tv News Al Jazeera October 17, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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>> wai was more or less channeling. he was stern with the republicans and almost scolding them at one poimentd. poimentd -- point. he talked to the damage of the economy and the daniel o damagee reputation of the country worldwide. and he wanted to put ant end to the bicker in washington. >> now the let is over and the threat to the economy is renewed we need to stop focusing on the bloggers and focus on what the majority of americans sent us here to do and that i that is gs
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economy. strengthen th the middle class d get our fis fiscal house in ordr for the long haul. >> and tony, the new day has not quite dawned here yet. there are many represent republy that yes we lost this round. and mitch mcconnell who was invieinstrumental in that deal t was put together with harry reid says we are never going to go through this again. there is never going to be a threat of shutdown any time soon. >> tony: even though the president is a winner in all of this. he is not going to roas rest his laurels he is zeroing in on immigration reform. he is going to capitalize on the victory. he has talked twice in the last
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24 hours about immigration reform. and the path to citizenship. and the farm bill. something as mone mundane as thm bill is indicative of seizing up congress that has not been able to pass congress and a budget. house and senate sat down together to hammer out a budget for the first time in five years. it's unclear whether it's changed or partisanship still rancereigns. >> is there any reason to believe that the democrats will go along with it. >> the republicans are feeling a little burned from the action of the last weeks.
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let's toqu talk about immigratin first. a congressman from idaho says republicans are not interested in negotiating with immigration. after being scathed in the last few weeks. others are coming out saying no so fast. immigration le reform is not ded yet. there are a lot of moving partsd ipartsin the next week or montho sigsee what the democrats get ot of it. we heard nancy pelosi from the house, instead of taking a tone of conciliatory let's work together and let's work across the aisle, she chatio chases chd republicans. >> was their temper ta tantrum
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worth $24 billion? i don't think so. >> who knew the figure. as far as the budget group that is coming together. they are starting a the different places the republicans and the democrats. paul ryan the important play he were in this didn't vote for the bill to extend the debt ceiling and get the government up and running. the democrats and republicans are going into this to hold taxes. >> they don't have the same feelings and goals. and if they can't get the work done in the next couple of weeks is a huge question mark. >> tony: we heard they plan to keep fighting the affordable care act. tacticses are important here as we just witnessed have they said how they intend to do that this time around. >> deateasested cruz was on thel grounds today and not looking bruised over what happened in
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the last weeks. >> hhe went on abc news saying e will do anything he can to stop the train wreck of barac obamac. that is different from what we heard from mcconnell. that gives you a sense of one faction of the republican party. there is a lot happening in the at state level. it's not all here in washington. governors in states that don't like the law have been doing their own push back and that is going to continue to happen. it's not all here in washington and it's a ongoing process. and that will continue to happen as the real out goes on. >> tony: libby casey on capitol hill. i will go back to mike viqueira when we listed the items we left one out. we talked about immigration reform and there is something more than those two items.
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>> mwe have something breaking today, tony. janet tha nap that pel nap pell. jay johnson a long time lawyer specializing in counter terrorism and military operations the president will be 234,07nominating mr. johnson toe next president of homeland security. >> tony: let's find out how the markets reacted on the news on the deal today. let's go to the floor of the new york stock exchange. how did the markets rerespond to this deal? >> at the end of the day the dow jones was down two points and that is a fraction of the percent and the nasdaq and s & p
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were up. the story of the day here is it's time to call a formal end between the link at the stock market and the government crisis that we all just lived through. here everyone now has moved on. i was telling you yesterday. they nefe never believed the det ceiling would be raised and it was raised. and really the dow has been down for most of the day. it was down 80 points earlier on. they kind of waffle waffled aro. they thought is the they would . the key take away of this tonighty itonyis the markets ar. we are geltdin goatding gettingc data. and as for what happened in congress yesterday. that was yesterday. >> tony: what did the markets make of what the president had to say earlier today? >> well whenever the president
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speaks his speech is relayed on the floor of the exchange and he is on every television. and people pay a little attention and they are working and they have one ear on what he is saying. the dow always goes down when this president speaks and so it did today. the president had two key economic points. one was the full faith and the credit of the united states goes unfortunatunquestioned. and that means that even though people around the world have been looking with a critical eye at the end of the day they know that their blil bills are goinge paid. take a look at how president obama put this. >> we keep our word and made our on bon bringon brinobligations. we want the people of the world to know that th the full faith f
