence police used against her i was shocked. >> reporter: what kind of experiences have you had with
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the police? >> a cop stopped me and they asked me what i was doing i was like i am walking around i am homeless. and they said, okay, they looked in my bag and they saw over three condoms and assumed that i was prostituting. and they charged me and locked me up for that. >> reporter: we heard this story over and over. police using possession of condoms as evidence of prostitution. we met sasha's friends that same night. she told us police regularly stopped her. and searched her purse. >> i have been locked up three times. >> reporter: three times? >> yes. >> and for what? >> for nothing. just because they assumed that i was a prostitute and i have a number of condoms in my purse. >> reporter: trina is a college student who was arrested while waiting for the train. how it checking your i.d. turn in toy to a prostitution charge. >> she told me she wanted to knee any my bog and there were condoms in there.
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>> reporter: how can she arrest for you that. >> you are trans fencer in a certain area after flight and you are waiting to somewhere or whatever the case you are doing, they are going to look in your bag, search you and they are going to lock up for prostitution. >> having a condom on you is evidence really nothing of more than hope. >> reporter: andrea richie is a lawyer special icing in police misconduct. >> young white then standing on one side of sixth avenue with six condoms in his pocket is following good public health messagings a black trans woman on the side of the avenue is presumed by police to be standing there for the purpose purposes of engaging in prostitution. >> reporter: new york city gives away over 35 million free condom ace year. >> reporter: while one arm of the government gives way condoms, another arm, the police, have effect testify criminalized possession of them. >> people go to a lot trouble to distribute condoms to normalize condom use to encourage condom use and for police departments
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in new york city or anywhere in the country to then turn around and say but if you look a certain way, or if you are in a certain place, or if you are transgender, or if you are a woman of color or out at three iinthreeclock in th in the morning or wearing a tight shoot that's evidence that you are about to engage in a problems tuesday lette prostitution aefbgts. >> reporter: the westville sin now one owest village isnow onet neighborhoods in the country. >> police are also really charged with enforcing ablized injureableracialized injure joi. when they see someone acting how they don't think that they should be or who is visibly
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someone who is year o year or nonconformer they read it as disorder and they often perceive that person as already suspicion, prone to violence. >> reporter: over 50% of the quick vims. of trans joined homicides were trans joined women. 48 reported receiving mistreatment from the police when they went for help. >> in the space of five months three have all been victims of anti-l.g.b.t. motivated violence which resulted in their deaths. >> reporter: we met vienna garcia a young transgender woman eight memorial in jackson heights queens. >> i don't go out at night because i feel scared because, you know, sometimes probably they can arrest me. >> reporter: so let me get this straight. you don't go out at night
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because you are worried about getting foe free throws filed lie the police a. >> a last you are more scared of the police than the violence in the neighborhood. that's your main concern? >> yep. >> reporter: the nypd declined to speak us with. but she is a concerned of their policies. she leads diversity training for hundreds of nypd officers every year and is an expert on police practices. she believes the nypd is one best departments in the world. >> reporter: does the nypd use profiling? >> no. i don't think any two police agency in the democratic country that uses profiling. >> reporter: really? >> yes, truly. but police officers come with air own biases, their own per accepting so whpersession of whs special. >> reporter: maybe official i unbut officially. >> unofficial i think each one of thousands unite united use ol
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profiling. there is perceptions of various police officers, many police officers. >> reporter: raise your hand if you have been asked for your i.d. by a police officer? thank you. >> reporter: an organization called trans justice is training transgender new yorkers on their rights and i want actions with police. >> raise your hands if you have or have witnessed someone called a derogatory name by an n.y.p.d. officer? >> as transgender nonconforming people we are not going to fit, right? we are never going to be the norm. and for a lot of us, passing is never going to be an option. does that mean we all have to conform in order to survivor does it mean we try build a new society. >> reporter: he is a member of the group and says trans justice fills an important need. what kind of encounters have you had with the police?
