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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 19, 2013 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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celebrations in lebanon asininasnine hostages held captr over a year are freed. and welcome i'm steven cole this is al jazeera in doha. coming up in the next half hour. firefighters continue to battle bush fires in southwest australia. despite easing temperatures an winds. it's almost 2 million years old. it's a skull that is helping to rewrite history.
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but first syrian rebb rebele released nine whos hostages. the men were among a group of 11 people taken captive last year. >> two had already been free. ed. they were on their way home from a pilgrimage in iran where they had been visiting religious sites. >> in beirut the relatives have been celebrating the release of the hostages. we have the latest. andrew these releases are part of a three way deal. they are complex.
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qatar has a central role in the mediation. and what they have now is the situation where by the pilgrims are in tur he -- turkey. they are expectedded the to fly to lebanon in the next 24 to 48 hours. zblrchlts they are part of a celebration where relatives have been waiting since may of 2012 for a break through. the big question now is when the two turkish pie -- pilots will be released. and now the turks are fairly optimistic but they don't believe the two pilots are delivered from syria and transported here to lebanon and go to the turkish embassy. they will probably be flown
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straight back to turkey and then to the outer banks even. >> some of these hostages have been held for over a year, andrew, were are they being released now? >> well it's a three-way deal. it's complicated. but qatar has been a mediator here. some local media here in lebanon says there was a large amount of money involved. technically what took place was these pilgrims were kidnapped and then cones -- consequently the two turkish pilots were detained. and now the relatives of the pilgrims are insisting they were not directly involved in this kidnapping but effectively what
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did take place was a quid pro quo. to further complicate the issue there are demands for the release of women prisoners that were involved in the syrian regime. and they expect that is part and parcel of the release. we are talking about several parties. we are talking about the relatives of the pilgrims and we are also talking about turkey which insists it's not directly involved in any of this. qatar tried to broker the release dramatically. and it appears that it's been the key issue. that qatar has managed to pool it -- together. we'll see in the coming hours
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and days. we'll see the pilgrims coming back to lebanon and the pilots going back to turkey and we'll see a release by the syrian regime. how it plays out we are waiting to be seen. let's go to the maldives. the police have halted a rerun of the presidential election. they say the poll violates a supreme court order. the court annulled the rumghts rumghts -- results last month. the election commissioner said he had no choice but to cancel the vote. when our officals tried the police personnel in this building obstructed them from taking anything from here. they were not able to take anything from here. so we have not except the
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election to date. >> let's take a look to the build up of this election. mohammad nashad was ousted last year in what he said it was a coups. the supreme court cancelled the results after the campaign complained of irregularities. they have asked for a die lay. one of them was abdullah why. yameen. >> we have a spokesman from the party live. from male. there is a considerable amount of political confusion for
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people watching this story outside of the maul -- maldives. have the police police said whyy stopped the election from going ahead? they said they are complying with a supreme court directive. that is all they said. this is the second time they stopped it. >> what supreme court directive? >> when one of the parties that is one of went to court after tt round their complaint was irregularities in the voter list. but no irregularity was clearly identified. but the supreme court came up with 16 directive and they are out of reach. they are saying that the supreme court has not asked -- restricted them because the two parties are contesting the list.
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they are saying there are irregularities in the list. >> hold on a second. it's nothing to do with the police, is it? the election list? why should the police intervene in something that is not under their power. >> >> that is the point. we have been able to identify five groups that are restricting or restraining our process. actually the international community says it was not a coup. they wanted us to make a report but said it's not a coup, just like in egypt. in our case it was live on tv and everybody saw it. the international community are here on the ground and they see what is going on. and i'm sure now they understand who is restricting the process
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the supreme court has prescribed over the legitimate mandate that the elections commission had. so the whole thing is outside of the or or or ors -- orbit of the constitution. >> they described what the police are doing what he called "a dark day for democracy." not a good day for democracy in the maldives. >> we are a political party. we are not designed to fight on the streets. so perhaps it's the international community wants to see a fight on the street, that is the only bench mark they have before they can intervene. we have been a model case of political transition and we have argued, quite articulately on
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the international scene. and i'm sure you maas -- must have heard our argumentsment -- arguments and we have no action here. we'll leave it there. thank you for joining us. firefighters in australia are battling some of the worst bush fires in a decade. one man has died. hundreds of people have been forced out of the area. 500 -- 1500 firefighters have been working to restrain the fires. >> it's very hot and your eyes sting and the smoke claws in the back of your note. throat. and this fire was one that was voluntarily lit. there are houses just 30 meters up the hill i can see from here the back of their doors and windows. darrel mitchell is one of the
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firefighters. explain what is this is about. >> this is a dirty end of the business we have to clean out the area. or by blocking out this valley we take control of where this fire is going. to the back of these houses rather than running wild. >> its seems counter intuitive to fight fire with fire. water supply is limit the and especially during drought time. you wouldn't have enough water in australia to pour down a mountain side to put out a fire. this is the only efficient and effective way. >> this sun -- this is one of the big fires in new south wales. the hot weather is due to run from sunday. this is really a race against time. coming up in this half hour.