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the united states. >> he is probably accurate to do it like that. dow jones and s & p have said to cost around $24 billion that is a staggering amount of money. huge. and the point of this this furloughed workers have missed spending opportunity and they'll probably question how much they spend at thieving thanksgiving d christmas. and it comes down to for example if you run a food cart on the street outside of a government building. all of those employees have not been coming in buying from you during the day and lunch and something to go home on the metro with. the people on the food carts are out of pock ept. thaept -- pocket. we are going to loo look at thin more detail with a company in florida. >> tony: have you been looking ahead for the futures of the
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programs? we are going to talk to the onliers oowners of a food cart. >> i'm not just a pretty face. >> thank you very much john. on the floor of the new york stock exchange. we are going to get to the bottom line and the economic cost of the shutdown right now. richelle carey. >> the government shutdown lasted 16 days. the cost to the economy is a staggering $24 billion. that is $1.5 billion a day. the shutdown reduced the projected growth from 3% to 2.4%. a significant number. here is a breakdown of the staples of our economy. $3.1 billion lost in government soreservices that is child cae
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for military families to the faa. revenue lost because the national parks were closed. that is 7 millio 7 $6 million a. travel took a hit. the economy missed out $152 million each day in travel shuttle down. that is 22 pnltd 2 lost in travel alone and the drag on the economy is likely to continue. hundreds of thousands of federal workers are going back to work. contractors lost money they will knowillnot get back. in this deal it's a shor short m deal. the retailers are concerned that consumer confidence will be pretty low right as the up colling holiday season is around the corner all bote bets are of.
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the latest information from edward sno snowden documents les details how closely they work with the cia. is this something new or has this been a long established alieges betweealliance between y agencies. >> according to the washington poist"washingtonpost" this seeke going on since the duration of the obama station. since 2009. it's entirely possible. there were drone strikes in the final years of the bush administration that this relationship may have been going on during that period of as well. it was not clear when the decision was made to wrap up the use of drone strikes in the federallied federally admitted l areas of par pakistan. that is someone that is known to be a top al qaeda operative who
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was killed in 2012. the u.s. government has not confirmed that the top al qaeda operative indeed was killed. but ther there have been a numbf documents made public that the nsa carried out the cia o operatives were able to launch a don'don'tdrone strike that thend him. roz in washington, d.c. thank you. i'm meteorologist dave warren. we are watching the pacific. another typhoon developing. wind are 150 miles southwest of guam. >> the track is taking it towards japan over the next five
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days and turning it north. tuesday evening. 115 miles-per-hour local japan time. that is the outlook for the tropical system looks like for this typhoon. this is big. a few days weighing we ha we hat passed over the so muc southernf japan. we had 3 30-inches of rain in se areas. mud slide and 18 18 dead and ao numbea number of people missing. we are cleaning up from this and watching the forecast. we'll continue to monitor this and have a look at the national forecast a little later. >> tony: coming under fire. still ahead senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is accused of a $2 billion kickback in the spending deal. the government may be open now. but small abou about but small s may feel the impact for months
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multilevel corporation and you are thinking of investing of the heartland and all of this uncertainty is going to create a drag on the economy. and add to that you haven't seen the key economic data because of the shutdown. you haven't seen the september lanlabor numbers and the one thg that people are talking about is the weakness in the u.s. dollar. that could be a good thing for exports. thithere could be a win in this. >> alexis speak of the uncertainty. there is a bit of stablity now
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welcome back everyone to al jazeera america. here is a look at arr top -- yop stories. president obama will announce his nominee for homeland secretary. his pick is jay johnson. if confirmed he will replace that politano who stepped down in september. the latest in the documents leaks by snowden. the "washington post" reports that targeted killings relied hechtlheavily on e-mails collecd
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by the esa. booacross the country federl employees furloughed for 16 days are back at work. joe biden greeted e environmentl protection agency employees with hanhandshakes. he also brought them muffins. >> many say they were happy to be back but disencounteenchanteh the shutdown. tourists were able to visit the hi historic sites like the u.s.s. constitution and th. the furloughed employees are going back to work but the impact on small businesses who rely on government contract is
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still being felt. joining us from washington, d.c. is the ceo o of federal solutio. bill good to see you again. >> good to see you again, tony. >> hopefully this is the last time we talk to you about this particular issue. how is the first day back to work going so far? >> everything is going fine. i woke up this morning with employees of shouts of joy and a few had some concern of hope if hopefully this doesn't happen again. overall everyone is ecstatic to be back to work. >> when did you get phone calls from the furloughed employees was it last night or first thing this morning. >> we got notified by the government at that time too. at 7 or 8:00 this morning. we started putting things in place and getting people back on the job as soon as possible. some went back to work as soon as 8:00 this morning.