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>> i was working walking with my colleague from work to her home and the cops stopped us and they asked us for i.d. although i did ask them to please refer for me as male, they did not. they don't respect who you are, they don't respect your pronouns. they want to force something on you that you don't agree with. and they forget that you are human and everyone deserves some respect. >> reporter: back on christopher street. she shared her story with us, one we heard so often. first rejection by her family, then an rest for just being who she is. >> this is not cool. i finally found who i was, and then being locked up and nothing, and then you find
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yourself in a jail cell full of men, and the cops reminds you who you are. but you know that deep down inside that's not who you are, but that's how they see you. that really hurted. it hurts, you know. >> that report came to us from from america tonight. join is us now is actor wilson cruz a national spokesman for glaad and here in the studio is allyson gill from the trevor project. both committed to providing support for the l.g.b.t. communities. let's start with you. you are kinds of an exceptional case in that evening before you were really a big star, you were out and it was part of your become a star that you came out at about the same time. in such a public way, yet do you
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see a reason for young people in other environments to be closeted, to be do concerned about their own safety in such environments. >> sabbatabsolutely. first of all thank you for calling me a star i appreciate that. to this day we still see that lgbt students and young people are being hu harassed and victimized in school. over 80% of the students that glistens, another organization has surveyed, say that they are being victimized because of their sexual orientation and over 60% of them are saying that they are being victimized because of their gender expression. so, yes, obviously they are still a rampant problem with bullying in schools. so, yeah, evening all these years later. but i think part of the way that we solve that is like campaigns, like spirt day, you know, where we actually have an opportunity to shed a national spotlight on
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lgbt youth and show them the support that they need because we see when we -- when our students and youth are supported and celebrated they excel and they are allowed to actually be themselves. >> right, and make a difference, by the way, wilson really is a star from my seoul so-called life. allyson gill is here, we were talking about this as we watched christof's report. do you see the disconnect between society's increasing openness, i think, and public policy which may be is lagging behind? >> i do. and i do think that society is become more and more open to lesbian, game, by section and you'll trans issues just in the past 10 years we have seen broad changes in how trans people are treated in society. however, policy changes especially federal level are not proceeding as quickly as we would have hoped. for example, the employment nondiscrimination which would provide really critical nondiscrimination pro techses in employment is making its way slowly through the senate but we have been trying to pass this laws for 20 knife years, it's ver25 years, it's veryslow.
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>> the trevor project supports young individuals and trying to prevent suicide because of the pressure. how serious of a problem is it. >> it's a very serious problem. we know for all young people, suicide is the second leading cause of death. for lesbian, game, by section and you'll trans gender young people in particular they are at heightened risk, they are at four times the risk of the heterosexual pierce. >> foupeers. >> four time. >> and transgender is even higher risk than lesbian game young people. >> wilson when you think about that four times more likely to commit suicide and young people in particular where a lot of your own focus and your own fans are from, can you talk about what is most important community support, national support, family support, friend support to help people feel come comportable to be out and be their truth shelves.
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>> it's hear heartbreaking to mt number still exists. you know, the fact that yourself hesteem is a -fbgded by the wayy people treat new school and sometimes slade enough in your own familia family is a problemi have been working against for 20 years. but even another part that have problem is the way that it affects the education of our kids. you know, so many of our kids aren't showing up to school. are lagging behind in their education because they are not coming to school. >> and allyson, also not feeling safe. >> that's right. that's right. you know, 15% of transgender students report being forced out of school due to harassment and discrimination and that has lifelong negative outcomes. >> right. >> appreciate both yo of you cog in and talking about this importantish. >> you thank you. >> spirit day tomorrow. and "america tonight" will be
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bloody history in namibia when the land was com colonizes by germany now the government there wants to shed its past. reporting on the colonial makeover here is al jazerra's an i can't page. >> reporter: the distinctive dress is a reminders of what is considered the first genocide of the 20th century. 10s of thousands of africans were killed by the german colonizers, by copying their style they believe that they assume their former enemy as' power, although germany has not formerly apologized and calls for compensation have been unanswered it isn't something that they dwell on. >> who will be responsible. who will say our grandfather was wrong, who will say that? no one. so something that you have to accept and live with it. >> reporter: the government wants to assert a more inning indigenous identity by renaming some german-named places but the people in the port town have fought back so hard that the
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government has backed down. he says his hometown would have lost valuable tourist dollars. >> what you are selling tour i remember is an experience that is linked to a geographic space. and then you brand that and so when you change the name, the images of that evoked in your mind may no longer reflect the geographic space as you know it. >> reporter: in the capital change underway this statue honors the tough glorious german warriors who fought resistence the statue was moved there its original spot to make way for eye new national museum which overlooks the city. but the president wanting to one step further and get rid of the statue completely. while some want to shed the colonial legacy, families believe that although their dress may have originated with their former oppress or, it is now wholly theirs. the family's matriarch says the tradition will never die but her
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grand boughter feelgranddaughte. >> you adapt, dress how people dress, fixing yourself how they fix themselves. you wouldn't really want to wear that dress going out to a mall or going out to a party dressed up in your traditional that i. that's kind of lame. >> reporter: whether it's german or african names or different them lines, it's a conversation that they are having that is as much about the past as it is about the future. >> and that report from tanya page and that's it for us here on america tonight. please remember, if you would like to comment on any story that you have seen here tonight log to our website meet our team and get sneak previews of stories we are working on, tell us what you would like to see on our nightly current affairs program. and also join the conversation with us on twitter or on our facebook page, good night, we'll have more of "american tonight" tomorrow.
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welcome to al jazerra. aal think stephanie sy here are the top stories at this hour. less than an hour ago president obama signed the last-minute budget deal that ended the 16-day partial federal government shutdown. both the house and saint approved the bill wednesday it reopens the government and keeps the country from defaulting on its debt. federal workers are being told to report to their jobs in the morning. only several hours since market opened in asia but it seems salt lake they likes it. key markets up were up sharply. in japan at least seven type pete are dead after a typhoon hit the country's pacific coast nearly 50 people are
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