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we report from a refugee center in germany which is helping the first arrivals from syria. training as a child. setting up shop as a small business owner. columbian rebels are trying to re-enter society. [[voiceover]] every day, events sweep across our country. and with them, a storm of views. how can you fully understand the impact unless you've heard angles you hadn't considered? antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. including yours.
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>> hi, i'm phil torrez. coming up this week on techknow: >> it's going to get bumpy over here it looks like. >> we drop like a rock, and then you experience zero g's. >> this is a modified dc8 with about 28 different instruments on the outside. >> it's one wild ride. we're flying at 300 feet over the gulf of mexico. come aboard nasa's laboratory in the sky.
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there are rortsd o reports of cn dying of hunger. the area is under control of rebel fighters. the conditions have forced millions of syrians to seek shelter elsewhere. germany has agreed to take in 5,000 so far. we are reporting from freidland. >> after months and months of war and fear and waiting it's
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back to school for these syrian children in a country they can at last feel safe. ali learns to say he i is 44 yes old. what they did before it's back to the basics for the adults as well. the family heads to lunch. hamed in the wheelchair is 15. tiny because of a degenerative disease. a disability that helped his family get into germany. i didn't want to leave. nobody wants to leave their country. we left too late and we suffered a lot. we heard the bombs going off, the mortars and the artillery shells. the children had nightmares all the time. >> a man approached us. and showed us wound that were inflicted by the secret police j germany is giving the 5000
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refugees and is slowlily is flying over here on charter flights preferential treatment. german language lessons and minutmoney to work an lodging. the situation for other sirians is more difficult. no right to work and no freedom to travel in the country until their asylum request is considered. sirians invited in can stay two years bu and then apply to stay longer. an appealing option for many. >> they want to remain in germany because their children will get what they need most of all proper medical care. hamed has a disease that leaves him age too quickly. is the syrians may be safe but for some there is no leaving behind the scars of war. the chinese government has sank another top regional
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officals. it's part of the parties high high-profile campaign to crack down on corruption. he was the mayor of the eastern city. he was investigated over violations of discipline. saudi arabia has rejected it's newly acquired seat on the union security council. the 15 member body is incapable of resolving world conflict such as the syrian war. the u.n. general was waiting for confirmation before replacing him on the council. the taliban has attacked vehicles on the out skirts of kabul. two siev civilians were killed. it happened outside of a compound. a european diplomatic staff and u.n. employees. jane ferguson reports from kabul. just off the jalalbad road? kabul is the green village where
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a lot of nato contractors stay. it's well known as somewhere where western civilians stay for their accommodations and their ofoffices. at 5:00 local time here in kabul, it's believed a 4 x 4 full of westerners came out of the compound down this street and it was immediately attacked by a suicide bomber in a smaller vehicle. we are hearing from the police that the vehicle itself was completely destroyed and there are likely to be high casualty figures both western and avenue began. avenue -- afghan. , there is a concern that this could turn into complex attacks where the fighting is on going. there is a heavy police and military presence. police have raised uganda's security after maximum level after reports of an imminent attack.
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places of worship are where they have ben deployed. al shabab has threatened to strike uganda unless they pull troops out of somalia. guinea's party took 53 seats. they hold a clear mage. majority. the opposition say the results are unrealistic and unaccept unacceptable. in zimbabwe people are goig through a sel severe water shor. it's worse for those that can't pay the bill. >> this is neither a lab or recycling factory. it's an average kitchen in zimbabwe's capital. it looks like this because water is in short supply. for peter and his family huge water bills have made matters worse.