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do you have a rough estimate of how much money the shutdown has cost you? >> for our company we did an estimate and it was about 120,000 per week. and that was substantial for a small business to absorb if you are not prepared for it. >> your workers don't get back pay, is that correct. >> that is correct. >> that is a big concern for those returning to work how they would be compensated for the days missed or the furlough. >> are you concerned about a possible second wave of furloughs when congress gets back to work on the this again in just a few months? >> yes, i am. because there is no use in waiting for the last minute to strike a dealment an dealment a. and if they continue to kick the can down the road it can possibly happen again. i hope everyone comes to grips and meets at the table to get a deal done sooner than later.
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>> otherwise we need to get new people in olfso office that we . >> maybe you ought to run for office. >> as a about hi business a strg forward t do you have to factorn a government shutdown as part of your bus business equation. >> you don't want to have to. you consider the risk outside of normal business. this is not going to happen all of the time. i think for federal solution we don't think every year there is going to be a sthut down an shuu hope it doesn't happen again for several years. federal solution provides contractors to the government. the budget deal did more than re-open the government and prevent the u.s. from defaulting on it's debt. the bill h had money for pork
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projects. if you can believe one tied to republican minority leader mitch mcconnell. libby casey joins us from capitol hill. tell us about the provision that is being called "the kentucky kickback" this is for the omstead lock and dam project. it's i $2.9 billion being a lotd to it. that is up from $775 million. and it's literally a dam project on the border of ken cance kentd illinois. senator mcconnell told a local radio station it's know earmark. it was approved by the house and senate prior to this. often times bills like this, funding bills will be the vehicle to get these appropriation tag-along. it's into th not the only one.
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half a bh billion dollars for fighting foirts e forest fires f for colorado flood victims. it's tied to the state of the minority leader. >> how are mcconnell's fellow lawmakers reacting to this? >> the name "kentucky kickback" says it all. it was coined by the senate republicans. this is a group that is watching mcconnell and pushing forward the critcisms that he is not forward enough. feinstein and her counterpart says it's proceedural. it's tied to mcconnell's state and the chairman of the polypropylenappropriation commid
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from kent ken a kentucky as wel. nancy pelosi was asked about this at a press briefing this morning and here is how she answered. >> i don't know how it got in there. in fact i displayed my own display and only learned of it. what is holding up the bill why are we not voting on this bill. and they said we are dealing with these things and i said what are these things. that is how i found out about it myself. >> you get a sense of the reaction. libby appreciate it, thank you. the american lung cancer association rankses los angeles as the worst air in the u.s. jonna hall has the report. >> it's known that air pollution controicontributes to respiratod
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heart dissighs. dis-- disease. the world health organization has ranked it among other manger sources is of lung cancer. >> as a result of the painstaking review and wide ranging research of thousands of scientific papers. the work group determined that outdoor air pollution is carcinogenic to hue imagine hum. >> scientists analyzed data indicating that in 2010, 223,000 deaths were due to expose your to outdoor air pollution. it also link the to bladder
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cancer. cancer.. the research means what commuters have long expected has now been scientifically prov prn that the air around us is carcinogenic extremely harym ha. in london the risk of getting cancer walking about is small. in china and india it's a has hazardous factor of every day life. will the fact that everyone on the planet is exposed to pollution prompt health agencies to adopt stricter controls? in light of this evidence they are reviewing their recommendations. precious memories washed away in an instant. coming up the painstaking process of rebuilding picture after pick is i picture of a deg flood. the dodgers live to move
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onto another game and they are also playing head games. we'll explain that in a bit. explore issues relevant to you. what happens when social media uncovers unheard, fascinating news stories? >> they share it on the stream. >> social media isn't an after-thought, it drives discussion across america. >> al jazeera america's social media community, on tv and online. >> this is your outlet for those conversations. >> post, upload and interact. >> every night share undiscovered stories.
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iit shows a church's bell tower collapsing. major flooding in india. the remnants of tropical storm phailin. a million acres of farmland are under water. phailin caused more than t 20 deaths. and in kenya, the government is trying to explain why billions of dollars are missing right now. we have that story. >> kenyan students struggle with math. like most of their colleagues they see numbers as a key life skill. it's hard to learn with four to a desk. education is one of the most under funded departments in government here. according to a report by the auditor general most industries can't do their sums.
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>> in account from 2011 to 2012, 4 billion of the been is -- budget is missing. that would pay for 15 years of free primary school education or ten years of public healthcare. the miles group has been tracking the government's accounts for years. the auditor general has not accused anyone of stealing but just that the money can't be traced the chie. the chief executive says it's costing the government it's future. >> the figure that has been given to us by the auditor general is larger than kenya's current development budget this year. it's the difference between development and you know, just muddling along. >> for the president this is a war. he chose a speech to the military to talk of the missing
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municipalities imillionses in fs that the soldiers would understand. >> like terrorism and other forms of agression. inefisefficiency and corruptione massive threats to society. as a nation we must embrace integrity. and fight corruption with a resolve required to combat terrorism. >> now all of the government ministry have been ordered to explain where the money has gone. if anybody should know what happened to the missing millions is the government itself. the man who is at his department is at the service center. it's another dangerously ill department. the patients spill out on the grass waiting for treatment. the auditor general said if they
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can't stop hem o melt hemorrhagy they will be sick. volunteers are working hard to restore homes that were seriously damaged. as jim reports there was a group of women working to preserve the personal items. >> every picture does tell a story. >> that is my aunt. she is a nun, yeah. >> these pick pictures tell stos of disaster and loss. loss. >> it's eyoatio emotional. >> sue had a box of pictures she had in her home. she thought they would last for forever. as soon as the flood hit i thought they were lost. >> her house was swamped by the flooding in september. then these women stepped in. this is in tough shape. >> it is.
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>> these volunteers have been diligently working to restore old pictures it and newspaper clippings and greeting cards who thought generations were lost. >> i'm cutting out a photo from a plastic sleeve and i'm hoping the images will stay. >> many images are glued together by mud and moisture. one by one they go about their operation. it's been a month since the floods and the homes were destroyed. this group has been able to salvage memories it filled basements in colorado counties. >> in guessing the number of photos you have done? >> we are estimates around 10,000 or more. it's amazing we'll get photos, a stack of photos that are back-to-back. >> these women will be the first to tell you they are not
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experts. they are seve sieve self taughte internet they are not working with any special tools but x-acto knives and runne republin rubbe --rubber gloves. >> everyone stepped up in wake of the dov devastation. it felt so good to do something for these people that have been impacted here. >> your mom and dad here? >> yeah. that is my mom and my brother before i existed. >> sue lost almost everything but she still has her memories. >> to see these being salvaged it brings me to tears almost. these women who call themselves the bolder photo rescue group. are doing all of this, saving all of these memories without cheering charging a cent. charging a kent. cent.