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tackling the water prices was one of the campaigns of the government. they wiped off duc dues but disconnected residents that weren't paying by july. many cannot make the payments. it was 50. i paid $50 from $80. it's a chronic crisis. a cash starved city council faces many challenges creeping infrastructure and lack of capacity means it can meet half of the city's required water needs. officals say lack of ri revenues a key problem. >> people who do not want to settle their bills on time or settle them at all. it's just one of those policies it's a stick that we are using if we can have them pay up now, so that we are sure. >> no funds means they cannot
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keep running old treatment plants like this one. and solutions like 144 million-dollar loan from a china that's bank are not working as planned. residents will endure three more years of shortages as the city begins to decommission pleanlts pleanlts -- plants to rehabilitate the community. >> ctcommunity. >> we go for days without a water supply. when it comes back it's very dirty and people fall sick. they must do something. >> we can't even clean our young children. >> three quarters of the population unemployed it's nearly impossible for many to afford to pay for water. a necessity that is painfully transformed into a luxury. striking brazilian oil workers have reduced out put from the state run oil company for a second day. they are demanding a pay increase.
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they are protesting against a plan the auction of a oil field. thworkers claim that the government is intent on selling off state oil assets. a dozen people in colombia have been injured after protests bhaibecame i have violent. the leaders say illegal mining is affecting their water resources. and there have been anti-mining protest in uruguay. several hundred people marched against an open pit mine to extract ore. the parliament has approved the mine. a dozen people have been arrested in new brunswick over prprotest of a shale gas exploration rights. the police have been ordered to remove blockades. >> howeopposed to shale gas
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expedition the people from the first nation began blocking a highway several weeks ago. violence erupted when police moved in to enforce a court injunction. >> they pepper sprayed our people and elders and several were shot with bean bags. >> six police vehicles were society on fire. police seized firearms and ex-bloexplosives. they are hoping the protests continue. at the end of the day people have to stand up for what is important for them which is the land and the water that protect their future generations and that impacts all canadians not just first nations. >> that was part of the idle know mornomore campain. concerns about land water and natural resources fueled those rallies. promises by the prime minister
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to meet regularly with the first nations leaders have been yet to be ful fulfilled. just days ago they urged canada to form a new partnership with their first nations. as the situation in new brunswick indicates that is not happening soon. the eu in canada have arranged a free trade deal. the agreement will make it easier for both side to invest in and to the two markets. it's the second largest trading partner after the u.s. >> dozens of drone strikes carried out by the u.s. may have violated international law. they will declassify operations that have been coordinated by the cia. at least 450 have been killed across yemen and pakistan. what to do with thousands of
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f ravmenoffarc fighters. >> they are hours away from the opening of her clothing store. but getting here was not easy. she used to be a forc rebbe em. em-- rebel. she was given a shotgun and sent into combat at 11. >> the first time was very hard i started to cry. even if i was strained i panicked when i heard gunshots everywhere. you need to understand you need to fight or die. it's your life or theres. >> she escaped five years later after being injured and left for dead. she is one of 50,000 former leftist rebels and paramilitaries that are trying to enter seat. society. they are given training and psychological support and financial aid. if the ongoing peace talks are
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successful the government expects they'll have a thousand more rebels to rehabilitate. they have opened offices all over the country with over 800 workers. >> many who arrive are il illiterate. >> we feed to teach them the basic aspects of living in society. how to cross the street or how a street light works or how to stay in line at the bank. most have some trauma. ex-combacombatants spend time ie program finding acceptance in a job is a different story. every day on average five members of the farc demobilize and get back into the civil society. the government says they are ready to receive all of them the biggest challenge is to convince the wider columbian society with the process. >> we can train them and give
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them psychological attention and prepare them to get back in the work force. it's society that has to accept them to reinte to reintegrate. >> the government has launched a nationwide campaign to raise awareness. something deanna thinks is necessary to achieve lasting peace. and that story two million years in the making. georgian scientists have presented a skull they say it could force a big rethink about how humans evolved. >> this is 1 pnt 1.8 million ys old. it may unlock a key how our an ancestors lived. this is the most complete skull ever found. with his big teeth and large face his brain case was smaller
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than that of a modern day human being. >> skull five could rewrite evolutionary history. new reports suggest that there could be fewer than previously thought. >> we learned that in early homo between 2 and 1.8 million years ago we had mostly one linage of homoand which was later spread over the continents. where you had later populations. they showed there was less quantity of the species than we thought. it means that now we can settle it where there was less branches of early homothan previously thought. >> if the scientists in georgia are right it may mean the early human an asses ancestors from ae
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their way across the word sooner than previously thought. thithis one is thought to have t his end with a hungry can investigator. you can keep up-to-date with our website at change everything. that is tonight's inside story. >> hello everybody, i'm david shuster. the government shutdown and the fight over the debt ceiling last the 16 days and the poll shows americans did not like what they saw. republicans are taking a hit, bu a


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