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ross is here. now with a day in sports. can we take a moment and appreciate what we have going on in major league baseball right now? >> just soak it up. >> two terrific series going on right now. >> detroit is looking for a spark from their offense. their manager decides to shake things up. he is now looking like a genius. leland is taking pressure off yoaustin jackson. jackson drove in the first round orunof the ball game. i know what you are saying from home. it's not a sexy high light but it worked. >> that ignited th -- tigers. the tigers exploded for five runs in the second. detroit went on to win it 7-3. and to even u up the series at 2 games a piece. game five from motown. >> sasanchez who through a no
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hitter and struck out 12 facing boston's jon lester. >> the players executed tonight and think di they did a heck ofd jake got a little wild and he took advantage of it and tony hunter took a huge hit. we were ready to play and they were le ready to play and they e competing. we were beneficiary of a couple of walks in one inning. but, yeah, i was proud of the guys. they came out ready to play and fesh youfisher is going to batt. >> over in the nlcs don't be blue. the dodger pitcher was going hollywood giving up two runs in seven innings of work driving in the first run of the ball game la will win it 6-4 but the cardinals win the series 3-2. they'll look to close things out tomorrow in st. louis. as adrienne gonzalez says we are trying to get to game seven and
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mess with their heads. the cardinals have had a serre s lead before twice. last year with the giants and in 1976 with the braifltion. the -- braves. the cards lost intoa both of the series. >> it looked a little rough. the ball drops and it looks like we are in trouble. and he gets a big punch there and he gets a double play. and then the rest of the day set the tone. the one -- the obviously the one inning there we did a two and they did it right back. from there you settle down and he does what he does. >> we believe in ourselves. we have been in a tough situation in late june. >> we know we have a team that can bounce back and do incredible things there and it's
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a group of guys and a bunch of guys that have been in this atmosphere before and have won a lot of world series and been to the world series. and you know, we lean off of them and take their leadership and their direction and just keep playing harder every day. >> the last time i checked football is a contact sport. when you have a reputation of being a dirty player, every move you make is a analyzed to the ed degree there was no penalty on this play. suh was find anyway because of his reputation. he incurred a 100,000-dollar fine if you are keeping track. suh has lost $374,000 in fines and lost wages. homecoming sunday for peyton manning who is going back to indianapolis and on monday night the vikings will change quarterbacks again with josh free man.
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freeman. we talked to charean williams. >> he knows the offense is the west coast type of offense. the fame h same he played in co. he will replace matt cas castle. they have to find out if josh freeman is their future. they signed freeman to a one-year 3 million-dollar deal and they'll decide if he is the future. if not they'll be back in the market for another quarterback. they have had 11 quarterbacks since dantes culpepper played in 2005. how likely is it that he takes michael dicks place pe permanen. >> i talked to chip kelly and what he has done in replacing dick. he does have six touch downs and
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they played two winless teams and they are going to get a better test against dallas. this is as much about the future as it is about this season and about this game which is about the nfc lead. he is younger than michael vick who is 33. peyton manning returns to indy this week. what was the coach trying to accomplish by calling him out. >> he said he backtracked and talked about how they are building the team and they built it differently when they built it with peyton manning there were years where they had the salary cap tied up in offense they are trying to get in good with defense. the question is it doesn't matter what we think about his comments, what does peyton manning think of those comments? we will see sunday. he took it a little personally
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one super bowl at a time and you know he wants to win another one for denver. and manning wasn't talking this week. he will let his play on sunday do the talking for him. a surprise for the conings s when they let go ratclou-- ratc. the projected starters there are four left. they had 95 and a half sacks in their careers. and the ones they have left including jason hatcher have 31 career sacks they may have a hard time getting to the quarterback without the blitz. they are hoping that marc marcul be shor short term it could be r weeks he is out. he never missed a game in his career. he is a fast healer but this is
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explore issues relevant to you. we are at rip rapid city ai at. the temperature will be dropping through kansas and oklahoma and texas. the front is pushing down and it's dry. the numbers are dropping tonight. and down to 32° in lincoln, nebraska and 46° in hockey oklaa city. here is how the cool air moves south and 43 in atlantic city.
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and rain developing in minneapolis and the temperature up to 47° and clearing out monday and tuesday. and back into the 40s. there is rain across the northeast. a storm developing over high ohio and moving into pennsylvania now and moving into western new york. the rain will continue to spread across the area. it's getting heavier and light rain and drise dritz drizzle ink city. and the temperatures are staying on the cool side and we are drying out and clearing. and 60s on saturday and sunday. the next five days watching this storm closely typhoon in the pacific because it could impact japan. the satellite is showing nothing but clear skies. >> ash over si sydney australia.
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the fire situation over there is looking for some improvement. mioses. this is al jazeera america live from new york city. with a look at today's top stories. there is no good reason why we can't govern responsibly. despite our differences. without coming from a manufactured crisis to the president said the congress must get working on the budget. more details from nsa including on how the crvment
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